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@® NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE April 2009 President Dear Friend of Marriage, Maggie Gallagher I come to you today with an urgent plea for help. By now you probably know already that President Obama has declared war on DOMA. In fact, he's announced the repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act as one of the top “civil rights” priorities for his Board Members administration. Executive Director Brian 8. Brown Chairman And if we don’t act quickly and decisively, it could soon be too late. Please keep Robert P. George reading or go to www. today to see how you can help! none On the very first day of his presidency, President Obama sent America a radical new — message about marriage. Matt Holland . - Chuck Stetson Just minutes after the inauguration, the White House website announced the Obama Luis Tellez. administration’s new “civil rights” priorities. Prominent among them: Kea Von Kohom “Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions.” Instantly, the repeal of BOMA would jeopardize the marriage statutes of 48 states, and threaten all 30 state constitutional amendments adopted by voters over the past decade. Instead of protecting the will of voters all across the country, President Obama would allow one-judge majorities in Massachusetts and Connecticut to force same-sex marriage on an entire nation. stark reality, Wit troke of the pen, President Obama plans to sign. ill repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), allowing judges in one state to impose riage on 48 other states. And President Obama isn’t alone in pushing this radical agenda. Already Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democratic leadership in Congress have helped Obama sneak through radical and far-reaching social policy changes as part of the economic stimulus package. If they think we're asleep at the wheel, they could try the same thing with marriage during the first few months of this new administration. ‘They've told us it’s coming. The question is: Are we ready? Will you help us stop them? With just $5 or $10 .a month, you can join an army of Americans who care about marriage and are willing to stand together to tell Washington: “Don’t mess with marriage!” 20 Nassau Street, Suite 242, Princeton, NJ 08542 _ Toll Free: (888) 894-3604 Local: (609) 688-0450 Fax: (888) 894-3604 In 1996, judges in Hawaii threatened to impose same-sex marriage on an unwilling nation, Democrats and Republicans alike moved quickly to preserve our federalist model of government, protecting unwilling states from having their marriage policy dictated by a handful of out-of-state judges. The threat is even more pressing today, as judges in Massachusetts and Connecticut have now, by 4-3 margins, made same-sex marriage a reality waiting to be exported across the country. The Defense of Marriage Act is still the only federal statute that stands in the way of gay marriage activists seeking to force same-sex marriage on states like Georgia, Kentucky, Wisconsin or Oregon ~ all states where voters have recently and decisively rejected same-sex marriage Repeal DOMA, and every one of the state statues and constitutional amendments adopted over the past 10 years is immediately at great risk. We can’t afford to let that happen, Don't Iet the media fool you, Powerful politicians in Washington are pushing an aggressive, radical, and divisive new culture war on the American people. “Whether you like itor not,” as San Francisco's Mayor Gavin Newsom put it when he announced plans to push gay marriage down the throat of all Californians. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the politicians in Washington have told us what they think of marriage, It’s ti shin; own! I's time to tell Washington that marriage ~ the union of a husband and wife — is the bedrock of our culture. Tell them marriage protects all our children, and we won't stand for them making it into a political plaything. And tell them that whatever they think of marriage, they have no right to force Massachusetts law on the rest of the nation, It’s time to tell President Obama this isn't the type of change America is looking for. Activists are trying right now to persuade Congress that repealing DOMA is a win/win for them — they can please a vocal minority of gay marriage activists and the rest of the country really won't care. They are wrong — Americans do care about marriage. But Congress won't know it unless we tell them! ‘Together you and I can make it crystal clear to the powerful misguided polit is in Washington: Don't sabotage DOMA, the one federal law protecting U.S. taxpayers from being forced by Judges to treat same-sex unions as marriages, Don’t let Washington politicians push such a divisive and intrusive issue against the will of the majority of the American people. So how do we do it? What does it take to get the attention of Washington politicians? Out-of-touch politicians pay attention to one thing: the threat of tough, organized and determined political opposition. So NOM’s 2009 DOMA Defense Fund aims to do just that: NOM’s 2009 DOMA Defense Fund will make your voice heard in the halls of power in Congress—to make sure every member of Congress knows that in his or her district there are people to whom marriage matters and that we vote! (Page 2 of 4) NOM’s powerful new technology allows ordinary Americans to multiply their voices with a few clicks of the mouse, swelling the chorus of pro-marriage voices to a never-before-heard crescendo: Americans of every