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Where are the coordinates (longitude and latitude) of the highest place on earth? Name all the presidents from Ohio. What is the state motto of Alaska? Who wrote the Wealth of Nations? If you were a Christian in the year 500 AD what church denomination would you be? What was the score of the Ohio State-Michigan game last year? What was the score of the Urbana-Graham game last year? Who was the first person to step onto the moon and what state was he from? Write out a definition of the golden rule (do not ask me how to do this either, think a little bit). Who was the General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War? What was the main issue of the Civil War (one word answer only)? Who said, That government which governs best, governs least? Name the 13 original colonies. What is the national road is US Route _____and what nearby city did it go through?

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