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Rights for every child

The U N Convention on the R ights of the Child states the rights of all children and young people under the age of 18.

All organisations concerned w ith children, for exam ple, schools and the health service, should w ork tow ards w hat is best for each child. Article 3 All children have a right to a birth certificate. Article 7 Children should not be separated from their parents unless it is for their ow n good. For instance, if a parent is hurting their child or not tak ing care of them properly. Article 9 If parents decide to live apart, children have the right to stay in contact w ith both parents. Article 9 Fam ilies w ho live in different countries have the right to get back together and live in the sam e place. Article 10

All over the w orld, children can be separated from the ones they love best. This m other and son are reunited after being separated by the 2004 tsunam i.

U N ICEF/05-1699/J odh Estey

All children should be protected from violence, abuse and neglect, and governm ents should protect them . Article 19 Children should not be allow ed to do w or k that is dangerous or m ight m a ke them ill, or stops them going to school. Article 32
U N ICEF/H Q 96-0909/R oger L eM oyne

Children have a right to be protected from dangerous drugs, and from the business o f m a king or selling them . Article 33 N obody can do anything to your body that you do not w ant them to do, and grow n-ups should protect you. Article 34 N o child should be punished in a w ay that hum iliates or hurts them . Article 37

O ver 100 m illion children do dangerous w ork , o ften aw ay from their fam ilies, and dont go to school.

All children have a right to be able to give their opinion w hen adults are m a king a decision that w ill a ffect them , and adults should ta ke it seriously. Article 12 All children have a right to find out things, and say w hat they thin k through spea king, w riting, draw ing etc. unless it brea ks the rights o f others. Article 13 All children have the right to m eet, m a ke friends w ith, and join clubs w ith other children. Article 15 All children have the right to privacy. Article 16 All children have the right to in form ation from TV, radio, new spapers and the internet. These m edia should provide in form ation that children can understand. Article 17

A girl speak s on the U N ICEF-supported Young Peoples M edia N etw ork (YP M N ), produced and run by children age 1417 in Georgia.

U N ICEF/H Q 04-1027/Giacom o P irozzi

All children have the right to thin k and believe w hat they w ant, and to practise their religion. Article 14 Parents should help children learn w hat is right and w rong. Article 14 Children w ho are re fugees or asylum see kers in another land have the right to special protection. They have the sam e rights as children w ho w ere born in that country. Article 22 Children w ho com e from a m inority group have the right to learn and use the language and custom s o f their fam ilies. Also to practise their ow n religion and use their ow n language. Article 30

Friendship know s no barriers o f country, culture, race or religion.

U N ICEF/H Q 79-0001/Shelley R otner


All children have the right to an education. Article 28 The purpose o f education is to develop every childs personality, talents and m ental and physical abilities. Article 29 Education should teach children to respect their parents, their ow n and other cultures. Article 29 Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peace fully in a free society. Article 29 Education should teach children to respect the natural environm ent. Article 29 All children have the right to relax and play, and to join a w ide range o f activities. Article 31

A R w andan boy holds a U N ICEF schoolbook at his prim ary school. M ore than 90 m illion children do not receive prim ary education.

U N ICEF/H Q 07-1352/Giacom o P irozzi


Every child has the right to life. Article 6 Children w ho are disabled, either m entally or physically, have a right to special care and education so they can lead full and independent lives. Article 23 All children have a right to good health and good quality health care. All children should have clean w ater, nutritious food and a clean environm ent so they stay healthy. Article 24 All children have the right to a decent standard of living. The Governm ent should help fam ilies w ho cannot a fford to provide a decent standard o f living for their children. Article 27

A boy, age 9, drink s w ater from a tap in the village of Boa M arte, Sao Tom e. M ore than 120 m illion children do not have safe w ater.

U N ICEF/H Q 97-1189/Giacom o P irozzi


Children under the age of 16 years should not tak e a direct part in any conflict. Article 38 Children w ho are affected by an arm ed conflict should have special protection and care. Article 38 Children w ho have suffered in any w ay have a right to get help in a safe place, to help them recover. Article 39

Sam i, age 6, w atches as his parents unpack a U N ICEF w ater k it. The fam ily lost their hom e in the 2004 Asian tsunam i.

U N ICEF/H Q 05-0239/Giacom o P irozzi

* R ehabilitation m eans that things are done to put life back to norm al.

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Acknowledgements Illustrations from For Every Child, published by R ed Fox, a division of R andom H ouse Childrens Book s, 6163 U xbridge R oad, Ealing W 5 5SA. Credits Cover, P.J .Lynch; p.2, K en W ilson-M ax; p.4, Claudio M uoz; p.6, J ohn Burningham ; p.8, R abindra & Am rit K .D. K aur Singh; p.10, Satoshi K itam ura; p.12, Peter W eevers; p.14, Shirley H ughes For m ore copies of this leaflet call 0844 801 2414, and quote code 32348.

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