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Crossword Clues

C3 ACROSS: I'm all white and live near ice. F6 ACROSS: I'm spotted and have a long neck. K8 ACROSS: I have black stripesor are they white? E9 ACROSS: I swing from trees and like bananas. L10 ACROSS: I like to be in water. I'm huge, grey, and have a big mouth. E12 ACROSS: I'm green and like to jump. Kiss me and I might turn into a prince. K15 ACROSS: I run faster than any other cat in the world. G16 ACROSS: I come from Australia and my baby is Joey. G18 ACROSS: I flutter around all colorful. H21 ACROSS: I always look nice in my suit. F3 DOWN: I look like a crocodile. L6 DOWN: I weigh a ton and eat peanuts with my trunk. H9 DOWN: My pouch hold my babies when I jump high. N18 DOWN: I have a big mane and I'm the king of the jungle. Q18 DOWN: I slither around on the ground. K15 DOWN: I live where it's hot and my humps hold water.

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