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 new directions in

Demographic Security

2  lash Points and Tipping Points: Security

Implications of Global Population Changes
Jack A. Goldstone

10 Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and

Transitions to Liberal Democracy
Richard Cincotta

19 Population in Defense Policy Planning

Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba

27 Climate Change, Demography, Environmental

Degradation, and Armed Conflict
Clionadh Raleigh and Henrik Urdal

34 Migration as the Demographic Wild Card

in Civil Conflict: Mauritius and Fiji
Christian Leuprecht

40  eginning the Demographic Transition:

Very Young and Youthful Age Structures
Elizabeth Leahy

new directions in Demographic Security

Flash Points and Tipping Points:

Security Implications of Global
Population Changes

s improving relations between Western and (3) S harply opposing age shifts between
Muslim countries crucial to fixing pension aging developed countries and youthful
programs in Europe and the United States? developing countries; and
Can reversing the “brain drain” of medical talent (4) Increased immigration from developing
migrating from developing countries to devel- to developed countries.
oped ones improve the budget balance of devel-
oped nations? Will economic growth in China The security and conflict problems caused by
and India draw investment and innovation away population growth are not mainly due to short-
from the United States, Japan, and Europe? ages of resources. Rather, population distor-
These questions are sparked by predicted tions—in which populations grow too young, or
trends in global population dynamics over the too fast, or too urbanized—make it difficult for
next half century. In this article, I examine prevailing economic and administrative institu-
four major trends that are likely to pose signifi- tions to maintain stable socialization and labor-
cant security challenges to Europe, Japan, and force absorption (Goldstone, 2002; Cincotta et
most other developed nations in the next two al., 2003; Leahy et al., 2007).
decades: 1
Big Emerging Markets and the
(1) Disproportionate population growth in World Economy
large and Muslim countries;
(2) Shrinking population in the European Countries are growing today for two major
Union and European former Soviet reasons: high population growth rates and
Jack A. ­countries; demographic momentum.2 In some countries,
Goldstone mainly in Africa and the Middle East (as well
as a few in Latin America and South Asia),
birth rates remain much higher than mortality
Jack A. Goldstone is the Virginia E. and John
rates, so growth rates are more than 2.0 percent
T. Hazel Jr. Professor at the George Mason
per year. In these countries—which include
University School of Public Policy. The author
Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the
or co-author of nine books and winner of
Congo, Guatemala, Iraq, Jordan, Nepal, Saudi
the Distinguished Scholarship Award of the
American Sociological Association, Goldstone
Arabia, Pakistan, and Yemen—the population is
is a leading authority on regional conflicts, has still doubling every generation, or roughly every
served on a U.S. vice-presidential task force 30-35 years (UN Population Division, 2007).
on state failure, and is a consultant to the In other countries, such as China, India, and
U.S. State Department, the Federal Bureau Indonesia, population growth rates have recent-
of Investigation, and the U.S. Agency for ly dropped substantially; in percentage terms,
International Development. (Photo by Heidi they are growing more slowly than they have
Fancher, Woodrow Wilson Center) in the past (UN Population Division, 2007).
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
However, these countries already have such ably well due to sound management and strong
a large cohort of women of childbearing age economic growth (e.g., Kuwait and the United
that their populations continue to add signifi- Arab Emirates). However, in a number of “flash
cant numbers each year. In China, for example, points,” the inability to integrate rapidly expand-
although most couples have fewer than two ing populations into politics and the economy
children, zero population growth is still several will lead to radical political mobilization among
decades away. While current growth rates have those angry at not attaining the level of prosper-
sunk to around 0.6 percent per year, China will ity reached by some of their neighbors.
add nearly 80 million people during each of the Some of the extremely large countries will
next two decades before its population peaks. probably manage their anticipated growth with-
India, though not quite as large as China out conflicts. Yet the sheer size of the population
today, is growing twice as fast, at 1.4 percent increases they face in coming years, combined
per year, and will add roughly 135 million peo- with their efforts to rapidly industrialize, means
ple per decade for the next two decades. Even that many will also face a “tipping point,” when
with a continued decline in their birth rates, uneven development leaves tens of millions of Population
these two countries alone are expected to add disadvantaged people to watch other millions
roughly 400 million people by 2025—more reap the benefits of rapid growth. The dispari-
than the entire population of the United States, ties of economic fortune among classes, regions, in which
the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and or ethnic groups may become so great as to
Belgium today combined. spark violent protests. Or the migration of rural populations
Most of the 20 largest countries in the world masses to urban and industrial centers could
have modest growth rates but large demographic produce a social crisis.
grow too young,
momentum, and thus will make the largest con- We cannot predict which countries will or too fast, or
tributions to total world population growth in the face such crises, as they are due to failed politi-
next 20 years. The fastest-growing countries are cal leadership and administrative management too urbanized—
generally smaller, but are facing the largest bur- more than population changes per se. But we make it difficult
den of additional growth on a percentage basis can say that in many of the largest countries,
(see Table 1). For the next several decades, global governments will face exceptional challenges in for prevailing
population growth will be concentrated in only a meeting their populations’ demands for both
few regions and countries, mainly Muslim societ- strong and equitable economic growth and
economic and
ies (almost the entire top half of Table 1) and huge sound political management. administrative
states with populations of 75 million or more. Most We can say with certainty that these trends
of the states that dominate Table 1 are also among pose major dilemmas for the economic pol- institutions to
the world’s lower income countries. By contrast, icy and development of the West, particu-
population growth rates in Europe and Japan are larly Europe. In 2005, only 5 of the 25 largest
maintain stable
already low and, in some cases, negative. countries in the world were in Europe, with a socialization
Therefore, the proportion of the world’s combined population of roughly 400 million,
population living in Muslim states, or in the or about one-tenth the total population of the and labor-force
very largest and very poorest states, will grow, remaining countries (UN Population Division, absorption.
and the proportion of the world’s population 2007). By 2025, just two decades distant, there
living in developed countries will shrink. The will be only four European countries in the top
sole exception is the United States, which is 25, with a total population of 338 million, or
expected to add 50 million people in the next about seven percent of the 5.5 billion inhabit-
20 years—mostly due to recent and projected ants of the other 21 countries. By 2050, there
immigration of people born elsewhere. will be only three European countries in the top
Some countries with extremely rapid popu- 25 with a total population of 258 million, or
lation growth are likely to manage it reason- just four percent of the 6.3 billion in the other
Environmental Change and Security program
22 countries. Europe’s weight in the top 25 2008). If Asia (excluding Japan) can sustain an
countries is shrinking dramatically. overall growth rate of total GDP of 5 percent
The expected changes in Europe’s global per year over the next 20 years, the increase in
demographic weight are even more striking. Asia’s GDP would be US$30 trillion¸ or more
In 2005, all of Europe comprised 731 mil- than three times the total economic growth of
lion people, which is projected to shrink to Europe.
just 664 million by 2050, while the rest of the If Asian GDP does not grow at 5 percent
world grows from 5.8 billion to 8.5 billion (UN per year, living standards in Asia will not catch
Population Division, 2008). That is, in a single up to those in Europe (and Japan). Yet if Asian
generation (the next 42 years), global popula- GDP does grow at that pace, then given the size
tion outside of Europe will increase by 2.7 bil- of Asia, the preponderance of economic growth
lion while Europe’s population will decrease by on the Eurasian continent will be occurring
about 67 million. outside of Europe. Greater degrees of invest-
The shrinking demographic weight of ment and innovation are likely to move to areas
European countries puts them on the horns of outside of Europe, further weakening its eco-
The proportion a dilemma. If the economies of fast-growing nomic strength and leadership. In other words,
developing countries do not catch up to those we are on the cusp of a global tipping point,
of the world’s of the richer countries, then the standard of in which East and South Asia come to eclipse
population life enjoyed by the West will seem more elite Europe and Japan as major sources of global
and unfair than ever, fueling resentment of economic growth—a point made all the more
living in Muslim developing countries against the G-8. On the sharper as Europe and Japan slip into recession
other hand, if economic growth in those coun- at the end of 2008.
states, or in the tries does exceed that of the West, so that liv- These demographic and economic changes
very largest and ing standards in poor countries or regions starts also indicate that the military capacities of
to approach those of rich countries or regions, large developing countries will increase, while
very poorest then the combination of shrinking popula- the ability of rich nations to put “boots on
states, will tion and lagging economies will render the the ground” in conflict zones will diminish.
G-8 countries more and more irrelevant to the Managing conflicts involving developing coun-
grow, and the world economy. Greater resentment or greater tries will become more difficult, and will put
irrelevance: certainly a difficult choice. more of a strain on developed countries’ econo-
proportion of Europe’s combined GDP in 2007 was mies, than before.
the world’s US$14 trillion dollars (CIA, 2008). Assuming As the portion of the global economy con-
GDP growth per capita of 2.5 percent per year tributed by the G-8 countries shrinks, coun-
population and no net population growth, Europe’s econo- tries such as China, India, Turkey, Brazil,
my would increase by US$9 trillion (excluding Indonesia, and Mexico will become global eco-
living in inflation) by 2025. For Asia (excluding Japan), nomic powers. Admitting major regional pow-
developed 2007 GDP was slightly larger, at US$18 tril- ers into international governance bodies is vital
lion dollars (CIA, 2008). But due to modest if those organizations are to retain legitimacy.
countries will growth in GDP per capita plus large population The November 2008 Summit on Financial
shrink. increases in most countries, total GDP is grow- Markets and the World Economy expanded the
ing far more rapidly in this region. Iran and “G-group” to include these big emerging demo-
Pakistan achieved recent growth rates of 4 and cratic economies—a trend that must continue
6 percent per year, respectively, while India and if such efforts are truly going to grapple with
China were growing by 8-10 percent per year— the global economy.
and despite the global economic downturn, Naturally, these measures will provoke great
both countries are expected to continue grow- opposition and controversy. However, if Europe
ing by 6-7 percent in 2009 (CIA, 2008; EIU, chooses to isolate itself from the global popula-
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
tion and the global economy, it will continue Table 1: Fastest Growing Countries,
to shrink in relation to the world. Moreover, if 2000–2005 (with at least 1 million people)
Europe fails to support economic growth out-
side of Europe, the rapidly increasing numbers Annual Growth Rate, %
of people in non-European and mainly Muslim
countries is simply going to fuel ever-greater United Arab Emirates 4.7
resentment of Europe’s position, exacerbating Sierra Leone 4.2
the problems of terrorism, smuggling, and ille- Eritrea 4.1
gal trafficking as the ways to “get ahead” and
“get even.” In short, Europe has no choice but Afghanistan, Kuwait 3.8
to support and actively engage the fast-growing Chad, Palestine (occupied) 3.6
countries of the world, improve relations with Niger 3.5
their populations, and support—and seek to
share in—their growth. Burundi 3.3
Burkina Faso, Benin, Uganda 3.2
The Great Slowdown in Population Gambia, Guinea-Bissau 3.1
Growth in High-Income Countries
Congo (Dem. Rep.), Mali, Somalia, Yemen 3.0
During the next several decades, the popula- Angola, Jordan, Mauritania, Togo 2.9
tion of most European countries, including Iraq, Madagascar 2.8
Russia, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Poland,
Romania, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, Syria 2.7
will shrink substantially, due mainly to a sharp Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, Tanzania 2.6
decline in the number of children per couple, Guatemala, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia 2.5
to well under 2.0 and in some cases under 1.5
(UN Population Division, 2007). This slow- Note: Countries with large Muslim populations in italics.
Source: UN Population Division (2007).
down will be accompanied by a rapid increase
in the percentage of the population in higher very same time that national economies can be
age brackets, as the number of young children expected to decline dramatically as a percentage
falls further behind the number of aging baby of global GDP.
boomers. By 2050, the percentage of Japan’s This slowdown in population growth has
and Europe’s population over age 60 is expected major implications for overall economic growth
to double, to 35 to 40 percent of total popula- (Eberstadt, 2001). The economies of aging
tion (Jackson & Howe, 2008). nations will not be stimulated by growing num-
This pattern is highly novel and abnormal. bers of consumers and demand for housing. The
Historically, population growth has stagnated capital growth generated by larger generations
on occasion, or been substantially reduced by of young people approaching their peak earn-
major epidemics, but the cause was high mor- ing years and saving for retirement will cease as
tality, especially among the young. Birth rates well. Even if the growth of Europe’s income per
remained high, and when conditions were capita remained constant, its overall economic
more propitious to growth, population increase growth rate would be cut in half as the popula-
resumed. In modern Europe, the United States, tion declines over the next 30-50 years.
Canada, and Japan, decreasing birth rates have An overall growth rate this small allows
precipitated population decline. Women are few margins for accumulation to invest for
marrying later, if at all, and having fewer chil- the future. As Benjamin Friedman (2005) has
dren. The result is an unprecedented aging of argued, substantial growth rates allow more
populations (less so in the United States), at the groups to share to some degree in growth, and
Environmental Change and Security program
Figure 1: Age Structures: Percentage of Population Under Age 15 (2005)

Red: 40+ Pink: 30–39 Light Blue: 20–29 Dark Blue: <20

Source: Data from UN Population Division (2007).

provide social resources for a variety of ser- and entry-level jobs, young people are irresist-
vices and investments. Overall growth rates ibly drawn from high-youth-density regions
below 2 percent per year, by contrast, allow for to those with a lower percentage of youth; the
little redistribution or investment, and tend OECD countries currently host 10 million for-
to heighten social conflicts over such issues as eign-born immigrants ages 15-24 and 55 mil-
pensions, migration, and labor/employer rela- lion between ages 25-64 (OECD, 2008).
tions—situations we might see as the global Yet this immigration—increasingly conten-
economic downturn progresses. tious in the developed world—is not the only
At the same time, the populations of much of consequence of this imbalance. To sustain
the developing world will be tilted in the oppo- their elderly populations, Europe, Japan, and
site direction, to a larger percentage of youth North America will have to spend more money
(Fig. 1). The youngest countries—all in the on health care and pension support. Whether
developing world—will have populations with active or ailing, the elderly population will need
only about 5 percent above age 60, but with intensive medical procedures and medications
nearly 50 percent under age 14 (UN Population necessary to sustain an active and healthy life
Division, 2007). While Europe and Japan will into older ages—at a time when the domestic
approach the mid-21st century with popula- supply of new doctors and nurses will likely
tions that are tilted toward the old, much of the decline.
developing world will have populations that are Keeping the elderly population at work is
tilted toward the young (see map). not a solution; older workers will generally not
The obvious result of this imbalance is already welcome entry-level work at entry-level wages,
taking place: a massive migration of young and nor physically demanding work. Those gaps in
working-age populations from the developing the labor force will have to be filled by younger
world to the developed world. Between 2000 workers. Moreover, while older workers excel in
and 2005, 2.6 million migrants moved each experience and judgment, they do less thinking
year to more developed countries from less “outside the box.” Path-breaking innovations in
developed regions (UN Population Division, science and technology overwhelmingly come
6 2006). Seeking new livelihood opportunities from those under age 45; countries with fewer

ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009

Muslim women and children
eating cotton candy in
Amsterdam (Courtesy flickr
user CharlesFred; http://

and fewer younger workers will likely lose an only 51-52 percent, and Italy at 46 percent
edge in innovation as well. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2008). Increasing
Developed nations can try to head off this Europe’s overall employment participation rates
impending growth slowdown in four ways. to North American or upper European levels
First, they can improve productivity by invest- would by itself offset the decline in its working-
ing in technology, education, and innovation. age population for nearly a decade.
An increase in productivity producing a 1 per- Secondly, countries could increase immigra-
cent greater gain in output per capita per year tion and seek to raise immigrants’ productivity
would more than offset the change in popula- and earnings to the average level as quickly as pos-
tion. Europe, in particular, should make it eas- sible. While integrating and educating immigrants
ier for individuals to start companies and use can take a generation or more, the United States,
capital and labor flexibly to encourage entrepre- Australia, and Canada have enjoyed the benefits of
neurial enterprises—which are the most impor- making it easy for immigrants (especially skilled
tant source of productivity-increasing growth ones) to start businesses, acquire education, and
(Goldstone, 2006). Universities should seek move into the mainstream, such that the incomes
increased support for training and research in of many immigrant groups exceeds the national
the most technically important fields of biology, norm. Even lower-skilled migrants can raise the
materials science, and engineering, and offer overall productivity of a society, if they work for
incentives to steer more students to the techni- lower wages than had previously been paid to
cal and engineering fields. non-migrants for similar work.
Human capital must not be allowed to sit Unfortunately, both in Europe and recently
unused. In 2006, in the United States and in the United States, debates on immigration
Canada, roughly 63 percent of the popula- have exposed the fear that immigration steals
tion over age 16 were employed; in the EU-15, wealth from the native population. This perni-
only 52 percent of people over age 16 were cious view echoes the similarly mistaken idea
employed. Although some European countries that protecting trade by imposing high tariffs
had workforce participation rates of 60 percent or blocking foreign investment will preserve
or more, France, Germany and Spain were at the prosperity of a country. Migrants tend to 7
Environmental Change and Security program
self-select for entrepreneurial talent, ambition, developing countries will have young popula-
and energy, and therefore produce net gains for tions, the global population as a whole will be
national economies that accept them (Simon, nonetheless be heading for a relatively healthy
1999). A European country (or Japan) that has age distribution of population. The most logical
lost much of its own demographic momentum way to overcome the population distortions in
and energy can ill afford to exclude new genera- varied regions will therefore be to ease the bar-
tions, even if they come from abroad. riers to movement across borders to take advan-
A third way to head off this impending tage of the overall balance.
growth slowdown would be to pursue pro-natal No doubt, a combination of all four meth-
The most policies that encourage larger families among ods will be required to offset the slowdown in
the existing populations. However, it is not population growth in high-income countries.
logical way to clear which policies would do this; demogra- Yet we should recognize that one of the biggest
phers do not fully agree on the reasons underly- obstacles is the growing antagonism between
overcome the ing a baby boom. Unless societies start placing a the West and much of the Muslim world. The
population higher worth on larger families than on expand- way forward for the West lies in greater open-
ing the consumption of consumer goods, small ness and integration, increased investment in
distortions in families will continue to be preferred. In rich- growth abroad, better integration of immigrant
er countries, higher fertility is mainly found communities, and reduced barriers to emigra-
varied regions among more religious families, which is one of tion from fast-growing but youthful societies.
will therefore the factors accounting for much higher popula- None of this is possible with the high levels
tion growth in the United States than in Europe of fear, mistrust, and antagonism between the
be to ease (Longman, 2006). Short of a religious revival in West and populations of many of the largest
the barriers Europe, a major increase in fertility and family
size seems the least likely solution to the conti-
and fastest growing countries of the world. We
must reach the degree of cooperation necessary
to movement nent’s demographic and economic decline. to respond to the global population changes
Fourth, and perhaps least discussed, encour- already in place for the next half-century. Much
across borders aging a “reverse flow” of older migrants from more than terrorism, these trends will affect
to take developed to developing countries could create the long-term prosperity of the developed, but
great benefits for both. If older migrants take stagnating and rapidly aging, populations of
advantage their retirement along the southern coast of the the West, and the fast-growing and extremely
Mediterranean, or in Latin America or Africa, it youthful population of the developing and
of the overall can greatly reduce the costs of their retirement. Of largely Muslim nations.
balance. course, developing countries will need quality resi-
dential and medical facilities to make them desir- Notes
able destinations. This effort could also counteract
the constant drain of medical and nursing talent 1. This article is based on a paper of the same title
to rich developed countries. “Medical tourism” to forthcoming in the Mackinder Journal and presented
many developing countries has already begun as to the Mackinder Forum, Minster Lovell, United
Kingdom, March 14-15, 2006. It was also pre-
residents of developed countries seek lower prices
sented to the Conference on Population Changes and
for medical procedures. Investing in facilities that Global Security, sponsored by the Federal Academy
will make long-term retirement attractive in cheap- for Security Studies and Atlantik-Brücke, Berlin,
er locales will reduce the pension and medical cost Germany, November 13, 2006.
burden for developed countries while channeling 2. Migration is not a major factor in those coun-
jobs and investment to developing countries with tries experiencing substantial population growth, with
the exception of the United States, where migration
ample labor.
and the high birth rates of immigrants have produced
While Europe, the United States, and Japan exceptional population growth for a highly industrial-
will have older populations, and many nearby ized nation. In some other highly industrialized coun-
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Report Online

Jack Goldstone and Eric Kaufman discussed “Flash Points and Tipping Points” in a
Wilson Center webcast in February 2007:

The Global Report on Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility 2007: Gauging System
Performance and Fragility in the Globalization Era, by Monty Marshall and Jack Goldstone, plots
the profound split between “Haves” (about 15 percent of the global population) and “Have-nots,”
while the report’s State Fragility Index and Matrix ranks countries according to their degree of sta-

Jack Goldstone and Monty Marshall presented the The Global Report on Conflict, Governance,
and State Fragility in a Woodrow Wilson Center webcast in March 2007: http://www.wilsoncenter.

tries—the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Jackson, Richard, & Neil Howe, with Rebecca Strauss
and the Scandinavian countries—migration is offset- & Keisuke Nakashima. (2008). The graying of the
ting decline or stagnation in the native-born popula- great powers: Demography and geopolitics in the 21
tion, but it is not sufficient to substantially increase the century. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and
population. For example, the projected growth rate in International Studies.
the United Kingdom to 2025, including migration, is Leahy, Elizabeth, with Robert Engelman, Carolyn
only 0.32 percent per annum. Gibb Vogel, Sarah Haddock, & Tod Preston.
(2007). The shape of things to come. Washington,
References DC: Population Action International.
Longman, Philip. (2006, March/April). “The return of
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). (2008). World fact- patriarchy.” Foreign Policy.
book. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Office. Available online at Development (OECD). (2008). OECD.Stat extracts
library/publications/the-world-factbook/ [Database]. Available online at http://stats.oecd.
Cincotta, Richard, Robert Engelman, & Daniele org/wbos/index.aspx?lang=en
Anastasion. (2003). The security demographic. Simon, Julian L. (1999). The economic consequences of
Washington, DC: Population Action International. immigration (2nd ed). Ann Arbor, MI: University
Eberstadt, Nicholas. (2001, March/April). “The popu- of Michigan Press.
lation implosion.” Foreign Policy. UN Population Division. (2006, March). International
Economist Intelligence Unit. (2008, December 1). migration 2006. New York: United Nations.
Country Forecast December 2008 Updater. Available Available online at
online at population/publications/2006Migration_Chart/
Friedman, Benjamin. (2005). The moral consequences of Migration2006.pdf
economic growth. New York: Alfred Knopf. UN Population Division. (2007). World population
Goldstone, Jack A. (2002). “Population and security: prospects, 2006 revision [Database]. Available online
How demographic change can lead to violent con- at
flict.” Columbia Journal of International Affairs 56, UN Population Division. (2008). World urbanization
245-263. prospects: The 2007 revision population database
Goldstone, Jack A. (2006). “Engineering, culture, [Database]. Available online at
innovation, and modern wealth creation.” In Irene unup/
Johansson (Ed.), Innovations and entrepreneurship in United States Department of Labor (DOL). (2008).
functional regions, Uddevalla Symposium 2005 (pp. Chartbook of international labor comparisons: The
455-474). Trollhattan, Sweden: University West. Americas, Asia, Europe. Washington, DC: DOL.
Environmental Change and Security program
new directions in Demographic Security

Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and

Transitions to Liberal Democracy

s it over? Has democracy’s “third wave”— youth-bulge countries, analysts should expect
the virtually uninterrupted uptick in the most of these states to ultimately attain and
number of democracies since the early maintain liberal democracy. Of course, there
1970s described by Samuel Huntington will be exceptions; since the early 1970s, char-
(1991)—finally spent all of its momentum? ismatic authoritarian leaders and single-party
Some analysts contend that it has, and that a ideological elites have demonstrated a capac-
reverse wave of neo-authoritarianism is already ity to resist democratization, persisting even as
on the rise (Diamond, 1996; Carothers, 2002). their countries’ age structures matured.
In this article, I argue that the recent leveling- In my analysis, I compared two measures:
off in measures of global democracy is tempo- (1) the youth-bulge proportion—defined as the
rary, and that as youthful demographic profiles proportion of young adults (ages 15 to 29) in the
mature, new and more stable liberal democ- working-age population (ages 15 to 64)—which
racies are likely to arise before 2020 in Latin is derived from estimates and projections pub-
America, North Africa, and Asia. lished by the UN Population Division (2007);
Why such optimism? Because my analysis of and (2) liberal democracy, which is identified
recent demographic and political trends shows by a rating of “Free” in Freedom House’s (2008)
that countries with a large proportion of young annual evaluations of political rights and civil
adults in the working-age population (referred liberties (from 1972 to 2007).1
to as a “youth bulge”) are much less likely to
attain a stable liberal democracy than countries The Youth Bulge: Constraining
with a more mature age structure. If fertility Liberal Democracy?
continues to decline and age structure contin-
Richard P.
ues to mature in many of the world’s currentClues to the relationship between the youth
CincottA bulge and liberal democracy can be seen in
the wake of demographic changes that swept
through much of East Asia and Latin America
Richard P. Cincotta is the consulting in the late 1980s and 1990s. In response to
­demographer to the Long Range Analysis declines in women’s fertility, the proportion
Unit of the National Intelligence Council. His of young working-age adults in about a dozen
research focuses on the political, economic, countries dropped steeply, to between 0.36 and
environmental, and social implications of the 0.42. When it did, liberal democracies evolved
demographic transition and human migration. in most of these countries, with little of the
(Photo by David Hawxhurst, Woodrow Wilson military preemption and backsliding that pre-
Center) viously typified their regions—with the recent
notable exception of Thailand (see Fig. 1).
In contrast, where liberal democracy
emerged before a large youth bulge declined—
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
as in Colombia, Ecuador, Fiji, India, Malaysia,
Papua New Guinea, Peru, Sri Lanka, Turkey,
Venezuela, and numerous others—regimes
failed to stabilize, retreating to less democratic
practices and institutions of governance. In
some cases, deliberalization occurred periodi- Countries with a large proportion of young
cally, as in Turkey and India. In others, such as
Malaysia and Fiji, the preemption has lasted for adults in the working-age population (referred
to as a “youth bulge”) are much less likely to
The Youth Bulge and the attain a stable liberal democracy than countries
Hobbesian Bargain
with a more mature age structure.
Why should a youthful age structure influence
political regimes? Numerous studies have con-
cluded that countries with a large youth-bulge
proportion experience a high risk of political their position by limiting dissent and maintain-
violence and civil strife (Leahy et al., 2007; ing order, a focus that engenders the support
Urdal, 2006; Mesquida & Wiener, 1996). of commercial elites and other propertied seg-
Assuming, as Thomas Hobbes did in the mid- ments of society.
dle of the 17th century, that citizens are willing States can make democratic gains during this
to relinquish liberties when faced with threats stage, and are sometimes pressured into politi-
to their security and property, it is not sur- cal reforms by youth-led democracy move-
prising that support for authoritarian regimes ments. Yet countries with large youth bulges
should rise—especially among the commer- do not usually attain a high level of civil liber-
cial elite—during a large youth bulge, when ties and political rights. When they do—when
much of the population is young and jobless. enlightened authoritarians impose a “demo-
Youth bulges tend to give rise to youth cultures cratic legacy” under youth-bulge conditions,
that coalesce around distinctive identities and or when democratic institutions are imposed at
untempered ideologies, and find expression independence or as part of a treaty—these gains
through experimentation and risk-taking. Such face unfavorable odds. Countries that sustained
conditions, some theorists argue, facilitate the a liberal democracy over periods of youth-bulge
political mobilization and recruitment of young conditions (such as Costa Rica, India, Jamaica,
adults—particularly young men—by non-state and South Africa) have shown extraordinary
and state-supported organizations capable of dedication to maintaining democratic insti-
political or criminal violence (see Goldstone, tutions under the stresses of ethnic violence,
1991; Moller, 1967/68). intense criminal activity, or external threat.
The influence of a youthful age structure on In the second stage, the dissipation of a large
regime type can be understood as a two-stage youth bulge tends to yield relative political calm
process.2 Countries with a large proportion of and a “demographic dividend”: a decline in the
young adults find themselves in the first stage: number of children each working adult has to
They are saddled with a social environment support and a bulge in the middle-aged section
where the regime’s legitimacy is strained and the of the working-age population, which relieves
political mobilization of young men is relatively pressure on child health and educational ser-
easy. The resulting politics tend to be fractious vices, stimulates savings, contributes to produc-
and potentially violent. In this stage, regimes tivity, and facilitates increased human capital
typically concentrate resources on preserving investment and, ultimately, wage growth (see
Environmental Change and Security program
democracy once its young-adult proportion
drops to about 0.40.4
This “half-a-chance benchmark” has, in the
recent past, provided a fair indication—plus or
minus a decade—of when a country will become
a stable liberal democracy. Equipped with this
basic statistic, as well as population estimates
and projections, I arranged a timetable identify-
A woman in Liberia holds up ing each country’s current probability of liberal
her inked finger indicating
she voted in the first
democracy and the year in which each youth-
democratic elections in bulge country passed, or is projected to pass,
Liberia following 14 years of the half-a-chance benchmark. The map (Fig. 2)
civil war. According to the
“half a chance” benchmark,
highlights five categories of interest to analysts:
Liberia’s democracy is one
of the most fragile. (© • F ragile liberal democracies (probability of
2005 Omar Eid, courtesy of
Photoshare) liberal democracy is 40 to 60 percent);
• The most fragile liberal democracies (prob-
ability less than 40 percent);
• Other regime types projected to have more
than 50 percent probability of attaining
stable liberal democracy before 2030;
Bloom et al., 2002; Lee & Mason, 2006). • Other regime types with a less than 50 per-
With much of society’s political volatility cent probability of attaining stable liberal
depleted, authoritarian executives tend to lose democracy before 2030; and
the support of the commercial elite, who find • Other regimes that are demographically
the regime’s grip on communication and com- long overdue for liberal democracy (prob-
merce economically stifling and the privileges ability is greater than 70 percent)—this
granted to family members and cronies of the category includes, and helps define, neo-
political elite financially debilitating. As both authoritarian regimes.
Huntington (1991) and Schmitter (1980) have
noted, political calm and improved economic Outliers: Resistant Authoritarians
and social conditions—which usually advance and Persistent Liberal Democracies
hand-in-hand with the maturing of age struc-
tures—provide authoritarians with opportuni- How well does this timetable work? It performed
ties to make a deal for a safe exit. most accurately when forecasting liberal democ-
racy among states ruled by military “caretaker”
The Probability of Liberal regimes, weak personal dictatorships, or partial
Democracy: A Schedule democracies. However, a close inspection of this
method’s failures suggests that the demographic
By dividing the world into five regions and changes (and associated social and economic
analyzing data every five years beginning in changes) it tracks are too weak to undermine
1975, I found (with surprising consistency) regimes dominated by a strong and charismatic
that as the regional average of the proportion authoritarian, such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin,
of young adults declined, the number of liber- Cuba’s Fidel Castro, or Singapore’s Lee Kwan
al democracies grew.3 Averaging all countries, Yew; or by a unified ideological elite deemed
I found that a youthfully structured country synonymous with the state, such as the Chinese
has a 50 percent chance of being rated a liberal Communist Party. Interestingly, these regimes’
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Figure 1: Freedom Scores and the Proportion of Young Adults
in the Working-Age Population 1972-74















