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439 May 16, 2002

Building Leverage in the Long War

Ensuring Intelligence Community Creativity in
the Fight against Terrorism
by James W. Harris

Executive Summary

Intelligence is often cited as a critical element in In the war ahead, the adaptable nature of the
the war against terrorism and, indeed, it is. The adversary will demand an equally agile U.S. intel-
U.S. intelligence community has a golden oppor- ligence effort. More resources and better human
tunity to develop the capabilities that will make a intelligence will help. But an agile intelligence
decisive difference in a war that may last a genera- community will require something else: that the
tion or more. The adversary will not disappear as intelligence community at last dispense with the
the campaign to root the al-Qaeda out of internal barriers that stifle communications and
Afghanistan winds down. It is essential that intelli- collaboration. Building an agile intelligence
gence make the transition to the longer-term fight, capability will require that internal communica-
and the time to begin that transition is at hand. tions improve, that robust and perhaps formal
The adversary is what some call self-organized alliances with external centers of expertise be
terrorism. It grows out of a struggle within the constructed, and that a genuine multidiscipli-
Islamic world between secularism and old tradi- nary analytic effort blossom and achieve a cre-
tions. With grassroots origins, the adversary will ative flair that is not typical of bureaucratic
morph and adapt, regroup, generate new leader- enterprises.
ship, shift geographic locus, adjust tactics, and Metrics will be needed for measuring progress
evolve into a collection of cells and networks dif- in the effort. They should include measures of
ferent from the ones we have engaged fairly suc- improved communication within the intelli-
cessfully since September 11. The goal should be gence community, structures that connect the
to minimize the frequency and scale of future intelligence community to the best and the
battles against terrorism before their onset brightest outside the world of intelligence, and
rather than merely to enable the intelligence indicators of true analytic innovation. Intelligent
community to support policy and military oper- risk taking and the ability of individual initiative
ations once crises are in full swing—a reactive to overcome bureaucratic caution would be cen-
task it already does well. tral themes in a successful effort.

James W. Harris is senior analyst for Centra Technology and was formerly chief, Strategic Assessments Group,
Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency.
U.S. intelligence War. Countless reorganizations later, the
counterterrorist Introduction intelligence community has not yet been
“fixed” to the nation’s collective satisfaction.
programs have The House and Senate intelligence over- If there is blame to assign, it must be shared
actually recorded sight committees are set to conduct a rare by the intelligence community and those
joint investigation of U.S. intelligence gaps in who have had a hand in “reforming” it, such
a fair number of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New as the Church and Pike Committees in the
operational York and Washington. Rep. Porter Goss (R- 1970s and other reform efforts since then.1
successes. Fla.), chairman of the House Permanent Select It would be fair to point out that U.S. intel-
Committee on Intelligence, has stressed that ligence counterterrorist programs have actual-
the investigation is not meant to produce ly recorded a fair number of operational suc-
“whom shall we hang” recommendations but cesses, as noted in a balanced assessment of
should instead focus on constructive remedies what intelligence can and cannot be expected
to intelligence shortfalls. Nevertheless, Sen. to accomplish.2 For example, the intelligence
Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), vice chairman of the community is publicly credited with thwart-
Senate Intelligence Committee, was sharply ing planned attacks on the Lincoln and
critical of Director of Central Intelligence Holland Tunnels in 1993 and attacks against
George Tenet during recent public testimony, airports on the West Coast on the eve of the
and it is fair to say that Shelby has a lot of com- millennium.3 But intelligence cannot achieve
pany. What will come out of the intelligence omniscience, and if we wait long enough we
review—new initiatives to combat terrorism or are bound to be surprised by unfolding events.
finger-pointing? Will the intelligence commu- Osama bin Laden founded the structure that
nity be any better prepared to combat terror- became al-Qaeda during the Afghan war
ism after the joint investigation has been com- against the Soviets, and it took him two
pleted and its recommendations made? decades to achieve his present notoriety.

Getting beyond What Really Surprised Us

Finger-pointing about September 11?
Tragedies like the terrorist attacks on the It is not as though the intelligence com-
World Trade Center and the Pentagon are cer- munity had never contemplated assaults on
tain to produce three tribulations: (1) hot- the American homeland. In his unclassified
tempered and hastily written allegations of testimony of February 7, 2001, Tenet effective-
intelligence failure in the popular literature, ly described the sorry state of Afghanistan, the
(2) postmortem studies of the intelligence corruption of the Taliban, and the danger
record by groups inside and outside govern- posed by the al-Qaeda network:
ment, and (3) follow-on official commissions
advocating far-reaching reorganization of the Terrorists are also becoming more
U.S. intelligence apparatus. Of those three operationally adept and more techni-
things, only one—hard-hitting postmortems— cally sophisticated in order to defeat
is certain to be useful, and several such studies counterterrorism measures. For
are under way or on the drawing board. example, as we have increased security
The actions suggested by follow-on offi- around government and military
cial commissions never seem to eliminate facilities, terrorists are seeking out
subsequent intelligence shortfalls. Finger- “softer” targets that provide opportu-
pointing has a singularly unproductive histo- nities for mass casualties.4
ry. The mission of the intelligence communi-
ty has been revisited since the end of the Cold He warned plainly of the threat to U.S. cit-

