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Administrative Professionals Conference April 24, 2013 Welcome from Brenda Balzer, VP for Human Resources o 10 schools o Today

day is the 61st Administrative Professionals Week Balancing Your Personal and Professional Life Ian Reyolds and Meg Stoltzfus LCPS, from JHU: Office of Work, Life & Engagement o Deadlines, Dinner & Distractions: Managing Your Work-Life Effectiveness o Competing Demands (open) Children Cooking Pets Parents Partners School Health / wellness / exercise LIST: Community activities / finances / spiritual practice / commuting / self care / work / cleaning-home repair projects Turned his commute around RADIO quality alone time How much time do spouses spend having Quality communication with each other: study said 4 minutes o Stats 72% of absenteeism is due to child care related issues (US Dept of Labor) Family care givers in the US, are roughly 30% of the US Population (AARP) Today, the percentage of traditional families in the US has slipped from more than 45% in 1975, to just over 20% (Boushey & OLeary, 2009) o Barriers to Effectiveness? Shifting priorities change in life / new job or project Taking on too much added responsibilities because you cant say No Interruptions how much longer does a task take because of interruptions 24/7 pace of work and life You are always ON Attitude the only disability is a negative attitude Blind spots Personal barriers (grief, illness, financial) Others? Students / coworkers / Approaches the work day as another opportunity to be helpful Dont look at things as an interruptions but rather as part of your job o Values Matter A principle, standard or quality considered worthwhile or desired Sometimes in conflict with on another Come from life experience Must be articulated You feel happier & more satisfied when you are doing something that Matters in your life How do you negotiate two values that you hold dear? i.e. work v. family Do your own values clarification (exercise) Table conversation & sharing HOMEWORK: The work/life indicator CEO of ME (book) Tracking Your Time

o Making a Shift Re-thinkig your routine Can you build downtime into your schedule? Learning to say No taking time to take a walk / a game Can you drop activities that sap your time or energy? Can you talk to your supervisor about giving something to someone else or changing who is responsible for what? Is TV wasting your time? Can you rethink your errands? Things you can buy online v. driving back and forth more planning in advance more effective Can you get moving? Exercise finding ways to incorporate exercise parking farther away Do you have a back up at home and at work? Engage a support network whos got your back at home & at work who can help you make a change Can you delegate items? You cannot do it all If not, why not? Changing Work-Life is Hard Lack of control over work and family demands Lack resources from key partners at home and work to help you make changes Easier in the short run to stick to old habits thinking about a change is stressful because it is a change Making changes feels like one more job just seems like one more thing to do Dont see any new choices this is the way things are going to be Unwilling to make tradeoffs you arent willing to make those tradeoffs for change because your values conflict: i.e. family v. career Think that drastic change is the only solution exercise is a great example: making small changes v. trying to make some crazy dramatic change - micro changes Experiment All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better (Emerson) figure out what works Negotiating for a change How to work through and have this conversation with boss/coworker/family/partner to make those changes In my view, whats the ideal way to manage my work and non-work priorities? Ideal way to envision the perfect ideal What changes must I make to achieve the ideal? Whats the least amount of change I could live with? What are my best options if the other person doesnt agree to my proposed plan for change? Me-Time A walk Deep breathing Prayer / meditation / giving thanks Visualization Music Talk it out / support system

Eat sensibly / drink water! Laugh Sometimes watching TV IS me time / Work-Life Effectiveness What are you going to do differently? One thing that you are going to do and share with the table goals should be measurable help people be as specific as possible Examples: she would like to work through lunch and then get to take EVERY other Friday OFF and trade with another person so that they are covering for each other but the goals needs to be the same if they involve other people Mindfulness Body Scan focusing attention on various parts of the body to learn how that part feels Breathing notice your breathing as you inhale and exhale. Be aware of the sensations in your body. Pay attention to what parts move as you breathe. Walking meditation focusing on each step and the sensations of walking. slowly walking and focusing on walking and breathing Mindful eating eating slowly and focusing full attention on the meal to allow you to enjoy each bite. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha Personalities in the Office: Making the Most of All of Them Lynn Berger, MSW, BHS o Training Summary: People who seem impossible to work with can make any job difficult, in addition to impacting productivity, efficiency and peace of mind. Some people are more difficult to interact with than others and many elements, such as personality, environment, and mood factor into these interactions. o This seminar examines characteristics that make people difficult and . o What kind of People are Difficult for me? Lazy never volunteers Stupid plays dumb always needs help Self-centered Drama Queen Others: negative, entitled, time wasters, know-it-alls, sneaky, helicopter parents, not a team player, do not listen, micromanagers o Hostile Aggressive Trio Can YOU also have some of those traits? Sherman Tanks: Abusive / Abrupt / Attacking you feel attacked after they leave your office Snipers: Covert Assault / Innuendo wait where did that knife in the back come from Exploders: Adult Tantrums trying to get your way / want to have their way no matter what / not listening o Coping Methods: Hostile Aggressive Trio: Sherman Tanks Give them a little time Get their attention State your own thoughts assertively you need to be confident and secure

