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ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

Group Members
Herlangga as moderator
Mutiara Wulan explain about definition and method F Putri Cahyani explain about purpose

Juryati explain about principle,tools and equipment

Selly selviyani explain about procedure

ESR (Erytrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

Influenced by three main factor :

a. Erythrocyte b. Plasma composition c. Engineering and mechanical factore


Method ESR used westergren method, because this method very sensitive as the other method

Purpose of ESR
For monitoring the cause of disease Tuberculosis,

and rhematoid arthritis To determine the rheumatic fever, rhematoid arthritis, and cronic inflamation, hypothiroidsm,hyperthiroidsm,etc. To detect the hidden inflammation For monitoring the patophysiology of disease

When blood is mixed with an anticoagulant, allowed to stand at a temperature of erythrocyte it will be left stand

Tools and Equipment

Tools :
Westergren tube
Westergren tube rack


Dissposable syringe 3cc


70 % alkohol Cotton


Sample container

Equipment :

How to get blood veins

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9.

You must find blood veins Do damming with torniquet Do aseptic with 70 % alkohol cotton to blood veins area, and spread on circulation. Taken a syringe and direction to veins area and let it dry If already, suction a blood veins slowly so as not hemolisis Remove torniquet, Remove a needle, Pressing the punture veins area with cotton and give plester

Procedure of Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

1. Take the veins blood as much as 1.6 ml 2. Mix with antikoagualn 0.4 Ml (4:1) westergreen to line 0 3. Put the tube in tube rack upright position westergreen 4. Record the time halted silenced 5. See decline erythrocyte velocity after 1 hour.

Blood plus an anticoagulant, put in the room temperatur until 1 hour, so erythrocyte will be rate. And the result of Mr. Romi examination is 9 mm/hour (normaly).

Based on the results of erythrocyte sedimentation rate mr. Romi can be concluded, Mr. Romi has a normal state because it has a value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 9 mm / hour seen from the normal value for males is 5-10 mm / hour.

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