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MapReduce programming with Apache

Process massive data sets in parallel on large clusters

By Ravi Shankar and Govindu Narendra,, 09/23/08

Google and its MapReduce framework may rule the roost when it comes to massive-scale
data processing, but there's still plenty of that goodness to go around. This article gets
you started with Hadoop, the open source MapReduce implementation for processing
large data sets. Authors Ravi Shankar and Govindu Narendra first demonstrate the
powerful combination of map and reduce in a simple Java program, then walk you
through a more complex data-processing application based on Hadoop. Finally, they
show you how to install and deploy your application in both standalone mode and
clustering mode.

Are you amazed by the fast response you get while searching the Web with Google or
Yahoo? Have you ever wondered how these services manage to search millions of pages
and return your results in milliseconds or less? The algorithms that drive both of these
major-league search services originated with Google's MapReduce framework. While
MapReduce is proprietary technology, the Apache Foundation has implemented its own
open source map-reduce framework, called Hadoop. Hadoop is used by Yahoo and many
other services whose success is based on processing massive amounts of data. In this
article we'll help you discover whether it might also be a good solution for your
distributed data processing needs.

We'll start with an overview of MapReduce, followed by a couple of Java programs that
demonstrate the simplicity and power of the framework. We'll then introduce you to
Hadoop's MapReduce implementation and walk through a complex application that
searches a huge log file for a specific string. Finally, we'll show you how to install
Hadoop in a Microsoft Windows environment and deploy the application -- first as a
standalone application and then in clustering mode.

You won't be an expert in all things Hadoop when you're done reading this article, but
you will have enough material to explore and possibly implement Hadoop for your own
large-scale data-processing requirements.

About MapReduce
MapReduce is a programming model specifically implemented for processing large data
sets. The model was developed by Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat at Google (see
"MapReduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters"). At its core, MapReduce is a
combination of two functions -- map() and reduce(), as its name would suggest.
A quick look at a sample Java program will help you get your bearings in MapReduce.
This application implements a very simple version of the MapReduce framework, but
isn't built on Hadoop. The simple, abstracted program will illustrate the core parts of the
MapReduce framework and the terminology associated with it. The application creates
some strings, counts the number of characters in each string, and finally sums them up to
show the total number of characters altogether. Listing 1 contains the program's Main

Listing 1. Main class for a simple MapReduce Java app

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args)


MyMapReduce my = new MyMapReduce();



Listing 1 just instantiates a class called MyMapReduce, which is shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2.

import java.util.*;

public class MyMapReduce


Download complete Listing 2

As you see, the crux of the class lies in just four functions:

• The init() method creates some dummy data (just 30 strings). This data serves
as the input data for the program. Note that in the real world, this input could be
gigabytes, terabytes, or petabytes of data!
• The step1ConvertIntoBuckets() method segments the input data. In this
example, the data is divided into six smaller chunks and put inside an ArrayList
named buckets. You can see that the method takes a list, which contains all of the
input data, and another int value, numberOfBuckets. This value has been
hardcoded to five; if you divide 30 strings into five buckets, each bucket will have
six strings each. Each bucket in turn is represented as an ArrayList. These array
lists are put finally into another list and returned. So, at the end of the function,
you have an array list with five buckets (array lists) of six strings each.
These buckets can be put in memory (as in this case), saved to disk, or put onto
different nodes in a cluster!
• step2RunMapFunctionForAllBuckets() is the next method invoked from
init(). This method internally creates five threads (because there are five
buckets -- the idea is to start a thread for each bucket). The class responsible for
threading is StartThread, which is implemented as an inner class. Each thread
processes each bucket and puts the individual result in another array list named
intermediateresults. All the computation and threading takes place within the
same JVM, and the whole process runs on a single machine.

If the buckets were on different machines, a master should be monitoring them to

know when the computation is over, if there are any failures in processing in any
of the nodes, and so on. It would be great if the master could perform the
computations on different nodes, rather than bringing the data from all nodes to
the master itself and executing it.
• The step3RunReduceFunctionForAllBuckets() method collates the results
from intermediateresults, sums it up, and gives you the final output.

