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Group21 Engine

Crankshaftrear seal,replacement

S. Grankshaftrear seal,replacement
Specialtools: 1801,5112,5203,5208

SeeServicemanualsection4 (431.
Securestanermotorwith a bolt.

Removepressureplate and driven plate
Unscrewpressure plate
mounting boltscrosswisea
turnsat a timeto preventwarp.


5112to prevent ilywheel from mo-

Removecrankshaftrear oil seal
Liftout oil sealwith a screwdriver
as indicated.

Group21 Engine

Installnew oil seal
Assemble standardhandle
S m e a ro i l o n t o s e a l i n gs u r f a c e sa n d l i p s o n s e a l .
P l a c es e a lo n d r i f t a n d t a p i n u n t i l d r i f t a b u t sc r a n k s h a f t .

Install f lywheel/carriei plate
Flnrheel(manual) andcarrierplate(auto)canonly be

Usenew bolts,smeared with sealerP/N277961,9.

Torqueboltsto 75 Nm (55ft lbs).Uselockingsector
5112to holdflywheelin position.

Checkinstallationmeasurementot carderplate
(To be caffiedout after replacementof carrierptate.)

Placea steelrulerbetweencarrierplateand engine

block.Fulershouldrest againstengineto gearbox

untiloneof holesin carrierplate
coancides withsteelruler.Measure "B"with an outside
caliperequipped for depthmeasurement.
Measured value"B' + thickness of steelrulershould
equal'17.2-18.8 mm = 0.667-0.740 in. lf distanceis less
than 17.2mm = 0.677in use a spacerwasher(P/N
1257377'0) betweencrankshaftand carrierplate.
lf carrierplateis insralledincorrectly (i.e.instattarion
measurement js wrong),distance to torqueconve er
caiiierwill betoo long.Thismaycausecarfierplateto
crackand possiblya noisewhendriving.

Group21 Engine
Crankshaftrear seal,replacement

Installdriven plate
l:i Usecentering shaft5203.
Turndiscwith hubfacingout,awayfromftywneet.

Install pressureplate
Tightenboltscrosswise a fewturnsat a timeto avoid

Do notforgetto removeboltsecuring

Gtoup 21 Engine
Vibration damper, remov in g/i nstalIing

T. Vibration damper,removing/installing
SDecialtools: 5187. 5188

Notel Different vibration dampersfor D 20 andi.

D 24 engines.

D20 D24

Disconnect battery

To prevent spillageswhencoolantis drained, raiseve-
hicleat frontrightjackingpoint.Cooanl will thenrun
alongsplashguard intodrip pan.
Placedrip panbeneathleftsteerinsrod.
( r(

Drain coolant
hosef romradiator

is withouldraintaps).

Group 21 Engine
Vibration dam per, removi ng/i nstall i ng


c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e r6 n d p u l e y
- f a n b e l t a n d p o w e r s t e e r i r g p L r m pb e h -

Bemove vibration dampea
R e m o v ec e n t e r b o l t . U s e 5 1 8 7t o p r e v e n tp u l e y f f o r n
r o t a t i n g ,a n d s o c k e t5 1 8 8t o u n s c r e wb o t s .
I t m a y b e n e c e s s a r tyo t u r n e n g i n es i g h t l ys o t h a t 5 ' 1 8 7
r e s t so n f a n b e a r i n g .
R e m o v ef o u r i n h e x b o l t s ( 6 m m ) .
P u l l o f f v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .N o t e l C r a n k s h a fgt e a r m a y
s o m e t i m e ss t i c kt o v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .

D a m p e rc a n o n l y b e f i i t e di r o n e w a y . P i no n c r a n k s h a f l
g e a r n 1 u s tf i t i n v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .
T o r q u e b o r s t o 2 0 N m 1 1 5f t b s ) .

Install center bolt
S m e a r t h r e a d s a n d m a t i n g s L r r f a c ew i t h s e a l e r P / N
U s e w r e n c h 5 1 8 7{ r e s lo n c o o i i n gf a n b e a r i n g ) t oh o l d

U s e w r e n c h 5 ' 1 8 8t o t o r q u e c e n t e r b o l t t o 3 5 0 N m
( 2 5 5f t l b s ) .
l m p o r t a n r :T o r q u e3 5 0 N m a p p l i e so n l y i f w r e n c h 5 1 8 8
i s | r s e dA
. s o t o r q u e w r e n c h m u s t b e i nl i n e w i t hw r e n c h

Group21 Engine
Vibration dam per, removi ng/installing

- c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y .T i g h l e n i n gt o r q u e
9 Nm (7ft lbs)
- b e l t f o r p o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p a n d f a n b e t s
- fadiator. Connect hoses

Bleeding of cooling system
Disconnect upperhosefrom cold siart
drip pan beneathhoseand hold hose
edgeof expansiontank.

S i n c ea L r m i n i u mi s u s e d i n t h e e n g i n e s ,a c t i v ec o r r o
s i o n p r o l e c t i o ni s n e c e s s a r yi n t h e c o o l a n tt o h e l p p r e -
v e n r c o r r o s r o no a m a g e .
U s e g e n u i n eV o l v o b l u e - g r e e nc o o l a n l t y p e C , d i l u t e d
with cle.n water in propo(ions of 50/50. ,lrtl
This mixlure helps to prevent coftosion and irosl
a N e v e rf i l l t h e c o o l i n gs y s t e mw i l h w a t e r a l o n e .
a T h e c o o l a n ts h o u l d b e c h a n g e dr e g u l a r l ys i n c et h e
c o r r o s i o n p r o t e c t i v ea d d i t i v e si n t h e c o o l a n t l o s e
their effect in time.
N o t e l D o n o t r u n e n g i n ew h e n l e v e lo f c o o a n l a sl o w ,
s i n c e h i g h l o c a l t e m p e r a t u r e sc a n r e s u l t w h i c h m a v
c a u s et h e c y l i n d e .h e a dt o c r a c k .

Group21 Engine
Vibration damper, removing/installing

srYoorTirtt 3(rc rfrrRfY[lrfi rurr *t0 ai otLv^firr or| rfr 0rr

artto wrTN ctr0r|r lrol\to cooullrnPt
mdd]wF. Beplacing coolant
i$rPU0r Lrouror
rc MollrtrALr 0n€ Ar{TrcrL
fiPr c A l w a y s u s e t y p e C b l u e - g r e e nc o o a n t . R e m e m b e rt o
r e p i a c ed e c a l( P / N1 3 3 1 4 7 3 , 7o)n e x a n s j o nt a n ki f n e c e s -

Typ€ C blue-s.een coolant

A l d i e s e la n d p e t r o l ( 9 a s oi n e ) e n g i n e sm a n u f a c t u r e d
s i n c e 1 9 8 2a r e f i l e d w i t h r y p e C c o o t a n t .

Fill coolant
C a p a c i t y :D 2 0 = 8 . 1 l i l e r s ( 8 . 6U S
D 2 4 = 9 . 3 l i t e r s( 9 . 8U S
F l u s hc o o l i n gs y s t e m b e f o r ea d d i n g n e w c o o l a n t ,s e e
G r o u p 2 6 C o o l i n gS y s t e m .
S e t d a s h b o a r dl - e a t e rc o n n o l I o m a \ . T L r n o r e n g i n e
a n d w a r m - u p f o r 5 m i n u t e s .A d d c o o l a n t d u r i n g t h i s
l i m e . C o n n e c th o s et o c o l d s t a r td e v i c e .F i l l c o o l a n tr o
m o u t h o f e x p a n s i o nt a n k ( a b o v e m a x ) a n d s c r e w o n

Group21 Engine
Engine mounts, replacement

U. Enginemounts,replacement
D iferent brackets for mu nLal
and automat c gearboxes

N e c e s s a rtyo r e m o v eg e a r b o xm e m b e rt o r e m o v er e a r

G e a r b o xm u s t b e u n o a d e dw i t h a j a c k d u r i n g r e p l a c e -

U n l o a de n g i n em o u n t sw n h l i f t t o o l s5 0 3 3( 2 x ) , 5 0 0 5 a n d

Left side
T o r e p l a c er u b b e r p a d : r e m o v e e n g i n e f i r o u n t w n h
u p p e ra n d r o w e rb r a c k e r s .


Right side
T o r e p l a c er u b b e rp a d : r e m o v eu p p e r b r a c k e d
l ,,uruD-
b e r p a d t o g e t h e . ,d o n o t r e m o v et o w e r b r a c k e r .
Do not lighten upper nul for rubberpad t]nti engine
mounl is positioned.

Group21 Engine

V. Removingengine
Special tools: 2810, 5185,5186

Ensineandgearboxremovedas a unit


r positive lead from battery
2 b o n n e t( h o o d )
3 e x p a n s i o nt a n k c a p
4 lower radiaior hose from radiator

Auto {operation 5)l

5 o i l p i p e f r o m o i c o o l e r . H o l d c o n n e c t o r so n o i
c o o e r w i l h a w r e n c h . t f a c c i d e n i ay s a c k e n e d ,
t o r q u e i o 6 N m ( 4 . 5f t t b s )
6 u p p e r r a d i a t o rh o s e f r o m e n g i n e
7 h o s e st o € x p a n s i o nt a n k a t r a d i t o r
8 radiator
t h o s e sf r o m h e a t e rc o n t r o l v a l v e
1 0 h o s ef r o m v a c u u m p u m p -

Group21 Engine
Removing engine

A c o n n e c i o rf r o m c l l p o n b u l k h e a dl f i r e w a )
B t h r o t t l ec a b L ef r o m p ! l l e y a n d b r a c k e t
F u e l l i n ec o n n e c t i o n s
(C E below)i
B l o w - ce a n , d i s c o n n e c a t n d p l u g e n d s t o p r e v e n td r r t
entering fuel system
C s u p p l y i n e f r o m f u e l i i l t e r - r e t u r nl i n e i r o m n j e c
tion pump (atclamp)
E p a L e a l a v f o r p r a h e a l i r g s v s r P T0 1 F n o 1 o .
D i s c o n n e c tw i r e l r o n r j u n c i i o n b o x . D i s c o n f e c l
b l a c kw i r e a n d s m a I r e d w i r e f r o m r e l a y .U n s c r e w
r e t a i n i n gs c r e w sf r o m r e l a y .
r e m o v ep o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p l f o m e n g i n e :s a c k -
i)t a
en and remove drive belt from purnp. Bemove
p r f p s i r L b r a r \ e _o ' r d , L p p o r \t r o y l r o 1 F 1 g . -
T i e p u m p t o c h a s s i st o p r e v e n ld a m a g et o h o s e s .
c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e r
p u l e ya n df a n b e l t s
b e I f o r p o w e r s i e e r i n gp u m p .


2 c r a n k c a s eb r e a t h e rh o s e
3 air filier cove.and hoses
a i e f n a t o rw i r i n g h a r n e s s :
d l s c o n n e cvt o t a 9 € r e g ua i o r ( o r a t e r n a l o r ) .
R e m o v er e l a i n i n gs c . e w s f o r w i r i n g h a r n e s so n
w h e e a r c h a n d p a c e h a r n e s so n e n g i n e .

V e h i c l e sf o r S w e d e n :
5 T - s e a ru n i t o n b u l k h e a d( f r e w a l l )
6 e x h a u s tp i p ef r o m f r o n t e x h a u s lb r a n c hp i p el D 2 0
hasonly 1 man fold).

I Group21 Engine
Removing engine

Drain engineoil
lnstallplug.nd washerafterdrainingoil.

- enginemountretainingboltsfrom frontaxtecross-



0 Removinge n g i n e
C Remove/disconnect
0 =-€>
- f r o n t e x h a u s tp i p e c l a m p s
- d i s c o n n e c el x h a u s tp i p e c o u p l i n g .R e m o v ef r o n t e x -

- ( m a n u a l )c l u t c h c a b l ea n d g e a r ! e v e r
- ( a u t o )s e l e c t o rc o n t r o lf r o m s e a r b o x / l r a n s ms s i o n
{"F s p e e d o m e t e cr a b l e
-'-2" - g e a r b o xc f o s s m e m b e rP
. o s i t i o na j a c k b e n e a t hg e a F

;# - d i s c o n n e cw
t iring.


Liftengineenoughlo unloadleftenginemount.
Removejack beneathsearbox,stidepu ey unit for
wardsand lifi our engine.

Gtoup21 Engine
Removing engine

X. Removingengine
SpeciaI tools: 2810, 5185,5186

E n g i n ea n d g e a r b o xi n s t a l l e da s a u n i t

Uselift tools2810,51a5(atfront)and5186(al read.
Positionrightsiderubbermounton ower bracket.

Installleft enginemount
P l a c em o u n t o n f r o n t a x l e c r o s s m e m b e ra n d t i g h t e n

Place a jack beneath gearbox
Makesure padatgearleveriscorrect-


Remove lifling tools

Lowerengineand removetools.

