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Operasi memiliki beberapa prosedur yang harus dilakukan.

Diantaranya adalah pemeriksaan prabedah yang bertujuan mengidentifikasi kondisi yang tidak terduga yang mungkin memerlukan terapi sebelum operasi atau perubahan penatalaksaan operasi. Salah satu pemeriksaan yang dimaksud adalah pemeriksaan laboratorium. Setelah pemeriksaan di atas dilakukan, maka pasien akan dibawa ke ruang operasi. Dokter anestesi kemudian akan memberikan obat-obatan anestesi dengan tujuan menghilangkan rasa sakit pada pasien ketika prosedur pembedahan dilakukan. Obat-obatan yang digunakan untuk anestesi dapat mengganggu pernapasan normal, sehingga pasien perlu dipasang sebuah ventilator untuk memastikan pasien tetap bernapas selama operasi. Selain dipasang mesin ventilator, pasien juga akan dipasang ecg untuk mengetahui aktivitas listrik jantung. selama anestesi dan bedah sering terjadi perubahan klinis yang significant sehingga monitor dengan ecg sangat penting untuk dilakukan.

Operation has several procedures to be performed. Prior to surgery, patient is given a medical examination, one of the examination a blood test. Its to do know complete information about the patient overall health and to make sure everything is alright. The nurse care about patients blood count, clotting ability, electrolites, and other things depending on patients medical status. After blood tests is done, the patient will be taken to the operating room. Then, the anesthetist will provide anesthetic drugs with the aim of relieving pain in patients when the surgical procedures performed. The medicines used to induce anesthesia can disrupt normal breathing, so patient must be installed a ventilator to make sure that patient continue breathing during surgery. In addition, the patient will be installed ECG to recording of the electrical activity of the heart. During anesthesia and surgery is often clinically significant changes occur so that the ECG monitor is very important to do. Once the surgical prosedure is complete, gauze or plaster are used to close the incision. Once the incision is closed, the anesthetic are stopped. when patient wake up from surgery, anesthesiologist will direct the monitoring and medications needed for recovery. After that, the patient will be taken to the recovery room. During the postoperative periode, the patient general function is assessed, the outcome of the procedure is assessed, and the surgical site is checked for signs of infection. The patient may will feel discomfort after surgery. The nurse can relieve pain after surgery with medicines given by injection. Its can be minimize postoperative pain during in recovery.

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