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Sistem Terdistribusi

Peer to Peer Systems

Client Server vs P2P

Client/server is hierarchical system, with resources centralized on a limited number of servers. In peer-to-peer networks, both resources and control are widely distributed among nodes that are theoretically equals.
A node with more information, better information, or more power may be more equal, but that is a function of the node, not the network controllers.

The architectures
Server-based architecture
Client-Server / Server-Cluster Problems
Limited resources All loads are centered on the server

Server-based architecture has low scalability. The setup and maintenance cost is high.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) architecture

Distributing loads to all users Users consume and provide resources

P2P architecture has high scalability. The setup and maintenance cost is low.

The Client Side

Todays clients can perform more roles than just forwarding users requests Todays clients have:
more computing power more storage space

As the Internet usage grow, more and more PCs are connecting to the global net Most of the time PCs are idle Thin client Fat client

A key feature of peer-to-peer networks is decentralization. This has many implications:
robustness: handal availability of information: selalu ada & tersebar dimasing2 client fault-tolerance tends to come from redundancy => satu down yg lain bisa handle and shared responsibility: tugas dibagi

Technology Transition

The Client/Server Model

The Peer-to-Peer Model

Peer to Peer (P2P)

- Setiap komputer yang terhubung ke jaringan dapat bertindak baik sebagai client maupun server. - Server di jaringan tipe peer to peer disebut nondedicated server
- karena server tidak berperan sebagai server murni, tetapi sekaligus dapat berperan sebagai client.

- Pada jaringan tipe ini semua komputer berkedudukan sama, dapat bertindak sebagai sebuah PC client (information requestor) maupun PC server (information provider).

Jenis P2P: Pure P2P

Masing-masing peer berstatus setara (egaliter), setiap peer berstatus sebagai client juga server. Tidak ada server pusat yang mengatur jaringan. Tidak ada router yang menjadi pusat jaringan. Bisa terdiri dari > 2 komputer

Hybrid P2P
- Mempunyai server pusat yang memantau dan menjaga informasi yang berada di setiap peer sekaligus merespon peer ketika ada yang meminta informasi tertentu. - Setiap peer bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan resource yang tersedia.
Karena server pusat tidak memiliki resource tersebut, hal ini juga dilakukan agar server pusat tersebut dapat mengetahui resource apa saja yang akan didistribusikan di dalam jaringan.

Why P2P?
Information - Hard to find, impossible to catalog and index all of the information Bandwidth - Hot links get hotter
Makin bagus informasi, makin laris dan makin tak terbendung Makin banyak juga yg memilikinya dan tersebar dimana-mana

Computing resources - Heavily loaded nodes get overloaded, idle nodes remain idle

P2P Goals/Benefits
Cost/data sharing Reduce cost: operasional murah Resource aggregation (digabungkan) dari berbagai sumber Improved reliability : kerja jaringan tidak tergantung pada satu server Increased autonomy (kebebasan) pada masing-masing peer Anonymity/privacy masing2 peer
Scalability : since every peer is alike, it is possible to add
more peers to the system and scale to larger networks.

P2P Computing Applications

File sharing
Improves data availability E.g., Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, KaZaA

Process sharing
For large-scale computations Data analysis, data mining, scientific computing E.g.: SETI@Home, Folding@Home,

Collaborative environments
For remote real-time human collaboration. Instant messaging, virtual meetings, shared whiteboards, teleconferencing, tele-presence. E.g.: talk, IRC, ICQ, AOL Messenger, Jabber, MS Netmeeting, NCSA Habanero, some of Games

SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence @Home On your own computer A radio telescope in Puerto Rico that scans the sky for radio signals Its purpose is to analyze radio signals, searching for signs of extra terrestrial intelligence, and is one of many activities undertaken as part of SETI to prove the practicality of the 'volunteer computing' concept. Fills a DAT tape of 35GB in 15 hours That data have to be analyzed (very large computing)

SETI@Home - Example

Kelemahan Peer to Peer (P2P)

Troubleshooting jaringan relatif lebih sulit, karena pada jaringan tipe peer to peer setiap komputer dimungkinkan untuk terlibat dalam komunikasi yang ada.
Di jaringan client-server, komunikasi adalah antara server dengan workstation.

Unjuk kerja lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan jaringan client-server, karena setiap komputer/peer disamping harus mengelola pemakaian fasilitas jaringan juga harus mengelola pekerjaan atau aplikasi sendiri.

Kelemahan Peer to Peer (P2P)

Sistem keamanan jaringan ditentukan oleh masing-masing user dengan mengatur keamanan masing-masing fasilitas yang dimiliki. Karena data jaringan tersebar di masingmasing komputer dalam jaringan, maka backup harus dilakukan oleh masingmasing komputer tersebut.