Group21 Engine
Removing engine
Installgear lever
P l a c eq e a r l e v e ri n h o u s i n g .
P r e s sp l a s t i cc o l l a ra n d r u b b e rr i n g i n t o p o s i t i o n l.n s t a l l
l o c k r i n g . R e c o n n e cw l aring.
I n s t a l lb r a c k e tf o r r e v e r s eg e a r d e t e n t .D o n o t t i g h t e n
screws atthis stage since bracketmust be adjusted at a

Install nuts tor engine mounts
Leftmount:nutsin fiontaxlecrossmember.
R i g h tm o u n t : l o w e r n u l o n r u b b e r p a d .


Installon gearbox:
_ g e a r l e v e r .l M a k es u r e t h a t b u s h i n g sa n d O j i n g a r e
c o ( e c l l y i n s t a l l e dI.n s e ng e a r e v e li n y o k e ,f i t p i n a n d
t i s h t e n s c r e w ( A l l e nk e y 4 m r n ) , s e e i n s e t
- p r o p e l l e rs h a f t .A l w a y s u s e n e w n u t s a n d b o l t s
s p e e d o m e t ecr a b l e .S w e d e n :w i r e m u s t b e s e a l e da t
g e a r b o x t oc o n f o r mt o t a x r e g u l a t i o n s( k i l o m e r e r t a x a ,

Group21 Engine
Removing engine

Connectclutch cableand install return spring
I n s e r tc a b l e t h f o u g h f l y w h e e l c a s i n g a n d c o n n e c tt o

l n s t a l lr u b b e r b u f f e r a n d v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r o n c a b l e ,
m a k i n gs u r e t h a t b u f f e r i s f a c i n g r i g h t w a y .
C o n n e c tr e t u r ns P r i n g .
A d j u s t p l a y = 1 - 3 m m . ( 0 . 0 4 - 0 . 1 2i n )

A0tomatic gearbox

Attach gear selector to gearbox

x10 { DI

Installlront exhaustpipe
Forstrainjree installation,
mustbe fol

1 S l a c k e nt w o r e t a i n i n g b o l t s h o l d i n g b r a c k e t t o
2 Attach front exhaust pipe fingef tight. Use new

3 Tightennuts and bolts holdingexhaustpipe to

T i g h t e nb o l t h o l d i n gf r o n t p i p e t o b r a c k e t
T i g h t e nb o l t s h o l d i n g b r a c k e t o g e a r b o x
6 T i g h t e nc l a m p a t e x h a u s tp i p e j o i n t .

Attach T-gearunit to bulkhead(firewall)

Group21 Engine
Removing engine

Connectalternatotwiring harness
Reconnectvoltage regulator.
A t t a c hc l a m p o n w h e e l a r c h .

lnstall air filter cover
air inlet hoseand breatherhoseto valve

Notethatarrowon inlethosemustpointtowardsmani-
fold as indicated,otherwisehosemay be compressed

Install drive bells and cooling fan
P l a c ep o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p b e l l o n v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .
I n s t a l l f a nb e l t s a n d p u l l e y -
Install cooling fan with spacer. Torque to 9 Nm (6 5 ft
T e n s i o nf a n b e l t s . l t s h o u l d b e p o s s i b l e t od e p r e s sb e l t
5-10 mm on run between fan and alternator, see fig

Installpowe. steeringpump and belt
Negativeleadfrom batteryshouldbe connectedto
boltfor pumpmountingbracket.
Tensionfan shouldbe possibleto depressbelt
F10 mm (0.2-0.4 in) in centerof run betweenfan and

Connectrelayfor preheating
C o n n e c tb l a c kw i r e t o t e r m i n a l8 6 o n r e l a ya n d r e d w i r e
t o t e r m i n a l8 5 .
Attach relay to washer reservoir mounting bracket.
R e c o n n e cwt i r i n g t o j u n c t i o n b o x .
Secure wires with clamps and reconnect battery-

Group21 Engine
Removing engine

Reconnectluel lines
Makesurethatdirt doesnot enterfuel system.

Reconnectplug on bulkhead(tirewall)
S e c u r ep l u g w i t h c l i p .

- hoses to heater control valve
- h o s et o v a c u u m p u m p

lnstall radiatorand connecthoses


m x22
Connectoil pipesto oil cooler
U s e a w r e n c h l o h o l d c o n n e c t o r co n o i l c o o l e r .
T i g h t e n i n gt o r q u e
C a p n u t s 3 0 N m ( 2 2f t t b s )
O i l c o o l e rc o n n e c t i o n s6 N m { 4 . 5f t l b s ) .

Group21 Engine

lnstall bonnet/hood


Adiust blacketfor reversegear detent. lnstall
and detentbrackerto0.5-1.5mm (0.020-0.060
in). Use
a feelergauge.
Recheckclearancein s€condgear,


CheckthatclearancebetweenpositionD and stop
is approximatelysameas from 2 to stop.
2. Adjust by alteringlength of controt rod if neces,

Roughadiustment:turn adjusrerat re6r of rod

FineadiustmentI turn serraredsteeve(maxvisibte
threadlenslh= 35 mm).
hcreasingrod lengthreducesctearancein position
D, and increasesclearancein posjtion2.
After adiusrment:move tever to posirion I and
thento positionP.Repeatcheckaccordingto stage

Group 21 Engine
Removing engine

Add engine oil
C a p a c i t yi n c u d i n g o i l f i l l e r :
D 2 0 = 6 l i t r e s { 6 . 3U S q u a d s )
D 2 4 = 7 l i t r e s { 7 . 4U S q u a d s )
O u a i t y : a c c o r d i n gt o A P l , m i n c C ( o i l s w i r h d e s i g n a '
l i o r s S L / C CS. L/CDS . l / C Cd r d S r / C D, J l ' i r l - s e q L r e .

V i s c o s i l ys, e e a d j a c e n td i a g r a m .
N o t e l S A E l 5 W 5 0 o r S A E2 0 W 5 0 o i l s a r e r e c o m m e n
h i g h o i l c o n s u m p l i o na n d h i g h o i l i e m p e r a t u r e se . g .

m o u n t a i nd r i v i n g w i t h f r e q u e n t d e c e l e r a t i o n o
s r fast
m o t o r w a Yc i r i v i n g .( N o t e h o w e v e rt h e l o w e r t e m p e r a

BleedingoI cooling system
Disconnect upperhosefrom cold startclevice.
P ace
drip pan beneathhoseand ho d hoselevelwith top
edgeoi expansiontank.

S i n c ea l u m i n i u m i s u s e d i n t h e e n g l n e s ,a c t i v ec o r r o ,
s i o n p r o t e c t i o ni s n e c e s s a r yi n t h e c o o l a n tt o h e l p p r e -
v e n rc o r o s o n o s m a g e .
U s e g e n u i n eV o l v o b l u e g r e e n c o o a n l t y p e C , d i l u t e d
w i l h c l e a nw a l e r i n p r o p o r l i o n so i 5 0 / 5 0 .
This mixlure helps to prevent corosion and frost

a N e v e rf i t h e c o o l n g s y s t e mw i t h w a t e r a l o n e .
a T h e c o o l E n ts h o u d b e c h a n g e dr e g u l a r ys i n c et h e
c o r r o s i o np r o t e c t i v ea c l d i t i v e si n t h e c o o l a n t o s e
t h e i r e f f e c ti n i h e t i m e .
i, I
N o t e lD o n o t r o n e n s i n ew h e nl e v e o i c o o l a . li s l o w s r n c e
h 9 h l o c al e m p e r a t u r e s cf6ens u r w h i c hm a y c a u s e t h e ci ny.

Group21 Engine

firv isx! rYPc $ rArYL
trr$flLr Ain iurr Mrofli Dftv^nr|.ocHar 0rr
0 . v a r s ur ' r c
AI<'LI/IO COOLAilINPI Replacing coolant
roP uP Ylad R0ur0 wf| F^tr r^r
A l w a y s u s e t y p e C b l u e ' g r e e nc o o l a n t .B e m e m b e rt o
itMfu 0r !0ur0rArr0n r/o'llro
r e p l a c ed e c a ( P / N1 3 3 1 4 7 3 - 7o)n e x p a n s i o nt a n k i f n e '

T y p e C b l u e - g r e e nc o o l a n t
A l l d i e s e la n d p e t r o ( g a s o l i n e e) n s i n e sm a n u f a c t u r e d
s i n c e 1 9 8 2a r e f i l l e dw i t h t y p e C c o o l a n t .

Fill coolant
C a p a c i t y :D 2 0 = 8 . 1 l i t r e s( 8 . 6U S q u a r t s )
D 2 4 = 9 . 3 i r r e s( 9 . 8U S q u a r t s )
F l u s hc o o l i n g s y s t e m b e f o r e a c l d i n gn e w c o o i a n t ,s e e
G r o ! p 2 6 C o o l i n gS y s t e m .
S e l d d s _ o o d r ld' e . r e r . o rr r o l l o r d \ . T L r r o r e l g r n e
a n d w a r m - u p f o r 5 m i n u t e s .A d d c o o l a n t d u r i n g t h i s
t i m e . C o n n e c th o s et o c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e .F i l l c o o l a n rr o
n r o u t h o f e x p a n s i o nt a n k ( a b o v e m a x ) a n d s c r e w o n


(rt on page24,c11-20

_egt Checkoperation

Turnon engineandwarm up.

C h e c k f o r o i l a n d c o oeaanki a g e s . T uo pp i fn e c e s s a r y .
Installenginesp ashguard.

Group21 Engine
Removing engtne

Coldgea&ox o I oiltemperatures4o'C(104'F'.
Thistemperat!rels reachedafterapprox,10 minutesidl ns. Automaticgearboxes:
beLow40'Cleve may be belowM N.
At oi temperatures x32
Check-top-up oil level
UseATFtype F or G.
in positionN or P.
Enginemustbe runningandselector
MIN .96'€

Hot gearbox o I oit temperatlre 90'C ('194'F)

l d l e = 1 2 . 5 1 0 . 8r A : 7 5 0 1 5 0 r / m i n
F a s ti d l e = 8 7 1 1 . 7 t s = 5 2 0 0 1 1 0 0r / m i n
l f n e c e s s a r yr e f e rt o p a g e 1 2 9 .
E n g i n e c o n t r o l s ( l h r o t t l ec a b e a n d k i c k - d o w nc a b t e )
( A u t o ) .l f n e c e s s a r yr e f e rt o p a g e 1 7 6 .

l m p o r t a n t r l f e n g i n e h a s b e e n d i s a s s e m be d c y l i n d e r
h e a d b o l t s n u s t b e c h e c kt i g h i e n e d a f t e r 6 0 0 1 , 2 0 0
m a e s ( 1 , 0 0 0 - 2 , 0 0k0m ) .



Group 22 Lubricating System
Engine oil, oil filter

Group 22 LubricatingSystem
E ' 1 g i n e o i , ot ;i l t e r . r a p a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . Y1 2
O l p . e s s u r ec. h e c k i l g 71
O lpLmp,gererdlinforralron.............................. z1
22 124

Engineoil, oil filter. replacement

D20 D24
Oil capacity litres
E x c l .o i l f i t e r 5_2{5.5) 6.2(6.5)
I n c l .o i l f i l t e r 6.0(6.3) 1.Ot7.41
1 . 0{ 1 . 0 ) 1 . 0( 1 . 0 )

A c c o r d i n gt o A P I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M
. . .I .N. .C. .C. . . . . .
Oils with designations SE/CC,SE/CD,SF/CCand SF/CD
fulfillhis requiremenl.


N o t eS A E1 5 W5 0 o r S A E 2 0 W5 0 o i l sa f e r e c o r n m e n d e d
f o r u s e i n e x t r e m e d r i v i n g c o n d i t i o n sw h i c h I n v o t v e
h i g h o i l c o n s u m p t i o na n d h i g h o i t t e l r l p e r a t u r e se . g .
m o u n t a i n d r i v i n g w i h t f r e q u e n t d e c e t e r a t i o n os f f a s t
m o t o r w a y d r i v i n g .( N o t e h o w e v e rr h e t o w e r t e m p e r a -
ture limits.)

Oil filter
Useoil filterwrench2903to removefitter.
To installfilter,
seeinskuclions on fitrer.
lf onlyfilteris
(0.8US quarts)of oil.

Group 22 Lubricating system
Oil pressure,oil pump

Oil pressure,checking

Connect oil pressure gauge to connection for oil

pressure sender
Oil pressuremust be 6t least200 kPa(28 psi)at 33 r/s
(2,000rmin) and80'C(176'F) oiltemperature.
Reliefvalvein pumpshouldopenat 600-700kPa{8F
99 psi)-

- oil level

- reliefvalvein pump.

