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The Archive*


Design Context
For my design context I created a mail out to send to a select few studios who have inflaunced me greatly over my time studying graphic design at LCA.

The mail out was A7 and small enough to fit in a letter, easily mail able and not expensive. I send it to She was only, OK200, Filthy Media.

The Archive*


Design Context
The publication is broken up into 3 seperate chapters. Each chapter represents a design specialism I look at and areas I aim to work in after I graduate. The size of each Chapter also represents my interest within that specialism.

Chapter 1
This chapter consists of some of my favourite projects from branding studios and designers with a short biography about who they are and what they stand for.

Chapter 2
Some of my favourite websites and typographic layouts for screen. I have also included notes on how each design has inflaunced me and opened up my view on web design more and more.

Chapter 3
This chapter covers all the books and editorial pieces I have collected over 3 years and what inflaunced me from each of them. I have also added a section on OK200 at the back followed by a e-mail interview as it was one of the studios who have inflaunced me the most whole being at university.

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