0.6 1 0.6 1
Rep. of Korea Indonesia
2 2
0.5 0.5
3 3

0.4 4 0.4 4

5 5
0.3 0.3
6 6

0.2 7 0.2 7
0.6 1 0.6 1
Chile Brazil
2 2
0.5 0.5
Young Adults in Working-Age Population

3 3

0.4 4 0.4 4

5 5

Freedom Score
0.3 0.3
6 6

0.2 7 0.2 7
0.6 1 0.6 1
Thailand Taiwan
2 2
0.5 0.5
3 3

0.4 4 0.4 4

5 5
0.3 0.3
6 6

0.2 7 0.2 7
0.6 1 0.6 1
Mexico Albania
2 2
0.5 0.5
3 3

0.4 4 0.4 4

5 5
0.3 0.3
6 6

0.2 7 0.2 7
















Young adults: average proportion of

young adults (15 to 29 yrs) in the working-age Freedom score: averaged political rights and civil liberty
population (15 to 64 yrs). scores.
Free (1.0 to 2.5) [assumed as liberal democracy]
Half-a-chance benchmark: proportion of young adults less than Free (>2.5 to 7.0)
associated with a 50-percent probability of liberal

Environmental Change and Security program
Figure 2: Demographically Derived Categories (2008)

Liberal Democracies

Least fragile
Demographically Derived
Fragile Categories (2008)

Most fragile
Liberal Democracies

Least fragile

Others / Chances of Stable Liberal Democracy


Possible before fragile
Unlikely until after 2030
Others / Chances of Stable Liberal Democracy
Long overdue Possible before 2030
Unlikely until after 2030

Long overdue

Difficult to Assess

Source: Data from Freedom House (2008); UN Population Division (2007). Map produced by Esther Akitobi, research assistant at Population Action International.

Note: The age structures in countries marked “difficult to assess” are heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS or immigration.

institutions and policies may have evolved, and these states, with some allowance for delays and
may continue to evolve, to withstand and coun- complications due to the persistence of Soviet-
ter the liberalizing side-effects of demographic era political institutions and instabilities.
and socio-economic changes. Does the youth-bulge method pass this test?
The method also identifies states that became Yes; by 2007, the average young-adult propor-
liberal democracies far ahead of schedule. Latin tion among the Eastern Bloc countries had
American countries have tended, as a group, declined to 0.36. Meanwhile, the region’s pro-
to embrace liberal democracy while hosting a portion of liberal democracies plodded upward
large youth bulge, which may partly explain to 46 percent since the early 1990s—close, but
The dissipation why 60 percent of these states have flip-flopped still short (by three liberal democracies) of the
between a liberal democracy and a less demo- 57 percent that was predicted. Better yet, the
of a large cratic regime at least once since the early 1970s, distribution of regimes that emerged is consis-
youth bulge far more than any other region. tent with the method’s expectations: Liberal
democracies dominate the category with the
tends to yield A Test: Eastern Europe and lowest young-adult proportions (Fig. 3).
relative political Former Soviet States Is this evidence sufficient to claim that a
youthful age structure is the sole constraint
calm and a The youth-bulge method can be tested by pre- to greater political liberalization in the lag-
dicting regime patterns among the Eastern Bloc ging Eastern Bloc states? No, not at all; the
“demographic states: the former-communist states of Eastern countries that, so far, have not attained liberal
dividend.” Europe and their ex-Soviet neighbors. While democracy show geographic affinities and simi-
these 28 states are quite different, their collec- larities in their per capita income and urbaniza-
tive experience as single-party autocracies pro- tion—factors that are also associated, to some
vides some common starting points.5 To prove degree, with the pace of demographic transi-
useful, the method I have outlined should pre- tion. Because income measures are difficult to
dict, with reasonable accuracy, the proportion predict, they do not provide a simple means to
and distribution of liberal democracies among project a timetable for liberal democracy.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Hindu pilgrims protest
against the local
government. According
to the “half a chance”
benchmark, India’s
democracy is one of the
most fragile. (© 2007
Arup Haldar, courtesy of

Forecasting Liberal Democracy Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar,

Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam.
If this relationship continues to hold, demo- Admittedly, several of these states face daunt-
graphic projections could help analysts identify ing impediments to completing their demo-
regions, and states within regions, that in the cratic reforms. For Colombia, Algeria, and
near and medium term are likely to experience Lebanon, further liberalization is unlikely while
population age structures that are conducive non-state actors threaten lives and property,
to liberal democracy—and those where liberal control territory, and operate state-like institu-
democracy is at risk. Nearly all of the coun- tions and militias. Yet the age-structural clock
tries in two geographical sub-regions are pro- is ticking; as fertility declines and populations
jected to pass the half-a-chance benchmark by mature, recruitment will likely become more
2020: those along the northern rim of Africa difficult and more expensive, helping diminish
(Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt) the already-dwindling field strength of insur-
and along the northwestern rim of South gencies, whittling them to a small criminalized
America (Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador). core, or pressuring them to focus their resourc-
None of these North African states has previous- es on electoral politics (as in the evolution of
ly attained liberal democracy, while Colombia, Northern Ireland’s “Troubles”).
Venezuela, and Ecuador reached these heights In several states, regimes will be able to stall
early, and then retreated. Analysts should or resist. For example, Vietnam’s communist
expect one or more liberal democracies arising party and Iran’s clerical non-elected leadership
in each of these sub-regions by 2020 or before. bear similarities to other state elites that have
Other countries, which are not currently lib- withstood the tide of age-structural change.
eral democracies, that are projected to pass the On the other hand, Venezuela’s President Hugo
half-a-chance benchmark before 2020 include Chávez, having lost a constitutional referendum
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, in November 2007 that would have augmented
Environmental Change and Security program
Figure 3.

Figure 3: Freedom Ratings of most seriously AIDS-affected states—while

28 Former Communist Eastern the source of great suffering among individu-
European and Asian States als, families, and communities—has not led
to the state failures that analysts once feared,
but instead to a confusing mélange of out-
20 comes. Four states are rated liberal democra-
Free (liberal democracy) cies (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and South
15 Partly Free
Countries Africa), while two others are among the most
Not Free
10 autocratic (Swaziland and Zimbabwe). In
the oil-rich Gulf States, the composite age
5 structure—the sum of a foreign-worker pop-
0 ulation overlaid on a much younger, socio-
_<.35 >.35–.40 >.40–.45 >.45 economically and ethnically separate age
Proportion of young adults (15–29) structure of citizens—produces misleading
in the working-age population (15–64) indications of age-structural maturity, and
therefore overlooks both the political volatil-
ity of Arab youth culture in the Gulf States
Data sources: Freedom House (2008); UN Population and grievances arising among foreign workers
Division (2007).
(Henderson, 2006).
As age structures have matured, the speed
of ethnic shifts has quickened. The list of these
his constituency by lowering the voting age to relative shifts is long, including: increased
16, is left with only non-electoral means to dis- proportions of indigenous populations in
mantle checks on his own authority—a heavy- Latin American states; growing numbers of
handed tactic that, when previously applied by Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel; and
Chávez, has alienated influential supporters. larger populations of Muslims in Western
Europe. How will democracies respond to the
Beyond Prediction: Southern emergence of ethnic groups who previously
Africa, the Gulf States, and the have been political outsiders? Will the liberal
Future of Europe democracies of European welfare states retain
their suite of liberties and generous social
Two clusters of countries with extraordinary programs as they undergo dramatic ethnic
age structures were omitted from this analy- shifts? On these weighty topics the youth-
sis: (1) the seven most seriously AIDS-affected bulge method is unresponsive.
countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South
Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe), Summary
where premature adult mortality buoys a high
proportion of young adults; and (2) the six oil- By focusing exclusively on the institutional
rich Gulf States (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, reforms and changes in political leadership that
Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates), where precede political liberalization, analysts have
large populations of foreign workers mask more overlooked the influence of population age
youthful indigenous populations. This demo- structure on the timing and stability of liberal
graphic method provides little insight about democracy. My analysis provides evidence sug-
governance in either of these clusters. gesting that a youthful age structure—indicated
For example, highly elevated death rates by a large proportion of young adults in the
among people 20 to 55 years old and the per- working-age population—can constrain liberal
sistence of very youthful age structures in the democracy and destabilize it. This research also
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
shows that the calculation of a country’s youth-
bulge proportion can be used to assess a liberal
democracy’s fragility, identify uncommonly per-
sistent authoritarian regimes, and generate rea-
sonable and testable expectations for the advent
and stability of liberal democracy. Latin American countries have tended, as a
Notes group, to embrace liberal democracy while
1. This analysis includes countries with a minimum
hosting a large youth bulge, which may partly
2020 population of 500,000 people and uses Freedom explain why 60 percent of these states have
House composite scores, which are the average of
political rights, “PR” (scaled 1 to 7, with 1 being the flip-flopped between a liberal democracy and a
maximum realization of political rights), and civil
liberties, “CL” (similarly scaled 1 to 7). The category less democratic regime at least once since the
“Free” is assigned to assessments where the average of
PR and CL scores ranges from 1.0 to 2.5. early 1970s, far more than any other region.
2. The theoretical breakdown of this process was
first presented by Jack Goldstone at a seminar on
democratization processes sponsored by the National
Intelligence Council, March 2008.
3. The five regions are: North and South America, References
Europe (including Russia), Middle East-North Africa,
sub-Saharan Africa, and other Asia-Oceania. This Bloom, David E., David Canning, & Jaypee Sevilla.
analysis omits two sets of countries with irregular (2002). The demographic dividend: A new perspective
(non-transitional) age structures: the seven countries on the economic consequences of population change.
with high rates of HIV/AIDS and the six Gulf States Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
with a large immigrant population. Carothers, Thomas. (2002). “The end of the transition
4. This analysis employs weighted least-squares paradigm.” Journal of Democracy 13(1), 5-21.
regression to determine regression coefficients and Cincotta, Richard P. (2008, March/April). “How
intercepts for linear models generating the proportion democracies grow up: Countries with too many
of liberal democracies expected in a region (Y) from young people may not have a fighting chance for
the average proportion of young adults (X) among freedom.” Foreign Policy, 165, 80-82.
countries in that region (not the regional young-adult Diamond, Larry J. (1996). “Is the third wave over?”
proportion). Seven regressions were generated, one Journal of Democracy 7(3), 20-37.
for each five years, from 1975 to 2005. None of the Freedom House. (2008). Freedom in the world: Selected
regression parameters from these were statistically data from Freedom House’s annual global survey of
different. The regression equation for these composite political rights and civil liberties. Washington, DC:
data are: LD = -0.033(YA*100)+1.83, where LD is Freedom House.
the expected proportion of liberal democracies in a Goldstone, Jack A. (1991). Revolution and rebellion in
regional grouping of countries and YA is the propor- the early modern world. Berkeley, CA: University of
tion of young adults, age 15 to 29, in the working- California Press.
age population, 15 to 64. This analysis also has been Henderson, Simon. (2006). “High rises and low wages:
performed using Polity IV data, assuming liberal expatriate labor in Gulf Arab States.” PolicyWatch
democracy as polity scores from +8 to +10, with very (No. 1091). Washington, DC: Washington
similar results. Institute for Near East Policy.
5. The former Eastern Bloc states are Albania, Huntington, Samuel P. (1991). The third wave:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratization in the late twentieth century.
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Leahy, Elizabeth, with Robert Engelman, Carolyn G.
Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Vogel, Sarah Haddock, & Tod Preston. (2007). The
Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Russia, Tajikistan, shape of things to come: Why age structure matters
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. to a safer, more equitable world. Washington, DC:
Environmental Change and Security program
Report Online

