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INTERCURSOS GAMES Inter games courses are a very rich concept, spacious, versatile and ambivalent categorization involves

difficult. Etymologically, the researchers report that the word play comes from two Latin words: iocum and ludus-ludere, both refer to joke, fun, and are often used interchangeably with the term recreational activity. Many definitions have been enunciated on intercursos games as well, the dictionary of the Royal Academy of recreational exercise seen as subject to rules which are won or lost. But it polysemy itself and the subjectivity of the various authors imply that any definition is not only a partial approach to the phenomenon playful. Arguably, like any cultural reality, it is impossible to define in absolute terms, and therefore the definitions describe some of its features. Among the most important conceptualizations mentioned: "Games are an action intercursos free or occupation, which develops within a certain spatial and temporal boundaries, as absolutely binding rules, although freely accepted, an action that has an end in itself and is accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy and Awareness-be otherwise " "Free and selfless actions that take place between groups of classes in a temporal and spatial limitation of common life according to certain rules"

OBJECTIVES Sports - General Purpose Promote sports among students attending to their needs, interests and motivations in the perspective of cultivating in them the competitive spirit. - Specific Objectives Generate a sense of belonging. Basing on the students, training in ethical, aesthetic and moral through of their participation and organization in sports and leisure activities. Comply with the planning area so programmed. Create spaces that provide recreation and enjoyment.

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