Oil pump

Oil pan cannotbe removedfrom installedengine.
Consequenllyit is necessary
to removeengineto re-

Mark(A) on outerplmp gearmustfacerearcover.

Oil pump is only available
as a completeunir.Spare
partsare howeveravailablefor reliefvalve.


l f o j l p r e s s u r ei s n o t a s s p e c i f i e dc h e c k t h a t p l u n g e r
m o v e sf r e e l y a n d t h a t s p r i n g i s i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n .
R e l i e fv a l v e i s a c c e s s i b l ef r o m b e l o w w i t h o i l p u m p
a installed.

g T i g h t e n i n st o r q u e 4 0 N m ( 3 0f t l b s ) .

€-ao Nm

Gtoup 23 Fuel sysf€fi

Group23 Fuelsystem

Op.ration Pag6
Exhaust gassmokedensity,general..-.--.......-
checking ' AA2-10 126
ldle+ fastidle............... ABl-6 129
Fuelfiltsr, drainingwate AC1 130
replacoment.......... AC2 130
Injection pump,general AE1-14 13',l
altitudeadiustment, USA AD2 132
senlng. .'. ., " aD3-14 133
beltrePlacement .. ...'..., AEl-14
removal . .
......,............. 140
installation ................... AG1-17 143
Deliverypipes,removal/installation ........ ......... AH1-3 148
rePlac€ment AJl-10
Iniectors, malfunctions/checking . . ...... ......... AK1_2 151
removal........,.,............. AK}6 151
installation .................... AK7-9
overhaul{incl.testing} AL1-10 153
Coldstartclevice,.,........ Atvtl-2 155
Preheatingsystem (glow plugsl. wiring diagram 1979_80 .. ' AN1 156
1981-........,.,.AO1 158

Group23 Fuel system
Exhaustgas density

AA. Exhaustgas density

E x h a u s tg a s s m o k e d e n s i t yg i v e sa g o o d i n d i c a t i o no f
t h e c o n d i t i o no f a n e n g i n e a n d w h e t h e r t h e i n j e c t i o n
p u m p i s c o r r e c t l ya d j u s t e d .
Swedish regulationsstipulate that smoke density
m u s t n o t e x c e e d3 . 5 B o s c hu n i t s f o r p a s s e n g e cr a r s a t
t i m e o f r e g i s t r a t i o na n d 4 . 5 B o s c hu n i t s a t t h e a n n u aI

Since exhaust gas smoke emissions from Volvo

d i e s e l sa r e g e n e r a ly l o w e r t h a n o t h e r v e h i c l e si r m a y
b e t h o u g h tp o s s i be t o i n c r e a s ee n gi n e p e r f o r m a n c eb y
e n r i c h i n st h e f u e l a i f m i x t u r e .
P r o l o n g e de r c e s s i v e e n n c h m e n l w i l l n o t i n L r e a s e
power output but will in fact reduce seryicelife of
e n g i n e c o n s i d e r a b l y .E v e n m o d e r a t e e n r i c h m e n t o f
f u e l - a i rm i x t u r ew i l l s h a r p l y i n c r e a s ee x h a u s tg a s t e m -
p e r a t u r e sa n d c o m b u s t i o np r e s s u r e sw, i t h o u t a n y c o F
r e s p o n d i n sp o w e r s a i n .


Checkingsmoke density
Varioustypesof equipmentareavailableto measure
smokedensity.Referto manufacturers'instructions
for maintenanceandcalibration
of equipment.

Group 23 Fuel system
Exhaustgas density

Connectextensionpieceto exhaust pipe
theriskof ambient
Pipedimensions:length= 200mm (8in)
i n t e r n a l d r a m e L -e r5 0 m n l 2 i n ) .S e c u r ee i t e n t i o np i e c e
w i t h r u b b e rh o s e a n d c l a m p s .

Install sample pump

Insertprobeinto exhaustpipe,Probemust be in center
and insertedto 6 depth of not lessthan 200 mm {8in},
otherwisereadingswill be incorect,
Hangflexiblehosefrom clampas illustrated.
Connect hosefrom rubberbladderto samplepump.

Check sample pump operation
Pushin pumpplungerfully.Squeezerubberbladder
andcheckmov€mentof pump plunger.
NotelDonotcoverholein bladderas plungerwillnot

Pushin plungerfully afterchecking.

Insert filter paper in pump
Unscrewcoverand checkthat contactsurfacesare

P l 6 c ef i l t e r p a p e r i n o p e n i n g a n d t i g h t e n c o v e r h a n d
Position rubb€r seal over cover (to prevent dirt and
moisture from affecting test).

Group23 Fuelsystem
Exhaust gas density

Route hose with rubber bladderto d.ive6 seat

Securehosewith tape.

s0 knr/h(30

Measuresmoke density
Warm-upengineto normaloperatrng temperature,
Drivein secondgear at 50 km/h{30mph).Slowlypush
acceLeratorpedalto floorwhileapplyingfootbraketo rit I
maintainconstant50 km/h.
Note! Automatictransmission: Do not depressac'
celeratorpedalto su€han extentthat kick-downis
Maintainconstantspeed for a few secondsand
s0 km/h(30mph) squeeze rubberb adderto operalepump.
Note! Squeezerubberbladderhard fof severalse-
condsto ensurethatsamplepumphasbeenfilled.Do
not coverholein rubberbladder.

AA9 l),,I
pumpplungerfuly and placea newfilter
p a p e r i n p u m p . A e p o s i t i o nr u b b e r c o v e r .
R e p e a tm e a s u r e m e n t sa c c o r d i n gt o A A 8 .
rl, I

C a i b r a t e e q u i p m e n ta c c o r d i n gt o m a n u f a c t u r e r si n -

S m o k ed e n s i t yf o r p a s s e n g e cr a r si n S w e d e nm u s t n o t
e x c e e d3 . 5 B o s c hu n i t s a t t i m e o f r e g i s t r a t i o na n d 4 . 5
B o s c hu n i t s a t a n n u a l i n s p e c l i o n .

Group 23 Fuel system

AB. ldle * fast idle

Specialtool: 9950

lf Volvo Monotester js not available use photoelectric
rev counter (999 9795,9).

Warm-up engine

Checldadjust idle
12.5r/s (750r/min).
Sealadjustmentscrew and lock nut with paint after

Checldadiust fast idle

87 r/s {5200r/min).
Seal adjustmentscrew and lock nut with paint after

Do not raceenginelongerthannecessary,


Checldadiustengine controls
idle speed.
S e e i n s t r u c t i o n so n p a g e 1 7 6 ,o p e r a t i o n sA X l - A X g .
Group 23 Fuel system

AG. Fuelfilter

ACl i
Drain water from fuel tilter
- placea drippanunderneath drainscrew(2)
- slackenbleedscrew(1)a coupleofturns
- slackendrain screw(2) and retightenwhen clean
- retightenbleedscrew

Special tool: 2903
- Us€strap wrench 2903to removefilter. Placestrap
as nearas possrble ro bdseof lilter,seelig.
- smeardieseloil on newlilterseal
- tightenIilterby handuntilsealcontacts
tightena further1/4turn
- sta eflgineandcheckfor leaks.lfsealis nottightair
will be drawnintofuelsystemandcausepoorrun-
ning. i,l

Group23 Fuelsystem
Iniection pump, genercl

AD. Iniectionpump,general

Adiustments which can be carried out on an
installed iniection pump are limited to tho
- adjustingidleandfastidle
- adjustinginiectiontiming
Formoredetailedrepairsandadjustmentsthe pump
mustberemovedandlestedby speciallytr6in6dpsr-
sonnel,ona sDecialtest b6nch.

Smokedensityregulationsfor Sweden
-..rt-T Fuelregulatingscrewis sealedatfactory.
on a
No!61Fuelsupplymay only be checked/adjusted
O) r) t6st benchbvtrained Dersonnel,

Group23 tuel system
High altitude adjustment (Legal rcquirement)

High altitudeadjustment(Legalrequirement)

- high altitudeas an €levationexceeding1219metres
- low altitude as an elevationlower than or equ6l to

a Ondeliveryfrom factoryall
low altitudes,
a Nswvehicles soldforprincipaluseat highaltitudes
must be adjusted befor€ bsing deliveredto the
custom€r.After adiustmenta decalmustbe affixed
to the firewall (besidethe emissionsinformation
decal)andalsoto the injectionpump.
a lf v€hicle owner moves from low to high altitude
are6,the vehicleshouldbs readjusted forhigh alti-
a Vehiclesadjustedfor high altitudesmust bs read_
iustedfor low altitudssifvehicle is to be principallv
usedat low altjtudes.Th€ hjgh altitudedecalsmust
also be removsdat the sametime,

Thefollowingadiustmentmust be madeto vehiclefor

useat highaltitudos:
Inisction timing: advancsd0.07 mm (0.0028in) for
every100m (3300ftlincrease in altitudes.
Injectedquantitydecreasesby 2.3 mm3tor each1000
metreincreasein altitude.This is equivalenttoturning
adiustmentscrew35' counterclockwise.

Injecrionriming Iniectedqutntity
Example:lf altitudeis 2000metresabovesealevelthe Example: lfaltitudeis 2000metresabovesealevelthe
lollowing calculationscan be made: followingcalculations canbe madei
0.85mm is normal setting {for 1982-models} ?999^er.
-- = rn.
1000*o.oz)=o.ssr. Turn adjustmenlscrew70"
H i g h a l t i t u d es e t t i n g i s 0 . 9 9m m

Group 23 Fuel system
lnjection pump,^efting

AD. Iniectionpump, setting

special tool: 5194

Removorear timing goa. covel

Disconnect cold start devicc

Slackenscrew1. Pushleverfo fward and rotatesleeve
Nole! Do nottlrn screw2 otherwis€itwillbe nec€ss'
ary to removecold start deviceand rsset it on a test
Pushlev€r backagainststop.

Tuln ongin€ until cyl. I is at TDc-iniection

Always use the vibration damper centre bolt to turn
the engine.
Use a 27 mm socket,
IVsrkin pumpgearshouldbe oppositemarkIn moun-
ting bracket.Flywheelat"O" mark. dial Indicator in iniection pump

Unscrew and rerhove plug from iniection pump
Installholder 5194 and dial indicator(measuring
range0-3 mm).S€tgaugetoapprox.2mm.
Gtoup 23 Fuel system

Set indicator to zero
Turnpumpgearbackslightly regis-
to zero.
Checkpump setting
Turnenqineslowlyclockwiseuntilflywheelis at'O'

Note!lf engineisturnedtoo far it mustbeturnedback

approx.1/4rurn andthento'o'mark othelwisesetting
O 20 .......................
0.75-0.83mm (0.0295-0.0327 in)
i i:
mm (0.2560,0287in)
l"ri 1 1982-................
/1,;. <:i:/h (Vehicles

adjustedfor high altitudedrivingjreferto


pump setting:
D20 ..............................................
0.80mm {0.0315 in)
0.70mm {0.0276 in)
D24USAandCanada1979-1981 ................. 0.70mm
(0.0295 in)
,:f-;*il 1 9 8 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. ...8. .5m
. . .m.
in) t), I
Reading less than specilied:
to obtaincorrectvalue.Tightenmountingboltsand
repeatcheckof pumpsetting. ,)tI
Reading morethanspecified:
Slackenpump mounting bolts and turn pump
D 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. ...7. 0
. .m..m. .( .0. . 0 . .2. .7 6 i n )
D 2 4 . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . .6. 0. .m . (. .0. .. 0. .2. .3 7 i n )
. .m
D24USAandCanada '1979-198? ................. 0.60mm
{0 0256in)
1 9 8 2 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . .7. 5.m . .m
(0.0295 in)
Thenturn pump inwardsunti specifiedvalueis ob
tained. Tightenmountingboltsandrecheck pumpset'
t |n g ,
Note!Injecrion pumpmustnot be tappedor knocked
asthiswill aherits setting.

Group23 Fuelsystem
lnjection pump, sefting

Checkpump setting
Adjustif necessary
accordingto operationDBand

Romovedial indicator and holder

Install plug wath new $oal
Tightening rorqueI Nm (6.5ft lbs).

Install rear timing gear covel

Reconnect cold stsrt dovicg
Presslever forwards and turn sleeve 90'. Retighten

Notol Do notturn screw2. otherwiseit will be necess-

ary to removecold start d€viceand reset it on a tgst
Group23 Fuelsystem
lnjectionpump belt, replacement

AE. lnjectionpump belt, replacement

Specialtools: 5193,5194,5197,5199,5201

Removereartiming gearcover

Turnengineuntil cyl.1 is al TDC-injection
Alwaysuse vibrationdampercentreboLtto turn
engine. Use27mmso€ket.
in pumpgearshould
l\,lark markin mount-
at "o".

