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Past Exam Essay questions

Paragraph Plan Templates

Specimen Paper Question

17. What does your chosen film reveal about the usefulness of one or more critical approaches you have applied? [30]

Paragraph plan
1. Introduction 2. Auteur theory Hitchcocks body of work comparison to other films 3. Auteur theory signature style film form (camera work etc) 4. Feminist theory Mulvey - gender roles / female characters / male gaze 5. Feminist theory Modelinski & Wood gender roles / male characters 6. Psychoanalysis and the Rescue Fantasy is Vertigo about the rescue fantasy realised or, does it represent the collapse of the rescue fantasy and of Masculinity in the 1950s? 7. Marxist theory Wexmans ideas around the representation of class & 50s society in the film / Vertigo as a commercial studio product 8. conclusion 1. introduction 2. reviews from the time of release 3. auteur theory influence of signature style on the film 4. canonical status of film 5. contemporary reviews 6. personal opinion 7. conclusion summarise general reception to the film 1. introduction 2. themes spectatorship as a theme and how other themes link into this, critical reception of the film since 1950s suggests Vertigo has become more popular overtime and with repeated viewing it demands engagement from the spectator 3. Use of Camera link to spectatorship & emphasis of subjective camera (POV) work to encourage this 4. Narrative structure Scotties demise

18. Consider debates that have arisen in the critical reception of your chosen film, either at the time of its initial release or now or both. [30]

21. Film scholars have argued that Vertigo is a film about cinema and about spectatorship. How far do you think this is true? [30]

and our questioning of him 5. mise-en-scene symbols & motifs eg mirrors & framing and embedded, complex motifs that enable repeated viewing for spectators 6. characters how we are encouraged to identify with Scottie and Madeline how are we encourage to identify with Judy and Midge 7. conclusion

June 2010 Question How useful has a particular critical approach been in gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of your chosen film? Paragraph plan

Explain how your understanding of your chosen film has been influenced by critical debates.

What do you consider to be the important themes and ideas Hitchcock explores in Vertigo through the use of the Madeleine/Judy character?

January 2011 Question

Explore some of the ways in which placing your chosen film within a broader critical framework has helped to develop your appreciation and understanding of specific sequences.

Paragraph plan

How far has critical debate about your chosen film shaped and altered your response?

How far has critical debate about your chosen film shaped and altered your response?

June 2011 Question

17. Explore some of the ways in which you have gained fresh insights into your chosen film as a result of applying one or more specific critical approaches. [30]

Paragraph plan

18. How important have been the responses of others, such as film reviewers, in influencing your own response to your chosen film?[30]

21. Explore some of the ways in which Hitchcock attempts to manage the audience response to Scottie as the narrative of Vertigo unfolds. [30]

January 2012 Question

17. In developing a response to your chosen film, how valuable did you find the application of a specific critical approach? [30]

Paragraph plan

18. Explore how far a particular debate by critics has influenced your understanding of your chosen film. [30]

21. Explore the importance of narrative structure in the development of key themes and ideas in Vertigo. [30]

June 2012 Exam Question

17. How far has an awareness of the filmmaker as auteur influenced your response to your chosen film? [30]

Paragraph Plan

18. How far has particular writing by critics been important in developing your understanding and appreciation of your chosen film? [30]

21. The representation of women in Vertigo demonstrates how far this is a film by a man for men. How far do you agree? [30]

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