Two graphics accompanying Richard Cincotta’s Foreign Policy magazine article, “How
Democracies Grow Up,” are available online:

A map of “The Young World” indicates the year when each country is projected to pass the
“half-a-chance” benchmark based on the proportion of young adults in the working-age

“Where Youth and Freedom Collide” illustrates the likelihood of liberal democracy at various
youth-bulge proportions:

Freedom House rates countries as “free,” “partly free,” or “not free” based on assessments of
their political rights and civil liberties:

Map of Freedom in the World, 2008 edition:


Along with fellow Report 13 author Jack Goldstone, Cincotta assessed the evidence for “the
security demographic” at the Wilson Center in June 2006:

Two previous ECSP Report articles by Cincotta analyze different aspects of the links between age
structure and conflict:

“Population Age Structure and Its Relation to Civil Conflict: A Graphic Metric”
(coauthored by Elizabeth Leahy):

“Demographic Security Comes of Age”:


Population Action International. (2006). Statistical yearbook of the Republic of China,

Lee, Ronald, & Andrew Mason. (2006). “What is the 2005. Taipei: Executive Yuan, ROC.
demographic dividend?” Finance and Development Schmitter, Philippe C. (1980). Speculations about the
43(3), 16-17. prospective demise of authoritarian regimes and its
Mesquida, Christian G., & Neil I. Wiener. (1996). possible consequences. Washington, DC: Woodrow
“Human collective aggression: A behavioral ecol- Wilson International Center for Scholars.
ogy perspective.” Ethology and Sociobiology 17, UN Population Division. (2007). World popula-
247-262. tion prospects: The 2006 revision. New York: UN
Moller, Herbert. (1967/68). “Youth as a force in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
modern world.” Comparative Studies in Society and Urdal, Henrik. (2006). “A clash of generations? Youth
History 10(3), 237-260. bulges and political violence.” International Studies
Republic of China (ROC), Directorate of the Budget. Quarterly 50, 607-629.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
new directions in Demographic Security

Population in Defense Policy Planning

n 1974, the National Security Council outline the military and intelligence communi-
expressed concern that population growth ties’ interests in population trends in three key
in less-developed countries would increase regions—the Middle East, Central Asia, and
competition for resources, as a result of its assess- Africa—and describe their use of demography to
ment of “the likelihood that population growth support military planning and strategy.
or imbalances will produce disruptive foreign
policies and international instability” (Kissinger, Four Trends for Defense
1974, p. 1). Today’s defense community has a
broader view of the connections between demog- Interest in population trends has recent-
raphy and security, focusing less on competition ly increased due to the wars in Iraq and
for resources or on population policies to stem Afghanistan, as well as the launch of the new
growth and more on a wider range of population Africa Command (AFRICOM). Four global
issues, such as age structure and migration. But demographic trends are particularly relevant to
government interest in the influence of popu- U.S. defense planning in these regions: youth-
lation on stability and foreign policy remains ful populations, changes in military personnel,
high—and, since 9/11, has intensified. international migration, and urbanization.
To prepare for terrorist attacks and other
irregular, non-state challenges, the Department Youthful Populations
of Defense (DoD) has begun to seriously exam-
ine the roles of demography, ethnic and national In the Middle East and Africa—the two fastest
identity, and environmental issues in disrupt- growing regions in the world—between 30 and Jennifer
ing state stability and instigating conflict. While 50 percent of the populations in most ­countries Dabbs
some in the government have long recognized Sciubba
the importance of these issues, the most recent
Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), released
Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba is a Mellon
in February 2006, encouraged the systematic
Environmental Fellow in the Department of
analysis and incorporation of these factors into International Studies at Rhodes College. She
a comprehensive national security framework. has been a consultant for Policy Planning in the
For example, the 2006 QDR directed DoD to Office of the Secretary of Defense at the U.S.
build partnership capacity, to shift from “con- Department of Defense, where she developed
ducting activities ourselves to enabling partners several projects linking specific demographic
to do more for themselves” (Rumsfeld, 2006, p. trends to security issues. Sciubba received her
2). DoD recognizes that the inability of some doctorate from the Government and Politics
states to meet the needs of their growing popula- Department at the University of Maryland. The
tions may impede this goal; instead of increasing views expressed in this article are those of the
the ability of partners to aid in achieving U.S. author and do not reflect the official policy or
goals, domestic strains are likely to hamper these position of the Department of Defense or the
states’ efforts to defend their borders and prevent U.S. government. (Photo by David Hawxhurst,
the spread of terrorist networks. In this article, I Woodrow Wilson Center)
Environmental Change and Security program
tion is marginalized (PRB, 2007). Ongoing
programs to build schools and improve educa-
tion, such as those carried out by the Combined
Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa under U.S.
Central Command, are a start, but more con-
The United States does not have a robust centrated efforts to engage children and youth
in positive activities would not only improve
and comprehensive strategy for targeting the their attitudes toward U.S. soldiers, but would
also empower them to contribute to rebuilding
connections between youth and conflict. Given their societies.
that 45 percent of the Afghan population is U.S. soldiers helping to construct some
schools and distribute educational supplies may
under age 15, victory—in whatever form—will improve public relations, but as part of U.S.
strategy for the Middle East and Africa, DoD
remain elusive as long as this segment of the should focus on training and engaging youth
population is marginalized. in more meaningful ways. Programs that focus
on leadership skills and encourage peaceful con-
tact between youth and U.S. military personnel
would be a start. The discipline and leadership
are under age 15 (PRB, 2007). These huge required of soldiers makes them good role mod-
youth cohorts—commonly known as “youth els for youth in developing states, and the more
bulges”—can be desperate or disgruntled if they meaningful interactions these youth have with
have few economic or political opportunities. soldiers, the more successful DoD will be in
Lack of employment may also prevent them encouraging stability in these volatile regions.
from getting married or participating in other The nature of conflict is changing, leading the
traditional rites of passage. Youth bulges and U.S. military to undertake such new and inno-
armed conflict are strongly correlated, especially vative missions and roles.
in underdeveloped countries (see, e.g., Urdal,
2006). Thus, the Middle East and Africa are Military Personnel
likely to become more turbulent as the popu-
lation grows and remains youthful, especially Demographic trends in fertility and mortality
where young people lack job opportunities or rates can directly affect a military’s recruiting
other positive outlets. In Africa, the already-dire pool. Diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and
situation is compounded by the prevalence of tuberculosis are weakening African militaries
deadly infectious diseases—such as HIV/AIDS, at the same time that conflict may be increas-
malaria, and tuberculosis—that kill the most ing due to more youthful populations, strained
productive segments of society. resources, and a lack of governance. HIV/AIDS
Through Operations Enduring Freedom and has devastated the most productive segments
Iraqi Freedom, as well as larger efforts to com- of African society, especially its military-age
bat global terrorist networks, the U.S. military population (PRB, 2008). Although there is
is highly engaged in these regions. However, the little comprehensive data, UN and govern-
United States does not have a robust and com- ment reports show that infection rates in many
prehensive strategy for targeting the connec- African militaries are slightly higher than in the
tions between youth and conflict. Given that 45 general population, as rates are exacerbated by
percent of the Afghan population is under age the extended time soldiers spend away from
15, victory—in whatever form—will remain home, easier access to money for prostitutes and
elusive as long as this segment of the popula- drugs, and risky behavior characteristic both of
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Spc. Josh Jenkins, a medic of
the 82nd Airborne Division,
inspects an Afghani child for
symptoms of pink eye, on
Sept. 30, 2002, Kandahar,
Afghanistan. Jenkins is
part of the Psychological
Operations (PSYOP) teams,
humanitarian aid package
that goes out on daily patrols
to local villages to help
build a positive rapport with
the local communities and
U.S. Forces. (Photo by Spc.
Marshall Emerson; courtesy
U.S. Army)

the young in general and military culture in International Migration

particular (Garrett, 2005). The U.S. military is
concerned that these diseases could have a dev- Large-scale movements of people can change the
astating effect on African peacekeeping forces, composition of a country’s population within
as well as on efforts of Americans and Africans days or weeks—much more quickly than fertil-
to work together against terrorism. ity and mortality trends. When people move, so
In many countries in the Middle East, do their politics; clashes of identity and interests
growing youthful populations mean the pool may lead to conflict or create deep social divi-
of potential recruits is too big—and the mili- sions. In the Middle East and Africa, migration
tary is one of the few employment outlets for is often conflict-driven. The millions displaced
young men in a region where jobs are scarce. by troubles in Sudan and Iraq, for example,
In Iraq under Saddam Hussein, young Sunni could potentially carry their domestic political
men joined the military, but now that the skirmishes across borders and further disrupt
Iraqi system has been disrupted, youth are these regions. Already, environmentally induced
increasingly vulnerable to recruitment by migration in South Asia has caused conflict.
extremists. With few ways to earn a living Since the 1950s, 12-17 million Bangladeshis
and support their families, many young Iraqi have moved to India because of floods, drought,
men are more willing to accept a couple of land scarcity, and other environmental condi-
hundred dollars—or less—to plant a roadside tions. This migration led to violence between
bomb or take up arms for warring factions. eastern Indians and Bangladeshis in the 1980s
Unless economic development accompanies (Reuveny, 2007).
U.S. efforts in Iraq and these young men are UNHCR (2007) estimates that more than
able to find legitimate employment, they will two million Iraqi refugees are elsewhere in the
continue to be more susceptible to recruit- Middle East—more than one million in Syria
ment by anti-U.S. groups. alone. Governments in the region have been
Environmental Change and Security program
struggling to meet the needs of this displaced where they otherwise would not be deployed.
population and provide social services, jobs, Whereas urbanization in developed states
and housing. Tensions between citizens of the offers benefits to city residents—sanitation, edu-
receiving states and the refugees are producing cation, jobs, and transportation—slums offer
social strife in an unstable region and overly bur- no such services or governance. “Slumization”
dening governments that already have trouble in sub-Saharan Africa increases ungoverned
providing for their populations. While internal areas and the potential for internal instability,
strife could potentially unseat regimes that are and thus provides an environment conducive to
unfriendly to the United States, like Iran, there terrorist recruitment and activity. Rapid urban-
is no guarantee that the new government would ization can increase the risk of civil conflict:
be a more peaceful or stable one. The United “During the 1990s, countries with urban pop-
States is seeking to build the capacity of states in ulation growth rates greater than 4 percent a
the Middle East to address their internal issues year were twice as likely to experience civil con-
and aid in the war on terror by encouraging sta- flict than those where urban growth was more
Unmet ble governments that could stem sectarian vio- paced” (UN-HABITAT, 2006b, p. 1).
lence, but international migration will continue In most slums and cities in developing states,
expectations in to challenge these efforts in the region. population growth is outpacing the ability of the
overcrowded state to create jobs for these citizens and to build
Urbanization infrastructure to accommodate concomitant
cities can be growth in pollution and sewage. Such unmet
Two major global urbanization trends could expectations in overcrowded cities can be the cat-
the catalyst for challenge the U.S. military to continue to alyst for civil conflict. Urban instability—as we
civil conflict. increase its global role: the growing concentra- have seen in Iraq—requires that U.S. forces be
tion of people in megacities and coastal areas prepared for a variety of missions in urban envi-
and the growth of urban slums. By 2020, all ronments, and could increasingly blur the dis-
but four of the world’s megacities—those cit- tinctions between police and military functions.
ies with more than 10 million people—will be
in developing states (UN-HABITAT, 2006c). Opportunities to Address These
In addition, 75 percent of the world’s popula- Trends in Current Policy
tion already lives in areas that were affected by
at least one natural disaster between 1980 and The defense community has three major oppor-
2000 (UN-HABITAT, 2006a). Megacities and tunities to address these trends and implications
coastal cities in developing countries lack the through policies aimed at the Middle East,
infrastructure to withstand most disasters and Africa, and Central Asia. First, the establish-
the capacity to deal with the after-effects. The ment of AFRICOM demonstrates recognition
vulnerability of these areas will likely increase that the military and intelligence communities
demand for stability operations (military efforts should be more anticipatory, rather than reac-
to maintain or restore order) and humanitar- tionary. In planning for the roles and missions
ian assistance. Though these increased require- of this command, DoD—in partnership with
ments may strain U.S. capabilities, conducting the intelligence community—should develop
stability operations or providing humanitarian strategies to mediate effects of HIV/AIDS,
assistance could also help build a positive image conflict-driven migration, and youthful popu-
of the U.S. military abroad, as demonstrated by lations. For example, the military could devise
the relief efforts following the 2004 Southeast programs that engage youth through leader-
Asian tsunami and the 2005 Pakistani earth- ship training and through their involvement
quake. Soldiers can also increase their own cul- in building infrastructure alongside soldiers.
tural awareness by engaging with locals in areas AFRICOM may also offer more opportuni-
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Sgt. Freddy Valdez, assigned
to the 27th BSB, 4th BCT,
1st Cav. Div., attempts to
reach a soccer ball before
an Iraqi MTR Soldier with
the 10th IA Div., can kick the
ball away during a soccer
match at Contingency
Operations Base Adder
in southern Iraq Oct. 23,
2008. The contest was an
effort to further strengthen
the two units’ partnership
in stabilizing Iraq. (Photo
by Maj. Jesse Henderson;
courtesy U.S. Army)

