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MITA RAHMAWATI NPM : 14212611 1EA18 Susan barnes is a clerk typist at reliant insurance. She is excellent work.

This morning she went to see Mr. harris, the officer manager and handed him a letter saying the she want was going up her job. Mr harris did not want susan to leave, so how tired to persuade her to changes her mind. (telephone ringing) 1. A : hello, sir. Good morning. Whats happen ? B : good morning. May you go to Surabaya ?

2. A: for what ? B: because you are a manager distribution in our company and I want you to survey the distribution in Surabaya.

3. A: when sir ? B: on this Friday until next month. All cost will be guaranteed by company.

4. A: hm. But sir.. B: whats wrong ?

5. A: I cant, because I have another agenda. B: whats that ?

6. A: I have another agenda with my family on this Saturday until Sunday in Batam. Sorry sir. B: you can invite your wife and your children.

7. A: Im so sorry sir. I still cant accept it B: why? Oke, we will discuss it tomorrow in my workroom.

(Tomorrow in Boss workroom)

8. A: excuse me sir. B: oke. Sit down please

9. A: Im so sorry for yesterday in telephone B: why you ignore the job ?

10. A: sorry sir. I cant tell you why I ignore it. Why you dont replace this job with other employees ? B: because I trust you. So please accept this job. I swear I will give you extra salary.

11. A: I dont need all. B: you changed. Have you any problem ?

12. A: yes. I have a problem with my family B: may I to know ? please tell me whats your problem ?

13. A: my family want me to stop working in this company. Im sorry sir I disappoint. B: are you really ? what the reason you have to stop working with this company ?

14. A: my family dislike my job, beause you always choose me to go to out of town. B: that is your authority. What do you feel during you work in here?

15. A: I feel comfort and I enjoy with my job but I cant continue this job. B: why you cant continue this job ?

16. A: because my wife want me to be an entrepreneur in Batam and join with my parent in law. B: so you really want to out ?

17. A: yes, would you permit me sir ? B: I disagree because you are the best manager distribution in our company. And its hard to find someone like you. Please dont out and think back it

18. A: once again im so sorry sir. Because tomorrow I will to go to Batam with my family and stay in there forever. B: please dont leave me, dont out. Because you have a huge potential for this company and maybe this company will lost the best manager ever.

19. A: apologetically sir. I was prepare to bring retirement petition and I have signature it. B: OMG! You are so prepare and fly out.

20. A: this is my final decision. Deal ? B: ake. Wrench way and I wish you all the best.

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