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Name: ______________________

Facts about Milk

Milk terms
Homogenized: process by which milk has large ______ globules broken
down to very small ones to prevent the milk from _____________. (keeps
milk from seperating)
Pasteurization: __________ of milk to reduce __________________.

Milk Nutrients
Milk is _______% water and _______% solids
The nutrients provided by milk include:
o _____________________
o _____________________
o _____________________
o _____________________
o _____________________
o _____________________

Types of Milk
For each of the following types of milk, the special rule is:
o Whole - ______________________________
o Lowfat - ______________________________
o Skim - _______________________________
o Flavored - _____________________________
The other types of milk include:
o _____________________

o _____________________
o _____________________

Milk Quality
Quality of milk is determined by:
o _____________________________________
o _____________________________________
o Bacterial action
o Chemical changes
o Absorption of foreign flavors

Milk Quality -- continued

Flavor defects (and their causes) include:
o ______________________ caused by ___________________
o ______________________ caused by ___________________
o ______________________ caused by ___________________
o ______________________ caused by ___________________
o ______________________ caused by ___________________
o ______________________ caused by ___________________

Determining the Flavor

The two ways to determine the flavor are:
o ______________________
o ______________________

Storage Tips
When shopping, pick up the milk ___________________
Refrigerate fresh milk at _________________
________________ containers after use

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