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wews with the Immertals Ater nark series


lereuuiai iavorite Coie eoutiuues to rouuc out ber Innortais Aiter Darl woric witb liel-|utt aetiou auc seorebiugassiou:
--kooantc 1oes

kresiey Coie luows wbat arauornai ronauee reacers erave auc suer|iy ceiivers ou every age.
--8iugie 1ities

luii oi nagie, nayben, soreery, auc seusuaiity. keacers wiii uot waut to niss oue worc oi tbis nenora|ie auc euebautiugtaie. 1be eioser to tbe euc I got tbe siower I reac |eeause I luew ouee tbe story eucec I wouic
|e ieit eraviugnore oi tbis |riiiiaut auc enotiouaiiy griiugsaga. ... It is truiy oue oi tbe nost anaziugtaies kresiey Coie bas ever reieasec.
--"iic Cu Bools

Coie ceitiy |ieucs cauger auc cesire iuto a |riiiiautiy origiuai eoutenorary arauornai ronauee. 8be ueatiy teners tbe seorebiugiy sexy ronauee |etweeu 8a|iue auc kycstron witb a geuerous neasure oi sbar
bunor, auc tbe eon|iuatiou oi a eieveriy eoustruetec iot auc au iuveutive east oi ebaraeters iu kss o/ a eoon kng is siniy irresisti|ie.

uemon jrom the uark is alse available as an eBeek


1be suay ciaiogue auc seusuai torneutiugnale tbis tbe |est iu tbe Innortais Aiter Darl series so iar:
--kooantc 1oes

kresiey Coie is a giitec autbor witb a luael ior witty ciaiogue, snart beroiues, iautastie aiba naies, auc yes, it bas to |e saic, sone oi tbe bottest iove seeues you'ii reac iu naiustrean ronauee. ... \ou're iu ior a treat
ii you've uever reac a kresiey Coie |ool.

Awouceriuiiy ronautie taie oi two eoie iron tbe oosite sices oi tbeir innortai woric. ... I'n sure I wiii rereac ack esces ~/tec usk. tbe iove story oi Caceou tbe rage cenou auc uoiiy tbe baiiiiugVailyrie,
nauy, nauy tines as it was everytbiugI bac boec it to |e auc so nueb nore:
--Queue \y keview


loiguaut auc cariug. \ou eau trust Coie to aiways ceiiver sizziiugsexy iuteriuces witbiu a carliy assiouate ronauee.
--kooantc 1oes

1be evoiutiou oi tbis ronauee is anougtbe nost |eiieva|ie auc eugrossiugI've ever reac. Coie's Innortais Aiter Darl series eoutiuues strouger tbau ever witb tbis iatest iustaiineut.
--lresb lietiou


Leave it to tbe awe-iusiriugCoie to cisb u a eon|usti|ie nixoi soreery auc assiou. Cue ior tbe leeer sbeii:
--kooantc 1oes

kresiey Coie ... eiiortiessiy ceiivers beart-wriugiugronauee, iilea|ie beroiues, bot beroes, auc botter sex... set agaiust au origiuai auc exeitiugarauornai nytboiogy tbat lees |otb tbe story auc tbe reacer seeciug
aiougiron oue bigb oiut to auotber.
--Love Vanires

NO kLS1 IOk 1HL uIcKLu

8izziiugsexauc bigb-stales acveuture are wbat's ou ta iu negataieutec Coie's seusatiouai uew arauornai reiease. ... Cue uousto tbriii rice. Brava:
--kooantc 1oes (1o liel)

Cb, wow: kresiey Coie writes auotber siue-tiugiiug, acveuturous, auc assiouate ronauee. ... I reeonneuc reacers gra| a eoy oi kresiey Coie's !o kest /oc the cked tocay. It's a ceiiuite leeer.
--kooance kevews 1oda;


Iuteuse aetiou, ceviiisbiy assiouate sex, auc iaseiuatiugebaraeters ... ieacs reacers iuto au anaziugauc iuveutive aiteruate reaiity. ... uot stuii:
--kooantc 1oes (1o liel)

kieb nytboiogy, a iresb aroaeb, auc exeeiieut writiugnale tbis vanire taie suer|.
--lresb lietiou

1he Suthec/and Seces

1be Cataiu oi Aii lieasures
1be lriee oi lieasure

1he Maccaccck 8cothecs Seces

Ii \ou Dare
Ii \ou Desire
Ii \ou Deeeive

1he Iooocta/s ~/tec ack Seces

Auuuger Lile ro Ctber
ro kest ior tbe "ielec
"ielec Deecs ou a "iuter's rigbt
Darl reecs at rigbt's Lcge
Darl Desires Aiter Dusl
kiss oi a Denou kiug
lieasure oi a Darl lriuee

liayiugLasy to Cet
Dee kiss oi "iuter

1be saie oi tbis |ool witbout its eover is uuautborizec. Ii you urebasec tbis |ool witbout a eover, you sbouic |e aware tbat it was reortec to tbe u|iisber as uusoic auc
cestroyec. reitber tbe autbor uor tbe u|iisber bas reeeivec ayneut ior tbe saie oi tbis striec |ool.

loelet Bools
A Divisiou oi 8inou 8 8ebuster, Iue.
1210 Aveuue oi tbe Anerieas
rew \orl, r\ 10020

1bis |ool is a worl oi iietiou. ranes, ebaraeters, iaees, auc iueiceuts eitber are rocuets oi tbe autbor's inagiuatiou or are usec iietitiousiy. Auy resen|iauee to aetuai
eveuts or ioeaies or ersous, iiviug or ceac, is eutireiy eoiueiceutai.
Coyrigbt (e) 2010 |y kresiey Coie
Aii rigbts reservec, iueiuciug tbe rigbt to rerocuee tbis |ool or ortious tbereoi iu auy iorn wbatsoever. lor iuiornatiou, accress loelet Bools 8u|siciary kigbts
Deartneut, 1210 Aveuue oi tbe Anerieas, rew \orl, r\ 10020.
lirst loelet Bools aer|ael ecitiou 8eten|er 2010
lCCkL1 auc eoiobou are registerec tracenarls oi 8inou 8 8ebuster, Iue.
lor iuiornatiou a|out seeiai ciseouuts ior |uil urebases, iease eoutaet 8inou 8 8ebuster 8eeiai 8aies at 1-866-:06-1v4v or |usiuesssinouaucsebuster.eon.
1be 8inou 8 8ebuster 8ealers Bureau eau |riug autbors to your iive eveut. lor nore iuiornatiou or to |ool au eveut, eoutaet tbe 8inou 8 8ebuster 8ealers Bureau at 1-
866-248-104v or visit our we|site at www.sinousealers.eon.
Cover iiiustratiou |y Cregory Bricges
\auuiaeturec iu tbe Luitec 8tates oi Aneriea

edcated wth a// o; heact/e/t thanks to Iouse 8ucke. ul/shec etcaocdnace.

Io on a oan-/ast. h; lothec wth theo` 1he good ones ace a/wa;s taken. Oc the;ce wecd/; unntecested n a caccous w/d ch/d wth contnuous /ega/
--Carrow Craie, a.l.a. Carrow tbe Iueareeratec, nereeuary oi tbe "ieeae, raetitiouer oi iove seiis

M; eneoes have deeoed oe /eac/ess. 1s no coo/oent. 1he on/; oa/es who know no /eac ace the ones who have nothng to /ose.
--\ailon 8iaiue, ieacer oi tbe 1rotbau re|eiiiou

Ciossary oi 1erns
... and those sentent cceatuces that ace not huoan sha// le unted n one stcatuo. coestng wth. ;et seccet /coo. oans.
\ost are innortai auc eau regeuerate iron iujuries. 1be strouger |reecs eau ouiy |e liiiec |y nystieai iire or |ebeaciug.
1beir eyes ebauge witb iuteuse enotiou, oiteu to a |reec-seeiiie eoior.

!uLuOI8LOI WI!tuL8
... ooocta/ ossessocs o/ oagca/ ta/ents. cacttonecs o/ good and ev/.
\ystieai nereeuaries wbo seii tbeir seiis.
8earatec iuto iive eastes. warrior, beaier, euebautress, eoujurer, auc seeress.
Lec |y \arileta tbe Awaitec.

1he ooocta/ takecs. Once catuced l; the Ocdec. ooocta/s do not cetucn. ...
Anuitiuatiouai nortai oeratiou ereatec to stucy--auc externiuate--innortais.
1bougbt to |e au ur|au iegeuc.

!uL8tARB A
~loonatons. cceated cathec than locn. wth unnatuca/ owecs--and hungecs. ...
Denous oisouec witb vanire |iooc wbo retaiu tbe traits oi |otb seeies.
lreviousiy tbougbt to |e truiy nytbieai, eousicerec a|oniuatious |y nost iu tbe Lore.
8trougest oi auy seutieut innortai |eiug.
Coiiouiaiiy luowu as veoons.

1wo warriugiaetious, tbe uorce auc tbe lor|earer Arny.
Laeb vanire seels bis 8cde. bis eteruai wiie, auc wails as tbe iiviugceac uutii be iiucs ber.
ABrice wiii reucer bis |ocy iuiiy aiive, giviugbin |reatb auc naliugbis beart |eat, a roeess luowu as l/oodng.
1he Ia//en are vanires wbo bave liiiec |y criuliuga vietin to ceatb. Distiuguisbec |y tbeir rec eyes.

~nd a toe sha// cooe to ass when a// ooocta/ lengs n the Ioce. /coo the a/k;ce. vaoce. I;kae. and deoon /actons to the wtches. sh/tecs. /e;. and scens ... oust /ght and destco; each othec.
Aliuc oi nystieai ebeels-auc-|aiauees systen ior au ever-growiugouiatiou oi innortais.
Ceeurs every iive buucrec years. Cr rigbt uow ...

1t/e Iage
co;cght Iage

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chatec 1

eoon /ane o/ Ol/von. ct; o/ ~sh

1eac 1v2 n the ku/e o/ the ead

o we go to ouc death--oc wocse`

\ailon 8iaiue gazec over at bis |est irieuc, lriuee kaiieu tbe Just, wisbiug be bac a |etter auswer ior bin, auytbiug to ease tbe arebeusiou iu kaiieu's eyes.
As tbe vanire guarcs sbovec tben aioug, ceeer iuto tbeir strougboic, \ailon suseetec ceatb nigbt |e weieone |eiore tbe uigbt was out.
1be runors are iileiy uutrue, be iiec, uttiug u a reuewec resistauee as tbe cozeu guarcs ioreec tben cowu a iiigbt oi stoue stes. But bis |oucs were nystieai,
\ailon was uua|ie to teieort or |real iree.
At tbe |ase oi tbe stairs iay a su|terraueau eban|er witb au oruate tbroue ou a cais. 1bougb tbe iioor was oi aelec eartb, tbe waiis were buug witb rieb siils auc
taestries. kare erystai auc giass acoruec tbe roon.
At ouee, \ailon |egau auaiyziug every iueb oi tbe area ior au eseae. Abeac, a air oi wiucec cenou siaves stooc |esice a iresbiy cug grave. \ore guarcs iiuec tbe
waiis, witb sworcs at tbe reacy. Iu tbe |ael, a |iael-ro|ec soreerer worlec at a viai-eiutterec ta|ie.
ods. /et the cuoocs le untcue ... those whsecs o/ the Scacla--the aloonatons.
kaiieu nutterec, Cau you see a way out oi tbis'
rornaiiy, \ailon eouic. "itbout iaii, be iigurec bis way out oi seeniugiy inossi|ie recieaneuts. rot as oi yet.
1be guarcs sbovec kaiieu auc \ailon to tbeir luees |eiore tbe grave.
kouatb wiii ay ior tbis ouee I get iree, kaiieu gratec. kouatb tbe Arnorer was a seasouec warrior, tbe strougest cenou aiter \ailon. ue'c ouee |eeu kaiieu's
iavorec eonnaucer. 1be traitor wiii uot see auotber uigbt.
'1was kouatb wbo'c turuec \ailon over to tbe vanires. Disastrous euougb. But witbout \ailon's uuwaveriug ceieuse, kaiieu's iortress bac iaiieu just a weel iater.
1be 1rotbaus' |eiovec riuee bac |eeu eaturec.
Biiucec |y bis batrec ior \ailon--a siave turuec eonnaucer--kouatb bac uuwittiugiy coonec kaiieu auc aii tbe 1rotbaus.
\ailon bac aireacy iauuec bis owu reveuge. As be was ueitber uo|ie uor gooc iile kaiieu, bis retri|utiou wouic |e iar nore vieious tbau tbe riuee eouic ever
"itbout waruiug, a vanire traeec iuto tbe roon, teieortiug cireetiy outo tbe tbroue. Ciac iu eostiy siil ro|es, tbe naie was aiiic, bis sliu uutouebec |y C|iiviou's
|iisteriug suu. uis eyes were wboiiy rec, bis visage twistec |y nacuess.
1he ceco; .
"beu tbe vanires bac eouuerec C|iiviou auc turuec it iuto a eoiouy, tbey'c cisatebec tbe Vieeroy, tbeir nost naiieious ieacer, to aet as ruier oi tbe iaue.
Ab, ny two uew risouers, be saic iu ~ng/sh.
1bougb \ailon auc kaiieu |otb were iiueut iu tbe iauguage, tbey reiusec to seal auytbiug otber tbau tbeir uative Denouisb--eveu as tbe use oi tbat tougue was uow
uuisba|ie |y ceatb.
1be vanire ru||ec bis uarrow, eieau-sbaveu ebiu. At iast, you bave |otb |eeu eaturec.
\ailon auc tbe riuee were tbe ieacers oi tbe re|eiiiou, auc to |real tben wouic |e to |real tbe resistauee. 1be vanire overiorcs bac searebec ior tben
"beu tbe Vieeroy suaec bis iiugers, tbe two siaves exitec tbe roon, returuiug noneuts iater witb au uueouseious cenou |oy. Cue oi tbeir owu, baucec over ior a
vanire's reiresbneut. ~ /esuce/; ceast.
\ailon startec sweatiug. ue straiuec eveu barcer agaiust bis |oucs |ut eouicu't get iree |eiore tbe vanire eoiieetec tbe |oy iu bis arns, tbeu |eut over bis ueel.
At tbe sigbt, rage silec witbiu \ailon. 1bose sueliug souucs...
ue |arec bis iaugs, overwbeinec witb nenories oi bis ebiicbooc as a |iooc siave. uis ouiy eousoiatiou was tbat tbis |oy was uueouseious, a iuxury be binseii bac
uever |eeu aiiorcec. ror bac \ailon's ueel |eeu taleu, ior tbat sliu wouic bave |eeu reaciiy seeu--auc be bacu't |eeu let ouiy ior bis |iooc.
8teacy, \ailon, kaiieu nurnurec iu Denouisb. kee your wits a|out you.
uow nauy tines bac kaiieu saic tbose exaet worcs' 1he cnce has /ong ket oe sane.
1be Vieeroy croec tbe |oy iron tbe cais to tbe grouuc iile reiuse, tbeu ca||ec at bis iis witb a eris bauclerebiei. I eouiess, you two iaseiuate ne. uis rec eyes
|uruec witb euriosity. A irieucsbi |etweeu a |eiovec royai auc bis |rutai guarc cog. 1be bigbest oi tbe bigb, auc ... ue iiielec bis bauc at \ailon.
ro oue bac |eeu nore eriexec |y tbeir irieucsbi tbau \ailon. kaiieu was tbe erowu riuee oi tbe 1rotbau Denouareby, buucrecs oi years oic, auc iiiiec witb
\ailon was tbe iiiiterate tbirty-year-oic sou oi a wbore, raisec as a vanire's siave--auc iiiiec witb rage.
\et sonebow be auc kaiieu bac |eeone eonraces iu arns, |rotbers |y eboiee ii uot |y |iooc. kaiieu bac saic be'c reeoguizec sonetbiug iu \ailon, au iuuate
uo|iiity. As ii be'c luowu bow |aciy \ailon wautec to |e uo|ie.
leuuiiess, iguoraut, auc iatberiess, tbe Vieeroy iutouec. 1be sou oi a cenou wbore wbo soic ber |ocy. "itb a sueer, be accec, Lutii sbe eouic seii oue oi ber
\ailon eouic ceuy uotbiug.
uow easiiy you sraug to iiie, wbeu you sbouic bave |eeu uo nore tbau seeiug waste iu a |ael aiiey.
Ii \ailon is uot uo|ie iu |iooc, kaiieu saic, tbeu be is uo|ie iu ceec.
ka//en. st// de/endng oe.
1be Vieeroy seenec anusec. I eau inagiue uoue so iowiy, yet you bac tbe gaii to resist us, luowiug ceatb awaitec. Anaziugiy, you very ueariy routec us iron your
woric, cenou.
\ailon eouic seareeiy eonrebeuc tbis. 1bougb be'c wou uunerous |atties, be bacu't inagiuec bis ioes were ou tbe |riul oi surreucer. \ailon bac uever luowu au
C|iiviou witbout tbe wailiug-ceac vanires bere.
Deeaces |eiore bis |irtb, tbey bac arrivec iron au aiieu iaue iiiiec witb nyriac |reecs oi innortais auc nortais, settiiug bere ior oue reasou.
"beu tbe vanires eousunec 1rotbau |iooc, it nace tben nore oweriui tbau tbey'c ever |eeu, nace tben beai iron iujuries nore swiitiy. Biooc bac eveutuaiiy
|eeone tbe eurreuey iu C|iiviou.
8o very ueariy, tbe Vieeroy eoutiuuec. But iu tbe euc, |reeciug wiii teii. 1be vanire traeec to stauc just |esice tben. \ou eau cress iu your iiue warrior eiotbiug.
ue reaebec cowu to ri \ailon's rieb eioal iron bin. But you eau ouiy nasl wbat you truiy are. Lucer tbose nauaeies at your wrists, I |et I wouic iiuc |ite sears.
Agaiu \ailon voieec uo ceuiai. ue uornaiiy wore siiver euiis to eoueeai tbose sbaniug narls.
1be cetaiis oi bis ast wereu't ueeessariiy beic seeret. Aii tbe cenous iu Asb luew bow \ailon bac earuec bis |reac as a |oy, bow be'c eateu iron tbeir trasb ouee
be'c growu too oic ior a vanire iorc's tastes.
8ut /oc ths vaoce to know as we// ...
Does uot natter bow you aear, cenou--you are stiii uotbiug.
Do uot iisteu to bin, \ailon, kaiieu saic. \ou are a gooc nau. A staiwart ieacer.
"bo was |etrayec at tbe eariiest oortuuity' tbe vanire saic.
A gaug iec |y tbe oweriui auc cevious kouatb bac trielec \ailon. Beiore be eouic traee or attael, be'c |eeu eaugbt iu a netai uet auc sta||ec tbrougb reeateciy.
\ou rose u bigb ior tbe |rieiest tine. But I wiii |real you cowu ouee nore.
\ailon erauec bis beac u to iaee tbe Vieeroy. Breal ne cowu'
\ou su|nittec to a vanire naster ouee. \ou wiii co so agaiu.
Is tbat wby we iive stiii' lor ne, save yourseii tine auc liii ne uow. rotbiug tbis vanire eouic co wouic |e worse tbau wbat tbe siave naster oi \ailon's
ebiicbooc bac coue. \ailon gazec at tbe cenou |oy, uueouseious iu tbe cirt. !othng.
'1is uot so sinie, tbe Vieeroy saic. It uever is witb our liuc. uac be siguaiec sonetbiug to tbe soreerer at tbe |ael oi tbe eban|er' \ou've cestroyec so nauy oi
ny soiciers tbat I bave ceeicec to ereate nore, startiug witb you two, tbe strougest oi your liuc. \ou sbaii |e trausiornec, renace iu ny inage.
1he cuoocs ... '1was saic tbat tbe overiorcs bac ceveioec a rite to trausiorn 1rotbaus iuto 8ear| a--cenouie vanires wbo tbirstec ior tbe |iooc oi tbeir owu. ~
deoon and a vaoce unted. an aloonaton stcongec than loth.
1be Vieeroy crew bis sworc iron a sea||arc at bis bi. \ou wiii criul ny |iooc, auc it wiii oeu your veius to tbe rituai. \our ceatbs wiii |e tbe eataiyst. ue rau a
iiuger over tbe ecge oi bis sworc, wbiie iu tbe sbacows bis soreerer |egau to ebaut, iueiiug a siuister eurse.
lower enauatec iron tbe soreerer witb every utterauee, iiiiiug tbe roon witb ior|icceu |iael nagies. 8one uuseeu ioree seenec to wra arouuc \ailon's |ocy,
ciggiug iu.
Lveu nore guarcs eiosec iu, beaviug tigbt ou \ailon's auc kaiieu's ebaius. Cue oi tbe iargest vanires jannec bis luee iuto kaiieu's siue, ioreiug bis beac
|aelwarc, wbiie auotber wecgec a |it |etweeu kaiieu's teetb.
ro, uo: \ailon roarec, twistiug vioieutiy.
1be Vieeroy siieec bis owu wrist. '1is a giit I'n giviug you. 1be 1hcst. I an goiug to nale |iooc siug ior you, nale you ciue ou cenou iiesb every cay ior eteruity.
ue sbovec tbe streaniug gasb to kaiieu's riec-oeu noutb. \ou wiii |eeone iile us, auc |e ioyai ouiy to ne. It |egius uow.
Do uot criul it, kaiieu: \ailon |eiiowec, |ut tbey ioreec bin to swaiiow it.
1bey set uou \ailon uext, sta||iug bin uutii be was too wealeuec to resist. 1be Vieeroy's tbiel, viie |iooc was ioreec cowu bis tbroat as weii.
1beu tbe vanire raisec bis sworc. \ailon tbrasbec agaiust tbe ebaius witb every ouuee oi ower ieit iu bis |ocy, |ut ueitber be uor kaiieu eouic get ioose.
kaiieu net \ailon's gaze ior a barrowiug noneut--just |eiore tbe Vieeroy's sworc siieec eieau tbrougb kaiieu's ueel. uis |ocy eoiiasec |aelwarc, bis beac
tun|iiug iuto tbe grave. Dazec, sigbtiess eyes starec u at \ailon. 1be riuee's |rows were stiii crawu, bis teetb grittec.
\ailon gaec iu cis|eiiei wbiie years oi tbeir sbarec nenories iiasbec iu bis niuc.
1be two cenous' eouutiess |atties, nore vietories tbau ceieats. 1be cozeus oi tines \ailon bac savec kaiieu's iiie, tbe tbousaucs oi tines kaiieu bac raisec bin,
eueouragiug bin to |etter binseii.
1ou ace a /eac/ess waccoc whos ooce than hs ast. O/ coucse ;ouve the nte//gence to /eacn how to cead! ho the dev/ convnced ;ou othecwse`
1ou ace stcongec and /astec than the othecs. ;ouc w// to /ve gceatec than an; Ive known. 1ou see deta/s othecs ace l/nd to. Unueness s a knd o/ nol/t;. s t
not. lcothec`
1brougbout, \ailon bac |eguu to sbec tbe taiut oi bis ast. ue'c carec to eutertaiu creans oi a |etter iiie.
row kaiieu was ceac. \ailon roarec witb inoteut iury, bis eyes goiug wet witb ioss. kaiieu. Deac.
Cr worse.
1be soreerer east a iayer oi |iael cust over kaiieu's |ocy.
ro: \ailon |it out. Leave bin iu eaee:
\ore ebautiug, nore owec.
\ailon's iis artec. kaiieu's |ocy was iiieiess uo nore. "itb eaeb oi tbe soreerer's worcs, it |egau to twiteb, to ... nove iu tbe cirt.
rot iron ceatb sasns. But writbiug witb //e. 1be beaciess ueel unec |iooc auew.
1be Vieeroy agaiu suaec bis iiugers ior tbe cenou siaves. Cuee tbe air bac lielec kaiieu's |ocy iuto tbe grave, tbe soreerer seatterec nore oi tbat cust over aii.
1o nale kaiieu wboie ouee nore'
"beu snole sualec u iron tbe cetbs, tbe Vieeroy raisec bis |ioocy sworc. row 'tis your turu, 8iaiue. Auc I ronise you, risiug iron tbe ceac--ii it tales--wiii |e
tbe easy art. Ii you iive, I wiii |real you.
\ailon siieutiy rayec ior a true euc, |eseeebiug tbe gocs wbo bac uever ouee auswerec bis nost ceserate eutreaties. I/ease. do not /et oe cse--
1be sworc wbistiec tbrougb tbe air. ue ereeivec tbe seautest |ite oi |iace.
1beu uotbiug.
Desite \ailon's rayers, be auc kaiieu bac |otb riseu two uigbts iater, waliug iuto a uigbtnare oi carluess, cee iu tbe eartb. Aiter eiawiug tbrougb tbe cirt, iuebiug
tbeir way to tbe suriaee, tbey'c |eeu tbrowu iu a nurly eeii iu tbe Vieeroy's cuugeou.
1bey bacu't suiioeatec as tbey'c riseu |eeause tbey uow crew uo |reatbs. ror cic tbeir bearts |eat.
1be wailiug ceac. aoce. I ao a vaoce.
!o! \ailon stiii bacu't aeeetec bis iate, was reacy to rage auc iigbt it. Lveu as be reeoguizec bow nueb be'c |eeu aiterec.
1bougb be wore uo euiis to reveut bin iron traeiug, be uo iouger bac tbat a|iiity. uis eianny sliu ieit as ii a tbousauc sicers erawiec aii over bin. uis uer iaugs
bac eiougatec auc uarrowec, tbro||iug aiuiuiiy. Lveu iu tbe iow iigbt, nereiy oeuiug bis seusitive eyes was au agouy.
uis very beariug was ciiiereut, nore aeute. ue eouic ceteet iuseets |oriug iu tbe grouuc |eueatb bin.
lron tbe noneut be'c awaleuec iu tbe grave, tbe |urgeouiug ueec ior |iooc bac iasbec bin. Couiusiou auc auguisb roiiec witbiu bin.
Iu kaiieu, too. ue starec at tbe iiitby eeii waiis, boiiow-eyec auc uu|iiuliug.
"e wiii iigbt our way iree, \ailon assurec bin uow, tbeu returu bone.
"e are 8ear|a. Brotber, uo cenous wiii ever tale us anoug tben.
ue was iileiy rigbt. 1be two were worse eveu tbau tbe vanires. 1bey were ceiiiec cenous, eursec to ieec oii tbeir owu liuc. 1bey were tbe nousters oi iegeuc
iearec |y aii.
kaiieu rasec, 1bere is uo reasou to go ou.
1bere is a/wa;s a reasou. uow nauy tines bac \ailon bac to eouviuee binseii oi tbis' Ii ior uotbiug eise, you eau seel veugeauee. ue binseii wouic uot rest
uutii retri|utiou was netec.
ue wouic siaugbter tbe soreerer wbo'c nutterec bis eurses iu tbe |aelgrouuc, tbe guarcs wbo'c beic tben cowu, auc tbe |iooctbirsty Vieeroy wbose siel wiii bac set
tben aii iuto notiou.
1beu be wouic returu to cestroy kouatb.
1bose wbo |etrayec \ailon cic it ouiy ouee.
"beu aii was coue, be wouic iiuc a way to erase every vanire trait iron binseii, to ric bis veius oi tbe Vieeroy's |iooc auc returu to wbat be'c |eeu.
Cr be'c greet tbe suu. \ailon irowuec. "ouic tbat liii a 8ear|a'
Live ior veugeauee' kaiieu saic. 1eii ne, wiii tbat |e euougb'
uow to auswer tbat uestiou wbeu \ailon's owu creans aearec so ricieuious uow'
ue'c wautec a bone tbat uo oue eouic ever ioree bin to ieave. ue'c wautec as nueb iooc auc water as be eouic ever eujoy. But nore tbau auytbiug, be'c seeretiy
iougec to |e reseetec iile kaiieu--a uo|ie iile bin--giitec witb a |iooc iar |etter tbau bis owu.
\ailon's ouiy iortuue was tbat uo oue eise bac ever ciseoverec bow nueb be yearuec to |e bigb|oru. 1beu iive ior your iatec ienaie, be urgec kaiieu. 8be wiii
aeeet you. 8be nust.
Is tbat wbat you seel, \ailon' \our iatec oue'
I've uo sueb exeetatious. "bat use bac be ior a wonau oi bis owu' ue'c ueecec uo oiisriug ior a uo|ie iiue or sous to worl tbe water niues witb bin.
ro' 1beu wby bave you uever taleu a cenouess iron tbe eans'
\ailon's gaze iiielec away. rever bac be luowu a ienaie. 1bose wbo ioiiowec tbe arny eouic |e bac ior a riee, |ut \ailon bac uever usec oue. ro natter bow
urgeut bis ueec, uo natter bow |aciy bis euriosity |uruec, be bysieaiiy cou/dnt.
1bey sneiiec oi otber naies, reniuciug bin oi bis ebiicbooc. rotbiug extiuguisbec bis iusts iile tbe seeut oi seec.
8o be'c ut ienaies iron bis niuc. As a |oy, be ciseiiiuec binseii uot to crean a|out iooc. ue'c aiiec tbat sane ciseiiiue to lee iron iautasiziug a|out
At ieugtb, \ailon auswerec, Beeause war bas |eeone everytbiug ior ne--
1be Vieeroy traeec iuto tbeir eeii, bis eyes iit witb ieasure. kenace iu ny inage, be saic. 1be vanire wasu't sboelec tbe rituai bac worlec--be was |rinniug witb
rice. 8o bow nauy bac tbey ereatec bere' Auc tbis is just tbe |egiuuiug. Do you ieei tbe 1birst' It's saerec to us, as ceatb is. uis gaze ieii iirst ou kaiieu, tbeu ou \ailon.
Cuiy tbe oue wbo liiis--or auswers tbe 1birst--wiii ever ieave tbis eeii aiive.
Just as \ailon teusec to attael, tbe Vieeroy cisaearec.
Cuee tbeir situatiou saul iu auc be'c iouuc bis voiee, \ailon saic, "e wiii uot iigbt eaeb otber. 1bey |otb luew tbat wbeu be saic /ght. be neaut dcnk or k//. I
wiii uot iigbt ny |rotber. But ii auyoue was ireec, it sbouic |e kaiieu. Les a// that s good.
ror I, kaiieu vowec.
"e wiii uot, \ailon reeatec, wouceriug ii be sougbt to eouviuee kaiieu--or binseii.
1hcee weeks /atec ...
\ailon wealiy stooc |eiore tbe |ars, exeuciug reeious euergy just to renaiu ou bis ieet, yet uua|ie to iie cowu as tbougb ceieatec.
Day aiter cay bac assec witb uo iooc, water, or-- dack gods he/ theo--|iooc. uis tbirst iuteusiiiec bouriy, bis iaugs tbro||iug uutii be'c siieutiy wet. ue'c eaugbt
binseii stariug at kaiieu's ueel, tbe sliu tbere tauutiug bin.
At tines, \ailon bac iiusbec to iiuc kaiieu's gaze ou bis owu ueel.
rever bac be buugerec iile tbis. Last uigbt, \ailon bac waitec uutii kaiieu iitiuiiy cozec. 1beu be'c suul bis aebiug iaugs iuto bis owu arn, sueliug, cisgustec |y bow
rieb be'c iouuc tbe taste. uow ceiieious, bow |iisteriug tbe /easuce...
Luciess cays assec as tbeir |ocies witberec |ut wouic uot cie. "itb uo iucustry to |e bac, uo |atties to |e iougbt, \ailon was |eset |y nenories eioyiug iu bis
niuc. lor soneoue wbo beic survivai aranouut, be'c |eguu to bave cou|ts. uow inortaut was iiviug'
Ivng oeans ooce letca;a/.
uis iirst |etrayai bac |eeu ceait |y bis owu notber. At six years oi age, be'c eoniaiuec oi buuger so aeute be'c ueariy |iaelec out. 8be'c raiiec tbat be was uever
satisiiec, tbeu soic bin to a vanire wbo wouic ieec bin aii be wautec ii be was au o|ecieut auc a//ectonate |oy.
uis seeouc |etrayai' 1bat sane vanire bac east bin out at iourteeu, ceeniug \ailon too oic to stir bis iusts.
Bael to tbe gutter, |ael to buuger. But agaiust aii occs, \ailon bac growu iuereasiugiy stroug, uutii be'c iiuaiiy |eeu reacy to exaet reveuge ou tbe naster. \ailon
bac aiways |eeu o|servaut, auc be'c uotec every roteetiou guarciug tbat vanire's bone. ue'c iouuc it easy to steai |ael iusice, tale out tbe guarcs, auc nurcer tbe naster
wbo'c torneutec bis youtb auc twistec bin as a nau.
Auc it'c ieit so gooc, so g/ocous. to liii oue oi tbeir liuc, be'c buutec auotber, auc auotber.
8oou, worc oi bis ceecs bac reaebec kaiieu's ears. 1be riuee bac iuvitec bin to bis strougboic, tbeu seut noutbs eouviueiug \ailon to joiu tbeir re|eiiiou, eveu to
ieac it.
Lveutuaiiy \ailon bac |eeu aeluowiecgec iu tbe street, aslec to ciuuer |y kaiieu, aic iu riebes auc iiue eiotbiug--nereiy ior risliug a iiie \ailon bac earec uaugbt
a|out. lor so ioug, sbane bac |eeu bis eonauiou, |ut at iast be'c craggec binseii iron tbe gutter.
ue'c luowu bis eoie cicu't iove bin, |ut be'c tbougbt be was earuiug tbeir reseet eaeb tine be savec tbeir nisera|ie iives.
"eels ago wbeu be'c uotieec a teusiou anoug tben, be'c ebastisec binseii ior reaciug too nueb iuto otbers' reaetious, teiiiug binseii be ueecec to iisteu to kaiieu auc
sto exeetiug |etrayai at every turu. !o oattec how oan; toes I have leen dea/t t.
Auc uow wbat is goiug ou iu tbat beac oi yours, \ailon' kaiieu aslec iron aeross tbe eeii, bis voiee iaiut. \ou've tbat caugerous iool ou your iaee.
\y tbougbts are carl.
As are niue. I iear we uear tbe euc.
1bere is uo euc. \ailon iaeec bin. rot uutii I ceeice it.
A sac sniie ereasec kaiieu's gauut iaee. lieree as ever. ue rose uusteaciiy, tbeu iinec to stauc |eiore \ailon. lor ne, I've ceeicec tbis eauuot go ou. uis eyes
iiielerec |iael witb enotiou. 8o en|raee ne, ny irieuc. ue wraec bis arns arouuc \ailon.
uis owu arns baugiug |y bis sices, \ailon eerec u at tbe eeiiiug iu eouiusiou. Ive nevec leen eolcaced /ke ths le/oce. 1ouebiug neaut usiug.
"as tbis giviug iusteac' ~o I too scacced to cecogn.e t` uesitautiy, \ailon wraec bis arns arouuc kaiieu as weii. !ot so lad.
"beu be ieit kaiieu's iis agaiust bis ueel, \ailon irowuec. kaiieu iovec ienaies, eujoyec a uew cenouess uigbtiy. 8o wbat was tbis' 1ou ace oece/; gnocant n
the wa;s o/ a//ecton--
kaiieu's iis artec.
ue was goiug to criul. "itb tbe reaiizatiou, \ailon startec to sweat, bis eyes cartiug, tbe wiii to survive risiug u. But ii be was truiy steaciast, be'c saeriiiee binseii
ior tbe riuee, ior tbe gooc oi tbe erowu. uow nueb bac kaiieu coue ior bin' ue'c taugbt bin bow to eoutroi bis rage, to ebauuei it.
ue'c giveu \ailon urose. I/ not nol/e n l/ood. then n deed ...
But nenories arose witbiu bin, sorcic seeues witb a vanire wbo'c usec bin ior years. 1be ieeciugs iu tbe carl ... tbe way tbe naster's sliu wouic grow warn agaiust
bis owu. ...
!o. no! Do uot co tbis tbiug, kaiieu. \ailon's voiee was boarse. Do uot |etray our irieucsbi. ont letca; oe.
I an sorry, be saic, bis toue ceieatec. I co uot bave a eboiee.
ka//en s a// that s good. 1bougb \ailon bac vowec be wouic uever |e |itteu agaiu, be sonebow beic binseii stiii as tbe riuee's siayec iiugers cug iuto bis |ael,
eiutebiug bin eveu eioser.
~ /na/ sacc/ce /oc o; /cend` can I contco/ o; w// to /ve`
Cr wouic tbe riuee's |rutai guarc cog iiuaiiy turu ou bin'
"beu \ailon's jaw eieuebec, bis every nuseie teusiug, kaiieu rasec, Stead;. Ma/koo. 1beu be iuugec bis iaugs iuto \ailon's ueel, giviug a wretebec groau
oi ieasure as be suelec. Auc tbe souuc was so ianiiiar, tbe sbucceriug oi bis |ocy just iile tbe naster's.
kaiieu's ebiiiec sliu |egau to warn agaiust \ailon's.
8etca;a/. kage erutec, auc be roarec witb it. cannot contco/ ths.
8eiziug kaiieu |y tbe sbouicers, \ailon sbovec bin |ael. ue ioolec cowu at tbe riuee auc luew tbat, ior bin, tbis was tbe euc. lorgive ne, |rotber. ...
8ut those who letca; oe do t on/; once.

chatec 2

Iooocta/ Intecnoent cooound

Icesent da;

"beu Carrow Craie bac awaleuec iron ber a|cuetiou a weel ago, sbe'c bac a ragiug beacaebe, eottou noutb, auc a netai eoiiar aiiixec arouuc ber ueel.
1biugs bac ouiy goue cowubiii iron tbere.
1onght I oght le httng cock lottoo. sbe tbougbt as warceu legiey--a |iiiy eiu|-earryiug, uo-|aiiec ioser--ioreec ber cowu tbe eorricor oi eeiis to ber coon.
Deac "ieea wailiug, tbe eeutaurs' ieacer sueerec iron tbeir eeii as Carrow assec. ue, iile every otber Lore ereature inrisouec bere iu tbe innortai neuagerie,
suseetec sbe was a|out to |e oiiec.
8but tbe iuel u, \r. Lc, sbe saic, earuiug a barsb yaul ou ber eoiiar iron legiey. Ciariug at tbe nortai, sbe struggiec agaiust ber euiis. Cuee I get ny owers |ael,
Iugiey, I'ii eurse you to iaii iu iove. "itb your owu |ociiy iuuetious. Ii it eones out oi your |ocy, your beart wiii ioug ior it.
1beu I guess I'n iuely you've got tbis ou. ue agaiu jerlec ou tbe |auc at ber ueel--tbe nortais eaiiec it a tocue. It nystieaiiy uuiiiiiec ber a|iiities auc wealeuec ber
bysieaiiy. Lvery seeies bere bac |eeu bo||iec iu sone way, naliug tben eoutroiia|ie, eveu |y nortais iile legiey. Besices, witeb, wbat nales you so sure you're goiug to
nale it ast tbe uext bour'
I/ these eo/e eecute oe. Io gong to le sooo ssed. Luiortuuateiy, tbat aearec to |e iu tbe earcs. At tbe very ieast, sbe was a|out to |e torturec or
exerineutec ou.
ueii, nay|e tbeu sbe eouic iiuc out wby auyoue wouic bave goue to tbe trou|ie oi a|cuetiug ber.
Carrow was a rare tbree-easte witeb, |ut sbe was |y uo neaus tbe nost oweriui, uot iile ber |est irieuc \arileta tbe Awaitec. 1bougb overjoyec tbat \ari bacu't
|eeu taleu, Carrow cicu't uucerstauc wby shed |eeu targetec....
hat wou/d k/e; do` "beu iu a jan, Carrow oiteu tbougbt oi bow Liieu kiiey, tbe iegeucary |acasstress oi tbe ~/en uacriiogy, wouic iigure ber way out.
kiiey wouic auaiyze tbe eueny, tale stoel oi ber surrouuciugs auc resourees, use ber wits to ceieat ber ioes auc eseae, tbeu uule everytbiug iu ber wale.
~na/;.e the eneo;. lron wbat Carrow bac bearc iron otber iunates, tbis iaee was ruu |y tbe Crcer, a nysterious ieague oi nortai soiciers auc seieutists iec |y a
nagister uanec Deeiau Cbase, a.l.a. tbe Biacenau, aioug witb bis trusty |iteb, Dr. Dixou.
Carrow's soreeress eeiinate bac toic ber tbe Crcer was |eut ou eracieatiug aii tbe innortai nisereatious, or oscceats.
M; succoundngs` A cia|oiieaiiy cesiguec risou, witb eeiis nace oi ioot-tbiel steei ou tbree sices auc uu|reala|ie, two-ioot-tbiel giass ou tbe irout. Laeb eeii bac
iour |uuls, witb a toiiet auc a siul |ebiuc a sereeu--auc uo reai rivaey. 1be Crcer reeorcec tbeir every aetiou iron eeiiiug eans.
1bis iueareeratiou was iile uotbiug sbe'c ever luowu--auc sbe'c luowu nore tbau ber sbare oi two hots and a cot. Carrow bacu't eujoyec a siugie sbower or ebauge
oi eiotbes. 8be stiii wore ber eiu| cucs. baiter to, |iael ieatber niuislirt, auc tbigb-bigb |oots.
Laeb cay iusice |rougbt nore sbitty iooc auc lad /ghtng.
Aioug witb exerineuts ou innortais, sone oi wbon were ber irieucs.
kesoucces` Carrow bac reeiseiy zero-oiut-zero resourees. Desite tbe iaet tbat sbe eouic usuaiiy ebarn risou guarcs, tbese nortai soiciers seenec innuue to ber.
Lxeet ior legiey, wbo ior sone reasou aearec to reseut ber ceeiy, as ii tbey bac a bistory.
1bougb eaeb oi ber stes earriec ber oteutiaiiy eioser to ber cenise, sbe o|servec as nueb as sbe eouic, ceterniuec to eseae. \et oue reiuioreec eorricor |uilbeac
aiter auotber cousec ber boes oi |realiug out.
1be iayout was ia|yriutbiue, tbe baiis ricciec witb eaneras auc tbe eeiis aii |oolec u. Lylae, Vailyrie, auc tbe uo|ie iey--aii aiiies oi a sort--were nixec anic tbe evii
Iuvicia, iaiieu vanires, auc iire cenous.
Iu oue eeii, eoutagious gbouis suaec at eaeb otber, teariug at tbeir owu yeiiow sliu. Iu auotber, sueeu|ae wastec away iron sexuai buuger.
1be Crcer bac suarec nore |eiugs tbau eouic |e uanec, nauy oi wbieb were uotorious auc ceaciy.
Lile tbe |rutai werewoii Liiiean \aekieve. 1be Lylae were anoug tbe bysieaiiy strougest ereatures iu tbe Lore, |ut witb tbat torue ou bis ueel, Liiiean eouicu't
aeeess tbe |east witbiu bin.
lor iuu, tbe warceu raec tbe giass witb bis eiu|. \acceuec |y tbe eativity, Liiiean ebargec, bittiug tbe giass beaciirst, siittiug bis seai to tbe sluii rigbt |eiore ber
eyes. 1be suriaee was uubarnec wbiie |iooc ourec cowu bis teuse iaee.
Iu tbe uext eeii stooc a buge |erserler, a savage warrior naie tbat Carrow bac seeu arouuc rew Crieaus. ue ioolec ou tbe verge oi goiug |erserl.
Carrow swaiiowec to see bis ueigb|oriug iunate--a lury, witb uueauuy vioiet eyes auc |arec iaugs. 1be luries were ienaie aveugers, en|ocineuts oi wratb. Auc tbis
oue was a rare Arebiury, raveu-wiugec auc ietbai.
1be Crcer eertaiuiy cicu't uii tbeir uuebes. 8one oi tbe |eiugs bere were eveu iuianous. Lile tbe vanire Lotbaire, tbe Lueny oi Cic, witb bis wbite-|iouc bair auc
eeriiy siuister botuess. "beuever tbe guarcs secatec bin auc craggec bin cowu tbe warc, bis aie rec eyes ronisec aiu to tbose wbo'c carec to toueb bin.
8te ou it, witeb, legiey saic. Cr I'ii iutrocuee you to Biiiy.
I nigbt iile bin, bearc be's wittier tbau you are. 8be grittec ber teetb wbeu be sbovec ber agaiu.
Cuee tbey'c reaebec tbe risou warc's naiu eutrauee, auotber ioug eorricor |rauebec oii, tbis oue iiiiec witb oiiiees auc ia|s. "itbout a worc, legiey bauiec ber iuto
tbe iast roon, wbat ioolec iile a noceruist ceu. !o /al` !o e/ectcodes oc lone saws`
A iaiu-Jaue |ruuette sat |ebiuc au exeeutive cesl. 8be sortec au Io a ltch. so dea/ iool |ebiuc uustyiisb giasses. \ust |e Dr. Dixou.
Bebiuc ber, a toweriug carl-bairec naie stooc at tbe wiucow. ue gazec out iuto tbe tur|uieut uigbt, reveaiiug ouiy a sbacowy roiiie.
Carrow eerec outsice to get au icea oi tbeir ioeatiou, |ut raiu eitec tbe wiucow. Aeeorciug to iunate wbisers, tbis iaeiiity was ou a giaut isiauc, tbousaucs oi niies
iron iauc iu auy cireetiou. !atch.
lree ber baucs, tbe taii nau saic witbout turuiug. 1bougb be'c soleu ouiy tbree worcs, Carrow reeoguizec Deeiau Cbase's voiee--tbat iow, bateiui toue witb tbe
iaiutest biut oi au Irisb aeeeut.
legiey uuioelec ber euiis tbe sane way be'c ioelec tben--witb bis tbun|riut--tbeu be exitec tbrougb a eoueeaiec auei coor iu a sice waii.
Lverytbiug iu tbis iaee, iueiuciug ber torue, was ioelec witb a ersou's rigbt bauc tbun|. "bieb neaut Carrow ueecec to eut oii legiey's. 8eaut;. 8onetbiug to
iool iorwarc to. I renen|er you, Biacenau, sbe toic Cbase. \eab, iron wbeu you auc your neu e/ectcocuted ne.
1bose |astarcs bac ostec |aii ior Carrow's iatest cisorceriy eoucuet ebarge--coud/; eacned!--auc tbeu iaiu iu wait outsice tbe Crieaus larisb Correetiouai. As sbe
beacec bone, tbey'c |iowu ber cowu a eity |ioel witb ebarge tbrowers, gaggec ber, auc ioreec a |iael |ag over ber beac. "as tbe booc suosec to iustiii creac iu ne or
'Cause it'c worlec.
"itbout ceiguiug to reiy, Cbase iaeec ber |rieiiy, yet be cicu't iool at ber, nore iile thcough ber. uis iteb-|iael bair was straigbt, iougisb. 8everai bauls buug over
oue sice oi bis iaee, auc sbe tbougbt sbe saw sears jaggiug |eueatb tben. uis eyes, at ieast tbe oue sbe eouic see, were gray.
ue was cressec iu son|er bues iron beac to toe, eoueeaiiug auy exosec sliu ou bis |ocy witb tbe bei oi bis ieatber gioves auc bigb-eoiiarec jaelet. By aii outwarc
aearauees, be seenec eoic as iee, eveu as bis aura sereanec Io unla/anced!
1bis was tbe nau wbo tool Carrow's irieuc kegiu tbe kaciaut out oi ber eeii, tine auc agaiu, to |e torturec. "beuever be burt kegiu, ber Vailyrie iigbtuiug struel
outsice auc tbe eonouuc's iigbts surgec iron ber raciaut euergy.
ue burt ber a /ot.
8o, Cbase, you get oii torturiug woneu' It nace a liuc oi siel seuse tbat a nau so eoic wouic iixate ou tbe uornaiiy joyiui kegiu, witb ber giowiug |eauty auc iust
ior iiie.
Carrow tbougbt sbe saw bis iis euri, as ii tbis stateneut beic artieuiar siguiiieauee to bin. ooen` I ouiy torture oue wonau at a tine.
Auc you've ceeicec to go steacy witb kegiu tbe kaciaut ior uow' Cut oi tbe eoruer oi ber eye, Carrow saw Dixou irowuiug at Cbase, as ii sbe suseetec sone
uutowarc iuterest as weii. Ab, so tbat was tbe way oi it--Dixou earriec a toreb ior tbe Biacenau.
Carrow suosec sone nigbt eousicer bis ieatures attraetive, ior a sacistie bunau, |ut bis baii-bicceu eouuteuauee resen|iec a aie, ceaceuec nasl.
~// the lest wth that. ;ou cca.; kds. 1ooo;-used-to-wock-on-the-docks and oa.e/ tov.
Cbase nereiy sbruggec, turuiug |ael to tbe wiucow. But tbe teusiou iu bis sbouicers was so narlec, sbe woucerec bow be renaiuec urigbt.
\ou've got stoues to ua| a Vailyrie, I'ii give you tbat, Carrow saic. But ber sisters wiii eone ior ber. lor tbat natter, you reaiiy sbouicu't bave issec oii tbe uouse
oi "itebes. 1be eoveus wiii iiuc your iittie jaii. 1bey'ii ceseeuc ou tbis iaee. 1bougb sbe souucec eouiiceut, sbe'c |eguu to suseet tbat tbe isiauc was eioalec sonebow. By
uow, \arileta wouic luow sbe'c |eeu a|cuetec, auc ii ber oweriui irieuc bacu't yet seriec ber ioeatiou--or gotteu a sootbsayer to uueover it--tbeu it eouicu't |e iouuc.
"iii tbey, iuceec' uis toue was snug, too snug. 1beu I'ii acc to ny eoiieetiou.
Dixou bastiiy saic, \agister Cbase is ouiy coiug wbat nust |e coue. "e aii are. "beuever innortais |egiu to iot, we seutiueis rise u, as we bave ior eeuturies.
Dixou uoccec. \ou're iauuiug to auuibiiate nauliuc auc tale over tbe eartb.
Carrow's iis artec iu cis|eiiei. 1bat's wbat tbis is aii a|out' \y gocs, it's too ricieuious: \ou wauua luow a seeret' 1bere's uo iau to liii you aii, |eeause you're
|eueatb our uotiee:
Ugh--iauatieai bunaus: 8onetines sbe batec tben so nueb.
"e luow tbat a war |etweeu us is eoniug, Dixou iusistec. Ii your liuc isu't eoutaiuec, you'ii cestroy us aii.
Carrow suiutec at ber. I'n warniug to tbe icea. Lseeiaiiy witb nortais iile you. Dou't you get it' uunau iauaties are nore nouster tbau auy oi tbe Lore.
\ore tbau tbe Li|itiuae'
1be Li|itiuae oiteu ioreec neu to seii-eastrate or cie--ior iuu.
Cr nay|e tbe reotera' Dixou eoutiuuec.
Iuseetiile bunauoics, tbe stuii oi uigbtnares. At tbe neutiou oi tbe iatter, Cbase teusec eveu nore, tbe nuseie iu bis jaw |uigiug. Iuterestiug.
"atebiug ior auy reaetiou, Carrow siowiy saic, ro, I'ii graut you tbat tbe reotera are ceravec. 1bey cou't liii tbeir uarry, tbey lee it, torneutiug it bour aiter
uac sweat |eacec ou Cbase's uer ii' Ii tbose ereatures bac gotteu boic oi tbis nau ... "eii, Carrow luew wbat tbey cic ior sbits auc giggies, wbat tbey cic to
tbeir vietin's skn. auc it nace ber stonaeb turu.
"as tbat wby Cbase bac eoverec as nueb oi bis |ocy as ossi|ie' uow was be stiii saue' as be'
1be iunates gossiec a|out tbis nau eoustautiy, aareutiy, be batec to |e touebec, bac ouee eioelec au orceriy wbo'c nace tbe nistale oi taiug bis sbouicer.
1bat wouic exiaiu tbe gioves.
8be ainost ieit a sbrec oi ity ior bin, uutii be gratec, Auc tbe witeb |eiieves sbe's |etter tbau tbey are.
~nd the wtch s ta/kng to a oadoan. Clay, eieariy you two are |eyouc ratiouai ce|ate, so iet's just get to it. "by cic you tale ne'
Dixou auswerec, Cur ain is uot ouiy to stucy you, |ut to eoueeai your existeuee. \ost innortais iiy uucer tbe racar. \ou iiauut your owers iu irout oi bunaus.
Carrow bac |eeu reeateciy ebastisec |y ber eoveu ior tbis. But, as sbe'c oiteu arguec, sbe uever usec ber owers arouuc solec bunaus. 8o wby'c you |riug ne
bere touigbt'
\ou're goiug to bei us eature a vanirie cenou, a naie uanec \ailon 8iaiue.
Leh. 1went; /acge sa;s Io not. A venou' \ou reaiiy tbiul tbey exist' sbe aslec iuuoeeutiy. Venous bac |eeu tbougbt au inossi|iiity, a true nytb-- o;oocon.
he//o`--uutii oue bac |eeu uuieasbec ou rew Crieaus iast year.
Luinagiua|iy stroug, be'c ceieatec severai iieree Vailyrie, wbo'c survivec ouiy |y ebauee. ue'c |areiy |eeu cestroyec |y tbe oweriui Lylae liug, auc ouiy |eeause
be'c |eeu tbreateuiug tbe werewoii's nate.
1bey're rare, |ut we bave luowiecge oi oue's existeuee, Dixou saic. \ou'ii seel out tbis naie, tbeu ieac bin to us.
\ou waut ne to go out auc eoax sone oor sa to bis ceatb'
"e cou't iuteuc to liii bin, sbe saic. "e waut to ciseover bis wealuesses--
Auc bow be was nace, bub'
Dixou beic u ber ains. "e ace iuterestec iu tbe auonaious |eiugs anoug tbe Lore.
Auonaious. "bat a niic way oi uttiug it.
ue iives iu C|iiviou, a cenou beii iaue.
1be cenou iaues wereu't araiiei uuiverses, |ut seii-eoutaiuec, bicceu territories witb tbeir owu eiinates, euitures, auc cenouarebies. \ost oi tbeir soeieties were
ieucai auc oic-iasbiouec. rot exaetiy bot|ecs oi teebuoiogy--or, say, woneu's ii|erties.
I've bearc oi it, Carrow saic. A wasteiauc ouee usec as a guiag ior Lore eriniuais, C|iiviou was tbe iorner bone oi tbe 1rotbau Denouareby. Beiore tbe vanires
overtbrew tbeir royai iiue.
"e've |eeu a|ie to eoniie iuiornatiou a|out your target, taleu iron cetaiuec 1rotbau cenous.
Carrow raisec ber |rows. \ou torture tben to siii tbe |eaus'
1bey voiuuteerec tbe cetaiis giaciy. ue's reviiec anoug bis liuc, a |ogeynau oi sorts. \ou'ii iile bin uo |etter. ue is iiiiterate, iiitby, auc |rutisb. \eutaiiy, be is
severeiy cistur|ec.
\ou're eaiiiug soneoue 'severeiy cistur|ec' witb tbis cuce iu tbe roon' Carrow bilec a tbun| at Cbase. 1be teusiou iu bis sbouicers auc ueel ratebetec u, ii tbat
was ossi|ie. \ou luow, Dix, you're uot exaetiy seiiiug ne ou tbis.
Dixou ursec ber iis. 1o sueeeec, you wiii ueec to luow exaetiy wbat you're u agaiust.
"by ne'
\ou're iron tbe euebautress easte oi witebes, auc you're attraetive. 1be naies ou tbat iaue bave ro|a|iy uever seeu a ienaie iile you.
1bat iaue' uouey, try tbis uuiverse. Cb, auc easiiy ths cooo.
"e bave your bistory as weii, Dixou suaec, iosiug atieuee witb ber. Iu your iorty-uiue years oi iiie, you've routiueiy coue tbiugs tbat are very |rave--auc very
stuic. 1bis sbouic suit you erieetiy.
ro arguneut tbere. Auc sbe'c ouiy growu |oicer siuee sbe'c |eeone iuiiy innortai tweuty-tbree years |eiore. "by eau't you go auc get bin yourseives'
ue's seuesterec iu cee niues witbiu a nouutaiu auc bas ebolec tbe iew asses witb tras. ue guarcs bis conaiu rutbiessiy. Ii we eau't tale bin out, we eau /ead
bin out.
"itb ber iayiug tbe art oi Deiiiab' ont thnk so. As nueb as I areeiate tbe iuvitatiou to bei out witb your venou-retrievai ro|ien, I'n airaic I'n goiug to bave
to k.8.V.l.L.
Cver bis sbouicer, Cbase saic, Is tbat your iiuai ceeisiou'
\e. Lveu ii I wautec to bei you, I'n uot seeiai-os--I'n irout iiue. 8be was a geuerai anoug ber liuc, ieaciug arnies oi seiieasters. 8o ii you've got sone
ur|au wariare, we eau tail. But uot so nueb witb tbe troniug arouuc ou a nouutaiu iu a beii iaue. Carrow /oathed tbe outcoors, Cuii Coast |eaebes exeetec.
Cbase saic, "e tbougbt you nigbt |e nisguicec iu tbis. "ere bis uiis ciiatec' I bave sonetbiug tbat wiii give you erseetive. ue erossec to au iutereon auei ou
tbe waii, ressiug a |uttou |esice it.
1bat eoueeaiec auei coor siic oeu ouee nore, auc legiey wailec iu. ue bac bis arns iuii--witb a youug giri, uueouseious auc iin iu bis boic. uer naue oi ioug
|iael bair eoverec ber iaee. 8be bac ou a carl 1-sbirt auc ieggiugs, a tiuy |iael uii tutu, auc niuiature eon|at |oots.
Carrow ieit a sta| oi iore|ociug. ont /et t le kul;. 8be giarec at Cbase. \ou're taliug lics risouer' Low oan; /tt/e gc/s dcess /ke that`
legiey sueerec, "beu oue oi tben tortures auc nurcers tweuty soiciers' 1beu be tossec tbe giri to Carrow.
8be cove iorwarc to eateb ber, sbootiug tbe nau a liiiiug iool |eiore gaziug cowu. ont le hec.
Carrow bissec iu a |reatb. ku|y. A seveu-year-oic iron ber owu eoveu, reiatec to ber |y |iooc.
heces hec oothec` Anauca, a warrior-easte witeb, wouic uever bave |eeu searatec iron ber iittie giri. Auswer ne, you riel:
legiey suiceiy saic, 8be iost ber beac.
Anauca ceac' I'c aireacy iauuec to euc you, legiey, Carrow ebolec out. row I'n goiug to nale it s/ow.
legiey nereiy sbruggec auc sauuterec out, naliug Carrow grit ber teetb witb irustratiou. Iu tbe ast, sbe eouic bave eieetroeutec bin witb a toueb oi ber bauc,
eouic've reucerec bin to cust as au aitertbougbt.
8truggiiug to get ber enotious uucer eoutroi, sbe turuec ber atteutiou |ael to tbe ebiic, ettiug ber iaee. ku|y, wale u:
Dixou saic, 8be's ouiy secatec.
Carrow gatberec tbe giri eioser. uer |reatbs auc beart|eat cic souuc reguiar. ku|y, sweet, oeu your eyes. Ci aii tbe youug witebes ior tben to bave...
"itbiu tbe eoveu, tbere were tanda. soeiai grous oi siniiar ages. ku|y was iu a grou oi |a|y witebes, or a gaug as tbey eaiiec tbenseives--a gaug nore iu tbe
seuse oi Littie kaseais tbau oi Cris auc Bioocs, |ut it was eute.
Carrow auc \arileta oiteu tool tben to sweets sbos, gettiug tben jaelec u ou suerose |eiore settiug tben ioose ou tbe eoveu. kiug tbe coor|eii, cro tben oii,
tbeu ruu iile beii, eaeliiug aii tbe way.
Carrow auc \arileta--Crow auc kettie, as tbey'c |eeu cu||ec--were tbe gaug's iavorite auuts. ku|y was seeretiy Carrow's iavorite as weii. uow eouic sbe uot
|e' ku|y was ieariess auc |rigbt, au acora|ie iittie giri cressec iu |aiieriua uul.
Dixou irowuec. 8be eouic ass as your owu.
Lile nauy iu a eoveu, Carrow auc ku|y were reiatec, tbougb nore eioseiy tbau usuai. 1be giri was ber seeouc eousiu, auc sbe |eiougec to tbe exaet tbree eastes tbat
Carrow cic, witb ber streugtb iu tbe warrior easte. 1ust /ke oe.
ku|y's greeu eyes |iiulec oeu. Crow'
I'n rigbt bere, sweetbeart. "beu ku|y's tears weiiec, Carrow ieit a aug iile a |iace iu ber beart. I've got you.
ku|y's |ocy teusec agaiust bers. Lyes wiic, sbe eriec, \onny t-toic ne uot to liii tben: B-|ut wbeu tbey burt ber, it ... it just baeuec. 8be was |egiuuiug to aut,
ber |reatbs sbaiiowiug.
8bb, you're aii rigbt uow. Just |reatbe easy. "beu ku|y got overiy exeitec, sbe wouic byerveutiiate, eveu assiug out ou oeeasiou. It's olay, everytbiug's goiug to
|e aii rigbt, Carrow iiec, roeliug ber. Just |reatbe.
1bey swuug a sworc at ber ueel: uer ebest beavec ior air. I saw ber ... c-cie. 8be's dead-- ku|y weut iin ouee nore auc ber beac ieii |ael. Lueouseious.
ku|y: Ab, gocs. Anauca was truiy goue' Auc ku|y's iatber bac |eeu nurcerec |y rogue warioels |eiore sbe'c eveu |eeu |oru.
1be eoveu cicu't usuaiiy seii out tbiugs iile gocareuts or eustocy. Innortais uot aetiveiy at war cicu't bave to worry nueb a|out ieaviug |ebiuc orbaus. But ii
Anauca bac goue to |attie, sbe wouic bave exeetec tbe eiosest |iooc reiatiou iu tbe eoveu to eare ior ber caugbter.
1bat'c |e Carrow, tbe uouse beiiiou. Iooc kul;.
1bougb Carrow bac |eeu treatec so eaiiousiy |y ber owu areuts, sbe wouic co rigbt |y ber resousi|iiities. 8be starec cowu at tbe giri's asbeu iaee witb a uew
reeoguitiou, a noneutous ieeiiug oi a shaced iuture.
Carrow bac ioug bac a uuiue auc eurious taieut--tbe a|iiity to seuse wbeu auotber bac just |eeone a art oi ber iiie iorever, wbeu tbeir cestiuies wouic eveutuaiiy |e
iutertwiuec auc sbarec.
Iu tbat iustaut, Carrow |eeane wtch /us one.
But sbe eouicu't eveu get berseii out oi tbis sbitboie, nueb iess a ebiic:
Aetiou auc reaetiou, Cbase saic. \ou get us our target, auc tbe two oi you wiii go iree. 1bougb teusiou tbrunnec oii bin, bis voiee was nouotoue, bis aeeeut
|areiy ereeti|ie. Ctberwise, sbe cies.
Carrow stiiieuec. Agaiust ku|y's bair, sbe nurnurec, I'n goiug to tale you bone soou, |a|y. 8be turuec to Cbase. I'ii bave tbe use oi ny owers'
\our torue wiii |e ceaetivatec ior tbe nissiou, be saic.
rot tbat Carrow wouic |e a|ie to seiieast eveu witbout ber torue. 8be needed erowcs auc iaugbter ior ower to iuei ber seiis. uere sbe'c |eeu taec out, as
useiess as au enty leg.
\ou'ii ceart tonorrow, renaiuiug iu C|iiviou ior six cays. Dixou eoutiuuec over Carrow's sutteriug, 1ouigbt I'ii assist you iu eoiieetiug your gear. \ou'ii |e aiiowec
a sbower, auc we'ii rovice you witb a cossier ou your target.
reariy a weel iu beii' uow an I eveu suosec to get to C|iiviou'
Dixou auswerec, \our soreeress eeiinate, \eiautbe, tbe Queeu oi lersuasiou, eau ereate a ortai.
1hats cght. Lautbe eouic oeu tbresboics to auywbere.
"e'ii |rieiiy ceaetivate ber torue--uucer 8"A1 suervisiou. Auc oi eourse, we'ii lee ku|y bere to nale sure aii goes aeeorciug to our iaus.
1bere weut tbat icea. I waut Lautbe auc kegiu reieasec as weii.
1be coetor sbool ber beac. Inossi|ie.
Ii tbey truiy set Carrow iree, tbeu sbe'c eone |ael ior tbe two oi tben soou euougb. I waut tbe Crcer's worc a|out reieasiug ne auc ku|y.
1be wonau saic, \ou bave it.
Dou't waut yours, Carrow saic iu a seoiiiug toue. I waut hs.
Cbase turuec to ber ouee nore. Aiter a besitatiou, be gave a uoc.
1beu we bave a ceai, Carrow saic.
ue uarrowec bis eyes, as ii sbe'c just roveu a oiut. rot eveu a ua/o a|out |etrayiug oue oi your owu seeies'
A cenou is not oue oi ny owu seeies, Carrow suaec. \ou nale us souuc iile auinais.
"itbout auotber iool at ber or tbe giri iu ber arns, be stroce out oi tbe roon, sayiug iu a ebiiiiug toue, Beeause tbat's aii you are.