Lift off pump belt

S i a c k e nr r l o u n t i n gb o l t s f o r i n j e c t i o np u m p b r a c k e ti o
r e l e a s eb e l t t e n s i o n .T i g h t e n o n e b o l t s o t h a t p u m p
r e m a i n si n ! p p e r p o s i t i o n . {)l}(|
Lift off belt.


Hod sprocket in position with 5199 and unscrew
s p r o c k e tw i t h w r e n c h 5 2 0 1 .
Take care nol to rolate camshaft.
l n s t a l lc e n t e rb o l t , h a n d t i g h t . l t s h o u l d b e p o s s i b l et o
t u r n s p r o c k e to n c a m s h a f rw i t h o u t c a m s h a f tr o t a t i n g .


Group23 Fuelsystem
Injectionpump belt, replacement

cold start device
S l a c k e ns c r e w1 . P u s h l e v e rf o r w a r d a n d r o t a t es l e e v e
N o t e ! D o n o t t u f n s c r e w2 , o t h e r w i s ei t w i l l b e n c u e s s ,
a r y t o r e m o v ec o l d s t a r t d e v i c ea n d r e s e t i t o n a r e s r

P r e s sl e v e r b a c ka g a i n s ts t o p .

\j -,74, - pumpmounting
Slacken bolts(Alenkey= 6 mm ).

ior Alignmarkson pumpandmounting bracket

i n g p u m p . R e t i g h t e nm o u n t i n g b o l t s .

Set dial indicator zero.
Lock pump gear at cyl. 1 iniection using stop
Unscrewand remove plus from injectionpump

I n s l a I h o l d F 5 1 9 4a n o d a l i n d c d r o r{ m F a s u r i r s
range0 3 mm).Set ga!geto approx.2 mm.
Turn pump ge.r c ockwiseunti mark on gear and

:i r€g ::3 Thenturn pump gearbackslightlyuntil min feading

on d ial indicator.
Set indicaror
to zero.
Turn pump gear clockwiseuntil mark on gear and
pump mountingbracketcoincide.Lockgear in this
positionwilh stop 5193.(lnsertstop throughpump
gearinlo mountingbrackel.)

Group23 Fuel system
lniectionpump belt, replacement

lnstall belt
Adiusttensionby movingcoolantpump.
Usegauge5197to checktension.Attachgaugeto belt
andsetto 12.5units.Stretchbeltuntilmarkon gauge
plungeris flush with sleeve.Depressbelt strongly
with handand recheck/adiusttension.

t .- rl|'- Sel pump and tighten camshaft r6ar sprockei
t t | : : r y,.7,v Use5199toholdsprocket.Torquewrench shouldbeat
"' 7 ur ,
" ",, raghtanglesto wrench5201otherwisetorquewill b€

Using5199,turn sprock€tslowlyclockwiseuntil dial

D20 ..............................................
D24...-.......................................... in)
D24USAandCanada1979 1981................. 0.70mm
1 O qN m (0.0276in)
(Vehicesadjustedfor high altitudedrivinsireferto
Hoidsprocketin this positionandtorqu€boltto 100
Nm (73ftlbs).Takecarethatcamshaft andsprocket do

Removestop 5193from pump gear

Checkpump setting
Turnengine twofullturnsuntilcyl.1 is at TDC-injec-
tionagain.lf engine
isturnedtoofarit mustbeturned
backapprox.l/4turn andthento zeromarkotherwise
settingwill be incorrect.
0.75-0.83 mm
(0.0295-0.0327 in)
0.65-0.73 mm
D 24 USAandCanada'1979-1981 .......0.55-0.73mm
(0.0256-0.0287 in)
(0.0323-0.0354 in)
CorrectreadingrTighteninjectionpump mounting
bolts.Proceed to E12.
Incorrectreading:Readjust ac€ording to instructions

Gtoup23 Fuelsystem
lnjectionpump belt

Readiustingpump setting:
D20 ..............................................
0.80mm {0.0315in)
0.70mm (0.0276
D24....................-......................... in)
D24USAandCanada1979-1981 0.70mm (0.0276in)
1982 .......0.85mm (0.0335 in)

Readingless than specilied:

Slackenpumpmountingboltsandturn pumpinwards
to obtaincorrectvalue.Tightenmountingboltsand
repeatcheckof pumpsetting.

Readingmore than specilied:

i, Slackenpump mounting bohs and turn pump
0.70mm (0.0276
D20-............................................. in)
0.60mm (0.0237
D24.............................................. in)
ID D24USAandCanada '1979-1981 .................

mm (0.0295
Thenturn pump inwardsuntil specifiedvalueis ob-
tained.Tightenmountingboltsandrecheck pumpser-

lmportanll Iniection p!hp must not be tapped or

k n o c k e da s t h i s w i l l a l t e r i i s s e t t i n g ,

Removedial indicalorand holder5194.lnstall
plug with new seal.
Tishteningtorque9 Nm{6.5ft lbs).

Pressleverforwardand turn sleeve90'. Retighten

NotelDo notturnscrew2, othelwiseit will be reoess-

ary to removecold startdeviceand resetit on a resr

Installreartiming gearcover

Group 23 Fuel system
lnjection pump, removal

AF. Injectionpump,removal
Specialtools: 2 x 2901,5193,5199,5201,5204

h o s e sf o r c o l d s t a d d e v i c e .C l a m p h o s e sw i t h p l i e r s
2 9 0 1p r i o r t o r e m o v a
- t h r o t t l ec a b L ea n d k i c kd o w n c a b l e( a u t o ) f r o mp u m p
- wire from fuelvalve.

Removerear timing gear covel


fuel deliveryand return linesfrcm
C e a n c o n n e c t i o n st h o r o u g h l y b e f o r e d i s c o n n e c t i n g
t h e m . P l u g e n d s o f f u e l l i n e st o p r e v e n td i r t e n t e r i n g

Group 23 Fuel system
lnjectionpump, rcmoval

Removevacuum pump and pump plunger

nutsand placepumpon

Remove fromcylinder

Remove luel delivery pipes
Cleanall connections
Removeall delivery pipes and p[]g ends to prevent
dirtfrom enteringfuelsystem.


(Wti Turn engine until cyl. 1 is at TDc-iniection

Alwaysuse vibrationdampercenterbolt to turn
engine. Use27 mm socket.
) in pumpgearshould
lvlark beopposite markin mount'
ins bracket.
Flywheelat "O".

Lift oft pump belt

Slacken mountingboltsfor injectionpumpbracker
releasebeltlension.Tightenone bolt so that pump
remainsin upperposition.
Lift off belt.

Group 23 Fuel system
lnjection pump, rcmoval

Remove camshaft rear sprocket
Hold sprocketin positionwith 5199and unsctew
sprocketwith wrench 5201.
Takecarenot to rotatecamshaft.
Installcenterbolt, shouldbe possible
turnsprocket on camshaflwithoutcamshaft rotatang.

Slackenpump gear
Use5193to holdgearandslacken
5201.Removenut andwasher.

Pulloff gear
Usepuller5204andstop5193. uri})


-lepftp'= Removepump
j,,r Z-{ - Removefrontmountingbracketfrom engine

r //nl Removepumpfrom rearmountingbracket{Allenkey

I riqr = 6 mm).

Group 23 Fuel system
Inject ion pump, instaIIati on

AG. Injectionpump, installation

Specialtools: 5193,5194,5197,5199,5201

Position injection pump
Mountpump on engineand secureit wilh retaining
boltsandfront mountingbracket.
fully at this stage.
Align markin pumpwith markin mountingbracket.
Thentightenretainingbolts for pump - mounting

Install pump geat
Do not forgetto placekeyin pump axle,Installgear.

Torquenut to 45 Nm {33ft lbs).

ljse 5193to hold sprocketand 5201to tighten nut.
Torquewrenchshouldbe at right anglesto wrench
5201,otherwisetorque will be incorre€t.

Disconnectcold start device
Notol Do notturn screw2, otherwiseit will be necess-
ary to removecold start deviceand reset it on a test

Presslever backagainststop.

Group23 Fuelsystem
Iniection pump, installing

Set dial indicalor zero. Lock pump gear at cyl. 1
injection using stop 5193
Unscrewand remove plug from injectionpump

I n s r c l h o d e r 5 1 9 4a r d d i d : r d i c d l o rl n e a s . r - i n s
range0-3 mm).Set gaugeto approx.2 mm.
Turn pump gear c ockwiseuntil mark on gear and

l)il |
Thenrurn pump gearbackslightlyuntil min reading
Set indicatorto zero
on dialindicatof.
Turn pump gear clockwiseuntil mark on gear and lrii I
pump mountlngbracketcolncide.Lockgear in this
positionwith stop 5193.(lnsedstop throughpump
gearinto mountingbrackel.)

Installpump belt
A d j u s l t e n s i o nb y m o v i n g c o o l a n tp u m p .
U s e g a u g e5 1 9 7t o c h e c k t e n s i o n - A n a c hg a u g et o b e h
a n d s e t t o 1 2 . 5u n i t s .S t r e t c hb e l t u n t i l m a r k o n g a u g e
p l u n g e f i s f l u s h w i t h s e e v e . D e p r e s sb e l l s t r o n g l y
w i t h h a n d a n d r e c h e c k / a d j u stte n s i o n .

AG6 ,),il|
Set pump and tighten camshaft rear sprocket
U s e5 1 9 9t o h o d s p r o c k e t T . o r q u ew r e n c h s h o u l d b e a t
r i g h t a n g L e st o w . e n c h 5 2 0 1o t h e r w i s et o r q u e w i I b e

Using5199,turn sprocketslowlyclockwiseuntild ial 'f,fI

D 2 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.80 . . . . (0.031s
. . . . .mm . . . . . . . in)
D 2 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.70
. . . . .mm
. . . . 10.0276
. . . . . . . in)
D24USAandCanada1979 1981. . . . . . . . . . . .0. . 7 . .0.m m
( 0 . 0 2 7i 6 n)
1982 0.85mm
( 0 , 0 3 3 5i n )
( V e h i c e s a d j u s t e dl o r h i g h a t i t L r d ed r i v i n g : . e f e r l o
p a g e 1 3 2)
H o l d s p r o c k e ti n t h i s p o s i t i o na r d t o r q u e b o l t t o 1 0 0
N m ( 7 3 f l l b s ) .T a k ec a r et h a t c a m s h a f ta n d s p r o c k e td o

Removestop 5193from pump gear
Gtoup23 Fuel system
lnjection pump, installing

Check pump setting
Turnenginetwo full turnsuntilcyl. 1 is at TDC-injec-
tion,again.lf engineis turnedtoofar it mustbeturned
backapprox.1/4turn andthento'O'mark othelwise
settingwill be incorrect.
0.75-0.83mm (0.0295-0-0327
D20........................ jn)
D24USAandCanada1979 1S81........0.65-0.73mm
(0.0256-0.0287 in)
(0.0323-0.0354 in)
Correctreading:Tighteninjectionpump mounting
bolts.Proceedto AGg.
Incorrecr reading:Readjust according to instructions

il pumpsetting:
D20 .............................................. 0.80mm (0.0315 inl
. . .m. .(.0. ., .0. 2. .7i 6
D 2 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. ...7. .0m n)
D24USAandCanada1979-1981 ................. 0.70mm
{0.0276 in)
1 9 8 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . ...8. .5m . . .m.
10.033s in)

Readingless than specilied:

to obtaincorrecivalue.Tiqhtenmountingboltsand
repeatcheckof pumpsetting.

Readingmore than specifiedi

Slackenpump mounting bolts and turn pump
D 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. ...7. 0
. .m . .(.0. . 0
..m . .2. .7 6 i n )
D24.............................................. 0.60mm (0.0237 in)
O24USAandCanada1979 1981................. 0.60mm
(0.0237 in)
1 9 8 2 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. . 7 . .5.m. .m
(0.0295 in)
Thenturn pump inwardsuntil specifiedvalueis ob,
lained.Tighlenmountingboltsandrecheck pumpset,

l m p o r t . n t ! I n j e c t i o np u m p m u s r n o t b e r a p p e do t
knocked a st h i s w i l l a h e ri t s s e t t i n g .

Gtoup23 Fuelsystem
lniectionpump, installation

Removedial indicatorand holder5194.Install
plug with new seal
T i q h t e n i n gt o r q u e I N m ( 6 . 5f t l b s ) .

A G lO
Connectcold start device
Presslevefforwardand turn sleeve90'. Retighten

NotelDonotturnscrew2, otherwiseit will be necess-

ary to removecold start deviceand reset it on a test

Fill iniectionpumpwith dieselfuel
if pumphas beendrainedor new
Filter nN
Installreartiming gearcover
C l a m p w i r i n g h a r n e s sl o l e i t s i d e r e t a i n i n g b o h o n

fuel deliveryand returnlines
Do not interchangeconnections. Returnlineconnec
Tighrening torque25 Nm (18ft. lbs).

