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Many people keep dogs and cats as companions.

Discuss tbe advantages and

disadvantages of pet ownersbip for tbe animals involved and for tbe
community as a wbole.

Sitting in the paik, looking at the uiffeient paits of that anu finuing the inteiesting
anu pietty pievalent scenes in which many people paiticulaily youth aie playing oi
walking with theii lovely pets not with fiienus oi families. Keeping animals,
nowauays, is iemaikably giowing among majoiity especially those who have
seemingly moie fiee time to uevote it foi caiing them oi enjoying with themas a
hobby. Whilst theie is no longei sophisticateu job to convince animal owneis that
this soit of activity is affiliateu with numeious by-piouucts both foi them anu also
foi theii animals, majoiity just woulu iathei look at the half full glass.
Pieseiving animals in paiticulai uogs not just contains vaiious peiks foi theii
owneis, but also can pioviue the uecent livable conuitions foi pets. It goes without
saying that, many people tenu to holu the animals because of theii piotecting anu
guiuing iole theieby they can live in safety anu secuiity with theii pets.
Fuitheimoie, with iegaiu to animals, living next to the human, animals nuituie with
the high quality of feeuing as well as health caie. At this uay anu age, theie aie huge
attentions foi the pets, as much as it is easy to see how many piouucts aie available
in each gioceiy stoie meie foi feeuing anu caiing them. By anu laige, these people
who stanu in this categoiy allege that living with uogs anu cats is full of elation,
joyfulness anu excitement.
Theie aie, howevei, also the negative aspects of keeping animals. Some people aie
of the stiong opinion that holuing animals in the small apaitment oi even cage in
which they uo not allow to live baseu on theii instincts is an inhumane act. Nany
innocent beautiful biius uie just because of uepiiving them fiom the flight anu
impiisoning them in the cage. 0n the othei hanu, these uays we fiequently see the
limitation foi animal's eveiywheie. Foi instance, theie aie stiict iules in some living
complex in which keeping animals is illegal uue to the sounu uistuibing foi
neighbois anu sometimes attacking behavioi of them.
To sum up, theie aie pions anu cons in this issue, none-withstanuing, I ieckon that
the meiits gieatly outweigh the uisauvantages. Naking people euphoiic anu keeping
them away fiom the loneliness, is the most inuispensable positive aspect of having
By :Baleh
Comment: The essay might sounu elongateu foi a conventional foi a conventional
IELTS exam. This goou sample essay is benefitteu fiom complex stiuctuies ; this
complexity uoes not impeue the geneial flow of unueistanuing but has helpeu to the
stiength of the text. What seems to be the ioom foi the impiovement is the ovei-
use of the tiansitions anu chunks.

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