ties to partner with African militaries to help influence these trends. According to the stan-
them combat HIV/AIDS, by expanding HIV/ dard division of labor within the U.S. govern-
AIDS education and leadership training—some ment, the intelligence community is tasked
of which can be funded under existing foreign with providing analysis, not recommending
military training and education programs. or implementing policies that address these
Second, DoD could continue to take demo- population concerns. And, while it is within
graphic issues into account when crafting the scope of the military’s mandate to prepare
the next iterations of policy planning docu- for humanitarian missions and stability opera-
ments, as it did in the latest National Defense tions, devising education programs for youthful
Strategy (see brief on page 26). The NDS and populations and even distributing aid requires
other policy reports analyze long-term trends the help of partners in other agencies. DoD
(like climate change, globalization, and tech- will need to partner with the U.S. Agency for
nology) and help shape the types of programs International Development and non-govern-
DoD funds, the capabilities the military devel- mental organizations; many of these agencies
ops, and priorities for intelligence collection. are better suited to work with local populations
Analyzing demographic issues in the Middle and can function as advisors and planners.
East and Central Asia is also a robust piece of While interaction among the agencies at all
the strategy for winning the “long war.” personnel levels is frequent, fostering the type
Finally, the defense and intelligence com- of large-scale collaboration necessary to address
munities must recognize their limited ability to demographic trends requires two key steps.
Environmental Change and Security program
Gates, Robert M. (2008, June). National defense
strategy. Washington, DC: Department of
Defense. Available online at http://www.
Kissinger, Henry. (1974, April 24). National security
The military does not always have the tools to study memorandum 200 directive. Washington,
DC: National Security Council. Available online
address these population and development at
issues, but by drawing on a wider community Population Reference Bureau (PRB). (2007). 2007
world population data sheet. Washington, DC:
for support, they lessen the chances that they PRB. Available online at

will have to deal with the consequences. pdf07/07WPDS_Eng.pdf

PRB. (2008). “Population ages 15-24 with HIV/AIDS,
2001 (%).” Datafinder [database]. Available online
Reuveny, Rafael. (2007). “Climate change-induced
migration and violent conflict.” Political Geography
26(6), 656-673.
First, it needs the support and encouragement Rumsfeld, Donald. (2006, February 6). Quadrennial
of senior leadership, both political appointees defense review report. Washington, DC: Department
and career civil servants, in all departments. of Defense. Available online at http://www.
Second, top-down direction from Congress and
Rupiya, Martin (Ed.) (2006). The enemy within:
the executive branch could help institutionalize Southern African militaries’ quarter-century battle
the process. with HIV and AIDS. Pretoria, South Africa:
Additionally, in its dealings with Congress, Institute for Security Studies. Available online at
the military can voice its support for develop-
ment in the Middle East, Africa, and Central enemy_within_military_hiv_0610.pdf
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Asia, and communicate the connections between
(2007, September). Statistics on displaced Iraqis
demographic issues and security. DoD could also around the world. Geneva: UNHCR. Available
encourage congressional funding for necessary online at
programs. The military does not always have the home/opendoc.pdf?tbl=SUBSITES&id=470387fc2
tools to address these population and develop- UN Human Settlements Programme
ment issues, but by drawing on a wider com- (UN-HABITAT). (2006a). “The urban penalty:
Conflict and natural disaster.” In State of the world’s
munity for support, they lessen the chances that
cities 2006/7. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-HABITAT.
they will have to deal with the consequences. Available online at
References UN-HABITAT. (2006b). “The urban penalty: New
threats, old fears.” In State of the world’s cities
Center for Naval Analyses (CNA). (2007). National 2006/7. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-HABITAT. Available
security and the threat of climate change. Alexandria, online at
VA: The CNA Corporation. Available online documents/sowcr2006/SOWCR%2010.pdf
at UN-HABITAT. (2006c). “Urbanization: Mega & meta
National%20Security%20and%20the%20 cities, new city states?” In State of the world’s cities
Threat%20of%20Climate%20Change.pdf 2006/7. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-HABITAT. Available
Garrett, Laurie. (2005). HIV and national security: online at
Where are the links? Washington, DC: Council media_centre/sowcr2006/SOWCR%202.pdf
on Foreign Relations. Available online at http:// Urdal, Henrik. (2006). “A clash of generations? Youth bulges and political violence.” International Studies
HIV_National_Security.pdf Quarterly 50(3), 607-630.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Report Online

The latest National Defense Strategy, released in June 2008 by Secretary of Defense Robert M.
Gates, recognizes the security risks posed by both population growth and deficit—due to aging,
shrinking, or disease—the role of climate pressures, and the connections between population and
the environment:

The Department of Defense’s Stability Operations Capabilities notes that “integrated military and
civilian operations are the now the norm with most military operations taking place in the midst
of civilian populations. U.S. military forces must be prepared to support civilian stabilization and
reconstruction efforts and to lead and conduct these missions when civilians cannot”: http://www.

LTC Shannon Beebe (USA), senior Africa analyst at the Department of the Army, wrote in the
New Security Beat that “security in Africa depends heavily on non-military factors that fall
outside the traditional purview of the armed forces. For AFRICOM to be successful, it must
approach security as a mutually beneficial proposition, not a zero-sum game”: http://newsecurity

Sgt. Catherine Olivarez looks

over a toddler during a
medical civil action program,
July 24, 2008, at a village
school in Goubetto, Djibouti.
Olivarez is a medic with the
345th Civil Affairs Brigade
working with Combined
Joint Task Force-Horn of
Africa (JTF-HOA). On Oct.
1, 2008, the Department of
Defense stood up U.S. Africa
Command, or AFRICOM.
(Photo by Air Force Tech
Sergeant Jeremy T. Lock;
courtesy JTF-HOA)

Environmental Change and Security program
Environment, Population in the
2008 National Defense Strategy
The 2008 National Defense Strategy (NDS; cisely those risks are, as the authors never explicitly
by Jennifer
Gates, 2008), released by the U.S. Department of identify them. Instead, they emphasize flexibility in
Defense (DoD) in July, delivers the expected, but preparing to meet a range of possible challenges.
Sciubba also throws in a few surprises. The NDS reflects The environmental security language in this
traditional concerns over terrorism, rogue states, NDS grew out of several years of work within
Source: The New Security Beat,
and the rise of China, but also gives a more promi- the Department, primarily in the Office of Policy
nent role to the connections among people, their Planning under the Office of the Under Secretary
environment, and national security. Both natural for Defense, to study individual trends, such as
disasters and growing competition for resources population, energy, and environment, as well as a
are listed alongside terrorism as some of the main series of workshops and exercises outlining possi-
challenges facing the United States. ble “shocks.” For example, the NDS says “we must
This NDS is groundbreaking in that it recog- take account of the implications of demographic
nizes the security risks posed by both population trends, particularly population growth in much of
growth and deficit—due to aging, shrinking, or the developing world and the population deficit in
disease—and the role of climate pressures, and the much of the developed world.”
connections between population and the environ- Finally, although the NDS mentions the goal of
ment. In the wake of the Intergovernmental Panel reducing fuel demand and the need to “assist wider
on Climate Change reports on climate change U.S. Government energy security and environmen-
and the 2007 CNA study on climate change and tal objectives,” its main energy concern seems to
security, Congress mandated that the NDS include be securing access to energy resources, perhaps
language on climate change. The document is with military involvement. Is this another missed
required to include guidance for military planners opportunity to bring in environmental concerns, or
to assess the risks of projected climate change is it more appropriate for DoD to stick to straight
on the armed forces (see Section 931 of the FY08 energy security? The NDS seems to have taken a
National Defense Authorization Act). The docu- politically safe route: recognizing energy security as
ment also recognizes the need to address the “root a problem and suggesting both the need for the
causes of turmoil”—which could be interpreted as Department to actively protect energy resources
underlying population-environment connections, (especially petroleum) while also being open to
although the authors provide no specifics. One broader ways to achieve energy independence.
missed opportunity in the NDS is the chance to According to the NDS, DoD should continue
explicitly connect ungoverned areas in failed or studying how the trends outlined above affect
weak states with population-environment issues. national security and should use trend consider-
What really stands out about this NDS is how ations in decisions about equipment and capabili-
the authors characterize the future security environ- ties; alliances and partnerships; and relationships
ment: “Over the next twenty years physical pres- with other nations. As the foundational document
sures—population, resource, energy, climatic and from which almost all other DoD guidance docu-
environmental—could combine with rapid social, cul- ments and programs are derived, the NDS is highly
tural, technological and geopolitical change to cre- significant. If the Obama administration continues
ate greater uncertainty,” they write. The challenge, to build off of the current NDS instead of starting
according to DoD, is the uncertainty of how these anew, we can expect environmental security to
trends and the interactions among them will play play a more central role in national defense plan-
out. DoD is concerned with environmental security ning. If not, environmental security could again
issues insofar as they shift the power of states and take a back seat to other national defense issues,
26 pose risks, but it is unclear from the NDS what pre- as it has done so often in the past.

ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009

new directions in Demographic Security

Climate Change, Demography,

Environmental Degradation, and
Armed Conflict

limate change is expected to alter the focused on national-level aggregates, we used a
availability of freshwater, the productive new approach to assess the impact of environ-
capacity of soils, and patterns of human mental change on internal armed conflict by
settlement. But we do not know the extent and using geo-referenced (GIS) data and geographi-
geographical distribution of these changes, nor cal, rather than political, units of analysis.
can we know how climate-related environmental Obviously, climate change may bring about
change may influence human societies and polit- more severe and more abrupt forms of envi-
ical systems. The most dire predictions warn that ronmental change than we have experienced
climate change may greatly increase the risk of in the past. While this argument is frequently
violent conflict over increasingly scarce resources, invoked to support dire claims about climate
such as freshwater and arable land. We argue that change and conflict, major changes are likely to Clionadh
such forecasts would be more accurate and less be the result of smaller changes compounding Raleigh
sensational if they were based on the relation- over a considerable period of time. Also, while
ships between demography, environment, and environmental change may be more severe in
violent conflict found in the recent past. the future than the past, we are unable to assess
Land degradation, freshwater availability, and the extent to which increased technological and Urdal
population density and change are important fac- institutional capacity will enhance our adapt-
tors that many scholars argue have both influenced ability to the effects of climate change.
the risk of conflict in the past and will be strongly
influenced by climate change. As previous quanti- Societal Consequences of Climate
tative studies have found mixed evidence for the Change: Literature Review
resource scarcity and conflict nexus, we sought to
reconcile these diverse findings by looking below As the focus on environmental consequences of
national aggregates at local-level data. In our study, climate change increases, greater attention has
we found that local-level demographic and envi-
ronmental factors do have some effect on conflict
Clionadh Raleigh is a lecturer of political sci-
risk, but are generally outweighed by political and
ence at Trinity College, Dublin, and an associ-
economic factors.1
ate at the Centre for the Study of Civil War
Building on propositions from the literature
(CSCW) at the International Peace Research
on environmental security, we have identified Institute, Oslo (PRIO). Her work focuses on
potential links between natural resource scarcity the political geography of conflict in the
and violent conflict. Combining these proposi- developing world. Henrik Urdal is a political
tions with environmental change scenarios from scientist and senior researcher at the CSCW,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change PRIO. His work focuses on the demography of
(IPCC), we tested hypotheses about the expected armed conflict. (Top photo courtesy Clionadh
relationships in a statistical model with global Raleigh; bottom photo by Heidi Fancher,
coverage. While previous studies have mostly Woodrow Wilson Center)
Environmental Change and Security program
the depletion and altered distribution of natural
resources likely to result from climate change
could, under certain circumstances, increase the
risk of some forms of violent conflict. It is not
likely to be a major or sufficient cause of con-
While abrupt displacements may happen, we flict, but may form a mounting environmental
challenge that could play a contributing role
primarily expect to see climate change causing (Brauch, 2002; Tänzler & Carius, 2002).
Climate change is likely to influence the
a gradual migration by people searching capacity of many areas to produce food. Some
for more fertile land—or for other economic areas may experience a reduction in crop yields,
but others are likely to benefit. While an increase
opportunities to replace lost livelihoods. in temperature of a few degrees could generally
increase crop yields in temperate areas, greater
warming may reduce agricultural output. In
been paid to climate change’s potential influ- tropical areas, where dryland agriculture domi-
ence on patterns of war and peace (e.g., Renner, nates, even minimal increases in temperature
1996; Homer-Dixon & Blitt, 1998; Rahman, may be detrimental to food production (IPCC,
1999; Klare, 2001; Brauch, 2002; Purvis & 2001). Adverse changes in temperature and pre-
Busby, 2004; CNA, 2007; Buhaug et al., 2008; cipitation are likely to intensify the degradation
Burke & Parthemore, 2008; Raleigh et al., 2008; of soil and water resources, although adaptive
Salehyan, 2008). The literature on climate behavior could mitigate these impacts, since land
change and security focuses on two interrelated use and management have been shown to have a
processes expected to result in resource scarcity. greater impact on soil conditions than the indi-
First, increasing temperatures, precipitation rect effect of climate change.
anomalies, and extreme weather are expected to According to the IPCC (2001), 1.7 billion
aggravate the ongoing degradation of environ- people currently live in countries that are water-
mental resources (Renner, 1996; Homer-Dixon stressed, meaning that they use more than 20
& Blitt, 1998; Klare, 2001; Purvis & Busby, percent of their renewable water supply. This
2004; Buhaug et al., 2008). number is projected to increase as population
Second, scholars warn that rising sea levels, grows and industries intensify; climate change
as well as more extreme weather conditions, will may aggravate this trend by decreasing stream-
force millions of people to migrate, potentially flow and groundwater recharge. Non-climatic
leading to higher pressures on resources in the factors may influence freshwater availability
destination areas and subsequently fostering com- and quality more than climate change, so good
petition over resources (Renner, 1996; Rahman, water management may significantly reduce
1999; Barnett, 2001; Oxfam, 2007; Renaud et vulnerability. However, in areas where vulner-
al., 2007; Raleigh et al., 2008). Although climate ability increases and water management fails,
change is usually viewed as a potential future increased freshwater scarcity is likely.
threat, some argue that global climate change Due to rising sea levels and increased risk of
has already been a contributing factor in cur- flooding, climate change is expected to contrib-
rent conflicts such as the Darfur crisis (Byers & ute to migration from coastal and riverine settle-
Dragojlovic, 2004; Ki-moon, 2007). ments (IPCC, 2001). Extreme weather events
Although they warn against overstating the and flooding may cause substantial, sudden, and
relationship between climate change and armed acute displacement of people. However, the most
conflict, Jon Barnett (2001), as well as Nigel dramatic form of change—sea-level rise—is likely
Purvis and Joshua Busby (2004), accept that to happen gradually. Improved forecasting skills
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Table 1: Summary Results of Empirical Analysis