Note that intermediateresults needs to combine the results from the parallel
processing explained in the previous bullet point. The exciting part is that this
process also can happen concurrently!

A more complicated scenario

Processing 30 input elements doesn't really make for an interesting scenario. Imagine
instead that there are 100,000 elements of data to be processed. The task at hand is to
search for the total number of occurrences of the word JavaWorld. The data may be
structured or unstructured. Here's how you'd approach it:

• Assume that, in some way, the data is divided into smaller chunks and is inserted
into buckets. You have a total of 10 buckets now, with 10,000 elements of data
within each of them. (Don't bother worrying about who exactly does the dividing
at the moment.)
• Apply a function named map(), which in turn executes your search algorithm on a
single bucket and repeats it concurrently for all the buckets in parallel, storing the
result (of processing of each bucket) in another set of buckets, called result
buckets. Note that there may be more than one result bucket.
• Apply a function named reduce() on each of these result buckets. This function
iterates through the result buckets, takes in each value, and then performs some
kind of processing, if needed. The processing may either aggregate the individual
values or apply some kind of business logic on the aggregated or individual
values. This functionality once again takes place concurrently.
• Finally, you will get the result you expected.
These four steps are very simple but there is so much power in them! Let's look at the

Dividing the data

In Step 1, note that the buckets created by someone for you may be on a single machine
or on multiple machines (though they must be on the same cluster in that case). In
practice, that means that in large enterprise projects, multiple terabytes or petabytes of
data could be segmented into thousands of buckets on different machines in the cluster,
and processing could be performed in parallel, giving the user an extremely fast response.
Google uses this concept to index every Web page it crawls. If you take advantage of the
power of the underlying filesystem used for storing the data in individual machines of the
cluster, the result could be more fascinating. Google uses the proprietary Google File
System (GFS) for this.

The map() function

In Step 2, the map() function understands exactly where it should go to process the data.
The source of data may be memory, or disk, or another node in the cluster. Please note
that bringing data to the place where the map() function resides is more costly and time-
consuming than letting the function execute at the place where the data resides. If you
write a C++ or Java program to process data on multiple threads, then the program
fetches data from a data source (typically a remote database server) and is usually
executed on the machine where your application is running. In MapReduce
implementations, the computation happens on the distributed nodes.

The reduce() function

In Step 3, the reduce() function operates on one or more lists of intermediate results by
fetching each of them from memory, disk, or a network transfer and performing a
function on each element of each list. The final result of the complete operation is
performed by collating and interpreting the results from all processes running reduce()

In Step 4, you get the final output, which can be either 0 or some data element.

With this simple Java program under your belt, you're ready to understand the more
complex MapReduce implementation in Apache Hadoop.

Apache Hadoop
Hadoop is an open source implementation of the MapReduce programming model.
Hadoop relies not on Google File System (GFS), but on its own Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS). HDFS replicates data blocks in a reliable manner and places them on
different nodes; computation is then performed by Hadoop on these nodes. HDFS is
similar to other filesystems, but is designed to be highly fault tolerant. This distributed
filesystem does not require any high-end hardware, but can run on commodity computers
and software; it is also scalable, which is one of the primary design goals for the
implementation. HDFS is independent of any specific hardware or software platform, and
is hence easily portable across heterogeneous systems.

If you've worked with clustered Java EE applications, you're probably familiar with the
concepts of a master instance that manages other instances of the application server
(called slaves) in a network deployment architecture. These master instances may be
called deployment managers (if you're using WebSphere), manager servers (with
WebLogic) or admin servers (with Tomcat). It is the responsibility of the master server
instance to delegate various responsibilities to slave application server instances, to listen
for handshaking signals from each instance so as to decide which are alive and which are
dead, to do IP multicasting whenever required for synchronization of serializable sessions
and data, and other similar tasks. The master stores the metadata and relevant port
information of the slaves and works in a collaborative manner so that the end user feels as
if there is only one instance.

