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SHAPES DOCUMENTARY PROJECT 5th GRADE Your shape: Your group members: Responsibilities Interviewer write 3 questions you

u want to ask about your shape and ask them on camera NAME: Interviewee write 3 answers to these questions and answer them on camera NAME: Camera person film the interview and film the shape in nature NAME: Narrator introduce each shape on film NAME: Plan 1. Decide on your shape. 2. Make a list of 5 places where your shape can be found in the environment (natural or man-made). 3. As a group, work on your list of questions and answers (but the final decisions are up to the interviewer and interviewee) 4. Find a quiet spot to conduct your interview. Film the interview using iMovie. 5. Play back the interview to make sure you can hear it. If you cant, problem solve and try again 6. As a group, find at least 3 images of shapes in the environment and film them. 7. The narrator will explain where the shape is and why it is an example of the shape (for example: this is a wheel on a car. Wheels are circles. 8. Once all filming is complete, return to the classroom and add titles and credits to your movie.

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