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Experiencias de aprendizaje



The Parra family 1

Family members


The Parra family is a chilean family known for its many artists.

First generation Nicanor Parra (b. 1914) is a mathematician and poet considered to be one of the most influential chilean poet. Nicanor Parra is the father of Colombina Parra . He is ngel and Isabel Cereceda Parras uncle. His son is called Juan de Dios. Violeta Parra (1917-1967) sister of Nicanor Parra, was a notable chilean folklorist and visual artist. Violeta is Colombina and Juan de Dios Parras aunt. Second generation Colombina Parra (b. 1970) is a chilean musician. She is the daughter of Nicanor Parra. She is the cousin of Nano Parra, ngel Cereceda Parra, Isabel Cereceda Parra, Francisco Parra and Clarita Parra. Third generation Javiera Parra (b. 1968) is the lead singer of rock band Javiera y Los Imposibles. She is the granddaughter of Violeta Parra. Her brother ngel Parra is a member of rock group Los Tres. She is the daughter of ngel Cereceda Parra.

Nicanor Parra Sandoval

Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 3

Hilda Parra Sandoval

Violeta Parra Sandoval

ngel Cereceda Parra

Eduardo "Lalo" Parra Sandoval Isabel Cereceda Parra

Roberto Parra Sandoval

Lautaro Parra Sandoval

scar Parra Sandoval

Colombina Parra

Juan de Dios Parra

Nano Parra

Francisco Parra

Clarita Parra

ngel Cereceda Orrego

Javiera Cereceda Orrego

KEY WORDS Known: conocida First: primera Son: hijo Is called: se llama Notable: significativa
Adapted and taken from Wikipedia

Tita Parra

Experiencias de aprendizaje Nombre:

Ingls Curso:

The Parra family 2

1. Pre: a. Read the text and underline as many words as you can find related to family members. b. Read the text again and circle the cognate words. c. Read the text and highlitght the key words. 2. While: a. Read the text and circle the correct alternative: I. The text is about... a. Nicanor Parras career b. The Chilean families c. The Parras family II. The text is a/an .... a. Email b. Web page c. Newspaper article b. Read the text and complete the following chart:

Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 4


Year of birth


Mathematician, poet 1917 Javiera Parra x Nicanor Parras daugther

Experiencias de aprendizaje Nombre:

Ingls Curso:

c. Read and circle YES/NO a. Nicanor Parra and Violeta Parra are brother and sister. YES NO b. Nicanor is a folklorist. YES NO c. Nicanor has got a son and a daughter. YES NO d. Colombina Parras father is Eduardo Lalo Parra. YES NO e. Javiera Parra has a band called Javiera y los Imposibles. YES NO f. Javiera Parra has got a sister called Colombina Parra. YES NO d. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences using a word from the box. THERE IS ONE EXTRA WORD: Son - brother - sisters - cousins - aunt a. Nicanor Parra has got 2 . b. Violeta Parra has got a and a daughter. c. Clarita Parra has got a . d. Colombina Parra, ngel Cereceda Parra are 3. Post Activity a. Complete the sentences using a family member word. a. The sister of my mother is my b. The brother of my father is my c. The daughter of my uncle is my d. The son of my mother is my
Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 5

The Parra family 3

b. Vocabulary Activity: Read the sentences below and complete using your family information. a. My mothers name is b. My fathers name is c. My favourite cousin is d. My grandmothers name is e. My brothers name is f. My sisters name is g. My favorite aunt is h. My favourite uncle is

Experiencias de aprendizaje Nombre:

Ingls Curso:

This is my family

r name is Ana This is my grandmother. He name is Luis This is my grandfather. His is Juan This is my father. His name me This is my mother. Her na is Millaray

is Fresia This is my sister. Her name This is my brother. His name is Mateo

is Francisca This is my aunt. Her name is Javier This is my uncle. His name is Javier too This is my cousin. His name achers name) This is me. My name is (te

Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 6

Experiencias de aprendizaje Nombre:

Ingls Curso:

Se sugiere que una vez finalizada la experiencia de aprendizaje, se evale la clase N 3. En esta ocasin se propone realizar una auto evaluacin para que los estudiantes tengan claridad de sus avances en referencia a los aprendizajes esperados de la expresin escrita. Para ello, se autoevalan de acuerdo a los: Aprendizajes esperados: Escriben, siguiendo un modelo, frases hechas u oraciones independientes muy simples de uso frecuente relacionadas con s mismo, la familia y las relaciones personales. Indicador: Escriben dos o tres frases hechas u oraciones independientes muy breves y muy simples, siguiendo un modelo y utilizan lxico relacionado con los temas del semestre (Family). Utilizan algunos elementos estructurales (lxico de alta frecuencia) conocidos. Por ejemplo, el presente del verbo to be en oraciones tales como My father is.; this is , my, his, her. Esta autoevaluacin le permite al docente recoger informacin sobre el proceso que sus alumnos estn haciendo. Por otra parte, permite al estudiante reflexionar sobre su propio quehacer, sobre sus dificultades y sobre sus fortalezas.

Indicaciones para el docente: Evaluacin

Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 7

Experiencias de aprendizaje Nombre:

Ingls Curso:

Lee las oraciones que aparecen ms abajo y escoge el nmero que ms te interprete.


4: Muy bien 3: Bien 2: Mal 1: Muy mal

4 3 2 1

1. Entiendo lo que significa: This is

2. S cmo usar my cuando escribo.

3. S cmo usar his cuando escribo.

4. S cmo usar her cuando escribo.

5. Puedo escribir y reconocer 5 miembros de la familia.

Material Fotocopiable / Septiembre / N 75 / Pgina 8

6. Puedo escribir y reconocer 8 miembros de la familia.

7. Puedo escribir 3 oraciones usando: This is my, his/her name is... ms vocabulario relacionado con la familia

Lee la siguiente oracin y compltala:

8. Lo que ms me cuesta del vocabulario relacionado con la familia es la palabra que significa .

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