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Design a GLOGSTER or use photoshop to create a revision poster for ONE of the 5 areas.

Present to the group at the end of the lesson Section 1 a) 25 mark question 30 minutes

Digital Technology
List what you used and what you did with it

What is it? Useful quotes x 3 Original ideas from? Locations,sets, props Camera shots Editing Genre/ conventions

Research and Planning

Audience focus group/feedback Real conventions analysed Storyboarding/shot lists Prezi- pitch Prelim


Web 2.0 Tim Berners-Lee (90/91)


Post- Production
Software to edit Photoshop You-tube/twitter/peer/teacher feedback

The dream behind the web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information

DIKW triangle Tim OReilly (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom)

Using conventions of real media texts

Benefits Problems Constraints? Genre conventions Camera shots Mise-en-scene Editing At AS, we At A2 we Followed/challenged ( fluidity of genre realised)

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