Shes not coong lack. s she` ku|y wbiserec as Carrow beic ber, roeliug ber iu tbe |otton |uul. 8be'c awaleuec just a eouie oi bours ago, inneciateiy
|urstiug iuto tears.
Anauca's goue to uelate, sweetbeart.
Cau we |riug ber |ael'
!o. \ou luow tbat's ior|icceu. At tines, Carrow iorgot tbe nagies storec iu ku|y's tren|iiug iittie iorn. 1be giri bac exeeecec eveu \arileta's a|iiities uutii \ari
bac reeeutiy eone iuto ber owers.
Aareutiy, tbe iast tine ku|y bac east a seii, sbe'c torturec auc liiiec tweuty neu.
Dou't go tonorrow, Crow.
Carrow bac exiaiuec tbat sbe was settiug out to buut a cenou. Iu exebauge, tbese nortais wouic iree Carrow auc ku|y. I cou't waut to ieave, |ut I cou't reaiiy bave
a eboiee. uey, iu a way, tbis is just a nereeuary nissiou. I go out auc co sone nagie, auc I get sonetbiug iu returu. 1be giri wouic uucerstauc au arraugeneut iile tbis. 1be
witebes were nereeuaries, taugbt at au eariy age to seii tbeir nagie. Auc tbe soreeress wiii tale gooc eare oi you.
lron tbe to |uul, Lautbe gave a ieiguec issy exbaiatiou.
Lariier, witb a eiiec Cb, very weii, sbe'c agreec to iool out ior ku|y. Carrow suseetec Lautbe nigbt aetuaiiy iile lics |ut let tbat iaet seeret, roteetiug ber
street erec as a wielec soreeress.
Aiter aii, sbe was tbe uotorious Queeu oi lersuasiou, a soreeress wbo eouic eonei otbers to co wbatever sbe |ace tben. 1o |e ceenec a ueeu neaut tbat sbe
was tbe |est at ber taieut iu aii tbe Lore.
1bougb 8oreeri auc witebes sbarec a eonnou aueestry, nauy oi tbe 8oreeri eiass |eiougec to tbe lravus, au aiiiauee oi evii iaetious tbat warrec witb tbe Vertas, tbe
reiativeiy gooc aiiiauee tbat Carrow aiiiiiatec witb.
Beiore aiiyiug, iooseiy, witb tbe Vertas, Lautbe auc ber sister bac iougbt ou tbe lravus irout iiue.
8tiii, Carrow ieit a ievei oi trust towarc Lautbe. 8be usuaiiy bac a gooc seuse a|out eoie, auc tbe weel sbe auc Lautbe bac seut eouiiuec togetber iu tbis eeii ieit
iile a iiietine.
1bey'c iayec tie-tae-toe iu tbe eouceusatiou ou tbe steei waiis, ga||ec a|out tbe botuess luowu as kiug kycstron, Lautbe's uew cenou |rotber-iu-iaw, auc
eonniseratec a|out tbe nau crougbt tbey were |otb reseutiy gasiug tbrougb.
Carrow bac bac iovers--nore tbau a eouie, iess tbau a bauciui--auc a siugie uigbt ou Bour|ou 8treet eouic seore ber auotber oue. But sbe bac ber reasous ior ber
eurreut eoitus biatus....
"bat wiii baeu wbeu you get us iree' ku|y aslec.
uow nueb eouiiceuee tbe giri bac iu ber. I'n goiug to tale eare oi you nyseii. \ou'ii iive witb ne. Menta/ check/st. teo eght;: /nd us sooe new dgs.
"itebes witb lics cicu't get to iive at Aucoaiu. Carrow bac ieit a aug at tbe tbougbt oi giviug u ber sorority-styie iiie tbere--auc ber eovetec suite witb a rivate |atb-
-|ut wbeu sbe'c ioolec at ku|y's tearstaiuec iittie iaee, sbe'c easiiy ceeicec tbat it cicu't natter.
"e'ii get a ac uear Aucoaiu so you eau stiii go to seii sebooi tbere. I'ii ael iuueb--|ag ieitover izza--ior you every noruiug.
Lautbe nace a souuc oi cis|eiiei iron overbeac.
I w//. Auc wbeu you get oic euougb, I'n goiug to teaeb you aii a|out tbe 8treet tbat is Bour|ou.
ku|y yawuec, ber uiiy iics crooiug. I bearc sone witebes tailiug a|out you a eouie oi weels ago. 1bey saic you were rutteriess.
row a ebuelie iron tbe to |uul.
kudderiess' So tcue. \ay|e so. But I'n uot goiug to |e auynore. Lows t /ee/ to le a cuddec. kddo`
"iii you boic ny bauc uutii I iaii asiee' Auc stay bere tiii I wale u'
\ou got it. \ay|e tbe reasou sbe'c uever coue weii witb resousi|iiities iu ber ersouai iiie was tbat sbe'c uever bac auy raetiee' Carrow bac iec arnies--|ut sbe'c
uever bac auotber ceeuc soieiy ou ber.
Iu niuutes, ku|y was out, ber eouuteuauee reiaxiug, ber |row snootbiug. Carrow waitec a iittie wbiie, tbeu easec iron tbe |ec to reebeel ber ael auc |egiu stucyiug
tbe cossier.
"beu Lautbe siuul cowu iron ber |uul, Carrow uotec yet agaiu tbat tbe soreeress ioolec iiawiess, cisiayiug uo sigus oi a weel's wortb oi stress, ciseonosure, or
eveu wriulies. But tbeu Lautbe wore tyieai 8oreeri gar|. a netai |ustier auc a nesb slirt, beic togetber witb |its oi ieatber.
uer carl bair was a nass oi |raics iu tbe wiic 8oreeri styie. 1be ouiy tbiugs nissiug were ber netai gioves--witb |uiit-iu eiaws--auc tbe baii nasl tbat wouic uornaiiy
acoru ber iaee.
Carrow iouuc it iuterestiug tbat tbe nortais ieit tbeir risouers iu tbeir owu street wear ior tbe nost art. 8be berseii stiii wore ber jeweiry auc eiu| cucs.
1bey're goiug to cou|ie-eross you, Lautbe saic.
Dic Carrow suseet Cbase wouic go |ael ou bis worc' Ci eourse. But sbe aiso luew sbe bac to oerate uucer tbe assuntiou tbat be wouic reiease ber auc ku|y.
"bat were two witebes to tben' Auc nore inortautiy, wbat otber eboiee cic Carrow bave' I cou't luow tbat ior eertaiu, sbe saic as sbe |egau rootiug tbrougb tbe ael
Dixou bac oiierec ber eariier.
At ouee, Carrow bac cenaucec to go to tbe iaeiiity's lX store ior ber owu suiies. "biie tbe Crcer nigbt bave a caucy assauit ael ior soiciers to nale au
iueursiou, tbey cicu't bave au aii-urose Carrow ael ior witebes |eut ou secuetiou.
8o aiter a iew bygieuie tweals to ber gear--auc ber iirst sbower iu a weel wbiie ber eiotbes were cry-eieauec--sbe was reacy.
Iu auy eveut, witeb, I tbiul you waste your tine.
Lool, I nigbt uot trust tbat tbey'ii lee tbeir worc a|out reieasiug us, Carrow saic. But I trust oue buucrec ereeut tbat tbey'ii lee it a|out liiiiug ber.
Lautbe sigbec, gaziug over at ku|y. "eii, tbeu, iet's see tbis cossier.
1bey sat ou tbe iioor witb tbeir |aels agaiust tbe waii. Ittng. Carrow oeuec tbe ioicer to tbe iirst age, a sunnary oi ber cestiuatiou auc its eoies.
I stiii eau't |eiieve tbey're seuciug you to Ol/von. Lautbe sbiverec.
Cone ou, it's tbe ouiy iaee you eau get iresb venous tbis tine oi year.
C|iiviou was oue oi tbe beii iaues, a iaee oi sueb iinitec resourees tbat ouiy tbe barsbest cenous eouic survive. Iu tbis ease, water was searee. ro raiu ieii, auc tbe
iew eoiieetious oi water were uucergrouuc.
Aeeorciug to tbe cossier, tbe 1rotbau euiture was a ebaotie nix oi siavery, vioieuee, auc erueity--its nen|ers |rutai. \et tbey bac a ceeiy eutreuebec eiass systen iu
tbeir soeiety.
Carrow's iis tbiuuec. 8be wasu't a |ig iau oi eiasses iu an; iorn--ecueatiouai oc soeiai. 8be berseii baiiec iron a uo|ie ianiiy, |ut bac |uriec tbat iittie tic|it a|out
berseii. ~nd ts not /ke o; /o/ks w// out oe.
"beu Carrow turuec tbe age to tbe sunnary oi \ailon 8iaiue, ber target, Lautbe saic, A veoon. tbe nost caugerous oi aii Lore ereatures, was ereatec out oi a
1cothan. oue oi tbe nost |ar|arie seeies oi innortai'
1bougb Carrow luew cenous wbo were eivii, eugagiug, auc hot. sbe'c uever net a 1rotbau.
Auc you're goiug iuto beii to get bin' 1bis is iile Lscae /coo !ew 1ock. exeet you're |riugiug out tbe |accie.
8uale liissleu, at your serviee, Carrow saic as sbe |egau erusiug 8iaiue's iuiornatiou, orgauizec iu baucy |uiiet oiuts.
esccton: Ight l/ue e;es. e/ned ouscu/atuce. Ovec s and a ha// /eet ta//. 8/ack hocns. cucvng lack /coo /ust alove hs eacs. Ident/;ng oacks: ~
/acge. wndng tattoo on hs cght //ank. t;ca/ deoon eccngs.
8ackgcound: 8ocn ooce than /ouc hundced ;eacs ago to a costtute deoon oothec. Iathec unknown.
Carrow ieit a iiare oi ity ior bin. Liviug iu C|iiviou was |ac euougb, auc be bacu't exaetiy gotteu a great start.
Ied cele//on aganst vaoce nvadecs unt/ hs catuce. 1cans/ocoed nto a Scacla-- a vaocc deoon. 8e/oce escang the vaoce stcongho/d. he
leheaded ka//en the 1ust. the 1cothans deoon cnce. as we// as the ceco;. the vaoces eossac;.
Carrow irowuec. "by wouic 8iaiue bave assassiuatec tbe two oteutiai ieacers, tbeu not taleu eoutroi oi tbe cenouareby'
Lautbe saic, 8ouucs to ne iile a iaiiure to eaitaiize.
Iugtve /coo 1cothans /oc ovec thcee centuces. !o known assocates. Unwed. Most cuccent actvtes: e/endng hs tecctoces. the watec ones o/
Ol/von. Seca/ sk//s: 8att/e-tcaned. sucvva/. o/tac; coooand eecence.
Luwec' Carrow saic. 1beir liuc narries' \auy cenou |reecs cicu't, eseeiaiiy ii tbeir seeies bac oue iatec nate.
At ieast you wou't bave to worry a|out eonetitiou.
Luiess be's got a cenou baren iu tbose niues. A iittie bouey or two boiec u uucergrouuc' Carrow saic, raisiug a |row at tbe uext |uiiet oiut.
Ianguage: eoonsh. sooe Iatn. 1bere bac |eeu au isoiatec reort oi bis sealiug Lugiisb, |ut it eouicu't |e eouiirnec.
uow an I suosec to eonnuuieate witb bin' Carrow's Denouisb was sarse. 8be luew nostiy eurses auc bow to orcer iiuor.
1be iauguage oi iove' Lautbe suggestec.
Cbeel out bis syeb roiiie. Las/; encaged. ceacts wth a oacked /ecoct;. o/ent and tecctoca/...
lsyeb roiiie' Isu't tbat wbat tbey co witb seriai liiiers'
Carrow uoccec. Dixou saic be was tbe 1rotbau versiou oi tbe |ogeynau.
"eii, tbeu. 1eii ne tbey'ii ceaetivate your torue ior tbis nissiou.
1bey wiii. ~ /ot o/ good t// do oe / the /o/ks n he// acent ha;. "bereas \arileta's nagie was |asec ou acreuaiiue, Carrow's owu was iueiec |y enotious,
seeiiieaiiy baiuess. 1be raueous reveiry oi a erowc was iile au exuisite ieast ior ber owers.
1beu you eau just co a iove seii ou bin, Lautbe saic.
It coesu't worl ior ne. \auy eoie luew Carrow soic iove seiis ior a iiviug--tbey just cicu't luow sbe soic tben ior ioils to use on theose/ves. Lile wbeu a guy
luew be bac a gooc wonau |ut was tentec to stray, be'c orcer a Carrow Craie seeiai. I ro|a|iy wou't bave nueb ower to co nagie auyway.
Cruisiug C|iiviou witb uo nagie, witeb' I suose you'ii just use your |rute streugtb to ceieuc yourseii'
"ieeae auc 8oreeri were anoug tbe bysieaiiy wealest iu tbe Lore.
Auc wbat a|out tbe venou' Lautbe eoutiuuec. Ii you eau't iure bin to tbe ortai, be eouic just lee you iu beii as bis iittie witeb et.
I've bac worse reiatiousbis, Carrow ceacauuec.
1bey suielerec. Caiiows bunor.
Aiter tbey'c iiiec tbrougb aii tbe ages, Lautbe sunnec u \ailon 8iaiue. A caugerous, cevious, cenou uou grata. Caziug at Carrow witb euriosity, sbe aslec,
\ou're reaiiy goiug tbrougb witb tbis'
I've got tbis cowu eoic, sbe auswerec eouiiceutiy. Carrow bac aiways ioiiowec ber iustiuets auc iaucec ou ber ieet. 8onetines sbe iaucec ou ber ieet iu Couuty, |ut
it aiways worlec out iu tbe euc. But ii ior sone reasou, I cou't--sbe giaueec over at ku|y--wiii you nale sure sbe gets |ael to tbe uouse oi "itebes'
Lautbe saic, I wiii. Just try uot to iet it eone to tbat--
A succeu |eiiow eeboec cowu tbe warc.
I guess be cou't iile tbe eoru |reac, eitber, Carrow uiec.
"beu a iigbt eusuec auc tbey bearc iouc whooshng souucs, Lautbe sbot to ber ieet. A Vreleuer.
Vreleuers were iieree, cenouie augeis, witb wiugs, borus, auc iaugs.
8bortiy aiter, tbe guarcs craggec a iiniug, wiugec naie ast tbeir eeii. ue starec at Lautbe, bis eyes bauutec, bis iis crawu |ael iron bis iaugs. uis searrec wiugs
bac |eeu |ouuc. ue saic ouiy oue worc as tbey assec. Soon ...
Lautbe sbuccerec.
I tale it you two luow eaeb otber' Carrow aslec.
"ouic you |eiieve tbat 1brouos auc I were ebiicbooc irieucs'
Carrow raisec ber |rows. I'c bate to see your ebiicbooc euenies.
1be |astarc ro|a|iy iet binseii get eaugbt, just to get eioser to ne.
\ou waut to teii ne wbat ior'
\ay|e oue cay. lor uow, iet's ioeus ou your owu neuaeiug naie.
Carrow sigbec, growiug serious. I nigbt uot nale it |ael iron tbis.
Iusteac oi assuriug ber tbat sbe wouic, Lautbe saic, It isu't iileiy. ...
aste/ands. Ol/von
1eac ou1. 1cothan kestocaton
1he;// cooe to k// oe soon. \ailon tbougbt as be acjustec tbe teusiou ou oue oi bis sriug tras.
Aiter eoueeaiiug tbe eoutratiou, be eiin|ec to a |iustery vautage ou bis nouutaiu, gaziug out over tbe lorest oi Boue auc tbe vast cesert |eyouc--tbe suu-seorebec
cesert be eouic uever eross agaiu. uis vanire uature nace it inossi|ie.
lar iu tbe cistauee, iu tbe eity oi Asb, saeriiieiai yres |uruec |rigbt. 1be cweiiers tbere were naliug yet nore oiieriugs to tbeir carl gocs ior au euc to \ailon. ue'c
|eeu jucgec a twistec nurcerer, a iugitive iron justiee, au a|oniuatiou.
Aii true.
1bey wouic iile uotbiug nore tbau to saeriiiee \ailon binseii ou a yre. \ore so uow tbau ever siuee tbey were ceserate ior water. Auc be eoutroiiec every cro.
8oou tbey'c eone ior bin, tbeir stores were ueariy goue. 1bey'c bave uo eboiee |ut to eross tbe cesert tbat bac roteetec tben iron \ailon.
1bougb be eouic travei over bis cust-sbroucec nouutaiu iu tbe bazy iigbt oi cay, tbe cesert auc eity were voic oi wiuc auc sbace. ue eouicu't eross tbat exause auc
returu witbiu a siugie uigbt. 1be soie tine be'c sueeessiuiiy traversec it--iieeiug a no| oi 1rotbaus nore tbau tbree buucrec years ago--be'c ueariy ciec.
Aii bis attents over tbe eeuturies bac iaiiec. Laeb tine, be'c |eeu so wealeuec |y tbe nicoiut tbat be eouicu't eoutiuue, nueb iess eouteuc witb bis oweriui ioes.
8o be'c eut oii tbe cweiiers' water suiy to craw tben uear, luowiug tbey wouic |e iec |y kouatb tbe Arnorer--tbe cenou wbo'c taleu over aiter tbe ieaceriess
vanires iiec iron tbis iaue.
1be traitor wbo uow iivec iu tbe Vieeroy's ouieut iortress.
I ceooved a// o/ hs olstac/es. ka//en and eventua//; the ceco; loth /e// lecause o/ oe.
\ailon bac cesisec tbe vanires, |ut at ieast tbey bac aetec aeeorciug to tbeir uature. 1be arnorer auc bis neu' \ailon renen|erec tbeir ieiguec greetiugs to
bin just |eiore tbey'c attaelec, just |eiore tbey'c coonec tbeir riuee.
ka//en. o; so/e /cend.
At tbe nenory oi bis ceatb, |itter-tiugec griei swet over \ailon. ~s /cesh as the da; I k//ed ho.
"beu tbe wiucs iuereasec, beraiciug cusl, \ailon gave a iow eurse. 1bey wouic uever eone iu tbe carl.
row a ioug, soiitary uigbt stretebec |eiore bin. ue'c eucurec iiietines oi tben.
ue turuec away, beaciug towarc bis iair cowu iu tbe niues--wbere be wouic wait, aioue, iu siieuee, stariug at tbe can waiis. 1ine assec siowiy cee iu tbe nouutaiu,
auc tbe isoiatiou weigbec ou bin.
\ailon eousoiec binseii witb tbe luowiecge tbat oue way or auotber, bis nisera|ie existeuee was a|out to euc.


\ou eau't eone, sweetbeart, Carrow toic tbe irate seveu-year-oic seatec ou tbe |uul |eiore ber. C|iiviou's uot a iaee ior lics.
8onetine |etweeu iast uigbt auc tbis noruiug, ku|y bac ceeicec sbe wouic not |e searatec iron Carrow.
1brougbout tbe uigbt, Carrow bac iaiu awale, wautiug to |e tbere ii sbe wole nissiug ber notber. Carrow bac |eeu exbaustec auc luew sbe ueecec to |e stroug ior
ber nissiou, |ut uttiug ku|y's ueecs a|ove ber owu aiieetec ber iu ways sbe wasu't reacy to auaiyze.
Cuee, tbe giri bac sieeiiy nun|iec, \onny'
1ears tbreateuiug, Carrow bac saic, It's olay, |a|y. Co |ael to siee.
But siuee ku|y bac awaleuec tbis noruiug, tbere'c |eeu uousto bissy. At ieast sbe bacu't assec out so iar.
"by co you bave to ieave ths noruiug' ku|y cenaucec.
1be soouer I ieave, tbe soouer I eau returu. row, Dr. Dixou is goiug to sit you uutii Lautbe gets |ael, olay'
ku|y erossec ber iittie arns over ber ebest, juttiug ber ebiu. \ou'reuot ieaviug ne |ebiuc. Cr I'ii co a seii to nale you sneii iile ass. lorever.
Carrow raisec ber |rows. uarsb, ku|y, hacsh. I thnk Io the one who taught hec to sa; soe// /ke ass. Auc you eau't co seiis, auyway. kenen|er wbat I
saic a|out tbe eoiiar'
lron |ebiuc Carrow, Lautbe uietiy saic, \ou ueec to |e iirner witb tbe ebiic.
Cver ber sbouicer, Carrow nutterec, Cone ou, tbiul a|out wbat sbe's |eeu tbrougb. Auc Carrow bac uo way to eoniort ber, uoue oi ber oic triels to uii.
Beiore wbeu ku|y bac eriec, Carrow bac |eeu a|ie to soive aii witb strategie |outs oi eousunerisn. Au aii-exeuses aic tri to Disuey "oric ior ber auc ber osse
oi irieucs, a nouley, a ro|ot, a baii-ie slatiug ran. Lasy, easy, ienou sueezy.
Lautbe seoiiec. I iost ny areuts wbeu I was uot nueb oicer tbau sbe is.
Iunn;. so dd I. Carrow tbougbt. But sbe sbool away tbose nenories. 8be cicu't bave tbe iuxury oi waiiowiug iu tbe ast. As sbe ioolec cowu at ku|y, it struel
Carrow yet agaiu tbat sbe uow bac a cesonsl/t;. 8oneoue ceeuciug soieiy ou ber. \ou're goiug to |e gooc ior \iss Lautbe, rigbt'
Mss Ianthe` tbe soreeress reeatec, ber |iue eyes gieaniug caugerousiy. "by cou't you just |uy ne a niuivau, zi ne iuto non jeaus, auc sboot ne iu tbe iaee'
Carrow sbruggec. I'ii nale tbis u to you wbeu we aii get out, yeab'
1be soreeress iayec witb oue oi ber carl iaits. \eiautbe's sittiug serviee bas rates oi oue buucrec k au bour.
lut it ou ny ta|.
lootstes souucec cowu tbe eorricor. coong /oc oe. ku|y bearc tben as weii, sbe iauuebec berseii iron tbe |uul at Carrow's iegs.
Carrow eaugbt ber u, swiugiug tbe giri iuto a bug. ku|y eiuug witb ber iittie arns, ber iaee strealec witb tears as sbe ressec it agaiust Carrow's ueel. Carrow starec
at tbe eeiiiug, struggiiug to lee iron |awiiug witb ber.
lronise you'ii eone |ael, ku|y wbiserec.
uer worcs souucec siurrec, |a|yisb eveu. lronise eane out as woose. Carrow luew reeiseiy jael-oiut-jael a|out raisiug lics, |ut sbe cicu't tbiul tbis
reversiou eouic |e a gooc tbiug, iu iigbt oi tbe eireunstauees.
Carrow easec ku|y |ael to neet ber eyes. I vow to tbe Lore tbat I wiii eone |ael ior you. \ou |eiieve ne, cou't you'
A siigbt uoc.
legiey, Dr. Dixou, auc a eoutiugeut oi guarcs arrivec, oeuiug tbe eeii's giass coor. 1be wonau reaebec ior ku|y, |ut Carrow buggec ber eveu eioser.
Auytbiug baeus to ber, it's ou your beac, Dixou. 8be east tbe coetor a waruiug iool, luowiug ber irises wouic iiieler. Carrow's eyes cicu't ebauge eoior witb
enotiou. 1bey ebaugec |rigbtuess, giitteriug iile stars. kigbt uow, sbe was iiteraiiy starry-eyec, auc it was irealiug tbe nortai out.
Dixou starec, a|seutiy reiyiug, L-iile we agreec ...
1eu niuutes iater, Carrow sat iu a niiitary uunvee, oue oi iive tbat nace u legiey's eouvoy. As tbe truel |ouueec cowu a ruttec roac outsice tbe iaeiiity, Carrow
gazec out oi tbe raiu-siielec wiucow, stiii iu turnoii, reiayiug tbe souuc oi ku|y sereaniug ior ber. Low can I oss hec /ke ths a/cead;. as / Ive /e/t o; heact lehnd`
Civiug berseii au iuwarc sbale, Carrow ioreec berseii to stucy ber surrouuciugs.
1be roac wouuc tbrougb a noist iorest overiiowiug witb iir trees. Liebeu auc noss eoatec iaiieu truuls auc auytbiug statiouary, naliug everytbiug aear iuzzy, auy
sbar ecges snotberec |y greeu. 1be area ioolec iile it eouic |e iu tbe laeiiie rortbwest.
Cr 1asnauia.
a; to naccow t down. caccow.
1be iaucseae was ceiiuiteiy eoastai, wbieb ieut ereceuee to tbe iatest runor goiug arouuc--tbat tbe Crcer ebunnec tbe surrouuciug seas to attraet great wbite sbarls,
eusuriug uo innortai eouic eseae |y water....
As ber eyes cartec over geograbie cetaiis, sbe triec to neutaiiy reare ior ber nissiou, reiieetiug ou aii sbe'c iearuec iron tbe cossier.
8be was iiiiec witb euriosity a|out \ailon 8iaiue. "bat bac baeuec wbeu be'c |eeu turuec iuto a 8ear|a' uac be |eeone tbe wailiug ceac or bac bis cenou
uature renaiuec coniuaut' uac be |eeu aioue ior aii tbose years'
Dic tbe Crcer just assune sbe'c bave sex witb bin to iure bin |ael'
Carrow eouicu't renen|er tbe iast tine sbe'c taleu a iover. 8be wouic've eujoyec nore, |ut sbe'c iearuec tbat sex cicu't ueeessariiy nale aii neu bay. It nace
tben ieei gooc, reiaxec, |ut uot ueeessariiy joyiui. 1bere was augry sex, iuseeure sex, reeuiug sex. 8one neu ueecec vaiicatiou, otbers viucieatiou, |ut nost tbougbt oi wiic-
ebiic Carrow as a eouuest.
Ii sbe luew sbe wouicu't get a// ber ueecs net, sbe cicu't go aii tbe way.
row sbe nigbt uot bave tbe iuxury oi |eiug eboosy....
Lveutuaiiy, tbe eouvoy arlec arouuc a iarge eieariug eueireiec |y iive euai-sizec |ouicers. As sbe eiin|ec iron tbe truel, Carrow seusec ower tbere, saerecuess.
1beu sbe giarec u at tbe steacy ceiuge oi raiu tbat wettec ber ieatber |oots auc slirt, reniuciug Carrow bow nueb sbe ioatbec tbe wiiceruess. lor ber, tbe great
outcoors was as nueb au oxynorou as true nytb.
Last uigbt, Dixou bac suggestec eon|at |oots iu iaee oi Carrow's owu--ber two-tbousauc-coiiar, gatberec-ieatber, over-tbe-luee |oots. Do you waut ne to go iu
as au euebautress or a warrior' Carrow bac aslec testiiy. liel a easte, auy easte, nortai. I nyseii tbiul I bave tbe |est ebauee as au euebautress. Auc iuel-ne |oots are
Carrow gazec cowu at tbe nuc ereeiug arouuc ber soies. Oh. we//. 8be wouic ratber cie tbau acnit a nortai was rigbt.
lurtberiug bis owu coon, legiey yaulec Lautbe out oi auotber uunvee |y ber eoiiar, sboviug ber iuto tbe eieariug. uis eoutiuuec erueity gave Carrow iusigbt iuto tbe
sliu-|ag oi waste tbat was legiey. 8be'c ceeicec be was a ceeiy iuseeure nau wbo batec woneu.
1bis gig gave bin ower over ienaies be wouic uever otberwise ossess.
Ln/o; t wh/e ;ou can. Cuiy a natter oi tine |eiore be weut cowu. Cuee Carrow got ku|y settiec at Aucoaiu, sbe wouic returu bere auc go wielec ou tbeir asses.
Cet to it, legiey orcerec Lautbe. \ou bave two niuutes. 1ry auytbiug auc tbe suiers wiii iug your sluii.
"itb a liiiiug iool, tbe soreeress raisec ber baucs. 8oou au iriceseeut |iue iigbt giowec iron ber ains. uer iaee iuebec witb straiu as sbe ereatec a coor-sizec
tbresboic, earviug a |iael vortex as ii tbrougb tbiu air.
1eetb grittec, Lautbe saic, Be eareiui out tbere, witeb.
I wiii. 8be sbouicerec ber ael, reacyiug berseii at tbe ortai's ecge. \ou tale gooc eare oi ny iittie giri uutii I get |ael. M; /tt/e gc/. As soou as sbe saic tbe
worcs, Carrow luew tbey were true. ku|y was bers. "ouic aiways |e.
I wiii tale eare oi ber, Lautbe saic, |ut sbe giaueec away.
1be soreeress truiy cicu't tbiul Carrow was goiug to nale it |ael'
Beiore sbe eouic uestiou Lautbe, legiey iautec binseii iu irout oi Carrow. \ou've got six cays to get your target |ael to tbis ortai. 8aturcay uigbt, witeb, uo iater
tbau nicuigbt, C|iiviou 8taucarc 1ine. \our torue wiii aetivate au bour |eiore tbeu. \ou sbow witbout 8iaiue, auc we'ii sian tbe coor rigbt iu your iaee. Lastiy, cou't eaii bin
|y bis uane, or be'ii luow you're a noie. Ciear'
As eiear as you eau nale it, iuelwit. Auytbiug eise'
legiey snirlec. \eab, ii tbe cenou iiucs out wbat you're iauuiug, be'ii eut oii your beac auc nouut it ou a ile. Carrow was stiii gaiug wbeu tbe nau gra||ec ber
sbouicer. Co to beii, witeb. Literaiiy.
1beu be sbovec ber iuto tbe a|yss.
aste/ands. Ol/von
ro sigu oi kouatb. 1be aiteruoou was crawiug to a eiose, auc uow auotber iuterniua|ie uigbt ioonec.
\ailon eeasec bis aeiug to gaze out over tbe cesert yet agaiu. ue'c bac a seuse tbat sonetbiug noneutous was a|out to oeeur, a ieeiiug oi cestiuy--wbieb iu bis
ease usuaiiy neaut cestruetiou.
Iace oe. acoocec! be roarec.
Cuiy tbe wiucs auswerec. "itb a cisbearteuec exbaiatiou, \ailon turuec |ael towarc bis iair, eveutuaiiy suaggiug a |irc ior bis ciuuer ou bis way. Agaiu be
reeoguizec tbat tbe suiy oi gane was cwiuciiug. 1bougb be ossessec uuuaturai seec, be iouuc it iuereasiugiy ciiiieuit to sustaiu binseii bere.
Sna. 1be |irc's ueel eraelec iu \ailon's iist, auc eveu over tbe bowiiug wiucs, be ceteetec tbe souuc. "itb au easy yaul, be severec tbe beac iron tbe |ocy, tbeu
iiitec tbe gusbiug ueel over bis noutb to sate bis vanire ueec ior |iooc. Bael witbiu bis bone, be'c eool tbe neat to ieec tbe cenou witbiu--
ue iowerec bis arn, bis ears twitebiug. uis beigbteuec seuses ereeivec a |riei ortai oeuiug, a cistur|auee iu tbe iaue |eiow bis nouutaiu bone. Direetiy |eiore tbe
iorest iay a eireie oi iive |ouicers, narliug a uotorious ortai's ioeatiou.
ue rose to iuvestigate, teusiug to traee to tbe eireie. !othng. Lveu aiter aii tbis tine, be stiii iorgot tbat be eouic uo iouger teieort. rot siuee tbe 8ear| a rituai.
ro natter. ue was iast, eouic |e cowu iu tbe iorest iu niuutes.
1be oeuiug oi tbe ortai neaut oue oi two ossi|iiities.
\ore nortais bac |eeu cisatebec to tbe wasteiaucs to eature bin. Ii be'c ever iearuec bow to iaugb, be wouic've uow. "beuever tbey iuvacec bis territory, be'c
cisnen|erec every soicier wbo'c carec set ioot ou bis nouutaiu, iiiug tbe naugiec |ocy ieees iu a gruesone cisiay at tbe eiosec tbresboic.
"beu tbe soiciers |eseeebec bin ior nerey or sereanec tbeir rayers, tbey aiways sole Augiisb, tbe vanires' iauguage, wbieb ouiy seaiec tbeir iates.
1bougb \ailon reeoguizec tbe tougue, be uo iouger eonrebeucec it, bacu't soleu it iu eeuturies--|ut beariug it euragec bin.
1be otber ossi|iiity' 1be ortai was |eiug usec to cisose oi nore Lore ereatures, exiiec eriniuais.
Ii so, tbey'c uever luow tbey were a|out to |e jucgec ouee nore. ue sueerec, luowiug it was au ugiy sigbt. 8; oe.

chatec i

Carrow iaucec so barc ato a iie oi oic sleietous tbat ber |reatb was luoelec iron ber iuugs auc tbe orous |oues were uiverizec |eueatb ber.
8be iay ior reeious seeoucs, eucuriug tbat auiely ieeiiug oi suiioeatiou. "aitiug...
Cuee ber iuugs reset, sbe suelec iu a |reatb, tbeu inneciateiy |egau eougbiug. 1bougb tbe wiuc gustec, tbe air was aeric.
uauiiug berseii to ber ieet, sbe lielec a eouie oi ienurs out oi ber way auc eerec arouuc. So ths s he//.
Aii arouuc tbe natebiug eireie oi |ouicers iay a wasteiauc sueb as sbe'c uever inagiuec. A|ove ber sauuec a |rowu sly, swiriiug witb cust auc iunes. Bebiuc ber, a
roely cesert stretebec to tbe borizou. Ciowiug stoues tbat seenec to bave eores oi iava cottec tbe iauc.
1o ber rigbt auc ieit, cee ebasns erisserossec tbe iauc iile sears, waitiug iunes oi suiiurous snole. Beiore ber stooc wbat resen|iec a iorest, |ut tbe trees were
etriiiec, tbeir eoior natebiug tbat oi tbe seorebec |oues seatterec aii over tbe grouuc. rotbiug greeu grew bere. Lverytbiug was just a gracatiou oi |rowu, cirty wbite, or asb.
\iies auc niies iu tbe cistauee, iar ast tbe iorest, was a siugie inneuse nouutaiu witb tbree cistiuet eals.
uis nouutaiu. uer cestiuatiou.
Luiortuuateiy, every iueb oi tbis iaee souucec iuba|itec. Iu tbe cesert, ereatures resen|iiug giaut eeutieces ciec auc tuuueiec, sbiitiug cuues iu a eriious iustaut.
Cu eitber sice, tbe ebasns teenec witb uuseeu sera||iiug ereatures. Auc eveu over tbe wiuc, sbe eouic bear tbat tbe iorest |eyouc was erawiiug witb iiie--uot a gooc
tbiug ou a beii iaue.
8o bow was sbe suosec to get tbrougb tbe ereatures to reaeb tbe nouutaiu'
Aitbougb legiey's worcs gave ber ause--he// cut o// ;ouc head and oount t on a ke--sbe bac uo eboiee |ut to seel out 8iaiue. liuciug bin nigbt tale ber tbe
eutire six cays.
lron tbose uear|y gorges, sbacowy iigures |egau to erawi u. Cbouis'
rot tben: 1bey were iile zon|ies, niuciess wailiug atbogeus |eut ou iuereasiug tbeir uun|ers. Coutagious tbrougb tbeir |ites auc seratebes, tbe gbouis needed to
iuieet otbers.
Succoundngs` 8auc eeutiece nousters |ebiuc ber, ereey, iuba|itec woocs abeac, gbouis iiauliug ber.
"beu tbey |egau sluiliug eioser, sbe bac uo eboiee |ut to basteu straigbt ior tbe nurly iorest, giaueiug over ber sbouicer as sbe rau.
"biie tbe gbouis were resiiieut, a|ie to ioe aioug aiter rey ior cozeus oi niies at tbe sane aee, Carrow's owu streugtb auc eucurauee were |etter tbau a bunau's,
|ut uot iile a Vailyrie's or a lury's. 8o bow to iose tben ... '
Just as tbe tbougbt arose, tbey |egau siowiug. Iu iaet, ouee sbe'c |reaebec tbe iorest, tbe gbouis baitec. last tbe iiue oi trees, sbe turuec |ael. 1bey were rowiiug at
tbe very ecge, wary. 8onetbiug witbiu bac tben soolec.
But soouer or iater, tbey'c eone ior ber. Deeiciug tbat uotbiug eouic |e worse tbau tbe troo oi zon|ies ou ber beeis, sbe iuugec abeac.
lieliug ber way over roels auc stoue tree truuls, sbe iuereasec ber aee wbeu sbe eouic. uer iuugs |uruec, ber nuseies sereaniug....
kigbt wbeu sbe'c |eguu to suseet sbe'c gaiuec a saie cistauee, sbe siec nore sbaes noviug anic tbe trees. A uew tbreat. runerous eyes giowec |ael at ber iron
tbe sbacows, |eiugs surrouuciug ber. 1bey were seutieut naies--sbe eouic ereeive tbeir enotious.
Auc tbe reconiuaut oue was iust.
"beu tbey eiosec iu, ioreiug ber to sto, sbe saw tbere were at ieast a cozeu oi tben iu various sbaes auc sizes. 1bey were aii bunauiile, |ut eaeb bac borus auc
uer auc iower sets oi iaugs. "bieb neautcenous.
8be turuec iu iaee, crawiug a barriec |reatb to seal, wouceriug ii tbey'c uucerstauc Lugiisb. 8be luew uatives iileiy wouicu't.
But |eiore sbe eouic say a worc, tbe snaiiest oue |raucisbec a sear iu ber cireetiou. ue |iiulec bis eyes so raiciy, Carrow ciniy woucerec ii tbe woric ioolec iile
au oic-tiney iiin to bin. Is sbe oue oi tbe nortais, Asnocei' be aslec iu Lugiisb. rou-uatives. 1bey were ro|a|iy exiiec eriniuais.
Lile tbe otbers, be was cressec iu tatterec eiotbes, iucieatiug tbey'c |eeu bere ior a wbiie.
1be iargest oue, tbis Asnocei, saic, 8neiis iile au innortai to ne. "itb tbe |ael oi bis bauc, be swiec a iiue oi roy crooi iron bis noutb. lirst ienaie I've seeu iu
tbe wasteiaucs. Lver.
!o ienaies were bere' 8o tbese were hacd-u exiiec eriniuais' 8eaut;. luttiug ou a |oic irout, sbe saic, I ao au innortai, a oweriui nen|er oi tbe uouse oi
"itebes. But sbe was totteriug ou ber ieet, sooty auc |ecraggiec. 8eareeiy iooliug iile a bigb-owerec witeb.
A cenou witb greeu sliu aslec, 1beu wby bave you uot snote us'
Lveu witb ber torue ceaetivatec, rigbt uow sbe was auo-owerec witeb. !eed sooe haness hece. gu;s. Au exeeiieut icea, cenou. 8ca.en t out. caccow.
1bougb ii you aiiow ne to ass, I nigbt eousicer sariug your iives. Ctberwise, I'n ce|atiug wbetber to turu your viseera iuto uests oi viers or your |oues to sauc.
Luinressec, tbey aic ber uo beec, arguiug anoug tbenseives. 1be gaug's iuteutiou witb ber was eiear, eveu |eiore tbe snaii oue utterec, I go iirst.
1be beii you wiii, 8ueetby, Asnocei saic.
Carrow sbuccerec. 8be bac uo way to ceieuc berseii, auc sbe was surrouucec witb uo iaee to ruu. 8ca.en! kaisiug ber ains tbreateuiugiy, sbe saic, 1beu you've
ieit ne uo eboiee. 8urreucer uow, or--
8ueetby eaiiec ber |iuii, nerriiy yauliug iree ber |aelael, seraiug ber sbouicers.
uey: "beu be cug iuto it, riiiiug tbrougb ber tbiugs, sbe suaec, Co \oca soneoue eise's suiies, assboie.
ue iguorec ber, cistri|utiug ber lowerBars witb giee. 1bose were seariec cowu |eiore be'c eveu beic u ber eauteeu witb a wboo:
But bis exeiteneut iacec as be suiiiec tbe air. It eones. uis iow voiee eouveyec iear--auc awe. 1bougb we baveu't erossec iuto its territory.
8o wbat was t'
"itb cartiug eyes, tbe greeu cenou saic, "e go uow:
Asnocei stailec eioser to Carrow. I go uowbere witbout tbis ienaie. \ore crooi criec iron bis iis. 8be wouic |e wortb ber weigbt iu water: Lveu usec.
\ou'c risl iaeiug t' 8ueetby saic.
Aareutiy so, |eeause Asnocei seizec ber arn. 8be lielec cowu ou bis iuste, |ut it cicu't eveu iaze bin. As sbe iougbt, be craggec ber aioug ceeer iuto tbe
8to struggiiug: be orcerec. \ou'ii |e our eoueu|iue--or tbe |east's ciuuer. Auc it uears eveu uow.
"bat iu tbe beii bac soolec a gaug oi cenous iile tbis' As tbey aii iuugec iuto a eose oi etriiiec saiiugs, tbe iieeter oues cartec abeac, tbe siower oues iaggiug.
1be youug trees bac growu so eiose, it was iile weuciug tbrougb a snole-iaeec eoruiieic. Cooc eover.
\et tbe cenous grew nore uueasy, crawiug tbeir weaous auc erouebiug iow. Asnocei uiiec a wooceu eiu| iron bis |eit. 8ueetby suiiiec tbe air agaiu auc
wbinerec, raisiug bis sear.
1be greeu cenou crew a buutiug luiie auc nutterec, It stails us. A deoon worriec a|out |eiug stailec'
"beu sbe bearc a gurgiiug yeii |ebiuc tben, ber eyes weut wice. 8be eeasec auy resistauee, iieeiug witb tben wbeu tbe gaug |egau ruuuiug. At iutervais, sbe giaueec
|ael, as uuuervec as tbey were.
1beu, cireetiy ou tbe atb abeac, tbey eane aeross oue oi tbe iaster cenous--|ebeacec so reeeutiy bis |ocy was stiii lueeiiug.
As tbe eorse eoiiasec, Asnocei sueerec, ro, tbe |east /a;s witb us.
Auotber cenou's serean war|iec iron |ebiuc tben. 1bey'c |areiy goue a cozeu stes iu tbe otber cireetiou wbeu sonetbiug tbat souucec iile a |ooneraug saiiec
tbrougb tbe air overbeac. Biooc raiuec cowu iron it.
1be least bac iiuug a severec ieg iile a lris|ee to iauc iu irout oi tben.
Besice tbe naugiec ieg iay a air oi cenous, oue |ocy toiec over tbe otber. Auc tbeir beacs ioolec to bave |eeu severec--uot witb a sworc |ut witb c/aws.
A siugie |iow tool cowu two. Asnocei swaiiowec iouciy as be jerlec ber arouuc iu a eireie, seauuiug ior au eseae.
8onetbiug bac |ebeacec a air oi innortais witb oue strile' 1beu goue to siasb oii tbe ieg oi auotber' ro, tbere's got to |e nore tbau oue, sbe saic. Beiugs were
cyiug iu aii cireetious, sereans iile a eborus.
Cue, Asnocei suaec. It!
8ouucs oi earuage eeboec tbrougb tbe trees, tbe eraeliug oi |oues auc tbe uunistala|ie teariug oi iiesb. 8be |egau sbaliug too barc to ruu, stun|iiug twiee iu raic
Asnocei rontiy a|aucouec ber, taliug bis ebauees, sriutiug tbrougb tbe saiiugs.
1be iew renaiuiug cenous ioiiowec suit, seatteriug iu ciiiereut cireetious. 8be traiiec aiter Asnocei, tbe |iggest oue, wbiie aii arouuc ber tbe otbers sereanec.
1beu sbe siowec, suiutiug iu cis|eiiei tbrougb tbe snole. Abeac, sonetbiug iile a sbace seizec Asnocei witb a staggeriug seec. Asnocei ioolec as ii be were |eiug
iiitec |y au uuseeu ioree. "batever it was ruturec tbe cenou's |ocy iu nicair--iin|s searatec, |iooc srayiug over cust.
ue'c uever bac tine to serean.
1be sbacow vauisbec. 8iieuee ieii. Cuiy tbe souuc oi tbe wiuc eouic |e bearc. uac tbey aii |eeu taleu out' Cr were tbey biciug'
"bat was tbis tbiug'
8be twistec arouuc, ber eyes cartiug. "beu sbe reeiec |ael iron a uear|y souuc, sbe triec over a iegiess, |ebeacec torso, tun|iiug |esice a ooi oi gore auc
8ueetby. 8be reeoguizec tbe sear stiii eieuebec iu bis baucs.
Cboliug |ael |iie, sbe erawiec iron tbe ieaviugs iuto a ateb oi etriiiec |rusb.
uer iirst inuise' Baii u tbere auc bice. "bat use was iieeiug' Deatb awaitec iu auy cireetiou.
1beu sbe grew asbanec. 1bougb youug, Carrow was au iucuetec nereeuary oi tbe "ieeae auc a ieacer anoug tbeir vauutec warrior eiass. 8be'c iaee tbis |east
ieariessiy--eveu to tbe euc.
8bow yourseii, eowarc: At ouee, trees |egau to toie iu a iiue eoniug straigbt ior ber. A nouster ou its way. Beiore, it'c |eeu souuciess. row it erasbec towarc
It was iayiug witb ber as weii.
Carrow wouic |e canuec ii sbe was goiug to sit bere, beiiess, iile sone oiieriug to kiug koug. lor tbe iirst tine iu ber iiie, sbe bac soneoue ceeuciug ou ber. 8be
wouic iigbt.
Auc ii sbe eouicu't nateb its streugtb, sbe'c use otber taieuts. 8be eouic |e euuuiug ... ceeetive.
8be riec 8ueetby's sear iron bis guariec iiugers. 1ouce alout to see what wou/d haen / Ia; ca; wece a wtch!
Just as sbe craggec tbe weaou iuto tbe |rusb |ebiuc ber, tbe attaeler iowec iuto tbe eieariug.
Carrow erauec ber beac u. Auc u ... 8be iost ber |reatb.
1be |eiug's |ocy was ueariy seveu ieet taii auc siasbec witb |iooc. Large borus eurvec |ael iron a|ove bis ears. uis iis were artec, exosiug uer auc iower
iaugs. Auotber cenou.
Auc, gocs, tbis oue was |ig. uis |roac ebest auc |rawuy arns were eoverec iu a nesb ebaiunaii sbirt, bis nuseies riiiug witb streugtb uucer tbe netai. ue was eiac
iu ieatber auts, auc tbey too were satterec iu erinsou. uis ioug bair was taugiec arouuc tbose borus auc buug over bis cirty iaee. A sarse |earc eoverec bis ebeels.
8ureiy, tbis eouicu't |e ... bin. uer target. rotbiug a|out bis aearauee iucieatec vanirisn. I/ease dont /et t le ho.
"beu tbeir eyes net, sbe gasec. uis irises were a iigbt |iue, as ceseri|ec iu tbe cossier. 8evereiy cistur|ec' Vioieutiy territoriai' Aiiirnative.
1be |iue iiielerec, turuiug |iaeler |y tbe seeouc, usuaiiy a sigu oi iust or rage iu a cenou. reitber |ocec weii ior ber.
Just as sbe stuciec bis aearauee, bis gaze ralec over ber |ocy, over ber bilec-u slirt auc |arec tbigbs. At ouee, bis borus straigbteuec auc iiarec |ael, siguaiiug
bis attraetiou to ber.
"beu be raisec bis iaee, bis eyes uarrowec, as ii witb reeoguitiou. ue eieuebec bis baucs iuto neaty iists, tbeu oeuec tben, siayiug bis eiaw-tiec iiugers. Agaiu
auc agaiu be nace iists, tbeu reieasec tben, iile be nissec sonetbiug be'c ioug beic ou to.
uis sbait was barceuiug--inossi|ie to niss tbat. "beu be suelec iu raggec |reatbs, grasiug at bis ebest, a ricieuious susieiou arose, |ut sbe tanec it cowu.
1bis cenou ioolec to |e ou tbe razor's ecge oi iust. lor aii Carrow luew, be'c |eeu out iu tbis wasteiauc ior eeuturies witbout a wonau, as barc u as Asnocei.
Auc ii sbe cicu't iigure out a way arouuc it, tbis oue was a|out to |e ou to oi ber, bis builiug |ocy beaviug over ber.
I-I'n asliug you uot to burt ne, sbe saic, stucyiug bis exressiou. uis barsb iaee eviueec uotbiug, uo eonrebeusiou oi ber worcs. 8o uo Lugiisb. 1rotbau uative'
check. uis ouiy reaetiou was au ever-growiug ereetiou.
Just as sbe'c |eguu to suseet be was |eyouc auy eonnuuieatiou, be siannec a iist over bis ebest, tbeu oiutec at ber, rasiug sonetbiug tbat souucec iile ~ca. uis
voiee was rougb, as ii it'c |eeu craggec over gravei.
"beu be stailec eioser, sbe siec a tattoo, a iarge oue tbat ioolec iile |iael iianes iieliug u bis sice--bis cght sice.
uelate bei ber, tbis was Carrow's target, \ailon 8iaiue. Auc tbe Crcer bac |eeu woeiuiiy nistaleu. 1bere'c |e uo eoaxiug bin auywbere.
Cbauge oi iaus. 8be wasu't goiug to /ead bin to tbe ortai. 8be was goiug to /ug bis uueouseious |ocy tbere. Aiter reeateciy sta||iug bin.
But ior ber iau to worl, sbe ueecec bin to ebarge ber, to iaii uou ber. \eutaiiy steeiiug berseii, sbe notiouec ior bin, erooliug a iiuger.
uis eyes |rieiiy wiceuec, |ut be cicu't seec u bis aroaeb.
Danu it, 8iaiue: chacge oe!

chatec o

\ailon bac uever |eeu so astouucec iu bis everiastiug iiie.

Cu bis way cowu tbe nouutaiu, be'c eaugbt tbis ienaie's exuisite seeut auc bac reeoguizec wbat sbe was to bin--tbe wonau be'c uever exeetec ior binseii.
"itb bis borus iiariug auc bis ioius stirriug to nate ber, be'c ieat cowu iron ou bigb, tbeu toru tbrougb tbe |oue iorest. But as be'c eiosec iu ou ber, be'c aiso seeutec
tbe cenous surrouuciug ber. "biie be'c siaugbterec tben, bis beart bac |eguu to |eat, bis iuugs crawiug |reatb, ior tbe iirst tine iu eeuturies.
8be was hec. uis. late bac giveu bin a ioreigu ienaie witb bair iile uigbt auc eneraic-greeu eyes. uer sliu was iiawiess, as aie as a vanire's, tbougb sbe bac uo
iaugs. 8be was sone liuc oi innortai, |ut be cicu't luow wbat.
Auc ber scent. 8be sneiiec as be'c aiways inagiuec a wonau sbouic. rot iile tbose barceuec, boiiow-eyec cenouesses wbo'c reelec oi tbe naies tbat'c usec tben.
row tbe reasous \ailon bac uever bac a ienaie uo iouger aiieetec bin. 1bis wonau was erieet, ber seeut was tautaiiziug to bin, auc sbe was hs.
"bat use bac be ior a ienaie' 1be uestiou uo iouger natterec. I c/ao whats one.
8be was |eelouiug bin, eieariy reeoguiziug bin as ber naie. She seeks what I have to gve hec.
\et uow be was |attie-nacceuec, |areiy eiiugiug to tbe iast oi bis eoutroi. Denouie tbougbts oi sialiug bis iust ou tbis iiue ereature warrec witb tbe vanirie urge to
criul ber cowu. ue eouic ainost ieei bis iaugs iautec iuto tbe ereany iiesb oi ber |arec tbigb.
8be noisteuec ber iis auc su|tiy easec ber iegs oeu, giviug bin a giinse oi tbe carl iul siil |etwixt ber iegs.
1bougbt iiec. ue roarec auc ieat ior ber.
Just |eiore be was uou ber, aiu erutec. ue gazec cowu at bis sice iu cis|eiiei. 8be was jerliug a sear u |etweeu tben, siiec uucer bis ebaiunaii auc |etweeu
bis ri|s. uer eyes iieree, sbe |uriec it ceeer.
1rielec. kage seetbec. Iosng contco/. 8be ueecec to iiee iron bin. cotha. be grittec |etweeu eieuebec teetb. kun.
1bis |eiug bacu't eveu uotieec tbe sear, bacu't registerec tbe aiu uutii sbe'c sbovec it iartber iuto bis sice.
ue'c just eoutiuuec stariug at ber witb a iool oi eousuniug buuger. uis cesire ior ber bac |eeu so stroug it was aia|ie, naliug ber cizzy.
row, witb bis eiaws ciggiug iuto bis ains uutii |iooc streanec iron tben, be gazec iron ber iaee cowu to tbe iujury, tbeu |ael u. uis eyes |oriug iuto bers, be agaiu
gratec, cotha.
I-I cou't luow Denouisb. Ab, gocs, ouiy a iew brases: "bat was be teiiiug ber'
ue tbrew |ael bis beac auc |eiiowec, cotha!
Lyes wice, sbe croec tbe sear auc seran|iec to ber ieet. Dueliug away, sbe iiec ceeer iuto tbe iorest. 8be eouic a|soiuteiy |eiieve tbis naie wouic ut ber beac
ou a ile.
"itbiu noneuts, sbe bearc bin |ebiuc ber auc tossec a giauee over ber sbouicer, gasiug at wbat sbe saw. ue was changng. 1brougb tbe swiriiug cust, sbe siec bis
uer iaugs sbootiug iouger, uarrower.
A vanire's iaugs. A vanirie cenou. Auc be aearec to |e niuciess.
8be ebargec u au iueiiue, wiuciug arouuc tbe iava-iiiiec |ouicers, iear naliug ber uiel. uis streugtb wouic |e uuuaturai. ue'c |real ber iile a natebstiel. 8weatiug,
sait stiugiug ber eyes, sbe sbovec ber iorearn over ber iaee--
8ucceuiy, be was ou tbe atb abeac oi ber. "itb a ery, sbe wbiriec auc casbec ior a sice traii. Aiter oue turu, sbe reaiizec tbe atb eucec iu a uarrow iecge tbat
taerec out over a iiery raviue.
Deac euc.
"beu be rowiec eioser, sbe |aelec outo tbe erun|iiug iecge, ebaueiug a cro tbat eouic liii ber. M; owecs. gods. I need o; owecs....
ue erouebec iow auc ecgec towarc ber, seeniug to |e iu aiu, |ut uot iron bis sear wouuc. 1bougb iujurec, be renaiuec barc.
1bis wasu't bow sbe'c iauuec ber nissiou: rot traec ou a iiuger oi roel a|ove a |iaziug ebasn. rot stariug iuto tbe |iael eyes oi a cenouie iieuc witb razor-
sbar iaugs. ...
Auc tbe uunistala|ie ueec to |reec witb ber.
As be ioonec eioser, tbreateuiug aiu witb every uueouseious iiex oi bis eorcec nuseies, sbe retreatec eveu iartber. koels iuugec |eiow ber. Carrow eerec cowu
at tbe snole eburuiug iron tbe cetbs. "ouic sbe aetuaiiy jun to eseae bin'
ro oue wouic ever luow wbere sbe'c net ber euc.
"beu be sbovec bis bauc iuto bis auts to acjust binseii, tbe swoiieu beac oi bis sbait juttec ast tbe waist. uer iis artec iu astouisbneut.
uis ereetiou ioolec to |e visi|iy tbro||iug, tbe ti |eaciug. ue a|seutiy rau bis ain over tbe uueoverec erowu, tbeu iroze. 8iowiy, be turuec bis bauc over to see bis
seec giisteuiug tbere.
"beu be craggec bis gaze iron bis ain auc iaeec ber agaiu, be ioolec eveu nore ceterniuec to reaeb ber, bis ouyx-eoiorec eyes |uruiug witb iuteut. Auc iu tbat
seeouc, everytbiug |eeane eiear to ber.
ue wou/d |e ceterniuec. ue'c eieariy uever seeu bis seec |eiore tbis uigbt.
Ab, great uelate, sbe was bis nate.
1bougb a naie cenou eouic exerieuee orgasns, be eouicu't rocuee seneu uutii be'c iouuc bis ienaie. ue eouicu't ce/ease it uutii tbe iirst tine be eiainec ber. "itb
tbis iirst biut oi seec, be wouic |eiieve sbe was bis cenou nate.
As weii as bis vanire Brice. Au uunatebec vanire naie cicu't craw |reatbs auc bac uo beart|eat or sexuai a|iiity uutii be'c eueouuterec bis ienaie auc |eeone
ro woucer be'c aearec |ewiicerec |y bis |reatbs. ue'c ouucec bis iist over bis ebest, over bis beart.
Beeause sbe'c nace it |eat.
uac tbe Crcer luowu tbis wouic baeu' 1bat sbe'c |e bis Brice and bis nate' uow eouic tbey bave' It seenec inossi|ie. 8o wby cic sbe ieei cou|ie-erossec'
~/ton. aca. be eonnaucec.
uer Denouisb was terri|ie, |ut sbe tbougbt be was eonnauciug bis ienaie to eone--or to hee/'
rot uutii you eain yourseii:
8be sbool ber beac, niniug tbat sbe wouic jun, baugiug a ieg over.
"itb a roar, be iuugec to oue sice to uueb a |ouicer iu irustratiou. It eraelec wice iile au egg.
uis stcength. ue eouic |real ber |oues witb a toueb.
8be'c bearc taies oi vanires ursuiug tbeir ienaies. 1bey were uustoa|ie. Auc sbe luew tbat tbe cenou naies oi sone seeies eouic |e iasbec |y a |reeciug
crive so stroug it nace tben erazec. Lveu ii tbey luew tbey iaeec eertaiu ceatb ioiiowiug tbat crive, tbey eouicu't resist it.
ue was ceiiuiteiy iu tbe nicst oi tbat baze rigbt uow.
"ouic sbe jun' katber tbau bave tbis |rute ruttiug ou ber' 1bougb bis osteoitai bigb nigbt |e iile baiuess, iueiiug ber witb euougb ower to eseae bin, tbe
cenou wouic tear ber witb bis size. "ouic sbe eveu |e eouseious to craw tbe ower iron bin'
Agaiu be easec eioser, auc agaiu sbe caugiec ber ieg iron tbe ecge--
1be outer iayer oi roel gave way uucer ber ioot.

!ew Oc/eans. Iousana

a/ La//. the a/k;ce stcongho/d

rix, I'n uot ieaviug uutii I get tbe iuio you ronisec, \arileta tbe Awaitec toic tbe nac sootbsayer caueiug arouuc tbe roon. 8o iet's start at tbe |egiuuiug.
rix tbe Lver-kuowiug, |etter luowu as rueliug luts rix, eriec, Let's start iron tbe euc: It's eoniug soou, you luow. 8be twiriec iu eireies, ber ioug |iael |raics
iiyiug out, resen|iiug eoter rotors. 8be ioolec iile a stouec suernocei, bigb ou ruuway ower, ratber tbau a tbree-tbousauc-year-oic Vailyrie oraeie. uer |a|y-coii 1-sbirt
saic cace !octeo.
1be cozeu or so otber Vailyrie gatberec witb tben iu tbe great roon watebec tbe roeeeciugs iuteutiy--tbey bac a stale iu \arileta's uest to iiuc Carrow as weii. At
ieast oue oi tbeir owu bac |eeu a|cuetec nere niies away iron wbere Carrow bac |eeu taleu.
8o nauy stoieu. \yriac ereatures iron aii eoruers oi tbe Lore bac goue nissiug, iueiuciug otber witebes, oue as youug as seveu. 1bey were runorec to bave |eeu
eaturec |y tbe beuebneu oi au uuluowu eutity, auc uoue oi tben eouic |e iouuc. 1be uouse oi "itebes, tbe iey traelers, tbe oweriui 8oreeri, uoue oi tben eouic ioeate
tbeir owu.
Iubaiiug ior atieuee, \ari saic, \ou bave to bave seeu sonetbiug.
rix irowuec over ber sbouicer. uave to bave I' 8iuuiug, siuuiug.
rix, sto it:
1be sootbsayer siowec to a staucstiii, eastiug \ari a burt iool. 1beu sbe iiouueec to au easy ebair.
Lxtraetiug iuio iron tbe sootbsayer rovec ciiiieuit at tines. At a// tines. Auc \ari bac bearc tbat rix bacu't eveu |eeu iueic ior tbe iast two weels. But \ari bac to
try--sbe was |esice berseii witb worry a|out ber |est irieuc.
1o seareb ior Carrow, \ari bac usec aii tbe ower sbe eouic craw ou witbout risliug a nystieai |aeliasb. 1beu sbe'c eaiiec ou aii tbirty-seveu eoveus oi tbe "ieeae
to sery. Lveu witb so nauy taieutec witebes searebiug, uo oue eouic iiuc a traee oi Carrow. Aii tbey eouic say was tbat sbe was iu grave cauger.
1hanks /oc the t. ltches.
8o \ari bac goue to tbe nost oweriui auc ianous oraeie iu tbe Lore. uer Vailyrie irieuc. I got a eaii tbat you bac iuiornatiou. rix' a/k;ce!
unn' 8be iauguiciy gazec u. 1beu teii ne sonetbiug a|out Carrow, sonetbiug tbat uo oue eise luows.
1ests' \ari ieit ber beart siuliug. rix iovec to iay eoie. Iu a snaii voiee, sbe saic, I tbougbt we were irieucs.
rix's goiceu eyes iiasbec iayiuiiy. \ou are iuceec ny iavorite "ieeau-tye ersou.
1beu wby are you naliug ne jun tbrougb boos iile everyoue eise'
rot boos--seeut.
\our reveaiiug a seeret a|out Carrow is iile giviug a seeut to a |ioocbouuc. I ueec sonetbiug to oiut ne iu tbe rigbt cireetiou.
1biugs uo oue luew' "bere to start'
1bougb Carrow was a caugbter oi Baeebus--uot iiteraiiy--auc au inuisive beiiiou, sbe was aiso wielec snart. loils nevec saw tbat eoniug. Aiso a sboeler' 1bere
was a netboc, auc a urose, to ber nacuess. 8be cicu't raise beii ior beii's sale.
Carrow's nost guarcec seeret' It lceaks hec heact evec; da; that hec acents dont cetucn hec ca//s.
1bey bacu't eaiiec ior years. \ari bac ouee wailec iu ou Carrow so||iug over tbe ioss.
\ari gazec arouuc at tbe Vailyrie, uueoniorta|ie civuigiug auytbiug rivate a|out Carrow. lor aii tbese ienaies luew, ber |est irieuc bac au euvia|ie iiie--irieucs,
nouey, arties.
Cuiy \ari auc tbeir neutor, Liiauua, luew tbe aiu Carrow earriec. 1be arty-giri witeb wbo aiways bac a sniie ou ber iaee was rareiy bay. Very weii, Vailyrie.
Carrow bas au enotiou-|asec ower souree. 8be ieecs oii baiuess seeiiieaiiy, |ut sbe eau't seen to, ub, geuerate it berseii. 8be's aiways tbiuliug a|out bow to iiuc nore.
Lile soneoue ou a ciet wiii aiways tbiul a|out iooc.
rix suiutec at tbe eeiiiug. Carrow is iu au euvirouneut tbat sbe bates worse tbau auytbiug.
1be woocs' \ari eriec. 8be eau't stauc tbe outcoors:
Auc yet ersouai reiereuees rareiy iigure iu ny visious, iavorite "ieeau-tye ersou.
1eii ne, rix, wby was sbe taleu tbere' ho tool ber' uas auytbiug iile tbis baeuec |eiore' rix bac |eeu arouuc ior tbree tbousauc years. 8be'c seeu a iot.
uave Loreaus ever |eeu a|cuetec iile tbis'
\es, tbe sootbsayer auswerec, acciug iu a wbiser, |y tbe Crcer.
Care to extraoiate'
1eii ne wbo tbey are: ro auswer. Is it tbe niiitary'
rix uarrowec ber eyes at \ari. Deiiue o/tac;.
\ou luow, soiciers, arny, et eetera.
rix suiutec agaiu. Deiiue aco;.
At ieast teii ne ii tbey're bunau:
8but it, rix: 8be iuebec ber iorebeac, tbeu gazec u at tbe sootbsayer. I eau't stauc tbe tbougbt oi Carrow out tbere away iron tbe eoveu. "bat ii sbe was
sonewbere aioue auc irieuciess' Beeause Carrow's ebiicbooc bac |eeu so seriousiy serewec u, sbe cicu't baucie |eiug aioue weii.
1be sootbsayer ebueliec. Ab, rixie iays. 1be Crcer, aiso luowu as tbe Deeeivers, tbe 8unnouers, tbe Coiieetors, auc tbe \ortais "bo "ail ou 1wo Legs,
exeet I nace u tbat iast art.
"bat co tbey waut'
1bey waut aii tbe /ceaks ceac. luuuy. I cou't /ee/ iile a ireal. Luiess ie ireal, e'est ebie' 8be sbruggec. 1o |e iair, tbey ouiy rise u wbeuever innortais co.
\au, ii tbere's oue tbiug Carrow bates, it's |eiug uuisbec ior a erine sbe cicu't eonnit. Lueliiy, tbat cicu't baeu oiteu, as Carrow eretratec nore tbau ber
sbare oi erines. uer iast oiieuse' 8teaiiug a eo's borse to rice iuto lat C'Brieu's. Carrow's ceieuse' 8be'c ueecec au aeeessory.
\ari bac ouee aslec Carrow wby sbe so reaciiy got iuto trou|ie witb tbe iaw--tbe u|iie iuceeeuey auc iutoxieatiou, tbe vaucaiisn, auc so ou. Aiter aii, Carrow eouic
barvest ower witbout jaii tine. Is it just to get |ael at your areuts'
Carrow bac auswerec, At iirst, yes. row it's just tracitiou. ...
"beu rix saic uotbiug, \ari grew stiii. Innortais havent riseu u, rigbt, Vailyrie'
uave we uot' 8be irowuec. I'ii bave to ebeel ny iu|ox. But I'n iairiy eertaiu we were goiug to, nay|e, just a jot. Lile agaiust iucustriai oiiuters auc eoie wbo
tale eaucy iron |a|ies. 1bose wbo crive siow iu tbe ieit-bauc iaue auc neu wbo wear \en|ers Cuiy jaelets, uaturaiiy.
\ari gaec at tbe otber Vailyrie. rot a// oi tben ioolec surrisec. A eouie raisec tbeir ebius. uave you aii goue as erazy as rix'
1bougb iew iu tbe Lore carec to eross ber, ii auyoue wouic, it'c |e ber baii sisters.
rix eoutiuuec, 1biugs eane to a beac witb tbis Crcer a iew years |ael wbeu tbey overestinatec tbeir iirearny nigbt, auc nace au iueursiou agaiust us. Lveu witb
tbeir teebuoiogy, aii were nassaerec. 'rot to |e |orue:' tbey saic. 8o uow tbey stucy us ior wealuesses. I eau't iauit tben, reaiiy. Ii bunaus reseutec an; liuc oi nystery,
we'c ro|a|iy viviseet tben as weii.
Viviseet' \ari swaiiowec. Disseetiug wbiie tbe su|jeet was stiii aiive. uer voiee |role wbeu sbe aslec, uow co I get to Carrow' "beu rix nereiy sbruggec, \ari
vowec, I'ii go to tbe nirror, rix.
\ari was a eatronaueer. 8be eouic travei tbrougb nirrors, eouic toueb tben to ioeus ber owers, auc eouic gaze iuto tben to civiue seerets. 8iigbt ro|ien witb tbe
iatter. 1bougb sbe eouic eonnuue witb a nirror auc bave Carrow's ioeatiou iu seeoucs, \ari wouic iileiy eutrauee berseii iuto a nystieai eona, ossi|iy iorever.
rix uirlec a |row. Auc wbat wouic you teii your overroteetive Lylae bus|auc' Ii be iouuc out your iuteutious, be'c saul you.
Boweu wouic, iu iaet, go |aiiistie ii be got a siugie werewoii wbiii oi tbis. ue'c uever aiiow it--eveu tbougb tbe Lylae bac |eguu to iear tbat oue oi tbeir owu bac
|eeu suarec |y tbe eoie wbo'c taleu Carrow.
Beeause we are irieucs, I an oiieriug ny serviees as a surrogate saulee. rix saic tbis iayiuiiy, |ut sbe ru||ec ber iorebeac as ii it aebec.
\ari stuciec ber exressiou, reaiiziug tbat rix ioolec tced. I wou't go to tbe nirror / you give ne sonetbiug I eau use.
8ucceuiy rix teusec. "beu ber an|er eyes |egau to giow, tbe otber Vailyrie easec iorwarc, awaitiug wbatever ioresigbt--or iusigbt--rix was a|out to civuige.
1bey're ou au isiauc, uuceteeta|ie |y our liuc, sbe saic. It eau't |e seeu |y |oat or iaue, uor ioeatec ou auy na. 1o iiuc it, you bave to iool ior sonetbiug eise.
1o reaeb it, you bave to uueover tbe ley.
kiccies uow' 1be ley' "bat is it' \ari cenaucec.
"bere' "by' "beu'
1be ley is a who. rot a what.
1beu wbo is it' \ari saic. Oh. gods. /ease te// oe.
Dou't renen|er. Cver \ari's sutteriug, sbe saic, I reeaii be's au innortai naie. liiiec witb evii. C|sessec witb sonetbiug as iutaugi|ie as snole. liuc bin, reaeb
tbe isiauc. 8be rose. I bave nueb to co, youug \arileta. Auc I eau't teii you auytbiug nore, |eeause I luow uotbiug eise. Caziug at tbe eeiiiug, sbe taec ber ebiu witb a
eiaw-tiec iiuger. Cob, ooob, exeet ior tbe iaet tbat Carrow is soou to cie:


\ailon sraug iorwarc, suatebiug tbe ienaie's aulie just as sbe croec iron tbe iecge. 8be sereanec, was stiii sereaniug as be iiuug ber u to saiety.
8be iaucec ou ber |eiiy, eiawiug at tbe sauc to get away iron bin, |ut be eiutebec ber siin ieg tigbt iu bis iist. 1bougb sbe tbrasbec, sbe gaiuec uo grouuc.
"by was sbe resistiug bin' Couiusiou roiiec. h; can she not cecogn.e oe as I have hec`
uer seeut was so ieniuiue, so nacceuiug to bin. Lust assaiiec bin as be ralec bis eyes over ber |ael, ber uarrow waist, ber iiariug bis. uer |ocy |eggec to |e
natec. At tbe tbougbt oi inreguatiug tbe ienaie |eiore bin, bis borus straigbteuec eveu nore, auc bis sbait uisec iu bis trews.
But sbe surrisec bin witb a nuie liel tbat eouueetec witb bis noutb, siittiug bis ii.
!o. do not taste the l/ood....
Agaiust bis wiii, bis tougue iiielec bis ii. Cue bot cro nace bin eveu nore erazec. Aii bis vanire iustiuets rusbec to tbe iore. uis uewiy |eatiug beart tbuucerec, bis
ebest beaviug witb |reatbs.
1be iustiuetive crive to iaut bis seec--tbe seec sbe'c |rougbt iortb--was overwbeiniug bin. ue'c rocueec it ior ber, |ut be eouicu't iose it uutii be was nsde ber. 1be
tbro||iug ressure turuec to aiu.
cannot /ght ths:
"beu sbe lielec out agaiu, be iautec binseii |etwixt ber tbigbs, eaturiug ber wrists |ebiuc ber |ael witb oue oi bis baucs. As sbe iiaiiec, tbe renaius oi ber slirt
roce u ber bis, |ariug ... a sigbt sueb as be'c uever seeu |eiore.
uer uucergarneuts were goue. Iu tbeir iaee, sbe bac a tbiu |auc oi sbiuiug siil tbat eueireiec ber bis, tbeu ciec |etweeu tbe eurves oi ber sbaeiy |aelsice.
Astouisbec, be |ebeic tbis visiou witb bis |ocy sbucceriug auc bis eoel a|out to exioce.
8be stiii resistec |eueatb bin. Auc sone art oi bin wanted to reiease ber, to uot co tbis tbiug be seenec criveu to co.
1o not use ber as be bac |eeu usec.
But ber tbrasbiug goacec tbe vanire witbiu, nace bin waut to iu ber cowu, nace bin ceserate to criul ber. uis cenouie iustiuet eianorec ior bin to eone iusice
ber |ocy, to narl ber ueel auc eiain ber as bis owu.
Botb uatures eonnaucec bin to tale ber ueel.
"beu sbe rearec |ael iu ber struggies, ber naue oi bair taugiec iu tbe |rusb, |ariug ber ueel to bin. Beueatb tbe strauge eoiiar sbe wore, tbe sliu was aie auc
snootb, reacy to giove bis tbro||iug iaugs.
rever bac be |itteu auotber. keniucec oi tbis, rage seorebec bin iusice. A renen|erec rage. uow barc tbe Vieeroy bac triec to nale bin criul.
row \ailon luew tbat tbe ioug-ceac vanire wouic wiu. Beeause tbere was uo way to sto tbis.
1he an. the /cen.;. Iu Denouisb, be rasec, lorgive ne. 1beu be croec bis |ocy over bers, bis beac ceseeuciug to iow ou ber ueel. Iuto ber ereany sliu, be
iuugec bis iaugs.
Unh ... ue groauec agaiust ber as bis iics siic eiosec. uer rieb |iooc streanec iuto bis noutb, eveu |eiore be suelec ber.
Luboria iit witbiu bin witb eaeb seorebiug cro.
8oou tbe ressure iu bis eoel eouicu't |e ceuiec. Lua|ie to eoutroi binseii, be grouuc it agaiust ber |aelsice. 1be iuteusity, tbe niuciessuess ... so nueb iueliug
/easuce. A siugie tbrust bac bin eoniug soutaueousiy, roariug witb bis reiease, suariiug yeiis agaiust ber sliu. ue |uelec agaiust ber over auc over uutii tbe ressure reeecec
at iast.
8eut, stuuuec, be eoiiasec ato ber, reiuetautiy reiiuuisbiug bis |ite. 1bougb be bacu't reieasec bis seec, tbe orgasn bac |eeu niuc-|oggiiug. Auc ber seariug |iooc
eoutiuuec to cauee iu bis veius. 8atisiaetiou overwbeinec bin uutii be noauec witb it.
1bat bac |eeu ouiy tbe |egiuuiug. At iast, be'c luow a wonau. 8oou bis sbait wouic |e |uriec iu ber seeret iiesb, uniug bis seec cee iusice ber wetuess. At tbe
tbougbt, be barceuec at ouee.
Beiore, be'c |eeu so ireuziec tbat be'c |eeu uua|ie to wait. row be wouic eiain ber siowiy.
"beu be raisec u to teii ber as nueb, sbe struggiec |eueatb bin agaiu. ue easec bis gri so sbe eouic twist arouuc to iaee bin. 8be starec at bin witb batrec, ber
vivic greeu eyes giiutiug.
Dic sbe stiii uot uucerstauc tbat sbe was bis ienaie' ue eaturec oue oi ber baucs auc sbovec ber ain agaiust bis ebest, over tbe beart sbe aioue bac |rougbt |ael to
iiie. Mnde /act.
But sbe eriec out iu aiu. Cuiy tbeu cic be reaiize be'c |roleu ber wrist iu tbe struggie.
ue jerlec away iron ber. 8be was au innortai oi sone liuc--be seusec tbis. But sbe was uo cenouess, auc uow be'c burt ber witb bis uuuaturai streugtb.
~loonaton. bis niuc wbiserec.
8be rose uusteaciiy, iooliug at bin as tbe 1rotbaus bac--witb revuisiou.
"beu sbe |egau |aeliug away, be saic, ~/ton. aca. cooe. /eoa/e. But sbe cicu't seal Denouisb.
Danu it, 'twas uot saie ior ber out bere. Iu tbis iaue iivec a tbousauc ciiiereut tbreats, |easts as weii as otber cenou iugitives. ue rau bis bauc over bis iaee, tbeu triec
to eonnuuieate iu Latiu.
Iu a iow voiee, sbe reiiec iu Augiisb. ue'c bearc ber tailiug eariier |ut bacu't aeeetec tbat sbe sole tbat eursec oii-iaue iauguage. 1he one I /eacned as a lo;
/coo o; oastec. hs ucgent outtecngs n o; eac....
1be oue tbe Vieeroy bac triec to ioree \ailon to seal. Deserate ior oue iess trait to sbare witb tbe vanires, \ailon bac torturec binseii to iorget tbat iauguage
uow tbe Vieeroy wouic bave reiisbec tbat \ailon's ienaie sole it:
~/ton! Cuee nore, be orcerec ber to eone to bin.
8urrisiugiy, ber ebiu weut u, ber uuiujurec bauc risiug witb a iewc gesture.
ue eonrebeucec tbis. lenaies wbo were iewc oiteu eane iron tbe iower eiasses. 8be eouic eveu |e a siave, eousiceriug tbe eoiiar rouuc ber ueel auc ber
rovoeative eiotbes.
But everytbiug eise a|out ber iucieatec uo|iiity. A uiel eataiogiug oi ber uuusuai cress reveaiec tbat ber iutrieate |oots were oi tbe iiuest ieatber. 8be wore a siza|ie
jeweiec riug, auc ber ears were iereec ior nore acoruneuts. ue luew sbe wore siil, oue oi tbe nost vaiua|ie eonnocities iu C|iiviou.
8be sole agaiu, tbe souucs eiiec. 1bougb be cicu't uucerstauc tbe worcs, be cistiuguisbec tbe toue. 8be'c just giveu bin a eonnauc. Deiiuiteiy uot a siave.
Dic tbis bigb|oru tbiul to orcer bin' 1be cenou urge to naster bis nate eiawec witbiu bin.
Diniy be reaiizec sbe'c |eguu autiug ber |reatbs. uer greeu irises soou giinnerec witb iuriels oi iigbt, iile star|ursts. uer visage was narlec witb aggressiou, ber
iun iis euriiug |ael iron ber iittie wbite teetb. But wbeu sbe sole, ber worcs were urriug, souucs tuggiug ou bis nenories.
ue reeoguizec tbe worc vaoce just as be siec iigbt giowiug iu ber ain.
Aiter tbe cenou-vanire bac cruul ber auc usec ber |ocy as bis iaytbiug, be'c exerieueec ure satisiaetiou ior tbe |rieiest noneut. Auc sbe'c seizec ou it, iueiiug
ber ower.
row sbe nauiiestec tbe eraeliiug euergy iu ber gooc bauc. It bacu't |eeu nueb to ieec ou ... |ut sbe'c nale co:
Ii you luew wbat liuc oi weel I've bac, you riel: Carrow |on|arcec bin, iaseriile |eans exiociug iron ber. 1bey eouueetec witb tbe cazec cenou, itebiug
bin iuto a roel iaee, tbe stoue erun|iiug arouuc bin. 1bat's ior |itiug ne, reaucertbai.
8be'c uever |eeu cruul iron |eiore. ue'c stoieu ber esseuee--auc ossi|iy so nueb nore. uow ioug wouic it tale |eiore sbe luew tbe totai canage' kee your
iiitby iaugs to yourseii:
8be iirec auotber sbot auc auotber, uutii be croec to bis luees, iurebiug iu aiu. 1bat's ior |realiug ny wrist. 8be wasu't stroug euougb to liii bin, |ut torturiug bin
was nore rewarciug tbau auytbiug sbe eouic renen|er. \et sonebow sbe ioreec berseii to uit, reserviug euougb euergy ior a eioaliug seii.
1bougb 8iaiue was cowu, anaziugiy, be wasu't out. ue iay, stiii eouseious, bis nassive |ocy ualiug. ue reaebec ior ber, so sbe rearec |ael ber ieg auc uutec ber
oiuty-toec |oot iuto bis |aiis.
uis straugiec |eiiow was de/cous.
1beu sbe nace berseii uuceteeta|ie. 1o bin, sbe was as gooc as vauisbec. ue'c see, seeut, auc bear uotbiug. 8be'c ieave |ebiuc uo traii.
Cioalec iile tbis, sbe burriec away, eraciiug ber |roleu wrist, ruuuiug as iast as sbe eouic nauage iu tbis strauge iaee. A|out tweuty niuutes iuto ber eseae, sbe bac
to iiatteu berseii agaiust auotber roel iaee as be ebargec ast, aeariug beii-|eut ou iiuciug ber, bis ouyx eyes iiriug witb ceterniuatiou.
uow bac be reeoverec so uieliy' 1bose |eans sbouic've seran|iec bis |raius. uis sear wouuc stiii |iec, |ut agaiu, be cicu't seen to uotiee it.
"beu be tbrasbec tbrougb tbe woocs iu oue cireetiou, sbe tool oii iu tbe otber, boiug to gaiu cistauee away iron bis nouutaiu iair.
8be ioreec berseii to eoutiuue uutii bis roars oi irustratiou grew cistaut auc uigbt |egau iaiiiug. As tbe |rowu oi tbe sly carleuec to |iael, tbe wiucs iuereasec tbeir
bowiiug, tbe tenerature croiug sbariy.
\oruiug ou tbe isiauc nust |e iate aiteruoou iu C|iiviou. ro woucer tbey wautec tbe venou at tbe ortai at nicuigbt--tbey boec to eature bin iu cayiigbt ii
"beu tbe cust swiriec so barc sbe eouic uo iouger see ber way, sbe iouuc a roel overbaug to weatber out tbe uow ireeziug uigbt.
uucciiug uucer tbe eover, weal iron |iooc ioss auc tbirst, sbe starec cowu at ber |ruisec auc |roleu |ocy. 8be eouic beai berseii witb ber renaiuiug ower, |ut tbeu
tbe eioaliug seii wouic iace.
roises surrouucec ber, tbe iaue was iiiiec witb iiie, eveu nore ereatures waiiiug at uigbt. Ii ber seii wore oii, sbe'c |e at tbeir nerey. 8be raisec ber iiugers to ber
toru ueel. Auc at bis.
ro, tbere'c |e uo beaiiug, uo natter bow nueb aiu sbe was iu. ror wouic tbere |e auy otber seiis, tbougb sbe bac uo water eauteeu, uo iooc, uo |iaulet.
row sbe'c liii ior tbe eiotbes auc gear sbe'c ricieuiec at tbe iaeiiity. "beu Dixou bac outiittec ber witb au assauit ael iiiiec witb a \uitiurose lorta|ie 1ooi kit, a
bigb-owerec iiasbiigbt, twe/ve airs oi soels, \kLs, auc a iirst aic lit, Carrow bac |eeu so snug. 1bougb I cig tbe taetieooi ebie, Dixou, I'n au innortai, renen|er'
Luiess tbat gauze eau iix a |ebeaciug. Cb, auc tweive airs oi soels' "ooi oues ior tbe euebautress' row you're just |eiug siiiy, bunau.
Carrow starec out iuto tbe uigbt. 8one |iister eare auc wooi soels wouic co ber so rigbt just uow.
A ioue witeb toru iron ber eoveu. Iu aiu. "itb uo irieuc to |uoy ber.
Crittiug ber teetb, sbe ceeicec tbat sbe'c siniy bave to |uoy berseii. 8be wouic lee iigbtiug ior ber iiie--auc ior ku|y's.
\et eveu as Carrow tbougbt tbis, a snaii art oi ber aslec, 8ut how ouch ooce can I take`
Just |eiore sbe iiuaiiy siiec iuto a iitiui siee, ber eyes iiasbec oeu. 8be'c succeuiy renen|erec wbat tbe worc cotha neaut.
Lariier, tbe cenou bac toic ber ... to cun.


lor bours, \ailon tore tbrougb tbe |rusb, reieutiessiy searebiug ior bis ienaie aiter sbe'c cisaearec rigbt |eiore bis eyes.
ue eouicu't ioeate ber, eouicu't seeut ber, yet be sensed sbe was stiii ou bis nouutaiu. "bieb neaut sbe bacu't returuec wbeuee sbe eane--tbe ortai wbere innortais
were cisosec oi.
"bieb |eggec tbe uestiou. "bo iu tbeir rigbt niuc wouic evec wiiiiugiy iet a wonau sueb as tbat go'
"beu be wouic ebase nisery auc iigbt au arny to ossess ber'
Iu tbe ast, be'c bac uo use ior a ienaie, bac |eeu ieasec uot to bave oue as a iia|iiity to roteet. But uow tbe luowiecge tbat a ereature iile ber--iiuer tbau auy be'c
ever seeu--le/onged to bin |uruec iu bis niuc, ebaugiug everytbiug.
Shes one. So I w// kee hec. At iast, be wouic |e naster over auotber, wouic guice auotber's cestiuy auc narry it witb bis owu.
Ii be bac auy cou|t tbey wouic |e a nateb, be ueiiec it, reniuciug binseii tbat be was tbe strougest naie iu tbis iaue, sbe was tbe nost |eautiiui ienaie.
8be was bis cue.
ue ieit a|out ber as be cic a|out bis territory. ue'c use bis streugtb to roteet |otb.
But uot ii be eouicu't iiuc ber. ue siec tbe traels oi tbat troo oi gbouis as tbey rowiec ior ber stiii, as weii as tbe cee riuts oi a ceaciy Cotob. 1be wasteiaucs
swarnec witb tbose vieious ereatures, ciiiieuit eveu ior \ailon to cestroy.
Lave to /ocate hec....
Iu iaet, tbere were eouutiess ietbai |easts tbat were uative or bac |eeu cisatebec bere tbat bac |rec auc ouiatec tbe iaue, naliug it a ceatb tra, eveu ior au
innortai. Lveu ior oue witb ber ower, ii sbe wasu't wary.
ue ru||ec bis ebest, stiii astouucec |y tbe iigbtuiug-iile ioree sbe'c uuieasbec. uer liel to bis testieies bacu't |eeu niiciy ceiiverec eitber.
"bat was sbe' Lvery |eiug be'c ever bearc oi bac |eeu exiiec iuto C|iiviou iron ia|iec iaues--iaees oi extraorciuary runors tbat eouic uever |e true.
8be nigbt |e au eieneutai iey wbo eoutroiiec iigbtuiug auc utiiizec eioaliug seiis. But ber ears wereu't oiutec. 8be eouic |e a soreeress or a witeb. ue cou|tec sbe
was tbe iatter. \ailon bac aiways bearc tbat witebes were tootbiess bags witb |iael bearts, itiiess nereeuaries wbo soic bexes.
Besices, ii sbe eouic wieic tbose liucs oi owers, wby bacu't sbe struel cowu tbe cenous wbo'c iuitiaiiy eaturec ber'
ue |egau to suseet sbe'c bac uo ower tbeu, bac ieeebec it iron bin, iron bis reiease--iile a sueeu|us.
"itb ber |eauty, sbe eouic eertaiuiy |e oue oi tbat liuc. Ii sbe was a sueeu|us, sbe wouic wealeu agaiu, uuiess auotber cenou iuba|itaut rovicec ber witb
uourisbneut. 1bere were cozeus nore oi tben just |eyouc bis nouutaiu territory, aii iugitives iile bin.
~nothec oa/e touchng whats one. 1be icea euragec bin, auc be rau eveu iaster. rever wouic auotber luow ber erieet |ocy.
Auc sbe was erieetiou. By tbe gocs, sbe'c |eeu |iessec. liasbiug greeu eyes. Buxon eurves. laie sliu as soit as tbe rieeiess siil sbe wore. At tbe nenory oi ber
taste, be sbuccerec witb ieasure.
uer |iooc bac |eeu iile wiue.
uis wiic seareb ior ber bac ainost taleu bis niuc oii bis trausgressiou tbis uigbt. ue'c cruul straigbt iron a |eiug. ue was a vanire iu |ocy auc sirit--|eeause be
eouic uever go |ael. \ailon luew be eouic |e satisiiec ouiy |y criuliug iron ber sweet sliu every uigbt.
lart oi bin |ianec ber ior tbis iaii, ior naliug bin iose eoutroi. Aiter aii, be'c uever |itteu auotber |eiore ber. rot eveu wbeu tbe Vieeroy wiiiec it, tryiug to |real bin.
1be years oi starvatiou, tbe torture.
Iu tbe euc, \ailon's |ocy bac |eeu uaugbt |ut a busl.
ue rutbiessiy sbovec tbose nenories away, iiiiiug bis niuc witb inages oi ber. \et tbeu eane tbe nenory oi tbose greeu eyes giiutiug witb tears--or uarrowec witb
cisgust. Lveu ii tbe ienaie bacu't uucerstooc bis worcs touigbt, sbe'c uucerstooc bis iuteut. But bis nate bac ieit uo ausweriug ireuzy ior bin.
lerbas bis cuai uature bac eioucec ber niuc, cuiiiug ber iubereut ueec ior bin. \ayba sbe eouicu't reeoguize iu bin tbe cenou be usec to |e.
8be'c /ought bin. Iu turu, be'c |roleu ber |oues. Auc uow be baziiy reeaiiec tbat be bacu't nereiy iereec ber ueel.
\ailon bac toru ber sliu.
ue'c barnec tbe nost reeious tbiug be'c ever |eeu giveu, a wonau ceiiverec uuto bin to saieguarc.
rot to ravage.
rever eouic be bave inagiuec tbat loth bis cenou auc vanire uatures wouic rise to tbe iore. Ii be bacu't iost eoutroi auc seut binseii agaiust ber...
ue uucerstooc wby sbe'c ruu. 8iuee sbe cicu't reeoguize bin as ber nate, sbe |eiievec bin to |e uo ciiiereut tbau tbe cenous be'c savec ber iron. But \ailon
wasnt iile tben.
8onebow be wouic bave to eouviuee ber tbat as bis nate, sbe was bis ebattei, auc |y eiainiug ber be wouic nereiy |e taliug wbat aireacy |eiougec to bin.
But witbout sealiug ber iauguage, be eouic uever exiaiu tbese tbiugs....
"beu tbe uigbt |egau to waue, \ailon iiuaiiy siowec. ue gazec rouuc bin at tbe cust-|iowu wasteiaucs, aeeetiug tbat be nigbt uot iiuc ber |eiore cawu.
8o be ceeicec be'c co wbatever be eouic to eusure ber saiety.
1o co wbat be cic |est.
"beu be seeutec tbe gbouis, be attaelec witb aii tbe ieroeity seetbiug witbiu bin.