HDFS works more or less in a similar way. In the HDFS architecture, the master is called
a NameNode and the slaves are called DataNodes. There is only a single NameNode in
HDFS, whereas there are many DataNodes across the cluster, usually one per node.
HDFS allocates a namespace (similar to a package in Java, a tablespace in Oracle, or a
namespace in C++) for storing user data. A file might be split into one or more data
blocks, and these data blocks are kept in a set of DataNodes. The NameNode will have
the necessary metadata information on how the blocks are mapped to each other and
which blocks are being stored in which of the NameNodes. Note that not all the requests
to be delegated to DataNodes need to pass through the NameNode. All the filesystem's
client requests for reading and writing are processed directly by the DataNodes, whereas
namespace operations like the opening, closing, and renaming of directories are
performed by NameNodes. NameNodes are responsible for issuing instructions to
DataNodes for data block creation, replication, and deletion.

A typical deployment of HDFS has a dedicated machine that runs only the NameNode.
Each of the other machines in the cluster typically runs one instance of the DataNode
software, though the architecture does allow you to run multiple DataNodes on the same
machine. The NameNode is concerned with metadata repository and control, but
otherwise never handles user data. The NameNode uses a special kind of log, named
EditLog, for the persistence of metadata.

Deploying Hadoop

Though Hadoop is a pure Java implementation, you can use it in two different ways. You
can either take advantage of a streaming API provided with it or use Hadoop pipes. The
latter option allows you to build Hadoop apps with C++; this article will focus on the
Hadoop's main design goal is to provide storage and communication on lots of
homogeneous commodity machines. The implementers selected Linux as their initial
platform for development and testing; hence, if you're working with Hadoop on
Windows, you will have to install separate software to mimic the shell environment.

Hadoop can run in three different ways, depending on how the processes are distributed:

• Standalone mode: This is the default mode provided with Hadoop. Everything is
run as a single Java process.
• Pseudo-distributed mode: Here, Hadoop is configured to run on a single
machine, with different Hadoop daemons run as different Java processes.
• Fully distributed or cluster mode: Typically, one machine in the cluster is
designated as the NameNode and another machine as the JobTracker. There is
exactly one NameNode in each cluster, which manages the namespace, filesystem
metadata, and access control. You can also set up an optional
SecondaryNameNode, used for periodic handshaking with NameNode for fault
tolerance. The rest of the machines within the cluster act as both DataNodes and
TaskTrackers. The DataNode holds the system data; each data node manages its
own locally scoped storage, or its local hard disk. The TaskTrackers carry out map
and reduce operations.

Writing a Hadoop MapReduce application

The surest way to understand how Hadoop works is to walk through the process of
writing a Hadoop MapReduce application. For the remainder of this article, we'll be
working with EchoOhce, a simple MapReduce application that can reverse many strings.
The input strings to be reversed represent the large amount of data that MapReduce
applications typically work with. The example divides the data into different nodes,
performs the reversal operations, combines the result strings, and then outputs the results.
This application provides an opportunity to examine all of the main concepts of Hadoop.
After you understand how it works, you'll see how it can be deployed in different modes.

First, take a look at the package declaration and imports in Listing 3. The EchoOhce class
is in the com.javaworld.mapreduce package.

Listing 3. Package declarations for EchoOhce

package com.javaworld.mapreduce;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;

The first set of imports is for the standard Java classes, and the second set is for the
MapReduce implementation.

The EchoOhce class begins by extending org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured and

implementing the interface org.apache.hadoop.until.Tool, as you can see in Listing

Listing 4. Extending Configured, implementing Tool

public class EchoOhce extends Configured implements Tool {

//..your code goes here

The Configured class is responsible for delivering the configuration parameters

specified in certain XML files. This is done when the programmer invokes the
getConf() method of this class. This method returns an instance of
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration, which is basically a holder for the
resources specified as name-value pairs in XML data. Each resource is named by either a
String or by an org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path instance.

By default, the two resources loaded in order from the classpath are:

• hadoop-default.xml: This file contains read-only defaults for Hadoop, like global
properties, logging properties, I/O properties, filesystem properties, and the like.
If you want to use your own values for any of these properties, you can override
them in hadoop-site.xml.
• hadoop-site.xml: Here you can override the values in hadoop-default.xml that do
not meet your specific objectives.

