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An end of Irish Independence?

Some wars of independence are fought on the battlefield and others are fought in the minds of men. The story of Irish Independence is a bloody one that came at the cost of thousands of lives. The war began in 1919 in County Tipperary but it didnt end in Tipperary. The battle to remain free from tyranny is a constant struggle. Freedom is a gift that must be guarded vigilantly from the barbarians at the gate. And those barbarians dont always use the threat of force to achieve their goals. Occasionally they appeal to the intellectuals in the crowd and ask for the gates of freedom to be unlocked so that they can usher in a better world for those inside. Their promises are lies and the price is always the same: human suffering and death. And so the great nation of Ireland is once again offered the forbidden fruit of secular humanism, which posits, Human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without a god or a church. And the new religion brings with it Gods replacement: mortal men who view self interest as the only legitimate goal. The priests of the new religion guise their true intentions by talking about their desire to help others. According to these silver tongued apologists they only want to save lives, although their religion requires human sacrifice and the innocent blood of Irish babies. The barbarians are emboldened by their victories throughout Europe even drunk with their own success. And thats because most of the Western world fell to their world view without a single shot being fired. That doesnt mean there were no casualties. If the souls lost in this battle could be counted they would number in the billions. Only God knows the final number. The priests of the new religion view the fall of Irish independence a fait accompli, but Ireland isnt England, France, or the United States. All of those once mighty nations knelt on bended knee during the sexual revolution in the 1960s. And its churches were swept away and transformed by the secular humanists with one notable exception. The Catholic Church did not bend a knee. As a lifelong Protestant, I didnt realize there was a spiritual difference between the Catholics and the Protestants until I stood outside of an altar of human sacrifice something the secular humanists call a womens health clinic. Its the place where millions of babies with beating hearts and developing brains have their lives stolen at the hands of licensed physicians. And so I was curious why it was that nearly all of the pro lifers standing outside of abortion clinics were Catholic. Where were all the Protestants?

Eventually a Catholic suggested that I read Humanae Vitae if I wanted to understand why the Catholics were still fighting when other denominations had surrendered. Unfortunately, I didnt read Humanae Vitae until scores of other Catholics standing outside of abortion clinics urged me again and again to read it. And so finally after years of prodding I finally read it. And then I understood why the Catholic Church was different. On July 25th, 1968 Pope Paul VI and the Catholic Church stood in bold defiance of the western worlds new religion and their men gods. Rather than accepting abortion and birth control as the new standard and falling in line with the leaders of the new religion the Catholic Church stood alone, defiant. We base Our words on the first principles of a human and Christian doctrine of marriage when We are obliged once more to declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun and, above all, all direct abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating the number of children. Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae When Pope Paul VI wrote the words We he probably didnt realize that it included Protestants who were shipwrecked by their leaders and on islands within their own denominations. Today most of our Protestant leaders, with a few notable exceptions, refuse to serve God and instead serve the replacement offered by the priests of the new religion: mortal men. As I stood in front of the clinics I eventually became friends with Catholics and marched alongside the priests and parishioners praying outside the abortion clinics across the United States. And their prayers were answered and many lives were spared. The miracles I read about in the Bible sprung to life before my eyes outside of the clinics. And then one day the Dominican Priests invited me to stand in their church hallway holding a pray to end abortion sign for their parishioners to see as they exited the church. They hoped it would encourage the congregation to participate in the pro life movement. I remember asking them, Why would you want a non-Catholic to hold the sign? And they said, Because youre the one who is supposed to hold it. And Im equally confused why I should be bringing this message to Irish Catholics? Surely there is someone more qualified and eloquent to remind the clergy and the laity that theyre not alone and that if theyre faithful they cannot be defeated. And not because of your own strength, but because of Gods strength. The Prime Minister of Ireland is no match for God and his small army of faithful soldiers. Anymore than Goliath or the Pharaoh of Egypt were a match for God. God is undefeated and he has a sense of humor. A single reluctant hero was sent by God to Nineveh and the city repented.

I know that some of you are reluctant heroes too. A few of you have communicated your ire to me, I'm afraid you don't understand the nuance of the situation in Ireland at all and it'd be totally remiss of me to allow someone who isn't a citizen of this country or an authority on the matter to have an opinion about Irish democracy published. And so whose opinion matters? According to the Prime Minister its not the opinion of the Irish people or the Catholic Church, but rather, a bureaucratic agency known as The Council of Europe and its Court of Human Rights. Absent the resolve of the Catholic Church, a group of outsiders would determine the fate of Irish citizens and its children. And if that day comes to pass Irish Independence will be lost. Even as my nations unalienable rights were lost in 1973. And our struggle to regain those rights has worn on for forty years with 56 million casualties and counting. A similar fate awaits Ireland if good men remain silent. The new religions euphemisms would be amusing if the loss of life were not so great. That a Court of Human Rights is the wrecking ball by which human rights are violated is a tragic irony as are the health clinics which serve as altars of human sacrifice where innocent lives are stolen. I know its not going to be easy the richest, most powerful business magnates and career politicians are the foot soldiers of the new religion. And their economic resources are vast and seemingly endless. The odds appear to be hopeless. But fear not, you have been called by God to defend life and to do so with an authority that comes from God. Im writing to you with Gods authority because He is the author of human life. And every Irish babys life is precious and loved by God. And if we love God we will love and defend His children. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in the world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made in perfect love. 1 John 4:17-18 -Steve Steven Lopez Spiritus Films Cell: 832.882.3825

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