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Acts by the Numbers Acts chapter 12

James is killed, and Peter is imprisoned, but miraculously released.

Summary Phrase

About that time Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church. (Acts 12:1) But the word of God increased and multiplied. (Acts 12:24)

Memory Verses

1. How was Peter released from prison? 2. Where were the Christians meeting to pray for Peter? 3. Why was Herod put to death by the Lord?
Review Questions

Peters Release The account of Peter being released by an angel, then of the Christians confusion, is a wonderful account for children to reenact. Read the text, then have them act out the different parts of this account. Make sure you focus their attention on the different emotions that are so clearly written about in Acts 12 (Peters confusion, the Christians questioning Rhoda, etc.). End by speaking about Gods amazing power, as well as the power of prayer.

Minute Activity

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