izens from bin Laden, noting that terrorist intelligence community and on policy. Thus,
assaults appeared increasingly likely to be advance warning of details that would discredit
directed against “soft targets” rather than the advocates of business as usual is often
against U.S. military assets, as was the attack unwelcome and can go unheeded. All things
on the USS Cole in October 2000. considered, and acknowledging that there is no
Before September 11, the public was prob- excuse, it is hard to imagine the report or intel-
ably lulled by a drop in press coverage of ter- ligence briefing that would have forced the gov-
rorist attacks, the statistics about relatively ernment to conduct national security business
few casualties from terrorism, and a misun- as differently before the tragedy of September
derstanding of the adversary’s changing 11 as it has in the aftermath.
approach to risk taking. According to The intelligence community, and especial-
“Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000,” com- ly the Central Intelligence Agency, has a
piled by the U.S. Department of State, the workforce and information resources that
number of terrorist incidents worldwide agencies in the rest of the federal government
increased in 2000, but only because of a properly envy. Whatever its record before
sharp uptick in assaults against pipelines in September 11, the intelligence community
Colombia.5 Discounting the incidents in reacted quickly and constructively to the
Colombia, the number of U.S. casualties event. Instead of finger-pointing, therefore, It is impossible to
from terrorism showed no upward trend. we need to ask in the aftermath of September preempt a threat
The attack on the USS Cole did not resonate 11 how intelligence can be brought to the without knowl-
like an attack on the American homeland level of efficiency needed in the long term.
would a year later. Partly as a result, terrorism The likelihood is that terrorist threats edge of the specif-
moved down on the list of problems to be against the United States will be here for a ic plot or plots,
dealt with by the. Bush administration.6 The generation or more, and what is different and
September 11 attacks, ironically, interrupted novel about the challenge at hand should be
and it is almost
the last stage of the administration’s own considered. That challenge is considerable. impossible to
defense review, which was to focus of the unearth all of
need to retool the Department of Defense to
deal with longer-term threats. 7 The Challenge of the them.
In such an atmosphere, providing warning Long War
is the intelligence officer’s most difficult task.
The devil is partly in the details: it is impossible What we are seeing is not the more famil-
to preempt a threat without knowledge of the iar state-supported terrorism, which has
specific plot or plots, and it is almost impossi- been in gradual decline for two decades.
ble to unearth all of them. Preempting a gener- Rather, the terrorism we face is decentralized,
al threat, as Tenet was attempting to do in his self-generating, and tied to the existence of
testimony almost seven months before the failed states and the battle for the soul of
assaults on New York and Washington, is even Islam. Two dimensions of the threat should
harder. Warning is inconvenient when it calls disturb us and influence any initiatives taken
for a change in our basic approach to a nation- to improve intelligence.
al security issue—such as mandating a real com- First, the United States is caught up in
mitment to homeland security—and it is espe- what Michael Doran of Princeton University
cially difficult when it comes in advance of the calls “somebody else’s civil war.”8 In almost
specific events that will convincingly demon- every Sunni Muslim country, he points out,
strate the need for a policy adjustment. there are calls by conservative religious ele-
Inside government, bureaucratic politics ments for the revival of very old traditions.
and internal organizational struggles for Those elements view modern Western civiliza-
resources are forces that define issues and tion as threatening the survival of traditional
indeed often carry the day in debates in the Islam as Western civilization bolsters the real

Table 1
Self-Organized Terrorism Compared with Conventional Military Threats

Dimension Conventional Military Threat Self-Organized Terrorism

Organization Hierarchical, formal Flat, informal, networked

Leadership Concentrated, institutional authority Primarily symbolic, with role

in fundraising

Loyalty A state and a polity A tradition

Coalition partners Formal, perhaps shifting Informal, but likely enduring

from conflict to conflict

Command and control Centralized, with clear power Decentralized, with no one fully
relationships in charge

Role of intelligence Powerful, primarily offensive Weak, primarily defensive

gathering and analysis

Denial and deception Useful, but of secondary importance Well developed, critical to mission

Doctrinal development Derived from formal study, Evolutionary, trial and error
historic experience,
simulation, gaming

Other security Numerous, including regional None

obligations security, peacekeeping, formal

Weapons arsenal Built through formal acquisition; Adaptable, evolves quickly via
takes years, even decades; natural selection;
resources abundant resources a constraint

Financing mechanism Formal budget, funded by taxes Contributions from nongovern-

mental organizations, crime,

We need to ask in enemy—secularism. The struggle is not new, striking: a dominant clergy and aristocracy
but the identification of America as an ally of that seem to have . . . succumbed to material-
the aftermath of the enemies of Islam has gathered momen- ism; a rising literate middle class; the mass dis-
September 11 tum with U.S. policy support for secular, cor- tribution of personal copies of the Holy Book
how intelligence rupt regimes throughout the Middle East and so that people can read it and think for them-
with escalating Palestinian-Israeli tensions. selves; and then terror—as those who have con-
can be brought to Civil wars are agony for all participants. vinced themselves that they hear the will of
the level of effi- Economic historian Brad DeLong is one of God take action. In Europe, it lasted for 120
ciency needed in several authors who recently compared the years—with one-third of Germany dying in the
contemporary struggles among Islamic fac- 30 Years War.”9 One can argue the details of
the long term. tions with the Protestant Reformation of the those parallels, but is it reasonable to expect
16th century. He writes: “The parallels are that the struggle between secularism and

