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5B. (Otficia Form 1) (08) ‘United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Last, Fist, Middle) Tiare of Devo (i eandoa ener Last, Fist, Mil) Wane of fom Debi Spouse) Chrysler LLC. FAW ORG Names used by te Dear els Sey ‘AUTOM Name wed by he Jon Der Ta eas include mare, maiden, ond rade name) (include mared, maiden, an wade nem} See Schedule 1 Attached East ow digs of Sc, Seer Tadivial-Taxpayer LD (TIN) No Komplete EIN. | Cast args of Sos. Se oe diva Taxpayer TD. (TIN) No Copia fmore tenon, sate al) EIN (ifmore than one, sate a 38.2673623. Set Adarss of Debian (No & Set Cay, Sale @ Zip Code) ‘Suse AEST oF ot DEBI. Set Ci, Sale B Zip Coy 1000 Chrysler Drive Auburn Hits, at ZIP CODE #6 TP CODE Coan of Residence or of Wie Pipl Pace of Banna Cony OF RSTERSS or oF is Pnsipal Maceo Basra Oakland Miling ATES oF Dabior WT Gieret om wise aaarey iain Adres of Dobior GP arent Rom see adres) iP COBE aie CODE ocaton of Principal Asc oF Business Der (Tee fom sree aS ave) See Sehedle 1 Attached BPCOE "ype at Dear Tatar of Baines ‘Chapier of Baap Cae Under Whicy omororemenn) ‘Gest veto “The Ptiam is Hed (Chock oes) (Check enton) Hath ca aes emer? 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P. 100%) by a ate to be deri hisout Nytanso91—s Ba (Otic Form 1) (U08) ORM BI, Page? TWotoniary Petiion Ramo of ober (Ths ge mat Be completed and fled tn every case) Chrysler LLC ‘All Prior Bankraprey Casts Filed Within Laat # Years (ifmore anon atch diol shee) Tosa [case Number Date Fie: ‘Where Filed: None NA Na Toeation| Case Rabe Date Fed Nia wa apicy Case Filed by any Spouse, Partner or Ate of tha Debtor (more hay one, tich sonal shes, zs [Caso umber Pending ute Fis: Date Hereot ate aie Dawice Soothers Diet of New Work Telaonstip Al ‘exhibit A Exhibit B (lobe complete if eso a vidal (To be completed if debtor i required ole psidic pons (eg. fs 10K who dst are pinay consumer dts) Sd 100) wth the Secures and Exchange Commission pusuasttoSetin 13.1. the anomey fr the petioner named inthe fonegoing petition, dct hat or 15) ofthe Sees Exchange Act oF 1934 andi requesting relief under have informed te petioner hat fe oF she] may proced under chap 7,1, 12, ehaper 1.) oe 13 of tie 11, Unted States Code, and have exrsined the elie avaliable under eich sch chapter. further ce ta I delivered to the debtor the neice required by ITUSC.§ 320). xX Exhibited and made apart ofthis peiton “Signanire of Atom for Debian, Exhibit C Does the debtor own or have possession of any propery thet poss or is alleged to pose a threat of Imminent and identifiable har to public health orsaley? 1 Yes, and Exhibit Cis attached and made a par ofthis petition, BN, Exhibit. (To be completed by every individual debtor. I joint petition is filed, each spouse must complete and attach a separate Exhibit D.) [Exhibit D completed and signed by the debior i attached and made part ofthis petition, 1f this is a joint petition 1D —_ExRibIED also completed and signed by the joint debtor is atached and made apart ofthis petition Tnformation Regarding the Debtor ~ Venue ‘(Check the Applicable Boxes) [Debtor has been domiciled or has had a residence, principal place of business, or principal assets in this District for 180 days iramediatly preceding the dete of ths petition or fora longer part of such 180 days than in any other District. ‘There is a bankrupty ease conceming debtor’ afiliate, general partner, or prtnership pending inthis Dstt, Debtor isa debtor in a foreign proceeding and has is principal place of business or principal asses in the United States {in this Distrito has no principal place of business or assets in the United States but isa defendant in an action or proceeding [in a federal or state court inthis District, or the interests of the partes will be served in regard to the relief sought in this District. ‘Certification by a Debtor Who Resides as a Tenant of Residential Property (Checkall applicable Boxes.) Landlord has rent wenn the debe for possession of debine' residence (If box