Group23 Fuelsystem
lnjectionpump, i nstallation

tuel deliverypipes
T i g h t e n i n gt o r q u e 2 5 N m ( 1 8f t l b s ) .

AG 15
Installplungerand vacuumpump
CheckO rins,replace
if necessary.

A G1 6
- h o s e st o c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e .R e m o v ec l a m p i n g p l i e r s
- wire to fuel va ve
- t h r o t t e c a b l ea n d k i c k d o w n c a b l e ( a u t o )

Set throttle control
S e e i n s t r u c t i o no n p a g e 1 7 6 ,o p e r a t i o n sA X 1 A X g .
Group 23 Fuel system
Fuel delivery pipes

AH. Fuel deliverypipes,replacement

Cleanall conneciionsthoroughlY ,i.
- vacuumpumpandpump plunger

Blankoff portsandpipesto prevententryof dirt.

- connectdeliverypipes.
Tighteningtorque25 Nm {'18ft. lbs.)
- pump prungerano vacuumpump. C h e c U r e p l a c e
- checkfunction and security.A few
quired before pipes are bled and

Group23 Fuelsystem

of one or more pipes

AJ. Deliverypipes,replacement
(Donot attemptto weldor repairdamagedfueldeliverypipes.Damagedpipesmustbe replaced.)


Cleanall connectionscaretully.Blow-drypipes

Removevacuumpump and pump plunger

I' Removepump retainingbolts. Placepump on

w h e e l a r c ha n d w i t h d r a w p l u n g e rf r o m c y l i n d e rh e a d .

Mark positionof clampson pipes

L o c a t i o n o t c l a m p s i s i m p o a n t . I n c o r r e c t l yl o -
c a t e dc l a m p s c a n c a u s ev i b r a t i o n sa n d f u e l s u p p l y
p r o b l e m sm a y r e s u l t .

all pipes


Group23 Fuel system
Fueldelivery pipes

Removeclampssecuringpipe(s)to be replaced

D o n o t t i g h t e n c o n n e c t i o n sa t t h i s s t a g e .
C h e c kp o s i t i o no f r u b b e r s l e e v eo n p i p e .


Tightenpipe connections
T i g h t e n i n gt o r q u e 2 5 N m ( 1 8f t . 1 b s . ) {)il |

Installpump plungerand vacuumpump
O rings.

Check operation and leakage
A few secondsis requiredbeforepipesare b ed fully


AK. lnjectors

Listedbelowar6 malfunctions which can occur if one
or more ofthe injectorsis defective.
- one or more ol cylindsrsknock.
Notsl Do notconfusethiswithbearingclafter Chsck
- overheating

- unevonidle
- blackexhaustsmoke
- gXCeSSiVe
fuel COnSumption.

Checking iniection oper.tion
1. Bun engineat aboveidle speed
2. Loos6ncap nuts on injoctorsong at a time. wl6p
sbsorping paper around iniectors to prevenr
lfengins speedrcmainsconstantor if knockingdisap-
pears,fault may be:
- delectiveinjector
- detBctiveheatshield
- leakingdoliverypip€.


S.s spg.ilicatlonstor ld€nritic.rton ot injectortyp6.

i usa/c€nad'
333133;315 1e82-
0681302ol | - .
068130201K I ulnermsrkets
DN0 SD1930 = Usrcanad€ 1982-
DN= SDt93 = Othermark€ts

{complete} 't51
Group 23 Fuel system

Removevacuumpump and pump plungel
Remove nutsand placepumpon

Withdraw fromcylinder

Cleandelivery pipe connections

Disconnectdelivery pipes
Blankoffpo(sandpipesto prevent
entryof orn.

R e m o v eh e a t s h i e i d sf r o m c y l i n d e rh e a d .

Position iniectors
Removesootetc.from sealingsurfaces.
Placenew heatshieldsin cylinderhead,seefig. ToF
que iniectors
to 70 Nm (50ft. lbs.).

Reconnectdelivery pipes
T i g h l e n i n gt o r q u e 2 5 N m ( 1 8f t . l b s ) .
Installpump plungerand vacuumpump
e {ing.

Group23 Fuelsystem

AL. Reconditioning
U t m o s t c e a n l i n e s sm u s t b e o b s e r v e dw h e n w o r k i n o w i t h i n i e c t o r s .
cleanoutersudaceof injector
U p p e rn o z 2 l e disassemble injector. Caremustbe takento ensure
that pa(s do not fall onto benchor floor.lf nozzle
needleis droppedit mustnot be reused
W a s h e ra, d t u s t s immersepartsin cleandieselfuel as soon as rhey

pa s
do not interchange

iD AL2
Cleaning, checking
c e a n a l l p a s w i t h c l e a n d i e s e lf u e l
u s e n o z z l ec l e a n e re q u i p m e n tt o c l e a nn o z z l en e e d l e

D - r e p l a c ed a m a g e d p a r t s . N o z z l e n e e d l e a n d s l e e v e
a r e m a t c h e da n d m u s t b e r e p l a c e dt o g e t h e r .

- washoff rustproofing
compundtrom newpartswiih
clean petrol/gasoline
- immersepartsin cleandieselfuel
- assemble Torqueto 70 Nm (50ft. lbs.l.

It W A R N I N G IE x t r e m ec a r em u s t b e t a k e nw h e n t e s t , Testing
i n g : r i e c l o r s .S p r a y r e l e d s e ol r o m i n j e c t o ri s a t
s u c h a h i g h p r e s s u r et h a t i l c a n p a s st h r o u g h s k i n a I n j e c t o r ss h o u l d b e t e s t e d w i r h c e a n t e s t o i l o r
a n d c a u s eb l o o d p o i s o n i n qi f i n a d v e l t e d l yp o i n t e d f i t e r e d d i e s e l f u e 1 .U n d e r n o c i r c u m s l a n c e sm a y
r'f p e t r o l / g a s o l i n eb e u s e d b e c a u s eo f t h e r i s k o f e x -

OThe use of suitable evacuation equipment to

remove diesel fumes is law in certain counnies
( i n c l .S w e d e n ) .
a lTpo'tdrt lactorsin tesling irjeclors are opening
p r e s s u r ea n d w h e t h e r i n j e c t o r i s l e a k p r o o f .S p r a y
p a t t e r na n d n o i s ea r e m o r e d i f f i c u l t t oa s s e s sa n d d o
n o t g i v e a n e x a c t i n d i c a t i o n o fc o n d i t i o no f i n j e c t o r .
I n j e c t o r m a y f u n c t i o n s a t i s f a c t o r i l ye v e n t h o u g h
s p r a y p a t t e r na n d n o i s e a r e f o u n d t o b e d o u b t f u l .

Installiniectorin test equipment

B a n k o f f f u e l r e l u r n p i p e sw i t h r u b b e rp u g s a n d h o s e
Group23 Fuelsystem

(4 6persecond).
jetshoud befairlycompact
Spray andstopabruptly.
l n j e c t o rm u s t n o t d r i p .


|l I
leverful y (1 2 strokes
Slowlydepress persecond).
I n j e c t o rs h o u l d b u z , w h e n f u e l i s e m i t t e d .

S l o w l y d e p r e s sl e v e ra n d c h e c ko p e n i n g p r e s s u r e .
O p e n i n gp r e s s u r ec h e c kv a l u e : 1 2 - 1 3M P a ( 1 7 0 0 - 1 8 5 0 Ia
l f i n c o r r e c t ,l e a kl e s t b € f o r ea d j u s l i n gp r e s s u r e .

j,: I

Leak test

lncrease pressure ro 11MPa{1560psi).Maintarnthrs

pressure for 10seconds.Fuelmustnot dropfrom in
eLlors.A rro sl rol/ e rs howeveracLcplao

Group23 Fuelsystem
Cold start device

Adlusting opening pressure
Settinsvalue: 12.s-13.5
Removeinjectorfrom test equipment.Disassemble
injectorand adjustopeninspressureby repiacing

- to increase
opening pressure = fit a rhickerwasher.
- to decreaseopeningpressure = fit a thinnerwasher.
0.05mm changein thicknessis equivalentto ap-
prox.5 kPa(7 psi).
- shimsareavailable infollowingsizes:'1.00-1.95
at 0.05mm increments.
Reassemble injecror.Torqueto 70 Nm (50 ft. lbs.).

ID Removeinjectorlrom test equipment
C o v e re n d w i t h p r o t e c t i v ec a p .
T a k ec a r en o t t o d a m a g e n o z ze w h e n i n s t a ti , , s , f l e c ,

AM. Cold start device

C o l d s t a d e v i c e m a y o n t y b e a d j u s t e do n a s p e c i a l
t e s t b e n c h ,w h e n c o n n e c l e dt o i n j e c t i o np u m p .
H o w e v e ra s e r v i c e c h e € k c a n b e c a r r i e d o u t o n a n
i n s t a le d i n j e c t i o np u m p .
N o t e l l f c o l d s t a r t d e v i c ed o e s n o t f u n c t i o nt h e f o t o w
i n gw i l l o c c u r
c o l d s t ar t i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s
b l u e w h i i e e x h a u s ts m o k e
- e n g i n e w i l l n o t s t . r r a r r e m p e r a t u r e sb e t o w 1 0 " C

M e a s u r ei d l e s p e e dw h e n e n g i n e i s c o t d a n d h o t .
C o l d e n g i n e ( b e l o w 2 0 " C = 6 8 " F )= a p p r o x . 3 . 3 r / s
( 2 0 0r / m i n ) m o r e t h a n w . r m e n s i n e i d t e .
W i t h w a r m e n g i n e ,l e v e ro n c o d s l a r t d e v i c es n o u t d
n o t c o n t a c tl e v e ro n i n j e c t i o np u m p .
l d e s p e e d ( w a r m e n g i n e )= 1 2 . 5r / s { 7 5 0 r / m i n ) .

Group23 Fuelsystem
Preheating system 1979- 1980

AN. Preheatingsystem



c (1 |

{lll I


A T e m p e r a t u rgea u g es e n d e r
F u e l v a l v e ( s o l e n o i dv a l v e ) B F u e vl a l v e( s o l e n o i dvalve)
n d i c a t o rl a m p s f o r l n s l r u m e n t s C l n d i c a l o rl a m p s( i n s i r ! m e n t s )

E G l o wp l u g

K C o n n e c t i o pn a n e la n d s e r v i c eo u t p u t

Group23 Fuelsystem
Preheating system 1979- 1980

n*l ;t>t.
w:r> Yflo)



o' BL-Y

Gtoup23 Fuelsystem
Prcheatingsystem 1981

AO. Preheatingsystem

With efiect trom 1981-hodels:

Blocklng felay discontinued since new

c o n t r o l ! n h i n c o r p o r a r e sa s w i t c h w h i c h
d i s e n g a g e sg l o w p u g s a f t e r e n 9 i n e n a r l ,

even if contro unii malfunctions.


{r I


T u r n s l g n a l sa n d h a z a r dw a r n i n g l i g h l s A T e h p e r a r u f eg a ! g e s e n d e r
BL B F u e v a l v e ( s o l e n o i dv a l v e )
SB C I n d l c a t o rl a m p s ( i n s t r u m e n t s l

GN E G ow pllg

G C o n n e c t i o np a n e l a n d s e r v c e o u t p L t

Group23 Fuelsystem

W @-*"
, /
Group 25 lntake and exhaust

Group25 Intakeand exhaustsystems

Operation Page
systems. APl-z
...................... 161
Exhaustpipeandsilence Aa'l
..................... 162


l Group25lntakeand exhaustsystems
Inta ke m an ifo Id/exh aust m an i fo Id

AP. Intakemanifold/exhaust

Sealing ring between intake manilold and in-

take hose
Introduced July 1981.
Sealingringis usedto preventoil leakage
from intake
manifold- hoseconnection.
It canalsobe fittedto vehiclesmanufacturedbefore
J u l y1 9 8 1 .
beforeinstallinsseal.(P/N1257809 2).