Muslim tradition will last for another genera- pare the present stage of terrorism to the days The al-Qaeda
tion or more, and that the numbers of casual- of evolving communism in the 1920s and brand of terror-
ties that will result from the struggle will 1930s. The useful historical metaphor is not
shock American sensibilities. an ossified Soviet Union but the early days of ism resembles a
Second, while the threat from al-Qaeda is largely autonomous, independently operated virus that morphs
different from that from state-sponsored ter- and financed cells. Those cells organized local
rorism—because of its grassroots flavor—al- labor movements, fostered radical political
as its environ-
Qaeda differs from many other grassroots ter- causes, acted with global reach, and attracted ment changes.
rorist movements, such as Hamas. Al-Qaeda’s the sympathies of otherwise moderate citi-
objectives are on a grand scale rather than local zens. What might a U.S. intelligence commu-
and specialized. Hamas is concerned with the nity—had one existed in anything like its pre-
plight of the Palestinians. In contrast, al-Qaeda sent form—have done to improve American
is quite literally the irregular force that repre- prospects in the future Cold War with the
sents one side in the “Islamic Reformation.”10 Soviet Union, and what might the present
Thus, it presents an even more radical depar- intelligence community do now to protect our
ture from the models of conventional warfare interests during the Islamic Reformation?
to which America has been long accustomed— In many respects we have been lucky that
and with which the U.S. intelligence commu- the evolution of the adversary is not more
nity was originally built to cope. The United advanced. It seems unlikely, given the course
States is comfortable fighting adversaries that of the war in Afghanistan, that the adversary
are similar to itself and is equally comfortable had a complete prepackaged war plan that
collecting intelligence against such adversaries. could have unfolded autonomously once the
But as Table 1 makes clear, the new adversary battle was under way and that would have
has a completely different nature, and “mirror been invulnerable to allied strikes against its
imaging” is thus likely to fail. This adversary is command-and-control infrastructure in
an evolving, adapting force—a network with Afghanistan. This is likely to be one of the
roots that spread everywhere and for which lessons the adaptable adversary takes from
models of deterrence fail.11 the current war: its combat operations have
The protracted struggle will be daunting, to be completely scripted well in advance of
and defeating a broad-based self-organized the first battle so that the larger war cannot
network like al-Qaeda is an unprecedented be interrupted by unfriendly bombing or
chore. 12 Vietnam gave us a glimpse of the chal- ground force operations. The intelligence
lenge, but even there the other side featured a community needs to ask what further adap-
government and command-and-control tation of the adversary the war in
machinery for U.S. forces to target. The al- Afghanistan will foster.
Qaeda brand of terrorism more closely resem- The White House and senior intelligence
bles a virus that morphs as its environment community management should recognize
changes. To further complicate matters, indi- that they have been lucky that the develop-
vidual nodes are capable of evolving their own ment of a radiological bomb or nuclear device
strategy and “gaming” their opposition, as by this adversary is not further along. They
September 11 so convincingly demonstrated. have to wonder how long their luck will hold.
They are capable of self-healing, dispersal, Has the U.S. intelligence community yet imag-
reassembly, and innovation. Our challenge is ined the full range of models of weapons devel-
to outwit and then outfight an adversary that opment that the adversary may employ? Is it
adapts rather than plans and that remains sensitive to the right signals of the alternative
capable of decentralized changes in strategy development paths as they may appear in raw
against our vulnerabilities. intelligence reporting over the next several
To gain an appreciation of what may be in years? Does this analytic challenge—and others
store for the United States, it is useful to com- that demand similarly unconventional imagi-

