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Bagaimana menggunakan propolis sebagai obat Aznan Lelo

Dep. Farmakologi & Terapeutik,

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara

28 November 2008, MEDCON HD meeting, Jakarta

Lem Lebah (Propolis)

getah (resin) berbau manis dari pepohonan yang dikumpulkan lebah, lalu dikunyahnya dan menaruhnya dalam keranjang serbuk yang ada pada kaki belakangnya Dengan kata lain lem sarang lebah yang terbuat dari resin tanaman Untuk menghangatkan sarang lebah dan terjauh dari kuman-kuman Berhasiat sebagai antimikroba Untuk penyembuhan berbagai penyakit, bagian dari apitherapy.

Lem Lebah (Propolis)

Komposisi sangat bervariasi, bergantung dari jenis tanaman yang didatangi lebah
o o o o o o o o o o o 50-55% getah & balsam, 25-35% lilin lebah, 10-15% minyak alami, 5% serbuk lebah dan 5% bahan organik lain dan mineral. Caffeic acid phenethyl ether or CAPE. Phenolics Terpenes Hydrocarbons Acids Bioflavonoids

Kandungan kimiawi utamanya

Interesting Properties of CAPE

Inhibits Nuclear Transcription Factor KappaB or NF-B, which drives T-cell proliferation and effector functions. Anti-inflammatory activity. Treats arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. Inhibits IL-2 which also drives T-cell proliferation.

Khasiat Farmakologi Propolis

Merangsang pembentukan antibodi. Menghambat masuknya virus ke dalam CD4 lymphocytes, terutama HIV-1. Meningkatkan khasiat anti-virus, zidovudine. Menanggulangi infeksi opportunistic pasien AIDS Meningkatkan produksi IFN- dan aktivitas macrophages.
o o o o o o anti-bakteri anti-inflamasi anti-tumor hepato-protective anti-oksidan anti-allergi

Compounds responsible for the biological activity of different propolis types

Propolis type European (poplar type) Antibacterial Flavanones, flavones, phenolic acids and their esters Prenylated p-coumaric acis, labdane diterpenes Prenylated benzopheno nes Not tested Anti-inflammatory Flavanones, flavones, phenolic acids and their esters Antitumor Caffeic acid phenethyl ester Prenylated p-coumaric acids, clerodane diterpenes, benzofurane Prenylated benzopheno nes Prenylated flavanones Hepatoprotective Caffeic acid, ferulic acids acid, caffeic acid their esters Prenylated p-coumaric acis, flavonoids, lignans, caffeoyl quinic acids Unidentified Antioxidant Flavonoids, phenolic and their esters Antiallergenic 3,3Dimethylallyl caffeate

Brazilian (Baccharis type)


Prenylated p-coumaric acis, flavonoids Prenylated benzopheno nes Prenylated flavanones

Not tested


Not tested

Not tested


Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2(1):2932,2005

evidence base produk perlebahan High Desert

Total Polyphenol Content (mgGAE/g)
HD Bee Pollen Cranberries Raisin Blackberry Raspberry Black Plum Granny S Apple Green Pear Yellow Pear Red D Apple Red Grape Peach

Peach Black Plum Red Grape Raspberry

Red D Apple Blackberry Raisin

Yellow Pear Green Pear Cranberries

Granny S Apple HD Bee Pollen


ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Chart whole food antioxidant activity

Published Evidence of Bee Products

Imhof M, et al. Propolis solution for the treatment of chronic vaginitis. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 89(2):127-32,2005. University of Vienna, Austria
o Propolis may have a role as an alternative treatment for chronic vaginal infection.

Botushanov PI, et al. A clinical study of a silicate toothpaste with extract from propolis. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 43(1-2):28-30,2001. Higher Medical Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, Bulgaria.
o The toothpaste shows very good plaque-cleaning, plaqueinhibiting and anti-inflammatory effect

Idiopathic convulsion
Eka Puji Rahayu, pr, 6 tahun. KU: kejang tiap 10 menit, sampai merot2. sudah berobat keberbagai dokter spesialis anak dan syaraf. Temuan: microencephali, obese. Terapi: madu dan propolis 2 x sehari. Sesudah 3 minggu: Kejang 2 kali sehari dan tidak gelisah.

Alur Penelitian
Pasien Demam Berdarah DengueRumah Sakit Umum Dr.Pirngadi

Pemeriksaan Trombosit, Hemoglobin dan Hematokrit

Kontrol (Pasien DBDdengan standar pengobatan RSUDr.Pirngadi)

Pasien DBDdengan standar pengobatan DBDdan diberi propolis 4x1gram

Pemeriksaan Trombosit,Hemoglobin dan Hematokrit setiap hari selama 4hari

Bee Propolis:
Ancient Cure for Todays Ailments

By: Dana Catalfamo

Major Components
Caffeic acid phenethyl ether or CAPE. Phenolics Terpenes Hydrocarbons Acids Flavonoids

Increased Antibody Production

(Sforcin, Orsi, & Bankova, 2005)

Inhibition of NF-B
CAPE inhibited NF-B binding to macrophages and decreased cytokine production. Tumor necrosis factor alpha, TNF-, which stimulates macrophages to kill tumor cells was used to see if NF- B would bind. Anti-inflammatory activity. Macrophages underwent apoptosis in patients with IBD leading to healing of the injuries to the colon.

Inhibition of NF-B

(Fitzpatrick, Wang, & Le, 2001)

CAPE Induces Apoptosis in Macrophages in Patients with IBD

(Fitzpatrick, Wang, & Le, 2001)

CAPE Reduces Injury to the Colon

(Fitzpatrick, Wang, & Le, 2001)

Anti-viral Activity
Viral entry of HIV-1 was inhibited in CD4 lymphocytes. Effectiveness of the reverse transcriptase inhibitor, zidovudine, was increased. Virus was kept from proliferating. HUGE BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!

Propolis Decreased Viral Expression in CD4 Cells

(Gekker, Hu, Spivak, Lokensgard, & Peterson, 2005)

No recommended dose. Capsules, liquid, lozenges, tablets, creams, gels, toothpastes, mouth rinses, and cough syrups. Well tolerated unless a person is allergic to a component of propolis. If allergic, hives result.

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