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School districts, under state law, must prepare "Property Tax Report Cards" and make them publicly

available in advance of budget votes. Here is how district reserves, or fund balances, are shown ard port C e R in those report cards. x a yT
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ted Budge 3 2012-1 (A)

get ed Bud Propos 3 2012-1 (B)

t Percen e Chang (C)

Restricted for specific purpose (Construction, workmens comp, etc.)

Actual 2012-13 (D) Estimated 2012-13 (E)

Adjusted Restricted Fund Balance Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance Adjusted Unrestricted Fund Balance as a Percent of the Total Budget

$10,183,247 $3,203,159 $3,613,819 4.0%

$10,098,726 $3,004,705 $3,195,116 4.0%

Allowable percentage of budget

Rainy day

Applied to regular budget

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