race, creed and color speaking together for God's truth about marriage. How can 2 percent of the population defeat 60 percent majorities? They are counting on marriage supporters like us to be apathetic, silent, demoralized and disorganized. But no more, my friend, with your help! NOM’s 2009 DOMA Defense Fund will build new coalitions across parties, races, denominations and organizations in order to swell our voices into an unstoppable pro-marriage chorus. So much is happening in Washington D.C. We need your help to be on the ground in D.C. now so that we can keep a watchful eye on out-of-control politicians. Most importantly, NOM’s 2009 DOMA Defense Fund will help YOU take back the airwaves for marriage; it gives us a way to fight back against the unfair, absurd depiction of gay marriage radicalism the media portrays as a civil rights battle for our time. ‘You know it and I know it: the mainstream media portrays Christians and other people of good will who support marriage as hate-filled bigots. Gay marriage activists’ goal is to silence, intimidate and depress the opposition, Bullying and intimidation is at the heart of their movement's tactics because silencing your voice is the only way that lies and hatred can prevail over truth and love But we will not be silenced or intimidated. Our voices will be heard, and we need your help! We're working to build an army of | m of supporters who will be ready to mol up fora vote. mh Marriage supporters from every state in the nation - an army lize and contact Washington on short notice when DOMA comes We also must raise $1 million to take back the airwaves in 2009. Wavering politicians will take note when they begin to see well-funded, hard-hitting ads on TV and radio in their home districts. With your help, we'll have the funds to go coast-to-coast with marriage ads created by some of the best advertising talent in the country — the type of talent that went into the Passion of the Christ and California’s successful 2008 marriage campaign. ‘Would you send a check to support the Nation; Fund today’ nization for Marri se. ‘We don’t have tens of millions of dollars from a handful of gay billionaires funding our efforts. This time, it’s up to us. Think about the suecess of the gay marriage movement. If two percent of the population funded by a handful of rich men can work a revolution in culture, what could sixty percent of the population do with ‘the right tools and strategy? The National Organization for Marriage has recently launched to mobilize an army of activists to protect DOMA. (Page 3 of 4) We must act now to tell President Obama and the new Congress that we won’t stand for them repealing DOMA. The American people have spoken time and time again -- 30 times now -- that they don’t want same-sex marriage, much less have it forced on them by four judges from Massachusetts. We need to make sure Washington gets the message. we )W before [need you to do three things immediately: 1) Go to to send an email to President Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, and your own representatives in Congress. With our easy-to-use online tools, in five minutes or less you can make your voice heard in Washington. 2) Set a goal to recruit 10 friends into the DOMA Defense Team! Share this letter with a friend, or make copies and pass it around at church. Or just send me an email at bbrown@ with the names and emails of friends who might be interested in joining our efforts! Whatever you can do will help! It’s critical that we get the word out quickly. We don’t know how much time we have, and the only way to stop the repeal of DOMA is through a massive groundswell of grassroots involvement. 3) Use the enclosed reply card and envelope to mail a check to the DOMA Defense Fund today! Or donate online at Your gift of $35, 50, or even $500 if God has given you the means, will go far to make sure that we have the resources to fight against the well-heeled same-sex marriage ‘establishment. Or perhaps your monthly budget could spare $5 or $10 a month (think one less Big Mac each month!) to support the battle for marriage over the long haul! Whatever you can do, your support is deeply appreciated. Together, we can protect marriage for our children and grandehildren! ‘God Bless! Brian S. Brown, Executive Director National Organization for Marriage 20 Nassau Street, Suite 242 Princeton, NJ 08542 ww Phone: (609) 688.0430 © Es, I would like to support the Doma Defense Fund and protect marriage! ONE TIME DONATION OI would like to make a one time donation of: MONTHLY DONATION O*I would like to become a Monthly Sustaining Partner with a monthly donation in the amount of: Os5.0 O00 025.00 850.00 $100.00 Dradestin ts beeen te Nadas maton creditcard or checking aecount monty. Os3s00 §=6Osso00 §=Osi0000 §=Os25000 CO ss00.00 CiCheck Enclosed (payable to National Organization for Marriage) Ocredit Care. Exp. Signature ‘Contributions or gilts to the National Grganization for Marriage, @ 501(c)(4) organization with QNC status, are not tax-deductible, The electronic payments aro processed socurely by the National Organization for Marriege partner Kintera. The name Kintera will appear afongside NOM an your credit e4°d Staterment. NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED NTHE LLUNITED STATES a — BUSINESS REPLY MAIL — FRSTCLASSMALL ~PERINTNO. 36679 PHLADELPHIA PA — POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE = LTS Fae ae NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE PO BOX 28925 PHILADELPHIA PA 19151-9900.

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