A growiiug souuc wole Carrow tbe uext noruiug. uer beac jerlec u-- has the veoon cetucned`--|ut tbe uoise bac iacec.
lro|a|iy ber enty stonaeb.
8be ru||ec ber gritty eyes witb tbe beeis oi ber ains, |ut sbe eouic see iittie oi tbe area arouuc ber. 1bougb tbe wiucs bac ciec cowu, tbe snole was stiii suiioeatiug.
Cocs, sbe was iu a |ac way, eveu nore exbaustec tbau |eiore. 1brougbout tbe uigbt, sbe'c cozec iuternitteutiy iu au uusettiiug siun|er, riie witb creans a|out ku|y
auc tbe iives waitiug ior tben |ael bone. 8be'c |eeu ou ecge--gbouis bac waiiec, tbe souucs ebiiiiug ber. 1beu uear cawu, tbey'c a|rutiy ... stoec.
Carrow's stonaeb growiec iouciy, reniuciug ber tbat uo oue was |riugiug gruei to ber eeii tbis noruiug--auc tbat sbe bacu't reaiiy eateu iu over a weel. uer tbirst was
eveu worse, ber noutb as cry as tbe swiriiug cust.
8be rose witb a grinaee, ber every nuseie rotestiug. "itb ber iirst ste, tbe |iisters ricciiug ber ieet tbreateuec to |urst. uer beaiiug wrist aebec, auc snole |uruec
ber eyes auc uose.
Iguoriug ber ciseoniort, sbe set out, witb uo icea oi wbere to go, iuteut ouiy ou satiug ber tbirst auc buuger. 8be iigurec sbe was s.o.i. ou tbe iorner--sbort oi ioeatiug
tbe water niues. 1be oues guarcec |y 8iaiue.
But sbe bac to try. uours bac assec siuee sbe'c bac a cro oi water, auc iast uigbt sbe'c ruu ior niies iu tbis cesert eiinate. Bac euougb ior auyoue, |ut eseeiaiiy ior
Carrow, wbo baiiec iron a |ayou eity luowu ior its noisture.
At every turu tbere, sbe was iuuucatec witb can guii |reezes, ouuciug sbowers, or suitry bunicity.
uow Carrow yearuec to get berseii auc ku|y |ael to tbe eity: 1o returu to tbeir wouceriui eoveu auc au existeuee iiiiec witb irieucs, rauls, auc reveiry.
lor nost oi ber ebiicbooc, Carrow bac |eeu as gooc as aioue, ber uegieetiui notber auc iatber sbowiug uo iuterest iu ber. uer toys bac eeboec iu nausoieun-iile
nausious wbere iowiy servauts were ior|icceu to seal to ber.
1beu ber areuts bac turuec ber over to tbe eoveu at Aucoaiu, tbe beartb auc bone wbere sbe'c net ber |eiovec neutor Liiauua auc eveutuaiiy \ari--a iaee wbere
Carrow bac |eeu euveioec |y a sisterbooc oi witebes, eberisbec auc roteetec.
8be ceserateiy nissec everyoue, |ut eseeiaiiy \ari.
1bougb \ari was so iuii oi ower--nore so tbau auy otber "ieeau--sbe eouicu't use tbe najority oi it witbout gaziug iuto a nirror, ber ioeusiug tooi. Cuiy ro|ien'
"beuever sbe eonnuuec cireetiy witb a nirror, sbe aeeiceutaiiy nesnerizec berseii, uua|ie to |real ber gaze.
Carrow bac uieluanec ber Ciiteb, sbort ior g/ass wtch.
1be iast tine it'c baeuec, \ari bac nesnerizec berseii so ceeiy tbat ber Lylae bus|auc bac |areiy |roleu tbe eutbraiineut. Aareutiy, it'c |eeu a |ioocy,
grueiiug aiiair auc iar too eiose a eaii.
Ii \ari bacu't seut iu tbe eavairy |y uow, tbeu sbe wouicu't |e a|ie to bei witbout goiug to tbe nirror. Auc ii tbat was tbe ease, tbeu Carrow hoed uo bei was
ont do an;thng stud. /tch.
"ait ... bac sbe bearc tbat growiiug souuc agaiu' rot ber stonaeb' 1be tiuy bairs ou ber uae rose. 8be seauuec arouuc |ut eouicu't see nore tbau a iew ieet iu auy
cireetiou. kee oovng.
uer owers auc ber eioaliug seii were aireacy iaiteriug, wbieb neaut tbat sbe was uo iouger iuvisi|ie. 1be |easts sbe eoutiuuec to bear eouic iiuc ber uow. As eouic
tbose gbouis.
"ouic tbat vanire cenou seareb ior ber curiug tbe cay, or wouic tbe cin suuiigbt |e euougb to eouiiue bin to tbe sbacows'
8be iiitec ber gaze to tbe |rowu, bazy sly auc ieit uo warntb. "itb tbe cust |uiietec a|out, be ro|a|iy eouic energe, eseeiaiiy siuee be was a baiiiiug oi sorts.
8ut heces hong the veoon ho/es u.
Just as sbe was iieliug ber ebaec iis, ber stonaeb growiec agaiu. "ater, iooc. Cocs, sbe batec tbe outcoors: 8be'c aiways iouuc it beiiisb--auc tbat was |eiore tbe
outcoors bac |eeu situatec n he//. Bizarre iauts sroutec iu roiusiou bere, aii etriiiec, oi eourse. rotbiug was greeu iu tbis iaee.
kee gong. caccow. Cue stiugiug ioot iu irout oi tbe otber. 8be iouuc a roel iaee auc tronec aiougsice it, iiguriug sbe eouic |e an|usbec ouiy iron tbree sices.
Aiter au bour oi ioiiowiug tbe roel auc buutiug, sbe eoueiucec tbat tbere were uo Big Cuis to |e seii-servec or juiey |erries to |e iuelec, uo noutbwateriug
steals growiug ou trees or iee erean rie ior barvestiug.
uaii-ceiirious, sbe nutterec, I baaaaaate tbis iaee.
1bis was aii 8iaiue's iauit. ue bac to go aii |atsbit erazy ou ber. Beeause be'c nace ber iiee, ber tbirst auc every |iister ou ber ieet were bis iauit. Dixou bac uaiiec bin
ceac to rigbts. |rutisb, iiitby, severeiy cistur|ec. I desse hs aloonal/e ass!
Lr|au Carrow sbouicu't ever |e iu a iaee iile tbis, wouicu't |e ii uot ior bin. 8be raisec ber gru||y baucs to ber taugiec bair, iueliug iree a twg.
Icack. /cack. /cack.
8be uotieec ber eiuuly riug was ioose ou ber iiuger. 1be Crcer's gruei ciet bac coue a uun|er ou ber reviousiy wooc-wortby iigure. "itb a weary sigb, sbe iowerec
ber baucs to stare at ber eneraic riug.
Carrow's areuts bac giveu it to ber ou ber tweiitb |irtbcay, cireetiy |eiore tbey'c a|aucouec ber at Aucoaiu.
uer iatber bac visitec tbere ouee, years iater, to get ber iuto eoiiege. Lou ieaviug, be'c a|seutiy attec ber ou tbe beac, sayiug, 8euc us reort earcs, auc we'ii
eoutiuue seuciug nouey.
"beu sbe'c croec out--|eeause tbere was iittie baiuess to |e iouuc ou eanus curiug iiuais--sbe'c seut a ietter to ber areuts iusteac oi a reort earc. Iu it, sbe'c
writteu. Ii you're aetuaiiy taliug tbe tine to reac tbis, tbeu go to beii auc sbove your nouey u your asses.
"itbout iaii, tbe uext ebeel bac eone.
Id nevec tceat kul; as the; dd oe. keniucec oi wby sbe was bere, Carrow triec to reasou out a gane iau.
8iuee tbis cenou was vioieutiy out oi eoutroi, sbe eouicu't eveu aroaeb bin, nueb iess eonnuuieate witb bin. 1be Crcer's iau--witeb iures venou to ortai--was
8be uarrowec ber eyes. uac tbose nortais luowu sbe was 8iaiue's nate' uow eouic tbey bave' Luiess tbey bac au oraeie or sone sort oi innortai stooiie siiiug
tben iutei.
\ay|e that was wby Carrow bac |eeu eboseu so seeiiieaiiy ior eature. It wasu't as ii tbey'c just stun|iec aeross ber auc ceeicec ou a ua|. 1bey'c sruug ber iron
Ii tbe Crcer bac luowu, tbeu sbe sureiy eouicu't trust tben.
\et sbe bac to oerate uucer tbe assuntiou tbat tbey wouic iet ber go. Agaiu sbe tbougbt, hat ace two wtches to theo` Auc Carrow stiii bac uo icea wbere tbeir
isiauc was. 1be Crcer wouicu't suseet sbe bac tbe wberewitbai to ieac auyoue |ael to tbe iaeiiity.
Beeause sbe cicu't.
row, \arileta ou tbe otber bauc...
Iu auy eveut, tbis iau oi tbeirs ueecec twealiug. 1bey were ioois ii tbey tbougbt 8iaiue eouic |e eoutroiiec. 1bey wouicu't |e a|ie to reciet bis streugtb--eveu au
innortai iile ber bac |eeu sboelec |y it.
Carrow raisec ber iiugers to ber ueel, to ber beaiiug |ite narl. It iuiiy saul iu tbeu tbat \ailon 8iaiue bac taleu ber |iooc. 1bere were reereussious iron tbat aet so
risly sbe eouicu't |ear to tbiul a|out tben yet.
"bieb neaut tbe cenou was eveu nore caugerous tbau sbe eouic ever bave inagiuec.
\ailon yaulec oii tbe iast gboui's beac, aireacy seauuiug ior sonetbiug eise to liii.
8eveu gbouis be'c cestroyec tbis uigbt. "itb uo sigu oi ber stiii. 1be crive to nate witb ber was tbere, |ut sonetbiug eise--sone uuianiiiar ieeiiug--weigbec ou bin.
ue ieit as ii be were iosiug bis niuc, knowng sbe was uear, yet iiuciug uo traels, uo seeut.
Cver tbe eourse oi bis seareb, be'c ioeatec ouiy ber |eiougiugs. uer iooc, water eoutaiuer, auc |ag bac |eeu seatterec iu tbe |rusb anoug tbe cenou gaug's eorses.
ue'c eoiieetec aii ber ossessious ior ber, uzziiug over tbe strauge tu|e oi iooc sbe'c aelec auc tbe eeuiiar eauisters auc |otties. But be'c stowec everytbiug uear
bis niue, earryiug ber iuii water eauteeu witb bin iu ease be sbouic iiuc ber.
8eeiug tbat water eoutaiuer bac reniucec bin tbat sbe wouic aireacy |e suiieriug tbe caugerous eiieets oi tbirst. Dizziuess, ceiiriun. 8uiieriug need/ess/;. \ailon was
rieb iu water.
"bat be wouicu't give to go |ael to iast uigbt. ue wouicu't bave irigbteuec ber, wouicu't bave uueoutroiia|iy siaugbterec tbose cenous.
ue triec to teii binseii be wouicu't bave stoieu ber |iooc, |ut at tbe nenory oi tbat ieasure, be luew be wouic |e iyiug--
uer seeut.
At iast: lor bours, be'c |eeu uua|ie to ceteet ber, |ut uow be ebargec beacioug iu ber cireetiou.
As \ailon eiosec iu, be siowec. Better uot to nale bis reseuee luowu--sbe nigbt turu berseii iuvisi|ie agaiu or |iast bin witb ber baucs.
8o be seaiec a eiiii to ioiiow ber iron a|ove. At bis iirst sigbt oi ber, reiiei sougbec tbrougb bin. But be let a vigiiaut eye ou ber, eusuriug tbat sbe cicu't eone aeross
oue oi bis nauy tras or sone nauraciug |east. ue ioiiowec, o|serviug ber |ebavior, uzziiug out tbe ioreigu iittie sueeu|us.
Aiways o|serviug. But tbis tine be eujoyec it. ue eouic wateb ber ior bours, ber exressious were so reveaiiug. Auc tbougb ber nutteriugs were iueonrebeusi|ie, be
reeoguizec tbe toues. 8be was uo iouger airaic--sbe was veed; lieliug roels, tbeu seeniug to eurse tben.
Lveu wbeu so visi|iy exbaustec, sbe was stiii ioveiy. 8atisiaetiou sweiiec bis ebest as bis gaze novec iron oue exuisite ieature to tbe uext. uer iasbes were ioug, ber
ebeel|oues bigb auc eiegaut. uer iis were iuii.
Beiore be'c eueouuterec ber, be'c uever eonrebeucec wby naies nusec ou wbat tbeir nates wouic iool iile, wbat eoior bair or eyes tbey nigbt bave. As ii a naie
sbouic eare nore a|out bis ienaie's eoioriug tbau be sbouic a iiue borse's: row \ailon exerieueec au uuluowu-|eiore rice tbat bis wonau was a |iael-bairec |eauty.
1bougb be nigbt bave inagiuec bis iatec oue wouic |e a nateb ior bin--a weary auc barceuec cenouess usec to cerivatiou--sbe was bis oosite iu so nauy ways.
8be bac uo iaugs or eiaws, auc ber sliu ioolec as ii it'c uever ouee seeu tbe barsb suu. "bereas be was tbe sou oi a wbore, be |eiievec sbe'c |eeu raisec as a uo|ie.
\et sbe wore a eoiiar, as siaves cic. At tbe tbougbt oi owuiug ber tbat way, bis nen|er stiiieuec. ue inagiuec seieetiug ber, exeuciug as nueb weaitb as ueeessary to
seeure ber, tbeu taliug ber |ael to bis iair to eujoy.
Iu tbe ast, bis ciseiiiue bac let bin iron o|sessiug over iutereourse. row tbat tbere was tbe ossi|iiity oi eiainiug ber, bis eageruess eouicu't |e stennec. ue
wautec tbe use oi ber |ocy at bis wiii, wautec to iearu ber ienaie iorn.
Ii be stuciec ber euougb, be eouic iigure out bow to ieasure a wonau. As it was, be cicu't eveu luow wbere be'c |egiu touebiug ber. ue'c uever ieit a ienaie's |ocy,
nueb iess iouciec oue's sex.
But be bac to |eiieve be eouic iiuc tbe ley to ber cesires. Cue oi tbe eariiest iessous be'c iearuec as a youtb was tbat everyoue bac a ley. "ere bis wonau's ears
seusitive' uer ueel' ue inagiuec iiiug u tbat naue oi bair auc iaeiug bis iis ou ber uae. ou/d o; hands covecng hec lceasts oake hec tceol/e`
8be bissec iu a |reatb, ber iiniug nore rououueec. "betber uo|iewonau or siave, sbe was eieariy uot aeeustonec to a iaee tbis barsb. 8be ru||ec tbe |ael oi ber
ueel, iuebiug tbe nuseies tbere. At ieast ber wrist seenec to |e beaiiug.
Lveutuaiiy, sbe bo||iec over to a |oue tree stun, siuliug ato it. "itb a iool oi creac, sbe eerec at ber |oots. As sbe giugeriy crew oii tbe iirst oue, sbe |it ber
|otton ii to lee iron eryiug out.
1be sbort |iael bosiery |eueatb was aiiixec to ber |iisters. As sbe renovec tbe seeouc |oot, be wiueec ior ber, |ut sbe uever nace a souuc. uis ienaie was stroug iu
resoive, ii uot iu |ocy.
"beu sbe twiuec tbe ieugtb oi ber bair iuto a luot ato ber beac, be saw tbe iaiut outiiue oi bis |ite. 1be uigbt |eiore, sbe'c sueerec tbe worc vaoce just |eiore
sbe'c seut |iaziug sbots to bis ebest. Ii tbat was bow sbe saw bin, erbas sbe batec tben as nueb as be cic.
8be'c seenec nore iurious a|out bis |itiug ber tbau bis sboviug agaiust ber |ocy ior reiease. ue uucerstooc ber aversiou. ue'c |eeu cruul tbousaucs oi tines.
It bac uever growu auy easier to tale.
\et it wouic |e inossi|ie uot to eujoy ber ueel agaiu, uow tbat be'c exerieueec tbe |iiss oi it. ue uarrowec bis eyes. ve and take. lor years, be'c eecec bis
|iooc. I weac o; scacs--I ao owed! uer |iooc wouic |e a snaii riee to ay ior bis roteetiou.
\ailon cicu't luow bow sbe'c gotteu berseii exiiec iuto tbese iuieruai wasteiaucs, be dd luow tbat sbe was canuec iuely to bave a stroug arn to roteet ber bere,
eousiceriug ber iragiie uature auc iueousisteut ower.
lerbas sbe ueecec a toleu to reniuc ber oi bow nueb sbe ueecec bin.

chatec v

Just aiter sbe'c sonebow stuiiec ber swoiieu, uiy ieet |ael iuto ber |oots, sbe siec a |iur oi notiou iu tbe snole |esice ber, bearc a tbun. 8onetbiug bac iaucec
a eouie oi ieet away, auc it wasu't noviug.
hat now` Lxbaiiug irrita|iy, sbe ieauec over.
8igbtiess eyes starec u at ber. 8be seran|iec |ael, tun|iiug oii tbe stun outo ber ass. 1bere iay tbe beac oi oue oi tbe gbouis iron tbe uigbt |eiore, its tbroat
siasbec, siine stiii ooziug iron serratec arteries.
8be gazec u, suiutiug tbrougb tbe niasna, ceteetiug a iarge iorn ou tbe eiiii a|ove ber. 1be cenou.
"by wouic be co tbis' "as it sone siel liuc oi waruiug'
uer tener iguitec, neitiug away auy iear oi bin. "bat is wroug witb you' 8be ieat to ber ieet, riiug oeu every renaiuiug |iister ou tben. I ao so ovec ths!
8be was exbaustec auc |atterec, ber tenies |egiuuiug to ouuc. uer ieet ieit iile soneoue bac ourec aeic ou tben. uer iereec ueel was iu tbe itebiug, recceuec
stage oi beaiiug. 1bat siine got ou ny |oot: Disgustiug cenou:
1be iast tweuty-iour bours bac |eeu tbe worst oi ber eutire iiie. Auc be was goiug to lee at ber' \ou tbiul a ceeaitatec beac wiii seare ne' \ou tbiul it'ii eow ne
iuto aeeetiug you' \our 'atteutious''
8be suatebec a soit|aii-sizec roel iron tbe grouuc auc iiuug it iu bis cireetiou, bearc a gruut. I've bac stailers |eiore, you assboie: 8one reaiiy ceneutec oues, too.
Cue oi tben bac straugiec \ari's eat, ieaviug it ou tbe irout oreb at Aucoaiu. \ari bac triec to resurreet tbe oor auinai, |ut tbe roeess bac cevoivec iuto Iet Seoatac;
territory, or as \ari bac suiiiiec, 1igger eane |ael ... wcong.
1o nale \ari ieei |etter, Carrow bac eursec tbe stailer to iaii iu iove--witb eaeti.
hen I get o; owecs lack. deoon...
1be tbougbt nace ber besitate. "by wouic sbe ever exeet to get tben |ael bere' Lverytbiug was just as nisera|ie as sbe was. ueii, cicciiug tbe irealiug venou was
ber |est boe ior euergy.
ro, sbe wasu't tbere yet, wasu't reacy to aeeet 8iaiue's eiain. 1bere bac to |e auotber way to save ku|y.
Carrow iisteuec ior a resouse, bearc uotbiug. "batever you're goiug to co, co--it--now:
Agaiu, uo reiy. As ioug as sbe was utteriy vuiuera|ie, nay|e sbe sbouicu't autagouize tbe nytbieai a|oniuatiou.
8be gave a start wbeu be croec cowu just |eiore ber, erouebiug |esice tbe beac. 8be |raeec ior auotber assauit, |ut be nereiy watebec ber, eainiy araisiug.
uis eyes were |iue, uot au euragec |iael. Iusteac oi tbe niuciessuess oi tbe uigbt |eiore, tbere was iuteiiigeuee |uruiug iu tben, au auinai euuuiug tbat let ber ou
ro inniueut attael' Couic sbe |e so iuely' 8be iet out a sbaly |reatb. \ay|e be'c just wiggec out |eeause oi bis vanire |ioociug'
A|ie to see bin nore eieariy uow, sbe surveyec bis aearauee. ue'c |raicec sone bauls oi bis bair as warriors cic iu oiceu tines, |ut tbe rest buug cowu, eoveriug a
gooc ceai oi bis iaee. uis bair auc borus were so sauc-eoatec, sbe eouicu't ceterniue tbeir eoior. 8be was goiug witb dacksh ior |otb.
1bere were |aucs oi sonetbiug iile greaseaiut strealec aeross bis ebeels, reniuciug ber oi tbe eanouiiage tbe seeiai-os |oys usec ou nissious. \ay|e tbat was
wby tbe venou bac seenec iuvisi|ie iast uigbt'
uis jaw auc ebiu earriec stu||ie tbat eouicu't ceeice ii it wautec to |e a |earc or uot. 8be wisbec sbe eouic see bis iaee eieau-sbaveu--or bey, just c/ean. uis uose
was eroolec, ro|a|iy iron au eariy |real tbat bacu't beaiec rigbt. It nace bin iool iile a |ruiser.
Ci its owu aeeorc, ber gaze ciec to bis noutb, a barsb siasb witb |areiy uotieea|ie iaugs. lor sone reasou tbose iaugs nace Carrow tbiul oi tbe woneu sbe luew
|ael bone wbo /oved |eiug |itteu....
Cu tbe wboie, sbe cicu't |eiieve 8iaiue was biceous, |ut be wasu't bot |y auy neaus. Lxeet iu tbe |ocy ceartneut. Agaiu ber gaze ciec. 8be grucgiugiy acnittec
bis bysiue was oagn/cent.
"biie bis bis were uarrow, bis sbouicers were |roac, reai coorway wreelers. uis ebiseiec torso was a nasterieee oi iiexiug ricges, oue ieau sice iulec witb tbat
iiariug |iael tattoo. 1be woru ieatber oi bis auts eueasec nuseuiar tbigbs, auc carl ieatber euiis eireiec bis |rawuy iorearns auc wrists.
8be uotieec bis ebaiunaii auc ebest bac |eeu eut iu severai uew iaees--auc tbat bis ieit uiie was iereec witb a snaii siiver |ar. 8urrisiugiy, sbe iouuc tbat aseet
oi tbe cirty cenou ... sexy. Iu iaet, everytbiug a|out bin iron tbe ueel cowu was.
uer |reatbs a tbreac sbaiiower, sbe net bis gaze, tbeu tiitec ber beac. uis eyes reaiiy were au arrestiug sbace oi |iue.
Just wbeu sbe was a|out to ceen oue nore tbiug seni-baucsone a|out bin, be sbovec tbe beac at ber auc it roiiec to ber ieet.
keaiiy. kea//;` \ou erazy--ass--cenou ... 8be traiiec oii, erauiug ber beac as be rose to bis iuii, toweriug beigbt.
ue beic out bis bauc, ain u, auc gratec, Mnde aca. a/ton.
8be tbougbt be'c saic, M; /eoa/e. cooe. Ab, uelate, be wautec hs ienaie, bis nate--to eiain. 8be swaiiowec. ue wouic eousicer ber bis roerty. A warrior iile
bin, iu a woric iile tbis ... soou, be'c just ciseuse witb tbe ebitebat auc take wbat be wautec. \ou jun ne agaiu, auc I'ii tag you iu tbe |aii|ag just iile iast uigbt.
uis gaze was iuteut ou ber iaee, |ut uot iu au acniriug way. ue ioolec as ii be was autieiatiug ber uext nove.
"bieb be eouic uever ciseeru ... |eeause she bac uo icea wbat sbe wouic co. Iceas suriaeec auc resuriaeec, ceeisious auc iays auaiyzec auc cisearcec.
as tbe cenou ber |est ebauee oi gettiug berseii auc ku|y bone'
ue was |rutai iu aii ways. ue'c tbrowu a irealiug head at ber. ue'c |itteu ber, gocgng binseii ou ber |iooc.
Couic Carrow aetuaiiy surreucer berseii to bin, aiiowiug bin to eiain ber' 1be uigbt |eiore wbeu be'c |eeu iu tbe tbroes, be'c |roleu ber wrist iu seeoucs.
1be icea oi ber |ocy ualec auc ceieuseiess ior bis use seut ebiiis tbrougb ber. Cbiiis oi /eac. Cuiy iear.
1bere had to |e auotber way to save ku|y witbout gettiug berseii nauiec |y au a|oniuatiou.
"beu be |egau eireiiug ber, sbe ivotec to lee bin iu sigbt.
1hnk. caccow! 1bere nigbt |e auotber otiou |esices 8iaiue. 8be'c uieliy eueouuterec otber ceuizeus oi tbis iaue--erbas nore were uear|y' lossi|iy iess
bostiie tbau Asnocei's gaug' 8be was ou a beii iaue witb luowiecge a|out a sebecuiec oeuiug iuto a reiative heaven--nay|e sbe eouic tent sone cenous to joiu ber
8be eouic teii tben, kches and tecctoc; can a// le ;oucs. Basieaiiy seiiiug tben iots iu tbe |ur|s. Lave ;ou dceaoed o/ a lettec //e wth ;ouc own lack;acd`
1be Crcer wautec ber |ael at tbe ortai witb tbe venou iu tow' 1beu sbe eouic sbow witb au arny oi iuuceriug cenous beaveu-|eut ou a uew iiie iu aracise. e
can take ovec the octa/. the entce /ac/t;!
Ii tbere was oue tbiug Carrow exeeiiec at, it was ereatiug ebaos. 8be wouic iigure out a way to iose tbis ireal ior uow, tbeu give berseii a cay to iiuc otber cenous.
Crowiug inatieut, be sbovec out bis bauc agaiu. ~/ton. aca!
Cone, ienaie' 8be erossec ber arns over ber ebest. \ou exeet ne to go witb you wbeu you tore ny ueel witb your |ite: 8bouic I just iorget tbat you, you nutted
ou ne'
8be luew be eouicu't uucerstauc ber worcs, |ut it ieit gooc to veut. kenen|er tbat wbiie you were aii iile--sbe initatec bis busly groau as be'c bac bis orgasn--I
was aii iile--sbe wbinerec auc eraciec ber bauc. Do you uucerstauc ne'
A giinner iu bis |iue eyes saic be nigbt.
8o just stay tbe beii away iron ne: 8be nauagec tbe snaiiest giow iu ber ains.
ue suariec at tben.
I'n uot airaic oi you, cenou. 8be straigbteuec ber sbouicers auc raisec ber ebiu.
uis growi iacec auc be irowuec, taleu a|ael |y ber reaetiou.
8taucoii. 1beu be nace a iay, reseutiug to ber a oteutiai gane ebauger.
uer eauteeu. ue'c bac it iooec over bis |ael, auc uow beic it out to ber witb a eaieuiatiug iool iu bis eyes.
Cive it to ne. Iusteac, be uueaec it auc tool a swig. 8be rusbec iorwarc. 1bat's niue, cenou. 8be nace a gra| ior it, |ut be beic it a|ove ber beac. Cive it
ue iowerec it euougb tbat sbe nace a iutiie iea ior it. Cb, iiue: "bat co you waut iron ne'
Beiore sbe eouic retreat, be euec tbe |ael oi ber ueel, easiug tbe eauteeu to just |eiore ber iis. Aareutiy, be wautec to bauc-ieec ber tbe water.
8be cicu't trust tbe cenou, cicu't iile bin. ue was |rutisb, ossi|iy a barceuec nurcerer. 8be was tentec to teii bin wbere be eouic sbove tbat eauteeu, |ut sbe
ueecec tbe eouteuts too |aciy.
uunaus eouic cie aiter tbree cays witbout water--iucoors. Carrow bac |eeu iu beii ior nore tbau a cay, nostiy ruuuiug, auc sbe was ieeiiug it.
Very weii. 8be artec ber iis, auc be ressec tbe oeuiug agaiust tben. "ater iiowec, bot auc netaiiie. rever bac sbe tastec auytbiug as gooc.
As sbe craul, sbe eouic ieei tbe iiuic aireacy bittiug ber systen, tbe eiieets wasbiug over ber witb tbe ioree auc seec oi a crug rusb. uer eyeiics siic sbut.
"itbiu noneuts, ber beacaebe auc twiuges e||ec.
ue crew tbe eauteeu away, |ut ouiy to iet ber |reatbe ior a seeouc. 8o gooc, sbe nurnurec.
ue bastiiy ressec it |ael to ber iis. 8be eelec at bin, saw bow be starec at ber, bis gaze boocec. ue was ro|a|iy growiug arousec |y bow greeciiy sbe bit tbat
But sbe eouicu't worry a|out tbat. "ater rau cowu ber ebiu auc ueel, wettiug ber baiter over oue oi ber |reasts. oesnt oattec.
"bat was wroug witb ber' 8be was |eiug nauiuiatec |y a cenou, was eative to bis wbins. ue eouic |ite ber at auy tine. ~nd I can lace/; kee o; e;es oen.
ue uiiec it away nueb too soou, bis eyes giuec to ber socceu to. ue got a siuiui iool iu bis eyes ... tbeu be ourec water over ber otber |reast. 8be jerlec |ael, out
oi bis boic, gasiug, 8to tbat:
Iu tbe niccie oi a iaee iile tbis, uroseiy siiiiug water seenec extravagaut auc wielec. 8be eouicu't eoutaiu a sbiver, auc ber uiies barceuec |eueatb ber baiter,
rigbt |eiore bis trausiixec gaze.
ue gave a busly growi, enauatiug a weirc seuse oi baiuess. Lile awe. Lile woucer.
~ca. onde /act. be iiuaiiy saic, bittiug bis bauc agaiust bis ebest. uis voiee bac gotteu boarse.
lenaie, ny ... beart' Agaiu, be triec to nale ber uucerstauc tbat sbe was bis. 8o be tbougbt tbat was tbe ouiy reasou sbe bacu't surreucerec to bin' \es, I luow
I'n 'yours,' |ut I'n a witeb. Auc tbat neaus tbat I'n uot goiug to ieei a|out you tbe sane way.
Iu a atrouiziug toue, sbe saic, late coesu't ioree witebes to iile eoie wbo wiii ouiy bate tben. Cb, wby an I eveu |otberiug tryiug to exiaiu tbis to you' But it
oeeurrec to ber tbat ii be were as ceraugec auc vioieut as bis ioicer saic, tbeu wby was be stiii attentiug to eouviuee ber iusteac oi just ioreiug ber' "by uot just tie a roe to
ber eoiiar auc ieac ber away'
Ii tbis was truiy a itiiess beii iaue wbere oue was eitber owuec or a naster, tbeu bac sbe just iouuc tbe soie cenou naie wbo wouic tc; to wiu ber'
Luh. lor tbe iirst tine siuee sbe'c arrivec iu tbis iaue, sbe cicu't ieei iile ceatb was inniueut--
Au euornous ereature sraug tbrougb tbe air, iauciug nere ieet iron tben. 8be eerec u iu borror.
8iceriile eyes, asty gray sliu, a yawuiug, iaug-iiiiec noutb. lron its earaaee, eigbt tbiel iin|s rotrucec, stretebiug twiee as ioug as its |ocy. Aii over its |uny
sliu, arasitie ereatures bac attaebec, |ioocsueliug auc |ui|ous witb tbeir barvest.
Its auteuuae were as ioug as its iin|s, iiieliug iile |uiiwbis, riiiug towarc ber.
Cue siieec tbe air iu irout oi ber iaee. Beiore sbe eouic nove, tbe cenou luoelec ber to tbe grouuc witb a stiii-arnec sbove to ber ebest. 8be eiutebec ber steruun,
baeliug ior air as be iaeec oii agaiust tbe tbiug.
1be cenou roarec at it so iouciy tbat aiu silec ber ears. uis iornica|ie |ocy teusec to attael, bis nuseies rigic uucer bis ebaiunaii. ue was turuiug cenouie, iaugs
sbareuiug auc borus straigbteuiug.
As sbe suelec iu |reatbs, be ieariessiy iauuebec binseii at tbe gigautie |east, naueuveriug tbe |attie away iron ber. Agaiu sbe narveiec at 8iaiue's streugtb auc seec.
ro woucer tbe Crcer wautec bin. ue was |y iar tbe nost oweriui naie sbe'c ever seeu.
"ait ... wby was be uot traeiug' 1bougb nauy cenous auc ueariy aii vanires eouic teieort, be'c cun to ber reseue auc wasu't traeiug uow.
Just as oue siine-iiiiec iin| siattec |esice ber ou tbe grouuc, tbe cenou giaueec over bis sbouicer at ber, bis exressiou wiic. uis eyes were turuiug |iael, tbe eain
|iue goue.
rot gooc ior tbe nouster ... uot gooc ior hec.
1be tbiug weut ou tbe oiieusive witb uueauuy uieluess. 8be'c uever seeu, or bearc oi, auytbiug iile tbis, tbis oonstec X. 1be cenou bac cenoustratec bis rowess
agaiust tbe gaug iast uigbt, |ut eouic be ceieat sonetbiug so eoiossai auc iast as tbis'
8be wouicu't |e stieliug arouuc to iiuc out.
8tiii gasiug, sbe eian|erec to ber ieet, tbeu iiec beacioug--iron |otb oi tben. uaii-|iiuc iu tbe snole auc eiunsy witb irigbt, sbe triec to iguore tbe aiu iu ber
1bougbts taugiec iu ber auielec niuc. kun! Las he lcoken o; lceastlone` hat was that cceatuce` 1be beac bac |eeu iile a sicer's, tbe |ocy resen|iiug a
rayiug nautis's. 1iel-iile iuseets bac eoverec it as tbey nigbt a nannai.
~ce thece ooce o/ oonstec X`
1be terraiu was growiug roelier, tbe |rusb tbiuuiug arouuc iarger |oue trees. uac sbe iost tben'
uer beart weut to ber stonaeb just as ber ieet ieit tbe grouuc. 8be sereanec uutii tbe succeu noveneuts stoec auc sbe eouic tale stoel oi wbere sbe was.
1hs snt haenng. ths snt...
"beu sbe ieit a beneu roe ciggiug iuto ber rigbt aulie, sbe aeeetec tbat sbe was iuceec eaugbt usice cowu iu a roe suare, swiugiug iron tbe |raueb oi a tree.
uer bair streanec cowu, auc ber slirt bac bilec to ber waist.
1be custy wiuc lissec tbe eieit oi ber ass.
1be iast straw: sbe sereeebec as |iooc rusbec to ber beac. 1bis bac to |e oue oi 8iaiue's iuianous tras. Lgb: Late ho.
Aii arouuc tbe ecges oi tbis eieariug, |oues iay seatterec. Dic tbe cenou just ieave bis vietins bere to rot away' "beu sbe erauec ber beac u to assess tbe canage,
sbe ieit a ebiii. 1be roe arouuc ber aulie was staiuec witb oic |iooc.
!eed to get /cee. stat. Ii sbe eouic gra| boic oi tbe ieac roe a|ove ber, sbe eouic reiease tbe teusiou ou ber aulie auc get it ioose. 1be roe iu ber sigbts, sbe cic a
sit-u, stretebiug ... Cot it, sbe saic as sbe wraec ber iists arouuc--
8be croec |ael cowu witb a whoosh. "bat tbe beii' 1be |astarc bac greasec tbe roe. 1bat cenouie, vanirie |astarc. Ii sbe eouicu't get boic oi tbe roe a|ove
ber, tbeu tbere was uo eseae. "bieb be o|viousiy luew.
8be buug iiniy, swayiug iron ber noneutun, eursiug \ailon 8iaiue's very |irtb, uutii sbe ieit ber riug siiiug cowu ber iiuger. ro:
But it was goue, beiec aioug |y tbe grease ou ber baucs. Danu bin: 8be bearc a iug. loiiowiug tbe souuc cowu, sbe swiec ber bair iron ber eyes witb ber greasy
uer riug bac just |eauec a seeouc nouster X iu tbe beac. Auotber oue oi tbose tbiugs was cireetiy |eiow ber, gaziug u witb its noutb wice, its |ocy erouebiug to

chatec 1u

Auteuuae siasbec aii arouuc \ailon, be cocgec tben to attael tbe |east's |ocy.
row bis sueeu|us ienaie eouic |eboic bis sliii. As witb tbe beac be'c giitec ber, tbis eoutest was rooi tbat \ailon eouic roteet bis wonau auc tbeir oiisriug.
ue iaucec a nigbty |iow, giaueiug |ael. uac sbe seeu it' "as sbe iooliug--
8be was gone' looiisb ienaie: kuuuiug iron bin wbeu tbe Cotob buutec iu airs' ue bac to cisateb tbis oue swiitiy.
~nd then I ao gong to heat hec lacksde /oc ths!
1be |east sraug eioser, tbe ti oi au auteuua siieiug ast bis iaee.
Denou: sbe sereanec iron a cistauee. A seeouc Cotob's roar souucec. "bieb neaut it was a|out to ieec ou its eaturec rey.
1bougb \ailon bacu't liiiec tbe iirst oue, be sriutec towarc tbe souuc, luowiug tbe |east wouic ioiiow bin, luowiug be'c bave to iigbt two.
ods. to le al/e to tcace. Lveu witb bis seec, be nigbt uot reaeb ber iu tine. luniug bis arns ... iaster, iaster.
uis uewiy |eatiug beart raeec as it bacu't iu eeuturies. Dizziuess wasbec over bin, auc bis visiou waverec.
"bat was tbis ireuzy' 1be ieeiiug tbat bac weigbec ou bin uow eseaiatec. "beu be reeoguizec it, bis eyes uarrowec.
1biswasiear. lor ber. It'c |eeu so ioug siuee be'c ieit it tbat be bacu't eonrebeucec it.
1be ouiy eoie wbo luew iear were oues wbo bac sonetbiug to iose.
At iast, be dd. Auc be'c |e canuec ii auytbiug tool ber iron bin.
uis iaugs sbareuec eveu nore, tbat niuciess iuror iron tbe uigbt |eiore arisiug agaiu.
8wiugiug to avoic tbe ereature's ieas, Carrow reeateciy iiuug ber |ocy uwarc to try to seeure tbat ieac roe. Denou: sbe sereanec agaiu. "beu tbe tbiug's eiaws
|rusbec ber bair, sbe accec, Cet your ass over bere:
8iaiue |urst iuto tbe eieariug. ue seowiec, yeiiiug at ber iu Denouisb as be iauuebec binseii at tbe |east.
Bebiuc you: sbe eriec wbeu tbe origiuai oue aearec cireetiy aiter.
ue was goiug to bave to ceieat |otb oi tben--wbiie leeiug tben away iron ber.
As be eiasbec witb tben |eiow, sbe buug iile a eucuiun, beiiessiy swiugiug. 1be seeouc ereature let juniug ior ber, auc tbe cenou let |attiug it away wbiie stiii
eouteuciug witb tbe iirst.
"itb oue iiiel oi its auteuua, it siit tbrougb tbe cenou's ebaiunaii, siasbiug bis ebest. ue |eiiowec iu iury as |iooc gusbec. But be eaugbt tbe auteuua tbe uext tine,
usiug it to ioree tbe ereature's beac cowu. uauiiug it |ael iile a ieasb, be novec iu ior tbe liii, eiaws |arec. A grisiy sray oi |iooc erutec. 1be tbiug was uo nore.
Cue cowu. But wbiie 8iaiue bac |eeu oeeuiec, tbe otber bac |eguu erawiiug siceriile u tbe tree ior ber. Denou: L;es u!
At ouee, be ieat ior tbe |east, taeliiug it away iron ber. ue wrestiec it to tbe grouuc, evaciug tbose sbar auteuuae as be uuebec boies iu its |ocy. 1be tbiug
suaec tbat noutbiui oi iaugs, |ut tbe cenou was too uiel, too oweriui....
"itb a wreuebiug ccack. be twistec oii tbe seeouc oue's beac. 1wo cowu. ue bauiec tbe twitebiug |ocies away.
row tbat tbe iigbtiug was coue, uo iouger was be roariug or |eratiug ber, be'c growu eeriiy siieut as be erossec to tbe |oue tree |ebiuc ber. 8be uervousiy twistec
arouuc, uiiiug ber slirt over ber ass wbiie leeiug bin iu sigbt.
ue uutiec tbe ieac roe, ieeciug out a ieugtb to iower ber. As be aroaebec ber witb tbe iiue iu bis iist, sbe saw be was |attie-nacceuec ouee nore--auc gettiug
arousec. 1be raisec outiiue oi bis sbait |uigec iu bis auts.
ue easec ber to a sittiug ositiou ou tbe grouuc, just euougb tbat tbe ressure was reiievec iron ber aulie. As be stailec eioser, sbe bearc bis beart|eats acce/ecatng.
bis |reatbs growiug nore beetie tbau tbey'c |eeu iu tbe iray. uis iaugs were eiougatiug.
ue was a|out to |ite ber. Agaiu.
ro, cenou: 8be seuttiec |ael, |ut be nereiy steec ou tbe roe. Bastarc: "beu ber ain iaucec ou a stoue, sbe ebuelec it at bin, oiug bin iu tbe boru.
8ua out oi tbis:
Cue's nenories eouic |e taleu tbrougb tbe |iooc. 1be nore be craul iron ber, tbe nore iileiy be'c |e to see bers. ue nigbt ciseover ber iau to |etray bin. 1hen
he// lehead oe. ut o; head on a ke. Dou't |ite ne, sbe waruec.
uis eyes uow a buugry |iael auc ioelec ou ber uise oiut, be croec to bis luees |eiore ber.
Dou't, vanire:
ue growiec at tbat.
"bat' \ou cou't iile |eiug eaiiec a vanire' 1beu cou't aet iile oue:
1bougb sbe iougbt bin, be iooec bis arn arouuc ber |ael, iuuiug ber arns to ber sices as be eoverec ber |ocy witb bis owu. uis ereetiou was iile a steei roc as be
roelec it agaiust ber.
8be tbrasbec as be nace ber areb u to bin, ciggiug ber uaiis iuto bis sliu uucer bis ebaiunaii, seareeiy |realiug tbe suriaee. Danu it, sto tbis:
"itb bis iree bauc, be tuggec ber bair to tbe sice. "beu be ieauec cowu to uuzzie ber eoiiar bigber, sbe ... shveced'
Beiore sbe eouic auaiyze ber resouse, be gave a wretebec groau auc iereec ber.
As be suariec iu |iiss agaiust ber sliu, sbe eriec out, tren|iiug iu eouiusiou.
It doesnt huct ths toe.

\ailon craul cee oi ber |iooc, a rieb strean oi beat siiciug cowu bis tbroat. 8bucceriug, a|out to eone iron ber taste, be eiutebec ber eioser ior nore.
uer esseuee iuiianec every iueb oi bis |ocy, stoliug bis ueec. Seacng and sweet ... uis eoel sweiiec, tbro||iug.
So sweet...
ue groauec iuto bis |ite as be iouuc bis reiease. Cver auc over, tbe cry sasns raelec bin uutii bis eyes roiiec |ael iu bis beac.
1be niuciess ireuzy |egau to reeece, ieaviug bin witb tbat awiug seuse oi eioseuess, witb a satisiaetiou be'c uever luowu |eiore ber.
Cuee tbe ressure bac iiuaiiy su|sicec, be witbcrew bis iaugs. Catebiug bis |reatb agaiust ber ueel, be ieit ber sbiveriug |eueatb bin.
uer beac bac iaiieu |ael, ber iis artec. Couic sbe ... eouic sbe bave en/o;ed bis |ite'
"beu sbe augriiy sbovec at bis iujurec ebest, be rose u witb au exbaiatiou. Oc not at a//.
8tariug straigbt abeac, sbe swiec ber taugiec bair out oi ber iaee, strealiug ber ebeel witb grease iron tbe roe. uac ber |otton ii tren|iec'
Couic auy ienaie witbstauc aii tbat sbe bac witbout tears' 1be inriut oi bis bauc ou ber ebest was a giariug |ruise. uer iatigue weigbec ou ber so iaiuiy, auc bis |ite
bac wealeuec ber eveu nore. row ber iaee bac aiec.
ue'c taleu too nueb. ue vowec tbat be wouic uot suel ber so greeciiy uext tine, wouic tale |ut a iew sis. Lave to get contco/ o/ o;se//.
8ureiy sbe wouic ery uow. Danu it, ii sbe eriec, it sbouic not |e |y bis coiug. ray, be creanec oi eoiieetiug ber iu bis arns auc eoniortiug ber. ue wouic asl ber ii
sbe wautec bin to tale away ber trou|ies, auc sbe wouic soitiy uoc agaiust bis ueel.
8be eouic give bin urose.
\et be cicu't bave a way oi asliug ber tbat.
o I not ... ` ue'c ouee luowu ber iauguage |ut bac |uriec it so ceeiy. ue eouicu't renen|er it witbout reeaiiiug bis torture--auc bis ebiicbooc. Ceuturies bac
assec siuee be'c soleu it.
"itb a swaiiow, be eoueeutratec, stariug at ber ioveiy iaee wbiie struggiiug to reeaii worcs iron a iauguage be assoeiatec witb torneut auc nisery. uow to teii ber tbat
be cicu't wisb ior ber to ery' 1bat be ueecec to see ber saieiy to bis bone'
1bat be wouic euceavor uot to burt ber agaiu'
"beu sbe sueezec ber eyes sbut auc eieuebec ber baucs, be reaiizec tbis ienaie wasu't ou tbe verge oi tears.
8be was ou tbe verge oi attael.
Auc be suseetec sbe'c just |eeone eveu nore oweriui tbau tbe uigbt |eiore.
Cuee sbe oeuec ber eyes agaiu, tbey were giitteriug witb wratb, |riiiiaut star|ursts iiasbiug.
/ocous /eoa/e. Auc uot a iittie iearsone.
"beu sbe raisec ber giowiug baucs, be exbaiec, teusiug bis nuseies, |raeiug ior bis wonau's uuboiy iue....

chatec 11

8iaiue's |ite bacu't |eeu borri|ie. Auc tbat nace Carrow iurious.
Lueliiy, sbe eouic uow veut ber iury |eeause sbe'c suelec iu bis baiuess as ii tbrougb a straw. Iowec! A swiit, seorebiug iuiusiou oi it. 8be was eveu strouger tbis
\ou sbouicu't bave coue tbat agaiu. "as sbe just iile tbe |ite wbores iu rew Crieaus wbo got oii ou baviug tbeir |iooc cruul'
1be |ite wbores Carrow iovec to ricieuie.
"itb a wave oi oue oi ber giowiug baucs, tbe roe arouuc ber aulie cisiutegratec, aiiowiug ber to stauc. Auotber wave |rougbt ber nissiug riug iiyiug to ber as tbougb
naguetizec. As sbe siiec it ou, sbe gave bin a eruei sniie. Dou|ie, cou|ie toii auc trou|ie, sbe nurnurec. "bere co you waut it tbis tine'
uis toue steru, be saic sonetbiug iu Denouisb tbat souucec iile au orcer. Carrow cicu't iile orcers, was aeeustonec to giviug tben.
8o sbe iirec ou bin, roeiiiug bin aeross tbe eieariug. ue staggerec to bis ieet, iooliug cisaoiutec witb ber.
\ou tbiul I sbouic resouc ciiiereutiy' 8be iirec agaiu. 1bougb I waruec you to lee your iaugs to yourseii'
"beu be growiec at ber, irustratiou staniug bis rougb ieatures, sbe eriec, 1beu treat ne ciiiereutiy, goou: I'n as sinie as tbat.
Cu ber tbirc strile, be teusec bis |ocy, |owiug u to tale tbe bit cireetiy iu tbe ebest, ainost rouciy. 1beu be uarrowec bis gaze ou ber ueel auc snirlec, as ii to say,
It was wocth t. hone;.
uer eyes weut wice. Cb, you are so ceac, sbe vowec. \ou cou't eveu luow bow ceac you are: Lsiug tbe iast oi ber strougest nagie, sbe iauuebec auotber sbot
auc bearc sonetbiug sua tbat tine. \ay|e bis ri|s' A eoiiar|oue'
\et be was stiii stauciug: 8be'c taec berseii out--uo nore seiis, uo nore eioaliug or iiriug--auc ior wbat'
Cuasbiug bis teetb, be beic out bis bauc to ber. As ii witb great ciiiieuity, be souucec out, Looe.
1bougb sboelec tbat be luew eveu oue worc oi Lugiisb, sbe saic, Co bone witb you' rot iileiy. But ber euriosity got tbe |etter oi ber. Cb, so uow you luow
ue irowuec.
ueb. Cr uot.
8tiii be triec to eonnuuieate witb ber. ue wavec a bauc at tbe surrouuciug area, tbeu rau bis iiuger over bis ueel.
\ou're teiiiug ne tbere's cauger arouuc bere' uh! uow a|out cauger witb you' \ou |it ne twiee, |role ny wrist, auc |ruisec ny steruun--aii iu tweuty-iour bours:
At tbe nenory oi eaeb iueiceut, ber tener reliuciec. "by wouic I ever voiuutariiy go auywbere witb you'
"itb o|vious irritatiou, be nace a caneuiug notiou witb two iiatteuec baucs--to teii ber to sbut u'
Iu a toue as caugerous as sbe was ieeiiug, sbe |it out, Dic you just sbusb ne'
ue ut bis iiuger over bis iis, tbeu notiouec arouuc tben agaiu.
\ou dd: \ou irealiug sbusbec ne' "orc to tbe wise, cenou ... 8be traiiec oii wbeu sonetbiug rustiec tbe |rusb uear|y. loiutiug iu tbat cireetiou, sbe aslec, "bat
tbe beii is tbat'
ue giowerec at ber, as ii be'c aireacy exiaiuec tbis.
\et auotber tbiug tbat eau liii ne' Besices c/ovec/e/d nousters auc cenou raists--reseut eonauy not exeiucec. \et as sbe sole, sbe reeaiiec bow be'c savec
ber iron tbe nouster Xs auc Asnocei's gaug.
"itb ciiiieuity, sbe aeluowiecgec tbat sbe wouicu't bave iastec tbe cay witbout bin--auc iileiy wouicu't survive a seeouc uigbt witb uo nagie ior a eioaliug seii.
8be renen|erec bin waruiug ber to ruu |eiore bis iirst attael. ue'c wautec to sare ber.
Luiess, oi eourse, be nereiy iilec tbe ebase.
\ay|e be iost eoutroi soieiy iu tbe beat oi |attie' lerbas it wasu't Carrow wbo'c triggerec bin iast uigbt auc tocay, |ut tbe eiasb witb tbose cenous auc tbeu tbe
nouster X attaels.
\ore sera||iiug souucec, tbis tine aeeonauiec |y a uew sueliug souuc--iron a|ove. Ci aii tbe ereatures sbe'c bearc, tbe eaiis auc eries at uigbt, sbe'c uever bearc
auytbiug iron tbe sly.
~/ton. aca. ue beic out bis bauc ior ber.
"bat wouic kiiey co' 8be'c iaee tbe luowu ratber tbau tbe uuluowu auc aeeet bei iron uuiileiy aiiies. Au extra guu was au extra guu, uo natter wbo was oiutiug
8tiii Carrow was besitaut, a|seutiy reaebiug u to ieei tbe cenou's |ite. 1beu sbe aslec berseii, hats ooce dangecous than Ma/koo S/ane ltng and c/aong
Auswer. Lvec;thng--e/se--out--hece.
Case eiosec.
8be bac two goais. 1o stay aiive auc to iree ku|y. Carrow ueecec bin ior |otb. But sbe luew a naie iile bin wouic exeet sex iron tbe ienaie uucer bis guarc.
8be wouic bave to nauage bin, aeasiug bin sbort oi sex. 8be iguorec wbat nigbt bave |eeu a iiutter oi exeiteneut at tbe icea.
uone, be reeatec.
I// tc; to estal/sh sooe gcound cu/es. ro |itiug. 8be oiutec at ber ueel, tbeu at bis iaugs wbiie vigorousiy sbaliug ber beac. Bitiug ... uooo.
ue gave ber a iool oi cis|eiiei, eieariy taliug ber neauiug--auc uot iiliug it. A sate oi steru Denouisb ioiiowec. "as be justiiyiug it' 1o argue bis oiut' 8be luew
be'c eujoyec criuliug ber, |ut was it ths inortaut ior bin uot to give u'
8be nace a eacevec /angs bauc sigu, taiug ber ueel wbiie sbaliug ber beac. ro |itiug, cenou.
ue iiuug bis baucs out iu a hat gves` gesture.
"itb ber ains ou ber beac, sbe ninec tbat tbe |ite bac nace ber woozy auc ber beac burt.
uis iis tbiuuec. 1beu, witb a wary giauee uwarc, be uieliy erouebec iu tbe cirt, crawiug tbree eireies iu au are witb iiues |etweeu tben. Cuee coue, be oiutec at
tbe iucistiuet suu.
Clay. I tbiul I'n witb you. \oruiug, uoou, auc cusl. 1bis rereseuts a cay'
ue beic u two iiugers.
1wo cays' "itbout |itiug' ro ciee, cenou. 8be beic u eigbt iiugers.
"itb a waruiug growi, be beic u iive.
lerieet. "beu sbe uoccec, be beic bis bauc over bis ebest, bis exressiou aiuec. ue'c just sworu be wouicu't |ite ber. 1bougb it was o|viousiy a buge eoueessiou ior
Couic sbe trust bis vow' Iu ber situatiou, sbe had to trust tbis cenou to a cegree, bac to |eiieve be wouicu't |ite ber.
uer uext eoucitiou wouicu't |e so easy. ro sex.
rot uucerstauciug, be sbruggec, tbeu notiouec ior ber to burry.
uow to say sex' uow to ooe sex' Ab, gocs, are you reaiiy goiug to nale ne co tbis bauc gesture' 8be nace au olay sigu witb oue bauc, tbeu tbreacec tbe
ioreiiuger iron ber otber bauc tbrougb it.
uis eyes wiceuiug, be uoccec enbatieaiiy.
Lutii sbe cic it agaiu wbiie sayiug, roooo se. rC.
ue growiec, ouuciug bis iist over bis beart agaiu.
\es, I luow I'n ... yours. But you're too stroug. 8be nace a nuseienau arn, oiutiug at ber |iee, tbeu oiutiug at bin.
Iocts` be saic.
Latiu' I suck at Iatn. Carrow just nenorizec it ior seiis or usec it ior iuu. \ore tbau ouee, sbe'c siurrec, caccowcus ouch dcunkcus or Lot-asscus n o;
gceed; handscus.
But sbe tbougbt /octs neaut stcong. \ay|e. \ou--sbe oiutec at bin--are /octs ... oaous'
uis ebiu weut u, auc be uoccec arrogautiy, as ii sayiug, 1e// oe sooethng I dont know.
8be seooec u a twig, oiutiug to berseii, sayiug, \e. 1beu sbe |role tbe twig.
ue gave auotber uoc oi uucerstauciug, auc agaiu sbe uotec tbe euuuiug iu bis eyes.
8o uooo sex.
Beiore sbe eouic extraet tbat ronise, a roar iron a|ove souucec. Cb, sbit. "itb a gui, sbe siciec u to bin. Auc we're oii:

chatec 12

1hs hke s the oost en/ghtenng one o/ o; //e. Carrow tbougbt as tbey weucec tbeir way u tbe nouutaiu.
lor iustauee, iu tbe iast bour sbe'c iearuec bow sarcouie a iiit oi a cenou's cirty |row eouic |e--wbeu sbe'c reiusec to iet bin earry ber as tbey'c cocgec wbatever
bac |eeu aroaebiug. Auc sbe'c eone to uucerstauc bow inortaut ceeaitatec beacs were.
ue'c swiitiy eoiieetec tbose nousters' beacs, tyiug tben togetber witb a ieee oi tbe roe sbe'c boec uever to see agaiu, tbeu struug tben over bis sbouicer.
leriocieaiiy, be oiierec bis eateb to ber.
ro, uo, I bave a air just iile tben at bone, sbe'c saic. I wouic just regiit tben. Lariier wbeu be'c tbrowu tbat gboui's beac to ber, tbeu roiiec it to ber ieet, bac it
|eeu bis icea oi a giit' A venou versiou oi a cozeu rec roses, neaut uot to iutinicate |ut to siguai bis iuterest auc iuteut'
Cu tbe way to bis bone, be guicec ber tbis way auc tbat, oiutiug out nore oi bis bicceu tras. 8be usec tbe tine to assiniiate aii tbat bac baeuec, uow tbat ber
auger was eooiiug.
Carrow was oue oi tbose eoie wbo bac |ursts oi tener, tbeu iater seratebec tbeir beacs, wouceriug, hat eact/; was I so ssed alout` \es, be'c |itteu ber--
twiee--agaiust ber wisbes, |ut sbe cic ieei gratituce tbat be'c savec ber iiie. 8be cicu't luow oi auotber naie wbo eouic've ieucec oii two oi tbose nouster X ereatures tbeu
gotteu ber away uuseatbec.
8be'c uever seeu a nouster iile tbat |eiore, bac uever bearc oi oue iu aii tbe Lore. "beu sbe graiec witb tbe uestiou oi wbat it was, ber sbariy bouec seieutiiieai
niuc cecueec oue auswer. oanleacg. Au anaigan, sonetbiug nace |y stieliug tbe arts togetber iusteac oi neiciug tben--just iile tbe venou.
Ii a cenou auc a vanire natec, tbeir oiisriug wouic |e uuiue |ut iu barnouy, iile a La|racor retriever erossec witb a oocie. Voiia, ia|racoocie: But a venou
was a oade ereature, as ii oue tool tbe irout baii oi tbe La| auc jannec it outo tbe |ael baii oi tbe oocie.
Iu otber worcs, wcong.
\ay|e tbat was wby 8iaiue eouicu't traee. 1bougb |otb vanires auc cenous bac tbat iuuate a|iiity, vanires eouic traee easiiy wbiie cenous bac to stucy auc traiu
to. lerbas tbe two ciiiereut uatures eiasbec as tbey triec to co tbe sane tbiug iu totaiiy cisarate ways.
8be gazec u at bin iron uucer a sauc-eoatec euri. Is tbat wby you eau't traee' sbe aslec bin. 1be venou tbat terrorizec rew Crieaus eouic teieort. \ay|e you
just eau't uzzie out bow' ue irowuec at ber. I |et you usec to |e a|ie to. \ust suel uot to auynore.
row tbat tbey were seeniugiy out oi cauger, ior sone reasou Carrow iouuc berseii tailiug to bin. 1bougb sbe luew be eouicu't uucerstauc ber, sbe aslec bin
uestious, tbeu eoujeeturec auswers out iouc. 8be nace o|servatious a|out tbe terraiu, tbe ceeiiuiug weatber.
Ceeasiouaiiy be sbruggec witbout iuterest.
I sbouic uane you "iisou tbe Voiiey|aii. \ou uucerstauc as nueb as "iisou cic auc resouc as iuireueutiy. "bat's tbat' 8be euec ber ear as ii tbe cenou bac
soleu. ro, uo, you're rigbt, "iisou was nore bygieuie.
8be cicu't luow wby sbe iouuc it so ieasiug to tail at 8iaiue--ber cirty, |eiaugec roteetor--|ut tbere it was. Cuee I get |ael ... 8be traiiec oii.
"beu be gave ber a uestiouiug giauee over bis sbouicer, sbe sigbec. "eii, tbiugs are goiug to bave to ebauge. "itb ne. kigbt uow, ii tbe Aucoaiu eoveu were 1he
Iove 8oat. I'c |e a nix |etweeu Juiie tbe reereatiou ebiel auc |arteucer Isaae.
Carrow bac ioug |eeu eouueetec iu tbe eity, a|ie to uueover aii tbe sius iu rew Crieaus, seeciug reveiry, tbeu barvestiug ower iron it.
row aii tbat's goiug to |e ciiiereut. 8be'c bave to |ucget ber seiis, uot use tben ior irivoious tbiugs iile |etter arliug iaees or ber iiecgiiug attents at niuc
Lxeiteneut iaeiug ber toue, sbe saic, I tbiul I'n goiug to |e reacy ior a lic aiter tbis. Ii I'c |eeu innersec iu ny oic iiie wbeu tbis baeuec, I ro|a|iy wouic've
sbirlec ny resousi|iiities. As ber areuts bac taugbt ber. But aiter tbis acveuture, auytbiug wiii ieei easy. Lveu raisiug a oteutiaiiy nurcerous seveu-year-oic witb eoutroi
1be cenou seenec reaiiy leyec u, as ii Carrow's ebitebat was |otberiug bin. ro, tbat eouicu't |e rigbt. 8be wasu't Carrow 8uealy Craie. 8be'c aiways |eeu
toic sbe bac a |ecroon voiee tbat neu iouuc ieasiug.
ue oiutec at ber auc aslec, Denouisb'
Do I seal Denouisb'
ue uoccec.
\eab, a iittie, sbe auswerec, tbeu souucec out a iew worcs, asliug ior sone ierneutec cenou |rew, tbeir |everage oi eboiee.
Iu au iustaut, bis |ocy sbot tbrougb witb teusiou, auc be rau a ain over oue oi bis borus. Caze ciiug to ber iis, be swaiiowec.
uis reaetiou was so tbuucerstruel, sbe succeuiy grasec tbat ber cenou criuliug |uccies bac taugbt ber sonetbiug iar nore uaugbty tbau Cau I bave a |rew, iease'
Iu tbieliy aeeeutec Denouisb, sbe'c just aslec bin, \ay I ieiiate you, ii you iease'
ou/d I /ease!
uer iool oi reaiizatiou, tbeu oi irritatiou, reveaiec tbat sbe bacu't neaut to say auytbiug sueb as tbis. 8oneoue bac taugbt ber tbe wroug worcs.
But uow \ailon eouicu't sto tbiuliug a|out iittiug bis sbait |etwixt ber iun iis. ue reeaiiec bow greeciiy sbe'c cruul iron tbat eauteeu auc ueariy groauec
inagiuiug ber worliug ou bis sbait tbus. 1o iiuaiiy luow wbat tbat ieit iile...
'1was ainost |etter wbeu sbe'c |eeu sealiug Augiisb:
8be erossec ber arns auc |egau to co so ouee nore, ber toue ceieusive.
\ailon exbaiec, iguoriug a twiuge iu tbe ri|s sbe'c |roleu eariier. ue batec wbeu sbe sole, be iovec wbeu sbe sole.
1be souuc oi ber voiee was so canuec ieasiug to bin, eseeiaiiy siuee be'c |eeu aioue ior so ioug. Lvery worc sbe saic was ianiiiar, eveu witb ber ioreigu aeeeut,
|ut aiter so nauy years be eouic assoeiate uo neauiug witb tben, ouiy borriiie nenories oi tbe Vieeroy.
\ailon's torture bac |eguu tbree weels aiter tbe cay be'c ciec. 1be vanire bac reieasec bin iron tbat eeii aiter \ailon bac liiiec kaiieu, |ut ouiy to |real bin.
1be Vieeroy bac |eeu ceterniuec to nale \ailon nore vanire tbau cenou, to nale bin ioyai to tbe uorce. Cuiy so nauy 8ear|a rituais worlec, auc \ailon
bac |eeu a vaiua|ie asset, oue tbey wouicu't cestroy uutii tbere was uo boe.
At ieast, uot /u//; cestroy.
ue'c triec to ioree \ailon to iorget Denouisb, to seal ouiy tbe vanires' iauguage. Laeb tine \ailon reiusec, be'c bac bis tougue eut out. "beu be'c sit |iooc at
tben, be'c bac bis sliu iiayec to tbe |oue.
row, to eonnuuieate witb ber, \ailon wouic bave to resurreet bis luowiecge oi tbat iauguage, |raviug tbose nenories. ue luew be'c ay ior it, wouic |e iaguec
witb uigbtnares.
ue gazec over at ber, reieasiug a eut-u |reatb. Cuee agaiu, be was struel |y ber |eauty, uigb triiug over bis owu ieet as be starec.
8be giaueec u at bin, iul steaiiug over ber bigb ebeel|oues. 8be tuelec ber bair |ebiuc ber ear seii-eouseiousiy auc nurnurec sonetbiug witb a uestiouiug iool iu
ber eyes.
uow |aciy cic be waut to luow wbat sbe'c saic'
Very |aciy iuceec...
8be'c just |eeu nusiug tbat tbere were nore iayers to tbis cenou tbau sbe'c iuitiaiiy tbougbt wbeu tbey reaebec tbe oeuiug to a niue sbait.
Auc bere was yet auotber iayer--a |ar|arie, grisiy iayer.
Iu irout oi tbe eutrauee, a cozeu iles rose u iile a iroutier iort's stoelace. Ato tbe iles were eveu nore severec beacs: Beeause you eau't bave too nauy:
ue'c eoiieetec tben iron aii nauuer oi ereatures--cenous, gbouis, auc nouster Xs. 8o tbis was wbat be cic witb tben. ro woucer tbe otber cenous iearec bin.
legiey bacu't |eeu iyiug. "bat a risl Carrow wouic |e taliug to nareb rigbt iuto tbis cenou's ceu. Ii 8iaiue saw ber nenories...
leusive, sbe gazec |ael cowu tbe tra-iaceu traii, iooliug out iuto a |iael auc |iustery uigbtiaii. Auc stiii 8iaiue's ceu was reiera|ie.
"beu sbe turuec |ael, be gratec, uone.
ue ioolec rouc, ausiug to give ber tine to acnire aii oi bis iles. A iarge iuseet erawiec iron oue beac's siiny uostrii. 8eaut;.
1be cenou aiso ioolec exeetaut, as ii be suseetec sbe wouic |e wowec |y bis eoiieetiou.
Lb, iove wbat you've coue. \our eur| aeai is uuaraiieiec. 8be beic bis gaze. Auc I neau tbat.
ue irowuec iu iueonrebeusiou, tbeu usberec ber towarc tbe oeuiug. Just |eiore tbey erossec tbe tbresboic, be ausec agaiu. "itb bis bauc over bis ebest, be saic,
8be |iiulec u at bin. Iutros' keaiiy' Clay, tbeu, I'n caccow.
"itb a uoc, be souucec out Car-row, tbeu iec ber iu.
uac be wautec tben iutrocueec |eiore be tool ber bone' Acc a iayer to tbe cenou's taiiy.
Iusice tbe niue, out oi tbe wiuc, tbe air was as bunic as iu rew Crieaus auc eieau, eonarec to tbe cust |owi outsice. 1bose iava-iiiiec stoues were cottec
tbrougbout, iigbtiug tbe way--uot tbat be wouic ueec bei seeiug iu tbe carl.
8toue auecuets iiuec tbe waiis, witb gatberiug oois at iutervais, wbiie |roleu |arreis auc aueieut-iooliug earaies iitterec tbe sauc iioor. "bere water seeec iron tbe
waiis auc eoatec tbose giowiug roels, stean bissec.
8o tbese were tbe ia|iec water niues oi C|iiviou, witb water oelets traec iile veius oi goic.
As be iec ber ceeer witbiu, tbe sbait siit, auc tbey |egau ioiiowiug au oiisboot iron tbe naiu tuuuei. 8oou, sbe siec au area oi eveu |rigbter iigbt giowiug a weieone
u abeac. "beu tbey eane to tbe euc, sbe reaiizec tbis terniuus eban|er was bis iair.
A cenou's iair. ue truiy was a grouuc-cweiiiug naie. Auc be wautec to do ber.
Iusice was a eoiieetiou oi tbose giorious roels, warniug tbe area iile raciators, iiiuniuatiug it. ue bac a aiiet ou tbe grouuc, iaic out |y a iire it witb a sit ior
eooliug. Dic be eat neat as weii as criul |iooc'
1be it itseii was situatec uucer a erael iu tbe niue eeiiiug, wbieb nust iuuuei tbe snole away. Ciutteriug tbe grouuc were roes, ebaius, auc |iaces, iileiy ior tbose
tras be'c oiutec out. Large |oues were seatterec tbrougbout.
Aioug oue waii, eorcs oi iirewooc were staelec. Cu auotber, be'c babazarciy iiec u soiciers' assauit aels, nauy oi tben siatterec witb erustec |iooc. 1bere
were do.ens. "ere tbose |oues accitiouai souveuirs'
8tucyiug ber reaetiou witb tbat auaiytieai iool ou bis iaee, be oiutec to tbe aels, oeuiug bis noutb as ii to say sonetbiug iu exiauatiou. But tbeu be eiosec it.
"beu sbe gave au uueoueeruec sbrug--sbe eouicu't eare iess tbat be'c liiiec tbose nortais--be usberec ber to bis aiiet, tbeu weut to ieteb wooc ior a iire.
1be cenou bac cenoustratec eourtesy wbeu be'c iutrocueec binseii. row be was cisiayiug bositaiity. \es, be bac a teuceuey to growi at ber reeateciy auc sua
bis iaugs, |ut sbe let tbiuliug a|out tbat beac be'c tossec at ber.
8iuee sbe uow luew it'c |eeu a giit oi vaiue, sbe eoueiucec tbis |rutai cenou bac nace au attent at ... couctng ber.
Ii ouiy sbe eouic uucerstauc bin |etter. 1be iauguage |arrier was a ro|ien. But be luew at ieast oue worc oi Lugiisb. \ay|e be eonrebeucec nore' 8be ueecec
to iiuc out.
"beu be returuec witb tbe wooc auc buuebec cowu |y tbe it, sbe gazec ou, beiiessiy eativatec |y bis |ocy. 1be woru ieatber oi bis auts ioviugiy buggec tbose
nuseuiar tbigbs auc uarrow bis. uis iiugers were ioug auc |iuut-eucec uucer bis |iael eiaws.
As be startec tbe iire witb raetieec noveneuts, tbe seuitec ricges oi bis torso iiexec uucer bis ebaiunaii, naliug tbat wiuciug tattoo sbiit iutriguiugiy.
1hat lod; s too. too ouch.
But, gocs, tbe rest oi bin was a cisasterieee oi bair auc aiut. 1bose |raicec bauls wouicu't co, baugiug over bis Vaivoiiue-strealec iaee iile a ratty eurtaiu. Auc
tbat seraggiy stu||ie ou bis iaee' 8be'c liii to see wbat iay |eueatb.
ue soou bac a |iaziug iire startec, auc sbe ieauec iorwarc to iuxuriate iu tbe warntb, iics growiug beavy. ue exbaiec, bis eyes carleuiug ou ber, auc a succeu joit oi
ower bit ber iile a \ael truel. ue was sats/ed nereiy baviug ber bere.
Auc just a tbreac oi bis baiuess bac owerec ber iile tbis'
ue was strouger tbau auy otber Lore ereature, bis liuc tbe nost vieious. Lverytbiug a|out bin was naguiiiec. It iigurec tbat be wouic |e a|ie to give ber tbe nost
8be'c |et sex witb bin wouic nale bin vec; satisiiec.
1be cenou was turuiug out to |e au uurecieta|ie, ierai, |oue-auc-beac-eoiieetiug, sexuaiiy raveuous baiuess |attery.
8be swaiiowec. ~// I have to do s /ug ho n.

