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Brooklyn, New York City, 1943, America. They called me Kie. Its not my real name you know.. The name is Kieran. Kieran Leonard. Nothing much I can tell about myself. The only thing I can tell is me and my mother lived in Brooklyn. In a poor district. My father died in the war. In our district, I only have one friend.. Best friend. His name Donatello Di Pace. Now Im telling you what happened to me. I was cooking at the kitchen for my mother. Because shes sick. Suddenly I heard our house doorbell ringing. My mother shout from her room. Kieran.. Open the door please! Okay mother.. I Open the door and I saw my friend Donatello. His face.. its not the usual Donatello.. Morning Donatello.. How are you? Kie! Your uncle Paul, and my father.. theyre shot by the local mobsters! What in the world!! Wheres my uncle now? They took them to the hospital. Okay.. You go there first. I have to take care my mother first. Kieran..! What is it Donn..? Do not let your mother know this happen. Okay.. I close the door and I resume my cooking. After that Ill go to the hospital to see my uncle. My uncles and Donatellos father room are at 221. Uncle..! Uncle..! You okay..? Yes kid.. Dont worry about us.. We barely made it.. Thank God!

I saw my uncle suit. Its badly damaged by the bullet, and theres so many blood on it. What happen Uncle..? Why did you get shot by those mobsters? Donatellos father too! What happened? Kieran.. It is time that you know our true family jobs. What job uncle? Huh? What job? A mobsters? Those Mafias thing? Actually.. Yes.. Youre right. Its our family job since.., I dont want to know! You know its bad but you do it! Kid.. this thing is for your grandfather honor Me and Donatellos father trying to protect it but we have failed. We are the last hope for the family. Its my grandfather matter! Yes kid.. I know.. We know.. But no one else protecting the Leons. So we are the last hope to protect the Leon. But now, its gone.. Leon..?? Our family name kid.. Leon for Leonard. Im pretty disappointed of my family. My whole family is a bad guy.. and soon Ill become one of them? I cant solve this thing. I dont know anything about my own family. Is.. Is my father a mobster too? This damn thing is too complicated. Unlce.. Theres a thing I do not understand.. What is it nephew? Donatellos father.. Hes not a Leonards.. But he fight for our family.. Thats what they called true friend kid.. Hes was my friend since I was eight. So uncle.. You know about our family.. Tell me what happened to my father! Ok.. our rival family The Vercetti, killed your father before he went to the war. So my father..!! Hes not killed in the battlefield!! Hes killed by a mob..?? Yes kid.. Im so sorry..

Since my uncle said the rival family name, the word Vercetti always crossed my mind. It full of vengeance.. I cant hold this feeling and I must avenge my fathers death. Actually I cant kill.. and I dont want to kill.. But seriously, I cant hold my thirst of vengeance.. I never felt like this before.. When I know my father died in the war, I dont have the feelings. But when I know the mob killed my father, the thirst of vengeance come to me drastically.. Uncle.. Did the Vercettis shot you..? Yes.. You must take back our family uncle! With what..?? A broken leg with a broken arm plus a bullet in my shoulder..?? No thank you.. Why not you do it kid.. hehehehe.. Okay. Ill do it.. No kid.. Im just kidding.. You dont have to do it.. Uncle.. I have a feeling that I must take back our family no matter what! Oohh.. Acting like a tough guy huh? You think its easy? I know its not easy.. Thats why I want to start from the beginning.. Hah.. You have some guts kid.. Very well.. I wont hold you back.. Go see your Grandfather at the Midtown.. Manhattan.. I know uncle.. I know.. I guess I need someone to accompany me.. Ask Donatello kid..! Ok. Ill go to Donatellos house.. It seems he looks so desperate or panic.. I dont know, maybe something like that. I knock the door.. Donatello?? Open up Donn! Just come in Kie.. I didnt lock the door. When I walk inside his house, I saw a gun in front of him. Donn.. is that,

Yes Kie.. its a gun. Not a toy.. a real one.. So youre a mobsters too..? What? No! Im just surprised found this gun below my fathers bed. Do you know what it means Donn? My father is a mobster? Yes.. I know it from my uncle.. Hes a mobster too. I should have known.. He seems to be so sad to know his father is a mob.. I think he doesnt want to become one of thouse crime families.. I think he wont come with me to my Grandfathers house. Donn.. Do you feel anything inside you that you really want to unleash it? Yes.. Regrets Regrets? Yes.. Why? No vengeance? Nothing such like that? What do you mean? Like avenging my father? Well Yeah! Actually I kinda feel it.. But Ill try to hold it back Kie.. Then follow me Donn.. Where to..?? Youll see.. Well go to my Grandfathers house. Ill drive Donatellos car. But when in our way there, When we stop because of redlight, someone approach us and knock the car window. Open the door! Now! Suddenly he take his gun from his pocket.

Nice car you got here shithead.. Now hand it over.. Donn! This guy trying to,, BANG!!! I saw Donatello with his fathers gun shot the guy who wants to steal our car. Damn it Don! Youve killed him! None shall bother us Kie.. No one.. Especially car jackers.. What is wrong with Donatello? He seems to be very desperate. He shot a guy! I mean he really kill a guy in front of every one at the redlight? Man this is going wrong.. very wrong.. When we come to my grandfathers house, I saw the house full of mobsters. I think theyre guarding my grandfathers house. One guy with a black suit and a Thompshon gun approach me. Buongiorno messer Kieran.. Buon-what? Good morning Mr.Kieran! Oh I see.. I need to see my grandfather.. Bene..Bene.. Hes right inside the house.. Sitting at his throne.. I walk inside the house and I saw a throne right infront of the house door. Is that your grandfather Kie..?? I guess so.. I havent seen him for long time.. My grandfather saw me with his scary eyes.. His face looks so scary. I cant believe hes my grandpa. Kieran? Kieran Wind Leonard? Yes grandpa.. Its me. Im glad to see you Kieran.. its been too damn long! Yes grandpa.. I brought my friend here..

My grandfather look at Donatellos eyes. Donatello seems to be very calm and he has a bravery inside him. Donatello Ezio Di Pace Yes.. A fine good name.. It means the head of the family.. Uh.. Donatello means head? No.. Ezio.. it means Head of the family.. Ill see.. My grandfather look at me. His face turns to a happier face. Not scary anymore. Kieran you chose a right friend.. I can see his face.. Hell be a loyal friend. And I shall loyal to my friend too.. Good kid.. Now Kieran.. What brings you here? I want to help protecting our family.. And you Donatello? Actually.. I dont want to be one of you guys.. I understand Donatello.. Your feelings.. You regret to have a father working as a mafia right? How do you know? I cant read people mind.. But I can read your behaviour.. My grandfather stand up from his throne Okay both of you.. Feel free to join.. Feel free to quit.. This family only needs a loyal member.. Okay grandpa.. I want to ask you something before we prepare ourself.. What is it grandson? Your age is 83 right?

Its 84 kid.. Why? Aint you too old to become one of this? Hah.. Kid you must learn something.. What is it? No one is too old.. And no one is too young to achieve something they want.. to become what they want.. and to love who they love..

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