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anything that is in high N 2 Klaten?

Smada Klaten is one of the schools in Klaten, although its location is somewhat remote, the school is still much in demand by many students. This school has SWALIBA. if youknow what it SWALIBA? swaliba stands for "School-Based Environment and Disaster Mitigation". Smada is the only high school in Central Java that has vision SWALIBA

Smada Klaten have 29 classrooms, including 11 rooms for class X, 10 rooms for classesXI and XII class room for 8. SMA N 2 Klaten an excellent school that has a fully equippedlaboratory facilities, including a language laboratory which is located next to multipurposebuilding. in this space we can practice speaking or listening. Physics and Chemistry labsare located side by side just to the west of the basketball court. Biology laboratory is located near the cafeteria and computer laboratorim is located quite hidden in the parking lot there are two adjacent laboratory

Smada Klaten is not only famous in academic, non academic in even say it's excellent and supported by a range

the field Smada could

of facilities including, council room, scoutroom, KOPASANDA room, and DEGAPRAYA room. Another room in the school N 2 Klaten, among others, the UKs space, multipurposebuilding, library, school principal, assistant principal rooms, teacher offices, administrative room, exercise room, and cooperative. offices, BK space, religious space, dressing

SMA N 2 Klaten mosque is being renovated this year, this building will likely be the most magnificent buildings in SMA N 2Klaten, located in front of the building at high school N 2 Klaten. at the high school cafeteria Klaten there are 2 N 2, the first in space biology and close to 2above, close to the upper parking lot and a computer lab. For the toilet, Smada champion,there are plenty of toilets here, the first of the toilet guru, SWALIB located beside the monument, facing east. The second toilet, the toilet is located beside a girls SWALIBA monument, facing west. The third toilet, toilet boys, toilets have 2 first places located dasouth besides the chemical laboratory and the other behind the canteen to not have to worry about parking problems can not be the place, parking in SMADA thatthere are 2 floors. adalahparkir first parking underground. if you want to park in the underground you must reach it through the alley north of the school rabbit stuck straight justkeep turning left. teempat second parking area located just next to the cafeteria located onthe front to the language lab.

in SMADA we have 3 gardens, parks are parks SWALIBA first, here there is a monumentSWALIBA and lush trees. The second park is the park of fish, there's a fish pond andnatural stones are really beautiful. for all three parks are located a little hidden but it's prettycool as well, located in the back room at the exact dance steps from the parking lot below.for the field we have 4 courts, the court ceremonial first pitch, this field serves for the ceremony, exactly in front of the monument SWALIBA. The second is a basketball court,except for basketball practice and training DEGAPRAYA this field as well as a place forformal events and places kids can party. The third field is the football field, although locatedin the south of the school and also beside the tomb, but the children can freely play here,which is owned SMADA last field is a versatile field that is in the hall, this field can makejust about anything, usually laatihan for badminton but it can also make futsal and can alsomake the meeting

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