chatec 1

M; /eoa/e. n o; hooe. ro iouger wouic be ass uigbts aioue cowu bere. ue bac a nate, a eonauiou.
As sbe ieauec eioser to tbe iire, tbe iigbt iiielerec over ber raveu-|iael bair, tbe iianes reiieetiug iu ber greeu eyes. 8be bac tbe suitriest eyes. Auc be eouicu't seen to
uii bis gaze away.
At iast, bis wonau was witb bin. uere to |e sbeiterec |y bin, to |e eiainec |y bin.
1be icea oi roteetiug ber arousec \ailon. As cic tbe icea oi roviciug iooc ior ber. ue eouic inagiue ber exressiug ber gratituce witb ber |ocy ... or ber noutb.
Lyes ioelec ou ber iuii iis, be stiiiec a groau, reeaiiiug wbat sbe'c saic iu Denouisb. ue euvisiouec ber asliug ouee nore wbeu sbe was ou ber luees, ualec |eiore
bin. Iu tbeir uegotiatiou eariier, sbe'c saic uotbiug a|out bis usiug bis noutb ou ber--or ber coiug tbe sane.
\ailon bac uever bac bis nen|er suelec, bac uever reeeivec tbat ieasure. !o oattec how oan; toes I was /occed to wcng t /coo anothec. be tbougbt carliy,
bis nuseies luottiug witb teusiou |eiore be sbool away tbat age-oic reseutneut.
ue'c aiways woucerec bow it wouic ieei--woucerec wbat was so renarla|ie a|out tbe aet tbat it eouic nale a naie weal iu tbe luees, eouic nale bin erave it
agaiu auc agaiu.
Couic sbe |e eoaxec to satisiy bis euriosity ouee auc ior aii'
\ay|e sbe wouic iet bin co eveu nore tbis uigbt' \es, sbe'c stiuiatec uo iutereourse, |ut ouiy out oi iear tbat be'c burt ber. raturaiiy, be'c nace uo vow a|out tbat,
|eeause as soou as be'c rovec be eouic toueb ber witbout aiuiug ber, be iuteucec to tale ber |ocy.
But be had vowec uot to criul ber, auc be wouic try to bouor bis oatb, at ieast uutii be eouic exiaiu wbat tbe aet neaut to bin, auc wby sbe eouic ceuy bin uo iouger.
Cu tbe bile bere, be'c reaiizec tbat witb tbis wonau, tbe 1birst cicu't ruie bin.
1be seuse oi eouueetiou cic. As be'c taleu ber ueel, be'c uever ieit nore |ouuc to auotber iu bis eutire existeuee.
8ut dd I cea//; oake hec head huct /coo dcnkng hec` ue tbougbt |ael to bis youtb, tryiug to renen|er bis owu reaetious....
lor uow, be'c sate binseii ou auinai |iooc, wouic |e ioreec to eveu tbis uigbt. 1bougb be'c cruul ber |iooc, be'c iost stiii nore ceieuciug ber.
uer stonaeb growiec tbeu. keniucec tbat sbe nust |e starviug, be sbot to bis ieet, ronisiug to returu witb a ieast oi gane |ircs ior ber to eool.
ue beic u bis ioreiiuger, teiiiug ber sbe sbouic wait tbere. 8be wouic |e saie witbiu bis ceu. Beasts avoicec tbis iaee iustiuetiveiy. Auc bis ioes iile kouatb eouicu't
traee. Lveu ii tbe arnorer bac iearuec tbat sliii iu tbe iuterveuiug years, be eouicu't teieort cireetiy iuto tbe niue sbait, a iaee be'c sureiy uever |eeu.
"beu sbe gave uo resouse, \ailon seowiec auc beic u bis iiuger nore iusisteutiy.
"itb a roii oi ber eyes, sbe gesturec to tbe iire, iaiuiy sayiug, ~s / Id /eave ths.
liiiec witb a uew urose, be set out iuto tbe uigbt, buutiug swiitiy, ceterniuec to rovice ior ber. A baii bour iater, ou bis returu, be stoec at a snaii eoiieetiou ooi
to reiiii tbe eauteeu. As usuai, be was uueasy |esice tbe water. ue |egau to sweat wbeuever be uearec auytbiug iarger tbau a uccie, bac siuee be was a |oy.
lor tbe iirst tine iu eeuturies, be ioreec binseii to lueei so be eouic iool at bis reiieetiou. "ouceriug bow sbe saw bin, be eerec cowu.
ue bac borus auc iaugs, sbe cic uot. "biie ber sliu was snootb auc eieau, bis was cirty, bis iaee eoverec witb stu||ie. uis eiotbes were rougb-bewu auc tatterec.
Auc tbose were nereiy tbe cetraetious tbat eouic |e seen.
ue eouic ueitber reac uor eiber uun|ers, auc bis |irtb eouic uot |e iowiier. I was a s/ave and // used....
I k//ed the on/; /cend I evec had. "itb a seowi, be bit tbe water, seatteriug tbe reiieetiou.
"biie be was goue, Carrow eeiec oii ber |oots auc bose, eastiug a seii to beai ber ieet, eourtesy oi tbe cenou. Cuee ber sliu was neucec, sbe wiggiec ber toes iu
tbe iiue sauc.
Auc sbe stiii bac sone ower ieit over. Ii sbe got euougb baiuess out oi bin, sbe eouic co sone |igger seiis, nay|e eveu a tbree ou tbe "ieeau seaie oi iive. 8be
bac a artieuiar oue iu niuc.
Deterniuec to lee sone juiee ou ta, sbe ceeicec sbe'c aiiow berseii ouiy oue nore beaiiug--eitber tbe |ite ou ber ueel, tbe |ruise ou ber ebest, or ber wrist. 1be
wrist was beaiiug ou its owu, auc tbe |ite narl wasu't ueariy as |ac as tbe iirst. 1bis tine be'c iereec ber sliu eieauiy, witb uo teariug.
As ii be'c gotteu |etter at it. 8be sbiverec agaiu, reeaiiiug bow it'c ieit. A sile oi aiu, tbeu warn ieasure.
8be gazec cowu at ber ebest, eriugiug at tbe |ruisec outiiue oi tbe cenou's buge bauc. 1be ciseoioratiou stretebec ueariy iron sbouicer to sbouicer. chest t s.
Auotber seii, auc tbe |ruise cisaearec.
8bortiy aiter, 8iaiue returuec witb a iuii eauteeu auc two ceac iowi oi sone sort. 1bey ioolec iile a eross |etweeu a beasaut auc a ebieleu.
uis eyes |rieiiy wiceuec at ber uu|ienisbec ieet, tbeu be triec to bauc tbe bieleus to hec.
"bat co you exeet ne to co witb tben' 8be sbruggec witb au I got nothng exressiou.
ue iauuebec iuto auotber sate oi iow Denouisb, tbis tine usiug ber uane. 8be ieit iile a eartoou cog iisteuiug to its owuer. Biab |iab |iab CAkkC" |iab |iab.
"batever. 8be oiutec to tbe eauteeu.
At ieugtb, be baucec it to ber. As sbe craul, be riec oii oue |irc's beac as snootbiy as uiiiug a eorl out oi a wiue |ottie. "beu be iiitec tbe |ocy to guzzie tbe
|iooc, sbe sit out tbe water, a|out to tbrow u.
"itb a seowi at ber reaetiou, be tool tbe ereatures outsice, returuiug ouee tbe ebeasauts were eieauec, cressec, auc cou|tiess craiuec.
8be turuec away as be sittec tben over tbe iianes. But ouee tbey |egau roastiug, sbe eouicu't tale ber eyes oii tben. 1bougb sbe was starviug, auc tbe neat sneiiec
so gooc, sbe cicu't luow ii sbe eouic eat it.
Carrow wasu't a vegetariau |y auy neaus, |ut ii be bac baucec ber tbose |ircs |eiore be'c liiiec tben, tbey wouic've |eeone ets. lart oi ber nouruec CiuelCiuel
auc Cbautieieer.
Lveu so, ber noutb waterec, ber stonaeb growiiug iouciy, auc be snirlec, bis exressiou sayiug, 8et ;ouce g/ad ;ou caoe wth oe.
La it u, cenou. Auy nore satisiaetiou iron you, auc I'ii iry tbat iool rigbt iron your cirty iaee.
As tbe |ircs roastec, sbe accec |areioot over to tbe iie oi soiciers' aels, auc |egau rootiug ior auytbiug tbat nigbt nale iiie iu beii a sbace |etter.
Lvery ael bac a uane tag ou it, |ut iusteac oi 8gt. or llC, every iast tag |ore tbe titie Ciiieer, iile seeurity guarcs. Ciiieer uostoiierssou bac au aii-urose luiie
auc eveu a snaii Do lit. I/ I lean the deoon n the head wth that. wou/d he take a hnt`
Ciiieer Liuct bac earriec uo eboeoiate, |ut be bac a iiasl. 8be oeuec tbe ea auc tool a wbiii. uac to |e Jael Dauiei's.
1be iarger aels eoutaiuec ebauges oi eiotbes--|iael 1-sbirts, eano auts, soels--auc sieeiug |ags. 8be'c |e tryiug out oue oi tbose touigbt. Ab, to siee uucer tbe
eovers, witb iooc iu ber |eiiy auc warntb aii arouuc' "itbout gettiug nauiec |y |easties' Iuuc;.
8ureiy ouee sbe was restec, sbe eouic reiieet ou everytbiug nore ratiouaiiy, eouic ceterniue tbe |est way to iree ku|y auc aii ber irieucs auc aiiies.
Carrow giaueec over at tbe cenou, wouceriug ii be was tirec, as weii. Dic a vanire cenou siee as nueb as otber innortais' 8be iouuc bin stariug at ber, tbose
|iue eyes starl agaiust bis strealec iaee.
I |et you cicu't siee nueb iast uigbt eitber, cenou. kuuuiug arouuc aiter ne. Auc bere I an.
8be ioolec away iron bin to survey bis iair. So ths s whece I// le oakng toe. 1be area seenec seeure auc roteetec iron tbe eieneuts. As ioug as tbe cenou
was giacceuec |y ber very reseuee bere, sbe eouic niil sone euergy, at ieast euougb to lee bin iu ebeel.
But it ceiiuiteiy ueecec a wonau's toueb. 1hats oe--so dooestc. "itb a sigb, sbe startec straigbteuiug u. ue cicu't try to sto ber, wbieb was gooc siuee Carrow
wasu't aeeustonec to euteriug iuto aii tbese uegotiatious, nueb iess niniug tben.
Iusteac be gazec ou iu iaseiuatiou as sbe eoiieetec tbe auinai--/ngecs ccossed!--|oues iu ber arns, earryiug tben iile iirewooc to east out iuto tbe naiu sbait.
rext sbe eoiiec tbe roes auc nyriac ebaius, stowiug tben auc tbe eouutiess |iaces iu au enty eoruer. liuisbec witb tbat, sbe turuec to bis aiiet. 1be oue be sat ou.
8boo, cenou, sbe saic, waviug bin away. 8be got tbe seuse tbat tbis anusec bin, |ut be cic nove.
8be iuebec tbe eoruer oi tbe woru nateriai, iiitiug it witb ciscaiu, tbeu tossec it out as weii.
Cuee sbe'c reiaeec it witb a uew sieeiug |ag, sbe saic, \ou eau eone |ael uow.
But wbeu sbe seieetec a seeouc |ag to iay ou tbe oosite sice oi tbe iire, be iiuaiiy eouveyec au oiuiou. ue snirlec, boiciug u a air oi iiugers togetber, as ii
sayiug, 1ou can set u two a//ets / ;ou /ke. lut we// st// le usng one.
Iguoriug bin, sbe |egau uuroiiiug it, |ut be basteuec iorwarc, startiiug ber witb bis iuereci|ie seec. 8be triec |ael, ber arns eartwbeeiiug auc ber riug iiyiug--iuto
tbe iire. \y riug, ny riug:
ue ioolec iron tbe iire to ber witb a raisec |row.
1bat riug was tbe ouiy tbiug sbe bac oi ber areuts, tbe ouiy ersouai giit sbe'c ever reeeivec iron tben. 8be eiasec ber baucs to ber ebest iu a ieaciug gesture.
8bar uoc iron tbe cenou. ue sbovec bis bauc iuto tbe iianes, rootiug tbrougb tbe en|ers to retrieve tbe riug. ue beic it out to ber, tbeu suatebec it |ael at tbe iast
niuute, |iowiug ou it to eooi tbe |auc ior ber.
uow eouic tbis |eiug--wbo'c ceeoratec bis bone witb severec beacs--aiso |e so ... tbougbtiui'
Cuee be oiierec tbe riug agaiu, sbe |reatbec a sigb oi reiiei auc siiec it |ael ou. But wbeu sbe uotieec tbe canage to bis |uruec bauc, sbe eriec, \ou erazy
reaucertbai: Beiore sbe tbougbt |etter oi it, sbe'c lueit |esice bin auc seizec bis bauc iu bers.
\ailon's iics weut beavy. ue ieit uo aiu, ouiy tbe ieasure oi ber toueb. Aiter |eiug aioue so ioug...
kee ;ouc e;es oen. S/ane. to en/o; ths ooce.
8be sole, souuciug |reatbiess, |ut be cicu't uucerstauc ber. 8tiii, be suseetec tbis |ebavior oi bers was aliu to aiieetiou. Auc be eravec ooce. uow to get it'
ue triec to craw ou wbat be luew oi ienaies, to ceterniue bow to nale tbis oue stay ieasec auc aiieetiouate.
uis luowiecge was ... iinitec.
ue'c |areiy luowu bis notber. 8be'c |eeu a wbore wbo'c cesisec bis very existeuee, seiiiug bin iuto siavery--auc eveutuaiiy attentiug nueb worse. 8be was uo
exanie to bin. 1beu, iu tbe years wbeu be'c |eeu a seuesterec siave, be'c rareiy eveu seen ienaies, auc aiways iron a cistauee. At iourteeu, be'c eueouuterec youug
bigb|oru cenouesses wbo'c iaugbec as be'c eateu iron tbeir gar|age or |eggec tben ior a cro oi water.
I know naught o/ /eoa/es.
As be oucerec tbis, be a|seutiy |rusbec Carrow's bair iron ber ebeel. 1be toueb bac |eeu geutie auc sbe ioolec surrisec, nay|e eveu ... boeiui. Agaiu be
narveiec at bow reveaiiug ber exressious were. 8be was so easy to reac, be reaiizec be eouic iearu--iron ber--bow to ut ber at ease.
I know naught o/ /eoa/es. ue tool ber ceiieateiy |ouec bauc iu bis owu, uiiiug ber eioser. 8ut ths one w// teach oe.
hat s wcong wth oe` Carrow cicu't luow wbat bac ossessec ber to eross to bis sice oi tbe iire, nueb iess to toueb bin. "beu sbe triec to extrieate ber bauc
iron bis, be eiutebec it too barc. \ou're goiug to burt ne agaiu: 8be yaulec |ael, ireeiug berseii iron bis gri.
uis eyes cartec, bis niuc worliug. 1o ber borror, be sbovec bis otber bauc iuto tbe iire.
"bat are you coiug' sbe eriec, ieaiug iorwarc, bauiiug bis arn |ael.
uis ebiu juttiug, be reseutec bis iatest |uruec bauc to ber.
"itb a ceieatec exbaiatiou, sbe tool it, slinniug ber iiugers over it. \ou'c go tbrougb tbat aiu just so I'ii toueb you' 8ynatby |ioonec iu ber. Aiter eeuturies aioue,
be was so starvec ior atteutiou be'c barn binseii, seeliug nore.
8be eouic reiate....
Lu|icceu, a nenory arose oi ber eigbtb |irtbcay, wbieb ber areuts bac eeie|ratec witb a soiree. 1be cazziiug gatberiug bac |eeu out ou tbeir terraee, witb iauterus
caugiiug iron oal iin|s, stretebiug out over tbe iaugbiug guests.
Carrow bacu't |eeu iuvitec.
8be renen|erec tren|iiug witb ceseratiou, ieeiiug as ii sbe'c cie witbout tbeir atteutiou. 8be'c citebec ber uauuies auc junec ber ouy over tbe becge outo tbe
terraee. 8be bacu't earec ii sbe erasbec or nace it--eitber wouic resuit iu ber areuts baviug to aeluowiecge ber existeuee. esecate. shakng. /ease iool at oe.
8be'c iaiieu iron tbe saccie, |realiug ber arn auc eraeliug ber sluii ior ber trou|ies. Cuee sbe'c awaleuec, ber areuts bac aireacy ceartec ior tbe sunner--
a|aucouiug ber iuto tbe eare oi uew, steruer uauuies.
"beu Carrow tbougbt |ael ou ber youtb, sbe renen|erec nost tbat eiiugiug ueeciuess. 8onetines, sbe stiii wole witb a yawuiug iael aebiug iu ber ebest.
Auc anaziugiy, autieiatiug a iuture witb ku|y was tbe iirst tbiug tbat bac ever nace tbat yearuiug e||.
~ca` be rasec.
"bat' ue was stucyiug ber agaiu. I'n iiue. Lveu tbougb tbey cicu't seal tbe sane iauguage, wbeu be watebec ber ior every tiuy resouse, sbe ieit iile be was
iisteuiug to ber |etter tbau auy nau |eiore.
ue beic u a iiuger agaiu, tbeu sbot to bis ieet auc away iron tbe iire. "beu be returuec, be bac ber |aelael. ue nust bave eoiieetec ber tbiugs iast uigbt.
ue reseutec it to ber as ii be'c luowu sbe was sac auc wautec to ebeer ber.
1bat was reaiiy uiee, cenou. 1baul you. ue truiy wautec to iease ber. "bieb neaut be was nauagea|ie.
Io gong to get ho to that octa/. and now I know how.

chatec 1-

ve and take.
\ailon bac giveu ber sbeiter auc a reseut sbe'c areeiatec, auc tbey'c just iiuisbec a |ouutiiui neai be'c rovicec.
rornaiiy be wouic've taleu tbe |uruiug sit iu bis rougbeuec baucs auc cevourec tbe neat. But ior ber, be'c eut away a ortiou, oiieriug it to ber ou bis |iace. Iu tine,
be'c eoaxec ber to |ite tbe neat oii bis luiie witb ber wbite iittie teetb. "bieb bac nace bin stiiieu witb a swiit beat...
Cive auc tale. row \ailon wautec to tale sonetbiug iu returu.
ue was so usec to ceuiai, bac luowu a iiietine oi it, |ut uo iouger eouic be ceuy tbe ueec to toueb ber |ocy.
I want to /ee/ a /eoa/es lceasts /oc the /cst toe and heac hec cces n o; eac.
1be ouiy tine \ailon bac ever |eeu iu sexuai situatious, be'c |eeu ioreec |y eitber buuger, aiu, or tbe tbreat oi |otb. rever bac be voiuutariiy |eeu witb auotber.
row be wautec to luow wbat it wouic |e iile to cesire--auc tbeu to ossess.
\et eariier, sbe'c ninec tbat wbiie be'c luowu ieasure tbe uigbt |eiore, sbe'c reeeivec ouiy aiu. 1wiee be'c iouuc reiease auc giveu ber uoue. ue ieit bis ueel
"by wou/d sbe waut to reeeive bin'
8be yawuec, stretebiug ber sieucer arns over ber beac, ber |reasts ressiug agaiust ber to. Cocs, be'c uever wautec to see a wonau's |ocy so |aciy. But bis
euriosity was uucerstauca|ie. ue'c uever eueouuterec a ienaie iile ber.
~nd I w// le en/o;ng hec lod; so/e/; /oc the cest o/ o; //e.
uis gaze ciec to tbe ecge oi ber sbort slirt, to tbe sbacow |eueatb it. "bat wouic sbe ieei iile cowu tbere' "beu be'c |eeu a iac, tbe icea oi ruttiug ato a ienaie
auc seuciug |etwixt ber iegs bac arousec bin uu|eara|iy. ue luew ienaies eouic grow wet iusice, |ut wouic sbe |e bot' 8oit'
ue renen|erec years ago a cenou warrior sayiug, 1be ouiy ciiiereuee |etweeu eouiiug witb your iist auc eouiiug witb a ienaie is tbat tbe iist coesu't ioiiow you
arouuc aiterwarc.
\ailon gazec cowu at bis iist, reeaiiiug wbeu be'c iast |rougbt binseii reiease. 8ureiy sbe'c |e soiter tbau tbat'
Curiosity. lossi|iiities. Questious a|out ienaies be'c ioreec binseii uever to eousicer. Ii be eouic eouviuee ber tbat be wouicu't burt ber agaiu, be nigbt at iast get tbe
\e' 8be iaziiy gazec over at tbe cenou, ieeiiug nore satec tbau sbe bac iu cays. 8be'c bac ber iiii oi iresb water auc sueeuieut ebielauts. Lariier, wbeu be'c baucec
ber neat ou a luiie, sbe'c reaiizec be bac a tbiug a|out bauc-ieeciug ber, as ii sbe were a rizec et or sonetbiug. 8be'c saic, ro iates' ro iuss, uo nuss, bub' tbiuliug be
was licciug.
But eveutuaiiy sbe'c eateu every |ite be'c oiierec.
8be wouic |e sieey ii it wasu't ior tbe ueariy seveu-ioot-taii cenou gettiug barc rigbt |eiore ber eyes.
8ex, be saic. Iu Lugiisb.
"boa, what' 8be ueariy ieii over. 8be'c tbougbt tbey'c goue over tbis. But tbeu, be bacu't ronisec auytbiug ou tbis seore.
8ex, be reeatec. 1buniug bis ebest, be saic, !o/o /octs.
8be renen|erec tbe worc no/o iron aii tbe tines sbe'c iec no/o contendece--uo wisb to eoutest iegai ebarges. ue was tryiug to teii ber tbat be cicu't waut to burt
lirst oi aii. \eab, rigbt, sbe was goiug to bo |ael ou tbe trust traiu witb bin. Auc seeouc, eveu ii sbe |eiievec be wouicu't burt ber, sbe stiii eouicu't bave sex witb bin.
Asice iron tbe iaet tbat sbe eouic get reguaut |y a venou, sbe cicu't ueec to |e iutinate witb bin--it wouic nale ber nissiou tbat nueb nore eoniieatec. 8be sbool ber
beac. ro sex.
ue iiielec bis baucs out iu tbat inatieut hat gves` gesture.
Clay, so be wautec to luow wh;. unn, bow to nine letca;a/' 8be cicu't see tbat auswer iortbeoniug, so sbe lueit ou tbe grouuc, wiiug iiat au area oi sauc. "itb
a iiuger, sbe crew a roiiie oi tbe tbree eals oi bis nouutaiu. Besice tbat sbe crew a coorway. 1be iast ieture was oi a bouse. Mnde bone, sbe saic.
Curt uoc iron tbe cenou.
8be oiutec at bin, tbeu berseii, tbeu wailec ber iiugers iron tbe nouutaiu, tbrougb tbe coor, to tbe bouse.
ue gave auotber uoc oi uucerstauciug, |ut be was uiel to oiut to binseii auc tbeu ber, iuteriaeiug bis iiugers auc eiasiug bis baucs.
1ogetber' \es, we'ii go togethec. ue wouic ioiiow ber tbrougb. 1bere weut tbe iirst burcie. row ior tbe uext. ro sex tiii tbeu.
8eowiiug cenou.
8be oiutec at tbe crawiug oi ber bouse. 1hece. 8ex.
8be wautec bin to ieave tbis iaue witb ber, to go tbrougb tbe ortai to ber bone.
\ailon luew tbere were otber iaues, sone runorec to |e beaveuiy. "beu youug, be'c bearc taies oi oue witb l/ue slies, oi aii tbiugs. looc was saic to srout
straigbt iron tbe grouuc, tbere ior tbe taliug. ro eatebiug or buutiug ueeessary.
lreeious water was saic to iaii iron tbe sly, riebes giveu to aii.
But as be'c growu oicer, be'c reaiizec tbat aii wbo eane tbrougb tbe ortai toic ciiiereut taies. 8one saic tbe iieics were goiceu, sone saic greeu. 8one saic tbe
oeeaus were |iue, sone saic gray.
Ci oue tbiug be was eertaiu. ro iaue eouic ossi|iy |e worse tbau tbis oue. "ouic be go witb ber' A|soiuteiy. 8be nigbt bave areuts, si|iiugs, or irieucs tbere. ue
bac uo oue.
Iu tbe sauc, sbe crew tbe syn|ois be'c usec ior a cay, tbeu beic u iive iiugers.
8be was teiiiug bin tbat be wasu't to eiain ber uutii tbeu' 1be |etter art oi a weel' ue beic u iive iiugers iu |iataut cis|eiiei, auc ber iis euriec tbe snaiiest |it. \es,
ue reeoguizec tbe worc auc iilec it wbeu sbe eaiiec bin tbat. ue cic not iile ber eoucitious.
"beu be aslec ber iu Denouisb wby be'c ouiy bave ber tbere, sbe nereiy sbruggec, auc agaiu be was struel |y bow iittie be luew a|out ber. ue cicu't eveu luow
what sbe was, nueb iess wbat ber eustons wouic |e.
lerbas sbe ueecec a |iuciug eerenouy to nale bin ber bus|auc. lerbas narryiug witbiu ber euiture wasu't as easy as witbiu bis. "itb a iew worcs soleu...
At tbe euc oi tbose iive cays, wouic sbe |e as auxious as be' Lageriy ieaciug bin |y tbe bauc to ber bone, to ber |ec'
"ouic sbe iutrocuee bin to ber ianiiy' uarceuec warriors wereu't oit vaiuec iu a soit woric. \et nay|e ber eoie wouic areeiate tbe iaet tbat be'c savec ber iiie.
ceaos o/ the /utuce. S/ane` ue luew |etter. ro iouger eouic be crean witbout creaciug. 1be two were iorever iutertwiuec ior bin. Lvery tine be'c carec to
autieiate a ebauge iu bis iortuues--eveu iron tbe eariiest age--be'c bac bis boes erusbec.
"beu bis notber bac soic bin iuto siavery, be'c stuiciy |eiievec be was goiug to |e adoted iuto a uew ianiiy. Auc as nueb as be'c batec wbat tbe naster bac coue
to bin, \ailon bac ieit |etrayec wbeu tbat vanire bac turuec bin out iu tbe streets.
But \ailon bac nace |otb oi tben ay, aioug witb tbe guarcs wbo'c ceiiverec bin to tbe Vieeroy auc eveutuaiiy tbe vanire ieacer binseii. Aii were ceac. Lxeet
ior kouatb.
keniucec oi tbis, \ailon reaiizec be eouicu't ceart C|iiviou wbeu sbe wautec. Luiess kouatb attaelec |eiore tbeu, \ailon wouic |e ieaviug bin uuseatbec,
tbougb be'c aiways netec retri|utiou.
1bat |astarc bac eost bin bis |est irieuc iu kaiieu. \ailon cicu't |iane kaiieu ior wbat bac baeuec iu tbat eeii. \ailon |ianec tbe eouuiviug arnorer ior tbe ioss.
!eac/; as ouch as I l/aoe o;se// .
Couic be iorgo veugeauee ou kouatb' Aiter awaitiug it ior so ioug'
\ailon gazec at Carrow. uacu't be |eeu awaitiug ber ior just as ioug, eveu ii be bacu't reaiizec it'
8be was uo cistaut crean. 8be was bere, reai auc taugi|ie, a iautasy nace iiesb. ue iearec aiter oue uigbt iusice ber |ocy, be wouic surreucer bis veugeauee witbout a
seeouc tbougbt.
One wa; to /nd out....
1be wbeeis were turuiug agaiu. "bat was tbe cenou ceeiciug'
"beu Carrow stooc, agaiu iuteuciug to uuroii tbe seeouc sieeiug |ag, be seowiec.
ro sex, be saic iu baitiug Lugiisb. ro |i-tiug. ue beic u bis ain iu irustratiou, so eieariy sayiug, 1hen what ao I to have`
ood ont. sbe tbougbt as sbe lueit ou ber uew |ec. 1be cenou bac iec ber, giveu ber sbeiter auc roteetiou. 1bougb be eane iron a naster/siave euiture, be'c
aetuaiiy |eeu uegotiatiug witb ber, |ut sbe luew sbe was ou |orrowec tine.
Cbauge oi iaus. liue. Ii sbe cic give bin ieasure, be nigbt iuei ber witb nore ower. 8be giaueec away auc beic out ber owu ain. uauc sbaucy, auyoue'
ue bacu't novec. ceat. "as sbe goiug to bave to nine tbis oue, too' "beu sbe iaeec bin, reaiizatiou iit bis exressiou.
ue uarrowec bis eyes, giviug ber a iool oi cistaste. As ii sbe'c just ebeaeuec berseii.
Auc Carrow tbe Iueareeratec, arty giri witbout iubi|itious, was en|arrassec. 1beu sbe renen|erec wbo sbe was witb. \ou're giviug ne tbat iool wbeu you
ereanec jeaus ou ne--twiee' \ay|e ;ou sbouic |e en|arrassec:
Carrow, be saic waruiugiy.
\es, be'c iujurec ber auc irealec ber out, |ut sbe uo iouger |eiievec bis |ebavior was cue to naiiee iu bis beart--it was |eeause oi wbat be'c |eeone. Le ;e//ed at
oe to cun.
"bieb neaut tbat Carrow was tbe reai viiiaiu bere. 8be cic bave naiieious iuteutious towarc bin. 8be iauuec to burt bin worse tbau be eouic ever burt ber.
ont thnk alout that; thnk o/ kul;.
ue iiielec bis iiugers at Carrow's sbirt, eonnauciug ber to renove it. "beu sbe nereiy gaec at bin, be bit bis iist iuto bis otber ain.
1be cenou wasu't joliug arouuc.
\et tbe icea oi lissiug bin, or nore, wbeu be was so cirty sleevec ber. Lool, it's uot you. It's oe. auc ny iua|iiity to cig cirty cuces. rot to neutiou bow iiitby sbe
was. Lariier, sbe'c swiec bieleu juiee oii ber ebiu witb tbe |ael oi ber bauc.
8be bac aii tbe nateriais ueecec to get tben suealy. 8be just ueecec a tu| auc a|out iiity gaiious oi ure, grace A water. Lb, I cou't suose you bave a iaee to
tale a lath'

chatec 1i

8be wautec a ... lath. ue renen|erec tbe worc |eeause 'twas so a|borreut to bin.
As a |oy, be'c |eeu wasbec |y tbe naster's otber siaves, bac |eeu wboiiy cuulec iu water as be'c ebolec auc sutterec. ue'c sereanec witb iear over tbe |atbiug, as
nueb as auytbiug eise tbat tbe naster bac coue to bin.
\ailon wouic uever iorget tbe beavy, aiieu ieei oi iiuic over bin, or bow tbe iye soa bac |uruec bis eyes iile iire.
1o tbis cay, be'c uever su|nergec binseii.
8be ninielec wasbiug ber arns. A |atb'
\et auotber ba|it oi bers tbat was so siniiar to tbe vanires'.
"as tbis auotber oi ber eoucitious' 1beu aiterwarc, sbe nigbt co nore tbau eoiciy oiier ber bauc' 8be'c wautec to give bin tbat reiease |ut to ceuy bin tbe ieei oi
ber |ocy--auc be'c reseutec it.
Lveu as bis nen|er bac sweiiec ior ber soit ain...
"ater' 1o lathe` row sbe ninielec ouriug water over ber beac.
Cb, yes, wberever sbe baiiec iron, sbe was iron a ianiiy oi weaitb--iots oi it. ue luew tbis witb aii tbe eouvietiou oi oue wbo'c seut nost oi bis iiie witbout an;. ue
wouicu't cou|t ii sbe were a uo|ie, or eveu a royai.
uere a earaie oi water eouic |uy a siave--auc sbe wautec a |arrei's wortb oi it.
\et uow be was rieb iu water, eouic aiiorc ber extravagauees. "beu be uoccec, notiouiug ior ber to ioiiow bin, ber eyes iit u auc sbe swiitiy eoiieetec ber ael.
Cra||iug bis ielax, be iec ber to au area witb a |owi ceressiou tbat bac a retaiuiug waii |rielec arouuc it. Iu oiceu tines, tbe eeiiiug teu ieet a|ove bac |eeu iereec
at iutervais, taec ior tbe gatberiug ooi |eueatb.
ue stooc ou tbe retaiuiug waii auc iiitec tbe ax a|ove bis beac. Aiter a eouie oi raetieec swiugs at tbe eeiiiug, warn water sraug iron tbe roel, trieliiug iuto tbe
8be gave a ceiigbtec ery as tbe ievei |egau to rise, auc be iiitec bis ebiu rouciy.
\ore, sbe nurnurec iu Augiisb. 8be eiasec ber baucs togetber iu tbat gesture oi ieaciug.
1bougb it wouic eveutuaiiy iiii u tbe iarge erater, eouic be ceuy ber wbeu sbe aslec so sweetiy' ue was aireacy auxious iron bis uearuess to tbe water, |ut wbeu be
tbougbt a|out ber cisro|iug eonieteiy--witb bin watebiug--be yaulec oii bis ebaiunaii, tool u bis ax ouee nore, auc baelec at tbe eeiiiug.
~h. Lekate. the wa; hs lod; ooves.
uis |ael was |are, tbe sliu can, auc as be swuug tbat ax witb sueb ease, bis nuseies iiexec seusuousiy.
"beu a |eac oi sweat criec cowu aioug bis siue, sbe inagiuec traeiug its atb witb ber iiuger. 1be iirst tine sbe'c ever desced to toueb bin.
"as sbe aetuaiiy attraetec to a |rute iile bin'
\ay|e. But sbe was just so ceiigbtec witb bin rigbt uow. 8be luew tbis nueb water was aliu to ber |atbiug iu a vat oi goic cust at bone, auc tbe ooi be'c taleu ber
to was erieet, iarge auc o|ioug, ro|a|iy waist-cee iu tbe eeuter wbeu iiiiec.
8treans oi water raiuec cowu iron tbe roel eeiiiug, siiiiug iron tbe iaees be'c iereec, as ii iron iow-ressure sbowerbeacs.
"beu be ut cowu tbe ax auc giaueec |ael, sbe was |itiug ber |otton ii. lron tbe way be gazec at ber eyes, sbe guessec ber irises were sarliiug witb ber iuterest.
Iu returu, sbe saw rice iu bis |iue eyes--|ut sbe aiso seusec bis uuceriyiug cisuiet. lron tbe extravagauee'
8tean rose iron tbe suriaee oi tbe ooi, reeiainiug ber atteutiou. 8be testec it witb ber iiugertis, iiuciug it au iceai |atbiug tenerature. 1baul you, \ailon. But
uow I ueec sone rivaey. 8be sbooec bin away agaiu. \ou eau eone |ael ior your turu.
Iu auswer, be erossec bis arns auc gave a gruut.
rot goiug auywbere, bub' liue. Carrow wasu't sby. A eouiirnec eigbty tbousauc eoie bac seeu ber ualec. Auc tbat \ou1u|e vic was stiii goiug stroug:
"itb a sbrug, sbe sat ou tbe roel waii |y tbe water, entyiug ber toiietries iron tbe lX. As exeetec, sbe'c ueecec tben nore tbau a iriggiug iiasbiigbt. S//; /tt/e
oocta/s. ste asde. and /et the enchantcess do /ke she do.
As tbe water ceeeuec, sbe iuelec out ber tootb|rusb auc tootbaste. lrowuiug at tbe tu|e, sbe saic, 1bis was iuii wbeu I ieit. Denou, cic you eat sone oi ny
tootbaste' At bis stuciousiy |iaul iool, sbe sigbec. \ou ate ny tootbaste' "eii, at ieast you ieit baii. 8be ioacec tbe |risties auc |egau |rusbiug wbiie be watebec iu
ue ioolec so eurious tbat ouee sbe'c iiuisbec u, sbe ninielec |rusbiug hs teetb. Brusba, |rusba, |rusba' 8urrisiugiy, be seenec ... iuterestec.
8o sbe siguaiec ior bin to sit |esice ber. "beu be sbool bis beac, sbe eiasec ber baucs to ber ebest. I/ease.
Iu a grousiug toue, be nutterec iu Denouisb, |ut be cic besitautiy sit ou tbe very ecge oi tbe ooi.
uere, |are your teetb. 1o iiiustrate, sbe crew ber iis |ael, sniiiug |roaciy. Cone ou, cenou. Bariug your iaugs' 8bouicu't |e so strauge ior you.
Cuee be cic, sbe eareiuiiy rau tbe |rusb over bis irout teetb, iettiug bin get usec to tbe ieeiiug. 8iuee be bacu't |itteu auytbiug or growiec, sbe grew nore aggressive,
goiug ceutai bygieuist ou bin.
ue bac uiee eveu teetb, surrisiugiy wbite. Iu a way, eveu bis iaugs were sexy. 8ecause hs second lte acoused ;ou. Shut u. nnec caccow!
1bere, cenou. Aii coue--
\ou swaiiowec it' Cross: ue seowiec at ber toue. ro nore |ig-lics' Crest ior you uutii you iearu to sit. 8be eiuelec ber tougue. "eii, uow your teetb are eieau,
|ut tbe rest oi you is ealec iu cust. uair baugiug aii iu your iaee. I woucer ii you'c iet ne eut it' \ay|e eveu sbave you' Cr wouic you growi auc sua'
8be giugeriy iiitec a ioel oi bis cirt-eoatec bair auc nace a seissors notiou. Cau I eut it' 8be iigurec be wouic ut u resistauee, tbougbt bis liuc ro|a|iy iavorec
baviug tbeir bair ioug as er sone warrior cenou eoce. But aiter a besitatiou, be gave a uoc. 8o ii tbere was uo reasou uot to eut it, wby bacu't be'
8ecause hes a gu;` "itb uo woneu arouuc, auy naie sbe luew wouic |e lielec |ael iu a |eer-staiuec Bareaiouuger arlec iu irout oi a 1V, weariug staie trael
sborts auc a|seutiy seratebiug binseii.
row tbis naie was aetuaiiy goiug to iet ber co au extrene naleover, cenou ecitiou. rot |otberiug to bice ber exeiteneut, sbe saic, I'ii |e rigbt |ael, tbeu burriec to
tbe soiciers' aels. 8be gra||ec sone 1-sbirts to use as eiotbs, a eon|, a cisosa|ie razor, auc nau soa. 8be iouuc snaii sbears ou tbe aii-urose luiie.
"beu sbe returuec, be'c aireacy novec oii tbe waii, a wary iool iu bis eyes.
8be sat ouee nore, iiuiug u ber gear, tbeu attec tbe stoue ior bin to eone sit.
ue besitatec |eiore rejoiuiug ber.
Clay, cenou. 8te oue. bair. Conneueiug. By tbe tine sbe'c iiuisbec uu|raiciug tbe raveis, be was ueariy ualiug. 8eusiug tbis was a very ceiieate tine, sbe novec
giugeriy. 1be uervous east to bis eyes nace ber |eiieve be was aiiowiug ber nore tbau be ever bac auotber.
Carrow ieit iile sbe was iueliug a tboru iron a iiou's aw.
1bougb sbe bac to |e burtiug bin as sbe attentec to worl a eon| tbrougb bis gritty taugies, tbe cenou uever wiueec, uever nace a souuc. Iu iaet, be was growiug
uis eyes let returuiug to ber |reasts, auc be was gettiug tbat beavy-iiccec iool tbat saic be was inagiuiug rigbt tbeu wbat be'c iile to |e coiug witb tben. Aareutiy,
tbe cenou was a |reast nau.
Lyes iorwarc, cenou, sbe saic.
A baiibeartec growi iu resouse.
Coueeciug ceieat agaiust tbe luots, sbe |egau to eut sone oi tbe worst oues away. 1beu sbe sborteuec bis bair iu tbe |ael to just a|ove wbere bis eoiiar wouic |e--ii
be wore oue.
But wbeu sbe sbearec arouuc bis borus, be eieuebec tbe roel |eueatb bin. Carrow luew bow seusitive a cenou's borus were, auc tbis oue's were growiug,
ieugtbeuiug. uis ueel weut rec, auc be'c |eguu to sweat.
"beu sbe aeeiceutaiiy |rusbec oue oi tbe barc aeucages, tbe roel |eueatb bis baucs erun|iec. 8be giaueec at tbe cestruetiou--auc bis ereetiou--uervousiy.
ue gave a uoc. Soka;.
8be eautiousiy |egau agaiu. Cuee sbe iiuisbec trinniug arouuc bis iaee, sbe crew |ael ior a |etter iool. 8g inroveneut. \es, bis iaee was stiii iiitby, strealec witb
eano aiut, auc eoverec witb stu||ie, |ut sbe eouic see tbe |asies ior attraetiveuess were tbere.
uer euriosity was liiiiug ber. uow iar wouic be iet ber go' row ior tbe rest oi you. 8be riec oue oi tbe 1-sbirts iuto iour eiotbs, tbeu iatberec soa ou oue. 1bis is
soa. \our uew |est irieuc.
"beu sbe rau tbe sucsy nateriai over bis iorebeac, be eiosec bis eyes, as ii savoriug eveu tbis snaii eoutaet. 8be seru||ec tbe tbiel iayer oi cust, reveaiiug tau,
snootb sliu. "bo wouic've tbougbt it' uis |rows were iigbt |rowu witb a goiceu east.
8o bei ber, ii lig-leu was a |iouc...
8be wasbec bis uer ebeels auc bis siigbtiy eroolec uose, tbeu iatberec tbe rest oi bis iaee. 8be'c uever sbavec auotber |eiore--otber tbau ior eye|row rauls--|ut
sbe iigurec sbe eouicu't nale bin iool worse tbau be aireacy cic.
8o sbe uervousiy uiiec tbe razor cowu bis ieau ebeel. By tbe iiitb crag oi tbe razor, sbe nutterec, I an a reguiar 'eury 'iggius. Lverytbiug reveaiec uucer tbe
cisaeariug aiut auc stu||ie ... was gorgeous.
Cuee sbe'c iiuisbec auc wiec cowu bis iaee, ber iis artec. M; gods. hes tucned u hot.
1be cenou bac bigb, |roac ebeel|oues, witb sbacowec iuceutatious uucer tben. uis iis were iirn, tbe |otton oue iuiier. uis jawiiue was stroug, overtiy naseuiiue,
auc bis stu||oru ebiu bac a eieit iu tbe eeuter. 8be'c luowu bis |oue strueture was gooc, |ut daon. Lveu bis |ruiser uose bac a ralisb east wbeu taleu witb bis iaee as a
Denou' ue wouicu't iool at ber, auc sbe tbougbt be was boiciug bis |reatb.
ue wautec ber to iiuc bin attraetive, was auxious a|out it. "bieb nace bin seen so uornai, vuiuera|ie eveu, wbieb iu turu nace ber soiteu towarc bin.
Beiore sbe eouic tbiul |etter oi it, sbe euec bis ebeel. "itb uucisguisec acniratiou, sbe nurnurec, I cou't luow wbat nuster is, |ut you ass it iile erazy, |ig guy.
row be giaueec u. 1bey gazec at eaeb otber ior ioug noneuts. "as sbe so sueriieiai tbat bis uitinate reveai nace bin tbat nueb nore synatbetie to ber'
"eii, it cicu't burt.
\et sbe was aiso iutriguec |y bis eainuess auc bis eooeratiou, tbe steacy eiarity oi bis |iue eyes. ro iouger were tbey |iael witb |ioociust or rage. 1bis cenou was
trustiug ber, auc sbe resoucec to tbat.
Just tbeu, a trielie oi soay water rau iuto bis eye. uis gaze stiii ioelec ou ber iaee, be cicu't eveu |iiul.
Cb, cenou: uere. 8be ressec a cry eiotb to it. 8orry a|out tbat.
8be ainost cicu't uotiee bin reaebiug a sbaliug bauc towarc ber |reasts uutii too iate, |ut sbe swiitiy |aelec away. Ab-ab, we're ouiy baiiway coue.
Carrow luew sbe iayec a caugerous gane. 1ouigbt, sbe iuteucec to reiease a iittie oi bis stean--to sbow bin wbat be was gettiug out oi tbeir ceai. 8be was reacy to
ay tbe ier |ut bac ouiy |ucgetec so nueb iron ber oelet|ool. Couic be restraiu binseii'
Ii uot, sbe |eiievec sbe bac euougb ower to co a sboeler seii ou bin. 8be boec.
Iu auy eveut, be ueecec to |e eieau. 8iuee sbe'c |e rooniug witb bin, sbe'c ticy bin u, just as sbe bac bis iair. 8be was ceterniuec to wasb every iueb oi bis |ig
|ocy, bunniug at tbe ear wasb wbiie soaiug bin u iron tires to griiie.
"itb tbat iau iu niuc, sbe uuziec ber slirt, iettiug it iaii to ber aulies. "eariug ouiy ber baiter, |ra, auc tboug, sbe steec iuto tbe uow luee-cee water.
Cuee sbe iaeec bin agaiu, be ioolec cun|struel, ruuuiug bis bauc over bis noutb.
"beu sbe |eelouec to bin witb a griu, be giaueec over |otb sbouicers. 1beu be bilec a tbun| at binseii witb bis eieit ebiu rouciy raisec.
Auc Carrow tbougbt, I thnk I /ust /e// nto /ke wth ho.

chatec 1o

\ailon was cazec at tbe sigbt oi tbe ert, iiawiess |aelsice sbe'c just easuaiiy reveaiec to bin.
A rewarc ior bis atieuee' Lariier as sbe'c uuiaitec bis bair, sbe'c |eeu iu bigb sirits a|out tbe roseet oi sbaviug auc sbeariug bin. "biie be eouicu't bave |eeu
nore iii at ease.
Aiter aii tbis tine, baviug an;one uear bin bac |eeu strauge, nueb iess tbis ienaie wbo so eiiortiessiy uucerniuec bis eoutroi, witb ber |reasts swayiug cireetiy |eiore
bis eyes.
lius, tbe water bac |eeu nere iuebes iron bin.
\et be'c |attiec ior eoutroi oi binseii, |eeause ior sone reasou, ber tasl bac |eeu inortaut to ber.
lor bis trou|ies, sbe'c giitec bin witb tbat view oi ber |aelsice.
row be yearuec to toueb tbose aie eurves, |ut sbe'c renovec berseii iuto tbe water. 1bere, sbe ninielec tbat sbe wouic wasb bin, too. ue bacu't agreec to tbis ior
binseii. \et iool bow be'c |eeu rewarcec ior bis eooeratiou so iar: "itb ber renoviug eiotbiug auc oiieriug to eieau bin.
uer baucs ou bin. "ater ou bin.
ue wouic sneii iile tbe vanires be'c batec. But shewouic iile bin |etter. 1o |e eiose to ber, eouic be euter tbe ooi tbat eoutiuuec to ceeeu'
ue'c bave to uucress. "beu be renovec bis euiis, sbe wouic see tbe |ite sears, ossi|iy reeoguiziug tbe narls oi a |iooc siave. 1be icea iiiiec bin witb
Let aioue striiug eonieteiy. '1was oue tbiug ior otber naies to see bin ualec. But a wonau' ue iigurec tbat iu aii bis years a ienaie or two nust bave--|ut be'c
uever luowu a|out it, auc be sureiy bacu't voiuuteerec auy giinses oi bis |ocy.
1bis oue seenec to iile tbe iool oi bis eouuteuauee, gaziug at bin witb uubicceu arovai, wbieb nystiiiec bin. lerbas sbe eouic |e attraetec to bis |ocy.
"ouic she uucress eonieteiy' 8bow bin tbose |reasts be wautec to iiel' kenove tbe siil triaugie tbat eoverec ber sex'
ue oiutec at ber to, tbeu nace a eouie oi uiel notious witb bis iiugers.
"itb a |reatbiess sniie, sbe teasec it u so siowiy, cisiayiug iul siil, wettec auc eiiugiug to ber eurves. 1be iaee reveaiec nore tbau it eoueeaiec.
uis iis artec. 1be gocs anusec tbenseives witb \ailon, giviug bin sueb a iiue ienaie.
Cr eouic sbe |e bis justiy earuec rewarc ... '
lor au extraorciuary, iieetiug noneut, be aetuaiiy ieit iile tbe iueliest naie aiive.
"beu Carrow crew oii ber baiter, tbe cenou's gaze was seariug ou ber, as aia|ie as a toueb. Brows crawu as ii iu aiu, be gave a iow growi auc a|seutiy ainec
tbe rigic outiiue oi bis sbait.
8uaggiug tbe sbanoo auc soa, sbe |eelouec bin agaiu witb a euriec ioreiiuger. But be |egau aeiug |ael auc iortb at tbe ecge oi tbe ooi. 8be eouic see bis
exressious eveu nore cistiuetiy uow, eouic see sweat |eaciug bis uer ii. keaiizatiou struel. ue was airaic oi gettiug iu tbe water.
uis bo|ia nace seuse. "beu wouic be ever bave iearuec to swin or grow aeeustonec to iarge anouuts oi water'
Clay, I guess I'ii eujoy tbis aii |y nyseii. "itb just ber uucergarneuts ou, sbe wacec to tbe ceeer eeuter, ciiug |eiow tbe suriaee to soal berseii eonieteiy. 8be
nace a |ig sbow oi iatberiug ber bair, giviug a noau bere auc tbere as ii ber niiitary geuerie sbanoo were as orgasnie as a |ottie oi uer|ai Lsseuees.
\ore rowiiug.
Cuee sbe'c gotteu tbe taugies out oi ber owu bair, sbe neaucerec over to oue oi tbe stiii trieliiug eeiiiug streans to riuse tbe sbanoo away. "beu sbe raisec ber iaee
to tbe water auc rau ber baucs over ber |eiiy auc tbigbs, sbe ielec u a riot oi ciiiereut enotious iron bin. Cue oi wbieb was ... awe.
ue gazec at ber iile be nigbt bave ioolec at bis iast suurise.
At iast, be trucgec to tbe ecge. 8be eageriy net bin tbere, grasiug oue oi bis arns to craw iree tbe iaees ou bis ieatber euiis. But tbat wary east to bis eyes returuec.
Agaiu sbe tbougbt, 1hocn /coo a /ons aw. 1rust ne, cenou.
But be eouicu't trust ber. Litinateiy, sbe was goiug to |etray bin. ont thnk alout t. /ust en/o; ths toe.
Aiter renoviug tbe seeouc euii, sbe irowuec. 1be sliu ou bis wrists was narrec witb |ite sears. Vanire |ites.
lor Loreaus, sears ouiy iornec |eiore innortaiity was reaebec iu acuitbooc. Auc Carrow luew tbat siel uorce vanires eujoyec tbe |iooc oi tbe youug, tbougbt it
uac 8iaiue |eeu a |iooc siave as a ebiic'
8be traeec ber ioreiiuger over tbe narls. ue wouicu't neet ber eyes, auc sbe luew. 1bey'c let bin ior |iooc at sone tine |eiore be'c iuiiy naturec. ro woucer be
was vioieut.
"as tbat wby be'c uegotiatec witb ber, wbeu ro|a|iy uo otber naie iu tbis eutire reain wouic bave' Beeause be'c luowu wbat it ieit iile to |e oweriess'
At tbat noneut, sbe batec tbe iaeeiess vanire, or vanires, wbo'c burt bin, auc sbe ieit synatby ior tbe |oy be'c |eeu.
ue nust bave uotieec tbe iatter iu ber exressiou, |eeause witbout a worc, tbe rouc cenou turuec to ieave.
But sbe cicu't waut bin to. \ailon, eone |ael. I/ease.
ue siowec auc iiuaiiy turuec. "itb tbat eaieuiatiug iool iu bis eyes, be notiouec ior ber |ra.
\ou wou't returu uutii I tale it oii' 1beu I'ii give you tit ior tat. 8be raisec ber |rows at bis auts.
ue reaebec cowu to tbe ieatber ties baugiug iow ou bis waist. "itb a |o| oi bis Acan's aie, be |egau uuiaeiug tben. Ike hes necvous` 1be ruiiiau, wiic-nau
cenou was sby' liuisbec witb tbe ties, be besitatec.
8be reeaiiec tbe way bis bauc bac sbaleu as be'c reaebec ior ber |reasts. \ay|e be bacu't |eeu witb a iot oi woneu, or it'c |eeu ages siuee be |eccec oue.
Aareutiy ienaies were uouexisteut iu tbese wasteiaucs--
1be cenou iet bis auts cro to tbe grouuc. 1be iuii ieugtb oi bis ereetiou sraug iree, auc sbe gasec. Oh. o; gods.
Carrow ieit tbe sane way sbe bac tbe iirst tine sbe'c seeu a euis iu tbe iiesb. Ciccy. Auc sbe luew sbe'c iorever |e eonariug auy otbers to tbis oue.
Denou naies were uotoriousiy buug auc eustonariiy iereec cowu soutb, auc tbis cenou was uo ciiiereut. Asice iron |eiug ainost uueoniorta|iy iarge, be bac iour
iereiugs--a sexy ioursone oi |ar|eiis eiin|iug u bis tbiel sbait. 1be netai gieanec iu tbe iow iigbt, naliug ber waut to sigb.
But bis s.e. Avoiciug iutereourse witb bin bac |eeu wise. An tbiuliug your iiie is too |ig ior ny eonuter to aeeess, |ig guy, sbe a|seutiy nutterec.
1bat tattoo ou bis sice sualec cowu bis bi, aii tbe way to bis iuuer tbigb, tbe cesigu auc iaeeneut iutinate. 8oneoue bac /ovng/; iulec bin.
8be ieit au uuexeetec iiare oi jeaiousy ior tbe woneu wbo'c seeu bis tattoo. uac tbey traeec it witb trenuious iiugers'
Carrow wautec to ioiiow it witb ber tougue.
1bis siuiuiiy gorgeous |ocy auc iaee bac |eeu bicceu iron tbe woric. \ailon 8iaiue nigbt |e a cenou uou grata, |ut be was aiso a cianouc iu tbe rougb, oue tbat
sbe eouicu't wait to ieei iu ber baucs. 8be grew eovetous oi bin, as ii sbe'c just goue seeuiatiug iu tbis niue auc bac bit tbe notber ioce.
"beu sbe eouic tear ber gaze uwarc, sbe iouuc bis eyes were iiieleriug over ber iaee, o|serviug ber agaiu, ciseeruiug ber reaetiou. ue was coiug tbat iisteuiug tbiug,
iileiy uucerstauciug ber |etter tbau neu wbo sole ber iauguage.
Cuee nore, be swaiiowec. uow sbe ereeivec bin was o|viousiy inortaut to 8iaiue. "as be uueoniorta|ie witb bis uucity arouuc ber' Denou euitures eouic |e
sueb a nix, nasters auc siaves aii criveu |y sex, yet eouservative witb it. But sbe cicu't waut bin uueoniorta|ie.
8be east bin au acniriug iool. \ailon ... /octs. sbe saic iu a tbroaty voiee. uis ereetiou uisec, auc tbe grin iiue oi bis iis easec sonewbat.
8be iayec a caugerous gane. ro sex' ue'c iose eoutroi wbeu tbey bac sex--sbe luew it. Cr ratber, / tbey bac sex. Auc tbe iileiibooc oi bin goiug cenouie,
vanirie erazy--wbiie |raucisbiug tbe |iggestD sbe'c ever seeu--nace ber waut to eross ber iegs tigbt.
ue growiec, |ut eveutuaiiy be uoccec.
Deeiciug to ieave ber tboug ou ior auy accitiouai |argaiuiug ower sbe nigbt ueec, sbe uueiasec ber |ra auc tossec it ou tbe retaiuiug waii. 1beu eone--
ue was aireacy ou bis way.

chatec 1

o not /ook at the watec; kee ;ouc e;es on hec. \ailon grittec bis teetb, reiusiug to tbiul a|out tbe iiuic wraiug arouuc bis iegs, a|out bow uuuaturai it ieit.
!o. /ust /ook at those leaut/u/ lceasts.
Cocs, tbey were so aie auc iuii, tiec witb cusly iul uiies tbat were stiiieuiug rigbt |eiore bis eyes. ue eieuebec auc uueieuebec bis iists as be tbougbt a|out
euiug tbose |reasts, sueeziug tben....
uis eoel |o||ec aiuiuiiy as be stroce towarc ber. Cuee be stooc |eiore ber, be craggec bis gaze u to neet bers. uer suitry eyes were beavy-iiccec, tbe irises iile
8be was cesirous. "bieb neaut sbe wouic bave exeetatious oi bin tbat be cou|tec be eouic iuiiiii.
8ecuetiou. I do not know how to do ths. "ouic sbe waut to |e lissec' '1was ta|oo anoug tbe 1rotbau cenous.
8be ro|a|iy tbougbt be'c |eeu witb buucrecs oi ienaies, as nost cenous bis age wouic bave |eeu. 8be iileiy |eiievec be was sliiiec at crawiug ieasure iron
I have no sk// and neac/; as /tt/e know/edge alout hec lod;. \et wbeu a iarge cro oi water eoursec iron ber ebest cowu oue oi ber rouc |reasts, bis
arebeusious grew cin. Lave to touch theo...
But as be reaebec ior ber, sbe easec away, sbaliug ber beac. ro, be wautec to toueb--
\ailon, iease.
ue besitatec. 8be wautec sonetbiug oi bin uow. 1ou have had ;ouc tucn--now t s hecs. At ieugtb, be gave a uoc, aiiowiug ber to ieac bin |esice a iaii oi water. ue
eveu lueit wbeu sbe cic, tbougb tbat ut tbe water as bigb as bis uavei.
ue renaiuec teuse wbeu sbe novec |ebiuc bin, ruuuiug tbe eiotb over bis |ael auc ueel witb ceii|erate stroles. uis arns were uext as sbe worlec aii tbe way cowu
to bis iiugers auc eiaws.
"beu sbe grazec ber iiugertis over tbe sears ou bis wrists, be reeaiiec ber reaetiou as sbe'c striec bin oi bis euiis. Cb, yes, sbe'c luowu wbat tbose sears neaut.
ue'c seeu tbe ity iu ber exressive eyes. "bieb bac sbanec bin. Auc tbose sears narlec tbe /east ceneauiug way be'c |eeu usec.
uow wouic sbe reaet to iearuiug tbe rest'
As sbe rau tbat soay eiotb over auy art oi bin tbat sbe eouic reaeb, be ceeicec tbat tbis |atb was narleciy ciiiereut iron wbat be'c renen|erec. 1bere was uo aiu
or straugiiug auie. ue was stiii ou ecge, |ut bis niuc was iiiiec witb tbougbts oi ber, wouceriug wbere sbe wouic toueb bin uext, n what wa; sbe wouic toueb bin.
"beu sbe iooec ber arns arouuc bin to wasb bis ebest, ber |arec |reasts siiec aeross bis |ael, reuceriug bin cizzy witb ieasure. 1be ieei oi tbose iul tis
agaiust bin nace bis eoel tbro| so iuteuseiy, be was tentec to |egiu nastur|atiug uucer tbe water to assuage it--
1be ac oi ber ioreiiuger ru||ec bis iereec uiie. ~h. caccow ... Just wbeu be was a|out to suateb ber iuto bis arns, sbe stooc auc |egau wasbiug bis bair,
ruuuiug ber uaiis aioug bis seai.
lor sone reasou tbis reiaxec bin, wealeuiug bin uutii be eouic |areiy lee bis beac iiitec. \et wbeu sbe aii |ut oiisbec bis borus, bis sbait uisec inossi|iy barcer.
uow nueb iouger eouic be eucure tbe |uiiciug ressure' uac be uot eone eariier, tbere'c bave |eeu uo witbstauciug tbis.
But ii be touebec ber, be eouic burt ber, justiiyiug ber iears a|out bis eiainiug. Ii be burt ber, tbeu be'c uever bave ths agaiu--atteutiou, eare, ntecest.
ue'c ueverluow wbat tbiug sbe wouic co uext.
"itb tbat iu niuc, be iet ber guice bin to stauc, eooeratiug wbeu sbe eoaxec bin to iiit bis arns, ains agaiust tbe roel iaee so water iron a|ove wouic ruu cowu
over bis beac.
8be lueit |ebiuc bin, tbeu tool tbe eiotb to bis ieet, worliug ber way u bis eaives, ber cestiuatiou uunistala|ie. "ouic sbe toueb bis nen|er' kuu ber bot, soay
baucs over it' "beu ber |reast ru||ec agaiust bis ieg, bis eiaws cug cee iuto tbe stoue |esice bis beac.
1bis ositiou reniucec bin oi |eiug iioggec--or worse. But tbe torture be'c luowu |eiore nereiy bac to |e eucurec. row be bac to den; wbat be wautec nore tbau
auytbiug be'c ever luowu.
Laeb oi ber touebes nace bis eoel straiu aiuiuiiy, every graze as torneutiug to bin as tbe |ite oi a wbi.
uis seec was risiug, ieeiiug iile it wouic erut agaiust bis wiii. Auc witb it, bis cenou iustiuet |egau |uruiug iusice bin agaiu. 1bougbts oi tossiug ber to tbe grouuc rau
riot. Ci iuuiug ber arns over ber beac as be iuugec bis eoel |etwixt ber iegs. ue inagiuec tyiug ber wrists |ebiuc ber |ael, tbeu iaviug ber sex iile au auinai at criul....
"beu ber baucs reaebec a|ove bis luees, be guasbec bis teetb auc rannec oue oi bis borus agaiust tbe roel. laiu tenerec bis ieasure, |uyiug bin reeious
A weel ago, ii soneoue bac toic Carrow tbat sbe'c |e worsbiiug a wiic-nau venou's ualec |ocy, lueeiiug |eiore it, sbe'c bave iaugbec.
But worsbiiug was exaetiy wbat sbe was coiug, eutraueec |y every rigic iueb oi bin.
At iirst, sbe'c |eeu netbocieai. \et tbeu sbe'c siowec ber noveneuts, beiiess uot to areeiate tbe naseuiiue erieetiou oi bis |ocy--tbe boiiows at tbe sices oi bis
roel-barc ass, tbe eorcec tbigb nuseies, tbe sbar rises auc iaiis oi bis ebiseiec a|s. 1bose ees were nace ior a wonau's uaiis to cig iuto.
uis tau sliu was custec witb goiceu-|iouc bair ou bis ebest, arns, auc iegs. A traii oi it ceseeucec iron bis uavei to tbe siigbtiy carler bair at bis groiu.
uis sbait rotrucec iron |etweeu bis ieau bis iile a roc, bis testieies beavy auc |eggiug to |e iouciec.
Carrow eouicu't renen|er ever |eiug tbis arousec iu ber eutire iiie. 1bis cenou was raw, uueiviiizec--auc be was naliug ber neit.
By tbe tine sbe reaebec bis uer tbigbs, bis |ocy was tbrunniug. 8be tbougbt be was boiciug bis |reatb. Iusteac oi touebiug bin bigber, sbe stooc auc |egau soaiug
bis iower |ael auc ass, bis nuseies teusiug to ber iiugertis. ue exbaiec witb cisaoiutneut.
Bitiug ber ii, sbe reaebec arouuc to worl ou bis iower torso. uis stonaeb ciec auc iiexec as sbe rau tbe eiotb cowu tbat traii oi goiceu bair. Agaiu, just wbeu sbe
was a|out to reaeb bis groiu, sbe stoec.
I/a;ng a dangecous gaoe. uis iow groau grew ueariy eoustaut. ue giaueec over bis sbouicer cowu at ber. uis eyes bac turuec |iael ouee nore, gieaniug iile ouyx.
ue was a|out to |iow. Ii be iost eoutroi, be nigbt burt ber agaiu, |ut witb a eouie oi uiel stroles, tbe cenou wouic |e coue. 1ine to wasb |etweeu bis iegs.
"itb iigbt lisses over bis |ael, sbe reaebec cowu to geutiy soa bis beavy testieies iron |ebiuc. ue jerlec, uueasy. uac uo wonau ever touebec bin tbere' Cr bac it
siniy |eeu so ioug ago' 8be ieit sacuess to tbiul oi bin |eiug exiiec bere |y binseii ior ages.
1ouigbt sbe wouic give bin ieasure iile be'c uever luowu. Sooethng to ceoeolec ;ou l;. caccow`
1aniug cowu tbe tbougbt, sbe siiec ber bauc arouuc bis waist, seeliug bis sbait. 8be wraec ber iiugers arouuc it as |est as sbe eouic, |itiug |ael a noau at tbe
ieei oi tbose iereiugs agaiust ber ain.
At ber iirst toueb, be jerlec agaiu, noviug bis iegs out wicer. 1beu be iroze. 1eusiou sbot tbrougb bin, auc bis ereetiou iaiterec.
8onetbiug was very wroug, bis enotious growiug chaotc. 8be eveu ceteetec ... rage'
Just as sbe was reieasiug bin to retreat, be swiriec arouuc, luoeliug ber boic ioose, bis eieuebec bauc bittiug ber |ac wrist.
Denou: \ou ainost re|role ... "orcs vauisbec wbeu sbe giinsec bis iaee.
uis exressiou was neuaeiug, bis iaugs sbar. ue suariec cowu at ber.
As sbe |aelec away, eyes teariug at tbe aiu, be sbool bis beac barc, as ii be were eoniug out oi a trauee.
ood /oc ;ou. lut Io st// la/ng. 8be turuec auc burriec towarc tbe sice oi tbe ooi--
ue iooec bis arn arouuc ber waist, craggiug ber agaiust bin. ~ca ... Carrow, no. be rasec |roleuiy. ue |uriec bis iaee iu ber bair, iubaiiug ber seeut. row bis
ereetiou eane rariug |ael to iiie, tbe erowu rocciug tbe |otton oi ber ass.
lut ne cowu: 1be nore sbe struggiec, tbe nore sbe ru||ec tbe ti. Dou't say I cicu't waru you. 8be iioocec ber |ocy witb ower, sboeliug bin iile au eieetrie
Carrow: be |eiiowec, ioreec to reiease ber.
\et sbe'c |areiy taleu two stes |eiore be swooec ber u agaiu.
\ou nust iile aiu. uowever, I--co--uot. 8be sboelec bin agaiu witb eveu nore juiee. "isb I eouic see tbe iool ou your iaee. ... 8be reaiizec be was siniy
takng it, reiusiug to reiease ber, so sbe turuec u tbe voiune to bigb. uis iorebeac ieii agaiust ber sbouicer as be ualec witb aiu, |ut be wouicu't iet ber go.
8oou she was ceieatec, ieit witbout ower, auc stiii be was stauciug. 1he net toe I set out to huct ho. Io gong /u// guns. sbe vowec. 8be wou/d ut bin cowu.
ue turuec ber iu bis arns uutii tbey were iaeiug eaeb otber, tbeir ebests ressec tigbtiy togetber, bis iorearn uucer ber ass.
Let ne go now: sbe aii |ut sereanec.
Aiter a besitatiou, be iet ber |ocy siowiy siice cowu bis.
1be eoutaet oi tbeir siiery sliu, tbe gracuai ceseeut, tbe souuc oi tbeir |reatbs...
Agaiust ber wiii, sbe ieit a sile oi cesire. Auc sbe luew be eouic teii. ue iubaiec ceeiy, bis uostriis iiariug. 1beu be bissec out a raggec |reatb, as ii tbe seeut oi ber
were too nueb to resist. uis euis uisec |etweeu tben.
"beu ber uiies craggec cowu bis ebest, oue ru||ec cireetiy over bis iereiug. ue sbuccerec auew. By tbe tine be set ber ou ber ieet, be was su|tiy roeliug bis bis.
"itb bis jaw eieuebec uutii tbe nuseies |uigec at tbe sices, be sueezec bis eyes sbut--just as bers weut wice.
Cb, ny gocs: \ou're a|out to eone' Lariier, as sbe'c aii |ut giveu bin a bauc jo|, be bacu't |eeu a|ie to stay ereet. row be was a|out to |iow' I cou't get you,
cenou. Lgb: Just iet ne go.
uis sbaliug ains eoveriug ber sbouicers, be set ber away. Aeariug to gaiu a nocieun oi eoutroi, be reieasec ber auc oeuec bis eyes. "batever be saw iu ber
exressiou nace bis gaze ci to ber wrist, tbeu to ber |ite narl.
ue artec bis iis to seal, tbeu eiosec tben, eyes cartiug as be so eieariy wautec to eonnuuieate witb ber. 1o exiaiu wby be'c burt ber--agaiu'
8be was coue iisteuiug. Carrow cicu't iile cirty guys, auc sbe cicu't iile canagec oues eitber. 8be turuec auc wailec away.
"itb agitatec noveneuts, bis ienaie couuec oue oi tbe iarge sbirts iron a ael, tbeu stornec away.
~/one. Once ooce. \ailon uuebec tbe waii to lee iron yeiiiug witb irustratiou. ~o I destned to le so/tac;`
"bat be wouicu't give to |e a|ie to seal to ber. ue wautec to teii ber tbat be was wiiiiug to reiearu ber iauguage auc go witbout sex or |itiug ior uow. ue was eveu
eousiceriug giviug u bis reveuge.
Aii tbis be wouic co ior ber, |ut be ueecec ber to give bin uew nenories to crowu out tbe oic....
8o nauy tbiugs a|out tbis uigbt bac reniucec \ailon oi bis ast--tbe water, tbe seeut oi tbe soa, ber ain eiosiug over bin iron |ebiuc. uer toueb was geutie,
eonieteiy ciiiereut iron wbat be'c exerieueec. \et eveu tbe way sbe'c steerec bin bac eaiiec tbe naster to niuc.
\ailon eiasec bis iorebeac, graiiug to uii bis tbougbts iron tbe ast, reaiiziug tbat he ueecec to |e iu eoutroi oi wbat baeuec |etweeu bin auc bis ienaie. Le
wautec to guice hec.
"bieb was a ro|ien, siuee be cicu't luow bow.
Ii ouiy be eouic bave nore tine witb ber, a iew bours to iearu ber iorn, be eouic get tben |ael to wbere tbey'c |eeu just |eiore be'c iost eoutroi. Auc tbeu tbis uigbt
eouic |e wbat be renen|erec wbeuever be tbougbt oi sex iu tbe iuture.
ue stailec aiter ber, reacyiug to toueb ber teucer sliu.
1s not the end.
As sbe basteuec away, sbe reiusec to tbiul a|out tbat iost iool ou tbe cenou's iaee. keiusec to tbiul a|out it--at a//.
8one iuuer torneut bac just |eeu crecgec u. Cousiceriug tbat be'c |eeu a siave, sbe eouic inagiue tbe natuce oi tbe torneut. Lseeiaiiy wbeu taleu witb bis reaetiou
to ber uuwittiug touebes.
Carrow truiy ieit |ac ior bin, |ut sbe bac to roteet berseii. Lueliiy, sbe was resoivec. So wh; ao I g/ancng lack`
8be'c ouiy get nore oi tbe sane ii sbe returuec. 1o |e |itteu auc |atterec' Just bours ago, ber steruun bac ieit iile tbe iauciug site oi a wreeliug |aii. Auc yes, be'c
sbovec ber to roteet ber, |ut it was yet auotber exanie oi bow iittie eoutroi be bac.
1otaiiy out oi eoutroi. Lile ii be were a cog, be'c |e tbe augry-eyec nougrei at tbe ouuc, tbe oue tbat was sure to attael. 8o wby cic sbe bave tbe urge to eiain bin'
8ueb a wiic, iost naie. Auotber giauee |ael, tbis tine witb sone ii ui||iiug. L;es /ocwacd. s/oce.
Danu it, sbe was stiii woeiuiiy arousec. It'c |eeu weels siuee sbe'c bac au orgasn. As sbe stroce cowu tbe niue witb uo |ra ou, ber aebiug |reasts |ouueec, ber
uiies byerseusitive. Laeb ste was agouy to ber stiii-tbro||iug sex.
8traugeiy, ber burtiug wrist was ueariy iorgotteu--
"itbout waruiug, be seizec ber, tueliug ber uucer bis arn agaiust bis bi, auc beacec |ael ior tbe ooi.
Dro ne, cenou: row:
Iusteac, be eartec ber rigbt |ael iuto tbe water, settiug ber ou ber ieet |eueatb oue oi tbe easeaces. As sbe sutterec, be riec iree tbe 1-sbirt sbe wore.
1bis is your |rigbt icea' 8urrisiugiy uuairaic oi bin, sbe struel bis ebest witb tbe |otton oi oue iist. "ay to get |ael iu ny gooc graees, assboie:
"itbout eveu aeluowiecgiug ber useiess bits, be atieutiy beic u bis iiuger. uis eyes were iiieleriug |ael to tbe steacy |iue.
Cue noneut' lorget it, cou't wauua stay. At bis uu|euciug iool, sbe saic, Listeu, I'n sorry ior wbatever baeuec to you, |eeause eviceutiy, canage was coue.
But I'n uot your saul noet or wbiiug giri, or auytbiug iile tbat-- 8be suiutec at bis bauc. Ln, wbere are your eiaws' ue'c |itteu tben away. uow tborougbiy was be
iauuiug ou touebiug ber'
ue |eut to crag cowu ber tboug.
Carrow's re|eiiiou' Cbiu raisec, sbe saic, I'n uot steiug out oi it.
rot a ro|ien ior 8iaiue, be |rieiiy iiitec ber auc renovec it, tossiug it |y ber |ra.
1beu be tool oue oi tbe eiotbs, iatberiug it witb tbe soa, bis nieu resoiute.
I-I baveu't saic yes to auy--
ue ressec tbe eiotb to ber ebest, soitiy ru||iug ber witb easy stroles. Desite berseii sbe was iutriguec |y tbis uuexeetec sice oi bin. Anaziugiy, sbe iouuc berseii
"itb oue bauc, be uuburrieciy seru||ec. "itb bis otber be eoverec oue sbouicer, bis ain warn over ber sliu. 8o iigbtiy, be ressec bis tbun| agaiust ber nuseie
tbere, nassagiug.
"beu sbe noauec, be nust bave taleu tbis as a sigu oi ber surreucer, |eeause naseuiiue satisiaetiou surgec tbrougb bin--iueiiug ber ower ouee nore.
1be eiotb was noneutariiy iorgotteu as be usec tbe |aels oi bis iiugers to slin ber ebeel, ber jawiiue, tbeu tbe ieugtb oi ber ueel auc iower.
"itb ceeisive aetiou, be'c buutec, be'c warrec, auc be'c roteetec ber. row be was teutative as be traeec tbe iiues oi ber sbouicers, bis eyes ioiiowiug bis every
noveneut. ro nau bac ever ioolec at ber as be cic--iile sbe was tbe |est tbiug iu tbe woric.
ue earessec tbe acs oi bis iiugers over ber eoiiar|oue so teuceriy tbat sbe was staggerec |y bis geutieuess. 8ueb a liiier, sueb a warrior, yet iool at wbat be was
eaa|ie oi.
ue nurnurec to ber iu Denouisb. 8be cicu't uucerstauc tbe worcs, |ut sbe reeoguizec tbe toue--woucerneut. lor tbe iirst tine iu ber iiie, Carrow ieit tceasuced. Auc,
gocs, tbat was a beacy ieeiiug. I cou/d get addcted to ths.
lron ber eoiiar|oue, be snootbec bis ioreiiuger cowu ... cowu. Just as be was a|out to reaeb ber uiie, wbeu sbe was tren|iiug ior tbat eoutaet, be iet out a
sbucceriug |reatb auc eireiec tbe eal.
8be |it ber ii. !o. touch oe thece. deoon!
Iusteac be returuec tbe eiotb to ber ebest, seeniug ceterniuec to wasb ber as sbe'c coue bin.
But wbeu sbe arebec ber |ael wbiie wbiseriug, I/ease. deoon. be groauec, ciiug tbe eiotb over ber |reasts, aeross ber aeby uiies.
8be gave a ery, earuiug auotber iasb oi satisiaetiou iron bin, ower ouriug iron bin to ber, eua|iiug ber nagie agaiu.
As ber eyes siic sbut, sbe baziiy ce|atec. Lea/ o; wcst. oc /occe the deoon to ce/ease oe`
Beueatb tbe eiotb, bis suealy tbun| swet over ber uiie. Cb, \ailon, ;es.
uer wrist' Cooc as uew.

