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Kite tically Strengthened Transportation Structures Tames Edwarl David Cline! eee Air pressure stored within an inflated structure can strengthen and shape the structure. Can stored energy within.a structure be used to strenghten it to support the weight of the structure in.a gravitational field? Specifically, how to support the. immense weight of .a transportation track connecting the surface of the Earth to Geosynchronous Earth Orbit? Kinetically Strengthened Transportation Structures. James ward David Cine OMNIDIRECTIONAL VS. LINEAR STORED ENERGY Structures. can be designed to utilize stored energy. within themselves. to increase their ability to resist deformation from applied loads, strengthened by the stored energy within themselves. For example, inflated structures and launch. vehicle . fuel. tanks utilize the omnidirectional. kinetic energy of pressure within. themselves. to shape,. stiffen and strengthen themselves. The stored energy within a structure can be 3- dimensionally. omnidirectional, such a balloon, or it also can be 2-dimensionally linearized. such as in a whirling rope lasso. The kinetic energy stored within the whirling circle of. rope lasso changes its shape from a. limp clump. of rope into.a circular shape with the resist deformation of its shape while it is. being thrown, the centrifugal force. on. the perimeter. of.the whirling loop. of rope shaping it into.a.semi-rigid circular form.

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