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2 - 2013
DATED: April 23, 2013

RESOLUTION NO. 77 of 2013


WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, uphold and revere the constitution of The United States and Bill of Rights as the foundation of our freedoms, liberty and as guardian to Justice, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, recognize th~ erosion of our "More Perfect Union" by Bill Number 2230 known to us as The New York Safe Act, and WHEREAS, stand we united in full awareness that we the people are our right to bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property has been infringed upon, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, have indeed been assaulted by a weapon. A pen, and WHEREAS, by his own words our Governor is not aware of the content of written law in existence previous to the New York Safe Act, and WHEREAS, by his own words our Governor was not aware of the content of Bill Number 2230 as he signed it, and WHEREAS, the New York Safe Act does not increase the protection and safety of the public, and is unneccessarily burdensome to residents of New York State both financially and ethically, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, who will not comply are becoming criminals at this time by definition, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, who will not comply are a VAST MAJORITY, and WHEREAS, there is absolutely no need to change - PRE - NYSA gun control laws presented 1) Murders committed with assault rifles in New York State in the year 2012.0 2) Murders committed with a long gun in New York State in 2012. 5 3) Murders committed with a registered hand gun in New York State in the hands of it's registered owner in 2012. 0, and WHEREAS, mandates and executive orders attached to this NYSA are put upon our county officials to execute and enforce undifinitively and without funding, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, reject the new NYSA as a whole as an offering to provide meaningful solutions to "gun violence" rather this legislation is insightful at its core, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, speak a resounding cry "The N.Y.S.A. will not stand", and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, stand to deny infringement or assault of The Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights from all perspectives, and WHEREAS, the law of self preservation and the law of self protection are LAWS of Nature. No law of society can or ever will dictate its terms, and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. at its content attempts to circumvent the legal rights of the people, and the protections granted them in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. moves to usurp policy and authority and legislative prodedures and assaults directly the citizens of this state, and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. at its word would subsume our sheriffs charge to uphold, defend and protect the constitution of the United States and its citizens. Rendering our sheriffs Department ineffectual, and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. at principal sets a dangerous precedent as to: process in crafting, process of review, and manner of enactment and thus must be struck down, and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. in its manner of process AND its content does dissolve: The Foundation of our Nation, and

WHEREAS, our constituion may well at this moment be hanging by one thread, and WHEREAS, stand shoulder to shoulder, resolute in our cry to abolish this law within the borders of Montgomery County, and WHEREAS, we move to the core of the issue tabled before us in this moment. Which is Liberty and Justice for all, and WHEREAS, WE THE PEOPLE, invoke the words of Thomas Jefferson, "If a law is unjust a man is not only right in disobeying it. He is obligated to do so", and WHEREAS, the N.Y.S.A. is to "WE THE PEOPLE" as an elephant would be to treason, RESOLVED, WE THE PEOPLE, beseech our county legislature to consider moving as a body to strike down the New York Safe Act as a whole, and RESOLVED, that further debate as to content and process of enactment would be cause for further embroilment. Supervisors Stark and Strevy were absent (4/23/2013)



County Clerk County Treasurer Governor Andrew Cuomo Congressman Chris Gibson Congressman Paul D. Tonko Senator Charles Schumer Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara
Voting Record

STATE OF NEW YORK County of Montgomery

139 132 146 137 207 139 51 Totals: Aye: Nay: Abstained: Absent: 1630


Greco Stark Barone, Sr. Wheeler Chiara OiMezza Allen Sullivan Strevy Coddington Quackenbush

(R) Yes

(D) Absent 138 (R) Yes (R) Yes (C) Yes (D) Yes (R) Yes (0) Yes

This is to certify that I, the Undersigned, Clerk Of The Board of Supervisors of the County of Montgomery, have compared the 10regoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in the office, and which was passed by the Board of Supervisors of said County on the 23rd day of April, 2013, a majority of all the members elected to the Board voting in favor therof, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and the official seal of the Board of Supervisors this 24th day of April, 2013

(R) Absent 100 (R) Yes (R) Yes 93 160

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Rajkowski (R) Yes 143 ---6woot.~---iIR~)~Y~e~6--41~21~-Thayer Stagliano (R) Yes (0) Yes 64 98

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