nation—reside only on the drawing board of methods—at a time the outside world, by
the intelligence community, and if so why? interesting contrast, apparently sees the
value in making unprecedented investments
in getting connected (“connectivity”).
The Need for New There is no clearer manifestation of sti-
Approaches to Intelligence fling hierarchy than intelligence community
“stovepipes” that have persisted for years and
The magnitude of the threat and the fact prevent many of the people working against
that the new terrorist groups bear little resem- terrorist targets from effectively communi-
blance to either conventional armies or state- cating with each other. At times, the
sponsored terrorist organizations ensure that stovepipes even prevent organizations from
al-Qaeda and its follow-on movements will becoming aware of each other’s existence.14
demand innovations in U.S. intelligence. U.S. intelligence components working
Changes in the intelligence craft must go against terrorist targets need the ability to
beyond redrawing the intelligence organiza- share data and analyses spontaneously (as
tional chart and redesigning its chain of com- academic experts do when communicating
mand. The collection of raw intelligence will routinely over the Internet); they should not
Changes in the remain critical, but it will also remain insuffi- be forced to deal with a maze of bureaucratic
intelligence craft cient against an adversary that is a dynamic, and security-derived obstacles. That is one of
must go beyond evolving force. No central authority within the the hurdles implicitly referenced by Tenet in
network of terrorist organizations can control, the September 16, 2001, admonition to the
redrawing the or has the responsibility for designing, future intelligence community to erase bureaucratic
intelligence orga- operations against our interests. Thus, there is blockages to fighting the war on terrorism
no triumph of intelligence collection that can effectively.15 The intelligence community’s
nizational chart completely remedy all of our intelligence electronic connectivity in addressing the
and redesigning shortfalls. The intelligence community will non-state-sponsored terrorist threat is ironi-
its chain of win small battles against terrorism, but it is cally held hostage to counterintelligence con-
still at risk of losing far larger ones. cerns that emanate from threats from state
command. In addition to gathering even more raw actors—who, unlike al-Qaeda, have ample
intelligence, we need to counter the adaptable budgets to staff their own intelligence appa-
adversary with our own adaptation.13 A $30 ratus and target it against Washington.
billion U.S. intelligence empire, coupled with a It is no coincidence that most multidisci-
DoD that vastly outspends even its most plinary intelligence analysts and collectors
threatening rivals, has most of the advantages, function in largely separate electronic com-
to be sure. But hierarchies are handicapped partments. 16 The “need to know” principle,
when confronted by flexible, highly adaptable, of course, cannot be jettisoned entirely, but
and networked enemies. A partial list of reme- the tradeoff between protecting security and
dies to U.S. intelligence’s shortcomings is promoting collegiality certainly bears recali-
given in Table 2. It is not surprising that sever- bration. The current stovepipe approach—
al of these remedies are either on the drawing which erects barriers to lateral collaboration
board or actually being implemented within by restricting communications and reward-
the intelligence community. How vigorously ing only bureaucratic loyalty within the orga-
they will be undertaken or how quickly they nization—makes it possible for unrelated
will mature cannot yet be known. intelligence components in different institu-
tions to do essentially the same work against
Breaking Down Barriers terrorist targets—wasting resources and pre-
The U.S. intelligence community remains venting many professionals from leveraging
handicapped by internal barriers and walls the efforts of counterparts who remain out-
meant to protect intelligence sources and side their immediate circle. Good academics

Table 2
Sample Measures to Bolster Counterterrorism

Proposal Details

Community information technology Create seamless IT system that is shared globally;

(IT) architecture agency systems are mutually
compatible and integrated, though heterogeneous
and classified

Universal connectivity All professionals working terrorism are on the same

system and can reach one another easily

Full reach network Identical e-mail, browsing, collaboration suites for all users

Local autonomy Local users can create a web presence at their volition on
the intelligence community classified Internet, enabling
more effective collaboration

Spontaneous organization Communities of interest can assemble as they deem

necessary; individual judgments about the utility of
organizing carry the day

External research center Off-campus facility to promote research collaboration

and host visitors from academia and the private sector

Counterterrorism “skunk works” Institution that promotes innovative ideas and creative
approaches unencumbered by traditional bureaucratic

Terrorism red teams Standing groups of experts with the task of simulating
the planning of the adversary’s exploitation of U.S.

Counterstrategy organization Internal think tank empowered to integrate research,

red team, and game results with raw intelligence to
develop clear picture of adversary strategy

Denial and deception cell Special study group charged with countering adversary
measures to deceive U.S. and allied intelligence and
devising novel means of deceiving the adversary.

Gaming and simulation center On-campus facility on scale of national war colleges
that is charged with gaming terrorism with participation
of U.S. and allied intelligence and policy communities

Software development initiative Program to seed development of software tools to

further highly advanced analysis and data processing

Long-term input into Integrated effort empowered to represent counter-

development of collection terrorist community in developing long-term
systems collection platforms