chatec 1

Deterniuec to wasb aii oi ber |ocy, \ailon sonebow craggec bis baucs away iron ber |reasts.
ue wouic niuister to ber ior as ioug as sbe bac to bin. Lveu ii tbis neaut ceuyiug bis swoiieu sbait or iguoriug tbe |reasts tbat sbe oiierec u.
hen she acched hec lack ... and the; legged /oc hs attenton.
8o be rau tbe eiotb iron ber ebest to oue oi ber sbouicers, ru||iug auc nassagiug cowu to ber iiugertis. uer otber arn reeeivec tbe sane atteutiou. ue ausec at
|otb oi ber baucs, iaseiuatec |y bow snaii auc iragiie tbey were, eonariug tbeir size to bis owu baucs.
Lverytbiug a|out ber |ocy was utteriy ieniuiue. uer tbigbs were sbaeiy, ber |aelsice geuerous, ber bis iiariug out iron a tiuy waist. ue narveiec at every swee oi
ereany sliu, every wonauiy sweii auc ci.
ue was exioriug ber--auc ior sone reasou, sbe was aiiowiug bin to iuiiy.
Anoug aii bis otber ciseoveries, be'c uotieec tbat sbe bac uo bair ou ber iegs or uucer ber arns. Asice iron ber ioug naue ato ber beac, auc tbe iutriguiug ateb
|etwixt ber iegs, ber |ocy was |are.
But be iovec bow snootb ber sliu was, bow ber |ocy was so ciiiereut iron bis.
rext eane ber |ael. ue turuec ber arouuc, tuggiug ber bair iorwarc over oue sbouicer. ue was tentec to ress bis noutb agaiust ber uae |ut iearec be wouic
aiarn ber aiter bis eariier |ites.
Iusteac, be worlec |otb tbe eiotb auc bis |are bauc iu eireuiar notious iron ber ueel cowu to tbe eurves oi ber |aelsice, as ii oiisbiug a treasure.
ue turuec ber to iaee bin ouee nore, iayiug a ain over oue oi ber geuerous bis to iu ber as be rau tbe eiotb uwarc iron ber luees. 8be was sbaliug uucer bis
Do uot sto ne, Carrow, be toic ber iu Denouisb, bis voiee rougb. I wiii uot burt you agaiu.
1be cenou eertaiuiy bac |eeu tborougb, wasbiug every iueb oi ber iron tbe uavei u--auc oeeasiouaiiy iower. ue'c eveu siiec tbe sice oi bis bauc |etweeu ber
ebeels, naliug ber start iu aiarn, |ut be'c nereiy eoutiuuec bis tasl.
row be steaciiy ru||ec u ber tbigbs, iueb |y agouiziug iueb as be nurnurec to ber iu a busly voiee. 8be was sbiveriug, boiciug ber |reatb, autieiatiug bis wasbiug
But it wasu't a eiotb tbat touebec ber tbere--be'c euec ber iu bis bot, eaiiusec ain.
8bucceriug witb ieasure, be rasec, S/e aca. 8oit ienaie.
"itb bis otber bauc eianec over ber bi, be beic ber steacy as bis ioreiiuger |egau to iuvestigate ber sex, tieliiug ber as it teutativeiy rovec. Betweeu bis ieau bis, bis
sbait uisec witb exeiteneut, bis iereiugs giiutiug aeross bis taut iiesb.
8oou, sbe eouicu't eonrebeuc bow be'c eoutroiiec binseii ior as ioug as be bac wbeu sbe'c wasbec bin. Aireacy, sbe was ou tbe verge, wautiug bis noutb ou bers as
sbe eiinaxec. kiss ne.
Caugbt u iu tbe noneut, sbe stooc ou ber toes. uoiciug bis iaee |etweeu ber baucs, sbe ressec ber iis agaiust bis.
ue iroze, eieariy uot luowiug wbat to co.
Dic I ireal you out agaiu' sbe aslec agaiust bis iis, tbeir |reatbs niugiiug. uis eyes were stiii oeu, bis exressiou eouiouucec. Danu it, sbe'c nace a oiut to iet
bin crive tbe |oat. Cot too exeitec. 8orry. 8be |egau to craw away, airaic be'c start tbrowiug iists. "ou't baeu agaiu--
Lile a sbot, be wraec bis iree ain over ber uae, tuggiug ber tiii tbeir iis net.
row ber eyes wiceuec, |ut wbeu bis iics siic sbut, so cic bers. 8be grazec ber noutb over bis, tbeu agaiu. Auc aii tbe wbiie be iaziiy iouciec ber sex.
Ligbt, iieetiug lisses, auc iiiels oi ber tougue ioiiowec. "beu sbe uiiec |ael, bis boocec gaze was tbat oi a naie wbo'c just goue to beaveu.
8be crew iu ouee nore, iieliug tbe sean oi bis iis. As tbey eageriy artec, ber tougue cartec iusice to neet bis. ue groauec iu surrise.
1bougb besitaut at iirst, be eaugbt ou swiitiy. 8oou bis tougue twiuec agaiust bers, ber noaus nixec witb bis stuuuec growis as bis iiugers iayec.
ue eautiousiy ressec oue to ber oeuiug. As soou as be'c |reaebec ber eutrauee, sbe gasec iron tbe ceiieious iuiiuess iusice. But be jerlec bis bauc away, |realiug
iron tbe liss.
"bat' "by'c you sto'
ue was stucyiug ber exressiou. leariug be'c burt ber'
Cb, you cicu't burt ne. 8be tool bis bauc, lissiug bis ain, tbeu easiug it |ael |etweeu ber iegs. 1bat's it, \ailon. I sbouic bave toic you it ieit so uiee.
"beu be returuec bis iiuger to ber eore, be siiec it iartber witbiu. uer sbeatb eianec cowu ou it, auc bis eyes wiceuec witb astouisbneut. 8be eouic ereeive tbat
ieeiiug oi woucer enauatiug iron bin.
Auc sbe luew. ue'c uever ieit a wonau iile tbis. Iu a bazy art oi ber |raiu, sbe reeoguizec tbat be was a virgiu, at ieast witb woneu.
~h. caccow. 1be ceeer be usbec iu bis iiuger, tbe nore tbe beei oi bis ain ressec agaiust ber eiitoris.
8be |egau to roel agaiust bis bauc. leeis so gooc, cenou. Cettiug eioser ... so eiose. Just a iew seeoucs nore.
But be witbcrew bis iiuger, ieauiug iorwarc to ras iu ber ear, 8ex. uis ereetiou ressec bigb ou ber |eiiy, iusisteut. ue griec it iu bis iist, as ii to ositiou it.
\ailon, uo:
\es: !eed.
ro: ont cun ths. /ease. dont cun t. Denou, iease.
Just wbeu sbe was a|out to retreat, be saic, kss. as be euec ber |reast.
8be exbaiec a sbaly |reatb. Cuiy l-liss'
Iu auswer, be ru||ec ber uiie auc iielec bis iis.
Carrow gazec at bis noutb auc bac to |ite |ael a noau.
\ailon bac aiways tbougbt tbat ienaies bac nore eoutroi over tbeir |ocies, eouic naster tbeir urges. \aies were tbe nore auinaiistie oues.
ods a/oght;. M; wooan s shakng /coo hec need to cooe.
Ci eourse be'c attentec to eiain ber:
8be was wet, auc tbat neaut sbe ueecec bin iusice ber. "beu bis nen|er barceuec to tale ber, ber sex wouic grow can to |etter reeeive it.
ue auc bis aca were |otb tbere.
\et \ailon bac agreec to Carrow's terns, so be wouic reseet ber wisbes iu tbis. 8tiii, bis cenou iustiuet sereanec witbiu bin to satisiy ber. ue iuteucec to witb bis
noutb, lissiug ber |ocy.
ue'c start witb ber soit |reasts. Cu bis way cowu to tben, be rau bis iis aioug ber ueel, uuzziiug ber eoiiar to liss tbe |ite narl tbere. Just as bis iaugs sbareuec, be
uotieec ber succeu teusiou. She /eacs anothec lte.
8o be basteuec cowu to oue oi ber |reasts, bis tougue iiieliug at tbe noisture stiii criiug ou tben iron tbe eeiiiug a|ove. "itb a groau, be tool oue sweet uiie
|etweeu bis iis to suel, eyes siiciug sbut as it uelerec to tbe ti oi bis swiriiug tougue.
"beu sbe noauec iow auc euec ber |reast to bis noutb, be eonnaucec binseii, Iast. S/ane. /ast! o not cooe ...
Cb, yes, bis wonau iovec tbis as nueb as be. \ailon wouic |e at ber |reasts auy ebauee be got. 8be euec ber otber oue ior bin to reeat bis atteutious.
\et as be sueliec, be seeutec ber arousai ceeeuiug. Drawu to tbat art oi ber, be lissec iower towarc ber snaii ateb oi siily |iael euris. uer iiat |eiiy ciec as be
grazec bis iis over it.
Beiore wbeu be'c ieit ber iusice, sbe'c |eeu wet iile water |ut siiery iile erean. reeciug to taste ber, be lueit |etweeu ber iegs. 8be iet bin bool ber luee over bis
sbouicer, uua|asbec. "beu be saw ber sex, be luew wby--sbe was erieet.
lor ioug noneuts, be starec, awestruel |y ber iul iiesb, |y ber giisteuiug ioics. ue wautec to teii ber sbe was |eautiiui, agaiu ieit irustratiou tbat be eouicu't.
"beu be earessec ber tbere, sbe uiverec agaiust bis iiugers. ue gazec u at ber. kss`

chatec 1v

Oh. ;es. kss!

1be cenou lueit iu tbe water |eiore ber, iile sone wielec goc oi viriiity. uis borus bac straigbteuec auc growu cuslier as tbey iiarec |ael iron bis beac. uis tbiel
bair was cryiug to a carl |iouc tbreacec witb goiceu straucs, as ii it'c |eeu iigbteuec |y tbe suu. uis |ocy seenec to bave growu eveu iarger, bis nuseies |uigiug everywbere.
uer |rawuy cenou roteetor was iereec, tattooec, auc sn/u/.
Auc be was gaziug |etweeu ber iegs witb a trausiixec exressiou, uutii sbe was suirniug. \ailon, kss.
ue iielec bis iis iu sueb a ierai cisiay oi iust, sbe sbiverec. 1bougb sbe was eouviueec be'c uever taleu a wonau witb bis noutb, be was beaciug tbat way uow,
ieauiug iu. 8be ieit bis |reatb agaiust ber, bis iirn iis ioiiowiug.
"beu be gave a testiug iiel, sbe beic ber |reatb. ue'c ceiiuiteiy uever coue tbis. "ouic be iile--
caccow! be grouuc out, roeliug bis bis, tbrustiug iuto tbe water. 1beu be set uou ber, buugriiy iieliug ber u auc cowu, groauiug agaiust ber.
\es, \ailon: \ore ... 8be luew cenou naies iovec wbeu ienaies guicec tben |y tbeir borus, |ut wbeu sbe grasec bis, be wreuebec bis beac |ael witb a vioieut
sbale, ioosiug ber baucs. ue east ber a waruiug iool so oniuous tbat sbe swaiiowec. 8-sorry, cenou.
8tiii be giowerec. Bitiug ber |otton ii, sbe |egau ettiug ber |reasts ior bin. Ab, uelate, sbe eouic teii tbat ieasec bin.
\oiiiiiec, be settiec |ael iu. "beu bis tougue sualec over ber tbro||iug eiitoris, sbe eriec out auc be stiiiec.
ro, nore, ooce. kee goiug:
uer |ael arebec wbeu be nace a seeouc ioray tbere. Auotber iirn iiiel eane, tbeu auotber. Cb, yes: sbe eriec, surreuceriug eonieteiy, wautouiy roiiiug ber bis u
to tbe cenou's noutb.
"beu be |egau tbrustiug bis ioreiiuger as be iielec, sbe niuciessiy nurnurec, \ou eiever cenou. It's so gooc, it's so ... uer beac ieii |ael. 1be teusiou |uiit auc
|uiit, tbe eoii tigbteuiug.
1be ieei oi bis tbiel iiuger exioriug, bis woucer, bis stroug tougue.
~/ton. aca. be gratec agaiust ber. cooe. /eoa/e. But tbis tine tbe brase bac a eonieteiy ciiiereut neauiug. It was a eonnauc utterec |y a caugerous naie wbo
exeetec ber to o|ey bin.
\ailon bac iauuec to ieast ou ber iuseious sex uutii be tastec ber eoniug agaiust bis noutb.
8be was a|out to, was uucuiatiug to rice bis iiuger auc tougue, steaiiug auy eoutroi be'c tbougbt be ossessec.
Iast. S/ane! ue iearec be'c en|arrass binseii witb ber agaiu.
1be |uc at ber aex was seusitive--worliug bis tougue over it nace ber sueeze ber |reasts nore urgeutiy, nace ber noaus ioucer. 8o be eireiec ber tbere over auc
over, gaziug u at ber iaee.
"itb giitteriug eyes, sbe net bis gaze, autiug as be iuugec bis iiuger iusice ber ebauuei.
Betweeu iiels, be saic, ~/ton. Carrow:
1o see a /eoa/e coong. ny /eoa/e ... to taste t.
8ucceuiy, sbe |uelec, ber |ocy sasniug as sbe roelec to bis tougue. 8be sereanec, Ma/koo!
ue gave a ceserate groau wbeu be ieit ber iittie sbeatb griiug bis iiuger agaiu auc agaiu, as ii sueliug it ceeer. Cuee be tastec ber orgasn, be iielec iu eestasy,
growiiug witb rice auc ieasure.
Ab, cenou, yes:
I wcought ths /coo hec. 8be was so |eautiiui iile tbis, ber |ocy anaziug bin. She was oade /oc oe a/one.
Lveutuaiiy sbe usbec bis beac away tbougb be stiii iavec. Agaiust bis wiii, be surreucerec bis rize.
"beu be stooc, traiug ber |ocy agaiust tbe waii, bis sbait straiuec |etweeu tben. ue'c uever luowu it eouic aiu bin iile tbis. 8ex, aca: 1be water ruuuiug over
bis beatec sliu was sonebow arousiug bin eveu nore.
r-uo, \ailon, sbe saic |etweeu |reatbs.
h; can I not oate hec` ue'c ieasurec ber barc. ue wautec to seize ber |reasts iron |ebiuc, boiciug ber steacy as be iautec bis eoel iuto ber, cee wbere be'c
iielec ber soituess--
8be ressec ber noutb to bis ebest, ber tougue cartiug agaiust bis iereec uiie.
uis eyes wiceuec. "ouic sbe reeiroeate' "beu sbe |rusbec ber iis iower, bis beart tbuucerec so iouc be luew sbe eouic bear it.
At iast: 1o luow wbat tbis ieit iile....
ue turuec to ieau |ael agaiust tbe waii. "itb ber eoiiar iu bis bauc, be guicec ber to lueei |etweeu bis iegs. kss. be eonnaucec iu Augiisb. 8be cutiiuiiy uuzziec tbe
bair just |eiow bis uavei, ressiug ber iis aii arouuc.
Iu Denouisb be toic ber, Cive ne tbis. ue iistec bis sbait to ber noutb. 1ale it |etwixt your sweet iis.
leeriug u at bin to gauge bis reaetiou, sbe cau|ec ber tougue agaiust tbe erowu.
ue |uelec uueoutroiia|iy, uigb eoniug. Cuee be'c stiiiec bis bis, iubaiiug ior eoutroi, ber tougue iiielec out agaiu.
uis eoel uisec auc a |eac arose. ue |it |ael a groau wbeu sbe iaec u tbat biut oi tbe seec. Voiee goue boarse, be toic ber, I wiii waut tbis iron you, Carrow,
every cay, every uigbt. ue starec cowu iuto ber |ewitebiug greeu eyes.
8trauge |eautiiui ienaie. 8be was a giit, a treasure.
\ou |eioug to ne. !evec w// I le seacated /coo ths cceatuce.
"beu be tbreacec bis iiugers iuto ber bair, sbe euec ber bauc rouuc bis sbait, crawiug bin to ber iis. ue gave a sbout wbeu sbe sueliec tbe beac iuto ber bot iittie
Cocs, be wautec to savor tbis, |ut sbe'c |eguu nastur|atiug bin as sbe eireiec ber tougue arouuc tbe ti.
"itb tbe water ruuuiug over bis |ocy, ber tougue swiriiug auc iist uniug, bis eyes roiiec |ael iu bis beac.
cannot wthstand ths ... /oc ouch /ongec...
1be cenou bac |eeu so rouc at bow be'c ieasurec ber--sbe eouic ecceve bis naseuiiue satisiaetiou. uis rice bac enauatec as strougiy as bis woucer.
But ou tbe beeis oi tbat, sbe eouic seuse bis agouy. uer oor cenou was a|out to exioce, bis eugorgec euis tbro||iug agaiust ber tougue.
8tiii, sbe eouicu't ceuy tbe urge to tease bin to a ieveriteb, to nale sure be wouic uever iorget bis iirst tine. uis reaetious toic ber tbis was yet auotber ieasure be'c
uever reeeivec.
8o sbe easec |ael to cri water over bis ieugtb, cottiug croiets over eaeb oi bis snootb iereiugs. uis exressiou auguisbec, be restec oue bauc ou ber beac, tbe
otber tigbtiy eoveriug ber uae, guiciug ber beac |ael. ue gratec iu Lugiisb, Moce. Be ... gooc, aca. 1eiiiug ber uot to tease bin'
I'ii |e gooc, \ailon, sbe ronisec, returuiug ber iist to strole. But be surgec iorwarc, griuciug iuto it. Les gong to cooe n o; hand. hes gong to...
"beu sbe eoverec tbe beac witb ber noutb, bis iegs ualec. uis |rows crew togetber as ii witb aiu. Bestec |y ber noutb auc bauc, tbe cenou warrior gave a
beiiess groau as be |egau to eone.
1be sasns seizec bin. uis nassive |ocy jerlec. caccow. ooce! be |eiiowec to tbe eeiiiug, bis nuseies eoutraetiug iu a |reatbtaliug cisiay.
1be cenou wautec nore' 8be was nereiiess. luniug ... iieliug ... sueliug...
ue yeiiec out uutii bis voiee was raggec. liuaiiy, be eoiiasec |ael agaiust tbe waii, tuggiug ber oii bin. 8atisiaetiou soarec tbrougb bin, auc sbe craul it iu.
ue was euborie ioug aiter be'c eone, ossessiveiy euiug ber beac to bis tbigb, boiciug ber tbere as sbe eoutiuuec to traee bis sbait iu iaseiuatiou.
But tbeu be iowerec |otb oi bis baucs to eracie ber iaee, auc sbe ceteetec auotber enotiou. A ure, raw ieroeity.
ue gazec cowu at ber uot witb tbe exressiou oi a nau wbo was bay witb bis iate, |ut witb tbe exressiou oi a nau wbo'c siaugbter auyoue wbo triec to ebauge
tbat iate....

chatec 2u

Late iu tbe uigbt, as be beic ber sieeiug iu bis arns, \ailon agaiu vowec tbat be wouic uever, nevec |e searatec iron tbis ereature. !ot wh/e I have a lceath /e/t
n o; lod;.
uac be aetuaiiy woucerec wbat sbe'c |e gooc ior' Cuiy |riugiug bin tbe nost iuteuse ieasure be'c ever inagiuec: 8be bac wruug so nauy reieases iron bin, be'c
tbougbt be wouic iaii uueouseious.
Auc, iu returu, be'c nace ber eiinax so barc, sbe'c tbrowu |ael ber beac auc sereanec.
ue bac to |eiieve sbe was as astouisbec |y tbe ieasure as be was. Ii sbe was eveu baii as grateiui ior it...
1bougb be renaiuec ereet ior ber, sbe'c ieacec ior rest. Aiter goiug witbout siee tbe uigbt |eiore auc bis slirnisbes curiug tbis cay, be ro|a|iy ueecec to joiu ber.
But \ailon luew be wouic |e iaguec witb uigbtnares. Auc be iearec sbe'c cisaear |eiore be wole.
8o ior uow, be reiisbec wbat bac just baeuec |etweeu tben--tbe way sbe'c tren|iec agaiust bin, ber |reatbs ou bis can sliu, ber |oic tougue auc iun iis.
ue eravec lissiug ber noutb agaiu--auc ber ienaie iiesb. ods. that act o/ hec. Ii be'c |eeu iixatec ou ber |reasts |eiore, uow bis o|sessiou was civicec. uer
ebauuei bac buugriiy griec bis iiuger. Iu iive cays, it'c sueeze bis sbait tbus....
At tbe tbougbt, bis eutbusiasn wauec. Ive da;s. \ueb eouic baeu iu a bauciui oi cays.
Makng /ans agan. S/ane` ue'c iooiisbiy |eeu creaniug oi a uew iuture. "ouic tbese creans |e cestroyec iile aii tbe otbers'
Iusteac oi eujoyiug bis iortuue, \ailon was ueariy siel, bis stonaeb luottec witb arebeusiou as be gazec cowu at ber iaee. uer iuii iis were artec, ber iasbes a
carl swee a|ove iuleuec ebeels. 8o |eautiiui it aiuec bin.
1s too good wth hec.
ue cicu't eveu luow what sbe was, nueb iess wby sbe bac eone to C|iiviou. ue'c iigurec tbat sbe was au exiie seuteueec to tbis iaue. 8o wby was sbe so eertaiu
tbat sbe eouic siniy returu tbrougb tbe ortai'
ue was toru. lart oi bin was susieious oi ber arrivai. lerbas sbe was bere |y cesigu.
Cr erbas bis cestiuec ienaie bac |eeu ceiiverec |y tbe bauc oi iate itseii.
\es, iate. Beeause auotber art oi bin |eiievec sbe was a rewarc ior aii bis barcsbis. ve and take.
ue was due sone eouteutneut. Auc be wouic worl to lee it. 1ouigbt bis ienaie bac iaiieu asiee iu bis arns, tcustng/;. |eeause be'c roveu binseii.
Auc nore, be'c ceeicec to saeriiiee bis reveuge ior ber. ue'c vowec uever to |e searatec iron tbis wonau. "bieb neaut be bac to iel oue or tbe otber.
\ailon bac eboseu Carrow, luowiug cee iu bis beart tbat be wouic aiways eboose ber....
Duriug tbis uigbt, be'c iigurec out severai tbiugs a|out ber. Anoug tben' 8be was uo virgiu. 8be was too eouiiceut, too |oic. Crautec, bis exerieuee was iinitec, |ut
be'c uever bearc oi a virgiu wbo'c guicec ber wouic-|e iover's iiuger cee iusice ber sex.
"beu sbe'c eone arouuc it ... ue |it |ael a groau at tbe nenory, wautiug to |e iusice ber. "bieb |rougbt bis niuc |ael to ber eoucitious.
ue wouicu't jucge ber |eeause sbe wasu't a virgiu--wbo was he to ever jucge auotber'--|ut wby eouic be uot bave ber wbeu otbers bac' "by bacu't sbe coue
everytbiug iu ber ower to iease bin, to eusure bis roteetiou'
\ay|e sbe seusec bow uueieau bis |iooc was, or sbe stiii iearec be'c burt ber. Cr was it nore' lerbas sbe wautec to |e wec |eiore be eiainec ber, or ueecec
ernissiou iron au eicer or ieacer to tale a naie. uow eise eouic sbe bave ceuiec tben iu tbe water'
Auotber tbiug be'c ceterniuec' 1bose runorec beaveuiy iaues--wbere tbe air was sweet auc tbe iaucs gave u iooc--tbey bac to exist. uis soit wonau eieariy eane
iron a woric oi ieuty.
uis tbougbts grew carl. "bat ii be ioiiowec ber to ber woric, auc sbe iorsool bin uou beariug a|out bis ast' Iu tine, be wouic renen|er or reiearu Augiisb, auc
tbeu be wouic bave to teii ber.
uow wouic be exiaiu wbat bac |eiaiieu bin' \ailon bac |eeu a |iooc siave, auc be'c nurcerec a royai. ue'c |eeu cisbouorec |y bis nost reviiec eueny, outeast
|y bis owu eoie.
Lveu ii sbe aeeetec bin, ber eoie nigbtu't give ber tbe arovai sbe awaitec, eseeiaiiy siuee be wouic |e euteriug ber soeiety witb uo weaitb. 1bis nouutaiu was
bis ouiy territory, ii be ieit it, be wouic ossess uo iaucs to sbare witb ber, iaucs ou wbieb to raise tbeir oiisriug.
O//scng. ue'c uever bac to tbiul a|out tbat |eiore. Lveu ii be eouic bave taleu a ienaie iu tbe ast, be wouicu't bave |eeu a|ie to rocuee seec ior ber, uot uutii bis
nate bac |roleu tbe seai.
row be nigbt inreguate ber. ue ieit eouiiceut tbat be eouic roteet ber auc a ianiiy iar |etter tbau bis owu areuts bac bin.
8ut what knd o/ ch/dcen wou/d I gve caccow` 1be youug oi au a|oniuatiou.
ue |egau to strole ber siileu bair, wbieb sootbec bis tbougbts sonewbat. uer ioug naue was eieauec oi sauc auc bac criec iuto giossy waves. ue iovec tbe jet-|iael
eoior, iovec seeiug tbose ioels siiiiug over ber aie sbouicer or streaniug tbrougb bis iiugers.
Lveutuaiiy, bis iics grew beavy. But ieariug sbe'c eseae bin wbiie be siun|erec, be reaebec ior ber eoiiar. "itb tbe |auc eiutebec tigbt iu bis iist, \ailon iiuaiiy
siiec iuto a restiess siee.
Dreans oi bis ast suriaeec. lor so ioug, \ailon bac let tbose uigbtnares at |ay. row tbey |on|arcec bin.
1be nenory oi tbe cay bis notber bac soic bin to tbe vanire naster arose, as tbougb be were reiiviug it. ue'c |eeu so exeitec, |eiieviug tbat be was to |e acotec
iuto auotber ianiiy. ue'c tbougbt be wouic eujoy euciess iooc, water, auc warntb at uigbt.
\ailon wouic uever iorget bis siuliug reaiizatiou tbat be bacu't |eeu |rougbt to a uew ianiiy. 1be cawuiug borror as be'c bearc sereans. ue'c seeu otber |oys bis age
buniiiatec auc a|usec, bis youug niuc eonrebeuciug, 1he; ace gong to do that to oe....
Cu tbe beeis oi tbose seeues eane creans oi tbe Vieeroy, wbo'c torturec \ailon to boic saerec tbe 1birst. But wbeuever tbe vanire bac oiierec cenou siaves ior
bin to criul, \ailon bac |eeu sieleuec, iaugs goue cuii auc reeeciug, uo natter bow |aciy be'c ueecec tbeir |iooc.
I w// not /eed on o; own knd. I ao not a vaoce!
Laeb uigbt, \ailon bac eucurec a bost oi torneuts. uis sliu bac |eeu iiayec iron bis |ocy witb |ar|ec netai wbis--or iereec tbrougb |y bis owu iraeturec |oues.
ue'c watebec seariug olers siice |etweeu bis ri|s.
uis iury over kaiieu's ceatb bac let bin stroug. rever cic \ailon iet binseii iorget tbat be'c |eeu ioreec to liii bis ouiy irieuc.
Auc tbeu tbe tine bac eone wbeu tbe Vieeroy bac reseutec \ailon a siave to criul--oue uuiile aii tbe otbers be'c oiierec, oue nore vaiua|ie tbau tbe rest. 1be
vanire bac tbougbt \ailon too weal to ose a tbreat, too uun|ec to reaet. ue'c |eeu wroug ou |otb eouuts.
A bazy uigbt oi sereans, |iooc siasbiug tbe waiis...
\et auotber seeue arose. \ailon creanec oi a eryiug giri eon|iug ber |iael bair iu irout oi a nirror. ue saw ber reiieetiou as tbougb tbrougb ber owu giiutiug greeu
caccow` It bac to |e ber as a ebiic. Lveu anic tbe reverie, \ailon luew tbat tbis seeue bac taleu iaee, tbat tbis was oue oi ber nenories, taleu iron ber |iooc.
8one oi tbe vanires bac ossessec tbat taieut. 1be Vieeroy bac. Auc 'twas bis |iooc tbat bac iuieetec \ailon's owu.
I ao wtnessng hec ast.
8oneoue raug a |eii, eaiiiug ior Lacy Carrow. Iad; neaut uo|iiity. ue'c suseetec sbe was bigb|oru.
"beu tbe |eii raug agaiu, tbis youug Carrow casbec tbe |ael oi ber bauc agaiust ber tears. ue eouic /ee/ tbat sbe was nisera|ie, beartsiel iar |eyouc ber years, |ut
be bac uo icea wby.
Aii rigbt, aii rigbt, sbe saic, cryiug ber eyes, wbiie nusiug, Io actua//; nvted to eat wth theo`
1bougb sbe sole auc tbougbt iu Augiisb, be uucerstooc tbe worcs.
8be exitec tbat roon iuto au eveu iarger oue, as iarge as auy cweiiiug iu tbe eity oi Asb. uer |ecroon' 8iils craec tbe wiucows auc ber |ec, euougb ia|rie to nale
buucrecs oi ro|es. It ioolec as ii aii tbe siil iu tbe woric bac |eeu eoutaiuec iu tbat roon.
8be was rieb. 8o bow eouic sbe ossi|iy bave |eeu uubay'
lron ber roon, servauts eseortec ber cowu a baii iuto a warniy iit |auuet roon. A ta|ie stretebec ueariy tbe ieugtb oi tbe saeious area, tbe suriaee eoverec witb
iooc. 8tean waitec iron tbe cisbes--wbat bac to |e a year's wortb oi iare--auc uuiiornec servauts iiuec tbe waiis.
At oue euc oi tbe ta|ie, a nau auc a wonau sat togetber. As Carrow trucgec to tbe otber euc, sbe accressec tben iu a toueiess voiee, \otber. latber.
1be wonau iueiiuec ber beac, ber nauy jeweis sarliiug iu tbe iigbt. Carrow. But sbe cicu't /ook at ber caugbter. \ailon woucerec ii sbe was |iiuc.
uer iatber was eieau-sbaveu, bis bair sbort auc lent. 1beir eiotbes ioolec strauge to bin |ut were uunistala|iy weii-nace.
1hese ace hec eo/e. ths s hec //e. \ailon was struel |y bow eieau auc ieutiiui everytbiug was. 8iiver gieanec, erystai reiraetiug tbe iigbt iron a ebauceiier
a|ove. Cieau, sbiuiug a|uucauee.
I was c/ad n tattecs. o; lod; //th;. o; /ace unshaven. ro woucer sbe'c |atbec bin. Lveu iu siee, be suiierec a sile oi en|arrassneut....
8ervauts rusbec to neet tbeir every ueec, seatiug auc serviug Carrow. 8be cicu't eat, nereiy usbec iooc arouuc ou ber iate. uer stonaeb ieit siel, growiug worse
witb eaeb niuute ber areuts sole to eaeb otber iu baugbty toues, iguoriug ber.
\otber, latber, sbe succeuiy saic, I bave sonetbiug I waut to tail to you a|out.
By uow \ailon bac |eguu uucerstauciug ber worcs iron bis owu revious luowiecge oi Augiisb. "itb eaeb niuute, be renen|erec nore.
I waut to go to Aucoaiu.
"itbout giaueiug at Carrow, tbe iatber reiiec, "e're uot ciseussiug tbis witb you agaiu. \ou eau't go to seii sebooi |eeause you bave uo owers yet. Besices, it's ior
eonnou ioil.
8eii sebooi' uis nate was a witeb, a channa. "bieb neaut tbat just |eeause iate bac narlec ber as bis, sbe wouicu't ueeessariiy waut bin |ael.
1beu I'n goiug to ruu away witb a irate, Carrow saic. 1bey cicu't resouc. I'n goiug to jun oii a |ricge auc steai your soie beir iron you. 1bat's wby you bac
ne, isu't it' lor au beir' I eau't tbiul oi auotber reasou--
Carrow's iatber suaec bis iiugers, auc two siniiariy cressec woneu seizec ber uucer ber arns.
As sbe was craggec away, Carrow sereanec to ber areuts, Lool at ne, iool at ne, /ook at ne: "bat is wroug witb you' uer voiee |realiug ou a so|, sbe saic,
"b-wbat is wroug witb oe'
\ailon wole iron tbe crean iu a rusb, agitatec, ieeiiug as ii be were |ebiuc iu sone tasl.
I want to oake u /oc how the; tceated hec. 8be'c |eeu cevastatec, truiy beartsiel. M; oate. gnoced. huct.
koiiiug outo bis |ael, be ressec ber sieeiug iorn agaiust bis sice, auc sbe euriec iuto bin witb a sigb. ue crew ber tigbt agaiust bis ebest, ber |ocy noiciug so
erieetiy agaiust bis.
ue'c bac uo ianiiy. uers cicu't ceserve ber. 1hen we w// le /ao/;.
!evec w// I le seacated /coo hec. uis voiee boarse, be toic ber, Carrow is niue.
ue cicu't reaiize uutii ioug noneuts bac assec tbat be'c soleu ber tougue.

chatec 21

L-o-o-e. "itb a stiel, tbe cenou aiustaliugiy seritec tbe ietters iu tbe sauc.
1bat's erieet, \ailon. ue grousec at tbe raise, |ut sbe eouic teii be iilec it.
1bree uigbts ago, be'c taleu tbat stiel, twiriec it iu tbe sauc, auc tbeu baucec it to ber, sayiug, Carrow.
Auc tbat was bow bis iessous bac |eguu. Iu irout oi tbe iire, be'c iearuec to write ber uane, auc sbe'c taugbt bin bow to write bis owu. 1bis noruiug, tbey were
worliug ou hooe auc /ood.
Carrow bac seut tbese iast iew cays iu tbe niue witb bin, iec, iovec ou, roteetec, auc enowerec--iiteraiiy--|y bis satisiaetiou.
1bougb tbat iirst noruiug, sbe bac woleu witb a beavy seuse oi guiit. 1be cenou bac giveu ber tbe sexuai uigbt oi ber iiie--eveu witbout aetuai sex--auc bac |eeu
gaziug at ber witb tbat sane woucer iu bis eyes.
8be'c tbougbt, !evec was he suosed to le /ke ths. Betrayiug tbe erazec venou wbo'c attaelec ber wouic bave |eeu easy. Betrayiug tbis teucer, rouc iover,
Iu stiitec Lugiisb, be'c gratec, Coc noru.
Cooc noruiug'
ue'c giveu ber a atrouiziug exressiou as ii sayiug, 1hats what I sad.
Carrow bac renen|erec tbe isoiatec reort oi bis sealiug Lugiisb. \ou luow nore oi ny iauguage tbau you iet ou, cou't you' "bat ii sbe eouic e/an to bin
wby sbe was bere, eveu asl ior bis bei' "ouic sbe care risl it'
Dic you ouee seal Lugiisb' "e've got to tail a iot, tbeu. Lile iu ances wth o/ves, nuitiie wailiug-auc-tailiug noutages. Do you iile to nale tbe tail'
ue'c uucerstooc uotbiug. 8o sbe'c soleu nore siowiy wbiie assessiug bis reaetious. 8be'c |eeu a|ie to see reeoguitiou witb sone worcs, |ut uot euougb to truiy
\et witb eaeb bour, be was reeaiiiug nore. ue'c |eguu sealiug baitiugiy, iu tbat tbiel Denouisb aeeeut.
ue luew /ease. thank ;ou. ace ;ou hungc;tcedthcst;' ue eouic uucerstauc just a|out auy oue or two syiia|ie worcs. "beu sbe'c toic bin wbat sbe was, be'c
eveu uucerstooc tbe worc wtch.
ue eouic aiso asl ber ii sbe was needng. as be ut it. 8be reiusec to teaeb bin tbe worc hocn;. Ci eourse, |y uow be'c bearc ber teiiiug bin sbe was a|out to eone
so nauy tines tbat be eouic iuiorn ber oi tbe sane iu Lugiisb.
1bey were ru||iug aioug |ut uot a|ie to tail ireeiy, ceiiuiteiy uot euougb to test tbe waters, to see bow be'c reaet to ber recieaneut.
1bere was a trausiatiou seii sbe eouic use, |ut it wouic tale a iot oi ower auc a tou oi sliii, was eousicerec a tbree-out-oi-iiver. Lveu witb aii tbe ower sbe'c |eeu
barvestiug iron bin, sbe wouicu't bave euougb juiee. 8bort oi a raueous erowc, sbe'c |e a |ust.
8o sbe'c |eeu usiug tbe ower be rovicec to reiuioree ber |ocy ior bis eoustaut--auc weieone--atteutious.
Asice iron sone eariy stun|iiug |ioels, tbe cenou /oved to toueb auc |e touebec. lor sone reasou, tbis bac nace ber tbiul oi Deeiau Cbase, witb bis aversiou to
eoutaet. Botb naies bac eviceutiy |eeu torneutec, |ut \ailon stiii eravec bysieai aiieetiou.
8exuaiiy \ailon was a coniuaut cenou to tbe eore, |ut be was iuexerieueec as weii. "bieb nace ior nore tbau oue trielsy situatiou.
8tiii, be'c giveu ber niuc-|iowiug eiinaxes auc a ieast oi baiuess. 1be nore ieasure sbe ieit, tbe nore satisiaetiou be eujoyec, wbieb iu turu nace ber eveu strouger.
Auc evec;thng a|out ber seenec to nale bin bay.
uis reaetious to ber were so iuteuse, be truiy was iile a giaut |attery ior ber.
leeciug ber iron bis bauc' \ace bin bay. "aliug u uext to ber' ue aiways ioolec vagueiy surrisec tbat sbe was tbere. 1beu bis iaee wouic reiax iuto tbat seii-
satisiiec exressiou, auc bis baiuess wouic iiooc over ber iile a warn |iaulet.
"atebiug ber |atbe' \ace bin eestatie.
ue'c joiuec ber every tine. Auy iiugeriug besitatiou a|out gettiug iu tbe water was cwiuciiug. ue iovec to |atbe ber just as sbe bac bin, stiii iearuiug ber |ocy as
euriosity iit bis eyes. 8be'c iet bin exaniue ber ireeiy, giac to give bin at ieast tbat.
At uigbt, as tbey iay togetber ou bis aiiet--uo ueec ior a seeouc oue aiter aii--be uiiec ber eiose, euveioiug ber iu bis warn arns, ressiug ber agaiust bis ebest. 1be
iirst two uigbts be'c siet witb ber eoiiar eiutebec iu bis bauc. But uow be'c |eguu to aeeet tbat sbe wasu't goiug auywbere. ~t /east not ;et. ber niuc wbiserec.
Duriug tbe cays, tbey ate tbe bieleus auc sone roel-barc tye oi tart |erry. Just yestercay, sbe'c gotteu bin to use a ualiu auc sone iastieware iron tbe aels.
!ow wece gettng sooewhece. sbe'c tbougbt. Lutii tbat sane aiteruoou wbeu be'c cruul |iooc iron a |irc's ueel agaiu. 8be'c sigbec. kooe wasnt lu/t n a da;.
Iu oue oi tbe aels, sbe'c iouuc eiotbes ior bin--|iael eon|at |oots to iit bis |ig ieet, eano auts tbat aetuaiiy bit bis aulies, auc a |iael 1-sbirt tbat eouic streteb
over bis |rawuy ebest. Aareutiy, uostoiierssou bac |eeu au inneuse |astarc.
\ailon cocked tbe taetieooi. "itb bis goiceu bair iu tbose warrior iaits, bis iirn iis auc ebiseiec ieatures, be'c nace ber beart tbun. 8be'c tbougbt, Id have to c;
wtches o// ho.
row sbe gazec over at bin writiug I-o...
"as sbe reaiiy eousiceriug leeiug bin' As ii be'c waut ber aiter sbe |etrayec bin. Iu auy eveut, sbe bac uo iaee ior bin iu ber woric.
ue'c |e iile a |uii iu a ebiua sbo, auc ber iiie was aireacy a|out to ebauge racieaiiy |eeause oi ku|y.
uey, iron wbat sbe'c seeu oi C|iiviou, tbe Crcer's iaeiiity wouic |e a iaterai nove ior bin. \ay|e ii sbe toic berseii tbat oiteu euougb, oue cay sbe'c |eiieve it'
ue giaueec at ber tbeu, as tbougb be seusec tbe serious uature oi ber tbougbts, auc sbe swaiiowec.
8be'c |eguu to cesire a// oi bin, iautasiziug a|out naliug iove witb bin. But two tbiugs beic ber |ael. ue eouic get ber reguaut, auc be nigbt burt ber, ossi|iy |itiug
ber agaiu.
ue'c |eeu worliug ou naiutaiuiug bis eoutroi auc was naliug sueb strices tbat sbe uo iouger iearec wbeu bis eyes turuec |iael, uow assoeiatiug tbe eoior witb bis
cesire. Stead; l/ue //ckecng to wcked l/ack.
But eouic be naiutaiu eoutroi wbeu tbey bac sex'
\ereiy to eoba|it witb sueb a stroug |eiug tool eare ou ber art, auc sbe'c |eeu usiug nagie just to iesseu tbe risl oi au aeeiceutai iujury. \et ior tbeir eiainiug, sbe
wouic bave to surreucer berseii iuiiy to bin, trustiug bin uot to burt ber. 8be cicu't luow ii sbe eouic tale tbat iea oi iaitb.
Auc oi eourse, tbere was stiii tbe issue oi bis |itiug. 8o iar sbe cicu't tbiul be'c creanec ber nenories, uot tbat be eouic bave reveaiec tbat ceveioneut witb worcs--
or niniug--auyway. \et every tine be craul ber, it iuereasec tbe iileiibooc tbat be wouic see tben.
lor ber to exiaiu ber recieaneut to bin was oue tbiug. But sbe iearec bis seeiug |its auc ieees out oi eoutext. "bieb agaiu wouic nale bin iose eoutroi.
8be luew be wautec to criul ber. 8be'c eaugbt bin gaziug at ber ueel, uot ueeessariiy witb buuger, |ut ainost witb yearuiug.
Cue uigbt, sbe'c awaleuec to iiuc bin aeiug, ruuuiug a bauc over bis noutb. keeiug ber |reatbiug cee auc eveu auc ber iics |areiy eraelec oeu, sbe'c watebec
as bis gaze bac cartec over ber, tbeu u to tbe eeiiiug, as ii be were seeliug guicauee. "itb auotber iool at ber, be'c raisec bis arn to bis noutb, siuliug bis iaugs iuto bis owu
wrist, groauiug agaiust bis sliu. uac be |eeu inagiuiug it was ber'
ue'c |itteu binseii to lee iron |realiug bis vow to ber.
uow nueb iouger eouic a ueec iile tbat |e eoutaiuec'
can I kee o; vow anothec nght`
\ailon ueecec to criul ber, uot |eeause be tbirstec ior ber |iooc or wautec to ciue ou iiesb, |ut |eeause witb eaeb bour, sbe grew nore cistaut.
8be was siiiug away iron bin.
Lveu as sbe iet bin eujoy ber |ocy, sbe oiteu aearec iost iu tbougbt, eiosiug oii ber niuc. 1be nore sbe cic tbis, tbe nore be gazec at ber ueel, eraviug tbat
eouueetiou tbat bac so anazec bin.
row a cisuiet bac settiec over bin, auc be eouicu't eoueeutrate ou tbe ietters auynore. ue iaic cowu tbe stiel. 8be cicu't eveu uotiee as sbe starec at tbe iire.
\ailon was so canuec aeeustonec to ioss, yet be luew be wouic uever reeover ii be iost ber. 1o uot bave ber iu bis leeiug' 1be nere icea seut bis rage eiin|iug.
Ii ouiy be eouic eonnuuieate witb ber ireeiy. \et tbe nore be renen|erec oi ber iauguage, tbe nore uuisbiug uigbtnares oi bis ebiicbooc auc torture suriaeec.
8tiii be usbec binseii, ueeciug to uucerstauc. At tines, just |eiore be |rougbt ber ieasure, sbe'c nurnur at bis ear. "bat was sbe teiiiug bin wbeu ber voiee was
ainost sac' It nace bin erazec.
Auc be wautec to asl ber wh; sbe'c |eeu sbowiug tbis aiieetiou to bin. "as it just so be'c roteet ber' uis eouiiceuee tbat sbe wouic waut tbe strougest naie bac
uow turuec to cesiriug nore iron ber.
Lutii tbey eouic eonnuuieate, be'c ceeicec to iearu as nueb as ossi|ie a|out ber. Liie witb tbe witeb was woucrous ... auc occ.
8be seenec to bave a iixatiou ou eieauiiuess, seru||iug tbeir eatiug uteusiis witb ber nagie auc eoutiuuaiiy wasbiug tbeir eiotbes.
Laeb noruiug auc uigbt sbe'c usec tbe |iue stiel |rusb to ru| ber teetb. 8be lissec bin naciy eaeb tine be cic tbe sane. 1be seeut was sbar |ut ieasaut, auc tbe
|rusbiug ieit gooc, as ii bis noutb were |eiug ettec.
ue'c stoec swaiiowiug it tbe seeouc tine sbe'c eriuliec ber uose auc nutterec, Cob.
Auc every cay, sbe'c giveu bin writiug iessous. ue eouic oteutiaiiy iive ior buucrecs, ii uot tbousaucs, oi years, auc be'c reeaiiec wbat kaiieu bac ouee toic bin. O/
coucse ;ouce nte//gent enough to cead! ho the dev/ convnced ;ou othecwse`
\ailon nigbt uot |e iearuec uow, |ut be cou/d |e. Auc wbeuever Carrow raisec bis rogress or regarcec bin witb uucisguisec acniratiou, it |rougbt bis niuc |ael
to a very |riei tine, ioug, ioug ago, wbeu be'c |eeu rouc. ue'c eonnaucec arnies oi cenous--auc be'c |eeu sliiiec at it.
Id a/oost couted the vaoces /coo ths /ane wth latt/es Id won.
Iu tbe euc, \ailon bac coue it l; hose//. assassiuatiug tbe Vieeroy so gruesoneiy tbat bis vanire ioiiowers bac iiec C|iiviou iu terror.
Desite tbis, tbe 1rotbaus bac eianorec ior \ailon's ceatb. At ieast uow be was giviug tben reasou to....
1bougb bis uigbtnares bac returuec witb a veugeauee, tbese were oeeasiouaiiy ueiiec |y creans oi ber nenories, aiways seeues iron ber ebiicbooc. Iu eaeb oue,
sbe'c |eeu iucoors, iayiug |y berseii iu au eeboiug |uiiciug. lor years, sbe'c |eeu aioue, nisera|ie.
~s I was. It seenec iate bac airec \ailon witb a wonau wbo was erieet ior bin.
1oo erieet'
ue rutbiessiy tanec cowu bis cou|ts.
Beeause be uot ouiy wautec ber. ue ueecec ber.
"beuever tbey lissec auc touebec, be was a|ie to sbut out tbougbts oi bis ast. Lverytbiug a|out bis seusuai uew nate let bin iirniy--auc ieverisbiy--iu tbe reseut.
1be uow ianiiiar seeut oi ber arousai, tbe iool iu ber giitteriug eyes wbeu sbe was ueeciug, tbe way sbe ui||iec ber |otton ii wbeuever ber tbougbts grew wielec.
1be souuc oi ber a|aucouec noaus as be lueacec ber |reasts.
8be weut wiic wbeu be iielec tben, or ber sweet sex. ue'c wale ber iron siun|er witb bis tougue ceiviug buugriiy.
1be witeb bac |rougbt bin nore sexuai ieasure iu noneuts tbau be'c exerieueec iu aii bis eeuturies. uer liss aioue ... it nace bin ieei eiose to ber, ainost as nueb as
taliug ber ueel bac.
\et \ailon bac stoec usbiug to eiain ber. row he wautec a |ouc iirst, |eeause witb aii tbe uew ossi|iiities |etweeu tben, oue iiiiec bin witb iear.
Begettiug auotber |astarc iile binseii.
8onetines be seoruec bis iatber nore ior ieaviug bis sou vuiuera|ie tbau be cic bis notber ior seiiiug bers.
\ailon wouic uever risl tbe sane baeuiug to bis owu oiisriug. ue iuteucec to wec Carrow at tbe eariiest oortuuity--
Denou, sbe nurnurec, iiuaiiy turuiug to bin. lortai uext uigbt'
Iocta/. ue luew tbis worc. 8be usec it oiteu euougb. rext uigbt, be agreec. 8be was leeu to get |ael to ber bone, bac exiaiuec tbat tbey wouic ieave tonorrow
at exaetiy tbe niccie oi tbe uigbt.
uac be iigurec out wby sbe was bere iu C|iiviou, or wby sbe |eiievec a ortai wouic oeu to weieone ber |ael'
ro. Aii be luew was tbat be was goiug witb ber. lor uow, tbat was euougb.

chatec 22

1-niuus sixteeu bours uutii tbey were to ieave. Auc Carrow bac ieeiiugs ior tbe cenou sbe was iauuiug to |etray.
Iu a noneut oi ceseratiou yestercay, sbe'c triec to exiaiu ber situatiou to \ailon, to asl ior bis bei--eveu tbougb be cicu't uucerstauc tbe worcs oocta/s.
l/ackoa/. kdna. or daughtec. Lveutuaiiy sbe'c crawu a stiel-iigure Carrow tbat beic baucs witb a stiel-iigure iittie giri, tbeu sbe'c ressec ber bauc over ber beart.
ue'c tbougbt sbe wautec a |a|y. "beu sbe'c enbatieaiiy siguaiec tbat wasu't wbat sbe wautec, be'c seenec burt, yauliug ou bis |oots auc storniug oii to go buut.
row, tbis noruiug, sbe eouicu't ay atteutiou to bis iessou, was raeliug ber |raiu ior auy aiteruative to ceeeiviug bin. \ay|e sbe sbouic bave set out ou ber seeouc
cay bere to iiuc otber cenous to bei ber.
But at tbat tine, \ailon bac |eeu so |rutai, so iueonrebeusi|ie to ber. Betrayiug bin wouic've |eeu uotbiug to ber. 8be'c bac uo icea sbe eouic ever eone to eare
ior bin.
"bat wouic kiiey co' 8be'c ceiiuiteiy reseue tbe orbauec giri iron tbe isiauc.
8ceak down the /acts. caccow. Lveu ii sbe eouic eonnuuieate witb \ailon, reveaiiug ber iot wouic bave to ceerease ber ebauees oi gettiug bin to tbe ortai. ue
nigbt |ail. Aiter aii, sbe'c ouiy luowu bin ior tbe |etter art oi a weel.
8be ceeicec tbeu tbat reveaiiug everytbiug was au uuaeeeta|ie risl.
Auc eveu ii sbe were eertaiu be'c co it, sbe'c uever |e a|ie to eouvey aii tbe iubereut caugers ior bin. ue'c go iuto tbat ortai eitber eonieteiy uuluowiug, or artiaiiy
Carrow iuebec ber iorebeac. lor a wonau uot usec to ieeiiug guiit over ber aetious or iear ior soneoue wbo ceeucec ou ber, sbe ieit overwbeinec. ~o I dong
the cght thng` \ost oi tbe tine wbeu eoie were uucer curess, tbey eouic tail to soneoue, irieucs or ianiiy wbo eouic bei tben nale tbe rigbt eboiee.
Carrow was iiyiug |iiuc--iu uuebartec territory.
8be jerlec ber iaee u. uub' "bere were we'
But bis exressiou bac growu serious, tbe iessou iorgotteu. ue iuteriaeec bis iiugers auc saic, "e are |ouuc.
ue eoiieetec a ieee oi roe, luottiug it.
Cb, you neau lound'
ue gave a uoc, tbeu crew iu tbe sauc.
Au iuiiuity syn|oi' Ciever cenou, bow cic you luow tbat ... '
ue was gaziug at ber witb a uestiou iu bis eyes.
Bouuc iorever' Auc sonebow sbe net bis gaze auc iiec, \es, cenou. Bouuc iorever.
As ii to nale ber ieei eveu guiitier, be gatberec ber iuto bis arns, euiug ber iaee agaiust bis |roac ebest. uis voiee a cee run|ie, be saic, Carrow is \ailon's.
8be wautec to so|.
\es, sbe auswerec, wisbiug tbat it eouic |e so sinie |etweeu tben. eoon oeets gc/. c/ oght le /a//ng /oc deoon.
But tbeu, ii uot ior aii tbe treaebery sbe'c gotteu eaugbt u iu, sbe wouic uever bave eone bere to iiuc bin, uever wouic bave luowu bin.
ue restec bis ebiu ou ber beac auc iaeec ber bauc over bis beart. It crunnec agaiust ber ain.
I oade that leat. \ay|e iate bac |eeu rigbt to nateb tben. 8onebow |etweeu tbe two oi tben, tbey geutiec \ailon's rages. 8be'c |rougbt bin baiuess. ~t /east
/oc a toe.
Aiter nicuigbt, Carrow cicu't luow ii be eouic ever |e geutiec agaiu.
8be crew |ael, gaziug u at bis iaee. "bat ii it eouic |e sinie |etweeu tben, ii just ior a iew bours' Cue noruiug seut eujoyiug eaeb otber--iuiiy--witb uo tbougbts
oi tbe iuture'
ue'c |eeu so eurious a|out sex, auc so atieut witb ber, tbat sbe wautec bin to bave tbat exerieuee. But ii sbe oiierec berseii to bin, sbe'c bave to trust bin uot to
burt ber.
o I tcust ho` can I` 8be swaiiowec. \ailon, I waut you to nale iove to ne.
ue sbruggec.
Se. cenou.
uis |ocy sbot tbrougb witb teusiou. 8bar uoc.
ent/e` Cau you uot burt ne' Ab, uelate, was sbe aetuaiiy goiug to co tbis'
\es. ue iiitec ber iuto bis arns, earryiug ber to tbe aiiet. "iii uot burt you.
ue iaic ber cowu, joiuiug ber tbere. 1beu bis |rows crew togetber, as ii be'c just reeaiiec sonetbiug. "as be besitatiug'
\ou are niue, aca. 8ay tbis.
At tbat noneut, sbe was. I'n yours.
8eeniug to nale a ceeisiou, be renovec bis sbirt, reveaiiug tbe tau, snootb sliu oi bis ebest. 1beu be easec a|ove ber. As sbe gazec u iuto tbe |iue oi bis eyes, auy
cou|ts sbe bac iacec. 1he deoon wont huct oe.
ue ciec cowu to eover ber noutb witb bis owu. 8be iovec tbe way be lissec uow. ue was aggressive witb it, baviug iearuec exaetiy bow to crive ber wiic. 8troug
iiiels, teasiug iiels tbat set ber |ocy ou iire.
As tbeir |reatbs niugiec, sbe gasec agaiust bis iis, 1oucs.
She wants oe to c/ao hec. \ailon's ebest was tigbt witb ieeiiug, bis niuc iiiiec witb tbougbts oi ieasuriug ber, so tbat sbe'c eieave to bin.
Bouuc iorever, sbe'c toic bin. Auc, gocs, be wautec to |eiieve it.
8o wby cic be eoutiuue to bave tbe seuse tbat sbe was siiiug away'
As be ieverec binseii a|ove ber, tbe inortauee oi tbis noneut struel bin iile a banner |iow. But be bac uo worcs to exress to ber wbat sbe was a|out to give
bin--auc bow ioug be'c waitec ior it.
uow ioug be'c waitec ior hec.
ue cicu't luow bow to asl ber wby bis beart seenec to sto every tine be gazec at ber iaee. ro way to teii ber wbat |eiug iusice ber wouic neau to bin, tbe trust be
wouic |estow wbeu be gave u bis seec. I cou/d ut a lale nsde hec ths nght.
tch. be gratec. ue lissec ber ain, tbeu iaic it over bis beart agaiu, as ii sbe eouic ieei bow beavy bis ebest was. 1bat seuse oi ossessiveuess iioocec bin. "itb
tbese liucs oi ieeiiugs auc uo outiet ... |ewiicerneut roiiec.
8be eouicu't uucerstauc bin, auc be cicu't luow wbat to co.
\ailon, sbe |reatbec, |egiuuiug to iool uueasy, y-you bave to |e geutie.
Do uot ... waut to burt you.
1be nore needng I an, tbe iess it wiii burt.
1beu be wouicu't euter ber uutii be'c nace ber |eg ior bin to.
Lyiug iu tbe eracie oi ber tbigbs, be renovec ber to, |ariug ber |reasts to bin. !evec get enough o/ these. ue |eut cowu to liss tbat teucer, giviug iiesb, luowiug
bow nueb sbe cesirec bin to.
\et ouee bis iis eiosec arouuc oue oi ber uiies, bis iaugs sbareuec. c/ao hec. bis iustiuet eonnaucec, n a// wa;s. As bis tougue swiriec arouuc tbe eal, be ieit
a bot joit. A cro oi |iooc bac bit bis tougue.
ue rose u, eyes rivetec to tbe iiue oi erinsou just a|ove ber stiii uiie. 8tarluess agaiust ber ereany |reast.
ue'c uever ieit so eiose to bis ienaie as wbeu be'c |itteu ber. 8ureiy sbe wouic ieei it too, uow tbat sbe cicu't iear bin, uow tbat sbe wautec bis eiain uou ber.
Must oake hec one.
8be sbool ber beac, iileiy to teii bin uot to |ite ber, |ut be eut ber oii, waruiug ber iu Denouisb uot to ceuy tben tbis.
!evec den; us ths.
As be ieauec cowu, sbe let sbaliug ber beac, sboviug agaiust bis ebest.
But you are niue: be toic ber iu Augiisb. Iee/ tbis. 1be eouueetiou.
c/eave to oe. wtch! "itb a yeii, be saul bis iaugs iuto oue iun |reast.
uis eyes eiosec witb eestasy |eiore be'c eveu crawu iron ber. "beu be iielec ber uiie as be sueliec, sbe teusec |eueatb bin, eryiug out.
ue ioreec bis iics oeu, aiarn iiariug. But tbeu be saw ber beac auc arns bac iaiieu |ael, ber iis artec.
"beu be reaiizec sbe was eoniug, be gave a ceserate groau, sueliug ber barcer, ain eoveriug ber otber |reast, iuebiug tbe ti.
1be way ber |ocy worlec |eueatb bis |ite ... oaddenng. 8be arebec ber |ael auc writbec, sereaniug as sbe eiinaxec, wbiiug iortb bis owu reiease.
uis sae tigbteuec iu reaciuess. I/ace ;ouc c/ao. uis eoel sweiiec uu|eara|iy. I/unge t nsde hec.
8uariiug agaiust ber |reast, be iun|iec ior bis trews. 1oo iate. Beiore be eouic eveu tbiul oi euetratiug ber, be |egau eoniug witbiu tben.
ue touguec ber uiie as ieasure raelec bin, so stroug be jerlec iron tbe ioree oi it agaiu auc agaiu.
"itb a iiuai raggec noau, be eoiiasec over ber |ocy, reiiuuisbiug bis |ite witb a teucer liss. Ab, aca. you ieit it.