Kelemahan P2P
Decentralized coordination
How to keep global state consistent? Need for distributed coherency protocols.

All nodes are not created equal.

Computing power, bandwidth have an impact on overall performance.

Dangers and Attacks on P2P

Poisoning (files with contents different to its description) Polluting (inserting bad packets into the files) Defection (users use the service without sharing) Insertion of viruses (attached to other files) Malware (spy originally attached to the files) Denial of Service (slow down or stop the network traffic) Filtering (some networks dont allow P2P traffic) Identity attacks (tracking down users and disturbing them) Spam (sending unsolicited information)

P2P Technical Challenges

Peer identification Routing protocols Network topologies Peer discovery Communication/coordination protocols Quality of service Security Resource management

P2P Topologies
Centralized Ring Hierarchical








EXAMPLE P2P Centralized Napster P2P Decentralized KaZaA P2P Hybrid JXTA

The first large scale peer-to-peer network was Napster, set up in 1999 to share digital music files over the Internet. While Napster maintained centralized (and replicated) index, the music files were created and made available by individuals, usually with music copied from CDs to computer files. Music content owners sued Napster for copyright violations and succeeded in shutting down the service.

Napster: a centralized, replicated index

peers Napster server Index 1. File location request 2. List of peers offering the file 5. Index update 4. File delivered 3. File request Napster server Index

Napster Sharing Style

Title song1.mp3 song2.mp3 song3.mp3 song4.mp3 song5.mp3 song5.mp3 song6.mp3 song6.mp3 song7.mp3 User beasiteboy beasiteboy beasiteboy kingrook kingrook slashdot kingrook slashdot slashdot Speed DSL DSL DSL T1 T1 28.8 T1 28.8 28.8

1. Users launch Napster and connect to Napster server 2. Napster creates dynamic directory from users personal .mp3 libraries 3.

enters search criteria

s ong5

4. Napster displays matches to beastieboy 5.


song1.mp3 song2.mp3 song3.mp3 song5.mp3

song4.mp3 song5.mp3 song6.mp3

song5.mp3 song6.mp3 song7.mp3

makes direct connection to kingrook for file transfer

Napster: Lessons Learned

Napster created a network of millions of people, with thousands of files being transferred at the same time. There were quality issues. While Napster displayed link speeds to allow users to choose faster downloads, the fidelity of recordings varied widely. Since Napster users were parasites of the recording companies, there was some central control over selection of music. There was no guarantee of availability for a particular item of music.

P2P legal controversy

P2P structure and functionalities make it perfect for sharing vast ammounts of files Unfortunately, people use it fo illegal downloading Recording Industry Association of America introduces lawsuits and seeks legal changes CDs, mp3 players introduce restrictions and become more expensive


Legal Facts from RIAA

Music piracy is any form of unauthorized duplication and/or distribution of music including downloading, file sharing, and CD-burning. Criminal penalties can be as high as five years in prison or $250,000 in fines. RIAA wants to find violators of copyright law

Morpheus: Free Anonymizer

Another file-sharing application In 2003 Streamcast Networks (owners) included a free Anonymizer with Morpheus Through proxies, users dont see each other Also includes blacklist of data snooping iMesh (Israel) and Blubster (Spain) among others now provide the same service

The Animal GNU GNU: Recursive Acronym GNUs Not Unix .

Gnutella =



Nutella: a hazelnut chocolate spread produced by the Italian confectioner Ferrero .

Gnutella History
Gnutella was written by Justin Frankel, the 21-year-old founder of Nullsoft. Nullsoft acquired by AOL, June 1999 Nullsoft (the maker of WinAmp) posted Gnutella on the Web, March 14, 2000. 23k users on Gnutella People had already downloaded and shared the program. Gnutella continues today, run by independent programmers.

Gnutella Protocol
Scenario: Joining Gnutella Network ping: discover hosts on network Gnutella Network pong: reply to ping query: search for a file query New PING hit: reply to query push: download request PING PONG The new node connects to a well known PING Anchor node or Bootstrap node. A Then sends a PING message to discover other nodes. PING PONG messages are sent in reply from PING hosts offering new connections with the new node. PING Direct connections are then made to the newly discovered nodes.


Gnutella: Issue a Request

xyz.mp3 ?

Gnutella: Flood the Request

Gnutella: Reply with the File

Fully distributed storage and directory!

P2P is using Hasing

Object ID (key):AABBCC Shark SHA-1 Object ID (key):DE11AC SHA-1

Hashing Basic Idea

Publish (H(y)) P2P Network Join (H(x))

Object y Objects have hash keys H(y) y Hash key H(x)

Peer x Peer nodes also x have hash keys

in the same hash space

Place object to the peer with closest hash keys

Viewed as a Distributed Hash Table

Hash table Peer node
0 2128-1


How to Find an Object?