invest considerable energy in finding out Intelligence. As al-Qaeda gathered momen-
about the research efforts of their colleagues tum in the 1990s and the Middle East peace
in other institutions; intelligence community process eroded, the burden on operators and
professionals would reap dividends from analysts alike to put out daily fires intensified,
similar efforts that at least match those of leaving little time for the sort of research and
their academic counterparts. honest digging that was routine in the intelli-
Also, the people fighting terrorism need to gence community during the Cold War. The
break down barriers to their ability to form press of daily tasks also reinforced the intelli-
alliances with external centers of expertise. In gence community’s tendency to insulate.
recent years the intelligence community has The intelligence community needs and
improved analysts’ access to all of the deserves an unparalleled center of excellence
resources made available by the information on the roots and substance of terrorism—one
revolution. It is safe to say that intelligence that makes the time to do its own research
community data systems are unparalleled. while routinely exchanging insights with a
Some elements of the analytic community well-developed network of allies on the outside.
have created outreach programs to get beyond At the very least, the intelligence community
the walls protecting classified data. But for needs an analytic effort that carries great pres-
those in the counterterrorism community, tige rather than one subordinated to support-
more needs to be done to create connections ing operational planning and covert action.
with substantive experts who do not yet have In the course of bolstering analysis, there is
all the security clearances. No organization, considerable room for more creative
not even one large and deep, can have a approaches, and it makes sense to ask if the
monopoly on expertise—especially on a sub- intelligence community needs its own analytic
ject as complex as the Islamic Reformation. “skunk works” to foster such methods. These
Creative alliances with think tanks, acade- approaches include assembling “red teams”
mics, and other centers of expertise should be whose purpose is to simulate adversary strate-
a force multiplier. Intelligence community gy and doctrine, perhaps replicating, to the
business practices should promote rather extent feasible, the decentralized nature of the
than impede informal and mutually benefi- threat. Military intelligence units do this from
cial contact between the analyst and the busi- time to time during conflict, and the DoD has
ness community. With the stakes as high as become adept at using this approach to test its
they are, some of those prospective relation- own vulnerabilities. The intelligence commu-
ships even deserve to be formal, institutional- nity should be equally practiced at exploring
There is no tri- ized partnerships. adversary strategy, especially that of an evolv-
ing, adapting enemy whose future stratagems
umph of intelli- Bolstering In-House Analysis are not yet on the drawing board. The analysis
gence collection U.S. intelligence must integrate opera- of adversary strategy should have an identifi-
that can com- tional intelligence (intelligence that supports able and respected bureaucratic base of opera-
operational planning and covert action), at tion, informed by the most creative thinking
pletely remedy all which the community already excels, with true of experts in the defense community and in
of our intelli- multidisciplinary expertise, thus capitalizing the private sector. Red team mechanisms
on expertise in politics, demographics, eco- should be standing requirements, rather than
gence shortfalls. nomics, and culture. The original focus of the the one-time experiments that are routinely
Counterterrorist Center, created by then– applied to issues such as terrorist innovation
director of central intelligence William Casey, with nuclear technologies.
was almost exclusively operational, leaving all Table 2 summarizes a series of steps to bol-
multidisciplinary analysis to the Office of ster intelligence that are clearly attainable.
Near East, South Asian, and African Analysis They include measures that would enable intel-
and similar components in the Directorate of ligence community analysts to take advantage

of all of the benefits of large-scale information play of competing strategies, as senior military U.S. intelligence
networks that are enjoyed by the academic and officers learn in staff colleges. A properly must integrate
research communities that use the Internet: framed game can shed light on the calcula-
the ability to share data and locate expertise tions of both adversaries and coalition part- operational intel-
spontaneously and the ability to organize com- ners. It is surprising that intelligence commu- ligence, at which
munities of interest as soon as the benefits are nity components have not more robustly and
evident. Other measures are targeted at institu- routinely exploited this technique for assess-
the community
tionalizing alliances between experts in and ing terrorism. There is now expertise to draw already excels,
outside the intelligence community and at fos- from within the intelligence community and a with true multi-
tering creative analytic approaches. Still other greater appetite for experimentation than
steps are meant to sharpen the collection of existed a year or two ago. disciplinary
raw intelligence by taking advantage of deeper Those techniques might illuminate many expertise, thus
analytic expertise, thus better focusing human- examples of adversary strategy that could sur-
capitalizing on
source intelligence, signals, imagery, and other prise us next time. Their strategy may depend
intelligence collection systems. on how much the terrorists have learned from expertise in poli-
the strikes against the United States and the tics, demograph-
Modeling and Simulation war in Afghanistan. For example, attempts by
The intelligence community should devel- al-Qaeda to inspire jihad in places like ics, economics,
op new software tools to support both data Pakistan failed dismally, but the attacks on and culture.
processing and analysis. The intelligence com- September 11 appear to have prompted an
munity should be using new techniques to unlikely spontaneous partnership with who-
explore the evolution of terrorist networks ever conducted the anthrax attacks in the
and their adaptability. One new approach, United States in the weeks that followed. Will
agent-based modeling, focuses on bottom-up the terrorists design their own approach with
computer simulation of human interaction a more creative view of spontaneous partner-
and generates exactly the form of decentral- ships next time? How does the intelligence
ized, spontaneous organization of social net- community assess their capacity for learning?
works that we observe in the formation of The intelligence community should con-
political movements and in the world of ter- tinue to counter denial and deception efforts
rorism. A decade ago, an adaptable network of by terrorist networks. Denial and deception
adversaries could have been spoken of only analysis is a relatively new element in the intel-
metaphorically. As agent-based modeling ligence tool kit and refers to measures to coun-
shows, with recent advances in computing teract the efforts of U.S. adversaries to escape
power and software, synthetic adversary net- detection by U.S. intelligence satellites and
works can be built in digital space and their other collection means, as well as measures to
evolution simulated harmlessly. In addition, counteract adversary efforts to purposefully
the intelligence community should routinely mislead U.S. intelligence by generating data
adopt the best practices of DoD and the pri- that point in the wrong direction. Washington
vate sector for modeling and simulation. At cannot allow the adversary to play games with
the same time, the intelligence community the U.S. intelligence community by placing
should prod DoD to create new warfare mod- false leads and producing false warnings. It is
els that go beyond evaluating conventional uncertain whether the general alerts issued by
weapons systems. To be able to influence and the Office of Homeland Security during late
shape DoD modeling, the intelligence com- 2001 were prompted by clever manipulation
munity must become so good at modeling on the part of terrorist networks that, if they
and simulation that it can influence the devel- were paying attention, surely noticed that they
opment of those arts outside its own walls. had the capacity to take the American econo-
The art of analytic gaming remains a my partially offline for days at a time by allow-
uniquely effective tool for assessing the inter- ing their own communications to leak. It may