Intake manitold
a Allenscrew= 6 mm
a Turngasketwith greensidefacingcylinderhead
a Tighteninstorque25 Nm (18ft. lbs.)
Arrowon intakemanifoldhosemust poinrrowards
manifoldotherwisecrankcasebreather hosemaycon,

torque25Nm(18ft. lbs.)
a Tightening

6rouD2S lntakeand exhaustsvstem
Exhaust system

AR. Exhaustsystem

S t i f f e n i n sp i p e( o n l y
o n e a r l y2 4 5m o d e l s )


Installing complete exhaust system

a Newsealsshouldbe usedthroughoutwhen install- Followinstructions below to ensurestressJreein-
rngnewexhaustsystems. stallationof exhaustsyst€m
aSteelsealsinflexiblejoinlandexhaustbranchp 1.i Slacken
pe two bolts securingmountingbracketto
needonly be replaced it damaged. gearboxtransmission,
a Exhaustpipes must be insertedapprox.40 mm 2. Positionfront pipe and tightennuts and bottsior
(1.6in) in silencers frontpipe- branchpipe.
a Clearance betweenexhaustpipeand bodyshould 3. Tightenretaining boltsfor mountingbracket-front
not be iessthan 20 mm (0.8in). Rearsilenceris
marked"lN". 4. Tighten two bolts securing mounting bracketto
6. Tightenclampsjoining pipes.
7. Tightennutsat fiont pipe joint.
8. Ensurethatexhaustsystemcannotstrikebody,ad-
just if necessary.
Group 26 C;.joting systetil

Group26 Goolingsystem

Oporation Pag.
Coolingsystem,tesiing, ASI 164
Coo'ant,gen€ral AT1 '164
AT2_9 165
ATM2 167
rep1acement,.....,.,.,.,.,...,.,...,.,.......... 168
AU2 168
................... AVl-23 169

\ t
Group 26 Cooling system
Testihg, coolant

AS. Coolingsystem testing

Connecttesl bump b6twe6nffidiator and oxpansion
tank as shown adiacent.
Increasepre$ure and checkopening pressureol ex-
pansiontank cap.Also ch€cl tor leakag€.
'1982)r100kPa(14 psi).
Pfessure should remain constant for at least 30

AT. Coolant

Siocealuminiumis us€d in the €ngines,activecorro-
sion protectionis nec€ssaryin the coolantto helppre-
,@ ventcorrosiondamage. lJs€genuineVolvoblue-green
cool6nttypeC,dilutedwith cleanwater in proportions
of 50/50.This mixture helosto Dreventcorrosionand
rEr frost damage.Neverfillthe coolingsystemwlth water
alone.The coolantsholld be chang€dr€gularlysince
the corrosionDrotactiveadditivesin the coolantlose
their effectin timo.

NotelDo not run 6ngin6wh€nlevelofcoolanlis low

sincehigh localt€mp€raturescan resultwhich may
cau6ethe cylinderheadto crack.

oirc ft rlly^isu IYpc li plfy[D ryrsysrr*rT

siyon. r[ io.i iiliiiiii-iia iuii iiiri i[oii-viiiil'du u uL
nLto*m euuiii rroffi-liiuiiTii c iiiiiiifvsrri-E
rq rrf y&n
ropuf R0ur{0
wttl] HAtrtvr
Topping.up cooling sFtem
Use same tvDe ol coolant a6 befor6. Do not mix
differenttvoes of coolants.

Replacing cool.nt
Alwrys usetyp€ C blue-greencoolant.Rememberto
replacedecal (P/N 1331473-71on exp6nsiontank if

Gtoup 26 Cooling systefi
Coolant, replacement

Roplacing coolant
Coolingsystem need not be ftushedwhen reptacjng
type B coolant(blue)withtype C lbtue,green,,srnce
thesecoolants canbe mixed.
However,sincetype A(red)andtypeC (btue,sreen)are
not mixableit is necessarylo ftushcootingsystem
priortofillingtypeC cootant.
Describedbeloware two differentmethodsfor orarn-
priorto fillingtypeC cootant.

(1) Drainingcoolantwithout flushing cooling


Disconnectbaltery ground lead

T o p r e v e n ts p i l l a g e sw h e n c o o l a n t i s d r a i n e d , r a i s e
v e h i c l ea t f r o n t r i g h t j a c k i n g p o i n t . C o o t a n tw i t h e n
r u n a l o n g s p l a s h g u a r di n t o d r i p p a n .
P l a c ed r i p p a n b e n e a t hl e f t s t e e r i n gr o d .

gJ AT4
Drain coolant
{Nodraintapson engine)
Unscrew expansiontankcap.
Disconnectlower radiatorhose from radiatorand

S e eA T l F 1 2 .

Group 26 Cooling system
Coolant, replacement

Coolant, Eplacement
Draining.nd llushing cooling system

Pl6cedrip pan beneath left sido of enginebehind
Disconnect lower radiator hose from thermostat
Disconnect hoses from heater control valve {on
firewall).Pointlower hose down.


Flush er(pansiontank clean

Flush engine clean
Connectupperheaterhose(at rearltotap andflush
engineuntil clearwater appearsat lower (heater)
hose,Contidue to flushtorafurther2 minutes.

Group26 Coolingsystem

Flush heater clean
Setheatercontrolsto MAXheat.
Connectupperpipeto tapandflushuntilclearwater

Reconnectall hoses
W a t e r h o s e f r o m t h e r m o s t a th o u s i n gi s c o n n e c t e dt o
l o w e r p i p e o n h e a t e rc o n t r o l v a l v e .


Bleedingof cooling system
Disconnect upperhosefrom cold startdevice.Place
drip pan beneathhoseand hold hoselevelwith top
levelof expansion

Fill coolant
Capacity:D 20 = a.1litres(8.6USqua(s)
D 24 = 9.3litres(9.8UScua s).
Set dashboardheatercontrolto MAX. Add coolant
throughexpansion tankcap.
only type c {blue-green}coolantis to be used.
Turnon engineand warm-upfor 5 minutes.(Expan-
siontankcapremoved). Add coolantduringthistime.
Connecthose to cold start device.Fill coolantto
mouthof expansion tank {abovemax}and screwon

oircrr||{Ytv^rsuryr N^i 4fy[0 xyrsysr$4rT

ih riosr-
a'" aurTrto fN Dftv^TrffocNrNorL
voLvo cool rr iyft c.cooirrc sii;-E
'norfcTfor0 ,.r roe ur rui 40rrDurF H^!f {^rfR rr0 !^1. v0rvo
ifilnr ff L0ur0rANn6lLwoLvo a4 c v^r8Ll JLSoUA?pal AT12
vrc irort €^u Morlt fi{lcrL rYPrc
Replace decal
AttachnewtypeC decalto expansion
Group 26 Cooling system

AU. Thermostat

- replace
- arrowonthermostatmustPointuP

lf nec€ssarytestthermostatin hotw€tet
Thermostat should:
- startto op6nat 87'C{188fF)
- "87'C+ -be lully open at 102"C{216"F}.
= 8 mm{0.3in).
Min openinggap

I Group26 Coolingsystem
I Coolant(water)pump

AV. Coolant(water) pump, replacement

SpeciaI tools : 5187, 5188,5 197

Disconnectbattery ground lead
Jack-up vehicle
To preventspillagesu/hencoolantis drained,raise
vehicleat front rightjackingpoint.Coolantwill then
run alongsplashguard intodriPpan
Placedrip panbeneathleftsteeringrod.

{Nodraintapson ensine)
D i s c o n n e clto w e r r a d i a t o rh o s ef r o m r a d i a t o r .D i s c o n
n e c t l o w e r h o s e f r o m t h e r m o s t a tf o r c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e


c o o l i n g f a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y
f a n b e l t s a n d p o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p b e l t
front timing gearcover.

Group26 Coolingsystem
Coolant lwater) pump

Removevibrationdamper center bolt
Use5187to prevenlpul ey from rotating,andwrench
5188to unscrewbolt. lt may be necessary to turn
enq ne slightlyso Iha(5187restson lan oearing.

Turnengineapprox.1/4turn anliclockwise

;> Usew.ench 5187.

B y t u r n i n ge n g i n ea n t i c l o c k w i s es,l a c ki n b e l tw i l l m o v e
{ I
'6i i o d r i v i n g s i d e , m a k i n g i l e a s i e rt o r e m o v ea n d i n s t a

Remove 4 bolts(arrowed).Allenkey6 mm.
Pulloff vibration damper. gearmay
sometimes stickto vibration
dampe. { rli
Removelowertiming gearcover

Detachmounting bracketlor coolinglan and
alternatorand placeon one side
Remove mounting bolts(arrowed)and

Group 26 Cooling system

Mark position ol timing geal belt
Mark belt,camshaftsprocketand crankshaftgear.
Markin frontof a cog.Alsoidenrifyoutsideandtop"
sideof gearbelt.

Belt must be titted in exactly same position as
found otherwisevalves may contact pistons and

Remove gear beli
Slackencoolant pump mounting bolts and belt.
Coolantmay leakwhen boltsareslackened.
Lift off belt.

Removecoolant pump
boltsfor coolant

Cleancontact forpumponcylinder
surface block.

Group 26 Cooling system
Coolant lwater) pump

Inslall new coolant pump
Greasenew O-ringand placeit on pump.Do not use
permatexor other types of sealers.
Movecoverplateto one side and mount pump on
engine.Pumpretainingboltsshould only be attached
looselyat thlsstage.

- c o v e r p l a t e r e t a i n i n gb o l t s ,
- m o L n l i n g b a c k e tf o r c o o l i n g f a n d l r e r n a t o r .

AV16 {rrlI
Make sure thai belt is fitted in exactly same
position as before
A l i g n i d e n t i f i c a t i o nm a r k s o n b e l t ,c a m s h a f ts p r o c k e t
and crankshafg t ear.
I t i s e x t . e m e l yi m p o n a n t t h a t b e l t is fitted in exactly
s a m e p o s i t i o na s b e f o r e .
Tension belt by moving coolant pump (by hand).
T i g h t e np u m p m o u n t i n g b o l t s .

Group26 Coolingsystem

Install lower timing gear cover and vibration
Dampercan only be fitted in one way. Pin on
c r a n k s h a f gt e a r m L r s tf i t i n v i b r a t i o n d a m p e r .
T o . q u e i n h e x b o l t sr o 2 0 N m { 1 5 f r b s ) .

Install center bolts
Smearthreadsand matingsurfacewith sealerP/N
0 271961-9.
Usewrench5187{reston coolinsfan journal)ro hotd
vibrationdamper.use wrench5188to torquecentre
bolt1o350Nm (255ft lbs).
is used.Also torquewrench must be in line wrrn
wrench 5184.

Set belt tension
I Turnengineapprox.1/4turn anticlockwise.

t e n s i o nb y m o v i n g c o o l a n t p u m p . U s e g a u g e 5 1 9 7t o
c h e c kt e n s i o n . A t t a c h g a u g e t o b e l t a n d s e t t o 1 2 . 5
u n i t s .S t r e t c hb e l t u n t i l m a r k o n g a u g e p l u n g e ri s f t u s h

D e p r e s sb e l t s t r o n g l y w i t h h a n d a n d r e c h e c k / a d j u s t

- front timing gearcover
- c o o l i n g f a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y .T o r q u e b o l t s t o
9 Nm (7ft lbs).
- b e t f o ' p o w e r s t F e r : r gp u n p a r d t a n b e t s
- radiator Connecl hoses (also hose to cotd srart
Group26 Coolingsystem

Bleedingof cooling system
Disconnect Place
edgeof expansion

Fill coolant
Capacityi D 20 = 8.1litres(8.6US quarts)
D 24 = 9.3litres(9.8US quarts).
Set dashboard heatercontrolto MAX. Add coolant
throughexpansion tankcap.OnlytypeC (blue'gr€en)
coolantis to be used.
Turnon engineandwarm-upfor 5 minutes.{Expan-
siontankcapremoved). Addcoolantduringthistime.
Connecthose io cold start device.Fill coolantto
mouthof expansion tank (abovemax)and screwon

\rol-iro IYPc ^hParYtro

oFrcrrriYrvrTsra rLsYsT!tr^RrRosr
srYooAr nLr -30"cIfi$IYLIARtrRullrr!r$ $ oft v
l/loLvro co0LrNI
r0r uPYIAAR0un0\{trN[^rf r^
L AV23
^rrcn voLl/o
r$ru 0r Lrour0r
-r0.[ i rui $r rourrs^]soN
lvft ir0flt au fior( ^rrc[Lrw c Replacedecal
A t t a c hn e w t y p e C d e c a lt o e x p a n s i o nt a n k . (rrl6

Group27 Enginecontrcls

Group27 Enginecontrols

adjustment AX1-S
Group 27 Engine controls

AX. Enginecontrols,adjustment

Disconnect cold start devico
lf engine is cold. cold start device must be discon-
nectedpriorto sd,ustingenginecontrols.
Slackenscrew1.Pushlever fo rward and rotat€sleeve
Notel Do notturn screw2, otherwis€itwillbe necess"
ary to removecold start deviceand r€set it on a tesl

Disconnectlink rod from lever on iniection
Adiust throttl€ cable
Turncablenut until cableis taul.Positionof throttle
drum mustnot be affected,drum mustcontactidle

Checktull thlottlc position
Depressacceleratorpedalto floor. Throttledrum
shouldconlactfull throttlestop.