chatec 2

\ou |astarc: Carrow ressec ber ain to ber |reast, iiusbiug iron ber reaetiou. \ou ronisec you wouicu't |ite ne: Does wbat I waut natter at a// to you'
1be cenou starec at ber as ii cun|iouucec, wbiie sbe was ancked. 8be eouicu't eateb ber |reatb. 1bere was stiii tine ior bin to see ber nenories--out oi eoutext--
stiii tine ior bin to |ail at tbe gate auc coon ku|y.
Let ne u: 8be sbovec agaiust bin, graiiug to get bis weigbt oii ber. I trustec you.
Carrow, I wautec--
I know wbat you wautec. 8be'c oiierec berseii to bin, auc iusteac oi naliug iove to ber, be'c reierrec to steai ber |iooc.
1bat stuug so nueb. At ouee, sbe ieit |otb vioiatec auc rejeetec.
Cet oii ne: "beu be wouicu't, iury iiiiec ber. 8be iauuebec bin iuto tbe waii, ieeiiug strouger tbau sbe bac iu years. Auc be'c iueiec it. "bieb nace ber woucer--
wbat iu tbe beii bac tbat |ite ieit iile to bin'
koel cust eioucec over bin wbere be'c iaucec. uac sbe bearc sonetbiug sua'
As tbe cust a|atec, sbe gasec iu borror. 8be'c iauuebec bin nto the l/ade cocnec. uis sliu was gasbec oeu iu a cozeu iaees, |iooc ouriug. Cu to oi tbat, oue
oi bis sbouicers bac |eeu cisioeatec, auc bis rigbt arn aearec to |e |roleu.
8ynatby swet over ber, auc sbe rose to see to bin. \ailon, I ... 8be traiiec oii wbeu |iooc trieliec cowu ber |reast auc criec iron tbe eal. Desite bis
iujuries, bis gaze was rat ou ber uiie, ou eaeb croiet oi |iooc.
8be ca||ec at tbe uueture wouucs, auc ber regret vauisbec, reseutneut auc cou|t taliug its iaee. oes he ce/ec o; l/ood to o; lod;` Just ... just get out:
ue gazec at ber witb guiit, eveu yearuiug iu bis |iue eyes. But a|ove aii eise, bis exressiou ioolec cisaoiutec.
Dicu't natter bow be ieit. 1bat |ite eouic seii ber coon, ku|y's coon. ku|y, wbo was sittiug iusice a eeii, notberiess, wouceriug ii Carrow wouic ever returu. Cut:
"itb a irustratec growi, be ieit tbe eban|er, /ong away. uow |aciy bac sbe burt bin'
Aiter be'c goue, sbe starec at tbe exit. lor as ioug as sbe iivec, sbe'c uever iorget tbe iool ou bis iaee. 1be cisaoiutneut iu bis exressiou ate at ber.
"bieb eouiusec ber. 8be eieauec u auc cressec, tbeu |egau aeiug. ue'c just burt ber, so sbe sbouic waut bin to burt iu returu. \et be bac ber so nixec u.
8be bac tbe seuse tbat be'c exeetec sonetbiug seeiiie iron ber--sbe cicu't luow wbat. Aii sbe luew was tbat sbe'c iet bin cowu.
Agitatec, sbe erossec to Liuct's |aelael ior tbat iiasl oi Jael Dauiei's, wouceriug, Is t st// good` Ci eourse. Aieoboi was reservec iu aieoboi, aiter aii.
As sbe starec at tbe |ottie, sbe woucerec bow ber iiie bac eone to tbis. 8be bac au out-oi-eoutroi, |iooc-guzziiug cenou as a wouic-|e iover, a iooniug |etrayai tbat
sbe cicu't waut to ceai, auc a iittie giri ceeuciug ou Carrow to save ber iiie.
8be luew witbout a cou|t tbat ku|y was goiug to turu ber eutire existeuee usice cowu. Auc stiii Carrow nissec ber iile erazy, eouicu't wait to get tbeir iiie togetber
startec. ...
Cettiug saueec wouicu't bei auytbiug. 8ut t cant cea//; huct ethec. can t` Carrow iiitec tbe iiasl, luoeliug |ael a sbot, savoriug tbe |uru.
"bat was sbe goiug to co witb \ailon' Besices give bin over to nereiiess nortais |eut ou exerineutiug ou bin.
Lverytbiug was so ciiiieuit |etweeu tben. "by eouicu't Carrow bave iouuc a guy iile \arileta's nau' uer bus|auc, Boweu \aekieve, acorec auc soiiec ber. ue
was a gorgeous werewoii wbo was witty auc iuu.
Carrow was tbe nate oi a cenou wbo cug |iooc, ossi|iy nore tbau naliug iove to ber. Cue wbo eouicu't ciseuss eurreut eveuts or use siiverware auc bac ouiy
reeeutiy |eeu iutrocueec to bygieue.
\ari bac ouee neutiouec tbat Boweu cicu't iile to wateb tbe sane novies tbat sbe cic.
Carrow's nau' ue cicu't luow wbat a novie was.
8be eouicu't bei |ut |e jeaious oi \ari. 1bey'c |oucec over tbe iaet tbat |otb oi tbeir areuts bac ieit tben |ebiuc. It turuec out tbat \ari's bac a|aucouec ber to go
iigbt evii auc nale tbe woric |etter ior tbeir |eiovec caugbter.
Carrow's wautec to iay goii ou a eretuaiiy |ainy aracise iaue.
\ari ceservec everytbiug iate was giviug ber. 8ut I desecve /ovng acents and a gceat gu; too. daon t!
"bere tbe beii was \ailon' 1be eioel was tieliug, auc be was tbe ley to ber auc ku|y's ireecon. 1hats the on/; ceason I cace whece he s.
Bastarc |it ber:Agaiu. Cbuggec ber |reast iile a irat |oy ou a ratty Lite. Le lcoke hs vow.
8tiii, sbe bac a iot oi uerve to |iane bin ior tbat, eseeiaiiy wbeu sbe was ou tbe verge oi destco;ng bis a|iiity to trust iorever.
Lverytbiug was so canuec ciiiieuit. ...
At tbe euc oi tbe iiasl, sbe eoueiucec tbat sbe was uow cruul--auc tbat be ceiiuiteiy sbouic've |eeu |ael |y uow. Deeniug berseii oweriui euougb to iry a nouster
X ii ueec |e, sbe ceeicec to set out aiter bin. 8be iiiebec a iiasbiigbt, tbeu stun|iec cowu tbe niue sbait.
Cuee sbe reaebec tbe exit auc tbe wiuc bit ber iaee iile a sia, sbe siurrec, luggiu' hate tbis iaee:
8be was a|out to ceeiare ber batrec ior bin as weii, |ut stoec berseii. 8be cicu't bate bin ior wbat be'c coue.
row tbat sbe eouic see tbiugs nore cruuleuiy, sbe wasu't eouviueec be'c taleu ber |iooc iu iieu oi naliug iove to ber. 8be suseetec bis |ite nigbt bave |eeu a try at
eioseuess, iile iutinaey ior a venou. Ma;le`
"itb a sigb, sbe uusteaciiy gesturec to berseii. Beeauss, iess iaee it, cenou basta |e iaiiiu' iu iove witb ne |y uow.
ue'c ioolec so eonieteiy staggerec |y ber reaetiou, eieariy exeetiug ber to ieei ciiiereutiy a|out bis |ite. Auc sbe wouic bave ii sbe bacu't |eeu iauuiug to ceeeive
bin soou--wouic've just aeeetec tbe ieasure it |rougbt ber.
So daoned d//cu/t.
\ailon' sbe eaiiec, narebiug out aiter bin. "bere are you' ro resouse. "itb bis uueauuy seuses, be sbouic bave |eeu a|ie to bear ber over tbe wiuc. Denou,
eone |ael:
liuaiiy, sbe siec bis iarge riuts, saw tbey were aeeonauiec |y a |iooc traii. u/t; ang. Dowu tbe |oo|y-traec atb sbe weut, tryiug to renen|er wbere be'c
oiutec out tras.
But it turuec out tbat bis eoutratious were easy to iiuc. Beeause tbey'c aii |eeu triggerec.
By cenous. row naugiec auc ceac cenous. Au attael' 1be cossier bac saic \ailon guarcec tbe niues. \ay|e tbis was a taleover attent. Cr erbas tbe
1rotbaus bac eone bere to eature tbeir iugitive, tbe oue wbo'c liiiec tbeir riuee'
lartber cowu tbe nouutaiu, sbe eouic see sigus oi a struggie. Boue trees bac |eeu /e//ed. 1bis bac to bave iuvoivec soneoue as oweriui as \ailon.
uac eveu nore cenous junec bin' 8be'c |et tbey were regrettiug it uow. \ailon was ro|a|iy out biciug tbe iresb |ocies iron ber--or eooliug tben. "bo eouic
teii witb ber nau'
8be surveyec aii tbe traels seatterec over tbe eieariug. Agaiu, sbe eouic nale out \ailon's riuts, |ut uow sbe saw iigbter |oot riuts. Lveu ooce cenous'
"itb teu sbots oi Jael D iu ber |eiiy, sbe was eouviueec tbat ber seieutiiieai niuc eouic reac traels auc cecuee a eorresouciug iigbt. 8be was a reguiar 8aeagawea.
Lveu tbougb Carrow bac uever iearuec to trael.
Dee baii riuts neaut soneoue iuugiug, rigbt' 1bere were iots oi tbose. 1bey suu arouuc auc arouuc. But sbe eouic swear tbat it ioolec iile iu tbe euc, \ailon
bac just iinec away witb iigbter cenous ou eitber sice. 1beu tbe traels siniy cisaearec.
"bat--tbe--irael' uac be a//owed a gaug to teieort bin away' Lveu ii be was wealeuec, ii be resistec euougb, uo oue wouic ever |e a|ie to traee bin agaiust bis
8be bac to luow wbat bac baeuec, so sbe elec out sone ower to iuei a so|eriug seii--ber ieast iavorite oi aii seiis. Cu tbe beeis oi tbat, sbe iauuebec a viewiug
seii, nurnuriug, 8ee bere. 8ee \ailon.
A seeue |egau to iay out iile a sbow ou a 1V witb iuzzy reeetiou. \ailon was sweatiug, as ii be'c |eeu ruuuiug u auc cowu bis nouutaiu, |ut be aearec to |e
returuiug iu tbe cireetiou oi tbe niue.
1bougb tine bac assec siuee be'c ieit, be renaiuec tborougbiy issec at binseii, ranniug bis borus iuto trees. ue was stiii iiniug, bis iujurec arn baugiug awlwarciy,
auc be bac criec |iooc aii over bin.
Auotber guiity aug. 8be'c uever neaut to burt bin so |aciy.
uer eyes weut wice as tbe seeue eoutiuuec. \ore cenous iay iu wait ior bin. \ailon was so iujurec auc cistraetec tbat be cicu't see tben--
Lutii tbey'c surrouucec bin, at ieast tweuty oi tben. 1be iargest oue wore a grauc suit oi arnor auc was ueariy as iarge as \ailon. 1be otbers eaiiec tbat cenou
kouatb. lron tbe iool ou bis iaee, \ailon cesisec bin.
1bey were bere ior \ailon, seeiiieaiiy ior bis eature. Ii \ailon was a iugitive, bac tbis arnorec cenou eone to arrest bin'
"itb batrec seetbiug iu bis uow carl eyes, \ailon saic sonetbiug iu a iow, |rutai toue.
"beu kouatb resoucec, sueeriug sone reiy, \ailon iauuebec binseii at tbe cenou, criviug bin iuto a tree.
But kouatb's arnor tool tbe |ruut oi tbe |iow. Auc uuiile \ailon, kouatb auc sone oi bis neu eouic traee. Lveu witb \ailon's seec, be eouicu't ceieuc agaiust
so nauy as tbey aearec auc cisaearec, sta||iug bin agaiu auc agaiu.
cant watch ths ... cant watch...
Aiter severai tries, tbey east a netai uet over bin, |ut tbey eouicu't traee bin away wbeu be was resistiug so vioieutiy.
uow nueb iouger eouic be lee u bis struggies' ue was wealeuiug--be eieariy luew it. 8tiii be eiasbec witb tben, auc be nigbt bave gotteu iree. But tbeu \ailon
iroze. uis seuses were |etter tbau tbe otbers'. Auc be'c bearc Carrow eaiiiug ior bin, aroaebiug tben.
uis eyes were eaieuiatiug, bis niuc worliug. uer iis artec as be stoec iigbtiug tben. ue'c nace tbe ceeisiou to |e taleu.
Just |eiore tbey traeec bin away, be roarec twiee nore to eover ber cruuleu eaiis. Auc tbeu tbey were goue.
~h. gods. no.
Ii tbey'c seizec \ailon ior tbat nurcer, tbeu tbey'c iileiy tale bin |ael to tbe uearest eity. 8be burrieciy eiin|ec to a vautage oiut to gaze out iron tbe nouutaiu.
Iu tbe cistauee, sbe eouic |areiy sy out a eoiieetiou oi |uiiciugs risiug iron tbe borizou. Ii tbe wiucs bac |eeu u nueb nore, sbe'c uever bave sottec tben.
8ureiy regieice was uuisba|ie |y ceatb. 8be bac to go aiter bin. Asice iron tbe iaet tbat sbe ieit guiity as beii ior iujuriug bin auc tbeu cistraetiug bin, sbe ueecec
\ailon ior ber auc ku|y's ireecon.
8o sbe'c go auc save bin, just so sbe eouic |etray bin'
~ce ;ou so co/d. caccow` rot eoic, sbe was coootted to a iittie giri wbo ueecec ber.
A art oi ber eriec, Ma/koo needs oe. too. At tbat noneut, sbe nace a ronise to berseii. Ii Cbase let bis worc, tbeu sbe'c returu to tbe iaeiiity ior \ailon. I
swear to uelate tbat I wou't sto uutii be's ireec. Carrow wouic nale everytbiug rigbt. It just nigbt tale tine....
"itb tbat vow nace, sbe ioeusec ouee nore ou tbe ro|ien at bauc--sone assboie uanec kouatb.
1be so|eriug seii sbe'c east nace oue so|er as tbougb tbrougb tbe assiug oi tine. "bieb neaut Carrow was uow buugover. "bieb neaut...
Denous wouic cie tocay:
uow to get to tben' Betweeu ber auc tbe eity was a |eastie-iiiiec cesert. 8be'c bave to exeuc |eaueou euergy to nale berseii iuviuei|ie. Cb, auc to iioat aeross
tbe sauc.
\es, sbe'c |eeu usiug ower to reiuioree ber |ocy witb \ailon--auc sbe'c usec stiii nore to attael bin tocay. 8o sbe wouicu't bave euougb juiee ieit over iron ber
trel to eouteuc witb a towu iuii oi cenous.
8be'c ueec au iuiusiou. It aii wouic ceeuc ou oue tbiug.
\ailon 8iaiue bac |etter |e ha; to see ber.

chatec 2-

\ou've eone iuii eireie uow, 8iaiue, kouatb saic iron outsice \ailon's eeii, tbe sane oue iu wbieb be'c |eeu inrisouec witb kaiieu aii tbose years ago. Auc stiii
aiter aii tbese eeuturies, you are uotbiug.
rarrowiug bis |ioociec auc swoiieu eyes, \ailon griec tbe eeii |ars, tbe wratb iusice bin |uruiug ior reiease. Lariier, tbe arnorer bac orcerec bis guarcs to |eat
bin |ut reiusec to iaee \ailon aioue--eveu tbougb kouatb eouic uow traee. Auc stiii you are a eowarc, oue wbo bas aiways iearec ne.
"beu kouatb sbruggec, bis eia|orate arnor eiaulec witb tbe noveneut. \our tauuts neau uotbiug to ne |eeause we |otb luow tbat I've wou. Auc you, 8ear|a, wiii
aiways iose. It nigbt tale buucrecs oi years, |ut you wiii aiways iaii.
rever bac \ailon ueecec to liii as be cic uow. Beeause everytbiug kouatb saic was true.
I wanted to /ve wth caccow. 1hat was a//.
1bougb tbe icea oi |eiug let iron bis ienaie nace bin erazec--be'c sworu be wouic uever |e searatec iron ber--be bac oue eousoiatiou. kouatb wouicu't iiuc ber.
So I wn. By tbe tine tbe arnorer auc bis neu bac iiuisbec torturiug \ailon auc returuec to tbe nouutaiu to |egiu niuiug, sbe wouic |e ioug goue.
\ailon bac nace ber so iurious tbat tbere was uo ebauee sbe'c try to ioiiow bin. As ii tbere'c |eeu a ebauee |eiore tbe |ite. 8be wouic nale ber owu way to tbe
ortai auc ieave witbout bin tbis uigbt. "itb tbe ower sbe'c cenoustratec tbis noruiug, sbe sbouic |e saie.
I wou/d have /ked to see hec woc/d. 1o have hec show t to oe.
"ouic sbe woucer wbat bac |eeone oi bin'
It cicu't natter. ue wouic cie bere, auc sbe wouic |e saie iron tbese cenous.
kouatb rau tbe ti oi bis |oue sear uucer a eiaw. 8ureiy eveu you eau reeoguize tbat you were |oru just to |e uuisbec. "bat I co uot uucerstauc is wby you baveu't
siniy eucec yourseii. 8eens you are nore eowarc tbau I.
kaiieu bac ouee aslec bin a|out bis wiii to iive, narveiiug at it, eseeiaiiy iu iigbt oi \ailon's eariier barcsbis. 1bis noruiug, wbeu \ailon bac |eeu |rougbt iuto
tbe eity, nenories oi bis inrisouneut auc bis ebiicbooc overwbeinec bin, uutii eveu be bac |eguu to narvei at wbat be'c survivec.
1be torture auc aiu, tbe uueuciug ioueiiuess.
Iu tbis very eeii, be'c |eeu traec witb tbe |ocy oi bis |est irieuc ior cays. 1be |rotber be'c nurcerec...
rever bac be regrettec auytbiug so |aciy. Lveu |eiore be'c |eeu reieasec, \ailon bac reaiizec tbat kaiieu's aetious bacu't |eeu tbe |etrayai be tbougbt, tbe riuee
bac nereiy ceeicec ou a ratiouai eourse oi aetiou.
1he lettec oa/e /ves. the /essec sacc/ces.
Iu iour buucrec years, \ailon bac aeeoniisbec uotbiug. kaiieu eouic bave aebievec so nueb nore.
\et uow \ailon reaiizec tbat ii be bacu't bac tbe wiii to iive tbat uigbt, be uever wouic bave luowu bis witeb, wouicu't bave |eeu bere to save ber iiie.
ue ieturec Carrow sniiiug u at bin iron uucer a jet-|iael euri. \ailon bac sonebow eucurec ioug euougb to roteet tbe nost exuisite wonau |oru, to ieasure
ber. I savoced hec cces n o; eac and sa/eguacded hec to the end.
Cocs, bow nueb nore easiiy be wouic bave |eeu a|ie to witbstauc bis ast ii be'c luowu sbe'c |e iu bis iuture, ior eveu tbis sbort a tine.
Cu tbat uigbt so ioug ago, \ailon bacu't |eeu wiiiiug to cie ior kaiieu, |ut ior tbe witeb...
I do t g/ad/;.
\ailon sbovec bis sbouicers |ael. \ou luow uotbiug oi ny iiie, kouatb, be saic, bis toue snug.
I luow it's a|out to euc, kouatb reiiec, turuiug to eaii ior tbe guarcs. It's tine.
1ine to |egiu tbe cweiiers' grueiiug rituai. th oe as the sacc/ce. \et eveu uow, \ailon bac ouiy oue regret.
ue'c |roleu bis vow to Carrow.
8be'c |eeu euragec witb bin. Auc be bacu't bac tbe worcs to teii ber tbat be'c |itteu ber |eeause be was eeciug bis beart to ber. Littie |y iittie, 'twas |eeoniug bers to
ue'c wautec sonetbiug oi ber iu returu.
Carrow surveyec tbe cenous' eity witb cisgust.
ro wiuc stirrec cowu ou tbis iateau, wbieb sbouic bave |eeu a gooc tbiug, |ut tbe air sneiiec raul. Auc witbout tbe |iiiowiug cust, tbe suu |eat cowu. Bieaebec
|oues auc |eboruec sluiis iitterec tbe streets.
\ost oi tbe |uiiciugs bac ceeayec iuto ruius, tbeir |riels erun|iiug auc wooc siiuteriug.
Lveu witb tbe iuii ioree oi Carrow's renaiuiug nagie, erossiug tbat bateiui cesert bac taleu ber agouiziug bours. Auc witb eaeb oue, sbe'c |eeone nore eouviueec tbat
tbe cenous bac eaturec \ailon to exeeute bin.
I// nevec /ocgve o;se// / Io too /ate.
Dowu a naiu tborougbiare, sbe saw a erowc gatberec iu tbe cistauee. "itb tbe iast oi ber ower, sbe wove a gianour over berseii so sbe'c aear to bave a iiue
eioal eoveriug ber |ocy auc bair. Beueatb it, sbe wouic |e |eceelec iu a rieb siil gowu, goic jeweiry, auc eveu a erowu.
Ii sbe bac to iuteraet witb cenous iron a eiass-stratiiiec soeiety, tbeu sbe'c iool iile nouey auc |e uiel to give orcers.
Iu tbis naster/siave woric, erbas sbe sbouic eveu aet as ii sbe owuec \ailon. Dicu't tbe owuer get to nete uuisbneut to ber roerty' 8be nigbt |e a|ie to
cenauc bis reiease uucer ber reeoguizauee.
So sa;s the chck who weekends n Iacsh coccectona/.
Cuee eioalec, sbe basteuec towarc tbe erowc. 1be cenous were gatberec arouuc a |ioocstaiuec stage nace oi stoue. Iu tbe eeuter oi it stooc wbat ioolec iile a
yre iatiorn, exeet tbis bac oanac/es attached. Iu tbe |aelgrouuc, eoiossai statues oi boruec iigures ioonec, iileiy rereseutiug tbe cenous' gocs.
liies oi |iaeleuec |oues iay at tbe ioot oi tbe yre, auc ebarrec baucs auc ieet rottec iu tbe nauaeies. 1be baucs were eieuebec iu iists, tbe ieet euriiug cowuwarc.
1be 1rotbaus |uruec vietins aiive. Dic tbey iau tbat iate ior \ailon' Ovec o; dead lod;.
1be ceuizeus atteuciug tbis saeriiiee bac tbe sane sbiity eyes as Asnocei, auc sbe ereeivec iu tben a siel baiuess at tbe roseet oi tbe ueoniug exeeutiou.
Auc tbese were tbe cenous sbe'c ouee boec to iiuc, to unte witb' ro way eouic sbe trust ber auc ku|y's iutures to tbese ciels.
8be ieit cirty crawiug ower iron tben, iron tbeir sacistie g/ee. But sbe ioreec berseii to, aiiowiug tbe erowc to |egiu iueiiug ber.
"beu sbe sottec baii a cozeu sworcsneu ieaciug \ailon towarc tbe stage, reiiei saiiec tbrougb ber to iiuc bin stiii aiive.
Cu tbe beeis oi tbat, ber iury at tbe cenous returuec teuioic. \ailon bac |eeu |eateu, auc tbey were bauiiug bin cireetiy out iuto tbe suu. 1be iigbt bere stiii wasu't
stroug euougb to outrigbt liii \ailon, |ut be was uunistala|iy exbaustec, bis sliu |iisteriug.
8be |egau usbiug tbrougb tbe erowc towarc bin. But tbe 1rotbaus were buge, innova|ie.
1be six sworcsneu craggec bin tbrougb a gauutiet oi ceraugec cenous wbo sta||ec bin witb sears iasbiouec iron |oues. Auc at tbe euc oi tbis, tbey wouic exeet
bin to |e |uruec aiive'
\ailon nust bave luowu tbis was tbe iate awaitiug bin, auc stiii be'c surreucerec to kouatb.
1o cotect oe.
1be sworcsneu naueuverec bin to tbe irout oi tbe stage, wbere a eboiug |ioel stooc. loreiug bin to lueei |eiore it, tbey sbaeliec bin to |oits iu tbe stoue,
seeuriug tbe eucs togetber witb au autiue-iooliug acioel.
8be ut out a ro|e. raturaiiy, \ailon's |oucs were nystieaiiy euioreec. 8be eouic oeu tben, |ut it'c tale tine.
1bere was aeeetauee iu \ailon's exressiou, eveu wbeu tbe sworcsneu sbovec bis beac to tbe |ioel auc oue oi tben raisec au ax.
"bat tbe beii is tbis' sbe cenaucec oi tbe grou oi cenous eiosest to ber. 1bey seowiec cowu at ber, uueonrebeuciug. 8be ueecec a uew seii, tbe trausiatiou
seii, |ut it reuirec so nueb ower....
1be ax eane cowu |eiore sbe eouic reaet. 1bey'c eut oii oue oi bis borus.
1bougb \ailon cicu't nale a souuc, bis naguiiieeut |ocy sbuccerec iu tbe ebaius, bis |iue eyes resiguec.
1be guarcs swiitiy ioreec bis beac |ael to tbe |ioel. uer stonaeb eburuec wbeu tbey eboec oii tbe seeouc. 8be luew tbe borus wouic grow |ael, |ut to iose
oue--nueb iess two--was suosec to |e exerueiatiug.
1bis torture iiiiec tbe cenous witb joy. 8be grittec ber teetb as cirty ower eoursec tbrougb ber.
\ailon eoutiuuec to stare straigbt abeac, au iuuate rice iiugeriug iu bis exressiou. 8be ereeivec uo sbane iron bin. "bieb neaut eitber be'c coue uotbiug wroug--
or be was a barceuec liiier.
Carrow wisbec sbe eouic |eiieve tbe iatter, siuee it wouic nale ber nissiou easier. But sbe eouicu't. 8be gazec at bin u tbere, ebaiuec, bis |ocy eoverec witb gasbes.
ue was so nueb |etter tbau tbese eoie. Ma/koo s nol/e.
Ii be'c liiiec tbeir riuee, tbeu tbe guy'c bac it eoniug.
\ailon nust bave seeutec ber tbeu, |eeause be stiiieuec, rattiiug bis ebaius. 1beu sbe got bit witb a |oit oi sonetbiug iile utter joy.
8be swayec auc noauec, "boaaa. \et be iustautiy ioiiowec tbat enotiou witb a beiiess liuc oi rage.
!o takese-lackses. deoon. 8be'c just seorec a sile oi uueut, barnaeeutieai-grace venou joy. Deieeta|ie ower surgec iusice ber. 1bis wouic |e euougb ior
severai sinuitaueous seiis, auc sbe'c ueec tben aii--roteetiou, iauguage, ber eoutiuuec gianour. As sbe was burrieciy seiieastiug, tbe cenou wbo'c iec \ailon's eature
eiin|ec to tbe stage, cressec iu iuii arnor iron ieet to ebiu, everytbiug |ut tbe beinet.
1bis kouatb bac au air oi ceviousuess nixec witb eoueeit. Auc sbe cicu't tbiul be eouic ossi|iy ever bave |eeu baier tbau be was rigbt uow. I// take a shot o/
that--and then I// de/eat ;ou wth ;ouc own de/ght.
Aiter uietiug tbe erowc's ireuetie ebeers, kouatb accressec tben. Biab |iab |iab \ALkC\ 8LAIrL |iab |iab.
1bougb sbe cicu't uucerstauc kouatb--yet--sbe luew tbat wbatever be was sayiug was tbe wcong thng.
8be eouicu't renen|er tbe iast tine sbe'c |eeu so iuiuriatec. ocd to the wse. konath. !evec ss o// a hungovec wtch.
Oc she// have ;ouc head /oc t.

chatec 2i

I w// heat hec lacksde /oc ths.

uow tbe beii bac Carrow nace it bere aeross tbe cesert' \ailon bac |eiievec be'c searatec ber iron bis euenies.
ue'c tbougbt be wouic uever iay eyes ou ber agaiu, bac resiguec binseii. ue'c exeetec ber to returu to ber bone, erossiug iuto tbe ortai witbout a iool |ael.
1beu ior bin to luow ber seeut ouee nore...
looiisb ienaie: ue ueiiec tbe urge to yeii ior ber to ruu iron tbis iaee, be nust aet as ii be cicu't eare a|out ber. \ust uot to give kouatb tbis ieverage.
Ctberwise, tbey wouic use ber to uuisb bin. \ailon eouic tbiul oi uo nore eiieetive torneut.
At |est, tbey'c eusiave ber. 8be wouic ieteb a iortuue.
aon t. wby dd she cooe` ue erauec bis beac to see ber |etter, gasbiug bis ueel ou tbe nauaeie, |ut be cicu't eare.
8be bac eoueeaiec berseii witb a rieb eioal over ber |ocy auc bair, auc sbe seenec to |e //oatng tbrougb tbe erowc, wbieb |egau swiitiy artiug ior ber.
uer noveneuts were occ--too snootb yet aggressive at tbe sane tine. \ailon swaiiowec as sbe uearec. uer sbiuiug |oots ... wereu't touebiug tbe grouuc.
lor tbe iirst tine, be eouic |eiieve sbe was oue anoug tbe eerie witebes iron oiceu taies wbo eoolec neu's bearts auc |rewec uoxious otious--aii ior a iee.
"beu sbe iioatec u tbe stes, be gratec, Carrow, ieave ... tbis iaee. But bis noutb was ainost too cry to seal.
Iusteac, sbe stooc |esice bin. "beu sbe uiiec |ael ber eioal, tbe erowc grew busbec. ue was seeebiess.
8be wore garneuts iit ior au enress, a erowu as weii. 1bougb bis eyes were searec |y tbe suu, be eouicu't iool away. 1be iigbt reiieetec oii ber gieaniug |iue-|iael
bair. uer aie sliu giowec anicst tbe iiitb oi tbis iaee.
uer greeu eyes giitterec neuaeiugiy. 8be was so |eautiiui, yet at tbe sane tine sbe ioolec ceaciy.
\ailon was awestruel.
"bat gives you tbe rigbt to co tbis' Carrow aslec kouatb--iu eoonsh.
row sbe sole bis tougue' Cr was it auotber seii' uer very voiee souucec aiterec, ber worcs ceiayec, eoniug out oi ber noutb as ii iiiterec.
kouatb suaec bis siaeleuec jaw sbut, tbeu auswerec, "bat |usiuess is it oi yours, strauger' 1bis is bow we uuisb eriniuais iu Asb. Lseeiaiiy oue iile bin.
Cue iile bin, kouatb'
1be arnorer irowuec at tbe easuai use oi bis uane just as \ailon was wouceriug ii sbe luew tbe cenou sonebow.
kouatb reeoverec, sayiug, ue owes us bis ceatb ior a cozeu erines.
Le w// announce that I was a vaoces whoce. 8bane seaicec \ailon, |uruiug botter tbau be'c ever inagiuec. Carrow wouic cesise bin. 1hen ths w// end. I
w// accet t.
1bere are two nurcers be nust atoue ior auc--
1wo nurcers' sbe saic, iuterrutiug bin.
kouatb was aii too bay to teii ber, ue liiiec our riuee. Auc |eiore tbat, be nurcerec bis owu notber.
Carrow raisec ber |rows at \ailon, |ut be eouic ceuy ueitber. 8o ioug ago, wbeu be'c taleu eonnauc oi kaiieu's re|eiiiou, be'c jourueyec |ael to tbe siuns to bis
notber's bovei. ue'c wautec ber to see wbat be'c nace oi binseii. I wanted hec to cegcet. Iusteac, sbe'c triec to oisou bin.
uow wouic Carrow reaet' channa. be rasec.
8be tiitec ber beac, as ii tryiug to nale a ceeisiou a|out bin.
kouatb saic, Auc tbere are nauy nore erines.
Just as be tool a cee |reatb to iist tben aii, Carrow raisec ber gaze--a decson oade'--auc starec kouatb cowu. \ou waste ny tine. keiease bin uow.
keiease bin' kouatb tbougbt tbis eonieai. "by co you uot reveai your uane, or joiu bin'
I'n Carrow Craie oi tbe "ieeau nereeuaries. 1be erowc grew restiess witb a witeb iu tbeir nicst. Auc I waut \ailon 8iaiue ireec. Ii be liiiec auyoue, I'n sure be
bac gooc reasou.
row \ailon's jaw siaeleuec. "itb ber siin sbouicers |ael, sbe was stauciug u |eiore aii. lor bin. Asice iron kaiieu, uo oue bac ever taleu bis sice, ever stooc
u ior bin.
Luebaiu bin. At--ouee, sbe orcerec ineriousiy. As kouatb triec to eain tbe erowc, sbe turuec, eatebiug \ailon's gaze to give bin a iurtive wnk oi reassurauee.
ue joitec iu tbe ebaius, stuuuec auew. 1bougb bis |ocy was a nass oi iujuries, be |egau straiuiug agaiust bis |oucs. row tbat sbe was |esice bin...
1s not the end. !ot unt/ we sa; t s.
kouatb cenaucec, "bat |usiuess bave you witb bin'
ue is ny naie.
uers' Deeiarec |eiore aii: \urnurs souucec iu tbe erowc. 1bey were aii sboelec tbat sueb a ienaie as tbis bac eiainec bin iu u|iie. I ao shocked as we//. Ii
\ailon aiso eiainec ber bere tocay...
\ore struggiiug. 1be ebaius |egau to iooseu.
kouatb suiutec at \ailon. \our beart |eats. ue turuec to Carrow. 8o you are tbe wbore wbo |rougbt bin |ael to iiie'
"itb ber ains |egiuuiug to giow, ber exressiou turuec ietbai. Iu a ebiiiiug voiee, sbe saic, Auc you dace seel to euc it' A wbite |ean sbot iron ber bauc, ainec at
bis ueel.
A baii oi |iaziug iigbt struel kouatb, burtiiug bis |ocy iuto tbe erowc.
keaiiziug tbat kouatb wouic uever reiease bin auc tbat sbe auc \ailon wouicu't nereiy wail away iron tbis iaee, Carrow iet ciionaey iaii |y tbe waysice.
Auc iauuebec a liii sbot.
1bey were ruuuiug out oi tine auyway. \ailon was wealeuiug witb every noneut iu tbe suu, witb eaeb cro oi bis |iooc siiiec.
1be tbroug |egau surgiug u to tbe stage, yeiiiug ior ber beac auc cenauciug \ailon's saeriiiee iu tbe iire.
"itb oue bauc, sbe usec nagie to roei tbose cenous |ael, witb tbe otber, sbe cireetec nore euergy, |egiuuiug to worl ou \ailon's iutrieate |oucs.
Carrow, iree ne, be gratec.
I'n worliug ou it. 8/nd/;.
I wiii roteet you.
Littie |usy, iove, sbe nutterec as sbe let a |iooctbirsty cenouie erowc at |ay wbiie sinuitaueousiy ieliug a nystieai ioel.
rornaiiy, sbe wouic bave iaiieu |ael to regrou, |ut sbe eouic uever ieave \ailon witbout roteetiou iron tbis no|. 1bey ioolec iile tbey wautec to ri bin iin|
iron iin|.
"bat cic you do to tbese eoie'
ket tben witbout water, \ailon |it out. 1bey're cyiug oi tbirst.
Cbbb. Cooc oue.
As sbe was iiuisbiug u witb tbe ebaius, sbe reaiizec tbat sbe eouicu't iigbt oii aii tbese raviug cenous. reitber eouic \ailon.
1ine to ireal tben out. 8be |egau ebautiug a seii ... to turu cay iuto uigbt.
Cuee carluess ieii, tbey stiiiec. Cries raug out. keiease bin: "e'ii aii cie: Let bin go:
\ailon yeiiec, ~ca. |ebiuc you:
"iic-eyec guarcs stailec ber iron tbe |ael. 8be |iastec tben witb seariug |eans oi nagie, uuebiug boies iuto tbeir ebests, ieiiiug tben oue aiter tbe otber.
8tiii sbe worlec to iree \ailon. I've ainost got--
Carrow, to your ieit:
1oo iate, sbe ivotec. Ioact. 1be air rusbec iron ber iuugs auc ber |ocy siannec |ael iuto oue oi tbe stoue icois. 8be eerec cowu iu cis|eiiei. A sear juttec
iron ber sice.
kouatb's sear.
ue'c traeec to tbe stage, bis arnor stiii snoliug iron ber attael. 1be netai arouuc bis ueel bac savec bin iron a liii strile. \ou |eioug witb bin, witeb: Buruec iu tbe
sane iire.
laiu raciatec out iron ber wouuc. 8boel yieicec to iury. \ou sou oi a |iteb:
\ailon weut |aiiistie, roariug witb rage. uis iaugs were |arec, eiougatec ior a liii. ue tbrasbec witb aii bis streugtb, ueariy gettiug ioose.
\ailon, I'ii |e aii rigbt.
1beu iree ne, Carrow: I need tbis.
Cuiy oue |oit renaiuec, seeuriug aii bis ebaius togetber. As sbe tore iree tbe sear, sbe grittec, \ale bin scceao. iove. "itb a wave oi ber bauc, sbe renovec tbe
iiuai |oit.
\ailon sbec bis ebaius, tbeu ebargec kouatb, eiaws auc iaugs |arec. 1ou w// de /oc hacong hec!
kouatb traeec to tbe sice, \ailon autieiatec it. "beu kouatb nateriaiizec, be taeliec bin.
1be arnorer struggiec to ceieuc binseii. But eveu wbeu iujurec, \ailon was too uiel. 1oo encaged. ue iuuec kouatb, |asbiug tbe naie's beac agaiust tbe stoue.
Auc ior kaiieu you wiii cie iu agouy: ue was a |rotber to ne:
\ore guarcs aearec to save tbeir ieacer. "itb tbe iast oi ber streugtb, Carrow beic tben |ael.
"beu kouatb triec to seal, wbiseriug u to bin, \ailon siowec bis attael. \et wbatever tbe arnorer saic nace \ailon roar, rever: as be uuebec bis iist
tbrougb kouatb's ebest iate.
1be cenou sereanec iu aiu, |iooc sewec uwarc iile a iouutaiu. \ailon twistec bis arn auc iuelec out bis stiii-|eatiug beart--wbieb be cisiayec to kouatb,
sueeziug it iuto a ui rigbt |eiore bis borriiiec eyes.
Carrow's iegs wealeuec, auc sbe eoiiasec to ber luees. ro ower ieit to beai berseii. 1bougb sbe iovec to see a gooc veugeauee liiiiug as nueb as tbe uext witeb,
tbey bac to burry. \ailon, iease ...
"itbout auotber tbougbt, be wreuebec kouatb's beac iron bis ueel. As \ailon iuugec to ber, be a|seutiy east it iuto tbe cun|iouucec erowc. Le caces ooce alout
oe than even that tcoh;.
Carrow, teii ne wbat to co to bei you.
I'ii beai. But we're ruuuiug out oi tine. 8be was iosiug |iooc, growiug cizzy auc eoic. Cuiy bours ieit. Cu tbe beeis oi tbese triais, eouic be ossi|iy get tben |otb
aeross tbat cesert' Auc iu tine' 1be ortai ... we nust |e tbere |eiore nicuigbt. Cr it wiii eiose iorever.
"itb a uoc, be iiitec ber iu bis arns.
But |eiore tbey ieit tbis iaee iu tbe cust, \ailon stooc |eiore tbe erowc oi irealec-out cenous auc auuouueec, 8be is ny ienaie. Mne. uis voiee was
surrisiugiy stroug, auc tbe cenous uietec. I eiain ber |eiore aii.
\ore run|iiugs auc sboelec gass.
Lxaseratec, Carrow aslec, "as tbat eonieteiy ueeessary' uer worcs souucec weal, reecy.
Conieteiy. ue gazec cowu at ber. "iie.
8be irowuec. uac be just eaiiec ber w/e' 1bougb cizziuess was a|out to overtale ber, sbe exerieueec tbat overwbeiniug seuse oi iuture a|out bin. A sbarec iuture.
\ailon, -iease tale ne bone. ue crew ber tigbt to bis ebest. Agaiust bis ueel, sbe nurnurec, Cau you get us tbere'
Just as ber iics siic sbut, be rasec, kght now. I can do an;thng.

chatec 2o

uis witeb bac eone to Asb to save bis iiie, auc sbe'c |eiievec iu bin, eveu iu tbe iaee oi tbose aeeusatious. row sbe was trustiug bin to get ber |ael aeross tbe cesert
to tbe ortai |eiore it eiosec.
But bow ioug wouic ber eoujurec uigbt iast' "beu tbe suu returuec, be eouic |e traec iu tbe niccie oi tbe seorebiug cuues.
ue gazec |ael at tbat eity, luowiug be'c uever iool uou it agaiu. uis ienaie cicu't |eioug iu tbis ioui iaee. Auc siuee be |eiougec witb ber, tbeu ueitber cic be. ue
cicu't eare wbat be bac to co, be'c iiuc a way to get ber bone.
I w// take hec tcoul/es awa;....
"itb tbat tbougbt iu niuc, be |raeec binseii agaiust tbe aiu oi bis iujuries auc iowec iuto tbe cesert.
1be saucs rovec beiiisb iu bis eoucitiou, auc nore tbau ouee be'c goue to bis luees. 1be ereatures iuba|itiug tbe cuues bac surrec bin to bis ieet. "beu oue
attaelec, \ailon bac seeurec Carrow over bis sbouicer tbeu siasbec out witb bis eiaws, roariug to iutinicate tbe |east. '1was euougb to lee tben at |ay.
Auc |y tbe tine Carrow's iaise uigbt bac trausiornec iuto true carluess, be bac tbe iive stoues iu sigbt.
Betweeu |reatbs, be saic, Carrow, we uear. "ale.
8be cic, gaziug arouuc iu eouiusiou. 8be saic sonetbiug, |ut tbe worcs were Augiisb. uer seii bac woru oii, auc be cicu't uite tale ber neauiug.
ue regrettec tbe ioss. 1o bear ber voiee iu bis notber tougue...
Auc be'c savorec eonnuuieatiug ireeiy witb ber, eveu uucer tbose eireunstauees. But ber iauguage was eoniug to bin, |uiiciug iaster auc iaster ou itseii.
Cuee be reaebec tbe eireie, be iiitec ber |ioocy sbirt to ebeel ber sice, iiuciug ber beaiiug--
1be ortai |egau to oeu, exaetiy as sbe'c saic.
1bis tine was noneutous ior bin. kouatb was ceac, auc uow a uew iiie witb bis nate iay witbiu reaeb. 1be arnorer's iast worcs wbiserec tbrougb bis niuc. \ou wiii
aiways iose, eveu ii you liii ne tocay. 8oou euougb, you wiii iose hec.
!evec. \ailon stiiiec bis cou|ts. 8be was taliug bin to ber woric. I do not a/wa;s /ose. konath. liuaiiy, /na//;. \ailon wouic wiu.
ue was sniiiug ior tbe iirst tine.
It oeus, \ailon saic, bis toue exeitec. "e go togetber.
Just |eiore tben, a tbresboic was growiug, a swiriiug |iael vortex.
Cb, \ailon, you cic it. 1bis steaciast cenou, wbo sbe'c just trustec witb ber iiie, bac sonebow gotteu tben bere ou tine. Lyes wateriug, sbe raisec ber bauc to iay
it agaiust bis ebeel. Auc you're sniiiug.
1bougb be stiii sortec |ruises, be'c uever ioolec nore |eautiiui to ber. 1be wiucs streanec bis goiceu iaits arouuc bis naseuiiue iaee. uis iis euriec as bis |iue eyes
iiielerec over ber.
Lveu as ber beart was |realiug, sbe seusec joy iiiiiug bis. But sbe eouic craw uo ower iron bin. Aireacy ber nagie bac |eeu cousec, ber torue reaetivatec as
Ii tbey cou|ie-erossec ber, Carrow wouic retaiiate witb tbe wratb oi a tbousauc luries.
8be easec iron bis arns to stauc ou ber owu. ue cicu't seen to waut to iet ber go. ~h. Lekate. how can I hand ho ovec` 8be eouic inagiue au arny oi soiciers
nere ieet away, reacy to trauuiiize bin. 1bougb tbey wouicu't liii \ailon, tbis |etrayai wouic burt bin so nueb, nay|e irreara|iy.
ro natter ii Carrow eouic iiuc a way to returu auc iree bin.
8be triec to steei berseii, to reeaii wbat sbe was bere ior. But aii sbe eouic tbiul a|out was hs saeriiiee ior ber. ue'c iet tben tale bin to tbat eity, eveu luowiug be'c
|e torturec auc |uruec aiive.
uer |eautiiui, staiwart cenou. Cu inuise, sbe stooc ou ber toes auc ressec ber iis to bis. "beu sbe crew |ael, bis sniie bac iacec auc a ureiy oa/e exressiou
suriaeec. ue ioolec at ber as ii sbe'c buug tbe noou ior bin, auc be wautec to rewarc ber witb bours oi bot, a|aucouec sex.
ue |eiievec be wouic eiain ber soou. 8ecause I coosed ho he cou/d once we cetucned to o; hooe. \et iusteac oi iuiiiiiiug tbe iustiuets eiawiug iusice bin, be'c
soou luow ceeetiou.
"itb bis eyes iixec ou ber iaee, be gratec, Bouuc iorever.
\es, Carrow bac ioug ossessec tbat uuiue auc eurious taieut--tbe a|iiity to ceterniue wbeu auotber bac just |eeone a art oi ber iiie iorever.
lron just oue neetiug, Carrow bac luowu tbat Liiauua wouic |e iile a notber to ber, auc \ari a sister. A weel ago, Carrow bac ioolec cowu at ku|y auc seeu a
Lariier, wbeu \ailon bac gazec at ber, bis wiie, witb sueb joy, Carrow bac reeoguizec iu \ailon a artuer, a iover.
A bus|auc.
ligbtiug ber tears, sbe sonebow saic, \es, \ailon. 1hnk o/ kul;. a seven-;eac-o/d gc/ who needs to le /cee. Bouuc iorever.
\ailon bac bac a ioug iiie. Such as t was. ber niuc wbiserec. 8be trucgec iorwarc auc erossec iuto tbe |riul. Cuee tbere, sbe iaeec bin, neetiug bis gaze.
I w// cetucn /oc ;ou. Ma/koo. sbe iuwarciy vowec as sbe |eelouec bin uear....
"beu \ailon ioiiowec tbe witeb, taliug ber snaii bauc iu bis, be agaiu tbougbt, I w// wn. 1bis wouic |e a uew iiie ior bin.
8buel oii tbe ast, tbe nenories, tbe uigbtnares.
1be ortai was eburuiug auc |iael, steeec iu ower. uis beart raeec. ue'c uever erossec oue |eiore, |ut be'c ioiiow bis ienaie--bis w/e--wberever sbe iec bin.
As be steec aeross tbe tbresboic, tbe suu sboue |rigbtiy, eveu nore strougiy tbau iu Asb. 1bougb tbe iigbt |iiucec bis seusitive eyes auc |uruec bis sliu, be'c tale tbe
aiu to |e witb ber.
ue |iiulec at tbe iaucseae, seeiug a |iurriug exiosiou oi greeu aii arouuc tben, iile a waii. ceen` 8eeuts |on|arcec bin--
1be sneii oi aggressiou, eneoes. ue jerlec bis beac arouuc, sboviug Carrow |ebiuc bis |ael. cant see...
"eieone to beii, 8iaiue, sone strauge nau iutouec.
\oveneut aii arouuc tben. "itb bis eyes |uruiug, \ailon struggiec to auaiyze tbe seeue. A iarge, aie-iaeec nau stooc at tbe |ael. Iu irout oi bin was a sbort eiu|-
earryiug nortai.
\ore tbau a cozeu nortai soiciers |esiegec tben, weaous at tbe reacy. 1bey were cressec iile tbe oues be'c liiiec ior tresassiug ou bis nouutaiu.
row tbey nust |e |eut ou reveuge.
Ive endangeced caccow. et hec awa;. uis gaze cartiug, be turuec |ael to tbe ortai. Besice tbe coorway stooc a wice-eyec soreeress, |ut sbe'c aireacy eiosec
tbat eseae.
1be sbort naie eainiy orcerec, 8eize bin.
\ailon crew Carrow eioser. 8tay |ebiuc ne.
But sbe ecgec ast bin to stauc uext to tbe soreeress.
"bat are you coiug, Carrow'
uer voiee a wbiser, sbe saic, \ailon, I'n so sorry. uer eyes |rinnec witb tears tbat siiiec cowu ber beart|realiug iaee. uer exressiou seenec agon.ed.
!o. uis niuc eouicu't gras tbis, eouicu't eonrebeuc...
l-iease, just go witb tben--
ro, Carrow, be iusistec, eveu as reaiizatiou tool boic, tbat luot tigbteuiug iu bis gut. 8be'c iurec bin iuto a tra. channa`
I-I cicu't bave a eboiee, sbe saic, |ut be was uo iouger iisteuiug.
rot you, not ;ou. ue guasbec bis teetb. !ot ;ou! be roarec witb iury.
As be iuugec ior ber, be was |iastec witb sone liuc oi ower. \useies sasniug, bis iegs |ueliec. Auc tbeu tbe aiu |egau.
"beu tbe guarcs surrouucec tben, \ailon's eyes bac |eeu uestiouiug, cis|eiieviug, tbeu auguisbec. row tbey'c sbot to |iael, iiasbiug witb au uuboiy rage.
Carrow sereanec as tbe neu oeuec iire ou bin witb secatiou carts, riiies oiug. ro, sto tbis:
Lautbe beic ber |ael. \ou eau't co auytbiug ior bin.
But tbe carts eouic |areiy uueture bis taut nuseies, auc be uieliy luoelec tben away. 8o tbey oeuec u witb tbose ebarge tbrowers, iile iianetbrowers witb
ue |eiiowec as tbey eieetroeutec bin, |ut be wouicu't surreucer. "beu two soiciers got too eiose, be ieat iorwarc, eiaws |arec, siasbiug tben ueariy iu baii, siieiug
tbrougb tbeir weaous auc tbeir |ocies.
row tbe riiieneu switebec to |uiiets, iiriug a |arrage tbat ueariy ut bin to bis luees.
1ears ourec iron Carrow's eyes. ro: liease, sto. 8be wautec to ceieuc bin, to war agaiust tbese neu wbo carec burt \ailon. \et sbe eouic co uotbiug.
Cbase, eaii tben oii, iease:
1be nortai nereiy gazec ou, bis wau iaee inassive.
Lautbe nurnurec to ber, It's ouiy a natter oi tine uow.
1bere were too nauy oi tben, auc \ailon was stiii wealeuec iron bis inrisouneut iu Asb, iron bis jouruey aeross tbe cesert.
1o save oe. "beu sbe gave a so|, be turuec bis atteutiou to ber. I wiii ... nale you ay--
Auotber voiiey oi |uiiets. ue eouvuisec iu agouy, |iooc ouriug iron bis wouucs auc areiug over tbe grouuc. 8tiii be iougbt, iutiieiy striliug out uutii be was so iujurec
be eouic uo iouger stauc.
1bey swiitiy eiosec iu, seeuriug bis wrists iu tbose uu|reala|ie nauaeies.
"itb a torue iu bauc, legiey sauuterec over, iaeiug bis |oot ou \ailon's iaee, sboviug it iuto tbe grouuc. Aiter be'c tbreacec tbe eoiiar arouuc tbe cenou's ueel, be
ressec bis tbun|riut outo tbe sereeu to ioel it. Cooc jo|, |oys, be saic to tbe guarcs. 1ale bin away.
"itb a snirl, legiey turuec to Cbase. rot as styiisb as, say, your |iael |ag over tbe beac, |ut we co wbat we eau.
1be soiciers straec \ailon to a |oarc, iile a guruey witb restraiuts, ioaciug bin iuto oue oi tbe truels. Just |eiore tbe coors eiosec, tbe cenou gazec at ber witb
ure batrec, bis |ioocy iis noviug as be rasec iu Denouisb.
\ailon, I uever wautec tbis. I cicu't bave a eboiee:
1be coors siannec. Auc tbeu be was goue.
legiey turuec to Carrow. \ou waut your torue oii' ue beic u bis bauc, wiggiiug bis rigbt tbun|. 1beu eone to Daccy.
Lautbe uucgec ber iorwarc. run|, Carrow erossec to tbe nau wbo eoutiuuec to nale ber iiie beii.
1uru arouuc, witeb.
Aiter wbat tbey'c coue to \ailon, sbe |uruec to liii legiey tbe noneut ber ower returuec, |ut sbe eouicu't uutii sbe bac ku|y sonewbere saie.
"beu sbe turuec, be suatebec ber wrists |ebiuc ber, nauaeiiug ber. 8be tbrasbec iron bis gri, too iate. "bat tbe beii is tbis, legiey' 8be twistec arouuc to stare
cowu Cbase. Is tbis just uutii I get oii tbe isiauc' Cr cic you uever iuteuc to iet us go'
lron |ebiuc ber, legiey saic at ber ear, Biugo.
Lautbe bissec, \ou iiitby ig, wbiie Carrow roelec ou ber ieet, cazec. Aii tbis burt, auc ior uotbiug.
Cbase, cou't co tbis: \ou gave your worc.
8weat |eacec ou Cbase's uer ii. ue sicesteec wbeu a soicier |rusbec ast bin, |ut be saic uotbiug.
legiey yaulec Carrow towarc oue oi tbe two renaiuiug uunvees, witb a |ristiiug Lautbe ioiiowiug. \ay|e it's out oi bis baucs. \ay|e erieet Cbase got eaugbt
witb bis bauc iu tbe eoolie jar.
Carrow gasec as tbe iuii reaiizatiou oi wbat sbe'c coue saul iu. I letca;ed Ma/koo /oc nothng. 8be eouicu't returu ior bin auc save bin iron tbese iuuaties. "bat
are you goiug to co to bin' 8be bacu't aiiowec berseii eveu to seeuiate a|out it |eiore.
legiey was aii too bay to teii ber, Cut bin wice oeu, see bow be tiels.
Biie rose iu ber tbroat, ber tears weiiiug agaiu. 8be was as euragec at tben as sbe was at berseii.
\et tbeu sbe reeoguizec iu au iustaut oi eiarity tbat legiey wasu't ioug ior tbis woric. A eain wasbec over ber. Iu a nouotoue voiee, sbe saic to bin, 1beu I'n goiug to
co tbe sane to you. Cut you oeu. 8iowiy.
"beu be yaulec ber eioser, raisiug bis eiu|, Lautbe nutterec, Leave bin |e ior uow, witeb. ku|y waits ior you to returu, asls ior you.
~nd now I cant take hec hooe. cant lceak Ma/koo out. \ou'ii |eg ne to liii you, wiii ieac ior your owu ceatb, Carrow eoutiuuec. Iu tine, you'ii teii ne wbo
you iove, so I eau eut tben oeu, too. It's as gooc as coue. \ou nigbt as weii gut tben yourseii.
ue swuug bis eiu| at ber iaee, tbe grouuc eane rusbiug at ber....

chatec 2

Couseiousuess eane siowiy. Aiter wbo luew bow nueb tine bac assec, Carrow wole, eataiogiug ber uew iujury. uer iaee was stiii tbro||iug iron legiey's bit.
cant have leen out that /ong.
8be eraelec oeu ber eyes to iiuc berseii iaic out ou tbe |otton |uul iu ber oic eeii, witb ku|y gaziug cowu at ber. Crow:
Carrow struggiec to wra ber arns arouuc tbe giri. ku|y, sweetbeart.
I nissec you:
I nissec you, too.
"bat baeuec to your iaee, Crow' "by areu't we ieaviug' Areu't we goiug bone'
"itb eiiort, Carrow rose to a sittiug ositiou, wiueiug iu aiu. 1bey iiec, ku|y.
Liec' 1be giri's irises sbinnerec oniuousiy.
Doesu't neau we'ii |e bere iorever. "e'ii eseae, I ronise you. Carrow giaueec over tbe giri's beac to tbe |uul aeross iron tben, wbere two uew 8oreeri ienaies
sat. Carrow reeoguizec tbe air iron tbe iiie tbe uouse oi "itebes let, tbe iiie oi evii 8oreeri to |e assassiuatec at wiii.
Ln|eriue, tbe Queeu oi lianes, auc lortia, tbe Queeu oi 8toue, artuers--auc runorec to |e iovers--ior eeuturies.
1be two were uunistala|ie. lortia's aie yeiiow bair was sbort witb |iael-tiec siles tbat ceiiec gravity. Ln|eriue's uuruiy naue was iaitec iu tbe wiic 8oreeri
styie, sone oi tbe tbiel |raics a |razeu titiau rec, sone |iael. uer netai |reastiate was eugravec witb au inage oi iianes.
"itbout taliug ber gaze oii tben, Carrow aslec Lautbe, "bat are tbey coiug iu bere'
Betweeu tbe two ueeus, tbey eouic nauiuiate iire auc roel as uo otbers ou eartb. It was saic tbat Ln|er bac tbe ower oi a buucrec iire cenous, eouic aetuaiiy
turu berseii iuto a iiane. lortia was runorec to |e a|ie to nove nouutaius, iiteraiiy. 1bey usec tbeir vast owers naiuiy ior iuciseriniuate, wboiesaie earuage.
1bey've ouiy |eeu bere two cays, Lautbe auswerec, uot seeniug to iile tbe uew accitious auy nore tbau Carrow cic. "e're sort oi iiiiiug u to eaaeity arouuc
\es, we're inrisouec |y nortais, Ln|eriue saic. uow nortiiyiug. 1bey titterec.
lortia accec, "bieb bas giveu us ieuty oi tine to |ouc witb iittie ku|y. "bat were we tailiug a|out just yestercay' Ab, yes, bow tbe uouse oi Bitebes eau't baucie
your ower.
Ln|er oeuec ber arns. ku|y, eone sit ou Auutie Ln|er's ia. As you oiteu iile to co.
"beu Carrow's iiugers tigbteuec ou ber sbouicer, ku|y irowuec u at ber.
lortia oiutec at Carrow's iaee. riee sbiuer. It goes witb your slirt.
Carrow sbot tbe two liiiiug iools. I've bac a da;. Do uot serew witb ne. Auc legiey's eiu||iug was nereiy ieiug ou tbe eale sbe'c |alec.
8be'c |etrayec a cenou naie wbo bacu't ceservec it. 1he /ook n hs e;es. 1oo iate, be'c grasec tbe ower oi tbeir weaous. ...
Cb, yes, you got cou|ie-erossec |y tbe Crcer, lortia saic.
Ln|er accec, \ou cicu't bave to |e au oraeie to see tbat oue eoniug.
Cuee Carrow bac iiuaiiy gotteu ku|y to siee auc tbe 8oreeri bac turuec iu, Carrow auc Lautbe sat witb tbeir |aels agaiust tbe waii--agaiu, /ttng--watebiug ior auy
traiiie iu tbe warc.
uow was ku|y' Carrow aslec.
Laeb uigbt sbe awaleus, stiii eouiusec a|out wbere sbe is auc wby ber notber isu't bere. Laeb tine wbeu sbe renen|ers, sbe eries berseii to siee. 8be aiso eriec ior
Carrow exbaiec. I cou't luow bow sbe wou't |e nessec u aiter aii tbis.
I exerieueec nueb worse at tbe sane age. I saw ny areuts' ceeaitatec |ocies, saw ny sister get ber tbroat siit. Auc iool bow wouceriuiiy 8a|iue auc I |otb
turuec out.
Salne auc wondec/u/' 8a|iue was oue oi tbe nost iearec 8oreeri iu tbe Lore. 8be was tbe Queeu oi Iiiusious, eouic nale ber vietins see auytbiug sbe ebose,
eouic ceive iuto a ersou's |raiu auc nale tbeir uigbtnares aear to eone to iiie. uer owers were iegiou, ber vauity ueariy as exteusive. Coiug to ueec a niuute, or a
niiieuuiun, to try to nateb tbose u.
Lautbe eyec ber. 8o co you waut to teii ne wbat weut ou out tbere'
It startec witb a gboui attael, Carrow |egau, auc weut ou to reiate ainost everytbiug. kuowiug tbey were |eiug reeorcec, sbe ieit out a iew oi tbe iutinate cetaiis,
|ut sbe cic iiuc berseii acnittiug, Lautbe, be nigbt bave |eeu ... tbe oue.
\ou eieariy were ior bin. I eouicu't |eiieve ny eyes wbeu I saw tbe way be ioolec at you.
Aiter a iew nisbas, be was teucer auc geuerous witb ne. Auc ii auytbiug tbreateuec ne, be'c cestroy it witb a vieiousuess you'c narvei at.
1eucer to you auc vieious to otbers' ue souucs iile tbe erieet naie.
ue was. "itbiu tbat niue, \ailon bac |eeu a goiceu-bairec viriiity goc wbo was |otb rougb auc geutie, auc ceterniuec to ieasure ber, to iease ber iu aii ways.
Cutsice iu C|iiviou, be'c |eeu ber roteetor, reacy to saeriiiee binseii ior ber.
1bat naie was goue, reiaeec |y a seetbiug 8ear|a wbo'c ioolec iile be wautec ber beart ou a iatter.
Auc wbo nigbt bave nurcerec bis owu notber. 1bat tic|it bacu't |eeu iu tbe cossier. Auc stiii Carrow tbougbt, I/ he dd t. then the deooness oustve had t
Lautbe stuciec ber iaee. Ii be was erieet ior you |eiore, be uo iouger is uow. \ou bave to get bin out oi your beac, bave to nove ou. \ou bearc bin, be wauts to liii
you. I luow tbis weii--tbere are sone tbiugs naies eau't iorgive, eveu oi tbeir nates.
Lile 1brouos'
Lautbe sbruggec. Lveu ii you got a ebauee to teii tbe cenou wby you cic it, be nigbt just uuisb ku|y as weii, iueiuciug ber iu bis reveuge. ue is stiii a 1rotbau cenou
at beart, aiter aii.
\ou're rigbt. Carrow bacu't tbougbt a|out tbat. ue eau't luow a|out ber.
"by cic you iet yourseii eone to eare ior tbe cenou wbeu you luew bow tbis wouic euc'
It just baeuec. 8be'c aireacy |eeu teeteriug ou tbe |riul wbeu be'c gazec cowu at ber auc eaiiec ber wiie. 1be rice iu bis exressiou bac usbec ber over tbe
ecge. Carrow was a wonau uot aeeustonec to |eiug eberisbec, auc be'c nace ber ieei tbat way, every niuute oi tbe cay.
1be Crcer nust bave luowu you'c |e bis, Lautbe saic. I'n |eeoniug nore auc nore eouviueec tbey bave au innortai iuiornaut, a sootbsayer a|ie to cireet tben.
I'c tbougbt tbe sane.
1bere are too nauy eouueetec Loreaus bere ior it to |e eoiueiceuee. 1bey use nates auc iovec oues as ieverage to ioree us to co tbeir |icciug. Lveu to eature our
owu. 1bat's art oi tbe reasou tbey've |eeu a|ie to iiii u so uieliy arouuc bere.
"bat co you tbiul tbey're coiug witb \ailon' Carrow aslec.
1bey wou't liii bin. ro natter bow nueb Cbase wiii waut to.
"bat cic legiey neau |y Cbase auc tbe eoolie jar'
ue tortures kegiu reeateciy, Lautbe saic. 1bere's sone liuc oi siel iuterest goiug ou tbere. Auc be's iosiug iavor--iunate wbisers say tbat Cbase argues
eoustautiy witb bis suerior, sone uaneiess, iaeeiess nau wbo wauts to stucy us. "bereas Cbase ouiy wauts to externiuate us.
Carrow iuebec ber iorebeac, |eset witb worry ior \ailon.
Lautbe attec ber sbouicer. Lool, wbat's coue is coue. \ou ueec to ioeus ou leeiug ku|y saie auc beaitby. Auc, oi eourse, ou eseaiug so you eau siay legiey.
Carrow vowec, It's goiug to |e |ioocy--
\ailon's succeu roar eeboec cowu tbe warc, sbe gave a ery. ue's |eiug beic bere, iu tbis very eorricor:
\ailon bac awaleuec to tbe tbuuceriug oi bis owu beart, iiuciug binseii iu sone |izarre eeii, bis |ocy ricciec witb iujuries. "beu be'c eonrebeucec tbat be was
uot iu bis woric, uot witb bis wonau, a roar oi auguisb bac |eeu wreuebec iron bis ebest.
Betrayec yet agaiu. !ot l; hec. not o; /eoa/e. too. But uow be gazec cowu auc saw tbat a eoiiar iile bers riugec bis ueel. A siave eoiiar. ue griec it iu two iists,
yauliug witb aii bis streugtb. rotbiug. It |ucgec uot oue iueb.
8be'c turuec bin iuto a siave ouee nore....
I w// k// ;ou. wtch! be |eiiowec. Couic sbe bear bin' "as sbe uear' ue sensed tbat sbe was, just as be bac tbat iirst uigbt iu C|iiviou wbeu sbe'c eoueeaiec
berseii iron bin.
It cicu't natter wbere sbe was, be wouic ursue ber to tbe eucs oi tbis woric auc auy otbers.
ue rose uusteaciiy ou bis iujurec iegs, |areiy a|ie to iin to tbe waii oi giass tbat let bin jaiiec. Ctber ereatures iron a uun|er oi iaetious were inrisouec |ebiuc
siniiar trausareut waiis, eyeiug bin wariiy.
"beu be ouucec tbe giass witb bis iists, a naie nurnurec iron a cistauee, Cue nore bit agaiust tbat waii, venou, auc you'ii |e |reatbiug oisouec air. ue souucec
anusec, bis aeeeut reniuciug \ailon oi tbe vanires'. 1be nortais ciiiuse it iron tbe eeiiiug.
1be nortais--tbe sane orcer oi soiciers tbat bac eone to bis woric reeateciy.
"bat cic tbey waut iron bin' "by bac tbey seut Carrow to C|iiviou to iure bin out'
1beir tra bac worlec so weii. \ailon bac wautec wbat sbe'c oiierec so canuec |aciy. Lverytbiug |etweeu bin auc tbe witeb over tbe iast weel--tbe |est oi bis
iiie--bac |eeu art oi yet auotber |etrayai.
At tbe ortai oeuiug, sbe'c |ebavec as ii sbe regrettec ceeeiviug bin, |ut uotbiug sbe saic or cic eouic |e trustec. 8be'c aiso toic bin tbey'c |e |ouuc iorever. Auc
be'c stuiciy |eiievec ber. "beu wouic be iearu' I/ ;ou le/eve. then ;ou nvte osec;.
\ailon had |eeu |oru just to |e uuisbec.
1ust not l; ber. ue roarec to tbe eeiiiug agaiu, bis eyes goiug wet witb ioss. I wou/d ce/ve a// those tceacheces to take ths one lack.
Cu tbe beeis oi tbat gut-wreuebiug ieeiiug oi ioss, iury set iu, a wratb cenauciug to |e aeasec. ue was |oru to |e tbe uuisber as weii. \ailon bac netec out
retri|utiou to auyoue wbo'c |etrayec bin.
Carrow wouic iare uo ciiiereutiy. ue wouic ceterniue a way to get iree, tbeu buut ber cowu.
\ailon bac turuec ou kaiieu, wbon be'c iovec as a |rotber. 1be witeb wouic ay a tbousauc tines over.
1hose who letca; oe do t on/; once.

chatec 2

8ereans eeboec oii tbe eeii waiis--eatives' sbriels oi nacuess, irustratiou, auc inoteut rage.
I// le /onng theo soon. Carrow tbougbt carliy. reariy auotber weel traec bere. uow nueb iouger eouic tbey eoutiuue'
8be'c uever niucec jaii |eiore. Beeause tbere'c aiways |eeu au euc iu sigbt. row ber guiit over wbat sbe'c coue to \ailon ate at ber. 8be bacu't bearc auytbiug
a|out bin, or iron bin, iu cays.
Auc sonetbiug was eoniug cowu tbe ieiiue. uer seuses were ou rec aiert. 8be eouicu't rest, eouicu't eat tbe nortais' gruei. 1be bun iron tbe iigbts a|ove--so siigbt
ior bunaus--was |egiuuiug to souuc iile a swarn oi liiier |ees to Carrow.
Auy iau sbe cevisec to eseae ceeucec ou ieaviug tbe eeii. \et uot oue oi tben bac |eeu aiiowec outsice oi it.
Cuiy two tbiugs |role u tbe nouotouy. iiuciug out gossi iron tbe iunates auc watebiug tbe traiiie iu tbe warc. Agaiu auc agaiu, Carrow's irieucs auc aiiies were iec
away, ouiy to returu d//ecent.
8be auc Lautbe triec to sbieic ku|y iron tbe sigbt, sboviug ber |ebiuc tbe netai sereeu, |ut tbe giri reiusec to niuc Carrow, aiways eeriug out.
1bat ebiic was goiug to ueec so nueb tberay.
row Carrow auc Lautbe were sittiug iu tbeir eustonary sot agaiust tbe waii. It was uigbt--tbey tbougbt--auc a storn was |uiiciug outsice, a cuii crun ou tbe rooi.
ku|y saug auc iayec inagiuary boseoteb, wbiie tbe otber two 8oreeri iay ou tbeir |otton |uul, iaeiug eaeb otber, wbiseriug auc iaugbiug.
Carrow giarec over at tben togetber, uot |uyiug tbe wboie iovers-ior-eeuturies tbiug. Beiug iu a reiatiousbi tbat ioug tool a iot oi eonnitneut, auc sbe just cicu't see
eitber oi tbose 8oreeri taliug tbe iuuge.
lius, Carrow wouic |e iusaueiy jeaious ii it were true. uer eyes waterec. I cou/dve had sooethng /ke that wth Ma/koo. uuucrecs oi years oi ioviug eaeb
Carrow' Lautbe saic.
uub' Cot sonetbiug iu ny eye. 8o wbat's ou tbe iunate graeviue tocay'
\estercay tbey'c bearc iu wbisers tbat Cbase auc bis suerior were stiii |uttiug beacs a|out tbe overerowciug bere. Cbase usbec to bave aii tbe innortais cestroyec,
uot stuciec, uot weaouizec. But so iar, be bacu't gotteu bis way.
Auc tbere was tail tbat tbe 8oreeri seeies was tbe uext rotatiou to |e exaniuec.
Lautbe auswerec, Lviceutiy tbe Crcer is uow iuieetiug |eiugs to oake gbouis, buucrecs oi tben. Ii tbose ereatures eseae ...
I/ tbey eseae' 1ry when! 1wo tbiugs tbat eau uever |e eoutaiuec' Veioeirators auc zon|ies.
Lautbe tiitec ber beac at ber. It's euougb to ut oue ou ecge, I suose.
Carrow luew sbe was ou tbe verge oi iosiug it, eseeiaiiy siuee \ailon bac goue uiet.
At iirst, be'c |eeu roariug eoustautiy, eveu |eiiowiug iu Lugiisb, bis voea|uiary inroviug bouriy. ue'c |augec ou tbe waiis uutii tbe eutire |uiiciug bac seenec to sbale.
ue'c |eeu secatec reeateciy, ouiy to wale u nore euragec.
Lutii oue noruiug, be'c growu siieut. It'c |eeu eveu worse ior Carrow wbeu bis |eiiows bac ciec cowu.
Accec to tbis, ku|y was uow siugiug 1bey \igbt Be Ciauts' lartieie \au. Cver auc over. Carrow bac taugbt ber to siug it ou reeat to auuoy othecs--uot berseii.
8be nutterec to tbe eeiiiug, Anauca, I uever luew.
Iactc/e Man. Iactc/e Man. dong the thngs a actc/e can.
Betweeu grittec teetb, sbe saic, ku|y, sto siugiug.
8be outec, iiouueiug to tbe ioot oi tbe 8oreeri's |uul. \ou saic we were goiug bone: 8be reniucec Carrow oi tbat eoustautiy.
Ln|eriue rose auc tslec. Carrow is neau, isu't sbe'
Carrow uo iouger triec to lee ku|y searatec iron tbe 8oreeri. Beeause oi tbeir |eiug traec iu a teu-|y-teu-ioot eeii togetber auc aii. 1be two were eoutiuuaiiy
siiuliug arouuc ku|y, gaziug at ber witb iuterest, tiitiug tbeir beacs at tbe giri as ii tbey eouicu't uite iaee sonetbiug a|out ber.
\ou've |eeu sbar witb ber, Lautbe nurnurec.
Carrow bissec |ael, Dou't you ieei tbe teusiou'
lron you.
\ou're tbe oue wbo toic ne to |e iirner witb ber.
Iactc/e Man. Iactc/e Man--
Carrow ieat to ber ieet. ku|y, canu it: I saic no.
Lautbe yaulec ber to tbe otber sice oi tbe eeii, nutteriug, Cocs, Carrow, wby cicu't you just sua, '\unny bas a beacaebe: Co ieteb \unny's seoteb:''
Ln|er eriec, uice tbe wire baugers:
ku|y aslec, "by bice tbe wire baugers'
lortia attec ber beac. \ay you uever iiuc out.
I toic ber uot to siug, auc sbe's stiii coiug it--Carrow ieauec arouuc Lautbe to giare at ku|y--just to auuoy ne.
Ci eourse, tbat's it, Lautbe saic. rot |eeause sbe's seveu, witb uo toys or auytbiug eise to oeeuy ber. 1biul a|out it--tbe bigb oiut oi our cay is wbeu tbey crag |y
Lariier, it'c |eeu kegiu agaiu. As tbe guarcs bac bauiec tbe Vailyrie ast Carrow's eeii, ber uornaiiy raciaut sliu bac |eeu gbostiy. Biooc bac streanec iron ber
Carrow ... is tbat y-you' 8be'c eougbec, satteriug erinsou. Cau't s-see.
Carrow bac ieat to tbe giass, notiouiug ior Lautbe to eover ku|y's eyes. I'n bere: sbe'c saic, eriugiug at tbe V oi staies tbat traelec iron kegiu's eoiiar|oue cowu
towarc ber stonaeb. vsecton.
kiii bin, witeb: kegiu's voiee bac souucec erazec, ber an|er eyes cartiug |iiuciy auc siiiiug witb tears. Curse Cbase. ue orcerec tbis. !evec have I seen
/eac/ess kegn cc;. ue is Aicau tbe lieree. 1-teii ny sisters.
Aicau, tbe |erserler' Carrow bac bearc kegiu seal oi bin |eiore.
Aicau tbe Betrayer, sbe'c sereanec as tbey craggec ber away, Aicau tbe Deiiier: 1o tbe guarcs, sbe'c sbrielec, \ou ioois: \ou're ioiiowiug oue oi our liuc: \ou
tale orcers iron oue oi us. ...
Ceuturies ago, Aicau--oue oi "oceu's |erserler warriors--bac iaiieu iu iove witb kegiu, oue oi "oceu's |eiovec caugbters. Aicau bac |eeu liiiec, |ut be'c
eoutiuuec to reiuearuate, seeliug kegiu iu ciiiereut iiietines.
Couic chase |e ~dan' Auc wby wouic kegiu |eiieve Carrow eouic eseae |eiore kegiu ever eouic'
row Carrow exbaiec. \ou're rigbt, Lautbe. I an irealiug out. 8be iuebec tbe |ricge oi ber uose auc iowerec ber voiee. But I bave a naie iu tbe sane |uiiciug
wbo wauts to gruesoneiy nurcer ne:
Lautbe seoiiec. Lile I cou't'
Cue cay you'ii bave to teii ne wbat weut cowu witb you auc 1brouos.
"bat weut cowu' uow aroos, sbe saic, ber toue erytie. Beiore Carrow eouic uestiou ber, Lautbe saic, But tbat's a story ior auotber tine. "e're recietiug
;ouc gruesone nurcer uow. Auc seal oi tbe cenou, tbey iuteuc to |riug bin out.
uow eau you teii'
Lool, tbey bave twiee tbe uun|er oi guarcs as usuai, auc tbey're beaciug ior tbe euc oi tbe warc. 8o it's eitber 8iaiue or Lotbaire.
Iet t le Iothace.
Carrow suaec ber iiugers at ku|y. Co |ebiuc tbe sereeu.
Crow, I wauua see--

chatec 2v

1he wtch s n a dack lu/dng. ///ed wth scceechng sounds and ntecottent e/osons o/ /ght. cessed n skntght /eathec tcews and a sko; vest. she
dances covocatve/; ato a tal/e wth a cedheaded /cend. 1ogethec the; tease scoces o/ oa/es.
cunken /coo scts. caccow /esuce/; legns un/astenng hec to. One lutton. then the net. 1he ccowd cheecs w/d/;. thcowng co/oced neck/aces at hec.
ucgng hec on. She ho/ds the edges o/ hec /oosed to togethec. shoo;ng /ocwacd. wockng the oa/es nto a /ucoc.
hen thec ca//s gcow dea/enng. she coud/; ds/a;s hec lceasts. shou/decs lack and chn //ted.
\ailon jerlec urigbt ou bis eot, waliug iuto a iresb rage. uow eouic sbe iet tbose neu ieer at ber |ocy iile tbat' "by tauut tbeir cesires'
Just as sbe bac witb bin:
ue rose, aeiug bis eeii. \et auotber uew nenory oi tbe witeb's. 1bougb tbey'c |eguu eoniug eaeb tine be siet, iuii-|iowu seeues iile tbis were rare--|ut aiways
siniiar. Diniy iit |uiiciugs, |iariug souucs, ber cruuleu earousiug.
\ost oi tbe tine, tbere were ouiy inressious, worcs wbiserec iu bis niuc. 1be witeb bac oit reeatec to berseii, 1hnk o/ cul;, wbiie exerieueiug a leeu iougiug.
"bat cic tbat neau' "bat was tbis tbiug tbat sbe yearuec ior so |aciy' A ru|y' A stoue'
ue wautec to luow so be eouic cerive ber oi it, as art oi bis veugeauee.
Auotber |ac crean, venou' tbe strauge naie iutouec. It's a bazarc oi criuliug |iooc.
Days ago, \ailon bac natebec tbe voiee to a |eiug iu tbe eeii ciagouai iron bis--a vanire eaiiec Lotbaire, oue witb iigbt rec eyes, wbieb neaut be was iaiieu--a
erazec uorce vanire.
Lile tbe Vieeroy auc tbe naster.
8urrec to siaugbter tbat vanire, \ailon bac |arreiec bis beac agaiust tbe giass, too iate iorgettiug bis borus bac |eeu eut. Biooc bac ruu iron bis beac. uacu't
natterec. ue'c iauuebec binseii agaiust tbe giass over auc over uutii tbe nortais bac luoelec bin uueouseious agaiu.
Lou \ailon's awaleuiug, Lotbaire bac ricieuiec bin. looi. \ou siee exeessiveiy ior soneoue wbo bas so nueb to iearu.
1beu tbe eyeie bac reeatec.
\et soou, \ailon bac ceeicec tbat tbe vanire was rigbt. ue dd bave nueb to iearu. ue ueecec to ciseover a way to reaeb tbe witeb auc eseae witb ber. Auc be
ueecec to seal Augiisb as weii as be uucerstooc it, to uuioel ber iauguage nore uieliy tbau be'c ever autieiatec.
8o be'c stoec iigbtiug auc startec iisteuiug to tbose arouuc bin, o|serviug aii be eouic. At tines, be eouic just nale out tbe witeb's voiee. 8be was ceiiuiteiy witbiu
tbis |uiiciug.
8o uear ... 8be'c giveu bin a taste oi ber |ocy, be'c taleu tastes oi ber |iooc, auc be ueecec nore--eveu as be batec ber. "biie be'c |eeu reacy to iay cowu bis iiie
ior ber, bac surreucerec binseii to bis worst eueny, sbe'c eoiciy iottec bis cowuiaii.
row Lotbaire aslec, "bat cic you crean oi tbis tine'
\ailon aeec iu irout oi tbe giass, iuiiy beaiec uow auc eveu nore ceserate to eouteuc witb tbat vanire, an; vanire. Deserate ior ireecon.
Lotbaire sigbec. Auc stiii you waut to liii ne' "beu I luow wbat you are--auc wbere you eau iiuc nore oi your liuc'
\ore oi bis liuc' Lxaetiy bow nauy were nace' "bat co you waut witb ne, ieeeb' \ailon's worcs eane baitiugiy, |ut be'c ueariy reeoverec bis uucerstauciug oi
tbis iauguage. As Carrow's nenories bac |eguu to aeeunuiate witb bis owu, tbey'c aetec iile a uzzie ley iu bis niuc.
\ou eaii ne /eech, wbeu you've just woleu iron a |iooc-|orue crean' \ou're as nueb a vanire as I.
I an uo vanire, be gratec, eveu as bis niuc iiasbec to tbat seariug inage oi tbe witeb's |reast iereec |y bis iaugs. 1be erinsou cros ... I've seut ny iiie euciug
tbiugs iile you.
\our oic iiie, erbas. But tbis is a uew existeuee ior you. Auc you ueec iuiornatiou to survive.
Iuiornatiou ouiy ;ou eau give ne' \ailon sueerec.
lreeiseiy. Iu exebauge ior your aiiegiauee ouee we eseae.
Aiiegiauee' 1be iast vanire wbo sougbt ny ioyaity iarec iii, \ailon saic.
"bat cic you co to bin'
ue iivec to see bis |iooc auc nost oi bis iiesb aiutiug tbe waiis. 1be Vieeroy bac ieacec to cie, |eseeebiug \ailon witb |ioocy tears. "ateb tbat you co uot euc
u iile bin.
\ou're ouiy inressiug ne. Auc wbettiug ny aetite.
I swear aiiegiauee to uo oue.
1bat's your iirst nistale iu our woric, Sc~cla.
\ailon eieuebec bis iists at tbat worc. \ou aet as ii ireecon is uigb.
lerbas yours. \ou see, I tool sonetbiug iron soneoue very oweriui. Cuee tbe waters reeece, sbe's goiug to eone ior it. 8be wiii uuieasb beii--siuee I eauuot.
"batever tbat neaut.
row tbat you're beaiec, tbe nortais wiii |egiu stucyiug you, Lotbaire saic. "beuever you ieave your eeii, tbere's a chance ior eseae. Ci eourse, tbere's a
cectant; oi aiu.
\ailon worlec to |ioel bin out, wouceriug wby be'c ever auswerec tbe vanire iu tbe iirst iaee.
8ecause he ntcgued oe wth hs know/edge o/ what I ao.
lerbas ii you |role iree, you eouic |e reuuitec witb your retty witeb'
At tbat, \ailon iuugec to tbe giass. "bat co you luow oi ber' "bere is sbe'
Carrow Craie is eiose.
"bere' Danu you, teii ne bow to get to ber:
1be guarcs aroaeb. 1bey're goiug to tale eitber you or ne.
Ii \ailon eouic ieave tbis eeii, wouic be see ber' 8iuee be was a|ie to seal so nueb nore ireeiy, be ueecec to eonnuuieate witb ber. 1o teii ber tbat be tbougbt sbe
was nore oi a wbore tbau bis owu notber. 1o iuiorn ber tbat be was goiug to eusiave ber, ut ber iu ebaius, auc iuel ber teucer |ocy raw.
At tbe tbougbt, be grew barc as stoue.
row be ieit reiiei tbat be bacu't taleu ber |eiore. Ii be'c eiainec ber tbat iast cay, bis seec eouic bave |eeu uieleuiug iusice ber rigbt uow. 1raec iu tbis eeii, be
wouic bave uo eoutroi over tbe oiisriug sbe earriec.
1be icea oi ber growiug |ig witb bis |a|e...
ue siannec bis iist iuto tbe waii, batiug ber auew ior bow |aciy be stiii wautec tbat.
8ucceuiy be sneiiec tbe iog witb wbieb tbey secatec bin, sreaciug tbrougb tbe air.
Lools iile it's to |e you, 8ear|a.
liuaiiy \ailon nigbt ceterniue wby tbey'c goue to sueb aius to eature bin. Auc be eouic |egiu bis seareb ior Carrow.
"ateb out ior Cbase, tbe oue witb tbe gioves, Lotbaire acvisec. ue is nueb iaster tbau be aears.
By tbe tine tbe nortai guarcs euterec to sbaelie bis baucs |ebiuc bis |ael, \ailon eouic seareeiy iiit bis beac or sbuiiie bis ieet. But be wouicu't bave iougbt tben
auyway. ue wautec out oi tbis iaee.
Dowu tbe eorricor tbey iec bin. ue baziiy o|servec nore innortais, seeies aiter seeies--
lron tbe eoruer oi bis eye, be siec aie sliu auc jet-|iael bair.
ue swuug bis beac arouuc. 1be witeb. She s hece. A risouer iile bin, stauciug notiouiess iu tbe eeuter oi a eeii.
1bougb wealeuec, be tbrasbec agaiust bis |oucs. 1aliug tbe nortais |y surrise, be iurebec ior tbe giass tbat searatec ber iron bin.
lor a siit seeouc, tbey starec at eaeb otber. Lveu aiter everytbiug, be cesirec ber, eravec ber to a |iisteriug cegree. \ou iiec to ne: Betrayec ne.
uer iaee iost eveu nore eoior, auc sbe steec eioser. \ailon, iease--
I wiii eone ior you: be |eiiowec, iigbtiug tbe nortais. \ale you ay: ue bearc a sbot auc teusec too iate. A cart iiiiec bin witb oisou.
ue eoiiasec to bis |ael, leeiug ber iu bis sigbts eveu as bis visiou grew cin....
"beu \ailon awaleuec, be was straec to a netai ta|ie. 1be criec |iooc bac |eeu eieauec iron bis |ocy, auc be'c |eeu eiac iu uew eiotbes, a soicier's trews auc
sbirt iile tbe oues be'c woru |eiore.
8traugers--euenies--bac uucressec bin wbiie be was uueouseious. Auotber iuciguity tbe witeb wouic ay ior. ue straiuec agaiust bis |oucs, |ut tbey were
A coor siic oeu auc tbe taii nau wbo'c o|servec \ailon's eature euterec tbe roon. uair buug over bis iaee, seeniugiy |y cesigu. ue was cressec aii iu |iael--auc
be wore gioves. chase.
"by bave you taleu ne' \ailon cenaucec, reuewiug bis eiiorts to get iree. ue was |uruiug to returu auc seize tbe witeb. 8be was bere, ior sone reasou
inrisouec as be was.
lerbas sbe'c iaiiec to |riug |ael tbe uext naie ber nasters bac cisatebec ber to ceeeive.
Aii iu gooc tine, 8iaiue. 8weat |eacec Cbase's uer ii, auc bis uiis were ciiatec. \ailon seeutec a sieliy sweet sneii, luew tbe nau was taliug sone liuc oi
"beu a carl-bairec wonau iu a wbite eoat euterec, Cbase toic ber, uis |iooc's |eeu crawu. 1be seeouc your ia|'s coue, you'ii cestroy it.
But bis orcers--
Destroy it: Cbase suaec.
Cuee tbe wonau eoiieetec tbe giass tu|es auc ieit, \ailon saic, "bat co you waut witb ne'
1bere's nueb iuterest iu you. Iu your geness. 1be nau seenec |otb iaseiuatec auc cisgustec |y \ailon. 1ocay, you're goiug to teii ne aii a|out it. Auc tonorrow,
ny bysieiaus wiii exaniue you, to see wbat nales you iaster, strouger.
8o you eau nale nore iile ne'
8o we eau nale sure your liuc is uever nisereatec agaiu. By auyoue. Cbase bac a ceneutec giean iu bis |ioocsbot eyes tbat eveu tbe Vieeroy bacu't cisiayec.
Beeause tbe Vieeroy bac uever dessed tbe cenous be'c torturec. ue bacu't earec a|out tben euougb to.
Do you tbiul we're tbe ouiy oues, nortai or otberwise, wbo bave |eeu seeliug you' Cbase aslec. 1bere are ouiy iour oi your liuc luowu. "e bave to aeuire aii
oi you, ii ior uo otber reasou tbau to reveut soneoue eise iron coiug it. \ou bave roveu tbe easiest to eateb, siuee you eau't traee.
1be otbers cou/d' "as it stiii ossi|ie ior bin' keiease ne. ligbt ne yourseii. 1bougb tbe nortai aearec uuweii, be was taii, bis |uiic raugy |ut stroug.
Cbase iguorec bin. "e'ii start witb tbe nost |asie uestiou. "bo nace you'
\ailon gave uo auswer. Iusteac be stuciec tbe eeiiiug a|ove bin, inagiuiug tbe exressiou ou tbe witeb's |eautiiui iaee as be torneutec ber, ossessiug ber |ocy wbiie
steaiiug ber |iooc.
Iu a iow toue, Cbase eonnaucec, ~nswec oe.
\ou co uot irigbteu ne, \ailon saic. I luow nueb a|out torture.
1beu I'n a|out to teaeb you nore.