be no coincidence that senior al-Qaeda leaders “game” Western intelligence collection sys-
in late 2001 publicly framed future assaults on tems. Collection needs to be sharp and
America as attacks on the U.S. economy. The focused on what counts rather than hopeless-
intelligence community must determine the ly broad. Ironically, improving the analytic
magnitude of the threat to the economy and component of counterterrorism may be the
the strategies likely to be used in an attack most promising way to ensure that collection
aimed solely at economic destruction. initiatives are well focused. The issue is not
The realization, on the part of senior man- exclusively tactical intelligence but also
agement of the intelligence community, of the enabling the counterterrorism community to
need for creative new approaches is encourag- tailor long-term development of collection
ing. Until shortly after September 11, the intel- systems to targets.
ligence community was not in the traditional Accordingly, we should dispense with the
multidisciplinary analysis business, but the destructive idea that the analytic corps of the
creation of the Office of Terrorism Analysis intelligence community should confine its
within the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center attention to the dimensions of the terrorism
changed that. This kind of initiative in analyt- problem that play to its “comparative advan-
ic methodology holds promise, and efforts to tage” of secret information. Intelligence com-
Improving the reinvigorate the long-term effort to generate munity analysts will either have the expertise
analytic compo- more creative raw intelligence collection are in required to get the job done or not. In the long
nent of counter- the works. Moreover, in the last three or four run, it is the job of the intelligence communi-
years the Directorate of Intelligence has taken ty to develop both analytic expertise and clas-
terrorism may be measures to create and sustain “out-of-the- sified data sources on issues of interest to the
the most promis- box” analytic approaches to difficult intelli- national security community. That is, the
gence issues, as well as to develop mechanisms intelligence community must give priority to
ing way to ensure to tap expertise outside the intelligence com- collecting the information that the policy-
that collection munity. What is needed now is a period of makers most need and want.
initiatives are well growth and development of those programs
and the spread of best practices into the coun-
focused. terterrorism community. Metrics: How Will We Know
We’re Headed in the
The Focus on What Is Secret
It is de rigueur for an analysis of intelli-
Right Direction?
gence priorities to cite the need to invest in If a metric were invented to measure the
human intelligence collection. Indeed, in a progress of the intelligence community in the
speech to CIA employees in May 1998, Tenet fight against terrorism, there would be tension
cited counterterrorism as an essential reason between the wish to base measurements on
to strengthen the Directorate of Operations.17 results and the desire to base measurements
The war on terrorism will place intense on actions taken by U.S. intelligence agencies.
pressure on all intelligence collection systems, Both metrics are important. The United States
and it may do so for a generation or more. The must resist the temptation to interpret certain
intelligence community will be tempted to tactical victories, especially those enabled by a
“solve” the intelligence problem by throwing convenient but perhaps unique ally like the
resources at collection systems. Although Northern Alliance, as evidence that it has
more resources would help, even with more solved the problem. An adversary intent on
data the intelligence community is likely to be surprising us will be comfortable with long
frustrated by its failure to prevent every attack lulls in its fight against the United States.
on U.S. interests. The adaptable adversaries Those lulls will not necessarily mean that the
who will make up the future terrorist threat United States has won the battle, any more
will have the incentives and the means to than they did in 1998 and 1999.