High-Income Low-Income
All Countries Countries Countries

Low land degradation Not significant Higher risk Lower risk

Medium land degradation Higher risk Higher risk Not significant

Very high land degradation Higher risk Higher risk Not significant

Water scarcity Higher risk Higher risk Higher risk (weak)

Population density Higher risk Higher risk Higher risk

Population growth Higher risk Higher risk Higher risk

Population growth Higher risk Not significant Higher risk


Population growth Higher risk Not significant Higher risk (weak)

*water scarcity

Population growth Not significant Lower risk (weak) Not significant

*medium degradation

Population growth Not significant Not significant Not significant

*high degradation

Instability interactions Negative or not Not significant Not significant


Note: For actual values, see full results in Raleigh & Urdal (2007).

will make adaptation easier and reduce the prob- ity. The state exploitation hypothesis suggests
lem of population displacements (Chimeli et al., that resource scarcity may be an opportunity
2002). While abrupt displacements may happen, for weakened states to bolster their support base
we primarily expect to see climate change caus- by mobilizing ethnic groups to capture scarce
ing a gradual migration by people searching for resources. However, quantitative studies (Esty
more fertile land—or for other economic oppor- et al., 1998; Hauge & Ellingsen, 1998; Urdal,
tunities to replace lost livelihoods. 2005; Theisen, 2008) have found mixed evidence
Kahl (2006) identifies two distinct “state-cen- for the resource scarcity and conflict nexus.
tric” causal pathways from resource scarcity to
conflict: the “state failure” and the “state exploi- Testing the Climate Change and
tation” hypotheses. Both start from the premise Conflict Scenario: Methodology
that resource scarcity may put severe pressure
on both society at large and on state institu- In our model, we tested whether areas with
tions. Lower agricultural wages and economic high levels of resource scarcity—which is likely
marginalization can lead to rural-to-rural migra- to become more prevalent as a result of climate
tion, potentially causing inter-ethnic conflicts change—have been more susceptible to conflict
over land, and migration from rural to urban in the past. We assumed that population den-
areas, leading to urban “hotspots.” The state fail- sity, freshwater scarcity, and environmental deg-
ure hypothesis posits that resource scarcity will radation would be associated with a higher risk
weaken state institutions and provide opportuni- of conflict if they occurred in areas with high
ties for potential rebels to challenge state author- population growth. We further assumed that
Environmental Change and Security program
Figure 1: Conflict Zones Upon Grid have a very moderate effect on the risk of civil
Squares conflict (see Table 1 for a summary).
Globally, medium to high levels of land
degradation are related to increased conflict,
as are very high levels of water scarcity, but
the relative increases in risk are quite small.
Increasing levels of land degradation increase
the risk of conflict from a baseline of 1 percent
Conflict Zone to between 2-4 percent. Freshwater scarcity
Conflict Center appears to exert a somewhat stronger effect,
increasing the risk of conflict to 6 percent for
areas with very high levels of scarcity.
Radius = 300 km High population density, measured locally,
is a consistently strong predictor of armed con-
flict. However, population density and conflict
are presumably correlated, as densely populated
areas and large cities are attractive locations for
conflict because not only do they provide better
opportunities for organizing and financing con-
flict, they also represent strategic targets (Hegre
the effects of demographic and environmental & Raleigh, 2007).
factors are stronger in poor countries than in Based on our literature review, we expected
wealthy ones, and stronger in periods of regime that the interactions between demand-induced
collapse and political transition. scarcity (measured by population growth) and
Globally, For this sub-national study, we created a geo- supply-induced scarcity (represented by land
spatial dataset by dividing the globe into 100 km degradation, water scarcity, and population
medium to high by 100 km squares. Using the PRIO/Uppsala density) were likely to produce multiple stresses
dataset, we identified the location of armed that could trigger resource scarcity conflicts. In
levels of land conflicts from 1990-2004 (Buhaug & Gates, the global model, only the interaction between
degradation 2002; Gleditsch et al., 2002), coding all grids population growth and water scarcity, as well as
within a 300-km radius as part of the conflict that between population growth and density,
are related zone (see Figure 1). We used geographical data were statistically significant.
on human-induced soil degradation from the Separating the group by income confirms the
to increased International Soil Reference and Information well-established importance of wealth and polit-
conflict, as Centre (ISRIC), data on easily available fresh- ical systems. Lower levels of GDP are the most
water from TERRASTAT, and population data important predictor of armed conflict. States
are very high from the Center for International Earth Science with low GDP depend more on their environ-
levels of water Information Network (CIESIN). We also con-
trolled for state-level factors like GDP per capi-
ment for individual and state income than states
with higher GDP, and also have a lower capacity
scarcity, but ta and national regime type. to attenuate tensions arising from degradation.
However, our results show that resource scarcity
the relative Results affects the risk of conflict less in low-income
increases in risk states than in wealthier states. And while politi-
We assessed the risk of conflict for a global cal instability is a strong driver of internal con-
are quite small. sample, and then for richer and poorer states flict in poor states, it does not seem to interact
separately. Our disaggregated analysis shows with demographic and environmental factors to
that demographic and environmental variables increase the risk of conflict.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Figure 2: Water Scarcity Index for Contemporary Conditions

The water scarcity index describes the Water Scarcity Index

relationship between water availability and the
n Water Barrier (>2000 people/flow unit)
number of people that can be supported by that
water supply. The scarcity index is expressed nW
 ater Scarcity/Stress
in terms of the number of people per flow unit (600–2000 people/flow unit)
where a flow unit of water is equal to 1 million nP
 opulations Vulnerable to Water Stress
cubic meters per year. (100–600 people/flow unit)

Source: Levy et al. (2008). n Adequate Supply (<100 people/flow unit)

n Low Density Population

Recommendations for Future Our results caution against a disproportion-

Research ate focus on environmental factors—including
climate change—in causing conflict and insta-
Our models are more explanatory than many bility in the developing world. By paying greater
comparable cross-national studies, partly due to attention to how resources are distributed and
the inclusion of geo-referenced environmental how political institutions create vulnerability to
and demographic data. Since conflict often does climate change, we can better assess where, and
not occur throughout entire countries, additional under what circumstances, environmental fac-
localized data on conflict needs to be incorporat- tors contribute to or catalyze conflict. However,
ed into future models to develop a comprehen- as future climate changes occur with greater
sive understanding of the links between conflict frequency and intensity, any assumptions about
and demographic and environmental changes. the future must consider that the thresholds for
Moreover, we believe a clearer link between both environmental change and political insta-
the physical changes associated with environmen- bility will undoubtedly fluctuate.
tal variables and the political process of rebellion
must be established. The use of local measures of
income, state capacity, and ethnic relationships Note
will significantly clarify the environment-conflict
nexus and help analyze the role of state policies 1. This article is based on a study published in
and market fluctuations in mediating it. Political Geography (Raleigh & Urdal, 2007).
Environmental Change and Security program
Report Online

The full article on which this commentary is based, “Climate change, environmental degrada-
tion and armed conflict,” was published in a special issue of Political Geography on climate
change and conflict (Volume 26, Issue 6, August 2007):

The Uppsala Conflict Database is a free resource on armed conflicts; currently, it includes informa-
tion on 124 conflicts for the period 1989-2007:

Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) is an event-based dataset based on the Uppsala
Conflict Database, which records the location and date of conflict occurrences in Africa. Version 1.2
is available online:

The World Bank’s Social Development Division convened a workshop and commissioned overview
papers on the “Social Dimensions of Climate Change” on March 5, 2008: http://web.worldbank.

For a balanced report on climate change and migration, see Future Floods of Refugees: A
Comment on Climate Change, Conflict and Forced Migration, by Vikram Odedra Kolmannskog
(Norwegian Refugee Council, 2008):

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(1998). Ecoviolence: Links among environment, to face environmental migration? (InterSecTions
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in the developing world. Princeton, NJ: Princeton flict? No consensus yet.” Journal of Peace Research
University Press. 45(3), 417–434.
Ki-moon, Ban. (2007, June 16). “A climate culprit in Tänzler, Dennis, & Alexander Carius. (2002).
Darfur.” Washington Post, p. A15. “Climate change and conflict prevention.” In
Klare, Michael T. (2001). Resource wars: The new land- Federal Ministry for the Environment (Ed.),
scape of global conflict. New York: Henry Holt and Climate change and conflict (pp. 3–8). Berlin:
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Kreutz, Joakim. (2006). The human security project. Theisen, Ole M. (2008). “Other pathways to conflict?
Available online at Environmental scarcities and domestic conflict.”
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Levy, Marc, et al. (2008, July 1). Assessment of select Urdal, Henrik. (2005). “People vs. Malthus:
climate change impacts on U.S. national secu- Population pressure, environmental degradation,
rity (Working Paper). New York: Center for and armed conflict revisited.” Journal of Peace
International Earth Science Information Network Research 42(4), 417–434.

Environmental Change and Security program
new directions in Demographic Security

Migration as the Demographic Wild

Card in Civil Conflict: Mauritius and Fiji

esearch on the relationship between titative approach), I used a most-similar-sys-
demographic change and internecine tems critical case-study approach to compare
violence has gained some momen- different outcomes with respect to ethnic con-
tum in recent years (see, e.g., Dabelko, 2005). flict in the small-island states of Mauritius and
However, this work has mostly been confined Fiji.1 The conditions in these islands are, for
to examining age structure phenomena such the social sciences, a fair real-world approxi-
as youth bulges. By contrast, the intervening mation of controlled laboratory experiments;
variable of migration is strikingly absent— these small, (fairly) closed systems allow us to
even though migration is the third in the control for variables in a way that is virtually
troika of core demographic variables, along- impossible to do with complex conflicts in
side fertility and mortality. Yet its absence is larger countries.
also understandable, because accurate and Notwithstanding ominous predictions to the
consistent data in conflict areas are very dif- contrary, demographic trends in Mauritius have
ficult to obtain. As a result, we actually know actually proven to be a source of political stabil-
embarrassingly little about the bearing (if any) ity. However, the converse holds true for Fiji.
the demographic shifts precipitated by in- or
out-migration have on internecine conflict. In Comparing Mauritius and Fiji
this article, I focus on the demographic dis-
equilibrium that results from migration and itsAlthough they are located on different con-
impact on ethnic relations and conflict, using tinents, a comparison of Mauritius and Fiji is
the cases of Mauritius and Fiji. appropriate because their colonial, economic,
Since the paucity of data currently thwarts political, and social histories are similar.
any attempt to test hypotheses that depend on About 850,000 people live in Fiji, while
Christian Mauritius is home to about 1.2 million people.
a thorough statistical analysis (a large-n quan-
Leuprecht At 720 square miles, Mauritius has less than
one-tenth of Fiji’s landmass, and is among the
most densely populated countries on the planet.
Indian migrants—who originated as indentured
Christian Leuprecht is an assistant profes-
laborers shipped in by their British colonizers
sor of political science at the Royal Military
College of Canada. He is cross-appointed to
to work on the sugar plantations—comprise
Queen’s University’s Department of Political a substantial proportion of the population in
Studies, as well as the School of Policy both countries. Mauritius has a highly hetero-
Studies, where he is adjunct chair of Defence geneous society, with 15 linguistic groups and
Management Studies and a fellow of the four world religions. Although the main ethnic
Queen’s Centre for International Relations and cleavage is between the Creole minority (27
the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations. percent) and the Indian majority (68 percent),
(Photo © John Sheehan) the high degree of differentiation and stratifi-
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
cation within Mauritian society makes ethnic Migratory Trends
categories less powerful than expected.2 In Fiji,
about half the population is of Indian descent, Mauritius is today the only country in the world
while the other half is native Melanesian with a where the Indian diaspora enjoys a two-thirds
Polynesian admixture. majority. As depicted in Figure 1, the Indian
If density, natural increase, and ethnic het- population of Mauritius quickly grew from zero
erogeneity are the sole determinants of interne- in 1834 to a majority in the 1860s; since then,
cine violence, then Mauritius beat the odds. On the proportion has remained fairly stable (Lutz
the advent of Mauritius’ independence in 1968, & Wils, 1994).
Nobel Laureate James Meade, a British com- In Fiji, the immigration of indentured
mission, and others arrived at ominous conclu- Indian laborers occurred later; some 60,000 of
sions about the country’s prospects for ethnic these girmitiyas were brought to Fiji between
harmony, economic development, and political 1879 and 1916. The demographic impact of
stability (Meade, 1961; Titmuss & Abel-Smith, this population movement was compounded by
1968; Naipaul, 1973). Rapid population a subsequent wave of Indian immigration to Fiji
growth, the absence of economic growth, and between the world wars. In absolute terms and
growing population density on a small island relative to the native population, migration to Fiji Demographic
with no natural resources caused some concern was disproportionately smaller than to Mauritius.
among policymakers. Independence also flamed As Figure 2 shows, since the onset of Indian immi- trends in
the inter-ethnic fires, for the Franco-Mauritian
and Creole communities saw independence as a
gration to Fiji, the numerical gap between Indians Mauritius have
and native Melanesians has always been much
ploy by the Indian majority to gain control of narrower than the gap between Indians and the actually proven
the state apparatus. In addition, the 1960s wit- “general population” in Mauritius.
nessed considerable labor and inter-communal The differentials between the two main
to be a source
unrest on Mauritius. population groups on each island are largely a of political
By contrast, prior to Fiji’s independence in function of colonial migratory policy—that is,
1970, the experts were optimistic. Yet the out- colonial migratory policy had the unintended stability.
comes in Mauritius and Fiji were contrary to consequence of producing a clear Indian major-
expectations. Civil conflict in Fiji intensified, ity in Mauritius. In Fiji, by contrast, it gener-
However, the
coming to a head in 1987 when, for the first ated only a sizeable Indian minority. converse holds
time in its post-independence history, a party
headed by a Fijian of Indian ancestry won the Effect on Age Structure true for Fiji.
majority of seats. In response, some native
Fijians staged a military coup, followed by sub- In another unintended consequence of colonial
sequent coups in 2000 and 2006. migratory policy, the Indian minority in Fiji
Could demographic patterns explain why inadvertently challenged native predominance.
Mauritius defied dire predictions while Fiji con- Indian migration to Fiji postdates migration to
tinues to struggle with civil tensions? While the Mauritius by several decades. Having entered
presence of an indigenous population that con- the demographic transition later, the age struc-
siders Fiji its ancestral homeland is an indisput- ture of Indians in Fiji was comparatively young-
able source of tension, this explanation does not er than that of Indians in Mauritius. The age-
tell us why civil conflict worsens when it does. structure differential is partially accountable for
In contrast, the claims I advance about demo- the rapid population growth among Indians
graphics in general, and migration in particu- in Fiji during the first half of the 20th cen-
lar, distinguish themselves from much of the tury. While immigration had virtually ceased
literature precisely because they have intrinsic by 1921, Fiji’s Indian population quadrupled
predictive potential. between 1921 and 1966.
Environmental Change and Security program
Figure 1: Mauritius, Proportions of Ethnic Groups (1840–1989)
80 Source: Mauritius Central
70 Statistical Office (1973);
Dinan (2002).

