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Stage 1- Desired Results Lesson 6 Content Standard (s): W.2.7 - Participate in shared research and writing projects. 2.L.

1 - Understand animal life cycles and be able to describe it and the animal. SL.2.2 - Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. W.2.6 - With guidance and support use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. SL.4.2- Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually quantitatively, and orally. Understanding(s)/Goals: -Students will learn how technology can enhance learning and how to can make our writing come to life.

Essential Question (s): -How can we tell about what we learned about animals by using technology? -How can we work in groups to present our information learned?

Student Objectives (outcomes): -Students will be able to apply what they have learned and express it by using technology. They will be able to create a type of media to teach the rest of the class what they learned. Students will be able to work collaboratively.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence Performance Task (s): -Students will work together to create a blog, video, powerpoint, movie, etc. Students will use technology to share what they learned.

Other Evidence: -Students will present their project to the class and explain what they learned. Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities: - Let students work in small groups to create a powerpoint, blog, voicethead, movie, or something that will tell what they learned about Pandas. They must use technology to teach the rest of the class what they have learned. Students will work together to show what they learned through their research on Pandas. -Teacher will give each student a job in the group to ensure that every student works equally. -Students will present their project to the class to show what they learned while researching Pandas.

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