If all goes well, some intelligence commu- adversary, will be networked and agile. One
nity initiatives will succeed and other will fail. indicator is the development of strong ties
The successes will be informed by lessons between intelligence community entities
from the failures, which will be short-lived working on counterterrorism issues. That will
and corrected. Any metric the intelligence require creation of collaborative mechanisms
community employs to gauge progress—and that do not yet exist. In particular, profession-
it must use metrics—needs to make room for als in the counterterrorist community who
intelligent risk taking. According to econo- work in different buildings, different cities,
mist Hal Varian, an American expert in tech- and different agencies and on different local
nology and innovation at the University of computer networks will have the ability to
California, Berkeley, the keys to any success- create their own collaborative ties rather than
ful business community revolution are wait for senior managers to authorize them
experimentation, capitalization, manage- and make the required hardware available.
ment, competition, and consolidation.18 The need to form such ties and use them in
Applying that paradigm to the U.S. intelli- countering terrorism will be the final com-
gence community, it makes sense to credit pelling reason to reform the management of
the mid-1980s creation of the Counterter- intelligence community information systems.
rorist Center as the critical first innovation in A connected community will be one that
the fight against terrorism. It was an knows immediately where to find the special-
improvement, but one that did not go far ized bit of expertise or the arcane fact that
enough. Its mission was almost solely intend- makes the difference in a piece of analysis or
ed to augment the collection of human- in a clandestine collection program.
source intelligence—not to deepen expertise One critical step is integrating the Office of
and produce breakthroughs in intellectual Homeland Security into the intelligence com-
capital that might enable us to outwit the munity’s information networks and its client
adversary. In those instances in which the ter- base for its most sophisticated and elaborate
rorists made mistakes, intelligence analysis products. The Office of Homeland Security is
assisted some successful efforts to interdict a new organization with the teething prob-
terrorist plots against U.S. interests. But lems invariably associated with a new bureau-
intelligence analysis and human-source col- cracy, but the intelligence community should
lection left us vulnerable to terrorist plots in take on the mission of integrating the office
which the terrorists used better tradecraft. into its operations and analysis.
The intelligence community thus needs a
more risk-taking and failure-tolerant man- Strengthening Multidisciplinary Analysis The intelligence
agement approach. This national security Multidisciplinary analytic approaches to
issue is not one on which to save pennies or to counterterrorism are new, and they will take community needs
let the possibility of failure suppress innova- time to establish and capitalize intellectually. a more risk-tak-
tive approaches. In the medium term, three If all goes well, managers of counterterrorism ing and failure-
broad metrics should suggest progress: (1) analysis will make room for research and
connectivity is well established, (2) multidisci- teamwork under the press of daily deadlines, tolerant manage-
plinary analysis is diverse and prospering, and especially when the current war in ment approach.
(3) individual initiative reigns supreme. Afghanistan wanes and demands for current
Broader dividends will follow if high scores intelligence support are less pressing.
are achieved on those metrics. Perhaps the most telling measure of the
health of the intelligence analysis function
Progress Improving Connectivity will be how the transition from the current
Other improvements are essential as we war to the longer-term fight is handled and
complete the innovation phase. For one, the whether analysts are given the chance to take
successful intelligence enterprise, like its the time to dig deep and think creatively.

The successful If developments are moving along the ject to multiple layers of supervisory review,
intelligence enter- right track, the more creative approaches to as well as to additional review by editorial
analysis will be well staffed, reasonably fund- staffs. Although there has been an effort to
prise can be suffi- ed, and institutionalized within the countert- streamline the review process in recent years,
ciently agile if, errorism community. No approach would there remain abundant economies to be real-
remain untested for its applicability to the ized by placing the individual analyst closer
like the terrorist counterterrorism problem. The output to the decisionmakers who are the end users
network, it is would be reports and briefings based on of the product and relying on individual
driven largely by research, workshops, conferences, games, red accountability to ensure quality.
teams, advanced data processing, advanced Emphasis on the individual would repre-
individual initia- analytic software, and collaboration across sent a sharp break with the past. Intelligence
tive rather than agencies and institutions—not to mention community senior leaders are accustomed to
the improved collection of raw intelligence being the authors of new initiatives rather
commanded that all of this may help to make possible. than their enablers. Meanwhile, managers and
entirely from The optimum mix of approaches will take senior analysts climbing the ranks are used to
the top. time to determine, but it will be diverse and avoiding risks that would take them off the
not focused exclusively on current analysis. fast track. The tendency to confine risk taking
There must also be accountability. to the top and to constrain individual initia-
Eventually, clever approaches must produce tive because it might lead to a mistake is one of
both actionable products and new intellectual the things that must change if the fight
capital, which would be shared within the com- against terrorism is to succeed.
munity at large. High standards must apply to
the new counterterrorism product line.
Fostering Individual Initiative
Common wisdom is that the U.S. intelli- Good intelligence will accomplish only so
gence community is so vast and its organiza- much. Policymakers must also be inclined to
tional structure so complex that changing its new approaches, and they need to be recep-
leadership or altering its organizational chart tive to messages from the intelligence com-
is not likely to accomplish much. But lessons munity that are inconvenient to the daily
drawn from the hierarchical, military model policy agenda. The intelligence community
can miss the point. The successful intelli- will be doing its duty if two things that mark
gence enterprise can be sufficiently agile if, all successful intelligence enterprises are
like its adversary, the terrorist network, it is mastered: (1) forging a close connection to
driven largely by individual initiative rather policy and (2) being persistent when it has to
than commanded entirely from the top. persuade an audience of the need to do some-
Senior intelligence community leaders, while thing different. The intelligence community
being careful in crafting their daily message must have the will to resist the temptation to
to the Oval Office, need to engage in creative sacrifice one of those things for the sake of
delegation and promote initiative and cre- the other.
ative thinking (including so-called out of the Two indicators will be telling. First, the
box thinking) by the workforce. “resource mix” in the intelligence communi-
Another reason to empower individuals is ty must be optimized without being held
the efficiency gains produced by reducing prisoner to debilitating bickering. One vul-
layers of supervision. The intelligence com- nerability is likely to be internal intelligence
munity is not only stovepiped, it is riddled community struggles over resources, as com-
with layers of management designed to pro- peting collection systems argue the case for
vide redundancy in an effort to avoid mis- more people and funding at the expense of
takes. Analysts have traditionally been sub- each other and at the expense of creative