Please note that applications may add additional resources -- as many as you want. Those
are loaded in order from the classpath. You can find out more from the Hadoop API
documentation for the addResource() and addFinalResource() methods.
addFinalResource() allows the flexibility for declaring a resource to be final so that
subsequently loaded resources cannot alter that value.

You might have noticed that the code implements an interface named Tool. This interface
supports a variety of methods to handle generic command-line options. The interface
forces the programmer to write a method, run(), that takes in String arrays as
parameters and returns an int. The integer returned will determine whether the execution
has been successful or not. Once you've implemented the run() method in your class,
you can write your main() method, as in Listing 5.

Listing 5. main() method

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

int res = Configuration(), new EchoOhce(), args);

The org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner class invokes the run() method

implemented in the EchoOhce class. The ToolRunner utility helps to run classes that
implement the Tool interface. With this facility, developers can avoid writing a custom
handler to process various input options.

Map and reduce

Now you can jump into the actual MapReduce implementation. You're going to write two
inner classes within the EchoOhce class. They are:

• Map: Includes functionality for processing input key- value pairs to generate
output key-value pairs.
• Reduce: Includes functionality for collecting output from parallel map processing
and outputting that collected data.

Figure 1 illustrates how the sample app will work.

Figure 1. Map and Reduce in action (click to enlarge)

First, take a look at the Map class in Listing 6.

Listing 6. Map class

public static class Map extends MapReduceBase
implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {

private Text inputText = new Text();

private Text reverseText = new Text();

public void map(LongWritable key, Text inputs,

OutputCollector<Text, Text> output,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {

String inputString = inputs.toString();

int length = inputString.length();
StringBuffer reverse = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=length-1; i>=0; i--)

As mentioned earlier, the EchoOhce application must take an input string, reverse it, and
return a key-value pair with input and reverse strings together. First, it gets the parameters
for the map() function -- namely, the inputs and the output. From the inputs, it gets the
input String. The application uses the simple Java API to find the reverse of this
String, then creates a key-value pair by setting the input String and the reverse String.
You end up with an OutputCollector instance, which contains the result of this
processing. Assume that this is one result obtained from one execution of the map()
function on one of the nodes.

Obviously, you'll need to combine all such outputs. This is exactly what the reduce()
method of the Reduce class, shown in Listing 7, will do.

Listing 7. Reduce.reduce()

public static class Reduce extends MapReduceBase

implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> {

public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<Text> values,

OutputCollector<Text, Text> output,
Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
while (values.hasNext()) {

The MapReduce framework knows how many OutputCollectors there are and which
are to be combined for the final result. The reduce() method actually does the grunt
Finally, to complete EchoOhce's Main class, you need to set the values for your
configuration. Basically, these values inform the MapReduce framework about the types
of the output keys and values, the names of the Map and Reduce classes, and so on. The
complete run() method is shown in Listing 8.

Listing 8. run()

public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {

JobConf conf = new JobConf(getConf(), EchoOhce.class);


Download complete Listing 8.

As you can see in the listing, you must first create a Configuration instance;
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf extends from the Configuration class. JobConf
has the primary responsibility of sending your map and reduce implementations to the
Hadoop framework for execution. Once the JobConf instance has been given the
appropriate values for your MapReduce implementation, you invoke the most important
method, named runJob(), on the org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient class, by
passing in the JobConf instance. JobClient internally communicates with the
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker class, and provides facilities for submission
of jobs, tracking progress, accessing the progress or logs, or getting cluster status.

That should give you a good sense of how EchoOhce, a sample MapReduce application,
works. We'll conclude with instructions for installing the relevant software and running
the application.

Installing a MapReduce application in standalone mode

Unlike a Java EE application that can easily be deployed onto an app server, a
MapReduce application using Hadoop requires some extra steps for deployment. First,
you should understand the default, out-of-the-box way that Hadoop operates: standalone
mode. The following steps describe how to set up the application on a Windows XP
Professional system; the process would be almost identical for any other environment,
with an important exception that you'll learn more about in a moment.