Hash table Peer node
0 2128-1

Chord Lookup with finger table

Start 2+1 2+2 2+4 2+8 Int. [3,4) [4,6) [6,10) [10,2) node 3 7 7 10

Im node 2. Please find key 14!

15 14

1 2

14 [10,2)

Start 10+1 10+2 10+4 10+8 40/46 Int. [11,12) [12,14) [14,2) [2,10) node 12 12 14 2


Circular 4-bit ID space


14 [14,2)

Website : Dimotori oleh Bill Joy dari Sun Microsystem, didukung oleh komunitas dari kalangan akademis dan industri JXTA dirancang untuk lebih baik dibanding solusi P2P yang sudah ada

JXTA merupakan kependekan dari juxtapose, yang artinya mendekatkan/menghubungkan Tujuan utama JXTA yang : sebagai platform P2P

Interoperability Platform Independence Ubiquity (seamless integration between devices)

Setiap vendor dapat mengeluarkan protokol P2P sendiri yang tidak sama, namun tetap dapat terkoneksi

Platform Independence
Dapat dijalankan di banyak platform, mendukung banyak bahasa pemrograman

Tidak hanya PC, mobile device juga bisa terhubung dalam jaringan P2P JXTA ini

JXTA Terms and Concepts

Peers : tiap-tiap node dalam JXTA Advertisements
Dokumen XML terstruktur tentang informasi layanan/resource yang ada pada suatu peer

Data yang dipertukarkan antar peer (XML atau binary)

Jalur yang digunakan untuk mengirim Message

Identitas unik setiap peer (UUID Identifier)

Rendezvous Nodes :
node yang dapat menerima dan mengeluarkan koneksi dari banyak node serta membetuk suatu group

Relay Nodes
JXTA routers, untuk akses network dari belakang firewall, NAT

JXTA Architecture
JXTA Applications JXTA Community Applications SUN JXTA Applications JXTA Shell

JXTA Services

JXTA Community Services

SUN Indexing Peer JXTA Searching Commands Services File Sharing Peer Pipes Peer Monitoring


Peer Groups

Security (authentication, authorization and on the wire) Any Peer on the extended Web

JXTA Virtual Network


JXTA Virtual Network

Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer

Virtual Mapping
Bluetooth TCP/IP

Physical Network


Http Firewall

Peer: A JXTA node. JXTA Group: a
Peer group is a set of JXTA nodes who share a common interest Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer

Peer Peer

A Rendezvous Peer: a meeting

place e.g. gateway for JXTA groups Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer Peer


JXTA Group
Peer Peer Peer Peer

Sekumpulan peer yang memiliki kesamaan layanan/resource, misalnya: file sharing, cpu sharing, dsb Setiap peer tergabung dalam satu group default yang bernama World Peer Group yang terdiri dari semua JXTA Peers

Peer Peer Peer Peer

Protokol pada JXTA Peers :
Discover each others Self organize into peers group Advertise and discover network service Communicate with each others Monitor each others

Output Pipe Input Pipe


Peer 1
Actual Route

Peer 2

Peer 3

Peer 4


JXTA Scenario
2 1 3

RV 2. New Node . 5. . 3. 4. 7

1. 4

5 6

JXTA Protocol Layer

Peer Discovery Protocol Peer Information Protocol Pipe Binding Protocol Peer Resolver Protocol Rendezvous Protocol
Via Peer Resolver Protocol

Peer Discovery Protocol Peer Information Protocol Pipe Binding Protocol Peer Resolver Protocol Rendezvous Protocol

Via Peer Resolver Protocol

Via Peer Resolver Protocol

Via Enpoint Routing Protocol

Via Enpoint Routing Protocol

Peer Endpoint Protocol

Network Transport

Via installed Network Transports

Peer Endpoint Protocol

Network Transport

Via Installed Network Transports

Peer discovery protocol: untuk mencari resource yang diinginkan Peer information protocol: untuk menyimpan informasi mengenai suatu peer (uptime, trafic load, capabilities, state, dsb) Peer binding protocol: memungkinkan suatu peer membuat sebuah virtual channel (pipe) untuk pertukaran data Peer resolver protocol: memungkinkan suatu peer mengirimkan suatu kriteria pencarian resource Redezvous protocol: memungkinkan peer mengirimkan data ke semua peer (listener) pada layanan tertentu Peer end point protocol: untuk mengirimkan data dari suatu peer ke peer lainnya melalui jalur tertentu

Multimedia dan Ubiquitous Computing

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