analysis. By focusing excessively on any one abuses by intelligence agencies. The committee
focused on major reforms. Parallel investigations
intelligence collection resource, including were conducted by another committee chaired by
human-source reporting, we run the risk of Rep. Otis Pike (D-N.Y.).
producing occasional operational successes
(when the intelligence community is fortu- 2. Richard K. Betts, “Fixing Intelligence,” Foreign
Affairs 81, no. 1 (January–February 2002).
nate enough to get access to just the right cell
or terrorist communications channel) at the 3. Ibid.
expense of preventing national traumas in
other instances (when the terrorists are mere- 4.
ly lucky or when they outsmart our best 5. U.S. Department of State,
efforts). This is a principal legacy of rls/pgtrpt/2000.
September 11. Strong intelligence communi-
ty leadership and alert congressional over- 6. Barton Gellman, “A Strategy’s Curious
Evolution,” Washington Post, January 20, 2002.
sight can avert such an outcome.
Second, when all is said and done, the 7. Portions of the defense review did concern asym-
joint House and Senate investigations will metric and other forms of “Fourth Generation
need to focus on intelligence community cul- Warfare.” An early introduction to these issues can
be found in Martin Van Creveld, The Transformation
ture and business practices, not merely on of War (New York: Free Press, 1991).
the organizational chart. That means going
beyond finding scapegoats and redrawing 8. Michael Doran, “Somebody Else’s Civil War,”
lines of subordination and hierarchy. And Foreign Affairs 81, no. 1 (January–February 2002).
the professionals who are in the business of 9. Brad DeLong,
intelligence gathering and analysis must be Islamic_Reformation.html.
part of developing the solution, not merely
held responsible for implementing a plan 10. Stressing the global nature of the threat, Tenet
is reported to have told the cabinet principals in
designed by an outside group. If those pro- the days immediately following September 11,
fessionals are doing business as usual several “You’ve got a 60-country problem.” Dan Balz,
years hence, we will have failed to get it right. Bob Woodward, and Jeff Himmelman, “Ten Days
In sum, the intelligence community needs in September,” Washington Post, January 27, 2002.
to become as agile and as innovative as its ter- 11. This discussion draws from two streams of lit-
rorist adversary. It can take constructive cues erature, one dealing with self-organization and
from counterparts outside the realm of intel- the other with network-centric warfare as applied
ligence collection or analysis: the network of to terrorism. Representative of the first is Stuart
Kauffman, At Home in the Universe: The Search for the
experts and data sources in the nation’s best Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity (New York:
think tanks, its best universities, its best war Oxford University Press, 1996). The second is rep-
colleges, its best consultancies. It is a matter resented best by David Ronfeldt and John
of where to set the bar and how to unleash Arquilla, “Networks, Netwars, and the Fight for
the Future,” on First, October 2001,
the intelligence community’s talents. Better
communications, an emphasis on individual index.html. Ronfeldt is a senior social scientist at
initiative, reducing bureaucratic barriers, and RAND, and Arquilla is a professor at the Naval
boosting multidisciplinary analysis are keys Postgraduate School.
in the months ahead. 12. Self-organization and the operation of net-
works are relatively new ideas in the conduct of
warfare. Self-organization refers to the propensity
Notes of the elements of a system to establish order
without central oversight, as though doing so
1. The Select Committee to Study Governmental spontaneously. The idea is especially germane to
Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, biological and political systems, in which cells
chaired by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho), was begin to work synergistically—in the early devel-
established on January 27, 1975, to investigate opment of an organism or when a political move-

ment is quickly “born” of commonly shared but 14. The creation of the Counterterrorism Center in
only recently formed opinions. Financial markets the mid-1980s was intended to achieve improved
also exhibit self-organization when bubbles are connectivity by bringing together professionals
created out of the dynamics of expectations of from different intelligence and law enforcement
individual participants. Networks also exhibit agencies. For its day, the CTC was a dramatic step
emerging structure as nodes are added and con- in the right direction. The CTC, however, was con -
nectivity multiplies disproportionately. For fur- ceived as a largely operational entity and lacked
ther information, see Kauffman; and Ronfeldt strong ties to the broad community of intelligence
and Arquilla analysts and to other centers of multidisciplinary
expertise outside the intelligence community.
13. Experts at the RAND Corporation make sim-
ilar recommendations for countering adversaries 15. The message has been referenced frequently in
on the conventional military battlefield: the U.S. the press and in other literature. See Betts.
military counters dispersed, decentralized foes
with “swarming tactics” that are enabled by the 16. Analysts directly supporting the collection of
adaptability of our own forces. See, for example, raw intelligence are not so removed.
John Matsumora et al., “The Army after Next:
Exploring New Concepts and Technologies for 17. See for the text of the speech.
the Light Battle Force,” RAND Corporation, DB-
258-A, 1999, 18. Hal Varian, “Five Habits of Very Effective
tronic/ force.html, and the list of other publicly Revolutions,” Forbes ASAP, February 21, 2000,
available publications on the RAND website.

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