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SIMPLE PRESENT TENSES Di waktu yg lampau ,sekarang dan akan datang Rumus : subject + to be+ verb1 +main verb Subject + verb1 + (s/es) Example: *he is handsome *is he handsome? *he is not handsome PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSES Untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang benar-benar sedang dilakukan saat ini. Rumus : subject + to be (is,am,are)+kata kerja +ing Example : (+)she is cooking in the kitchen (-) she is not cooking in the kitchen (?)is she cooking in the cooking? PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Di gunakan untuk pengalaman,perubahan,situasi yg berkelanjutan atau untuk menunjukan suatu peristiwa yang pada waktuyg singkat (singkat) Rumus : subject +have+past participle (kata kerja ke 3) Example : (+) they have met me (-)they have not met me (?) have they met me? PRESENT PERPECT CONTINOUS TENSE Satu kejadian/kegiatan yang baru saja berlangsung Rumus : subject + have/has+ been+ k.kerja+ ing Example: (+) they have been playing football (-) they have not been playing football (?) have they been playing football? SIMPLE PAST TENSE Untuk membicarakan suatu kejadian yg terjadi di masa lampau Rumus : subject+k.kerja bentuk ke -2 Example : (+) they were student last year (-)they were not student last year (?) were they student last year?

PAST CONTINOUS TENSE Menggambarkan suatu tindakan kejadian pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau Rumus : s + was,were,+ k.kerja + ing Example : (+)we were jocking (-)we were not jocking (?) were we jocking? PAST PERFECT TENSE Mengekspresikan tindakan di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi ,namun kejadian nya dimasa lampau Rumus : had + S + k.kerja bentuk ke-3 Example : (+) I had listen the radio when you come here PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSE Mengekspresikan tindakan yang lebih lama di masa lampau sebelum tindakan lainterjadi Rumus : S+had+been+k.kerja+ing Example : she had been helping me when they wnet to school SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Menyatakan kejadian/perbuatan yang akan di lakukan pada waktu yg akan datang Rumus : S + will/shall+ k.kerja bentuk-1 Example : Ill be in London tomorrow FUTURE CONTINOUS TENSE Menggambarkan suatu tindakan yg akan terjadi di waktu tertentu di masa yg akan datang. Rumus: S+ will + be + k.kerja + ing Example : he will be teaching me at eight tomorrow

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