Group27 Enginecontrcls
Engi ne contro ls, adju stment

Autontatio transmission,
Adiust kick-down cable
Depressacceleratorpedaltofloor, Cableshould move
approx,52mm (2.05in)betweenidleandfullthrottle
Csbl€ should be taut in idle position. Distancebet-
weenclip on cableand nut shouldbe 0,25-1.0mm

Reconnectlink rod to levei

Adiust link rod, full throttle position
Turnthrottledrumto fullthrottleposition.
Adiustlengthof linkrodso that pumplevercontacts
adjustment screwIor fastidle,

Adiustlink rod,idle position

Releasedrum so lhat it contactsidle stop.
Adjust link rod balljoint so that injectionpump lever
contactsidlo (low) adjustmentscrew.

Readiust link rod

RepeatoperaiionsX6 and X7 until 0.3 mm {0.012in)
clearancois obtainedbetweenthrottle drum and full
throttleand idle stoos.
Reconnectcoldstart deviceas applicable,

Op€ration Page Opsralion Pago
C1-21 22 Glowpluss..................................................
AN1-AO1 156
rdfe6poodsdllsinont................................Ax8 177
f ront.....................................
- - -.............. 01-27 a1
, . , . , , , , . , . . , . ,P. ,1. .-,2. 1 8a
9 e n e r a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3. .1. . A D 1
a l t i t u d e a d j u s t m e n t U S A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1 D322
. . .1. -. .1.1. . . . . . . . .7. .1.
r € m o w 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M s€ttins....................................................... AO3-14
i m r a 1 | a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N
..1 . .-. 2. .7. . . . . . . . . . . . c11-20 24
.lriv€b€lt,rcplac€m€nt............................. AEl-14 136
r e m o v a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .A. .F. .l .- -1.1. . . . . . . .1. 4
. .0. .
insrall€rion measurement ,.,,.,----, -,, 58 104 inst6llarion,.,..,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,.,,.,., AG1-17 143
Co|dstartdwie......................................... AM1-2 155
C o m p r e s s i o n t e s t , . , . , , . , , . , . , . , , . , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . , , . , . , ,1A71 - 1 0 malfunctions........................--...............A 15 K'll2
remova1........................---....................1 . 45K2H
i n s t a 1 1 a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .K. .7. -. .9. . . . . . . .1. 5 . .2. .
rephcement...-...........................-.............. AV'l-23 169 reconditioning andtesting.................-..... AL1-10 I 53
g s n € r a 1 , , , . , . , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , . , , . , . , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . , , . , . ,1,6. ,4. , A T 1 l n t a k . m a n i f o l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .6A0P 1
drainins..................................................... AT2-4 168 K i c k - d o w n c a b | e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .7A7X 5
d l a i n i n 9 a n d f | o s h i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1T656- 9
ii11in9.........................................-...........-... AT10-12 1A7 c h e c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .2. 4 ..21
. e l i e f v a l v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2. .42 3
lestins,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,,,,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.,.,, AS1 lBt O i f p u m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 2. .4. 2 2
coolant....,.,.,..,.,.,.,,.,.,....,.,..,.,.,,,,,,.,.,..,.,.,, AT1-12 164
thefmostat,,.:,...,.,,.,.,.,..,.,....,.,,,,.,.,.,,,,.,.,.., AUl-2 168 Preheatins {wirinsdiasrans).................... AN1-AO1 156
coo1antpump............................................ AV1-23 169 Pllotbsarlns{in crankshaft)
r e p l a c e m e n t . , . . . . , . , , . , . . , . . . . . . , , . , . . . . , . , . . , . , , . , . , , .9, 4 .O1-7
tront ,.r,.,..,.,....,.,..,.,.,..,...,..,.,,.,.,....,.,..,.,.,., R1-21 96 Bemovinsengine....................................... V1-7 111
.....................s1-11 103
S i f s n c o E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 6 . .2. A R i
unscrewin9.-....-......-....-............................ O17 32
differenttypes.,..........,.....-..............-....-.... 9 e n e . a.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - .A- -A- 1 - - - . . . . 126
t i g h t € n i n 9 , , , , . , . , . . , . , . , , . , . , , . . . . - . . . . -H . .8. , . . . . . - . . . . . .4A
... c h e c k i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M . .2. .-.1. .0. . . . . . . .126
r€1i9h16nin9,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,..,.,,.,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,., J1-3 57
Specia1toob,,,,.,.,,.,,,,.,,.,.,.. 12
Cylind€rheadsa3ket.................................. H3 45,46
Specilic.tions.................-........................... 3
r € m o v € 1 , . , , , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . . , . , . . . - . . . . . .o. .1. -. .2. . . . . . . . . . .28-... Swirlch.mboB........................................... G6 43
i n s p o c t i o n . , . , , . , . , . . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , , . , ,0, 2
, .0, . , . . , . , , . , . 32
,,, AS1 164
o v e f i a u 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F. .1. .-.2. .1. . . . . . . . .36
... Tsiting coolingsy.tsm ..............................
i n s t a 1 1 a t i o n . . . , . , . . , . , . , , , , , , , . , . . , . , , .H, ,1. ,-.3. ,8. , . . . . , . ,45 ,,,.
r e p l a c e m e n t . , , , , . , . , , . , . . , . , , , , . , . , , . , .A, ,U. ,1. , , , , . , , , , .168 ,,.
remov6l/insiallation.,.,.......,---,.,..,.,.,,... t e s t i n 9 , , . , . , . , , . , , . , . , . , , . , . . , . , , . , . , , , , . ,A. ,U, .2, , . , . , . , , . ,1.6, ,8.
AH1-3 148
r6p14cemeni,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,..,............-............. AJl-10 149
Engh. t € n s i o n , . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. 8 .,K1-E
r e m o v 6 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .1. V 1 - 7 r e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . . - . . , ,A. ,E. ,1. -, ,1.4, . , . . , 1 . ,6, 0
i n s t a 1 1 . t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .X. .1. -3. .3. . . . . . . .1. .1. .4.
Ersin..@nlrols.......................................... V a l v e c l 6 a r a n @ , a d i u r t m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 -1191
AX1-9 176
E n g i n e , i n s t a | | a t i o n . , , , , . , . . , . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .1. 1 x1 Valve@verlg.sket,.,,.,.,,.,..,.,,.,.,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,, 811 21
c l e a r a n c € , g u i d s - v a l v € . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . F3l6
110 replacement,.....-..-....-..............,.,.,..,.,,.,.3 , .7, F H
f r o n t , . , . . , . , . , . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -U- 2
- -4- - - , - . . . . 1 1 0 o i 1 s e a 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. 2. . . . G 4
Ensin6oil,filter...........................-..............- Y1-2 123
Exhruatmsnifo|d....................................... APz 161 .eplacement...,.....,.,.,,.,....,..,.,..,.......,,....,.. F13-21 39
E x h . G r p i p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .8. 1. . . . . . . . . . . 162
.. s n d i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .3. 8F F 1 2
Fue|fi|ter..................................................... AC1-2 130 insp€ction...........-,----,-......................F5 37
AAl-10 126 V.fvostsmsoals................. G4 42
i d fe s p e e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A
. .B
. .l.-.6. . . . . . . . .1. .2. 9
fue1fi|ter...............................-A - -C
- -'.l .-.2. . . . . . . .1 3 0 typss'.'.-'.-'.-'.-'.---'.,,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,.,,, G3 42
i n j a c t i o n p u m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .D. .1. .- .A. .G. .1. .4. 1. .3 1 cleahnce,adjustm€nt..................-..-....-... B1*B'l'l
deliv€rypip€s.............-.............................. AH1-AJ10 148 c | e a r a n c e , 9 u i d e . v a 1 v e . . . . . . . . . . . . .F . .1. . . . . , . , . . . . . .36
injectofs........................-........................-.. AK'l-ALl0 15'l s i n d i n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F
. .9. .-.1. .2. . . . . . . . .3a
c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e . . - , , . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .N. .1. -. .2. . . . . . . 1. .5 6
prehe6ting system,.,..,.,,.,.,,......,,,..,-,,...,,.. AN1-AO1 156 remowl,'insta118tion,,.,.,.,,.,,,,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,.,,.
T1-10 106
Fuflthrottl€adiustomont.......-........,,,........Ax7 177
1 9 7 H 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .N. .I.-.A . .O. . l. . . . .'156
r e p l a c e m e n t . . . . - , , . . . , . . . - , . . . - . . . . - . .A
- .E. .1. - .1. 4
. .'.1. -3,6. . . . . 1 9 8 1 - , , , , . , . , , , , . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , . . , . , , , , .A, ,O
. , . , , . , . , , . , .154
Fault treing

Dieselenginesarebasically ruggedin designand Analysisof exhaustsmokewill provideusefulin-
are designedfor long s€rvicelife. formation on determiningfuel relatedproblems.

Exceptduringmajorov€rhaul,most servicingis
confin€dto the tuel system.

Summaryof fauhsymptomsand reasons..... ,
ExamDles of taults
- H e a ws m o k e
a f t € cr o l ds t a r t . , . . . , . . , , . . , . . A1
- Enginedoesnot stan A1
-Engine c a n n obt es t o p p e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
- Engine6tartsto smokeandclattershoavilyaftsrrsplacingfu€l injoc'tionpump
- Engineclattersheavilyafterreplacingor repairinginjectorsor fuel deiiverypipes A1
- Blacksmoke M
- Whitesmoke. A2
- Bluesmoke A2
Cold start device.
Fault tracing pr€-heating(glow plug)system
- C o m p l e ct eh e c ok f p r e - h e a t isnygs t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F T l - F T 5
-Specificfaultcases. basedon complete ch€ck,..,......,........ FT6-FT14 t€
- lndicator lightilluminates whenengine is warm ..... ....... ... ... FT15 Ar0
-Wiring diagrams A11-A14
Fault tracing
- Summary-

Summaryof fault symptomsand reasons

Thefaultsvmptomsare listednumerically according
-likely occurance,
easein checkingand logicalsequence.
EXAMPLE: Undereachsymptomarea groupof
numbers- No.1wouldbethefirstitemto check,
thenNo.2 andso on,
untilthe SYmptoms
tautthas [--T--J--T--a NOTE:Startrng
S (Batte $aner,
system(Banery, etc., rs
in good condition
I /"1/ I
assumed to be

lfle, (il

1 l
;{ Rels ons for laults

Flel system
Fuelvalve(stoppingvalve)inthe injectionpump
2 6 2 5 I Injectionpumpsucksair (leakage betweenfuel tankand pump)
8 5 1 4 3 1 l Fuel lealage {leakage between pump and deliverypipesor
otherexternalfuel leaks)
3 3 5 1 lce or paraffinin fuel linesor fuel filter(wintertime)
7 I 5 8 6 3 5 Injectiontimingincorrect
'10 2 Pre-heating system(seewiringdiagrams).

6 1 2 Coldstartdevice
12 I 11 9 9 I 1 0 Faultyinjectionpump
4 7 3 6 6 6 Fuel{ilterblocked(draincondensation

I 8 4 7 7 10 7 Fuellinesblocked
1',I 1 0 6 8 12 6 Faultyinjectors
1 2 5 4 Mix up o{ hollowscrewsin pumpfor feedand returnlines {
I Incorrectlyadjustedfor highalt;tude
2 pump
Injection bracketloose/damaged
4 lncorrectlow idlesetting
8 5 Incorrecthighidlesetting
4 Returnlineblocked (


3 Enginemountsloose/damaged
2 2 6 1 Air cleanerblocked
11 5 1 Exhaustsystemblocked
3 Incorrectaccelerator

5 4 Incorrect oil viscosityfor coldtemperatures
1l 7 13 7 Compression low/uneven
12 8 1o 14 8 Incofiectvalveclearance
3 Water leakage
2 Highoil consumption

Fault tracing
-Examples of faults-

Examplesof faults
Heavysmoke after cold start Enginecannot be stopped
Poorfuel quality. Thefuelvalve (stoppingvalve)in the injection
pumpdoesnot is a solenoidvalve.
Checkthe cold start device by checkingidle Increasemomentarjly to high enginespeed
speeo, and try againto switch offthe start key.lf this
doesnot helD:
ldlespeedshouldbe approx.200rpm higher
with coldengine.ldlespeedat normaloperat- -Vehicles with manurl transmission:
ing temperature shouldbe 800rpm. Engage3rd or 4th gear, depressthe brake
At normal operatingtemperature. the cotd pedatand releasethe clutchpedal.
start lever should not touch the lever on the
injectionpump. -Vehicles with automatictransmission.
After settinglow idlespeed,the automaticidle Usethe emergencystop lever on the injec-
increasedevicemust be checkedand adjusted tion pump,seeill. below.
it necessary.The gap betweencontrol lever
and ball stud should be 12.7mm(0.5") as

Cold start device

12.7mm(0.5") Emergencystop level

Enginedoes not start Enginestarts to smoke and clatter

Checkthe fuel valve (stoppingvalve) in the heavily after replacingfuel iniection
injectionpump.No fuelwill reachthe injectors pump
if the valve does not open (listenfor audibie The injectionpump might be incorrectlytimed
clickl. or assembled(distributorplunger 180. re-
Thevoltageat the tuelvalvesolenoidmustbe Check basic injection timing. lf correct, try
a t l e a s t 1 0 v o l t s t o o p e n t h e v a l v e ,a n d anotherinjectionpump.
minimumI voltsto remainopen(startetmotor
engaged). Engineclatters heavily (soundslike
bearingfailure) after replacingirepair-
ing iniectors or fuel delivery pipes
An injectormight have jammed open. The
combustionis out of control when accelerat-

Loosenthe cap nutsto one injectorat a time.