DO NOT ARGUE Snipers Call them out talk to bits and pockets of people but it is kind of from behind Im confused.. how did we get here? they dont want to snipe if they are revealed Offer the sniper an alternative to direct interaction make sure that they MUST say things in front of OTHERS so that they arent running around behind you needs to be in a public forum have them Write the EMAIL that is a follow up to the meeting Exploders Give the time to run down Remove them from their audience remove the people around them it is not as much fun to have a tantrum if there is no one to see it. Get their attention by saying or shouting a neutral phrase Say something like Excuse me or When youre ready they arent used to being interrupted no negotiations, they arent listening o And One More Think Complainers Passive, helpless Blaming fault external all sorts of things that are NEVER their fault Nothing is ever right Easier to blame than change Triangulate there are 3 people: say something to person 1 and person 1 says to person 2, what she THOUGHT she heard and around it goes Coping Methods: Complainers LISTEN attentively to their complaints even if you feel guilty or impatient find out exactly what the issue is and what do they want to change Acknowledge what theyre saying by paraphrasing make sure that they understand that You have heard them you may not be able to make that happen BUT they were heard Avoid joining them even if, at the moment, you accept their allegations as true they have now found a complaining partner instead challenge them to make a CHANGE move to problem solving State and acknowledge facts without comment Try to move to a problem-solving If all else fails, ask the Complainer: How do you want this discussion to end? What are you going to do differently? How do you want this conversation to end? If the complainer doesnt know how to end this issue then how can you help them? o Clamming Up: Silent & Unresponsive CLAMS Passive Avoid Conflict at ALL costs They generally have the best ideas because they are listening they take in Everything from Everyone Easily close down Dont offer opinions / ideas Coping Method: Silent & Unresponsive

Ask open-ended questions Get comfortable with the silence clams are comfortable with the silence Comment on the lack of response as a question (e.g., What does it mean?) call them out but nicely what would you like to add to this group? better on small group / one on one basis asset to the team, will get the job done, perfectly, on time because they dont want any conflict generally loyal / will be by your side to get it done when you need done If the clam opens up: be attentive and allow them to talk without interruption If the clam stays closed: end the interaction and set up another time to work on the issue o Super-Agreeable and Other Wonderfully Nice People YES People easier to be agreeable and take it all on yourself Nice Compliant Peacemakers Promise, But Dont Deliver everyone cant get what they want all the time Coping Method: Super-Agreeable Help them voice their objections: they want your approval Deal with the conflict by offering to collaborate or negotiate Listen to their humor if you can turn to the humor, it is their comfort spot to help them negotiate the issue Be personal with them o Negativist NO People Everything is NO Reject ideas and new suggestions quickly Inflexible Resistant to change Coping Method: Negativist Watch for your own sympathetic depression Make optimistic, but realistic statements Stay away from solution steps for as long as possible Dont sugar coat Be prepared to take action on your own If you arent able to do this, I will take it on hold them on deadlines and hold them accountable for something on the task list they are often not prepared they dont WANT what is left on the list and will start taking on a task Use their negativism to point out potential problems that may need contingency planning o Know It Alls: Bulldozers & Balloons Bulldozers Experts Little room for others input or ideas Stubborn Fault with those incompetents

Will use them to get all that info / knowledge / wisdom Balloons Fake experts They THINK they know it all Need for admiration They Want People to LIKE them needs everyone to know that they are there and that they are the BEST at what they do Curious Only partially realize they are not fully knowledgeable Make sure that you dont rely on them because the project will fail Know which type you HAVE in your office Coping Method Bulldozers o Prepare know what you are going to have them do o Listen carefully and paraphrase back the main points they may not speak English, i.e. IT folks o Watch your own bulldozing tendencies o As a last resort, choose to subordinate yourself to avoid static and perhaps to build a relationship of equality in the future Balloons o State correct facts or alternative opinions as descriptively as possible o Provide a means for the Balloon to save face o Be ready to fill the conversation gap yourself insert something about yourself so that they remember that there are others in the room o Cope with a Balloon when they are alone, when possible dont deflate them in public slowly squeeze the air out of their head o Indecisive STALLERS Postpone decisions, sometimes forever if you postpone long enough someone else will do it (YOU will do it) Pleasant and supportive while working on a decision Try hard not to hurt anyone Coping Methods: Always keep progress as a priority touch base every few days to remind them of the deadline Make it easy for Stallers to tell you about conflicts or reservations that prevent the decision Listen for indirect words, hesitation, and omissions that may provide clues to problem areas hold them to deadlines and make them clear When you have surfaced the issues, help stallers solve their problems with the decision Give support after the decision seems to have been made excellent if you give them a task, excellent at taking detailed notes and team leaders in a meeting what is the best use of that person

