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ANNOTATED BIBLOGRAPHY: Lindsey, Crawford W. Jr. Teaching Students to Teach Themselves. New York: Nichols Pub, 1988. Print.

This book goes deeply into how teachers tend to not be able to motivate students and how they can be unresponsive with direct forward teaching. Throughout this book it provides various ways that students can grasp concepts better through different teaching mechanisms and how they learn better from it. This book really explains and analyzes how with given techniques students have the ability to learn more sufficiently and understand concepts more clearly. The author argues within this book of how teachers struggle with not being able to motivate students and how with certain uses of teaching methods students are able to retain information more clearly. With using question methods and having a extensive thinking and working class as a whole towards a goal really contributes to a student's success. With the information I was provided in this book I would apply this to my research by using examples from how teachers who give direct speeches tend to bore students and make them unmotivated. I would also give examples of how teachers have changed up their methods to make students really apply what they are learning. Moore, Susie. "Is It Time To Blend Student Learning?." British Journal Of Midwifery 20.11 (2012): 812-816. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 16 Mar. 2013. This article describes how teachers need to use less of their time of just straight teaching and have students participate in teaching one another. This articles give specific information on several different categories such as peer learning and learning within small groups. The articles also provides a clear definition of what blended learning is. The author throughout this article argues on the point of how teachers should get students more involved within the classroom and have them be teaching each other instead of them straightforward teaching the whole time. Through this article I can analyze that from peer learning and small groups that students are able to communicate and connect with one another about specific material and have a more critical understanding of it. I will use and apply this information within my paper by describing what blended teaching is and how peer learning and small group discussions affect students throughout their educational career. Silberman, Mel. Active Learning:101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject. Needham Heights: Silberman, 1996. Print In a specific section of this book, it goes into detail about ten different ways to get students to participate at any time within the classroom. Strategies such as open discussions, having response cards, taking surveys or polls within the class, having small group discussions, doing partner work, using fun methods like "whips" and "fishbowl," and even playing fun games relating to certain topics. The author in this book really argues the different forms of learning methods that students can use within the classroom to retain information more clearly and how to make it fun for students to learn and want to learn. These strategies really analyze how students can get involved and use different methods to learn and achieve knowledge. Creating different structures within a classroom is good for students and mixes up the learning and makes it fun to learn. From this section of the book, I am going to apply these concepts of different learning methods with looking further into if these methods and if they work with students. I will create different surveys for students and see where they stand with these kind of methods and activities.

Smith, Veronica C. and LeeAnn Cardaciotto. "Is Active Learning Like Broccoli? Student Perceptions Of Active Learning In Large Lecture Classes." Journal Of The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning 11.1 (2011): 53-61. ERIC. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. Throughout this article it describes what active learning is and how it is applied. It explains how large lectures has the disadvantage of not having variety methods of learning because of the extensive capacity. This article also depicts different learning group assignments that students can participate in. In this article the author clearly argues what active learning is and how large lecture classes can have difficult times with enforcing or using different methods of learning within a classroom. The author also argues the how different learning group assignments can affect contribute to a students education and their ability to achieve the knowledge they need in a more efficient manner. I analyzed that through this article different active learning groups play an effect on students and how they engage in the classroom. I also observed that within large classroom it can be difficult to have different structures of teaching within the class. I know that I will apply this information specifically to how students in large lecture class can struggle with not being provided that variety of methods to help them be successful. I will also use the information about what active learning is and explain it to others in my paper, interviews, and surveys. Zayapragassarazan, Z., and Santosh Kumar. "Active Learning Methods." Online Submission 19.1 (2012): 3-5. ERIC. Web. 16 Mar. 2013. This article describes different active learning methods that teachers can use to help students achieve a better understanding of the material they are learning. It points out specific methods such as concept maps, collaborative writing, brainstorming, team-based work, free write and peer teaching. Each of these methods give a brief description of how the method works and how students apply it and use it within the classroom. The author argues strongly in this article about how these effective methods can really better a students ability to learn and comprehend information within class. I have analyzed throughout this article that with the given methods listed that students can achieve a greater understanding and concept behind certain material and learn different ways to connect with the information. I will apply this article throughout my paper by showing the different methods used within a classroom that can better a students learning ability. I will also use the methods provided in the article to formulate questions in my surveys and interviews.

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