1. Ensure that version 5.0 or above of Java is installed on your machine.

2. Download the latest version of Hadoop. At the time that this article was
published, the latest distribution was version 0.18.0. Save the downloads into a
directory -- this example will use D:\hadoop.
3. Make sure that you're logged in with an OS user name that doesn't contain spaces.
For example, a username like "Ravi" should be used rather than "Ravi Shankar".
This is to avoid some problems (which will be fixed in later versions) while using
SSH communication. Please also make sure that your system uses a username and
password to log on at startup. Do not bypass authentication. SSH will synchronize
with Windows login while doing some handshakes.
4. As mentioned earlier, you will need to have an execution environment for shell
scripts. If you're using a Unix-like OS, you will already have a command line
available to you; but on a Windows machines, you will need to install the Cygwin
tools. Download the Cygwin package, making sure that you have selected the
openSSH package (under the NET category) before you begin. For the other
packages, you can simply use the defaults.
5. In this example, Java has been installed in D:\Tiger. You need to make Hadoop
aware of this directory. Go to your Hadoop installation in the D:\hadoop directory,
then to the conf subdirectory. Open the file named and change the
value of JAVA_HOME (uncommenting, if necessary) to the following:
6. JAVA_HOME = /cygdrive/d/Tiger

(Note that /cygdrive prefix. This is how Cygwin maps your Windows directory to
a Unix-style directory format.)

7. Start Cygwin by choosing Start > All Programs > Cygwin > Cygwin Bash
8. In Hadoop, communication between different processes across different machines
is achieved in through SSH, so the next important step is to get sshd running. If
you're using SSH for the first time, please note that sshd needs a config file to
run, which is generated by the following command:
9. ssh-host-config

When you enter this, you will get a prompt usually asking for the value for
CYGWIN. Enter ntsec tty. If you are again prompted with a question on the
privilege separation that should be used, your answer should be no. If asked for
your consent for installing SSH as a service, give yes as your response.

Once this has been set up, start the sshd service by typing:

To make sure that sshd is running, check the process status:

ps | grep sshd

10. If sshd is running, you can try to SSH to localhost:

11.ssh localhost

If you're asked for a passphrase to SSH to the localhost, press Ctrl-C and enter:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -P ' ' -f /.ssh/id_dsa
cat /.ssh/ >> /.ssh/authorized_keys

12. Try running the example programs available at the Hadoop site. If all of the above
steps have gone as they should, you should be get the expected output.
13. Now it's time to create the input data for the EchoOhce application:
14.echo "Hello" >> word1
15.echo "World" >> word2
16.echo "Goodbye" >> word3
17.echo "JavaWorld" >> word4
18. Next, you need to put the files you created in Step 10 into HDFS after creating a
directory. Note that you do not need to create any partitions for HDFS. It comes
as part of the Hadoop installation, and all you need to do is execute the following
19.bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir words
20.bin/hadoop dfs -put word1 words/
21.bin/hadoop dfs -put word2 words/
22.bin/hadoop dfs -put word3 words/
23.bin/hadoop dfs -put word4 words/
24. Next, create a JAR file for the sample application. As an easy and extensible
approach, create two environment variables in your machine, HADOOP_HOME
and HADOOP_VERSION. (For the sample under consideration, the values will
be D:\Hadoop and 0.17.1, respectively.) Now you can create EchoOhce.jar with
the following commands:
25.mkdir EchoOhce_classes
26.javac -classpath ${HADOOP_HOME}/hadoop-${HADOOP_VERSION}-core.jar
-d EchoOhce_classes
27.jar -cvf EchoOhce.jar -C EchoOhce_classes/
28. Finally, its time to see the output. Run the application with the following
29.bin/hadoop jar EchoOhce.jar com.javaworld.mapreduce.EchoOhce
words result