50 Note: Data after 1973
40 are based on estimates
30 because Mauritius stopped
collecting data by ethnic
20 group at that time.






























Creoles Indians

Figure 2: Fiji, Proportion of Ethnic Groups (1881–1996)

80 Source: Fiji Islands
70 Bureau of Statistics (2007).

81 91 01 11 21 36 46 56 66 76 86 96
18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Fijians Indians

Figure 3: Mauritius vs. Fiji, Net Migration Rate (1950–2050)

NET MIGRATION RATE (per thousand population)

Source: UN Department of
Economic and Social Affairs,
-5 Population Division (2007).




55 55

60 0
65 65

70 0
75 75

80 0
85 85

90 0

95 5

00 0
05 05

10 0

15 5
20 20

25 5

30 0

35 5

40 0
45 45

19 196

19 197

19 198

19 199

19 199

20 200

20 201

20 201

20 202

20 203

20 203

20 204


19 19

19 –19

19 19

20 20

20 20

20 20



Mauritius Fiji

ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
If population growth remains constant, the
total fertility rate (TFR) must be declining.
However, even if TFR is declining, the num-
ber of women of childbearing age will continue
to grow, due to population momentum. As a
result, the crude birth rate may continue to rise,
thus producing a sizeable youth cohort. These Military checkpoint after the
growth dynamics caused Indians to outnum- 2006 coup, Fiji (Courtesy
photobucket user loaspoa;
ber native Melanesians in Fiji by the end of http://i39.photobucket.
World War II and approach an absolute major- com/albums/e159/loaspoa/
ity by the late 1950s (Meller & Anthony, 1968; fiji%20aftur/checkpoint_
Milne, 1981).
Migrating populations tend to be fairly young,
and accordingly, they reproduce at dispropor-
tionately high rates. Native populations may
fear being “swamped” by migration. In addition,
native populations may gradually end up being
outnumbered by migrants due to differentials in
natural increase. Neither phenomenon threat-
ened political stability in Mauritius. Mauritius’
native population did not feel its territory was
being “swamped,” and colonial migratory policy early on. All population groups in the island state
unintentionally preordained an incontrovertible have been aging rapidly since the 1960s, and, as a
Indian majority. In Fiji, by contrast, the feeling of result, no one group has the young age-structure
being “swamped” was compounded by an unin- dynamics that may call Indian hegemony into
tended challenge to native plurality. Although in question. In Fiji, migration created a very young
both cases the demographic outcome of colonial Indian population that reproduced rapidly and,
migratory policy was unintended, this outcome in the process, undermined the hegemonic
was not necessarily unpredictable. The impact of demographic position of the native population.
migration on conflict is a man-made problem; the However, the younger population structure
way migration is managed (or not) can determine among Fiji’s native population made it impos-
its potential for mitigating or escalating a conflict. sible for Indians to consolidate their temporary
Both cases show evidence of significant differ- plurality. Figures 1 and 2 depict inter-communal
entials in age structure. Today, the ethnic popu- population trends in Mauritius and Fiji, while
lations on Mauritius are similarly structured. In Figure 3 visualizes why migration—particularly
contrast, Fiji’s minority population is younger the past, present, and projected out-migration of
than the majority population, whose demo- Indo-Fijians—functions as a source of instability
graphic position has been undermined further by in Fiji. Both the size and rate of immigration and
emigration. As a result, the minority is now in a subsequent emigration rapidly changed the size
position to challenge the majority’s plurality. and age structure of the Indo-Fijian population.
In Mauritius, by contrast, the slower initial rate
Migration, Age Structure, and of change and subsequent equilibrium in popu-
Conflict lation size and age structure could have contrib-
uted to the relative stability of inter-communal
Demographic change per se never had a signifi- relations on Mauritius.
cant impact on conflict in Mauritius because This comparison of Mauritius and Fiji sug-
the Indian population consolidated its majority gests that the most volatile situations are those
Environmental Change and Security program
Report Online

Christian Leuprecht discussed demographic shifts and civil conflict at an event at

the Wilson Center on June 13, 2007:

The UN Population Division’s World Migrant Stock database provides estimates of refugees and
migrants by country and region for every five years from 1960-2005:

The UN’s Small Island Developing States Network helps small islands face several challenges,
including remoteness; poor connectivity; limited human and technological capacity; and economic
and environmental vulnerability:

Ethnopolitics, the Journal of the Specialist Group on Ethnopolitics and the Association for the

The impact Study of Nationalities, is soliciting submissions for a special issue on the relationship between
demographic change and ethnic politics/conflict/relations. Contact Christian Leuprecht, guest edi-
of migration tor, at with prospective submissions or inquiries: http://www.ethnopoli-
on conflict is
a man-made
problem; the
where a majority’s demographic dominance is comes of ethnic relations in the two island
way migration called into question, but where the same group states. Migration turns out to be particularly
is managed is eventually able to recapture a demographically problematic when a native population’s major-
hegemonic position. This recapture may be due ity (or even its plurality) is challenged tempo-
(or not) can to its younger age structure, co-ethnic immi- rarily by migration, but the native population’s
determine its gration, or emigration by the other group. A age structure makes it probable that it may
group with a younger age structure that regains one day recapture a position of demographic
potential for a demographically dominant position is prob- dominance. The propensity for serious political
lematic not only because the group may use its instability—and possibly violence—appears to
mitigating or numerical superiority to regain dominance and be especially high once the native population is
escalating a avenge past grievances, but also because of the able to consolidate its hegemonic demographic
general link between youthful populations and position, a finding that is echoed in a recent
conflict. political instability. quantitative study (Toft, 2007).
I am not arguing that demography and This conclusion is not just significant for
migration are deterministic or monocausal Mauritius and Fiji, but for all small island devel-
explanations for conflict. Still, some impor- oping states. Many small island states are ethno-
tant conclusions follow from this compari- culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse.
son. Strong differences and some similarities As a result, these states are realizing that managing
between Mauritius and Fiji were, at their root, civil relations is a prerequisite for achieving their
attributable to migration, including demo- economic and environmental goals. Ascertaining
graphic changes and relative differences in age demographic—and especially migratory—pat-
structure between ethnic groups. terns that may prove particularly problematic for
This study thus confirms that migration is civil relations is a significant contribution toward
an intervening variable in the different out- attaining these goals.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Street market in Port Louis,
Mauritius (Courtesy flickr
user austinevan; http://

Notes “People on Mauritius: 1638-1991.” In Wolfgang

Lutz (Ed.), Population, development, environment:
Understanding their interactions in Mauritius.
1. This article draws its methodological inspiration
Berlin: Springer Verlag.
from Don Horowitz’s (1989) piece comparing differ-
Mauritius Central Statistical Office. (1973). Population
ences in outcome in Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Mauritius
census of Mauritius and its dependencies: Final report
and Fiji are among 38 UN-member Small Island
on the census enumeration made in the colony of
Developing States; another 14 small island states are
Mauritius and its dependencies (1861, 1871, 1891,
either not UN members or associate members of the
1901, 1911, 1926, 1931, 1945, 1953, 1963,
regional commissions.
1973). Port Louis, Mauritius: H.F. Kelly.
2. Mauritian Creoles trace their origins to
Meade, James E. (1961). The economic and social struc-
Madagascar and East Africa, especially Mozambique.
ture of Mauritius. London: Frank Cass & Co.
Meller, Norman, & James Anthony. (1968). Fiji goes
References to the polls: The crucial legislative council elections of
1963. Honolulu, HI: East-West Center Press.
Dabelko, Geoffrey D. (Ed.). (2005). “Population Milne, Robert Stephen. (1981). Politics in ethnically
and conflict: Exploring the links.” Environmental bipolar states: Guyana, Malaysia, Fiji. Vancouver:
Change and Security Program Report 11, 3-28. University of British Columbia Press.
Dinan, Monique. (2002). Mauritius in the mak- Naipaul, V.S. (1973). The overcrowded barracoon. New
ing: Across the censuses 1946-2000. Port Louis, York: Knopf.
Mauritius: Nelson Mandela Centre for African Titmuss, Richard M., & Brian Abel-Smith. (1968).
Culture, Ministry of Arts & Culture. Social policies and population growth in Mauritius.
Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Fiji census London: Frank Cass & Co.
of population and housing. Suva, Fiji: Fiji Islands Toft, Monica Duffy. (2007, July). “Population shifts
Bureau of Statistics. and civil war: A test of power-transition theory.”
Horowitz, Donald L. (1989). “Incentives and International Interactions 33(3), 243-269.
behaviour in the ethnic politics of Sri Lanka and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
Malaysia.” Third World Quarterly 11(4), 18-35. Population Division. (2007). World population pros-
Lutz, Wolfgang, & Anne Babette Wils. (1994). pects: The 2006 revision. New York: United Nations.
Environmental Change and Security program
new directions in Demographic Security

Beginning the Demographic

Transition: Very Young and
Youthful Age Structures

n recent years, scholars, policymakers, and cal strife have been concentrated in countries at
the media have paid increasing attention the opposite end of the demographic spectrum,
to the potential challenges of aging popu- whose youthful populations continue to grow.
lations in industrialized countries in Europe, Population Action International’s (PAI)
North America, and East Asia. These countries 2007 report The Shape of Things to Come: Why
have crossed into the far reaches of the “demo- Age Structure Matters to a Safer, More Equitable
graphic transition,” the process whereby high World defines very young and youthful age
birth and death rates decline, producing smaller structures as those just beginning the demo-
family sizes and longer life expectancies. The graphic transition. In these countries, mortality
average fertility rate in Japan—which, along rates have declined, and although fertility rates
with Italy, has one of the world’s oldest popu- are starting to inch downward, they are still
lations—has been below replacement level since far above replacement level. The vast majority
approximately 1965, and is expected to remain of the population is younger than 30; in some
below replacement level until the end of this cases, this proportion can be as high as 77 per-
century (UNPD, 2007). cent. Such countries will continue to experience
Scholars and policymakers are concerned population growth for the foreseeable future.
about the economic consequences of population Between 1970 and 1999, countries with a
aging, including the difficulty of maintaining very young age structure were four times as
pension and health care systems as the working likely as those at the end of the demograph-
proportion of the population declines and the ic transition to have experienced outbreaks
proportion of elderly rises. Yet these legitimate of civil conflict (Leahy et al., 2007). Among
economic concerns have not altered the fact countries with a youthful age structure, the
that historically, the critically serious problems ratio diminished, but they were still twice as
Elizabeth of undemocratic governance and violent politi- likely to suffer from internal strife as those
Leahy with a mature structure (in which at least 55
percent of the population is older than 30).
Moreover, the pattern has continued, with
Elizabeth Leahy is a research associate at six out of nine new outbreaks of civil conflict
Population Action International (PAI) and the between 2000 and 2006 occurring in coun-
primary author of The Shape of Things to tries with very young or youthful age struc-
Come: Why Age Structure Matters to a Safer, tures. Due to the complex linkages to other
More Equitable World. PAI’s Tod Preston issues, there is no direct cause-and-effect rela-
contributed to this article. (Photo courtesy tionship between demographics, conflict, and
Elizabeth Leahy) governance. Still, the association between age
structure and development is powerful, and
warrants a higher priority for population and
reproductive health on policymakers’ agendas.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Beginning the Demographic
Transition: Very Young
Age Structures
In countries with a very young age structure,
roughly two-thirds or more of the population
is under the age of 30. In 2005, 62 countries
Between 1970 and 1999, countries with a very
representing 14 percent of the world’s total young age structure were four times as likely as
population fell into this category—and all had
a fertility rate higher than three children per those at the end of the demographic transition
woman. These countries are among the least to have experienced outbreaks of civil conflict.
developed in the world; their average gross
national income (GNI) per capita in 2005 was While it is likely that fertility rates in coun-
$827 (World Bank, 2007). In addition to a tries at the beginning of the demographic tran-
relatively high likelihood of civil conflict, these sition will continue to decline over time, their
countries have autocratic or only partially dem- populations will still continue to grow rapid-
ocratic governments. In the last three decades of ly—in some cases, even double or triple—in
the 20th century, only 13 percent of countries the next few decades.
with a very young age structure had fully demo-
cratic governments, compared with 83 percent Nigeria
of countries with a mature age structure. While most countries have experienced great
Countries with a very young age structure are demographic change in recent decades, those
concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa, with only with a very young age structure have remained
a few exceptions.1 Meanwhile, only four coun- largely static, and a few have actually reversed
tries in sub-Saharan Africa—Gabon, Mauritius, their course along the demographic transition.
Réunion, and South Africa—have progressed
far enough through the demographic transition
to have passed beyond the very young age struc-
ture category.
At the beginning of the demographic tran-
sition, age structures follow the model of the
classic “population pyramid,” with each suc-
cessively younger age group comprising a larger
share of the total population than the previous Nigerians participate in
cohort. Better public health and nutrition lower traditional theater with
a family planning theme
mortality rates. However, fertility rates remain
in Ogun state. (© CCP,
high, due to: courtesy of Photoshare)

• Women’s low social status and/or lack of

educational attainment;
• Insufficient access to an array of modern
contraceptive methods;
• Large desired family size for reasons of eco-
nomic productivity or social status; and
• Parents’ lack of confidence that most of their
children will survive to adulthood.
Environmental Change and Security program
A village man and
a community-based
distribution agent are
engaged in a spirited
conversation about family
planning during a village
gathering near the town of
Awassa in central Ethiopia.
The man has four children
and wants four more, and
is against family planning.
(© 2005 Virginia Lamprecht,
courtesy of Photoshare)

