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GROUP THEORY DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. NEW YORK. To Bobbie pig 2 ty WS ct ee a sn ter Cy Pid is Cnn by Genel Ping Company, eto Rt os ile oa Ona ” ‘ied he Uns Rin y Conia Coop, Lado Greg Sit Lanes Wea 3 Ts Dover fn, bled in 1987 a id, retreat Rene a en atc he ni Ste Amen ‘orb Ena Ss Mie, 9. HS Liray of Congress Cataloging in Patton Dat tn 8a aren eit ey ed: eon Cs, Pee Ince nde To heey of 1. Ta hint SB Be “sia a8 56 BON OsRE sr po) “This book contsins most ofthe standard basic theorems in group theory, ss well sme topes which ve ot hestofore appeared in book orm. The organization iss fllows. Chapters are numbesed | though 1S; sections in Chapter 5, for example, are numbered SI, £2, ele, and theorems within sections, 82:1, 522, et. Exess follow early allo the setons 2nd ae numbered like theorems. Material other tan theorems is not numbered (Cceasonaly, Equations (1), (2), le, or Examples 12 et, peat wihia a {ection}. In addition to an index and bibliography, there isan index of Botton, Chapters 4 through IS are closed bya rie it of references, ‘The eerie st fs gute varied nature and are not graed in diculy. Some ar mere remarks ofthe “of eoures” warty. A number are counter fxamples {0 various possible modifeations of theorems in the net. A Tarther type ask the reader to supply deals omited in proofs of theo inthe text Many are provided ith hint (new caer, simpijng pubs liked proof). The reader sboulé st last read the execs since frequent reference is made to ther athe Body of the tex "An attempt his been madeto exp the book a slfcontined s posible For example, in Chapter 13, inorder to avoid the use of Dirichlet’ theorem bout the innitude of primes ia an arithmetic progression, a spzil case fuficlent forthe problem at hands proved. fe theorems om elementary lumber teory are presupposed. Oa les elementary nature, the following background is aeded at vais places: a) The easier properties of cardial tnd ordinal amber, though nck of ths background wil not hamper the feader very much; (b) Some facts abeut vector spaces and matries are Ssssumed, although others are proved; () The theorem thatthe alzbrae Integers Foran integral domain i wed a. Chaper 12; (4) Various aes bout poyaomiats ae require; (e) In Chaper 16, some Inc fom Galas theory andthe theory of division sings are eseumed (0) In Sexton 1S, the ‘solvability of groups of of order (Fit and Thompson (I) ls assumed, T wish to thank the following organizations and people: The University of Kansas for granting me sabbatcel leave and Corse Universi for providing office space during 1962-63. W. Feit for several conversations & Femina, several theorems in Chapter 12, nd for bringing o my attention & hunter of items, including the theorem in Section 184. R. Becoy for conversations about Sings, including unpublished material of his (ese feats do not appear in the book because of space requirement). L. Sonnebor for reading # portion ofthe manuscript and for number of suggestions. T. Head for ealling my attention toa theorem. P. Hall, Gaughaa, and C. Stuth for permission to incude wapublsted results of theirs A ‘number of former students for suggestions which ave had an infuence onthe Book, A. Kruse fora point of view, eventhough it as not ‘lvays been adhered to ily. Finally, the members af my fal, Robt, Dorothy, Martha, and Janet Scot, for help in the preparation ofthe mans. scrip. W. R. Score TABLE OF CONTENTS Introdecton 1 Leann it rp 6 213 Romaine poop 14 Ba of gee 8 S15 pein van 15 Ti Soke ints,» {somorpism Theorems 24 BL Honey 2 ©25 omg heres 32 24 Gute peu 38 25. Compson re, 38 26 Solabiepos 38 27 Operate gros, Hemomorphins 39 2B Opmior groupe. Pasar ron 29. Openo au. nary thorns £210 Oper pops, Compton se 21 pear rupe: Exon 3 “Transformations and Subgroups 45 33 Conjugte clases, 32 ”

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