The compressionpressurewill revealvisible
bubblesat the cap nut ot a stuckinjector,

Note: Cleancap nuts beforeloosening



White oxhaustsmokg(cont.)

Whiteexhaustsmoke canalsobecausedby wa-
ter leaksintotheexhaustsystemorcylinderhead.

causesfor whitesmoke:
- Pre-heating
- Low compressonpressure,
digselsmokeis usuallycausedby
may be enginecondition,fuel or fuel
- Low operatingtemperature.
- Defectiveinjectors.
(r I
iniectionequipmgnt.Drivingand traflic condi- - Lateinjectiontiming.
tionsmay alsocontribute.Frequentacceleralion -Water leakage(cylinderheadgasketl.
in citytrafficwillcauselargequantitesof exhaust
- Coldstartdevicenot operating. (
Excessivedieselsmokeafter cold start may be
causeoby poorflrel quality or defectivecold
start oevrce.
Causedby incomplete combustionandcontents
oJ condensedfuel particles.
Blacksmoke Canalsobecausedby excessive oilconsumption.
Causedby too muchfuel.Thecarboncontentin
the exhaustgasesbecomesnoticeable. Causes PossiblecausesIor bluesmoke:
may be: - Lateinjectiontiming.
- Poorfuel quality. - Delectiveinjectors.
- Dirtyair cleaner(insufficient
air supply). - Heatshieldunderinjectordamagedor missing.
- Excessiveiniection.
- Worn injectors.
- High{uelconsumption.
- Low operatingtemperature.
{,1 I
- lncorrectf!el.
- Low compressDn pressure,
- Considerable in exhaustsystem
backpressure ( rl I
{clogging). CAUTION

Because low smokelevel,it may

of the generally
be tholght possibleto increaseengineperfor-
manceby enrichening the air-fuelmixture

White smoke However,prolongedexcessiveenrichmentwill

Occursmainlyduringcold starterand is caused poweroutputandwill in fact cause
not increase
by insufficient smokeconsistsof unnecessary enginewear.
condensed fuel particles.
is low andthe fuel particleshavelongertime to willsharplyin_
condense. creaseexhausltemperatures and combustion
(cont.l pressures powergain.

Fault traciw


Oneor sevoralofthefollowingmalfunctions
-One or severalcylindersknock
NOTE:Do not confusowith bearingclatter.
- Overheated
- Reducedpoweroutput.

- Unevenidle.

- Blackexhaustsmoke.

- Highfuel consumption.

Checkinginiector operation
Rln the engineat increased

Loosenthecapnutsattheinjectorqoneat a time.
Wrapabsorbing paperroundthe injectorstopre-
ventluel spill,

lfthe idlespeodremainsstableor if knockingdis-

appears, the fault mightbe:
- defectiveinjector
- defectiveheatshield
- leakingdeliverypipe

Forfurthertest,removethe injectorsandtest in
a test machane.


Cold start device

Thecold start devicec€nonly be t€stedon a test

benchtogether with tho injectionpump

A simple op€rationtest can be performedwath-

out removingthe cold start devicafrom the

signs of cold start devicemalfunction:

- Cold €ngjnehard to start.

- Enginedoes not start at tempgraturesbelow

-10'C = 14'F.

- Blue-whit€exhaustgas€s.

Operation ch€ck
check idle speedcold and at normaloperating

With cold engine,below 2O'C = 7O'F. engine
idlespeedshouldbe approx 95o rpm (2Oorpm

With enginewarmal normaloperatang
- Engineidlespeedshouldbe 750 rpm.

- The cold start devicelevershouldclearleveron

Diesel engine
-Prc-heating system-

Basicoperationof system:
-The systemis switched
on whenthestartkeyisturnedto drivingpositionll).Thepre-heating
dependson coolanttemperatures.
Thedashboard indicatorlightwill stayon approx.:
1980MODELS 1 9 8 1& O N
45 secondsat -2O'C = 4'F. 9 secondsat 20'C = 4'F.
25 secondsat 0'C : 32'F. 6 secondsat 0" C : 32'F.
15 secondsat +20'C = 68'F. 4 secondsat +20" c = 68" F.
0 s e c o n dast + 5 0 ' C = 1 1 2 "F . 0 secondsat +50' c : '112'F.
-The glowplugsremainONapprox.20 seconds lighthasgoneoutfor1980models
and aoorox.7secondsfor 1981and or,.

if -Ihe glowplugsareONwhenthestartermotoroperates.
startsand the stan key is turned backto positionll.

-To repeata start;ngattempt,the startkey must be turned backto positionI to switchon the pre-
iif -The systemalsocomprises a blocking
rclayon 1980models, is partofthe
on 1981andon thisfunction will interruptthe
electrical thecontrolunitandtherelayfortheglow
plugswhenthe alternator stanscharging.

Faulttracingpre-heating(glow plug)system
Relerto the wiringdiagramsat rearof manualduringfaulttracing.Thepre-heating
systemis an
I systemandthewiringdiagrams arenecessarytounderstand andcorrectlytrouble-shootthe
pre-heatrng system.

Completecheck of pre-heatingsystem
(0 Engineshould be cold (max.40'C = 100.F)
when starting the system check.
startkeyto intermediateposition(l),then to
driving position 1ll)to obtain a new cut-in
systemshutsOFF,tirstturn penoo.

Connecta test lamp acrossglow plug
terminaland ground.
Fault thcing
4low plug system-

Checkfunction of test lamp and
indicator light (on instrurnent panel
in vehicle)
Indicstorlight OUI
Test light OUT.
-lndicatesfailure at the controlunit.SeeFT6.

'*i1 CASEB
Indicatorlight ON.
Tesr light OUT.
-lndicates failureat the glow plug relay.Soe

Indicatorlight OUT.
Y9.'Pi" Te3t light ON.
-lndicates failure at temperaturesender or
control unit. See FTl3.

Indlcatorlight ON,
Test light ON.
-Proceed on FT3,ne) .

CheckON-time for indicator light and
test light.
Turnstartkeyto intermediate
then to driving position (ll). ON-time for
indicatorlight should be accordingto coolant
temperaturg,see diagram.
Forenginespriorto 1981Testlight at glow plug
terminals should remain ON for approx. 20
secondsaft€r indicator light is OUT. For
engines1981and ohwardthe test lightshould
rcmain ON for approx.7 seconds.
ON.tlmo incorect (too shortli
Try a new control unit, lf ON-tim€ still is too
short,try a new temperSturesender.

ON-time @roct:
Proceodon FT4, next.

-Glow plug system-

Check operation with starter motor
the glow plugs.

voltage Test light OUT:

terminal 50 Starter motor engaged,use the test lamp to
checkvoltageat terminal50 (blueyellowwire)of
the controlunit,

a faultycontrolunit.

No voltagel
Indicatesopen circuit betweenconnectorand

(Connector locatedundercarpetnextto control

panelle{t support).

Test light ON:

Proceedon FT5,next.

Check glow piugs. one by one
Startkeyin positionO.
Removethe barbetweentheglowplugterminals.
Connectthe test light acrossbatteryPLUSand
one glow plug at a time to checkthat current
passesthroughthe glow Plugs.

Light OUTat one or mo.e glow plugsi

faultyglow plug.

Light ON

End of completo system check

Fault tacing
- Glow plug sysEm -

FT2, case A

Testlightand indicatorlightshouldilluminate.

Indicatorlight OUT.
T€st light OUT.
- lndicatesJailureat the controlunit.

Firstcheckthat cut-inperiodhasnot expiredor

that coolanttemperatureis too high.

Checkvoltageat terminal 15 of the
controlunit (do not disconnect
to test).
Blue-redwire.Usetest lampto
(, (
No voltage:
lndicates opencircuitbetweenfuseboxandcon-
trol unrt,

Voltage (
Proceedto FT7,next.

Checkgroundterminal31 of the
Blackwire. Connecttest lamp acrossbattery
PLUS(or fuse box PLUSterminalland terminal
31 of the controlunit.
Testlighl shouldilluminate.
No voltag€r
fault in groundconnection.

controlunit failure.
FT2, case B
Indicatorlight ON. f
Test light OUT.
Indicates {ailureat the glow plugrelay.
Checkvoltageat terminal86 of the (
glow plug relay
Yellowwire. Usetest lampto
Connectthe test lampacrossbatteryPLUSand
relaygroundterminal(blackwire).Thetest light
Voltag€:lndicatesfaultyglow plugrelay.
No voltagg: Indicates
No voltage
Proceedto FTg,next.
- Glowplug syslem-

Check voltage at terminal G of the
control unit
Bluewire.Usetest lampto checkvoltage.Test

No voltage:
a faultycontrolunit.

Proceedon FTlq next.
voltagelerminal30 FTl O
Check voltage at terminal 30 of the
Bluewirc. Use test lamp to checkfor voltage.

No voltage
and blockingrelay.

Proceedon FT11, next.
Check voltage at terminal 87 ol the
Yellow wire. Use test lamp to checkvoltage.

Indicatesopencircuitin wire betlveenblockino
relayand glow plugrelay.

No voltage Glod<ing relay does not operatsl:

Proceedon FT12,next.
Check voltage at terminal 86 of the
voltageterminal86 blocking relay (1980only)
Blue-yellowwire. Use test lamp to check
voltage.Test light should illuminate.
No voltage:
Opencircuitin wire betweenfusoboxandblock-
Ing relay.
Connecttest lampacrossbattery PLUS(fusebox
PLUS}and groundterminalS5ofthe blockingre-
lay.Tert lightshouldilluminate.
No voltage:
Indicates open circuitin wire betweenblocking
relayand instrumentpanel,
fault in the instrumentprintedcircuit.
-Glow plug system-
Indicatorlight OUI
Test light ON.
-lndicates failureat temperature
Disconnectwire at temperaturesender
lndicator shouldilluminate.
Makesurewire is not inadvertentlygrounded.
Indicatorlight ON:
Indicatesthatcircuitlrom temperature
indicatorlight is correct
a tault in temperaturesender,Try a new one.
Indicatorlight still OUT:
Proceedto FT14,next.

FT 14
at terminalK
of control unit
Yellowwire. Connecttest lamp acrossbattery
PLUS (Jusebox PLUS)and terminal K. Test
defectivewire betweencontrolunitandindicator
fauh in the instrumentprintedcircuit.
No voltage:
-DeJective controlunit
-OR groundedwire betweentemperature
senderand controlunit.

Indicatorlight illuminateswhen engineis warm

t r(
Preceding fault tracingassumedthat engine
tempe€turewas below40'C = 100"F and that
the faults occuredwithin the low temperature
range.However, the indicatorIightcouldalso
illuminatewith enginewarm (at operating ( (
FT 15
Checktemperaturesender circuit and
Disconnect wire at temperaturesender.Ground
it and turn start key to driving position (ll).
Checkindicator light.
Indicatorlight illuminates:
Indicatesopen circuitin wire betlveentemper-
ature senderand control unit
Indicatorlight does not illuminate:

Glow plug system

Diesel 7980

Glow plug system

A Temperature sensor
B Stop valve
C Indicator light
O Sta.t switch
E Glow plug
F Glow plug relay
G Blocking relay
H Control unit
I Fuse box
K Remote starter
pick-up point

Start key ON
Coolanttemperaturebelow +50" C = 122"F

voltage regulatorand alternatorcircuit when
alternatoris not charging.

Glow plug system
Diesel 1980


{r :1
{, i(

0,, (


Glow plug system
Diesel 1981-

Glow plugsystem
A Temperature sensor
B Stop valve
C Indic6tor light
D Start switch
E Glow plug
F Glow plug relay
G Remote starter
pick-up point
H Control unit
I Fuse box

Start key ON
Coolant temPerature
below +50'C = 122'F

Starter motor op€rating

Glow plug system
Diesel 1981-




F n I

votv0 suPPoRTs
8Y THt t| t.A.S.t.


most important
wecid tool

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