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Step 1-Cut out your star shape-I use eanson 140lb Cold Press Watercolor Paper.

Step 2-1drew my Zentangle string first and then tangled the star. (Some people add score lines first but 1 find it easier to tangle first). Step 3-1then used a scoreboard and bone folder to score the fold lines on the backside of the star, score from the top of one point all the way to the other side at the valley junction between 2 points,do this all the way around until all points are scored. Step 4-Now 1fold the star a-Points are mountain folds to center b-Valleys between points are valley folds to center All folds should meet in the center.

Step S-Punch a hole in the top ( 1 hold the star so there is one point at the top and two points at the bottom and sides.) Step 6-1added a small Brad in center and attached a piece of ribbon as a hang cord.

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