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A Happy Linux User

The remarks below are from a single GNU/Linux user commenting on moments of troubleshooting while using the ArchLinux distribution on his laptop. The text below showcases the individuals level of acceptable operational expectation with regard to the operation of the laptop using ArchLinux. These remarks took place on the 11th day of May 2013 as part of a dialog on a public Internet Relay Chat channel on the USLUG network. All timestamps have been converted to Mountain Daylight Time, since that was the time zone of the Linux user making the remarks. Names have been removed to protect the innocent.

1:31 AM: btw, I'm so fucking happy, I finally got my nvidia optimus card working natively on my laptop 1:32 AM: with nvidia 319.12, kernel 3.9.0, and xrandr 1.14 1:35 AM: there, fixed iwlwifi issues... hopefully 1:37 AM: nvm, spoke too soon 1:47 AM: fuck 1:47 AM: [ 569.879231] 1:47 AM: [ 573.204315] 4:19 AM: well, the good news is I have a fully capable laptop finally 4:19 AM: the bad new is it's unstable as hell 4:19 AM: not like crashing unstable 4:20 AM: but like, the framebuffer will refuse to update, so you have swap out to a virtual console real quick to get your video updating again 4:21 AM: and if I tax the wifi card more than ssh and standard web browsing it'll disconnect for about 2 seconds 4:21 AM: other than that I'm happy 6:41 PM: right now? archlinux 6:41 PM: it's the only distro that's not gentoo that I can easily get kernel 3.9 working 6:45 PM: plus it already had xrandr 1.14 and xorg 1.14 6:45 PM: er, sorry, 1.4 and 1.4 6:47 PM: I think I have the wifi stableish now 6:47 PM: I disabled a lot of driver features. 6:49 PM: and switched from dhcpcd to dhclient 6:50 PM: so, really, the only problem is the framebuffer randomly freezing, but that's an nvidia issue.

wlp8s0: associated wlp8s0: deauthenticating from 00:24:a5:af:fd:3f by local choice (reason=3)

1:48 AM: wtf linux 1:48 AM: any time I try and saturate the bandwidth of my card 1:48 AM: like downloading or anything 1:48 AM: ssh it handles fine 1:48 AM: websites - fine 1:49 AM: youtube? shits itself

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