The share of Nigeria’s population under age 30 management, which prevent the government
in 2005 was actually 1.5 percent greater than in from effectively capitalizing on and fairly dis-
1975—a remarkable anomaly given that most tributing income from the country’s abundant
countries have made at least slight progress natural resources. After decades of military rule,
since then toward a more balanced population Nigeria achieved partial democracy in 1999.
distribution (UNPD, 2007). The 2007 elections were the first to transfer
Only eight percent of Nigerian women use power among civilians. While international
a modern contraceptive method. This low rate, observers generally condemned the elections
combined with large desired family size, is pri- as blatantly manipulated, the outgoing presi-
marily responsible for Nigeria’s fertility rate dent’s handpicked successor, Umaru Yar’Adua,
of nearly six children per woman (National assumed power relatively peacefully. However,
Population Commission & ORC Macro, 2004). violence targeting foreign oil producers contin-
One-fifth of Nigerian children die before their ues to destabilize the Niger Delta region, where
fifth birthday, and 42 percent of women have rebel takeovers and kidnappings have led major
never been to school. These major social and multinational companies to significantly cut
public health concerns are partially responsible back their production levels.
for Nigeria’s stunted economic development.
Although it holds the greatest petroleum reserves Ethiopia
in Africa and is the eighth-largest oil producer Ethiopia’s progress along the demographic tran-
in the world, the country’s per capita GNI was sition in the past 30 years has also been slight;
$560 in 2005, even lower than the average for the share of its population younger than 30 has
countries with a very young age structure (EIA, remained virtually static. Population growth
2007; World Bank, 2007). continues to contribute to a long trajectory
Nigeria also remains hampered by political of humanitarian crises in Ethiopia. The UN
corruption, instability, and bureaucratic mis- Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia (2003, p. 2)
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
found that “rapid and unhindered” popula-
tion growth is a significant factor in exacerbat-
ing food shortages. For more than two decades,
Ethiopia has been stricken with recurring and,
at times, severe food shortages. Due to wide-
spread malnutrition, more than half of all chil-
dren under age five are stunted, while 47 per-
cent are underweight (Haile, 2004).
Droughts and famine have become more fre-
quent and more severe as, among other reasons,
increased population density has led to erosion,
the overcultivation of land, and ecological degra-
dation. Most Ethiopians rely on wood and char-
coal for energy, and deforestation is extensive—
especially in the highlands, where more than 80
percent of the population lives. In 1900, 40 per-
cent of Ethiopia was estimated to be covered by
forests; today, this figure stands at less than three
percent (Haile, 2005). Ethiopia is one of the
poorest countries in the world, with a per capita
GNI of $160, about one-fifth the sub-Saharan
African average (World Bank, 2007).
Compounding these environmental and eco-
nomic problems, the vast majority of the popu-
lation lives in rural areas, where access to mod-
ern health facilities is extremely limited. Use
of modern contraceptives in rural areas, while
increasing in recent years, remains very low,
with a contraceptive prevalence rate of only 11
percent—compared to more than 40 percent in
urban areas (Central Statistical Agency & ORC
Macro, 2006). To merely maintain current pri-
mary school enrollment rates—a far cry from
the Millennium Development Goal of achiev-
ing universal primary education by 2015—the
country would need to build an additional er age group. However, populations in these
21,000 schools and train more than 280,000 countries are still growing, as women have an
teachers (Haile, 2005). average of between two and four children each.
The average per capita GNI in countries with
Continuing the Transition: Youthful a youthful age structure is $2,429, about three
Age Structures times greater than that of countries with a very
young age structure (World Bank, 2007).
The progress that countries with a youthful age Countries with a youthful age structure were
structure have made along the demographic about half as likely to experience civil conflict
transition is evident in their population pro- between 1970 and 1999 than those with a very
files, which reflect a less dramatic proportional young age structure—and slightly more likely
increase in the size of each successively young- to be democratic (21 percent were rated by the
Environmental Change and Security program
In recent decades, Pakistan has been
embroiled in high-stakes geopolitical rela-
tionships, both internally and externally. The
divisions between Pakistan’s government and
Islamic extremists reached a full-fledged con-
Countries with a youthful age structure were frontation in the summer of 2007, when the
country’s military president, Pervez Musharraf,
about half as likely to experience civil conflict ordered an attack on a mosque held by funda-
mentalists in Islamabad, leading to the deaths
between 1970 and 1999 than those with a very of nearly 300 people. The situation continues
young age structure—and slightly more likely to change rapidly, following the assassination
of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and
to be democratic. the election of a fragile coalition government,
and culminating in Musharraf ’s resignation in
August 2008. Overall, political infighting has
Polity IV project as full democracies, compared hindered economic progress—and distracted
with 13 percent of countries with a very young the government from fighting terrorists and
structure). However, countries with a youthful other militants (Toosi, 2008).
age structure were still significantly more prone The link between age structure and Pakistan’s
to conflict and much less democratic, on aver- political and social institutions is visible in the
age, than those that had advanced further along growth of the madrasa educational system. As
the demographic transition. the country’s school-age population doubled
between 1975 and 2000 and placement in pub-
Pakistan lic schools became more competitive, many
There are fewer countries with a youthful age parents—particularly the poor—turned to
structure than with a very young age structure. religious schools, or madrasas, to educate their
However, the youthful group includes India, sons. With more than 1.5 million students
Pakistan, and Bangladesh, which together are in Pakistan, madrasas provide free room and
home to more than one-fifth of the world’s board to children in need, but their education-
total population. Among these three South al outlook is often limited to a strict religious
Asian countries, Pakistan has the most youth- orthodoxy with little practical application for
ful age structure, as its birthrate did not begin employment. Some madrasas have been linked
declining until the 1990s, 20 years later than to sponsoring militant activities in Afghanistan
Bangladesh. In Pakistan, women now have an and the Kashmir province (International Crisis
average of four children each; in Bangladesh, Group, 2002).
they average slightly more than three. Although
the two countries had the same population Iran
(113 million) in 1990, Pakistan’s population In the 1980s, during the prolonged war with
is projected to be 15 percent greater than its Iraq, Iran’s fertility rate was more than 6.5 chil-
neighbor’s by 2050. In Bangladesh, 47 per- dren per woman, and the annual population
cent of married women of reproductive age are growth rate surpassed four percent (UNPD,
using a modern contraceptive method, while in 2007). Concerned about the economic conse-
Pakistan, the figure is only 20 percent. Around quences of escalating demand for public servic-
the middle of the 21st century, Pakistan will es and jobs, in the 1990s government officials
become the fourth most populous country in successfully convinced key clerics of the need
the world, after India, China, and the United for a concerted and extensive national family
States (UNPD, 2007). planning program.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Although the program does not focus on
the reproductive health needs of the young
and unmarried, it provides free modern contra-
ceptive methods at public clinics. Prospective
spouses must attend a government-sponsored
class on family planning in order to receive a
marriage license (Roudi-Fahimi, 2002). Indeed,
the program has been even more successful at
encouraging smaller families than the govern-
ment had anticipated. The national fertility rate
dropped to the replacement level of 2.1 chil-
dren per woman (UNPD, 2007). As recently
as 1995, Iran still had a very young age struc-
ture, but it has now reached the later stages of
the youthful age structure category. According
to UNPD projections that show fertility rates
continuing to decline, Iran will achieve a transi-
tional age structure by 2010.
Interestingly, Iran has made this rapid demo-
graphic progress under an autocratic govern-
ment and with only slow economic develop-
ment. A lower-middle income country, Iran’s
economic growth rate has averaged a little more
than three percent annually over the past decade,
and inflation and unemployment remain high
(World Bank, 2007). The political establish-
ment, controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah
Khamenei and other clerics, has resisted recent
efforts toward political reform and openness,
while President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has
escalated tensions on the international stage over
the country’s nuclear development program.
In October 2006, President Ahmadinejad
issued a challenge to Iran’s now well-established
family planning program, calling for higher fer- society. Iran’s political and economic challenges
tility rates in an aim to increase the country’s are substantial, but the country seems well on
population by 70 percent, to 120 million. He its way to a more balanced age structure. Iran’s
proposed achieving this drastic change by cut- history suggests that economic growth and
ting back women’s working hours to encourage democratic transformation are not prerequisites
them to have more than two children each. for a decline in fertility.
Despite Ahmadinejad’s efforts, analysts
doubt that Iran will return to high levels of pop- Policy Recommendations
ulation growth (Cincotta, 2006). The national
family planning program and the social and Countries with very young and youthful age
economic changes it has promoted—including structures need interventions to encourage
higher rates of women’s participation in the progress along the demographic transition,
workforce—are well-entrenched within Iranian which in some cases they have not even begun.
Environmental Change and Security program
Report Online

The complete text of The Shape of Things to Come: Why Age Structure Matters to a Safer, More
Equitable World, by Elizabeth Leahy and colleagues, is on Population Action International’s web-

When An earlier report from PAI, The Security Demographic, also focuses on age structure and security:
education, shtml

health care, and Leahy coauthored an article for World Watch magazine on “Population and Security” with ECSP’s
employment Sean Peoples:

are available,
young people
renew and Governments and civil society should collabo- for young people. People sometime misinterpret
rate on reproductive health programs, which the fact that countries with youthful popula-
revitalize a must be long-term efforts with ongoing support tions have been more vulnerable to conflict and
country’s from bilateral and multilateral donors.
Progress along the demographic transition
poor governance to mean that young people
are, in and of themselves, a security threat. This
economy and is achieved through declines in mortality and assumption could not be further from the truth.
fertility rates, which produce a more balanced In fact, young people are an asset for any society,
institutions. age structure over time. These changes occur and their well-being and success determine the
Unfortunately, through access to basic health care, nutrition, future of a country’s development. When edu-
and sanitation. The increased availability and cation, health care, and employment are avail-
these use of modern contraceptive methods and high- able, young people renew and revitalize a coun-
er levels of female educational attainment have try’s economy and institutions. Unfortunately,
opportunities both been shown to promote smaller family these opportunities are not widespread in many
are not sizes (Bongaarts et al., 1990). Many countries— countries that face a continually growing popu-
including Mexico, Thailand, and Tunisia—have lation. Providing them must be a major priority
widespread in successfully initiated a shift to smaller family of these countries’ development programs.
sizes through state-supported voluntary family
many countries planning programs that provide free or afford- Note
that face a able contraception, counseling, and related
reproductive health care. In addition, countries 1. Countries with a very young age structure outside
continually in which most girls attend secondary school of sub-Saharan Africa include Afghanistan, Cambodia,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Laos, Nicaragua, the
growing have lower fertility rates and better maternal
Palestinian Territories, Syria, and Yemen.
and child health indicators (Abu-Ghaida &
population. Klasen, 2004). This trend enables future gen-
erations of girls to be educated, and allows more References
women to join the labor force and increase their
Abu-Ghaida, Dina, & Stephen Klasen. (2004). The
families’ income.
economic and human development costs of missing
Finally, policies and programs in countries the Millennium Development Goal on gender equity.
at the beginning of the demographic transition Washington, DC: World Bank.
must focus on the needs of and opportunities Bongaarts, John, W. Parker Maudlin, & James F. Phillips.
ECSP REPORT • ISSUE 13 • 2008–2009
Saira, 11, attends a free
adult teaching class at
Fatehjang Training Center in
Fatehjang district, Pakistan.
She cannot afford school as
she is an orphan. (© 2006
Jacob Simkin, courtesy of

(1990). “The demographic impact of family planning Available online at

programs.” Studies in Family Planning 21(6), 299-310. Publications/Reports/The_Shape_of_Things_to_
Central Statistical Agency & ORC Macro. (2006). Come/SOTC.pdf
Ethiopia demographic and health survey 2005. Addis National Population Commission & ORC Macro.
Ababa, Ethiopia, & Calverton, MD: Central (2004). Nigeria demographic and health survey
Statistical Agency & ORC Macro. Available online 2003. Calverton, MD: National Population
at Commission & ORC Macro. Available online at
Cincotta, Richard. (2006). Prospects for Ahmadinejad’s call cfm?ID=454&srchTp=advanced
for more rapid population growth in Iran. Washington, Roudi-Fahimi, Farzaneh. (2002). Iran’s family planning
DC: Stimson Center. program: Responding to a nation’s needs. Washington,
Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2007). DC: Population Reference Bureau.
International statistics. Available online at Toosi, Nahal. (2008, July 8). “At 100 days, Pakistan gov- ernment in disarray.” Associated Press. Available online
contents.html at
Haile, Sahlu. (2004). “Population, development, and hCLXeTLVsHQF0gZVgD91PII900
environment in Ethiopia.” Environmental Change and United Nations Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia
Security Program Report 10, 43-51. Available online (UN-EUE). (2003). Targeting problems cause mal-
at nutrition: Shortage of seeds leads to next crisis. Addis
specialreport.pdf Ababa, Ethiopia: UN-EUE. Available online at
Haile. Sahlu. (2005, April). Population, development,
and environment in Ethiopia. Presentation at the FilesByRWDocUNIDFileName/ACOS-64DAFB-
Woodrow Wilson Center International Center uneue-eth-28feb.pdf/$File/uneue-eth-28feb.pdf
for Scholars, Washington, DC, April 14, 2005. United Nations Population Division (UNPD). (2007).
Available online at World population prospects: The 2006 revision. New
index.cfm?topic_id=1413&fuseaction=topics. York: UNPD.
event_summary&event_id=121044 University of Maryland Center for International
International Crisis Group (ICG). (2002). Pakistan: Development and Conflict Management. (2005).
Madrasas, extremism and the military. Brussels, Polity IV project: Political regime characteristics and tran-
Belgium: ICG. sitions, 1800-2003. Available online at http://www.
Leahy, Elizabeth, with Robert Engelman, Carolyn G.
Vogel, Sarah Haddock, & Tod Preston. (2007). The World Bank. (2007). World development indicators data-
shape of things to come: Why age structure matters to a base. Available online at http://genderstats.worldbank.
safer, more equitable world. Washington, DC: PAI. org/dataonline/
Environmental Change and Security program

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