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friends, attached are arbc28.doc for the native's data, and arbc28tri.

pdf which shows the natal as the inner chart, the middle as the last (local) solar eclipse, and the key return on the outside - this is a true transit chart with angles calculated from two successive solar returns. i rectified the natal chart to 9:29:42pm which gives an asc of 00* ge 23'40". also used co-ordinates of 09n35'12" and 076e31'19 obtained from google earth. natal chart i

the outer planets are normally considered as generational, however when they transit the angles of a natal chart they should be watched carefully. this is particularly so when the planet in question is itself aspecting the main angle in the natal chart. here we see natal pluto in conjunction with moon opposition natal mc. we then note that in the solar eclipse (se) pluto exactly opposes natal ascendant. the transit of pluto to the angles is invariably a time of major and sudden life change. let's see how pluto may manifest. pluto is in the star of venus. venus is the sub sub lord of the ascendant, and the star lord of the 4th and 8th houses. here we see the 1st and 8th accident houses and the 4th involving vehicles. so pluto is likely to signify an accident involving vehicles. the probable manifestations according to ebertin is 'violent disputes, quarrels, injuries, accidents. a drastic change of one's circumstances in life'. in the centre se chart we note that uranus approaches natal mc and exactly aspects natal pluto. uranus is in the star of ketu, and ketu has positional status in the 8th house showing the likelihood of an accident.. again ebertin says pluto uranus indications give the possibility of an accident. both se pluto and uranus set up the scenario but do not time the event because they move relatively slowly. they are both still in contact with the natal indicators on the day of the event now looking at the 8th house of the natal chart we see that there is an 8th/2nd house axis consisting of saturn exact conjunction ketu - opposition mars rahu. this is a very strong saturnine configuration, because mars and rahu are in the star of saturn, and saturn and ketu are in the sign of saturn. the sub sub lord of the 1st cusp is linked to this configuration because venus is in the star of saturn. venus is also star lord of the 8th as we noted previously. so when this configuration is incubated by a se planet this configuration is primed for action by a relevant transit. if we look at the se chart we see se mars trining saturn and ketu. from there in ongoing transit, it comes exact opposition natal ascendant. in this position mars is in the star and sub of ketu sub sub of jupiter all connected to natal 8th house of serious accidents. venus who is sub sub lord of the ascendant is close opposition natal mc from the s.e. in ongoing transit venus comes close conjunction with natal saturn and ketu in the critical 8th/2nd axis. also rahu and ketu both representing moon and saturn (and ketu through ketu's star lord moon) closely aspect natal ascendant descendant axis. they go on to conjunct natal mc ic axis on the day of the event. so there are many indications of a potential accident.

dasas the dasas at the time of the accident were jupiter jupiter venus venus venus. jupiter is in the star of rahu and rahu represents moon. moon is in the star of venus which is situated in the 1st and 8th house cusps of serious accidents. venus is in the star of saturn which is represented by ketu in the 8th cusp. i chose this option because pluto set up and promoted this accident, assisted and the dasa lords indicated. mars

perhaps why the accident was not fatal is because ketu is star and sub lord of the 7th house which is in the 12th to 8th, which negates the 8th house position of ketu. another factor is that there is no direct link of the 1st cusps sub sub lord venus through its star lord saturn with the 1st cusp, though there is a connection with venus being star lord of the 8th cusp. ron gaunt



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