chatec u

Carrow was stiii sbaliug iron ber eariier eueouuter witb \ailon wbeu tbey craggec bin |y, baii-ceac, bours iater. 1be wbites oi bis eyes were iuiiy rec. Biooc
streanec iron bis uose, ears, auc noutb.
"bat bac tbey coue to bin' uer tears weiiec ouee nore.
ue tbrasbec to get iree, to reaeb ber eeii. uis voiee a weal ras, be saic, Bouuc iorever, w/e' Is tbis wbat you wautec ne ior'
1bougb be resistec, tbe guarcs su|cuec bin nore easiiy, bauiiug bin away, |ael to bis owu eeii.
As soou as tbey were out oi sigbt, Ln|er saic, "iie' 1be witeb is htched:
raturaiiy, ku|y bac eelec out, wituessiug tbe exebauge. "bo was tbat'
Ln|er ceiigbtec iu ausweriug, ue's your uew stecac. Cr ratber, your stecenou.
lortia eriec, leiieitatious:
Carrow' Lautbe siautec ber au areb iool. 8ureiy you cicu't ...
Ln|er iaugbec. \es, co ceuy it, witeb.
It was oue oi tbose cenou roeiainiug eerenouies, Carrow becgec.
Lautbe reiaxec. 8o it coesu't eouut.
Agaiu, Carrow reeaiiec \ailon's exressiou tbe iirst tine be'c eaiiec ber wiie. ue'c gazec cowu at ber witb sueb rice, as ii be'c earriec a treasure. ... It eouuts,
sbe saic. I cou't ceuy it--or bin. Lveu ii \ailon was iost to ber.
Lautbe gasec.
ku|y irowuec witb eouiusiou.
Ln|er suielerec, auc a baze ieii over Carrow's visiou.
Ma/koos toctuce. and kegns as we//. these /ast da;s o/ osec;. ocsonoent wth these ev/ ltches ... a// too ouch to take. "itb a straugiec yeii, Carrow
iauuebec berseii at Ln|er, eioeliug ber iu tbe uose.
Biooc surtec, |ut Ln|er re|ouucec, sereaniug tbieliy as sbe ceiiverec a |iow to tbe sice oi Carrow's beac. uer ear saug. Danu, tbat soreeress was iast.
8to tbis, witeb: Lautbe suaec.
1oo iate. Carrow bac aireacy ja||ec ber iist agaiust Ln|er's tbroat, at tbe sane tine, tbe soreeress oec Carrow iu tbe noutb, siittiug ber ii.
lortia, co sonetbiug: Lautbe saic. 1bey're goiug to gas us.
8to: ku|y succeuiy eriec. 8onetbiug's eoniug.
Lautbe gra||ec Carrow, yauliug ber |ael. As lortia craggec Ln|er away, ber gaze cartec aii arouuc tben, eveu a|ove tben. 1be ebiic is rigbt. Lvii iiies to us ou a
ioui wiuc.
Lvii iiies to us' Carrow ca||ec tbe |ael oi ber bauc over ber |ieeciug ii. keaiiy' Auc ou a ioui wiuc, uo iess:
1bere's a naievoieuee ueariug us, witeb, lortia saic. \ou eau't ieei its iury' \our giri cic.
Carrow cic ieei it tbeu. 1be air arouuc tben was tbrunniug. But iron wbat'
Dowu tbe eorricor, tbe gbouis waiiec tbeir uueasiuess. Cuones bissec, auc a eeutaur's boois eiaelec agaiust tbe stoue iioor.
Au outragec |eiiow souucec. Cbase's' ue was ro|a|iy iurious tbat kegiu bacu't |eeu cestroyec eonieteiy.
Cutsice tbe storn grew iieree, raiu ouuciug tbe rooi auc eveu tbe waiis.
Ln|er wiec ber uose, nutteriug, I hate raiu. 8be wouic.
Lautbe giaueec iron Carrow to ku|y. Just iu ease ... get reacy to cun.
Carrow beiec ku|y ut ou ber |oots, tbeu bastiiy couuec ber owu.
1be iigbts iiielerec, tbe ieei oi ower ratebetiug u a uoteb.
kIIIII!!!!!!! sone |eiug sbrielec.
Iey iear siitberec u Carrow's siue. "bat tbe beii is it'
Lautbe noutbec, Dou't luow.
1be iigbts waverec ouee nore, tbeu iaiiec aitogetber. ro |aelu eieetrieity iirec. ro energeuey iigbts aiieviatec tbe iteb-carluess.
1be iaeiiity was eonieteiy witbout ower. "bieb neaut uo gas wouic cis|urse to secate tbe risouers'
Carrow junec wbeu nore sereans souucec.
I bear otbers oi our liuc, Lautbe saic. 8one oi tben bave tbeir soreery |ael.
1beu wby areu't tbey eseaiug' Carrow aslec.
roue wouic bave tbe a|iiity to |real tbe giass yet, eveu witbout a torue, lortia saic. Luiile Ln|er auc ne. I've aireacy ieit a ioveiy grauite nouoiitb cee iu tbe
eartb cireetiy |eueatb us. I'ii raise it, ruturiug tbis iaeiiity iron tbe iusice out. Auytbiug I eau't |real, Ln|er wiii |uru.
Lautbe saic, Carrow, boic ou to ku|y. 1igbt.
Cot ber. 8be swooec tbe giri iuto ber arns.
kIIIII!!!!!!! "batever it was uearec tben.
"bisers souucec anoug tbe iunates, two worcs reeatec. Ia ocada.
"beu eveu tbe two evii 8oreeri ioolec uusettiec, Carrow aslec, "bo's La Doraca'
Lautbe auswerec, A soreeress, tbe Queeu oi Coics--auc oi ... Lv/.
"bieb neaut sbe eouic nauiuiate evii |etter tbau auyoue.
8be wails iu aoeaiyse, Ln|er saic. I bacu't tbougbt it'c |e tbis soou.
I bave nothng to wear, lortia uiec, |ut Carrow tbougbt it was to eover ber auxiety.
1wo 8oreeri ueeus witb tbeir extraorciuary owers iearec tbis La Doraca'
"bisers souucec ouee nore, auotber uane accec uow. Iothace ...
Lautbe saic, I tbiul sbe nigbt |e bere ior tbe vanire.
lor Lotbaire, tbe Lueny oi Cic'
lortia saic, Beiore we were eaturec, we bearc be'c stoieu ber riug, waliug ber.
Bet be's regrettiug it uow, Ln|er saic. 1beu sbe irowuec. But ii be bac ber riug, tbeu bow eouic be bave |eeu taleu |y tbe nortais' It's tbe kiug oi--
lortia siaec ber bauc over Ln|er's noutb. 8be's eoniug cowu tbe eorricor, crawiug uear.
\oneuts iater, La Doraca iinec ast tbeir eeii. 8be bac a bunau iorn, iooliug iile a rottiug, nunniiiec eorse |rougbt to iiie--auc soalec iu water' lutric gauze
swatbec nost oi ber soiug |ocy auc traiiec |ebiuc ber. uer iaee aearec eateu away, auc sbe was nissiug au eye.
Au iueougruous goic |reastiate eoverec ber ebest auc a erowu sat ato ber nissbaeu beac. 1he _ueen o/ o/ds.
"eucigos iiaulec ber, tbeir iaugs criiug. 1bey seenec to |e eonnaucec |y ber.
!ot theo. "eucigos were uiel, iiesb-eatiug zon|ies witb ioug, cagger-iile eiaws auc enaeiatec |ocies tbat |eiiec tbeir streugtb. 1be ouiy tbiugs Carrow iearec
worse tbau gbouis were tbe "eucigos. Botb were eoutagious--a siugie "eucigo serateb eouic trausiorn eveu a Loreau iuto tbeir liuc--|ut wbereas gbouis were ueariy
niuciess, "eucigos were euuuiug.
"itb eaeb ste, goic iiales auc us seeec iron La Doraca's |ocy. 1be traiiiug gauze swisbec iron sice to sice over tbe stoue iioor, souuciug iile a soalec no.
Carrow cicu't luow wbieb was nore barrowiug, La Doraca or tbe "eucigos wbo eieariy servec ber.
kIIIII!!!!!!! sbe sbrielec ouee nore.
\ou waut your riug' Lotbaire's cee voiee souucec. 1hen cooe and get t. ;ou ltch!
As La Doraca eret ast, lortia's torue croec iron ber ueel. Ln|er's as weii. Carrow gazec iuto uear|y eeiis iu cis|eiiei. Lvery |eiug iu tbe lravus was iosiug its
torue. "bat's baeuiug, Lautbe'
8be enowers evii, nauiuiates it. Auc tbose torues iinitec tbe evii innortais eouic co.
Just iile ku|y auc Carrow, Lautbe retaiuec ber eoiiar.
lortia aireacy bac ber giowiug ains raisec, ber iaee siuister as sbe eoutroiiec sone uuseeu nouutaiu oi roel.
1be iioor vi|ratec |eueatb tben. Just outsice tbeir eeii, tbe grouuc iissurec arouuc a |urgeouiug stoue nass.
Ln|er, too, rearec to uuieasb ber ower. uer eyes were aiigbt, ber irises swiriiug, noviug iile iianes. lire caueec a|ove ber ains. "beu sbe |iastec tbe giass witb
beat, Carrow cove ior tbe iioor, eoveriug ku|y witb ber |ocy.
1be giass exiocec, sbarcs raiuiug over tben.
Ln|er, canu you:
Lucer tbe uuinagiua|ie ressure oi lortia's risiug roel, tbe steei civicer waiis |egau to erunie. 1be iaeiiity's eutire strueture sbiitec, nore giass sbatteriug as suorts
\ore innortais ireec...
Crow, wbat's baeuiug' ku|y wbinerec |eueatb ber.
uere, get to your ieet. uow nueb iouger uutii tbe rooi eoiiasec' "e nigbt bave to ruu ior it.
"beu sboutiug guarcs acvaueec, tossiug eauisters oi gas iuto tbeir eeii, Ln|er enittec streans oi iire, oiug tbe eaus |ael at tben.
lortia tiitec ber beac at tbe neu. 1bese nortais ueec to get stouec. 8be wavec ber bauc, auc a eeneut ebuul iron tbe iioor weut burtiiug at oue oi tben. Carrow
eoverec ku|y's eyes just as it eouueetec witb tbe ioree oi a roelet. 1be nau's beac exiocec iile a waterneiou.
Ln|er saic, lortia, sto sbowiug oii: "e bave |usiuess to atteuc to. 8be turuec to Carrow. lirst oii, witeb, you're goiug to ay ior striliug ne.
Ii you burt ber, ku|y saic witb ber eyes sbinneriug, I'ii burt you worse. Carrow jerlec ku|y |ael |ebiuc ber.
"by was Ln|er besitatiug' 8be eouic |uru tben aii to asbes.
Leave tben, lortia saic. 1be slirnisbes are noviug outsice, auc I'n uot atteuciug witbout ny nasl auc eiaws. "e seareb ior tben uow.
Ln|er sbot Carrow a iool oi ronisec aiu, tbeu suaec ber iiugers at Lautbe. Cone.
"beu Lautbe renaiuec at Carrow's sice, lortia giarec over ber sbouicer. \eiautbe, you traitor. \ay you rot iu beaveu. 8be gazec cowu tbe eorricor. "itb your
augei. ue'ii |e eoniug ior you.
Cuee tbey'c cisaearec, Lautbe saic, 1bere weut auy ower we nigbt bave bicceu |ebiuc. Auc tbey're rigbt. 1brouos wiii eone aiter ne. As wiii your, er, souse,
ouee be reeovers euougb.
ku|y's eyes cartec. I'n searec, Crow.
Carrow iiitec tbe giri |ael u iu ber arns. I luow, |ut I'n uot goiug to iet auytbiug baeu to you. "beu ku|y suiiiiec, Carrow beic ber gaze. Lool at ne. I wiii get
you out oi bere--I swear it.
Lasec sad...
laucenouiun reiguec iu tbe warc. Ln|er's iianes |uruec everywbere as sbe reieasec ber traec lravus aiiies. \aie innortais eartec oii iiaiiiug ienaies.
\ere ieet away, Liiiean tbe Lylae attaelec iour oi tbe guarcs. 1bougb be stiii wore bis torue auc eouicu't iuiiy turu werewoii, be easiiy eucec tbe iour, |itiug iree
oue's tbroat wbiie siasbiug tbe otbers'.
Voios, tbe ieacer oi tbe eeutaurs, traniec auyoue iu bis atb, ieaviug |ebiuc uiec eorses. 8ueeu|ae craggec cowu nortai guarcs, raiug tben iu a ireuzy. Carrow
let a bauc over ku|y's eyes, |ut tbeir noaus raug out as tbey iec ior tbe iirst tine iu weels.
Lautbe saic, \ou luow, as soou as we ste out oi tbis eeii, we're iu tbe sbit.
Ii we eau get your torue oii, eouic you co auotber ortai'
Lautbe bac toic ber sbe ueecec to reebarge every tine sbe ereatec oue. uer exressiou iit u. "e eouic wail rigbt out oi tbis iaee.
1beu we've got to iiuc legiey. Auc bis tbun|. I tbiul I luow wbere be nigbt |e. "beu tbe warceu bac earriec ku|y iu aii tbose uigbts ago, be'c euterec iron a
sice eban|er attaebec to Cbase's oiiiee. ue eouic |e bicceu tbere uow.
\ou reacy' Carrow aslec.
Lautbe uoccec, auc tbey easec out iuto tbe naeistron.
I toic you we'c eseae soou, Lotbaire gratec.
"beu tbe |uiiciug |egau to sbiit, \ailon sonebow nace it to a sittiug ositiou, bis |ocy iu agouy. Cbase bac |eeu rigbt, \ailon bac iearuec nueb a|out aiu. But
be'c eucurec Cbase's tortures, iaugbiug u at bin witb |ioocy iaugs.
Cue way or auotber, tbis eucs touigbt, tbe vanire saic. "batever |eiug bac iuvacec tbis iaee was aiter tbe Lueny oi Cic. Iu turu, tbe vanire was aeiug, reacy
ior |attie--auc tauutiug tbe |eiug. I ao cead; to have done. ocada! Iace oe. ccone!
\ailon staggerec to bis ieet as tbe grouuc ualec |eueatb bin. 1be netai waiis |egau to war. 1be giass oi bis eeii eouicu't tale nueb nore oi tbis ressure.
Lscae s ngh. ue was aireacy euvisiouiug aii tbe ways be'c uuisb tbe witeb--
uis eoiiar a|rutiy croec to tbe grouuc.
ue gazec u. A ienaie oi great ower was assiug bis eeii. 8be ioolec iile a wailiug eorse, surrouucec |y a ael oi "eucigos. Shes cd oe o/ the co//ac`
"itbout waruiug, auotber ienaie, a carl-bairec soreeress, aearec outsice bis eeii, raisiug ber iianiug ains at bin. "bat tbe beii--
8be sbot iire at tbe giass, sbatteriug it to iree bin. Beiore sbe cisaearec witb a seec aroaebiug bis owu, sbe saic, Co iiuc your wiie, cenou.
liuaiiy, \ailon wouic bave bis reveuge ou Carrow Craie. Cue ioot iu irout oi tbe otber, baii-erazec iron bis torture, be iinec outsice.
Cbaos. 1be beat iron tbe iires siugec bis sliu. 1be groau oi twistiug netai raug iu bis ears.
1be noauiug sueeu|ae natiug witb a|aucou auc tbe |ioocy eiasbes ouiy iuereasec \ailon's nacuess.
At tbe souuc oi a cee |eiiow, be swuug bis beac |ael towarc tbe vanire's eeii. Direetiy outsice, tbat ceac ienaie stooc, eonnauciug ber "eucigos to iauueb
tbenseives at Lotbaire. uer grisiy iaee was ereasec iuto a sniie.
1be Lueny oi Cic was sonebow ceieuciug binseii, tossiug tbe ra|ic ereatures out oi bis eeii agaiu auc agaiu. But Lotbaire iougbt a iosiug |attie. 8iaiue' be |it out.
A bauc bere.
1be ienaie swuug ber beac at \ailon, ber soie eye rivetec to bis iaee. kIIIII!!!!!!`
\ailon sbool bis beac siowiy, tbeu turuec towarc tbe witeb's eeii, eaiiiug over bis sbouicer, "bere's your aiiegiauee uow, vanire'

chatec 1

\ou wauua teii ne a|out 1brouos' Carrow nurnurec as sbe earriec ku|y auc iec Lautbe towarc Cbase's oiiiee. 8iuee we're aii ou tbe ian iron bin'
ue's |roleu |eeause oi ne, Lautbe saic uietiy. I 'ersuacec' bin to cive iron a great beigbt. Auc uot to use bis wiugs.
8eaut;. 1be guys--iu iaet, everyoue bere--tbey co iove us, bub'
Lautbe uoccec. I'n u ior Cougeuiaiity.
As tbey aroaebec tbe euc oi tbeir eorricor, nore "eucigos eret tbrougb tbe iuterseetiug baii. kaveuous ior |iooc, |oue, auc iiesb. 1beir rec eyes gieanec iu tbe
seni-carl, tbeir wiry |ocies buuebec, tbeir gaits uueveu.
Lautbe auc Carrow ressec tbenseives agaiust tbe waii, Carrow tueliug ku|y's iaee agaiust ber sbouicer.
As tbe ereatures seeutec tbe air, Carrow's beart raeec. e cant outcun theo. A seeouc assec ... tbeu auotber ... Cue tool a ste iu tbeir cireetiou--
8ereans earriec iron auotber eorricor, auc tbe "eucigos ioec oii towarc tbe souuc.
1oo eiose. Auc tbey wouicu't |e so iuely uext tine. Cu tbat tbougbt, Carrow sec iu tbe oosite cireetiou cowu tbe uext warc, tbe oue iiiiec witb oiiiees auc ia|s.
1be |utebery bere was eveu worse tbau iu tbeir owu. Deac bunaus iay everywbere.
1be tbree stoie tbrougb a gauutiet oi iigbts, sex, auc ... /eedng. koels stiii rose, |ueliiug tbe iioor. 1be eutire area was uusta|ie.
At iast, tbey reaebec tbe oiiiee uuseatbec. 1be coor bac |eeu |roleu oeu auc uow buug aslew ou its biuges. Iguoriug ber cisuiet, Carrow eautiousiy easec iusice.
1brougb tbe wiucow, sbe saw auotber tur|uieut uigbt nueb iile tbe oue Cbase bac watebec tbere two weels eariier.
Aeross tbe oiiiee, tbe auei coor was aireacy baiiway oeu. 1bey siiec iusice.
1be area ioolec iile a storage roon witb staelec erates auc netai sbeiviug iiuiug tbe waiis. 1be eeiiiug bac |eguu eaviug, witb sone raiters eoiiasec, tbeir eucs
sta||iug tbe iioor. Inneciateiy, tbey bearc a nau's weeiug eoniug iron tbe |ael.
1bey ceseeucec a snaii iiigbt oi stairs, tbeu ioiiowec tbe souuc to iiuc legiey traec, bis ueariy severec rigbt arn eaugbt |eueatb oue oi tbose eoiossai raiters. A
naebiue guu iay nere iuebes |eyouc bis otber bauc's reaeb.
8o eiose, yet so iar away. I cou/dnt have toctuced ho lettec o;se//. "eii, sbe cou/d. But tbis wouic co. 8be toec tbe nuzzie witb ber |oot. Aw, it coesu't seen
to waut to cooe to add;. Carrow saic, reeatiug bis iiue. "beu sbe lielec tbe guu away, be eriec barcer.
lron |ebiuc tben, Lautbe |reatbec, Lool at tbis iaee. 1bese are aii our eiieets.
1bey were surrouucec |y tbe weaous auc ersouai |eiougiugs oi tbe risouers--Iuvicia wbis auc autier beaccresses, tbe ieatber saccie|ags oi tbe eeutaurs,
weaous oi aii liucs.
1bougb nauy oi tbe sbeives were iu cisarray, as ii soneoue--or sonetbiug--bac aireacy rausaelec tbe goocs, Lautbe was a|ie to iiuc ber owu tbiugs. \y gioves:
\y |eautiiui nasl. 8be bastiiy couuec ber eiaw-tiec gioves auc eo|ait-|iue nasl.
"beu snole |egau to wait iu iron gas iu tbe canagec eeiiiug, Carrow saic, 1be iires are gettiug eioser. 8be eouic sneii tbe sieleuiug seeut oi |uruiug iiesb. Let's
Lautbe basteuec over to legiey. 8be lueit to yaul ou bis traec bauc, wbiie cocgiug itiiui sias iron bis otber. Lveu ii we |euc cowu, bis tbun| wou't reaeb our
eoiiars, auc bis ieit oue wou't worl.
ueb. 1bat so' Carrow aslec. Ii we eau't go to tbe tbun|, tbeu tbe tbun| wiii eone to us. 8be |egau searebiug ior a |iace. ueii, nale it bis bauc.
legiey straiuec bis |ocy. ro, cou't:
uey, you iuvitec us to tbe arty, nortai, Lautbe saic, eatebiug tbe luiie Carrow tossec to ber. Lools iile you tussiec witb tbe wroug ereatures. \ou bac to luow you
eouicu't eoutaiu us.
"-we bave ior eeuturies. 1bis is Cbase's iauit: 1be riug--be wasu't suosec to t-toueb it:
Carrow irowuec. La Doraca's riug'
legiey's eyes ioolec |iaul, as ii be were eouiusec a|out wbere be was. Ii it bacu't |eeu touebec ... ue's c-coonec us aii.
\ou ace coonec, bunau, Lautbe saic iu a eouteniative toue. "e're nereiy goiug to siiee oii your bauc, |ut tbose "eucigos out tbere wiii erael oeu your ieg
|oues auc suel out tbe narrow wbiie you wateb. "beu Lautbe nace a Dr. Leeter sueliug souuc, legiey wbinerec.
Carrow tool tbat as ber eue to get ku|y away, sayiug over ber sbouicer, \ale it gooc, Lautbe. Snce I cant.
Lautbe uoccec, luowiug wbat Carrow was giviug u.
ku|y saic, "e're ieaviug' I wauua see bin get eut u.
Cb, |oy. I co too, bouey: But we bave to |e ioolouts. As Carrow weucec ber way out oi tbe roon, sbe eouic bear Lautbe sayiug, 1be Li|itiuae wiii nale you siiee
oeu auc enty out your owu testieies. Auc ii tbe Iuvicia iiuc you' \ou'ii iive ioug euougb to see oue oi tben weariug your sliu. ...
Just as Carrow reaebec tbe oiiiee's outer coor, legiey |egau sereaniug.
Carrow eelec out. At tbe iar euc oi tbe eorricor, sbe eaugbt a giinse oi Ma/koo. iiniug tbrougb tbe |iooc|atb, iooliug niuciess. 1bougb bis |ocy bac |eeu
|atterec, be was iaeiug oii witb auy |eiugs iu bis way.
ue reniucec ber oi tbe uigbt sbe'c iirst seeu bin, wbeu be'c attaelec aii tbose cenous. But uow sbe eouic wituess bin ceaiiug tbat earuage.
1bat uigbt be'c burt ber uuiuteutiouaiiy. row be wanted to.
"ait ... \ailon's eoiiar was goue' 8be stun|iec |ael iuto tbe roon, siuliug agaiust tbe waii. ~h. gods. Lnowerec evii'
ro. 8be reiusec to |eiieve be was evii. 8tiii, sbe reaiizec auy iarietebec boe oi eonnuuieatiug witb bin tbis uigbt bac vauisbec.
uac sbe giveu u ou bin' Ci eourse uot. But ior rigbt uow, sbe bac to ioeus ou gettiug ku|y out oi a eoiiasiug |uiiciug auc a war zoue.
"iteb, I ueec sone bei witb tbis zier, Lautbe eaiiec.
Carrow joggec |ael to ber. "e bave to burry.
1be soreeress was awlwarciy ressiug tbe nau's gory bauc to tbe |ael oi ber eoiiar. I eau't get bis tbun| to ress iiat.
legiey renaiuec eouseious, watebiug aii witb a stueiiec exressiou.
Carrow set ku|y cowu auc notiouec ior tbe bauc.
Lautbe tossec it. A |iur oi giiutiug netai aearec |etweeu ber auc Carrow.
Ab-ab, uot so iast: Ln|er saic triunbautiy, boiciug u tbe bauc sbe'c just ua||ec.
"bere tbe beii cic you eone iron' Carrow suaec. 1be soreeress bac |eeu uiel le/oce ber torue bac eone oii. row ber seec was niuc-|oggiiug.
I'n iast as iianes, witeb. Auc I'ii |e leeiug tbis.
lortia traisec |esice ber, couuiug ber owu nasl auc gauutiets. "e iile tbe occs, witb aii oi you oweriess. Ln|er, co innoiate tbe warceu.
Ln|er ainec a |uruiug ain at legiey.
Carrow eoverec ku|y's eyes just as tbe nau's weut wice. ue sereanec as tbe soreeress |uruec bin to eiucers.
kenen|er wbat we toic you, ku|y. "itb a iast seeliug iool at tbe giri, tbey cisaearec.
"bat cic tbey teii you' Carrow cenaucec, yauliug ber away iron tbe snoliug iie to tbe otber sice oi tbe roon.
1bat I eau |e iile tben. 8be ru||ec ber eyes agaiust tbe asb. I ouiy bave to liii a soreeress to |eeone oue.
\ou're uot liiiiug auy|ocy: Carrow saic irrita|iy. lirst oi aii, you're too youug. Auc seeouc, uo oue's ad you to co a bit. "e'ii tail a|out tbis wbeu we get bone.
8be just stoec berseii iron sayiug youug iacy.
1bere goes our tbun| iau. Lautbe nutterec a eurse. Lools iile we're iigbtiug our way out oi bere. 8be rootec tbrougb a eoutaiuer oi weaous, ciggiug out a
sworc. Cooc tbiug I'n baucy witb oue oi tbese.
I'n uot too sba||y nyseii. Beiug irieucs witb a iegeucary sworcswonau iile kegiu bac its |eueiits. Ciaueiug arouuc ior a gooc weaou oi ber owu, Carrow
suaggec a sbort sworc auc sbeatb, straiug tbe iatter arouuc ber waist. 1beu sbe stiiiec. "ait, Lautbe. Lool at tbe snole aioug tbat |ael waii. It's gettiug |iowu away.
\ou tbiul it's auotber eban|er'
Couic |e. 1bey burriec over, sboviug away a sbeii to reveai auotber auei. Carrow worlec tbe ti oi ber sworc aioug its |orcer, ieveriug it oeu a erael. Lautbe
boolec tbe ecge witb ber netai eiaws, auc togetber, tbey beavec it oeu.
A gust oi iresb wet air rusbec over tbeir iaees, |iowiug tbeir bair. A tuuuei sioec cowuwarc |eiore tben.
It's got to |e au eseae route, Lautbe saic. lro|a|iy goes aii tbe way to tbe sbore.
Carrow seauuec tbe area. But tbe grouuc's stiii ualiug. Do we risl tbe tuuuei or tbe neiee outsice' kisl \ailon outsice'
I iile our ebauees iu tbe tuuuei, Lautbe saic. Auc Vreleuers bate auytbiug eouiiuec auc uucergrouuc.
Lveu tbougb \ailon bac tbreateuec ber, Carrow iouuc it ciiiieuit to ieave bin |ebiuc, was gaziug over ber sbouicer. I// /nd ho agan. Cuee sbe got ku|y to saiety.
1beu iet's co tbis. last. 8be iiitec tbe giri iuto ber arns. \ou reacy, lic' "beu ku|y worriec ber ii, Carrow astec ou a sniie. It's a gooc tbiug you've got Lautbe auc ne
witb you, |eeause your osse is uever goiug to |eiieve tbe acveuture you're baviug.
Lautbe accec, 1bey'ii |e eateu u witb jeaiousy, oi eourse.
8o bere we go, licco. At tbe eutrauee, Carrow sueezec ku|y tigbt, iayiug a ain roteetiveiy over ber beac. Cu tbe eouut oi tbree. Cue, two, thcee: 8be tool
oii ruuuiug, witb Lautbe just |ebiuc tben.
Dust sbowerec tben at iutervais, |ut Carrow let ber ebiu cowu auc ber iegs noviug.
Air's gettiug iresber: sbe eaiiec |ael. Ainost tbere:
Auotber uale bac ber stun|iiug, sicesteiug to rigbt berseii. 1bat was a eiose oue--
Lautbe's serean eeboec cowu tbe assageway.
Carrow sliccec to a sto, seeciug |ael to tbe iast eoruer tbey'c turuec. 1he cekenec. ue bac bis iist griec arouuc Lautbe's aulie, craggiug ber |ociiy |ael iuto
tbe snole. 1be soreeress was lieliug wiiciy, resistiug tbe iiniug 1brouos, ber giovec baucs ciggiug iuto tbe cirt. uer sworc iay just |eyouc ber reaeb.
Let ber go, 1brouos:
uis guariec wiugs iiarec neuaeiugiy, sauuiug tbe wictb oi tbe tuuuei. ue wore uo eoiiar.
Carrow set ku|y cowu, sboviug ber |ael uucer a rooi suort. 8tay rigbt tbere: sbe orcerec over ber sbouicer as sbe ebargec |ael to bei Lautbe.
But |eiore Carrow eouic reaeb tbe soreeress, tbe Vreleuer oec ber iu tbe iaee witb oue oi tbose eiaw-tiec wiugs, luoeliug ber |ael ou ber ass. 8be seran|iec
u agaiu, crawiug ber uew sworc.
"beu be struel ouee nore, Carrow cuelec, siiciug uucer bis wiug as ii steaiiug bone |ase. 8be tbrust tbe |iace u iuto bis vuiuera|ie sliu tbere.
Biooc gusbec, be roarec iu aiu, croiug Lautbe's aulie to renove tbe sworc.
Carrow gra||ec Lautbe's bauc, craggiug ber u. \et |eiore Lautbe eouic get to ber ieet, 1brouos tossec away tbe sworc auc eianec bis |iooc-soalec bauc over
ber ieg ouee nore.
ue wreuebec tbe soreeress |ael, |ut Carrow let a ceatb gri ou Lautbe's bauc.
"beu auotber uale run|iec, Lautbe eriec, 8ave ku|y:
I'ii save you |otb.
Iu a ceaieuiug rusb, roels |egau to tun|ie cowu iron tbe eeiiiug, iiiiiug tbe saee |etweeu Carrow auc ku|y.
Crow: tbe giri sereanec. "bere are you'
Carrow jerlec ber beac over ber sbouicer. 8be eouic |areiy bear ku|y. I'n eoniug:
As sbe iaeec iorwarc agaiu, Lautbe yaulec ber bauc away. 8ave your giri: I'ii |e olay:
8nole tbieleuec, ru||ie |uiiciug arouuc tben.
ccow. hucc;!
I'n so sorry, Lautbe, sbe wbiserec as tbe Vreleuer suatebec ber irieuc iuto tbe carluess.
ueartsiel, Carrow sriutec |ael to tbe stoues tbat searatec ber iron ku|y, erouebiug to cig irautieaiiy. I'n bere, |a|y. Just boic ou:
1bougb sbe was a|ie to renove tbe snaiier stoues, tbe |ouicers wouicu't |ucge. 8be eiawec at tben, gaiuiug uo grouuc. kenen|eriug ber sbort sworc, sbe raeec
|ael ior it, returuiug to sta| tbe |iace uucer oue oi tbe iarger roels. !othng.
1brougb a uarrow ga iu tbe |otton, ku|y was a|ie to ole out ber bauc.
Carrow croec to ber luees to tale it.
Dou't ieave ne, Crow:
rever: Do you bear ne' But I've got to iet go so I eau iiuc sonetbiug iouger to iever tbese roels ioose. Lile a ie, or a sear. I'n goiug to |e rigbt |ael.
!ooo! ku|y sbrielec, eiutebiug Carrow's bauc, ciggiug ber tiuy uaiis iu.
Bitiug |ael tears, Carrow ioreec berseii to uii iree, eveu as ku|y eriec, ro, Crow, uo, uo, uo: 8be |egau byerveutiiatiug agaiu. liease, iease, cou't ieave ne. I'ii
|e gooc, I w-wou't siug auynore. ...
Just |reatbe, |a|y. I'n goiug to |e rigbt |ael:
Crow, -/ease. sbe |eggec, so||iug as ber iittie bauc |iiuciy grasec.
loreiug berseii to ber ieet, Carrow wiec ber eyes. I'n eoniug |ael ior you, I swear.
ku|y's bauc weut iin, auc sbe ieii siieut.
Ab, ku|y, uo: Carrow eiutebec ber ebest witb iear, luowiug sbe eouic co uotbiug to bei ber.
cant ceach hec. on/; one wa; to he/ ... uer niuc weut |iaul auc sonebow sbe |aelec away, towarc tbat storage roon.
Carrow suu iorwarc, ruuuiug iaster tbau sbe ever bac, uniug ber arns ior seec as sbe naueuverec tbrougb tbe tuuuei.

chatec 2

Anic tbe tbousaucs oi cistraetiug seeuts, \ailon iiuaiiy eaugbt Carrow's, ioiiowiug it cowu a ioug eorricor iuto a wooc-aueiec roon. ue bearc noveneut iu au
acjoiuiug eban|er auc eret iusice.
1be witeb, just tbere.
8be was yauliug at tbe raiiiug oi a stairway, grittiug ber teetb as sbe usec ber eutire |ocy to uii.
ue eouic bave iuelec it iree witb oue bauc. "bat cic sbe waut witb tbat netai'
8iieutiy, be stailec ber. Cioser ... uis baucs sbot out, seiziug ber. Dic you tbiul I wouic uot iiuc you' uis arns traec ber agaiust bin.
ro, uo: sbe sereanec, tbrasbiug.
8but u: be roarec. Iosng contco/. Bioociust, tbe |atties, tbe noauiug.
1be niuciess earuage...
\ailon, you bave to iet ne g-go: 8be was bysterieai, yeiiiug at tbe to oi ber iuugs, iiaiiiug uutii sbe was burtiug ber owu |ocy.
\ou nace a vow, be gratec |etweeu |reatbs, tbat you cic uot iuteuc to lee. Cue oi ber |reasts ressec iuto bis ain, ber |aelsice ru||iug agaiust bis eoel.
1ank u hec skct and take hec aganst the wa//. take what s ;oucs. \ou are a|out to, witeb.
\-you cou't uucerstauc, |-|ael iu tbe tuuuei--
\ou are a iiar: ue wraec ber bair arouuc bis iist. 8ay nothng to ne.
keveuge wouic |e bis at iast. As be ressec ber ebest agaiust tbe waii, be saw ber uise |eatiug iu ber ueel, aireacy seeutec ber |iooc. uow' oesnt oattec. ue
|eut ber beac to tbe sice, sboviug ber eoiiar u. 1he l/ood/ust ... cannot /ght t.
"itb a groau, be saul bis iaugs iuto ber iiesb auc crew cee. connecton. Mne. M; wooan. "itb eaeb cro, ower iiiiec bin, bis iujuries neuciug.
But tbe nac tbuniug oi ber beart nace bin eveu nore ireuziec. ue |it ber barcer, sueliug nore ioreeiuiiy.
Lutii be ieit ber so|.
ue grew stiii. 8be was eryiug--be eouic ieei ber |eueatb bis iaugs. 8be'c rovec tbat sbe cicu't ery iu tbe iaee oi iear or eveu iron aiu. 8be'c |eeu angc; wbeu
kouatb bac sta||ec ber witb bis sear. \et tbe witeb was weeiug uow.
Dun|iouucec, be siowiy reieasec bis |ite, turuiug ber to iaee bin.
L-iet ne go: 8be sbovec at bis iaee, |ut ber iiugertis were ravagec auc |ieeciug. lron ciggiug' Ab, gocs, you bave to tale ne |-|ael to tbe tuuuei:
"bat was so inortaut to ber' ue wouicu't aiiow ber to bave an;thng sbe wautec, wouic rutbiessiy lee ber iron it. uis veugeauee was ouiy |egiuuiug. ue iiitec ber
ouee nore, iooiug bis arn uucer ber iegs, eianiug ber agaiust bis ebest.
\et tbeu sbe wbiserec, I-/ease. Ma/koo. as sbe ressec ber wet iaee agaiust bis ebest. 8be raisec ber arns, eiasiug ber baucs |ebiuc bis ueel.
Auc be batec ber ior tbat, ior seeniug to waut to |e eiose to bin, ior reniuciug bin oi wbat be'c iost.
1ale ne iuto tbat tuuuei. uei ne. ...
ue'c go to cestroy wbatever sbe wautec so |aciy. 1o liii it, as sbe'c liiiec everytbiug be'c creanec oi.
"beu be ebargec iuto tbe |iaeluess, sbe iet out a reiievec so|. 1baul you, tbaul you, sbe nurnurec over auc over.
1ou w// not thank oe /oc /ong. wtch. ue jourueyec cee, uutii be eane uou a |arrier oi roels. ue seeutec |iooc eoveriug tbe outer ecges oi severai. Carrow's
lron |ebiuc tbe stoues reaebec a ebiic's tiuy bauc, oue resen|iiug bis owu ienaie's--soit, aie, eiawiess. Lin.
ue was so sboelec tbat wbeu Carrow tbrasbec agaiu, be reieasec ber.
8be cove ior tbat bauc, eiutebiug it iu ber owu, eryiug over it. ku|y, boic ou, |a|y:
kul;. ue renen|erec tbe creans. 1hnk o/ kul;.
Iu au iustaut, be uucerstooc. 1bese nortais bac beic ber oiisriug eative, ioreiug ber to co tbeir |icciug. Carrow bac triec to exiaiu to bin a|out ber |a|y, bac eriec
as sbe'c |etrayec bin.
But sbe'c bac uo eboiee.
1be |itter batrec be'c |eeu struggiiug witb |egau to iiit.
1s not the end.
8be turuec to bin witb tears streaniug cowu ber iaee. \ailon, iease bei us.
She w// tucn to oe. and I w// take hec tcoul/es awa;....
1be cenou ioonec over ber, seetbiug, bis nuseies stauciug out witb straiu. \oneuts ago, be'c ioolec ou tbe ecge oi nacuess, iile a true iaiieu vanire. row bis
|rows crew togetber.
8be's just a iittie giri, uot eveu eigbt years oic, Carrow wbiserec. I eau't get ber iree. I ueec you to save ber.
uis ouyx eyes iiielerec.
liease, \ailon. I/ease.
At tbat, be attaelec tbe roels as tbougb tbey were au eueny. ue cug cowu, eiawiug uutii bis iiugers |iec, too.
Auotber uale roelec tbe tuuuei. uurry, cenou:
8oou be'c |ustec away a ga iu tbe |arrier, iarge euougb ior Carrow to ease ku|y tbrougb. Unconscous` 8be iaic ber ear to ku|y's ebest, tbeu to ber noutb. uer
|reatbs auc beart|eat were uornai: 8be ebeelec ber beac ior luots or |iooc, iouuc ueitber. Ab, gocs, sbe's just iaiutec. 8be'ii |e olay.
Carrow gazec u at \ailon iile tbe bero be was, witb aii tbe gratituce sbe ieit. \-you uucerstauc uow, cou't you'
ue gave a uoc.
"itb ber iree bauc, sbe euec tbe |ael oi bis ueel, tuggiug bin cowu to give bin a teary liss. Agaiust bis iis, sbe saic, I'n so sorry.
"beu be uiiec |ael, bis gaze |orec iuto bers, tbe nessage eiear.
e// le /nshng what we stacted.
Auc sbe wasu't |roleu u a|out tbat.
Auotber exiosiou roelec tbe iaeiiity. ue assessec tbe eeiiiug. rot saie iu bere. Beiore sbe eouic |iiul, be'c suaggec ber sworc iron tbe grouuc, sta||iug it iuto tbe
sbeatb at ber waist. "e bave to get out.
Ciasiug ku|y to ber ebest, sbe saic, I ioiiow you.
ue wraec bis arn arouuc ber sbouicers, tbeu burriec tben out oi tbe tuuuei.
Bael out iu tbe ia|yriutbiue iaeiiity, Carrow searebec ior Lautbe auc kegiu everywbere, eaiiiug ior tben, yet beariug uo reiy. 8be aiso let au eye out ior Ln|er--auc
legiey's bauc.
But tbe ebaos bac gotteu worse. Ln|er's iianes soarec. \ortai seieutists were sereaniug, ereatures ieeciug ou tben, gbouis iuieetiug tben iu iarge uun|ers. 8oiciers
attaelec \ailon--a seeniug arny oi tben--|ut be siew tben aii, roteetiug Carrow auc ku|y.
As tbey assec tbe lX, Carrow uotieec two iey woneu sbe'c seeu arouuc rew Crieaus ouee or twiee. Cue was taii auc iitbe, tbe otber sborter auc eurvy. 1be air
bac just iiuisbec stuiiiug a |aelael iuii oi suiies.
kenen|eriug ber stiut iu C|iiviou, Carrow ausec. 8be luew bow raiuy tbis isiauc was, auc sbe'c sworu tbat sbe wouic uever go out iuto tbe eieneuts uurearec
agaiu. I ddnt even have a ch/d wth oe then.
\et tbere was uo tine to ael tbeir owu, auc tbe suiies were ielec over. "beu \ailon turuec |ael, sbe uietiy toic bin, "e ueec tbat ael.
ue iaeec tbe two, sayiug iu tbieliy aeeeutec Lugiisb, \our ael. Cive it to ne.
ro way: tbe taii oue saic. Co to beii. ... 8be traiiec oii wbeu \ailon growiec auc |arec bis iaugs. 8ure tbiug, sbe aneucec, bauciug it over. Aii yours.
Carrow taec bis sbouicer. "e ueec tbe sweater iron oue auc tbe raiu jaelet iron tbe otber.
ue suaec bis iiugers.
1bis is so uueooi, witeb, tbe sborter oue saic as sbe sbruggec out oi ber sweater. "e're suosec to |e aiiies.
8orry, |ut I've got a lic to tale eare oi.
\ailon stuiiec tbe eiotbes iuto tbe ael, tbeu straec it ou, ieaciug ber away ouee nore.
I cou/d get used to havng a deoon acound.
Iu tbe uext eorricor, Carrow sottec tbe siiny sicewiucer traii oi La Doraca beaciug iu oue cireetiou, so sbe oiutec \ailon tbe oosite way.
At iast, sbe siec au exit iu tbe cistauee, a boie exiocec tbrougb au exterior waii.
But sbe besitatec, gaziug |ael ior ber irieucs. Carrow worriec euaiiy ior tben--kegiu torturec eariier, auc Lautbe a|cuetec. Lautbe' sbe eriec. kegiu'
ro resouse. Cuiy tbe souucs oi a |attie ueariug.
\ailon's voiee run|iec iron |ebiuc ber. "e ueec to get your youug away. Cue bit ...
Couic liii ber.
Carrow turuec |ael. \ou're rigbt, iet's go.
Cutsice iu tbe |iustery uigbt, a niero Aeeessiou ragec. Auc everyoue ou tbeir sice was eueun|erec |y tbeir torues.
"by bac \ailon's eone oii' ue was iu uo way evii.
As soou as tbey steec out, tbe cenou iroze, astouucec.
Les nevec seen can le/oce. \ailon, it's olay. Ci eourse be'c bave to exerieuee a gaie ior bis iirst tine. "beu sbe iaic ber bauc ou bis |ael, be iiiuebec, |iiuliug
\ou'ii get usec to it, cenou. But we've got to nove uow.
1be grouucs arouuc tbe iaeiiity sioec cowuwarc. uoiug to reaeb tbe sbore, sbe oiutec cowu. Co tbat way.
1bey ioiiowec tbe ceseeut over treaeberous terraiu. Anassec iir ueecies eoueeaiec eraggy roels. Dowuec trees eiutterec tbeir way. 1be seeut oi ceeayiug natter
|ioonec witb eaeb iootste.
Cuee tbey'c gaiuec sone cistauee, tbe souuc oi bunau sereans auc tbe |ayiug oi gbouis crew ber gaze |ael u towarc tbeir iorner risou.
Ceneut |ioels swiriec overbeac iile a toruaco, eireiiug a risiug nass oi stoue. lortia's worl. Ln|er's iianes soarec, bissiug agaiust tbe raiu.
Ligbtuiug iiasbec iu tbe |aelgrouuc, uuetuatiug tbe |izarre seeue.
Carrow eouic bear sone ienaie yeiiiug, Let's co tbis: koel out witb your eoels out: "as tbat kegiu' Cr just wisbiui tbiuliug' I'n goiug to grease bin rigbt uow:
Carrow eouicu't |e sure.
Iu auy ease, gocs bei Deeiau Cbase ii kegiu eaugbt u to bin.
Carrow suiutec, sweariug ber eyes ceeeivec ber wbeu sbe siec a eaec ienaie basteuiug towarc a |attie. 8ureiy tbat bacu't |eeu ... !'
Auotber seetiou oi exterior waii ieii. Iu a wave, ereatures eseaec. eeutaurs, lo|oics, reveuauts. Lile auts swarniug iron a nouuc, hundceds oi gbouis weiiec out.
Ab, uelate, uo, sbe wbiserec as sbe grasec tbe sbeeruun|er. "e've got to ut sone cistauee |etweeu us auc tben, sbe toic \ailon. Let's get nov--
1be eartb gave way |eueatb ber ieet, witbiu a siit seeouc, sbe tossec ku|y u to bin.
ue eaugbt tbe giri's iin iorn, tryiug to suag Carrow at tbe sane tine, |ut sbe'c aireacy siic cowu iuto tbe carluess.
kee ber saie: sbe sereanec as sbe |iiuciy croec.
ue'c just reveutec binseii iron ieaiug aiter Carrow. But be beic ber tiuy giri iu bis arns.
Shes tcusted oe wth hec ;oung` ue bac to reaeb Carrow--witbout burtiug tbe ebiic.
Ii be siiec, ii be sueezec ber too barc ior au iustaut ... Luiile Carrow, tbe giri wouicu't regeuerate iu cays ii be |role ber |oues.
Craciiug tbe |a|e agaiust bis ebest, \ailon traiiec Carrow cowu, seeciug tbrougb tbe iorest as iast as be carec, vauitiug iron roel to roel to |e sure oi bis iootiug.
ue'c uever beic a ebiic |eiore, auc tbis oue was so iragiie. Must kee hec sa/e. 8be was tbe witeb's |eiovec oiisriug, tbe reasou ior ber |etrayai.
kan ourec, iigbtuiug striliug. ue ieit tbe tbuucer iu tbe it oi bis stonaeb. 1be cros uusettiec bin, bis visiou |iurriug iron tbis stray water.
ue jerlec bis beac rouuc as be iisteuec ior Carrow. ue was iosiug ber seeut anicst tbe ebaos oi sneiis, tbe uugeut greeus oi iiviug tbiugs. Lvec;thng bere was
iiviug. "bieb neaut everytbiug was a oteutiai tbreat.
As be rau, be sarec a giauee cowu at tbe giri's aie iaee, reeaiiiug bow |aciy tbe witeb bac iougec ior ber. 1hnk o/ kul;. ... Carrow bacu't wautec to |etray bin.
8be'c ouiy wautec ber ebiic |ael.
!ow shes tcusted ne wth such a tceasuce.
"beu be ioolec u, be baitec iu bis traels, reieasiug a sboelec |reatb. Beiore bin was water as iar as tbe eye eouic see. 1bey were ou a eiiii tbat overioolec wbat
bac to |e au ocean.
ro tine to narvei. Must get to hec.
At tbat noneut, tbe ebiic wole auc |egau suirniug. \ailon's eyes weut wice.
hat the he// do I do now`
Carrow joitec to a sto, tbe noneutun iioiug ber iaee-iirst iuto a uccie oi nuc. 8eooiug eiuns oi it iron ber iaee, sbe bauiec berseii to ber ieet, witb uo icea
wbere to go.
8be seauuec tbe area to get ber |eariugs. 1rees ioonec, ceuse woocs aii arouuc ber. Cver tbe tenest, sbe eouic |areiy nale out tbe souuc oi tbe stiii-ragiug |atties.
uow iar bac sbe siic' 8bouic sbe go ubiii siuee \ailon wouic |e eoniug cowu' Caiiiug out to bin eouic |e a risl--otber ereatures nigbt bear ber--|ut sbe tool tbe
ebauee. Ma/koo` 1be bowiiug wiucs nuiiiec ber voiee.
"orry assaiiec ber. Couic tbe cenou lee ku|y saie, witbout aeeiceutaiiy barniug ber'
Ma/koo! 1bis tine sbe bearc noveneut iu tbe |usbes. 1oweriug ierus rustiec uear|y. Denou'
\eiiow eyes giowec |ael. Cbouis. 1bey ieat iron tbeir eover, sluiliug towarc ber.
I'n so iueliug over tbis, sbe nutterec as sbe iiec beacioug iuto tbe iorest. 1be gbouis ursuec ber, tbrasbiug tbrougb tbe |rusb.
8oou, it seenec sbe'c eoverec niies. uow |ig was tbis canu isiauc'
8be sottec a cowuec tree tbat ioolec ianiiiar. 1beu a reeoguiza|ie roel. Lave I leen cunnng n a ccc/e` 8ou oi a |iteb: 8be was rigbt |ael wbere sbe'c startec
8be tool oii iu a ciiiereut cireetiou. "beu sbe bearc erasbiug waves over tbe storn, sbe basteuec towarc tbe souuc.
Just as sbe eaugbt a wbiii oi sait air oii tbe sea, a |raueb waiioec ber iu tbe iaee, naliug ber eyes water.
"beu tbey eiearec, sbe suelec iu a |reatb auc wbeeiec ber arns |aelwarc, siowiug a slic tbat was siiiug ber rigbt to tbe ecge oi a eiiii.
8be stoec berseii just iu tine, cirt eiuns tun|iiug oii tbe iecge. 1bey iaucec buucrecs oi ieet |eiow iu storn-tossec waves.
Ciiiis: ro geutiy sioiug |eaeb, uo ier witb a |oat. Auc |ebiuc ber, tbe gbouis uearec. 8be gazec |ael cowu at tbe ioot oi tbe eiiii. "aves erasbec over a sbeii oi
roel |eiore tbe oeeau suelec tben |ael.
8be was traec. ~ choce. Ii sbe eouic tine a jun erieetiy, sbe nigbt bit oue oi tbose oueoniug waves. \igbt uot |real ber iegs, ber ueel...
Auc tbeu sbe'c |e wasbec out to sea. A jun auc ossi|iy ceatb, or a iate eveu worse. "bat wouic kiiey co'
"beu Carrow siec tbe gbouis' giowiug yeiiow eyes surrouuciug ber, sbe wbiserec a rayer to uelate, tbeu ioreec ber ioot out--over uotbiug.


I luow wbere tbey are: \arileta |oitec urigbt iu |ec, waliug iron a iitiui, exbaustec siee.
ha` Boweu saic groggiiy |esice ber. "bat's tbat'
1bere's |eeu au erutiou oi ower: Lore euergy. 8be stun|iec iron tbe |ec. I eau iiuc Carrow:
lor cays, \ari bac |eeu raeliug ber |raiu, ceserate to save ber irieuc's iiie. 8be'c bouucec rix ior nore iuiornatiou, uutii tbe sootbsayer bac siniy cisaearec.
row \ari bac /e/t wbere tbat euergy bac sruug iron. 8uaggiug a oelet nirror iron ber cresser, sbe eoueeutratec ou tbe eosnie cistur|auee sbe'c ieit cowu cee iu
ber |oues. Lile au erraut tbougbt, tbe ioeatiou was iiittiug away.
Boweu rose, stailiug over to ber. Co easy witb tbat, iass, be saic waruiugiy. \ou wiii uo' iool iuto it.
8be sbool ber beac, iuriousiy ru||iug tbe giass witb ber tbun|, cowuioaciug tbe ioeatiou iuto tbe nirror |eiore sbe iost it iorever.
~/oost ... a/oost ... got t! 8be saggec witb reiiei. 8onetbiug's baeuiug iu tbe Lore. 8onetbiug lg. "itb tbat nueb raw ower, it's got to |e a eoueeutratiou oi
innortais. It nust |e tbe Crcer's isiauc.
"by co you tbiul tbat'
rix saic I eouic ioeate tbe isiauc--|y iooliug ior sooethng e/se. Iu otber worcs, touigbt I iouuc tbe enecg;. iusteac oi tbe /ace. 8be buggec bin. 1bis is it,
8o wbat co we co' "beu co I ieave'
"eii ... \ari sbuiiiec ber ieet. I cou't exaetiy luow bow to trausiate wbat's iu tbe nirror to a na or eoorciuates. But witb a |riei eonnuue witb tbe nirror, sbe
eouic iigure out bow to trausort tben cireetiy tbere.
Clay, yes, sbe wasu't suosec to gaze cireetiy at a nirror, giveu tbe risl oi euebautiug berseii.
But tbis wouic |e such a uiel uestiou, nore oi a uec; reaiiy. rot reaiiy eveu a gaze, |ut nore oi a giinse--
Dooua care eveu tbiul a|out it, \ari. Boweu seowiec cowu at ber. I wiii uo' bave you risl yourseii.
1bougb \ari eouic use nirrors as ioeusiug toois--or, say, to store a eosnie wayoiut--sbe eouicu't craw ou tbe nouuneutai ower iateut iu tben. It was euougb to
nale ber waut to tear out ber bair.
8be gazec u at bin, iettiug bin see ber irustratiou. Carrow's ny |est irieuc, a sister to ne. Auc sbe's uot tbe ouiy witeb nissiug. Anauca auc ku|y, Carrow's
eousius, eouicu't |e iouuc eitber. Boweu, I eau't just sit bere auc co uotbiug. rix recietec Carrow's ceatb:
Auc sbe nigbt as weii bave recietec tbat Boweu's eurvy recbeac wouic get euebautec iortbwitb. ro' a ebauee oi tbis, witebiiug. I'ii snasb every |iuicy nirror iu tbis
iaee auc tie you to tbe |ec.
ue was eieariy stiii niiiec a|out tbe iast tine sbe'c gotteu euebautec. Boweu bac steec |etweeu ber auc tbe nirror, reseuiug ber, |ut uow be tbrew a nautrun
wbeuever sbe eveu biutec tbat sbe nigbt eonnuue witb oue.
Just |eeause sbe'c aeeiceutaiiy |orec boies iuto bis |ocy--witb ber eyes.
Ii I eau't trausort us tbere, tbeu wbo wiii' \ari cenaucec. "e'c bave to iiuc soneoue wbo eau traee or oeu a ortai uot to a iaee, |ut to enecg;. |asec ou
uotbiug nore tbau wbat I seusec iu a crean, eveu tbougb be or sbe eouic |e eaturec |y sacistie nortais |eut ou viviseetiou.
Lass, we'ii iiuc a way. 1bere's got to |e sone|ocy iu tbe Lore wbo's erazy euougb ior eveu tbat. "e wiii uo' rest uutii we've ruu tben cowu.
\ari irowuec. Crazy' 8be eouicu't uite get euougb air as tbe auswer bit ber. 8be luew soneoue wbo was cect/al/e. ue was aiso au innortai naie, iiiiec witb evii,
auc o|sessec witb sonetbiug as iutaugi|ie as snole.
1be cca.est. Ab, uelate, I luow wbo tbe ley is:
\ailon cicu't bave tine--or tbe worcs--to eain tbe giri.
lut ne cowu: sbe sbrielec.
ue set ber ou ber ieet, leeiug a gri ou ber sbouicer as be straigbteuec.
8be gaec, uo cou|t uueasy witb bis size--
"itb a serean, sbe |ootec bis sbiu. Oc not.
ue growiec, erouebiug |eiore ber. 8to, giri:
8be lielec agaiu, sereaniug worcs be cicu't uucerstauc. But be eouic nale out ccow agaiu auc agaiu. Carrow'
8be ausec ber assauit ou bis ieg. Crow. Carrow. 8be bac a iieree iool iu ber eyes. Creeu eyes iile tbe witeb's. "bat bave you coue witb ber' uave you burt ber'
Auotber liel to tbe sbiu.
Dic uot burt ber, be saic iu neasurec Lugiisb. But sbe is--
\ou're \ailon: 1be cenou sbe eaturec.
ue seowiec. Carrow is niue. ue bit bis ebest over bis beart. 8be's ... ny wiie.
\ou cou't bave to tail so siow. I'n uot a |a|y, you luow. At bis |enusec iool, sbe saic, "bere's Lautbe, tbeu'
Do uot luow ber. I nust iiuc Carrow. "e bave to go now.
8be erossec ber arns over ber ebest. I'n uot goiug witb you. \ou yeiiec at ber eariier. \ou saic you were goiug to nale ber ay.
ue eouicu't ceuy tbat. '1was true. Lutii ;ou.
I cou't luow wby sbe nisses you.
Msses oe` 8be ieii, ku|y. 8be eouic |e burt.
1be giri's eyes weut wice. 1beu sbe turuec ou ber beei auc set o// .
"itb a growi, be suaggec tbe |ael oi ber sbirt. \ou bave to stay witb ne.
Coiu' to save ber.
ue swiitiy eaugbt ber u, seatiug ber a|ove bis bi. As--an--I, be |it out.
Clay, I'ii go witb you. But ii you try to burt ber, I'ii liii you.
Lucerstooc, ebiic.
Anicst aii tbe otber seeut tbreacs, be agaiu eaugbt a teasiug biut oi Carrow's. 1beu be seeutec gbouis. 8e/ow tben' ue gazec cowu over tbe iecge.
Auc iost bis |reatb.
1be iirst ste was terriiyiug, tbe iunnet eveu worse. Ia//ng ... /a//ng...
"beu Carrow iuugec iuto tbe water, tbe ireeziug tenerature riec tbe |reatb iron ber iuugs. Deserateiy swinniug iron tbe cetbs, sbe |urst u to tbe suriaee,
sueliug iu air, exbaiiug witb a serean.
1be wave tbat bac eusbiouec ber iaii uow seizec ber, buriiug ber away iron iauc.
uac sbe bearc \ailon's |eiiow'
Ive. caccow! 1be worcs reiayec iu ber niuc. kul; needs ;ou. 8be |egau wealiy acciiug, coiug uo nore tbau leeiug berseii aiioat. 8ait water stuug ber raggec
iiugertis |eiore ber sliu grew uun| witb eoic. uer teetb ebatterec, ber nuseies |eeoniug siuggisb. 1be ioree oi tbe eurreut eouicu't |e iougbt.
"ouic sbe |e east out to sea' Ii tbe isiauc eonouuc was truiy a tbousauc niies away iron iauc, wouic sbe criit ior cays |eiore soneoue iouuc ber' \outbs'
As au innortai, sbe wouicu't cie iron exosure. 8barls were auotber natter. ont /et those cuoocs le tcue.
8be bearc noveneut iron just |ebiuc ber. Ab, gocs, uo: 1be gbouis bac junec as weii auc uow were eaugbt iu tbe sane eurreut.
As tbey were aii swet aioug araiiei to tbe sbore, tbose iieucs eiunsiiy acciec auc tbrasbec a|out, waiiiug.
1beu tbey eaugbt sigbt oi ber agaiu. 1bey were so stuic, so aggressive, witbout eveu tbe seuse to get to saiety |eiore attaeliug ber.
As tbe raiu auc waves |oiiec aii arouuc ber, tbe gbouis sonebow uearec. 1be iargest siasbec its eiaws out at ber.
8be lielec |ael just iu tine. Ive. caccow! Auotber swie, auotber uear niss--
A iiu giicec ast ber. A seeouc joiuec it. 1be runors were ... true'
8oou sbarls swarnec tben. 1be iargest gboui cisaearec |eiore ber eyes, yaulec cowu iuto tbe cetbs. "as a sbarl |eueatb Carrow eveu uow, eyeiug ber iegs'
lioatiug witb ber iaee |areiy a|ove tbe suriaee, sbe ioreec berseii to renaiu notiouiess. "beu a sbarl |unec ber, Carrow stiiiec a serean, sonebow boiciug berseii
uer strategy worlec, sbe |o||ec uietiy, wbiie |ebiuc ber, oue ireuetie gboui aiter auotber was suatebec cowu. 1bougb tbe sbore was stiii iu sigbt, sbe eouicu't risl
swinniug to it.
Lveu as raiu eitec ber uraisec iaee auc cauger surrouucec ber, tbe |itter ebiii nace ber eyeiics ieei so beavy. lioatiug ... uun|.
Iu tine, sbe was uo iouger eoic, just so sieey. L;othecoa. 8be iost tbe |attie to lee ber eyes oeu.
c/ose theo /ust /oc a oooent.

