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Gail Aitken 26964 27° ave. ‘Aldergove, BC. RE Cc RIV ED February 25, 2009 Mayor and Council glT 08 cE Re: Aldergrove Pool ~ 2009 M AY oR's OFFI Dear Sirs: | understand that the Aldergrove indoor pool has been put on the back burner again. This hhas been happening to Aldergrove for the last 20 years! Aldergrove constantly takes a back seat in the municipality. I think it is time to put Aldergrove first. Other communities in Langley have received beautiful new facilities or extensive renovations. Aldergrove taxpayers have paid for these. What does Aldergrove get in return? One old ice arena and one old outdoor pool. This is not enough. Those facilities have been in operation for more than thirty years. They need to be upgraded now. “Aldergrove taxpayers deserve to receive equal benefits from our taxes. Striking a task force to consider this isn’t good enough; it’s simply another way of not supplying a badly needed facility to Aldergrove. ‘The population of Aldergrove is now close to 12,000, one third of which are children under age of 19. The schools in Aldergrove have over 2000 children going to them. ‘Other neighboring schools close enough to use Aldergrove recreational services have Gver 1200 children. ‘That adds up to over 3000 children who would benefit from a new facility. Adult residents in the area would also benefit from new facilities. “Aldergrove deserves to have a new facility we can be proud of. Our children need a place to go during the winter months as well as the rest of the year. Maybe it would even help reduce the crime problems. I know in these times you are looking for ways to cut spending, but I urge you to come up with a creative way to fund the badly needed facility for Aldergrove, like you did with, the beautiful new complex on 200" Street. Last year a study was done and some plans were made for a new complex in Aldergrove. ‘The cost at that time was approximately 8 million dollars. With an ice arena added it would increase the cost another 8 million dollars. The total would be 16 million dollars. ‘The federal Government could supply 50% of the cost. The Provincial Government could supply 25% of the cost. That would leave the Township taxpayers with only 25% of the cost This would be a great return on our investment. Plus, if you could sell the old Aldergrove Arena property when the new complex is finished to further reduce the direct costs to the taxpayers. Past mayors and councils have ignored Aldergrove and doomed it to be a “have not” area. Will you do the same? ‘Thank you for your time. Gail Aitken. ae

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