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On this day of terror in Boston we all cry out. Our whole nation, and other nations, is deeply affected.

Our prayers go out for those killed and injured and their families. And our deepest thanks go to those who helped respond to the terror attack. This terrorist attack shows us how vulnerable we arehow people hate us. Evil uses human beings and is not going away. You can ask why a living God could allow this to happen, especially on Patriots Day. Scripture says: "that unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain" (Psalm 127:1). Question: after the mourning, when its time to ponder how to avoid this in the future, this has to be the question: how do we get Gods Protection to guard the City of Boston and guard the rest of America?? The answer is repentance! If you want Gods full and ongoing protection you need to come within His promises and principles. This may be the final wake up call. America and specifically the expanded body of Christ in America need to do what the Pilgrims and Puritans hundreds of years ago did in the face of disaster------ they repeatedly sought the face of God with fasting, prayer and repentance. Our earliest patriots recognized that God was their Source.

Their security and prosperity did not come from their own efforts. Like Israel, the Pilgrims and Puritans made a Covenant with God when they settled America. Boston was seen as a city on a hill --- a citadel of Gods Liberty. Whenever their crops failed or disease broke out, they humbled themselves before God. II Chronicles 7:14 was a timeless covenant that God made with Israel. This same living God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God continues to honor the prayers of nations and individuals who pray and repent before Him. When we turn from our wicked ways individually and as a nation, God will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. He WILL guard the city. Please join us in the next day of repentance April 30, 2013 ( and continue with us in prayer through the National Day of Prayer May 2, 2013.

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