checked, complete he following) ‘Teo inaiord at oBianed demon) — ‘dress anand _Debor luis that under applicable nonbarkpte lather are cirumstanees under which he dblor would be permite to cure the entie monetary deal tht gave ise othe jodamet fr possesion, ae he agent for posession was ented, and ‘Debtor has included inthis petition th deposit with he court of ony rent that would bosome due dung he 30-ey pod afer the ‘ling ofthe pesto, Dor certifies tht hlse as cerved the Landlord with his coviicton. (11 U.S.C. § 36211), NYTAIS29175 ir (ortcar Form Ns FORME Pages Voluntary Peto Taro of Deven) (Pic page rst be complete end fled hs every case) Chrysler LLC Signature(s) of Debtor) Todividualoiat) “Signature ofa Foreign Representative | decare under penalty of petiuy tat the infermetion provid in his | dear under penaly of priry tha the nfrmation proven this petition is sition itv ad creek. trae and correct that Lam he feign represenaive of debor in frign [petitioner isn inividanl whose dts ate primal consumer debts and | OedINE, ar thet Lam eutorized to ie this petition, has chosen to le under chapter 7) am sae that I may prosed under hope 7,1, [2 oF 13 of tie (1, United States Code, understand he vaiabe under eac uch chap, an choose fo proceed under chapter 7. [if storey sepesents me an no bankupty elton prepare sins the pain] Ihave obtained and send the noierequed by 11 USC. § 34200) (Check only one box) 1 request rete in acordance with chaper 15 of tie 11, United States Code Cente oops ofthe documents rue by § 1515 ofl It are atche, 1. Purseant io 11 USC. § 151, 1equest retin accordance with the chapter oft 1 specified inthis peon. A cztid copy ef the orcer grating | request ein accordance with th chapter of tle 11, United Sates ‘cognition of de foreign sain proceeding is tache (Code, specified inthis petition x ee ‘Signa of Foreign Reprseinive) x, ‘Signatur of Fon De ‘Dried Name of Prcgn Representa) ‘Teleione Number (Ft repsened by alam) Dae “Signature of Non-Attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer 1 ctr under ent of perjury tht (1) 1am a bankrupey petition preparer as ‘efned in 11 USC. § 110; 2) prepared tis docament for competion and have provided the debtor with a opy ofthis document and the notices and faformaton required under 1 US: § 110(8), 11000) and 34200; and, (3) if enperet eer ‘hes or geines have been promulgated pusban 1 US.C.§ 1700) sting Jones Day Jones Day ines raat z 2 See eae ‘Amnaimum fe for eecvioes chargeable by barkupcy petition prepares, [have ‘hen the debtor nae of the mmm sour before preparing any document {or filing fora debe or accepting any ee fom te debra equed nat seetion. Oil For 19 Is ataches ‘New York, New York 10017 901 Lakeside Avenue Telephone: (212) 326-3939 Cleveland Ohio 4114 ‘Teleptone: (216) 386.3539 ‘rinsed Name and ie aay, of Bankzpicy Pion Preparer ‘cial Scouiy uber he bankrapeypetion propa is al wa divi, ‘Sethe Socil Security number ofthe offs, pineal. sponsible person or parer ofthe bankrply pttion prepa) Required by 11 US.C.§ 110) Signature of Debtor (Corporation/Partnership) ‘aie | declare under pony of perry tha the infrmation provided in this peion tre a corres and ht Thave been authorized oie ths petition on behalf the debi ‘The debtor quest rele in ascordace with the chapter of le 1, United States Code, specified in ths pion, Signtre of bankuply patton preparer or ofcer, rincpa, responsible person, tr parte whose Soil Security mare is peovied above ams and Sosa Security numbers of alee individual wo prepared cr ‘esis in propring this document nies tebarksutey petton preparers wot nnd more han one person prepare this document, tach ain sheets conforming tothe appropiate oil or fo ach person A bank ptt prepare’ fhe to comply withthe provisions oftite 12 ‘and he Fede Rules of BariapiyProcedtare my resin fies. oF Impriconmenor both USC. $110; 18 USC $196) ‘Slant of Authorized Iai Hot Print Name of Ahorzed ina nl Vice Pes ela Tile oF Authorized Indvidul orl 30,2009 Bute Nveaisaoines

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