You will see an output screen with details like the following:
08/07/18 11:14:45 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 0% reduce 0%
08/07/18 11:14:52 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 40% reduce 0%
08/07/18 11:14:53 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 80% reduce 0%
08/07/18 11:14:54 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 100% reduce 0%
08/07/18 11:15:03 INFO streaming.StreamJob: map 100% reduce 100%
08/07/18 11:15:03 INFO streaming.StreamJob: Job complete:
08/07/18 11:15:03 INFO streaming.StreamJob: Output: result

Now go to result directory, and look in the file named result. It should contain the
Hello olleH
World dlroW
Goodbye eybdooG
JavaWorld dlroWavaJ

Installing a MapReduce application in real cluster mode

Running the sample application in standalone mode will prove that things are working
properly, but it isn't really very exciting. To really demonstrate the power of Hadoop,
you'll want to execute it in real cluster mode.

1. Pick six open port numbers that you can use; this example will use 8000 through
8005. (If the details from the netstat command reveal that these are not available,
please feel free to use any six of your choice.) You will need four machines,
MACH1 to MACH4, all interconnected either through a cable or wireless LAN.
In the sample scenario described here, they are connected via a home network.
2. MACH1 will be the NameNode, and MACH2 will be the JobTracker. As
mentioned earlier, in a cluster-based environment there will be only one of each.
3. Open the file named hadoop-site.xml under the conf directory of your Hadoop
installation. Change the values to match those shown in Listing 9.

Listing 9. hadoop-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->


4. Open the file named masters under the conf directory. Here you need to add the
master NameNode and JobTracker names, as shown in Listing 10. (If there are
existing entries, please replace them with those shown in the listing).

Listing 10. Adding NameNode and JobTracker names


5. Open the file named slaves under the conf directory. This is where you put the
names of DataNodes, as shown in Listing 11. (Again, if there are existing entries
in this file, please replace them.)

Listing 11. Adding DataNode names


6. Now you're ready to go, and it's time to start the Hadoop cluster. Log on to each
node, accepting the defaults. Log into your NameNode as follows:
7. ssh MACH1

Now go to Hadoop directory:

cd /hadoop0.17.1/

Execute the start script to launch HDFS:


(Note that you can stop this later with the command.)

8. Start the JobTracker exactly as above, with the following commands:

9. ssh MACH2 /hadoop0.17.1/

(Again, this can be stopped later by the corresponding


You can now execute the EchoOche application as described in the previous section, in
the same way. The difference is that now the program will be executed across a cluster of
DataNodes. You can confirm this by going to the Web interface provided with Hadoop.
Point your browser to http://localhost:8002. (The default is actually port 50070; to see
why you'd need to use port 8002 here, take a closer look at Listing 9.) You should see a
frame similar to the one in Figure 2, showing the details of NameNode and all jobs
managed by it.

Figure 2. Hadoop Web interface, showing the number of nodes and their status
(click to enlarge)

This Web interface will provide many details to browse through, showing you the full
statistics of your application. Hadoop comes with several different Web interfaces by
default; you can see their default URLs in Hadoop-default.xml. For example, in this
sample application, http://localhost:8003 will show you JobTracker statistics. (The
default is port is 50030.)

In conclusion
In this article, we've presented the fundamentals of MapReduce programming with the
open source Hadoop framework. This excellent framework accelerates the processing of
large amounts of data through distributed processes, delivering very fast responses. It can
be adopted and customized to meet various development requirements and can be scaled
by increasing the number of nodes available for processing. The extensibility and
simplicity of the framework are the key differentiators that make it a promising tool for
data processing.

About the author

Ravi Shankar is an assistant vice president of technology development, currently working

in the financial industry. He is a Sun Certified Programmer and Sun Certified Enterprise
Architect with 15 years of industry experience. He has been a presenter at international
conferences like JavaOne 2004, IIWAS 2004, and IMECS 2006. Ravi served earlier as a
technical member of the OASIS Framework for Web Services Implementation
Committee. He spends most of his leisure time exploring new technologies.
Govindu Narendra is a technical architect pursuing development of parallel processing
technologies and portal development in data warehousing. He is a Sun Certified

All contents copyright 1995-2008 Java World, Inc.

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