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I Could Be the One

Style of the music video

It is a complete narrative: It has a story line an it does not feature the artist. It has a start beginning and end.

She has a very monotonous boring life.

She realises that she hates her life

She wakes up back in her old life, she gets to fed up that she wrecks the office and goes crazy

She wakes up in Barbados with a guy, with the note

She books two tickets to Barbados one way.

In relation to Todorov.
Todorov: he stated that there are five stages in media texts Original equilibrium Disruption Recognition Attempt to restore New equilibrium If we apply Todorovs theory to I Could Be the One..

The original equilibrium

Is her living a monotonous life:

She wakes up in Barbados and is partying and having a great time:

She wakes up back at home realising it was a dream, and goes to see a therapist as she realises she hates her life

Attempt to restore
She goes crazy in the office and then books two tickets to Barbados:

New equilibrium
She has a new life in Barbados:

Intertextual references
This is the relativity with films that have similar ideas and themes. This has intertextual reference with the devil wears Prada ( hates job/boss, life is getting ruined, she quits)

Vladimir Propp..
He is another media theorist, and stated that each narrative media text has a set of stock characters Hero Princess Helper False hero Dispatcher Father Donor Villain.

Each narrative may not have all the characters but they will have at least one or two. If we look at this theory in relation to I could be the one.

The main character is the princess, as she needs to be saved from her boring life

Stock characters in I Could Be the One.

The false heroes are her therapist and her friend who tells her to loose weight. They think they are helping by offering pills and telling her to read articles but this juts makes her feel worse. The villain is her job and the other people who work there. As they bitch abut her and make her feel bad about herself and give her lots of work to do. The hero is herself when she decided to move to Barbados. The dispatcher, would be her dream which helps her to realise what she could have.

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