o Preparation for confronting the problem The Coping Plan first assume that they are doing the best assume the best and always assume the most positive Be calm Remember its not personal its business it is not because of you, it is about something else that is going on in their life Understand the persons intentions help me understand ask them until you calmly call them out, they may not realize the behavior at all Get some perspective from others Let the person know where you are coming from you dont have to spend personal time with them you just need to get the job done! Build a rapport Treat the person with resect Focus on what can be actioned upon sometimes there are just some things that have to be ignored Ignore it could just be YOUR problem Escalate to a higher authority for resolution Make a plan to have these conversations I am really struggling about our communication how can we improve this? They might feel the same way o What if my Supervisor is Difficult? Understand its not personal Take action be calm / slow them down Choose the right time to talk Try to show how their actions impact morale and productivity show them what their actions do Praise them when they get it right If they dont, use your resources Avoid being the victim indefinitely What would you do? (handout) Pull him aside and talk to him acknowledge that he seems stressed, how can the team help o People are probably a combination of the personality traits we ALL have a little bit of these traits in all of us. How do I make the Best of these working relationships. Keynote: Executive Presence Jean OBrien o Interactive / Participatory activity ask questions o Investing in Yourself Today ! o Executive Presence/Personal branding (handout) voice / body language o Why are we doing this? We do it All day / Every Day in our work environment: want to be seen as cool / calm / collected / confident / etc. o What do we do? Internal networking are there people who you have not met yet? o Skills: Get out and meet people Be a mentor Be VISIBLE within the organization It is up to Ourselves to promote yourself and toot your own horn Present your own image / brand

Also your web presence all of that social media presence Be comfortable in all different types of audiences how to project yourself in a variety of audiences Body Language / non-verbal questions First impressions happen in seconds Every time you walk through a door / into a room your Presence are in place (these are non-verbal skills) this is 60% of our making an impression on someone and 30% is our voice and 10% is our vocabulary You are making First impressions ALL the time there are always new people First Impression: The Fake Smile how does that make you feel use a Full length mirror does your smile look sincere? Is it fake? How is your smile perceived by others Posture shows if you are confident or not Look in the mirror: are you up straight Eye contact how do you feel when someone is not making eye contact with you unnerving but you get used to it be comfortable making eye contacted Your walk the way that you walk people who walk super slow / fast Mirroring / walking in stride Volunteers Name badge should be on the UPPER Right Hand side If you are writing your own Name badge good penmanship and large so that it is readable Also recognize cultural difference knowing what IS appropriate and what is NOT appropriate The Handshake Head position no head tilt / posture Shake is from the elbow down NO limp fish handshake The Never-Ending handshake just 3 handshakes The creepy old man where someone double grasps their hand They give you their hand on TOP and FLAT they are trying to show control just TURN their hand appropriately Line up your Feet with the other person: you are important and who I am focused on right now Perception if you dont know how to do a handshake, you are seen as not knowing how to behave in business If you are NOT going to handshake then explain: I have arthritis, etc. very quickly 65% Body language Where do your hands go: Arms crossed closed off Have arms comfortably down at your sides Hands Do not put hands in pockets Have some gestures to go with your message

If legs are crossed then you see that they are in a comfortable conversation Legs straight and forward toward the speaker If they just turn their torso they are not engaged o 30% our voice Voice plays a very strong role in a first impression Record your voice does it sound confident and professional Dont talk too loud or too soft Too fast / too slow In person body language / voice are a package deal Dont use ummm learn the art of pausing and dont use filler words.. like You know what I mean right? o 10% is your vocabulary Are you using the same words over and over again? What kinds of words to add? Make your words more interesting Most important words: Your name use full name have fun with it but be impressive so they will remember What would you want someone to know about you that is impressive? Be prepared with something to say so you dont miss an opportunity. o Questions Nametags Have a professional pen part of your image The Digital Toolbox Web 2.0 Tools for the Workplace Alissa Harrington: all tech ed training on-campus including Prezi / Blackboard o Video Did You Know o Help us with some out of the box thinking o All tools are FREE / Easy to Use / Collaborative o Poll Everywhere dominant response is What Is Web 2.0 (40%) If it is over 55 responses then PAY can also pay for one month and then cancel o Symbaloo bookmarking website When you mark a favorite on your computer it goes WITH you Can color code your favorites Easy to share o Google Drive Collaborate & share files. Create forms, documents, presentations, and spreadsheets Easy to create forms and use for event / workshop registration Good collaboration space with Google documents the LIVE document is the most current o Jing Create screen captures and video tutorials to share with others Instructional video o Dropbox Access your files anywhere / anytime. Share a file via URL Easy to share The more you share the more storage you get


Keep your hands closed with fingers together

Can share ONE item or a folder with others is secure o Bitly URL shortening and bookmarking service. Customizable No charge to customize o Doodle Easy online sign-up & polling tool Use to help organize meetings Poll and will email every someone answers a poll o FlipSnack Convert PDF files into a flipbook. Mobile friendly Like a catalog booklet o QR Stuff Create your own QR codes o Wordle Generate word clouds from text you provide o Tagxedo Generate word clouds into any shape o ZamZar File conversion tool

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