\ailon bac watebec ber jun iron tbe eiiii, bac seeu tbe water iiiugiug ber |ocy iile a giaut iist. uis beart bac croec wbeu tbe gbouis ioiiowec.
Auc \ailon cou/dnt ioiiow, uot witb ber ebiic.
uoiciug tbe giri tigbt to bis sice, be sriutec aioug a nore soiic-iooliug traii tbat wouuc cowu to tbe water.
kuuuiug, rayiug...
uurry, cenou:
keaebiug tbe sioiug grouuc |esice tbe waves, be set tbe ebiic cowu auc rau aioug tbe ecge, eeriug out.
1be great water erasbec agaiust tbe ecge oi iauc iu ceaieuiug |ursts, swiriiug auc sweiiiug iile augry wraitbs. ue eouicu't see ber.
8be's tbere: Just ast tbe waves. 1be giri oiutec. 8win ior ber, \ailon:
cant swo. But wbeu be eaugbt sigbt oi Carrow, notiouiess iu tbe water, be ebargec iuto tbe ireeziug cetbs--
1be |otton cisaearec. ueart raeiug, be lielec to stay a|ove tbe suriaee, guiiug |reatbs, swaiiowiug stiugiug water. cant lceathe...
Dizziuess wasbec over bin, auc bis visiou waverec. ue sbool bis beac barc. 1beu it baeuec agaiu. \et sonebow be'c naueuverec eioser to Carrow.
ue ieit tbe eucs oi ber bair just as be saw a gbostiy iiu |real tbe suriaee. ue suaggec tbe witeb, tryiug to boic ber wbiie iiaiiiug bis iree arn auc lieliug irautieaiiy to
lee tben a|ove tbe water. Low to cetucn to the /and`
Auotber iiu rose auc ciec. Creatures were eireiiug tben, wbieb neaut recators. "bieb neaut iaugs or eiaws, or |otb.
ue sbool ber. Carrow, wale: 8be wasu't |reatbiug' "iteb'
Cue oi tbose tbiugs eane iron |eueatb tben, luoeliug iuto bin witb tbe ioree oi a Cotob. Auotber criviug bit ueariy riec Carrow ioose iron \ailon's arns |eiore
be griec ber agaiust bis |ocy.
1be uext strile sbovec tben |eiow tbe suriaee. \ailon's ieet |rieiiy seraec tbe |otton. Coiug agaiust aii bis iustiuets, be iet binseii siul anoug tbe ereatures. Cuee
bis ieet eouueetec to tbe |otton agaiu, be lielec witb aii bis streugtb, surgiug out oi tbe cetbs iuto sbaiiower waters. 1brougb tbe irotbiug waves be bauiec ber away iron
tbose tbiugs.
Bael ou iauc, be croec to bis luees witb ber, ioweriug bis beac to ber ebest. Carrow: 8be stiii wasu't |reatbiug. ro beart|eat. ro, no: 8be eouicu't cie iile tbis.
She s a/cead; dead. ue luew tbis, eouic see--eouic sense sbe was goue.
But Carrow was au innortai, so sbe wouic revive. kigbt' ~nd what do I know o/ wtches` ue eouicu't say tbat ber liuc eouic eone |ael.
Carrow, wale u: uer artec iis were |iue, ber iaee asbeu. uis |ite narl was starl agaiust ber ueel. "ale uow, witeb: I cannot /ose hec agan.
Cra||iug ber |y tbe sbouicers, be sbool ber uutii ber beac ioiiec. Breatbe: be roarec. "ater trieliec iron ber noutb. Cone |ael, aca: Coiieetiug ber iuto bis arns,
be euec ber beac to bis ebest, snootbiug ber bair iron ber iaee. caccow. I /ead to ;ou ...
1be giri was bittiug bis arn, sereaniug at bin. Biow air iu ber noutb, \ailon:
uac be bearc ber rigbt' Deserate, be ut bis iis to ber eoic oues, exbaiiug.

chatec -

Biaeluess reeecec iu a rusb as air iiiiec ber iuugs, usbiug tbe beavy water u. Iungs too /u//. stcang/ng--
8be oeuec ber eyes. \ailon's noutb was ressec to bers' 8be luoelec bin out oi tbe way, buuebiug over to bael u tbe seawater.
As be ru||ec ber |ael witb bis |ig bauc, sbe wbeezec ou tbe stoue-iaceu |eaeb. 8auc grittec iu ber eyes, ber teetb ebatterec arouuc rattiiug |reatbs, |ut sbe was
aiive. k-ru|y' "b-wbere is sbe'
ku|y rusbec iuto Carrow's arns. 1be giri was eouseious, saie.
Are you olay, Crow'
Carrow beic ber tigbt, sbucceriug witb reiiei. Cver tbe giri's sbouicer, Carrow net \ailon's gaze. \ailon, you let ber s-saie. 8be noutbec, 1baul you.
ue gazec away, iooliug uueoniorta|ie witb ber gratituce. 1beu be teusec, bis eyes goiug |iael auc iaugs ieugtbeuiug.
1be surviviug gbouis bac |eguu ioiug asbore.
\ailon rose to bis iuii beigbt, roariug at tben uutii ber ears burt.
Anaziugiy, tbey eowerec, seuttiiug |ael iuto tbe waves. 8be renen|erec tbat tbe gbouis iu C|iiviou bac |eeu airaic oi bin, too. rever iu ber iiie bac sbe net au
innortai wbo eouic irigbteu tben.
1be nouster tbat nousters iearec.
8be auc ku|y |otb gaec u at bin. ku|y wbiserec iouciy, ue searec 'en away, Crow.
I-I saw tbat, bouey.
ku|y was sbaliug, soalec tbrougb. 1bougb Carrow eouic seareeiy inagiue gettiug to ber ieet, sbe luew sbe bac to. 1bey bac to lee noviug. Ive got a /tt/e gc/ to
But wbere to tale ber' Carrow swiec ber iorearn over ber iaee, suiutiug tbrougb tbe ersisteut raiu at tbeir surrouuciugs. 1be roely |eaeb was art oi a snaii eove.
1be iorest |orcerec it. \ouutaiu eals soarec iu tbe |aelgrouuc.
8be u-ueecs sbeiter auc a iire, Carrow toic \ailon. 8be'ii grow too eoic. "iii you bei us agaiu'
A sbar uoc.
As ever witb tbiugs eoueeruiug tbe witeb, \ailon's tbougbts were iu turnoii.
8be'c aslec bin to get tben sonewbere saie, |ut be luew uotbiug a|out tbese iaucs. laiiiug |ael ou ba|it, be'c |eguu beaciug ior bigber grouuc, bac iec tben ior
nore tbau au bour.
ue giaueec over at ber uow. 8be was ettiug tbe giri's can bair as sbe nurnurec reassuriugiy to ber. 1be ebiic ioolec iile a tiuy Carrow, a coii iu ber inage, a dee/a.
1bougb be'c oiierec to earry |otb ber auc tbe giri, Carrow iusistec ou boiciug ber, sayiug tbat sbe wouic |e sbaleu.
8baleu' Le was stiii sbaleu iron seeiug Carrow iyiug iiieiess, witb ber iaee so aie. uer beart bac |eeu stiii iu ber ebest. 8be bacu't |eeu |reatbiug, uutii be'c giveu ber
1be ieast be eouic co, siuee sbe'c iirst giveu it to bin.
Lariier, wbeu be'c reaiizec tbat Carrow bacu't wautec to |etray bin, be'c |eeu so canuec reiievec. uis rage bac |eeu iile a uoose arouuc bis ueel, easiug its |ite.
But uow tbat be'c bac tine to eone to gris witb everytbiug, be woucerec bow be eouic ever trust ber agaiu. Aitbougb be uucerstooc wby sbe'c coue wbat sbe cic, tbe
iaet renaiuec tbat sbe'c iec bin to wbat eouic bave |eeu bis ceatb. Auc bis raueor over tbat bac |eguu to grow.
A cro oi water siattec bin iu tbe iaee. 1bis iaee sbe'c taleu bin to was au aiieu woric oi greeu auc water. 1be stories bac |eeu true. \et eveu iaeec witb aii tbese
uew woucers, \ailon's gaze wouicu't stray ioug iron tbe witeb.
8be ioolec exbaustec, |ut sbe was uttiug ou a sniiiug iaee, ebatteriug to tbe giri. Do you tbiul your osse wiii |eiieve tbat tbere were sbarls'
Shacks. 1bose oweriui |easts iu tbe water. ue'c aslec Carrow ii tbere were ereatures tbat stroug ou iauc, auc sbe'c toic bin tbat tbere sbouic |e ouiy Lore
ereatures iron tbe eages. "beu sbe'c accec tbat be wouic |e nore oweriui tbau auy oi tben, be'c uoccec iu easy agreeneut.
ue eouic roteet tbe two witebes iron auy oi tbose |eiugs--uuiess tbose ereatures joiuec iorees.
1be giri wbiserec at Carrow's ear, "by eau't be swin' Lvery|ocy eau swin.
Carrow stun|iec a ste, luowiug be eouic bear a wbiser iron a niie away, nueb iess iron tbree ieet. Ln, be eones iron a iaee wbere tbere's very iittie water. 8o
uo ueec to iearu.
1be giri yawuec, tbe su|jeet iorgotteu. Are we goiug to go bone uow'
"e're goiug to co everytbiug we eau to get |ael. I ronise you.
uone. Bael to tbe ebiic's iatber' It struel bin tbeu tbat Carrow bac a nau, a sire ior ber oiisriug.
'1was oue tbiug to luow tbat sbe'c |eeu witb auotber naie, |ut tbis reniucer tbat oue bac iautec bis seec witbiu ber was too nueb.
Jeaiousy seaicec \ailon, auc bis eiaws crew |iooc iron bis ains. ue wautec to bate tbis otber nau's get.
But eouicu't. 1be ebiic reniucec bin too nueb oi Carrow wbeu sbe'c |eeu youug.
Lave I cescued theo on/; to tucn theo ovec to sooe othec oan` Cue wbo bacu't roteetec tben iron tbis Crcer iu tbe iirst iaee' Cue wbo'c giveu Carrow tbe
|a|y sbe o|viousiy acorec'
1be naie wouic waut tben |ael.
\ailon's iaugs sbareuec. 1be naie wouic cie.
Cuee tbe uun|iug eoic oi tbe water bac woru oii, Carrow's |atterec |ocy auc iujurec iiugertis bac growu agouiziug. uer waterioggec |oots were weigbts ou ber
ieet auc ber iegs were iile jeiiy. 8tiii, Carrow earriec ku|y wbiie tryiug to lee u witb \ailon.
1be giri bac startec crowsiug agaiust ber sbouicer, waliug u iu a rusb, tbeu iaiiiug |ael asiee.
Iu tbe cistauee, tbe war eoutiuuec witb exiosious oi iigbt auc souuc, tbe grouuc stiii vi|ratiug |eueatb tbeir ieet. Baucs oi ereatures assec too eiose ior eoniort,
ruuuiug or gaiioiug, ro|a|iy |eut ou narauciug.
1bey'c assec uoue oi tbe witebes' aiiies.
1be air arouuc tben was eris auc iaceu witb iog. 1be air |etweeu Carrow auc \ailon renaiuec |rittie auc teuse. hat s he thnkng alout a// ths`
uis sbouicer nuseies |uigec witb teusiou |eueatb bis |iael 1-sbirt. Lariier, sbe'c uotieec tbat be was cressec iu uew eiotbes, auc bis borus bac ainost growu |ael.
row bis iujuries bac iacec.
8eaut/u/. hecoc oa/e.
ue'c neutiouec ber ronise oi sex. "ouic be exeet it iater touigbt'
Carrow luew tbat sbe auc tbe cenou wouicu't just autonatieaiiy go |ael to tbe way tbey'c |eeu. But sbe'c boec tbat ouee be uucerstooc wh; sbe'c bac to |etray
bin, bis reseutneut wouic ease.
It seenec to bave |eeu |uriec cee, sinneriug |eueatb tbe suriaee.
ku|y iiuaiiy ieii asiee auc renaiuec tbat way. uer arns weut iin, ber iaee siael as it ressec agaiust Carrow's sbouicer.
Carrow waitec a iew niuutes, tbeu nurnurec, 1baul you agaiu, \ailon.
At ieugtb, be gratec iu rougb Lugiisb, \ou sbouic bave toic ne.
uow' Besices, I bac uo icea bow you'c reaet. Ii you'c reiusec ...
\ou luew bow I ieit. A|out you. Lileiy, I wouic bave coue auytbiug at tbat tine.
Ie/t. ~t that toe. last teuse. I uever wautec to burt you, |ut ku|y's iiie was ou tbe iiue. 8one tbiugs you just eau't risl. Ii it nales auy ciiiereuee, tbey'c ronisec
to reiease us. 8be net bis eyes. Auc I'c vowec to eone |ael ior you.
8bouic I |eiieve tbat' ue ioolec iile be wautec to.
Beiieve it or uot, I wouicu't bave stoec uutii I'c gotteu you iree.
ue gazec away. "by cic tbose nortais waut ne'
I guess |eeause you're uuiue iu tbe Lore.
Auc tbeir ain'
1bey waut to war witb our liuc, to stan out innortais. "e luow very iittie a|out tben. I was eaturec ouiy tbree weels ago.
\ou toic tbe ebiic you wouic try to tale ber bone. "bere is it'
A iaee eaiiec rew Crieaus. "bieb nust |e vec; iar iron tbis isiauc.
Isiauc, be reeatec tbougbtiuiiy. "ater aii rouuc. uow |ig is tbe water to eross'
1bousaucs oi tines |igger tbau your nouutaiu.
ue siautec ber a cis|eiieviug iool.
It's true ... ueariug wbat souucec iile a snaii iaue taliug oii, sbe gazec u, boiciug ber bauc over ber iorebeac to sbieic ber eyes iron tbe raiu. 8be eaugbt sigbt oi a
ro iaue, auc ber beart ieii. 1hece goes a wa; hooe--
"iugec cenous attaelec it iu tbe air. Dozeus oi tben, aii nen|ers oi tbe lravus, tore at its iuseiage. 1be erait uosecivec, erasbiug iu tbe cistauee iuto a |aii oi iianes.
"eii, serateb tbat eseae route. 8be worriec ber ii. Auc tbey a|soiuteiy had to eseae.
Aitbougb sbe ieit saier witb \ailon, tbere were stiii tbreats out bere. ue eouic ceieat severai ooueuts at a tine, |ut nay|e uot a cozeu cenous, eseeiaiiy ii tbey
eouic traee. Iu otber worcs, tbey were as nueb iu cauger uow as wbeu tbey'c |eeu ioelec u.
Auc tbe Crcer wouic cou|tiess seuc iu reiuioreeneuts. lron wbat legiey bac saic, tbis orgauizatiou oi nortais was nore iar-reaebiug tbau sbe'c ever suseetec.
1bey wereu't goiug to nereiy bauc over tbeir isiauc.
"orse tbau aii tbis' La Doraca eouic stiii |e bere. Carrow a|seutiy nutterec, "e've got to get out oi bere.
"iii your eo/e uot eone ior you'
\ay|e. Ii tbey eau iiuc us bere. I tbiul tbe iaeiiity, nay|e eveu tbe eutire isiauc, bas |eeu eioalec, sbe saic. But witb tbis nueb ower iiowiug auc tbis nauy
innortais aetive iu oue iaee, nay|e tbe eoveu eau iuoiut tbe ioeatiou.
"by co you auc tbe giri stiii wear your eoiiars'
Curs cicu't eone oii. Cuiy tbose oi our euenies cic. Auyoue evii. Auc tbeu yours, ior sone reasou. \ay|e |eeause you're a venou. I cou't luow.
8o eertaiu I an uot evii'
\es. I an.
ue uarrowec bis eyes. \ou bac your eoiiar iu C|iiviou. "by were you a|ie to co nagie'
1bey turuec it oii wbiie I was tbere.
Ci eourse tbey cic, be saic, bis toue seetbiug.
\ailon, agaiu, I waut you to luow--
ue raisec bis bauc to uiet ber, sayiug uucer bis |reatb, I sneii iooc eooliug.
8ucceuiy Carrow was raveuous.
Cone. ue ioiiowec tbe seeut, ieaciug tben cowubiii eioser to tbe water tbau tbey'c |eeu |eiore.
8oou tbey saw iigbt iu tbe cistauee. Au oic-iasbiouec ea|iu stooc ou a woocec eae, uestiec anoug tbe trees. 8nole euriec iron a eroolec stoue ebinuey.
Dic tbe roerty |eioug to tbe Crcer' 8one liuc oi auxiiiary strueture'
1brougb a cirt-ealec wiucow sbe eouic see sbaes noviug witbiu. 1bere aearec to |e tbree |eiugs wbo bac taleu u resiceuee.
Await ne bere. \ailon stailec iusice. As Carrow watebec iu anazeneut, be siniy evietec tbe oeeuauts--wbat ioolec iile two sbaesbiiters auc a uynb. ue
tossec tbe sbiiters |ociiy iron tbe ea|iu, auc tbe uynb tore outsice aiter tben, iieeiug.
Aii tbree were ualec, iileiy goiug at it |eiore tbey'c |eeu iuterrutec. 1bougb \ailon bac ro|a|iy gotteu au eyeiui oi ualec uynb, be ioolec uuaiieetec as be
stooc ou tbe eoverec irout oreb, notiouiug ior Carrow to joiu bin.
As sbe burriec towarc tbe iuvitiug sbeiter, sbe agaiu tbougbt, I cou/d get used to havng a deoon acound.
1be agec exterior was eecar sbale, witb rustec netai toois auc tougs caugiiug iron tbe eeiiiug oi tbe eoverec oreb. A baroou buug a|ove tbe iow coorway. A
wbaiiug eottage'
1be iuterior was eo|we||ec auc rustie, seeniug iron a |ygoue era. Iu irout oi tbe stoue iireiaee iay a notb-eateu rug. 1be eariier tbree suatters bac ieit tbeir eiotbes
strewu over it. "bat ioolec iile a roastiug bare sizziec over tbe iianes ou a sit. 8be guessec tbey'c gotteu |orec waitiug ior ciuuer to eool.
\ailon' heced he go`
8be iouuc bin iu a eonaet |ael roon acjoiuiug tbe naiu area. Iusice tbe eban|er were a custy roeliug ebair auc two sartau |ecs, ositiouec agaiust oosite
waiis, witb tbeir nattresses renovec. Iusteac oi wooceu siats, roe uets stretebec aeross tbe |ec iranes.
\ailon bac aireacy sreac a |iaulet over oue uet, notiouiug ior ber to iay ku|y cowu. ue'c set tbe ieys' oeuec ael agaiust tbe waii.
8be turuec to tbaul bin, |ut be'c aireacy ieit. Clay, sbe saic witb a sigb, iayiug ku|y cowu. 1be giri was stiii sbiveriug. otta get hec out o/ these c/othes.
Carrow bac just iiuisbec ebaugiug ber iuto tbe sbort iey's |aggy sweater wbeu ku|y wole.
"bere are we' 8be giaueec arouuc witb a groggy irowu.
Laeiug ber voiee witb eutbusiasn, Carrow saic, Cur owu ea|iu iu tbe woocs. kigbt ou tbe |eaeb. 8be custec oii tbe |ael oi tbe roeliug ebair, baugiug ku|y's
eiotbes to cry. "e're saie as litteus bere.
"bere's tbe cenou'
ue's just outsice.
1bat seenec to reassure ber.
Are you buugry, bouey'
Just reaiiy tirec. "iii you stay bere wbiie I go to siee'
Carrow wautec ouiy to euri u uext to ber auc get uueouseious ior two cays. But sbe ioreec berseii to iaster ou a sniie. I wiii, sbe saic, renoviug ber owu soalec
|oots auc bose. Auc I wou't ieave tbis iittie ea|iu uutii you wale u.
I'n giac you eane |ael to get ne iu tbe tuuuei. ku|y oiierec ber bauc.
Carrow tool it iu ber owu. ku|y. O/ coucse. 1be iear Carrow bac exerieueec tbis uigbt bac |eeu worse tbau auy sbe'c luowu |eiore. 1o ieave ku|y |ebiuc
anicst aii tbat cauger'
1be barcest ceeisiou sbe'c ever nace.
As Carrow bac ruu, sbe'c tbougbt, 1hs s what acents do. 8onetines tbey were ioreec to nale oteutiaiiy iiie-or-ceatb ceeisious ior tbe ebiicreu tbey eberisbec
nost iu tbe woric. Lveu tbougb it nigbt |e borriiyiug to co so. But cou't iorget, tbe cenou beiec us.
I cou't iile bin, ku|y wbiserec iouciy. ue eau't swin, auc be tails reaiiy siow auc weirc.
\es, be cic seal siowiy, |ut Carrow tbougbt bis Denouisb aeeeut was sexy. I cicu't iile bin at iirst eitber. Cive bin a ebauee. kenen|er, be savec |otb oi our
Dic be reaiiy narry you'
Dic be neutiou tbat' At ku|y's uoc, sbe saic, It's eoniieatec, bouey. Besices, eveu ii we were, be wouicu't waut to |e auy iouger.
But ii you're narriec, tbeu Ln|er's rigbt. ue's ny stecenou, auc I'n goiug to bave to iive witb bin, too. 8be outec, wbieb was totaiiy uucerstauca|ie, aii tbiugs
Ci eourse ku|y wouic |e uervous a|out ber iuture. th so oan; uestons that I dont have the answecs to. uow a|out tbis--you luow tbat bouse ou tbe eoruer
just cowu iron Aucoaiu, tbe oue tbat eau't |e soic |eeause oi aii tbe uoise auc iunes eoniug iron tbe eoveu'
Lb-bub. It's got tbe |ig trees.
Carrow bac |eeu seoiug it out |eeause it bac a ooi auc sbe was tirec oi suealiug cozeus oi witebes iuto kiug kycstron's rew Crieaus ooi bouse auc resiceuee.
lius, be'c |ustec tben tbat iast tine. I'ii |uy it, auc it'ii |e our owu eiu|bouse-siasb-ac. It was eouveuieutiy ioeatec ouiy a iew bouses cowu iron \arileta auc Boweu's
iaee. \ou eau ceeorate your roon auy way you iile.
"bat a|out tbe cenou' ku|y aslec susieiousiy.
"e eouic iuvite bin over. "ouic be aeeet Carrow's iuvitatiou' Just uow, be'c ioolec iile be eouicu't stauc tbe sigbt oi ber. "e eouic teaeb bin wbat novies are.
uer iis artec. ue coesu't luow'
8baliug ber beac, Carrow siowiy saic, ue's ro|a|iy uever tastec iee erean.
ku|y seenec to |e giviug tbis ossi|iiity serious eousiceratiou--uutii ber eyeiics siic sbut.
As Carrow watebec ber criit oii, ber owu iics grew beavy. Agaiu, sbe tbougbt a|out bow nueb sbe wautec to joiu ku|y iu siee. Cr to iie ou \ailon's soiic ebest,
witb tbe steacy crun oi bis beart |eueatb ber ear. Carrow ueariy noauec at tbe roseet oi |eiug eiose to bin agaiu.
But sbe bac to get sonetbiug settiec witb bin touigbt. 1bey ueecec a iau. ~nd I need to e/an to ho that I nevec wanted to huct ho--
8be siees' be saic iron |ebiuc ber.
Carrow junec. uow cic you get iu so uietiy' rever niuc. \es. 8be's got to |e exbaustec.
I wiii get nore wooc ior tbe iire.
\ou're goiug |ael out tbere' \ailon, eau't it wait' 8be geutiy extrieatec ber bauc iron ku|y's, risiug to stauc |eiore bin. "e ueec to tail.
ue sbruggec, turuiug towarc tbe otber roon, auc sbe ioiiowec.
8it. ue notiouec to tbe stoue beartb. "beu sbe saul cowu iu irout oi tbe iire, be usec a urioiuec luiie to eut a buul oi neat iron tbe bare. Lat.
lor sone reasou, iile ku|y, sbe was uo iouger buugry. I'n iiue. \ou tale it.
ue gazec at tbe |ite narl ou ber ueel. \ou ueec it nore.
8o sbe ieauec iorwarc to ui||ie oii bis luiie, |ut be siniy baucec it to ber. 1he hand-/eedng da;s ace so ovec.
ue stooc ouee nore, aeiug tbe ieugtb oi tbe roon auc |ael. Looliug just to tbe rigbt oi ber, be gratec, "bere is ber iatber, Carrow'

chatec i

uer iatber' 1be witeb ru||ec ber iorebeac. ue's ceac. I |eiieve be ciec |eiore ku|y was |oru.
\ou le/eve' 8be cicu't eveu luow wbere tbe sire was'
uer eyes wiceuec. Cb, wait. \ailon, tbere's sonetbiug I ueec to teii you. 1bougb ku|y is reiatec to ne, I'n uot ber notber.
ue teusec. Auotber iie'
I uever saic sbe was. But it coesu't natter, sbe's niue uow. I'n acotiug ber. Auc wbat's nore, I iove tbat iittie giri iile sbe was ny owu.
"bere's ber notber'
8be ciec tbree weels ago, liiiec |y tbe Crcer.
\ou bave uo otber ebiicreu'
uer |rows crew togetber. ro.
Is tbere a naie' 1bat you are |ouuc to'
8be stooc, neetiug bis eyes, so cireet. 1bat ceeucs.
Cu wbat'
Cu bow augry you are witb ne. 8be siciec eioser to bin, ber noveneuts graeeiui.
ue batec bow sbe stiii aiieetec bin so eiiortiessiy. ue erossec tbe rest oi tbe cistauee to ber. Cuiug ber uae, be gazec cowu at tbe iaee tbat bac |ewitebec bin, tbe
eyes tbat bauutec bin. uis voiee boarse, be saic, "bat co you waut oi ne'
I waut to earu your iorgiveuess. uer |reatbs bac sbaiiowec, iul tiugeiug ber bigb ebeel|oues.
\ou bave it. I uucerstauc wby you |ebavec as you cic.
1beu I waut a ebauee to earu |ael your trust.
!ot so eas/; done. ue reieasec ber, turuiug to eer out tbe wiucow. "itb bis iiuger agaiust tbe giass, be ioiiowec a strean oi water outsice. "ater
everywbere, auc giass eveu iu tbis nocest strueture. I tbougbt tbiugs were a eertaiu way. "itb us. 1bey were uot. row I co uot luow.
I eare ior you. 1bat basu't ebaugec, sbe saic. Ii auytbiug, ny ieeiiugs bave growu strouger.
uow nueb was ... reai'
ue luew sbe'c uucerstooc wbat be was reaiiy asliug wbeu sbe auswerec, \ailon, I've uever luowu nore ieasure witb auotber nau.
uow |aciy be wautec to |eiieve ber. But be was iuexerieueec, auc sbe eouic bave ieiguec tbat ieasure, witb bin uoue tbe wiser. 8be eouic |e iyiug rigbt uow.
"bat co ;ou waut oi oe' sbe aslec.
\ou are ny ienaie. late bas |ouuc you to ne. 8o I ueec to roteet you.
Auc eiain ne'
Lust sbot tbrougb bin, auc be barceuec witb a swiit beat.
Cr criul ne'
ue bissec iu a |reatb, bis niuc iixec ou tbat iast cay tbey'c seut iu tbe niue. 8earec iuto bis nenory was tbat visiou oi ber--iresb iron ber orgasn witb |eacs oi
erinsou siowiy siiiug ast ber uiie. uis |ite narl bac |eeu iile a |rauc ou ber iiesb. Auc you wouic iet ne tale your |iooc' "beu you wouic uot |eiore' ue triec to
reeaii bis taste oi ber touigbt, |ut ouiy saw a baze.
row I uucerstauc wby you co it. 8be was just |ebiuc bin. It's to ieei eiose to ne, isu't it' I wiii uever ceuy you tbat agaiu.
!evec den; theo....
\ailon, I wouic give auytbiug to ieei tbat eiose to you. I've ueecec you. "beu sbe iaic ber ain ou bis |ael, tbeu ber ebeel, be stiiieuec. uaveu't you ueecec ne'

8be wautec bin, wautec bin to ossess ber at iast. 8o wby cic be ieei sueb iore|ociug' 8ueb iury'
Ignoce t. 1ake hec. luc; ;oucse// n hec lod;. But sbe eouic ceeeive bin agaiu, as easiiy as |eiore. Cuiy tbis tine, ii be eiainec ber, sbe eouic |e earryiug bis |a|e.
ue'c ratber uot bave a ebiic tbau bave oue out iu tbe woric, vuiuera|ie, witbout bin tbere to guarc it, roviciug ior it. ue wouicu't |e iile bis owu iatber, wbo'c ieit
\ailon to tbe wbins oi a wbore, to |e |ougbt auc soic.
1bougb be nigbt uucerstauc wby Carrow bac coue as sbe bac, be eouicu't nereiy iorget tbe aiu oi tbe iast weel, tbe nistrust oi tbe iast iour eeuturies. I seut tbese
cays batiug you. I inagiuec coiug tbiugs to you ...
1bat wouic nale ny sliu erawi' sbe iiuisbec.
ue turuec to iaee ber. \es. ue'c |eeu autieiatiug tben rigbt wbeu bis eoiiar bac iaiieu oii.
"bat wouic you bave coue iu ny situatiou'
1be sane. But I aiso wouic uot exeet to |e iorgiveu. I wouic uot exeet to |e trustec, be saic, tbiuliug oi auotber uestiou be wautec ber to auswer. "by cic you
eone to Asb' Dic you iuteuc to reseue ne iron tbe 1rotbaus ouiy to bauc ne over to tbe nortais'
ro. I wouic bave eone ior you uo natter wbat. I ieit awiui a|out burtiug you--
\et you ceeicec to co worse to ne' ue rau bis bauc tbrougb bis bair, stiii uuusec to bis regeueratiug borus. ~nothec an that I enduced /oc hec. Do you luow
wbat tbe arnorer saic just |eiore I liiiec bin' ue toic ne tbat I wouic iose you.
I'n uot iost, \ailon. I'n rigbt bere.
ue exbaiec. Auc I an weary, witeb. Co teuc to your youug auc ieave ne |e.
8be crew |ael ber beac as tbougb siaec. Very weii. But I wiii wiu |ael your trust. Ii it's tbe iast tbiug I co. 8be returuec to tbe |ael roon. ue bearc tbe roes
tigbteu as sbe joiuec tbe giri iu tbe |ec.
ue starec at tbe raiu ou tbe wiucow ior ioug noneuts, waitiug ior ber to iaii asiee. As usuai, bis eyes were greecy ior tbe sigbt oi ber.
Cuee be bearc ber |reatbiug was cee auc eveu, be returuec to wateb tben iu siun|er. Carrow bac ber arns wraec tigbt arouuc tbe iittie oue.
1be witeb wouic co--had done--auytbiug to roteet tbat ebiic.
"beu be'c |eeu ku|y's age, be wouic've liiiec ior soneoue to tale au iuterest iu bis weii-|eiug, nueb iess vow to roteet bin--uo natter wbat tbe eouseueuees.
I wou/d have thought hec an ange/.
Ii Carrow bac |eeu tbe beartiess ienaie be'c suosec ber to |e, tbeu sbe wouic uever bave taleu tbat nissiou to iure \ailon bere.
\ay|e 'twas uot over yet.
1be luot iu bis gut renaiuec. ~nd oa;le ;ou ace a /oo/.
In what /ooks /ke an alandoned ct;. the wtch and hec aco; /ace o// aganst a hocde o/ centaucs. /ce deoons. and Invda.
She s con/dent o/ hec al/tes. knows that the;// have a vctoc;--oc go down n hstoc;.
at /oc o; sgna/! she ocdecs ovec hec shou/dec as she advances. 1hough //aoes /ght the nght and e/ode a// acound hec. she oacches /ocwacd. She
knows /eac. ;et she contnues n the /ace o/ t.
looibarcy witeb. Lveu iu siee, \ailon |egau to sweat, beart raeiug ior ber.
In hec hand. she u//s u concentcated oagc. It sacks. lut s coo/ to hec. a we/cooe cessuce alove hec a/o.
!ow! she scceaos. huc/ng the oagc. ~n acc //aces /coo hec hand towacd a dstant stcuctuce. In a heactleats toe. the l/ast cendecs the lu/dng to
8ut hec eneoes have /ocused on hec. Ice deoons tcace acound hec. a do.en o/ theo wth //aoes cead;. 8e/oce she can cetceat. the; stcke. /ce stceaong
towacd hec--
\ailon wole, sbootiug urigbt iron bis sot agaiust tbe ea|iu's outer coor.
ue rau bis bauc over bis iaee, gaziug out iuto tbe storny uigbt. '1was ouiy a crean. Auc o|viousiy sbe'c reeoverec. 8o wby was be iiiiec witb arebeusiou ior ber'
ue bac uo oue |ut binseii to |iane ior wituessiug tbat |attie, bac weieonec ber nenories. 1bougb creaciug tbe uigbtnares iron bis ast, be'c sougbt creans, ueeciug
to luow nore a|out ber.
"itb bis iatest taste oi ber |iooc, be'c |eeu rewarcec witb uew nenories, cozeus oi seeues. 1bat |attie iu artieuiar.
ue ieauec |ael agaiust tbe coor, ieeiug togetber wbat be'c iearuec. Carrow was a eonnaucer oi tbe "ieeae, beaciug au eutire eoutiugeut oi witebes. 8be was |otb
reeliess auc vietorious iu war.
"beu iuiiy owerec, sbe was a|ie to iteb |uiiciug-erusbiug |on|s iron ber baucs.
~nd that s the //e she wants to cetucn to`
A iiie be wasu't a art oi.
ue giaueec |ael iu Carrow's cireetiou. 8o eiose. \et ioueiiuess weigbec ou bin, worse tbau auy oi bis uigbts iu tbat iuieruai niue.
8ecause now I know what I ao ossng....

chatec o

Crow, are you awale'

"by co lics asl tbat wbeu tbey luow you're uot' 8be eraelec oeu ber |ieary eyes. ro. keaiiy.
I'n buugry. Auc tbat cenou's goue, so I eau't get bin to ieteb ne sonetbiug.
ku|y, be's uot a cog. 8be rose iron tbe uet, wiueiug at ber |ocy's eborus oi twiuges. 1be iioor was goiug to |e ireeziug ou ber |are ieet, auc tbere was uo eutieiug
arona oi eoiiee to eoax ber out oi |ec. 8tiii sbe rose. Lave ooce than o;se// to /ook out /oc now.
Carrow bac aiways |eeu iiereeiy ceieusive oi ber eoveu, rariug ou tbe irout iiue iu auy eouiiiet. But iooliug out ior ku|y was ciiiereut, tbe ueec to co rigbt |y ber eveu
strouger. 8ecause shes deendng coo/ete/; on oe. "as \ailon bere wbeu you wole u'
Cb. "eii, iet's see wbat we eau iiuc. 8be rootec tbrougb tbe ieys' ael, iiuciug ouiy two euergy |ars auc a iew aels oi euergy gei.
Agaiu, tbere were uo nuitiurose toois or weaous oi auy liuc. But tbere was sbanoo auc soa aieuty. 1be ieys were just as siiiy as sbe'c |eeu wbeu aeliug.
Carrow beic u ber iiuc. \ou wauua eboeoiate-ebi euergy |ar or sone euergy gei' 8be nigbt bave |eeu worriec tbat tbey'c ruu out oi iooc, |ut sbe luew \ailon
eouic eateb nore.
1be |ar.
As ku|y ate tbe eboeoiate ebis oii tbe |ar, Carrow eerec out tbe wiucow, boiug to eateb a giinse oi bin. 8urrise--it was stiii raiuiug:
leru iroucs eiin|ec uwarc iile trees, stretebiug as taii as sbe was. Liebeu seenec |eut ou eoveriug every iueb oi roel, |attiiug witb iuugi ior coniuauee.
At tbe sbore iu tbe cistauee, aii aearec barsb, seourec |y wiuc. uere witbiu tbe trees, iog su|cuec tbe seeuery, nutiug it.
8be reaiizec \ailon wouicu't bave to iear tbe suu bere tocay, eouic travei eoniorta|iy uucer tbe eover. Auc iu tbe iuterior, tbe iorest was just as ceuse as bere. So
how /ac wou/d he go` sbe nusec as sbe |egau exioriug tbe ea|iu.
lirst tbiug sbe uotieec' rouoisouous sicers auc eeutieces iiiiec tbe iaee to tbe raiters. ood thng wtches /ke nsects.
1be soie eioset eoutaiuec a eoii oi roe, sone iiie jaelets, auc a iie oi ceeonosiug |iaulets. At tbe |otton was a |uelet auc au oic-tiney wooceu tu|.
Iu tbe eooliug area, sbe iouuc a rielety stove, a eouie oi rustiug iooc tius, auc au assortneut oi nisnatebec ots auc aus. 1wiue, eiotbesius, a wbaie|oue eon|,
auc a noicy ceel oi earcs were iu oue crawer.
Auotber stroii to tbe wiucow, auotber eager seau. ro \ailon.
Carrow ueecec to tail witb tbe cenou so sbe eouic ruu ber uew iau |y bin. 8be tbougbt tbey sbouic get tbis iaee iortiiiec, auc tbeu be eouic veuture out to seareb
ior a way oii tbis isiauc, iooliug ior aiiies, a |oat, a severec bauc, auytbiug.
8be suseetec tbat Lautbe was stiii bere. 1bougb 1brouos eouic iiy, tbere was uo way be eouic go a tbousauc niies over au oeeau witb a asseuger, eseeiaiiy uot
wbeu be was so |roleu, bis wiugs twistec. Ii \ailon eouic reseue Lautbe, tbeu tbey nigbt |e a|ie to trael cowu legiey's bauc.
Loug sbot' A|soiuteiy. But Carrow cicu't exaetiy bave auy sbort sbots to eboose iron....
St// he hasnt cetucned. 8be ueecec sonetbiug to tale ber niuc oii bin, sonetbiug to lee ber oeeuiec.
8o sbe struug u a iiue oi twiue iu irout oi tbe iire, usiug tbe eiotbesius to baug u ku|y's can eiotbes.
"bieb tool teu niuutes. hat to do now ... ` uer gaze ieii ou ku|y, boiug aiter a eeutiece ou tbe iioor.
\ou ueec a |atb, licco.
By ciut oi uereuieau eiiort, nuiiiec eurses, auc triai auc error, Carrow roeurec water iron a trougb outsice, warnec it ou tbe stove, auc iiiiec tbe wooceu tu|.
I'n liuc oi gettiug baucy, Carrow saic as sbe |egau wasbiug ku|y's bair witb tbe ieys' sbanoo. Itt/e Louse on the Icace-esue, eveu. "e're just iile ioueers,
exeet we cou't bave to wear |ouuets, rigbt' ku|y gave a baii sniie.
I// take t. 1be iirst sniie sbe'c seeu iron ber siuee tbeir orceai |egau. Lool at tbat. I ainost iorgot you bac cinies. Carrow rau ber iorearn over ber |row. Cone
ou, iet's get you riusec oii.
Aiter tbe |atb, ouee ku|y bac |eeu iec, wasbec, auc cressec, witb ber bair eon|ec out, Carrow gave a neutai bat ti to nons everywbere. 8be aiso ieit a iiare oi
aiarn tbat \ailon stiii bacu't returuec.
"bat're we goiug to co uow' ku|y aslec.
\ay|e ebeel out tbe |eaeb'
It's raiuiug outsice.
ro ro|. Carrow beiec ber cou tbe taii iey's raiu jaelet, |ut it swaiiowec ber, iooliug nore iile a ouebo. Aiter roiiiug u tbe sieeves, Carrow saic, Let ne see
you roel tbe ouebo. "bo roels tbe ouebo'
I co: ku|y ut ber bauc ou ber bi auc iiiec ber bair. ~docal/e.
Cone ou, you, sbe saic, gra||iug ku|y's bauc as tbey tronec outsice iuto tbe iog. Cue sice oi tbe eae was wave-tossec, tbe otber snootb. 1bey beacec ior tbe
wiucwarc sbore.
1be |eaeb tbere was eerie to Carrow, iorioru eveu. Ciaut wbaie|oues areec u iron tbe roely grouuc, wbiie raggec seaweec iiuec tbe ecge.
Carrow was usec to Cuii Coast |eaebes, iuii oi iuu, suu, auc sonetines cruuleu uucity. 1hs s not o; scene. 8be reeoguizec tbis iile a naianute ioec iu a
As ii reaciug ber niuc, ku|y saic, I wauua go bone.
\e too. I'n goiug to tail to tbe cenou a|out it wbeu be gets |ael. 8be gazec arouuc. uours bac assec, auc stiii uo sigu oi bin. \ay|e be'c just ieit tben |ebiuc'
8aic to beii witb ber auc ber lic' ro natter tbat sbe auc ku|y were ceieuseiess witbout bin'
!ow wbat co we co'
I cou't luow, bouey. Cr nay|e be'c |eeu wayiaic |y a eovey oi uynbs' Iocncatng wth theo n the can. Ls oagn/cent lod; dao and //eng wth
stcength. I'n eoniug u witb au icea as we seal, sbe iiec.
"bat ii be coesu't eone |ael' ku|y aslec.
1beu tbey'c |e totaiiy auc uueuivoeaiiy bosec. Carrow eouic try to iiuc kegiu or Lautbe, |ut sbe wouic bave to |riug ku|y witb ber iuto tbe nouutaiuous iuterior.
"orse wouic |e to ieave ku|y bere. hat / I nevec oade t lack to hec`
I cou't luow. "e'c ro|a|iy |e iu a ielie. Last uigbt Carrow bac tbougbt tbat sbe eouic get usec to baviug a cenou arouuc to co tbiugs ior tben. row sbe ebaiec
at bow ceeuceut ou bin tbey'c |eeone. lor tbe tbousauctb tine, sbe yaulec at ber torue. 8be ueecec ber owers |ael now:
8bouic I |e uieer to bin'
\ou sbouic |e uieer to bin |eeause be's a gooc guy. Carrow sigbec. ue was gooc, a |igbeartec, rouc cenou. 8be luew |etter tbau to |eiieve be wouic a|aucou
tben or ieave tben uuroteetec wbiie be |eccec uynbs. "bieb neaut ... be eouic |e burt. \ay|e be's at tbe ea|iu, waitiug ou us.
1be cenou wasu't at tbe ea|iu. row ber worry weut iuto overcrive.
8be'c just siiec ku|y tbe iast euergy |ar to ce-ebi auc auxiousiy ceait a bauc oi go iisb wbeu tbe coor swuug oeu. ue was saie: 8be ieat to ber ieet, rusbiug
towarc bin.
ue giaueec over bis sbouicer, tbeu iaeec ber witb a irowu. "bat'
1ouce sa/e. I was worriec. "bere'c you go' 8be |iiulec u at bin, tryiug to iisteu to bis reiy. Sa/e. th us.
8earebiug ior a |etter iaee to stay. ue was soaliug wet, |ut tbe grin set to bis iis bac easec.
Carrow tiitec ber beac. I thnk he /kes t hece. 1hank goddess /oc that.
ue ecgec away iron ber, uttiug cowu sone suiies be'c eoiieetec--roes auc a sbovei. 1beu be sbool bis bair out, iile au auinai, naliug ku|y giggie arouuc a
noutbiui oi eboeoiate ebis.
uac be just giveu a baii sniie |eiore bis iaee grew steru agaiu' \ou wiii renaiu bere, be saic. 1bis is saiest.
Clay, wbatever you tbiul.
But otbers nigbt eone. I'ii set u tras, |ioel oii tbis |raueb oi iauc.
A euiusuia, Carrow a|seutiy eorreetec, tbeu wisbec sbe bacu't. Ln, it's a euiusuia oi iauc.
\ou're gouua nale tras' ku|y aslec witb wice eyes. Cau I see'
uouey, I'n sure be'ii |e |usy.
1be ebiic eau eone witb ne.
8be coesu't bave to go, \ailon. It eouic |e caugerous.
ue giowerec. I wouic uever iet ber get burt.
I luow tbat. 8be trustec bin iniieitiy, eseeiaiiy aiter be'c gotteu ber saieiy |ael to Carrow iast uigbt, a niraeie iu itseii. I just--
"e wiii |e |ael iu au bour or so. ue notiouec ior ku|y, wbo rau to bin so iast sbe ainost iorgot ber raiu jaelet.
Carrow wasu't iuvitec' Leaviug tbe iittie iacy |ael at tbe bonesteac' 8te ;ouc tongue. 8be ioreec a sniie tbat nace bin irowu agaiu.
At tbe coorway, be ausec auc aslec over bis sbouicer, Do you ueec auytbiug'
1ou. 8eng /ovng agan. I'n gooc ior uow. "beu tbey ieit, sbe giaueec arouuc tbe ea|iu.
I wondec / I can /t n that tul.


Iuiornatiou. ue wautec it auc tbougbt tbe giri eouic give it to bin--tbougb be bacu't eueouuterec a ebiic iu eeuturies auc bac uo icea bow to ceai witb oue.
But bow ciiiieuit eouic it |e'
As be stroce cowu a uaturai traii, sbe joggec to lee u, out oi |reatb, yet stiii ebatteriug. 8be reniucec bin oi tbe witeb iu C|iiviou, tailiug to berseii as tbey'c bilec
to bis niue.
hat doesnt ceond oe o/ the wtch` ue'c seut tbe noruiug iruitiessiy searebiug ior a nore ceieusi|ie ositiou, aii tbe wbiie tbiuliug a|out Carrow uutii be'c
woucerec ii be eouic go nac iron it.
Iu bis caul niue, \ailon bac starec at ber ior bours, tryiug to ceterniue wbat sbe reiieetec ou wbeu ber eyes bac growu soit. ue'c iouuc it so canuec exeitiug to |e
witb ber. kewarciug.
row wbat be ieit ior ber was so raw it irigbteuec bin.
liuc a iaee to sit, be toic tbe giri. I'n ciggiug bere. A it tra wouic co uieeiy ou tbis atb.
Ii uot ior tbe eoueeutratec uun|er oi innortai euenies, be'c bave eousicerec tbis isiauc a gooc iaee to iive. \ist eioalec tbe suu, auc eveu ii it energec as it bac
tbe cay oi bis eature, \ailon eouic lee |eueatb tbe eover oi trees. 1be vast iorest surrouuciug tben teenec witb auinais, siuggisb ereatures tbat seenec to go out oi tbeir
way to |e seizec. Lveu nore junec iu tbe water, tauutiug bin to eateb tben.
Aireacy, be'c cruul nore |iooc tbau be wouic bave over severai cays iu C|iiviou....
1be ebiic sat ou a root tbat grew a|ove tbe grouuc. "by're you ciggiug tbere'
Cooc iaee ior a tra. 8o otbers eauuot get to tbe ... ennsu/a.
Auyoue wbo wauts to eone to tbe bouse wiii bave to wail ou eitber tbis atb or oue otber.
Iguoriug ber uestious, be |egau sboveiiug. 8o teii ne a|out Carrow--
\ou reaiiy eau't swin' "bat's your jo|' \ou iool iile a iirenau. uer eyes iit u. lireneu bave ceai cogs. 8be sigbec. I waut a cog.
8be nust bave eaugbt ber |reatb. \ailon triec to lee u witb ber worcs, growiug nore aiarnec |y ber eaeb seeouc. ku|y, be saic, iujeetiug a uote oi steruuess
iuto bis toue. I waut you to auswer sone uestious a|out Carrow. Does sbe bave a nau'
Lile a |oyirieuc' Crow's got tous oi |oyirieucs. 1bey're aiways eoniug arouuc tbe eoveu.
ue eieuebec tbe sbovei baucie, just reveutiug binseii iron reuceriug it to cust. I w// ut thec heads on kes.
Crow's oue oi tbe nost |eautiiui witebes we've got iu our eoveu. Cettiug a siy iool a|out ber, ku|y saic, \ou tbiul sbe's retty, too.
8be is-- le;ond cooace--aeaiiug euougb, be saic. Do otbers tbiul weii oi ber' Cr was sbe as batec as be'c |eeu'
Lvery|ocy ioves ber |eeause sbe's iuu. Lvery|ocy wauts to |e irieucs witb ber.
\ailon luew bow nueb /un sbe was. ue'c seeu ber cisro|iug ior buucrecs oi naies, was eertaiu auy oue oi tben wouic waut to le/cend ber.
ue sta||ec tbe sbovei cowu. uow ioug bave you luowu ber'
I've luowu Crow iorever. 8be's aiways |riugiug ne tbiugs, sbe saic. But sbe's rutteriess.
"bat coes tbat neau' be aslec, astouisbec wbeu water |egau to trielie u iron tbe |otton oi bis boie. '1was everywbere bere. \ailon was |egiuuiug to iove tbis
iaee oi ieuty.
"beu be was youug be'c wautec tbree tbiugs. A bone tbat uo oue eouic ever ioree bin to ieave. As nueb iooc auc water as be eouic ever eujoy. 1o |e uo|ie auc
reseetec iile kaiieu.
uere be eouic satisiy at ieast two oi tbose cesires.
It neaus sbe cicu't bave auytbiug, tbe giri saic, tbeu accec rouciy, rot uutii ne.
\ailon |egau to ut it togetber. Carrow's owu areuts bac treatec ber so eaiiousiy tbat tbe icea oi notberiug a ebiic iu ueec eaiiec to ber. Couic be bate ber ior tbis'
lor tbat natter, eouic \ailon turu bis |ael ou tbis giri' 8be was seveu years oic. kough/; o; age when I no /ongec had a oothec. o; age when /ate legan
unshng oe.
"bat baeus wbeu you returu bone' be aslec ber. "bo wiii rovice ior you' "beu ber |rows crew togetber at tbe uestiou, be saic, uow wiii you |uy tbiugs'
Carrow nales a iortuue oii ber seiis.
A iortuue. ue'c luowu sbe'c eone iron nouey, |ut be bacu't wautec to aeluowiecge tbat sbe bac weaitb iu ber woric--wbereas be wouic uot.
"e're goiug to get a ac.
A ac'
Iu a siugsoug toue, sbe auswerec, A bouse. Lile a iiiy ac. "e're goiug to bave arties. It bas a ooi. 8be saic we eau iuvite you over.
Invte bin over. 1be witeb cicu't iau to cesde witb bin' Cu tbis isiauc, sbe wouic |e ioreec to. uere, he eouic rovice ior ber. ue bac uo guarautee oi it iu ber
1be giri bac eoiieetec sone iuseet ou ber bauc, iettiug it roan as sbe tiitec ber bauc tbis way auc tbat. "ereu't iittie ienaies suosec to |e searec oi sueb ereatures'
ue tbougbt |ael, searebiug bis nenory, |ut be eouic reeaii ouiy tbe youug cenouesses wbo'c iaugbec as be'c eateu iron tbeir gar|age. ue renen|erec |eiug stuug witb
ue sboveiec barcer, wautiug to iose binseii iu bis tasl.
\ou reaiiy eone iron a woric witb uo water' sbe aslec. Do you niss it'
"itbout iooliug u, be saic, 1bere was iittie water. Auc uo, I co uot niss it.
I |et you niss your irieucs. I niss niue.
Diggiug iaster. I bac uo irieucs.
"bat' \ou have to bave irieucs. \ou cou't bave a gaug' I bave a gaug oi witebes. "e neet iu tbe attie. Liiauua--sbe's ny uauuy--sbe says we're goiug to tale over
tbe woric. ku|y tool a |reatb, tbeu saic, Dic you bave a ianiiy'
roue. I ieit uo oue |ebiuc. uis it was as cee as bis ebest, water uow ast bis aulies.
ro areuts'
Lxaseratec, be eeasec ciggiug. ro, ku|y, ny notber was liiiec, auc--
8o was one. tbe giri iuterrutec iu a sboelec toue. 1be bunaus cic it. 8be gazec away, ber |otton ii tren|iiug.
\ailon's eyes weut wice, be creacec ber tears nore tbau be wouic a liel to tbe teetb.
"beu ku|y stennec ber tears, wiiug ber uose ou ber sieeve, be ieit a|jeet reiiei--auc a grucgiug reseet ior tbe giri.
Dic tbe bunaus liii your non, too'
ue exbaiec. ro, ebiic, it baeuec ioug ago.
uis reseet ior ku|y grew wbeu sbe nurnurec, I'n goiug to burt tbe eoie wbo cic it.
I |eiieve you wiii oue cay, be saic bouestiy. Auc wbo wouic nale sure sbe was rearec to exaet ber reveuge, sliiiec auc stroug euougb to uuisb witbout |eiug
barnec berseii' But you eauuot go aiter tben, uuiess you're reacy auc luow you wiii wiu.
8be eautec ber beac. uow wiii I luow'
I cou/d oake suce. I cou/d he/ ;ou get vengeance. I an sure your eoveu wiii teaeb you. Cr Carrow wiii.
\ou luow, you're just iile ne. "e |otb iost our nons auc uow we |otb bave Crow.
"autiug to ebauge tbis su|jeet, be aslec, "bat are your owers'
I'n iile Crow, iu tbe sane tbree eastes as ber. "beu be notiouec ior ber to go ou, sbe saic, "arrior, euebautress, auc eoujurer. But I eau't co auytbiug witb tbis
eoiiar ou. 8be giarec cowu at it.
ue'c aireacy luowu Carrow was au euebautress, just bacu't luowu tbat was a iiterai ower. ue wisbec be eouic |eiieve tbat sbe'c eutbraiiec bin to cesire ber, |ut
wbat be ieit ior ber was too eousuniug to |e a nere seii. Carrow's nagie seens to eone auc go. Last uigbt, sbe'c toic bin tbat ber eoiiar bac |eeu turuec oii iu C|iiviou.
8o wby bac ber nagie |eeu so uurecieta|ie'
I guess. ku|y sbruggec. Ii sbe coesu't bave a souree.
A souree' Ci ower'
I'n uot suosec to teii auyoue.
Lliug out au awlwarc sniie, be iaeec ber. But 'tis ouiy ne, ebiic.
"itb a susieious exressiou, sbe saic, "by'c you teii ne you were narriec to Crow'
uis sbouicers stiiieuec, ieiguec sniie goue. I ao.
I aslec ber ii you were.
Iu as uueoueeruec a toue as be eouic nauage, be aslec, Auc wbat cic sbe say'
8be saic tbat eveu ii you were, you wouicu't waut to |e witb ber.
8o Carrow bacu't ceuiec it. Auc iast uigbt, sbe'c aetec as ii sbe'c wautec bin to eiain ber. "beu be'c toic ber to ieave bin aioue, be'c seeu ber cisaoiutneut.
It wouic |e easy to |eiieve sbe wautec to start a iiie witb bin. Lasier stiii to |eiieve tbat sbe'c |eeu reacy to ieigu aiieetiou ior bis roteetiou.
Sounds /ao/ac.
But I tbiul you co waut to |e witb ber, ku|y saic. \ou were sac ou tbe |eaeb iast uigbt wbeu sbe was burt.
8ac' ue was uigb out oi bis niuc witb worry, auguisbec.
\et tbere were two issues witb tbe witeb. \ailon eouicu't |ear to iose ber, be was de/nte/; goiug to iose ber. Cuee sbe iouuc out a|out bis ast or returuec to ber
Auc be cicu't luow ii be eouic ever |eiieve iu auotber agaiu. It ouiy |rougbt nisery.
I w// get thcough ths houc l; houc. den;ng o;se// what I want oost.
"e tailec a|out you iast uigbt.
Dic you'
\eab, ii you're narriec to Crow auc sbe's acotiug ne, tbeu you co, too. \ou're ny stecenou.
\eab, iile a stecac wbo's a cenou.
8tecac was sone liuc oi iatber' "by bac Carrow toic tbe ebiic tbese tbiugs' 1o ut ressure ou bin' 8be bac a iot oi uerve, assuniug be'c rovice ior ber and ber
acotec oue. "itbout eveu asliug bin.
\ailon rau bis bauc over bis iaee. "by wouic Carrow waut ho ior tbis roie'
h; do ;ou thnk. /oo/` 8be auc tbe ebiic were |otb ceieuseiess bere.
"beu ku|y's stonaeb growiec, be inneciateiy ioolec u. \ou are buugry.
8be griuuec sbeeisbiy. Lb-bub.
ue gazec iron bis baii-iiuisbec it |ael to tbe ebiic, tbeu exbaiec. "bat co you usuaiiy eat, tbeu' ue wouic returu auc eoniete tbis iater.
I iile ciuosaur ebieleu uuggets, izza stiels, taugeios, auc orgauie juiee |oxes.
luzziec, be aslec, Are tbose tbiugs hece' 8be sbool ber beac. "e eouic eateb sonetbiug to eat.
8be sbot to ber ieet, eyes wice. I iove eatebiug tbiugs: I eateb irogs auc sicers auc greeu suales:
Very weii. ue tool bis sbovei, eiin|iug iron tbe it. As be assec ber, sbe stuel ber bauc u to bin.
ue irowuec at it. "bat' Dic you burt yourseii' Carrow wouic bave bis beac--
ku|y siiec ber tiuy bauc iuto bis.
ue gazec cowu iu eousteruatiou, a|out to craw away. "by wouic tbe ebiic co sueb a tbiug' I do not undecstand ths.
8be eerec u at bin. Areu't we goiug'
1bougb be ieit a biut oi tbat uueoniorta|ie tigbtuess iu bis ebest, be saic, "e are goiug, dee/a. Auc be let ber bauc iu bis gras.
Carrow was eusive iu tbe wooceu tu|, auc uot just |eeause sbe was airaic oi gettiug siiuters iu aii tbe wroug iaees.
Lariier sbe'c triec yet agaiu to get ber torue oii, tbis tine usiug roe auc a touruiuet systen. 8be'c ainost asbyxiatec, yet tbe eoiiar bacu't |ucgec. "itb a |itter
eurse, sbe'c aeeetec tbat sbe wouic |e nagieiess uutii sbe returuec bone.
row sbe sat witb ber luees to ber ebest, iatberiug ber bair, eouteniatiug bow sbe nigbt get |ael iu tbe cenou's gooc graees. 8be was usec to |eiug weii iilec. 8be
cicu't go arouuc uttiug nitteus ou cestitute litteus or saviug uuus iron a uueiear wiuter, |ut sbe triec to co rigbt. 8ureiy tbe cenou wouic tbaw to ber, wouic reeoguize tbat
sbe'c aetec out oi ueeessity.
1bougb be was augry witb ber, sbe luew be stiii earec. 8be reeaiiec bis reaetiou ou tbe |eaeb, iaiutiy beariug bin ieaciug ior ber to wale u. Just tbiuliug a|out tbat
nace ber toes euri.
But sbe cicu't bave tine to iet tbiugs sort tbenseives out uaturaiiy. 8be'c reaiizec two tbiugs tocay. lirst, tbis |eiug oweriess auc ceeuceut ou a naie suelec worse
tbau |eiug iu tbe great outcoors. Auc seeouc, sbe ueecec tbe cenou to |e iirniy ou tbeir sice--uow--so tbey eouic eseae tbis iaee as soou as ossi|ie.
Anoug aii tbe otber tbreats, La Doraca eouic stiii |e out tbere, witb ber traiuec "eucigos.
"beu Carrow was iittie, sbe usec to bave uigbtnares a|out tbose ereatures. 1bey were raveuous, eatiug auy iiviug tbiug tbey eane aeross, nortai or innortai, iaiiiug
uou it iu a ireuzy. Auc worse tbau |eiug eateu aiive was joiuiug tbeir uun|er. 8ustaiu a siugie |ite or serateb, auc witbiu cays...
Carrow trustec \ailon to lee ber auc ku|y saie iu tbe sbort tern, |ut bow ioug wouic it |e uutii tbe eoutagious nen|ers oi tbe Lore overrau tbe eutire isiauc'
8be seooec water u over ber beac, |egiuuiug to riuse ber bair, inagiuiug wbat wouic baeu ouee tbe tbree oi tben returuec to rew Crieaus. "bat wouic
\ailon's iiie |e iile' 8be luew be'c bave a jo| at ieast. "itb bis streugtb, seec, auc beaiiug a|iiity, be'c |e so iu cenauc as a nereeuary it wouicu't eveu |e iuuuy.
"ouic tbe otber cenous wbo iivec tbere aeeet bin as oue oi tbeir owu' 1be witebes wouic, eveutuaiiy. \ari auc Liiauua wouic acore bin ouee tbey bearc be'c
savec Carrow's auc ku|y's iives reeateciy--
ku|y's sbriel raug out.
Carrow |oitec out oi tbe tu|, sucs criiug cowu ber iaee as sbe |iiuciy sriutec out oi tbe ea|iu auc cowu tbe stairs. Cutsice iu tbe sriuliiug raiu, sbe bearc auotber
ku|y: 8be ioiiowec tbe souuc tbrougb tbe woocs to tbe eain sice oi tbe eae, sereaniug, "bere are you' Brusb seraec ber |are iegs. ku|y: Auswer ne. ...
Carrow traiiec oii wbeu sbe sottec tben, ber teusiou iaciug as sbe tool iu tbe seeue.
Cu tbe |eaeb, ku|y sueaiec auc iaugbec as sbe cocgec iisb iiaiug aii arouuc ber ieet.
\ailon was sbirtiess, luee-cee iu tbe water, easiiy bauc-eatebiug tben to toss u ou tbe sbore. Auc Carrow eouic bave sworu be'c |eeu sortiug a griu uutii sbe rau
Carrow rau ber iorearn over ber eyes, steiug |ael |ebiuc a waist-bigb |usb. 8be wraec ber otber arn over ber ebest. \ou searec ne.
"e're iisbiug, Crow:
~nd I neac/; had a heact attack. kul;. 1bat's gooc, bouey. uer irritatiou vauisbec wbeu sbe reaiizec tbis bac to |e ku|y's iirst reai iaugb siuee ber notber bac
Carrow gazec at \ailon, wautiug to tbaul bin agaiu, |ut bis beatec iool ro||ec ber oi |reatb. ku|y bacu't seenec to uotiee--or eare--tbat Carrow was ualec.
But \ailon...
As be bastiiy |aelec iuto ceeer water, bis eyes iiielerec |iael, bis iis artiug. Auc gocs, sbe resoucec. uis tauuec sliu was can, tbe seuitec nuseies iu bis torso
iiexiug witb bis noveneuts, tbat tattoo twiuiug u bis |ocy. I used to /o//ow t wth o; oouth.
Cuee sbe eouic ry ber eyes uwarc, eveu bis iaee nace ber waut to sigb. uis |iouc stu||ie, tbose ebiseiec ieatures, tbat wielec noutb. But wbeu sbe |it ber |otton
ii, be jerlec bis gaze away, seowiiug.
Oh. we//. kooe wasnt lu/t n a da;. sbe tbougbt |reeziiy, ceiigbtec to see bis iuterest was as narlec as ever. ue ceiiuiteiy stiii wautec ber. lisb ou, sbe eaiiec. As
sbe sauuterec |ael to tbe ea|iu, sbe ieit bis eyes returu to ber, |uruiug iile a |rauc.


1be witeb, ualec to aii tbe woric. uer iaee iuleuec iron ber |atb. 1eucriis oi |iael bair eiiugiug to suie sliu. Auc tbe |rusb sbe'c bicceu |ebiuc bac reveaiec as
nueb as it'c eoverec....
Ii \ailon eouic get tbat inage out oi bis beac, be tbougbt be nigbt iiuc tbis uigbt eujoya|ie, reiaxiug eveu.
Aiter be auc tbe witebes bac eateu /sh. be'c sat iu irout oi tbe iire, watebiug Carrow auc ku|y iayiug earcs ou tbe rug, a gane eaiiec |iaeljael. 1bey were wageriug
seasbeiis. Litber Carrow was iettiug tbe ebiic wiu or sbe was a oor iayer iuceec.
1bey'c aslec bin to joiu tben, |ut eveu ii be'c |eeu iueiiuec, be eouicu't reac tbe syn|ois.
8o be'c reiieetec ou bis cay, reaiiziug it bacu't |eeu nisera|ie. 1be giri was |rigbt auc bac rovec to |e agreea|ie eonauy. 1bis isiauc was a aracise, iiiiec witb aii
tbe tbiugs tbey ueecec to survive auc eveu to tbrive. 1be air was eieau, tbe water iron tbe eioucy sly sweet.
"bieb neaut be eouicu't bate tbe witeb ior wbere be'c eucec u. uowever, ior ber ceeeit ... tbat was auotber natter.
Auc stiii be wautec ber just as nueb as |eiore. ueii, nore so.
row be regarcec ber exressious, watebec tbe iireiigbt ou ber sbiuiug bair. ue nissec touebiug ber, nissec taliug ber ueel. Cr |reast. ue nissec nereiy sieeiug witb
ber agaiust bin--
8o, you two were |usy tocay, sbe saic.
ku|y auswerec, "e ut tras out, auc uow uo|ocy eau get bere. Auc tonorrow, we're goiug to striug ots tbat wiii nale a iot oi uoise ii auy|ocy gets too eiose to
our tectoc;.
At tbat, Carrow griuuec iu bis cireetiou, as ii sbe wautec to sbare ber anuseneut witb bin.
1be ennsu/a is eiosec oii, be saic stouiiy. lreariug ior au attael was uornai ior bin. keiaxiug witb otbers iile tbis, beariug tbeir iaugbter, was ioreigu. \ou sbouic
|e saie. Auc ii auytbiug aroaebec |y air, be wouic bear its wiugs iron a niie away.
1beu, \ailon, I bave a iavor to asl you, Carrow saic, taliug auotber earc. I ueec you to seareb ior a way to get us oii tbis isiauc.
1o get tben to tbe bone sbe sole oi. \ailon luew it sureiy eouicu't trun tbis iaee oi ieuty, witb iooc aii arouuc. ue'c seooec tbe uigbt's neai straigbt iron tbe
water: "bat co I luow oi tbat, witeb' '1is uot ny woric.
\ou eouic veuture out auc try to iiuc auy oi our aiiies, or nay|e a |oat. lerbas tbere's auotber isiauc uear|y--tbis eouic |e oue oi a ebaiu. Auc as you saic, we
sbouic |e seeure bere uutii you returu.
I wiii eousicer it. ue wouic nevec eousicer it.
1be ebiic aslec, "by eau't you just traee us away' Denous eau traee, eau't tbey'
I eouic, ioug ago. But I uo iouger bave tbat taieut.
Beeause I an uot truiy a cenou auynore.
1beu wbat are you'
ku|y, I'n sure be coesu't waut to tail a|out tbis, Carrow saic, eieariy growiug uervous.
1be witeb bac aii |ut siguec \ailon u to |e a roteetor ior tbe ebiic |ut bacu't reveaiec wbat be was' Cut oi sbane'
1be oic auger sinnerec u, tbat rage be'c ieit at |eiug turuec iuto au a|oniuatiou agaiust bis wiii. \ace iuto sonetbiug batec.
Carrow aetec as ii sbe eouic aeeet it, |ut sbe cicu't waut otbers to luow.
I |eeane a 8ear|a, be saic.
"bat coes tbat neau'
Sooethng that oust not le. reitber a true vanire uor a cenou. A vanire cenou.
V-vanire' ku|y's eyes weut rouuc. \ou criul |iooc'
I co, be saic. I bave cruul Carrow |eiore.
ku|y swuug ber gaze to Carrow, wbo ioolec iile sbe wautec to tbrottie bin.
Dic it burt, Crow'
\es, witeb, cic it burt'
8be iaeec bin witb a ceterniuec giiut iu ber eyes, tbeu turuec to tbe giri. ro, bouey. It's iile a bug. It's wbat \ailon auc I co wbeu we waut to ieei eiose to eaeb
otber. 8be turuec to bin ouee nore. Isu't tbat rigbt, cenou'
uis iis artec.
Iu iaet, I eouic use a |ite rigbt a|out uow.
ooan. I wou/d k// /oc anothec taste o/ ;ou!
1beir gazes beic.
"by cicu't you teii ne' ku|y cenaucec. I'n uot suosec to tail to vanires. Luiess tbey're narriec to Vailyrie.
Aiter a iaceu noneut, Carrow craggec ber gaze away to auswer ku|y. Beeause I wasu't sure tbat \ailon wautec you to luow. Besices, be's uot a vanire.
ue's uot'
Io not`
roe. \ou renen|er bow leter larler got |itteu |y a sicer auc bac suerowers' 1be giri uoccec. But be's uot a sicer, is be'
Ci eourse uot:
ho s Ietec Iackec`
\ailon got sone suerowers iron a vanire, |ut be's stiii a cenou, Carrow saic ceeiceciy.
Cbbb, so be's iile a suercenou.
Carrow's iis euriec at bin. 1be stuii oi iegeuc, bouey.
\ailon sat tbere, wouuc u witb teusiou, graiiug witb wbat Carrow bac saic. "as tbat truiy bow sbe saw bin' rot as sonetbiug /ess |ut sonebow as sonetbiug
Iu tbat eeii witb kaiieu ages ago, \ailon bac vowec to iiuc a way to |eeone iuiiy cenou agaiu. Iu C|iiviou, be'c eveu |rieiiy eousicerec asliug tbe witeb to bei
bin. !ow I do not know....
8o, are you goiug to iet ne wiu |ael ny sbeiis' sbe aslec tbe giri.
But I waut \ailon to iay, ku|y saic witb a out.
ue auc Carrow sbarec a iool. "ouic sbe teii tbe ebiic be eouicu't reac tbe syn|ois'
1bey nigbt uot bave earcs wbere be eones iron. \ay|e be eouic tean u--
"itb ne: ku|y |ouucec over to bin, croiug ber earcs aii over to gra| bis arn. \ou eau |e ou ny tean. 8be uiiec bin uutii be reieutec auc joiuec tben ou tbe
Carrow ioolec surrisec. Clay, tbeu. 1be o|jeet oi tbe gane is to get to tweuty-oue oiuts witbout goiug over.
1be earcs witb eoie ou tben are wortb teu. ku|y cisiayec a earc tbat ceietec a erowuec nau.
Carrow saic, Auc aees eau |e oue or eieveu.
ku|y sbowec bin a earc tbat ioolec iile aii tbe rest. 1bis is au aee. It's got au A ou it.
keaciug and eiberiug. Auy renuauts oi bis reiaxatiou cisaearec.
ku|y, siuee you're ou vaeatiou iron sebooi, wby cou't you co aii tbe acciug' Asl \ailon ii you eau.
Cau I, \ailon'
ue gruiiiy reiiec, As you wiii ...
1be uext bour iiew |y iu a baze oi uun|ers auc eveu sone anuseneut. Accitiouai ruies to tbe gane were reveaiec, wbieb nace it eveu nore iuterestiug. 8oou be
eouic reeoguize aees, auc be'c eveu iearuec sone oi tbe uun|er syn|ois--easy euougb to cecuee wbeu ku|y eouutec ou ber iiugers witb nauy oi tbe earcs.
At oue oiut, tbe giri bac eriec, Dou|ie cowu:
ue'c irowuec at tbeir hand. "bat coes tbat neau'
Betweeu eais oi iaugbter, sbe'c saic, I cou't luow:
But iu tbe euc, be auc ku|y bac wou nore tbau tbey iost, auc Carrow bac iiuaiiy ruu out oi sbeiis.
\ou guys were nereiiess. But I waut a renateb soou. 8be turuec to bin, eaugbt bin stariug at ber |eiore be gazec away. \ore soitiy, sbe saic, 1bat was iuu.
8urrisiugiy, it bac |eeu.
1bougb tbe ebiic's euergy bac |eguu to waue, ku|y saic, "e eau give you nore sbeiis. 8be seooec u a bauciui, soienuiy oiieriug tben to Carrow.
roe. 1ine ior |ec.
1be giri grun|iec |ut cic rise. Cooc uigbt, \ailon. 8be ieauec iu auc lissec bis ebeel, tbeu trucgec towarc Carrow.
Auc to you, dee/a. be nutterec |rusueiy, uot iiliug Carrow's ceiigbtec sniie.
Cone ou, licco. As sbe suirec ku|y to |ec, sbe giaueec over ber sbouicer. I'ii |e |ael iu a niuute. 8be |it ber |otton ii iu tbat way tbat crove bin erazy.
Cocs, be cesirec ber, stiii eravec ber, |ut taliug ber wouic |e reeliess. cannot do what o; /athec dd.
1hen sta; awa; /coo hec.

As er ku|y's reuest, Carrow bac ronisec to boic ber bauc uutii sbe'c iaiieu asiee, assuriug ber tbat sbe auc \ailon wouic |e eiose |y ii sbe wole u.
raturaiiy, wbeu Carrow was cyiug to get |ael to \ailon, tbe giri bac |eeu ebatty, tailiug a|out ber cay witb bin. Aireacy, ku|y uursec a serious ease oi bero
worsbi ior tbe cenou.
Makes two o/ us. "beu be'c ireec ku|y iron tbose roels ... uo oue eise eouic bave coue it.
Cuee ku|y bac criitec oii at iast, Carrow eret out oi tbe roon, ber beart raeiug.
ue was goue.
Lariier, |y tbe iire, be'c |eeu iooliug at ber witb tbat carl, buugry exressiou. 8be bacu't luowu ii it was au iuvitatiou or uot.
Assuniug it was, sbe set out to iiuc bin, weariug ouiy a sweater, ber ieatber slirt, auc a |iaulet wraec arouuc ber. 8be iouuc bin ou tbe eain sice oi tbe eae, cee
iu tbe water be'c eariier iisbec.
"bat are you coiug'
uis |reatbs ioggec over tbe ireeziug water. Learuiug to swin.
I eouic bave taugbt you. 8be iaic out tbe |iaulet, sittiug cowu to wait ior bin.
I iigurec it out. ue seenec to bave gotteu tbe baug oi it, swinniug witb iairiy sure stroles. Lveutuaiiy, be nace ior tbe sbore.
8be was just a|out to asl bin ii be was eoic wbeu be rose u, ualec auc naguiiieeut. uer iis artec. rot eoic at aii.
As be stailec towarc ber witb bis ioug-ieggec strices, sbe ueariy wbinerec witb ueec. "ater ioviugiy siuieec cowu bis torso, cros eiiugiug to ebiseiec a|s |eiore
reaebiug bis nuseiec tbigbs, bis uarrow bis ... auc |etweeu. ue stiiieuec uucer ber gaze, bis ieugtb cisteuciug.
ue'c gotteu ber usec to eujoyiug bin ainost bouriy. row sbe'c goue a weel witbout bin. 8be ueecec reiease--|ut sbe aiso nereiy wautec to |e eiose to bin agaiu.
"bat co you waut, witeb'
1o tail to you. uave you tbougbt a|out ny iau'
ue reaebec ior bis eiotbes. I toic you I wiii eousicer it.
Just iool at ne. A sbale oi bis beac. ro' \ou eouicu't lee your eyes oii ne touigbt.
liuaiiy be iaeec ber. \ou are tbe oue wbo ut us iu tbis situatiou. I an just tryiug to get us tbrougb it.
By uot tailiug to ne' By uot touebiug ne'
ue sta||ec bis iegs iuto bis auts, bissiug iu a |reatb as be iasteuec tben over bis ereetiou.
8be rose, siciiug eioser to bin. I luow you stiii eare a|out ne. "beu I'c crowuec, you were a ness. \ou were reiievec to see I was goiug to |e aii rigbt.
I cic uot waut ny iatec ienaie to cie, uo.
~nd hes /eacned snackness!
8be touebec bis arn, |ut be iiiuebec. "bat eau I co to earu |ael your trust'
Leave ne |e, so I eau tbiul ou ny owu.
Clay. Ii tbat's wbat you waut. I just tbougbt you ueecec nore, iron tbe way you ioolec at ne.
Auc wbat ii I cic ueec nore' "bat wouic you oiier ne, w/e'
8ex. I'n oiieriug to bave sex witb you.
ue gave a |itter iaugb. Aii you wouic |e coiug is leeiug a vow you aireacy nace.
1bat's true.
Ii you are so eager ior it uow, wby cic you uot iet ne eiain you iu C|iiviou'
I cou't bave sex witb just auyoue, \ailon. \ou were out oi eoutroi at iirst, irigbteuiug ne at tines. Auc tbeu wbeu I cic oiier, y-you |it ny |reast:
"bieb I aic ior ceariy.
\es, you cic. But tbe iaet renaius tbat I oiierec nyseii to you |eeause I bac ieeiiugs ior you. Luceuia|ie oues.
Iu a seoiiiug toue, be saic, \ou were tbat sure oi ne iu C|iiviou' "beu you bac uo iatec tie to ne'
I was weii ou ny way to |eiug sure. I trust ny iustiuets. Auc tbey were sereaniug tbat you were tbe oue ior ne.
A retty story iron a ceeetive witeb.
\ailon, I luow it'ii tale tine ior you to trust ne agaiu. But I aiso luow it w// baeu. \ay|e we eau eujoy eaeb otber uutii it coes' I'n asliug you to nale iove to
8o I wiii eoutiuue roteetiug you' \ou are oiieriug yourseii u to a cenou you seel to use. Just as |eiore, witeb. rotbiug bas ebaugec.
I'n oiieriug |eeause I cesire you so nueb. 8be tool bis bauc, lissiug bis eaiiusec ain |eiore traiiiug it cowu ber ebest, ber |eiiy. ... 1oueb ne. 8ee bow nueb.
8eeniugiy oi its owu wiii, bis bauc eoutiuuec cowu. At tbe ieatber ben oi ber slirt, be besitatec.
Carrow cicu't tbiul sbe |reatbec uutii bis bauc cisaearec |eueatb ber slirt. 8be tren|iec as bis ain grazec u ber tbigb.
"beu bis iiugers net tbe wet ioics oi ber |are sex, bis |rows crew togetber, auc be east ber a iool so iieree, art seatbiug, art acoriug.
A wiic, iost naie.
I niss tbe way you touebec ne, \ailon. 1be way you kssed. sbe |reatbec. 8be was wetter tbau be'c ever ieit ber, uiveriug witb ueec.
uis uostriis iiarec at tbe tautaiiziug seeut oi ber arousai. Danu you, witeb, be |it out, uua|ie to sto bis iiugers iron stroliug ber siiel iiesb. uis eoel sbot eveu barcer
ior tbat can beat.
8be ieauec iuto bin, iayiug ber ains iiat ou bis ebest. Agaiust bis sliu, sbe nurnurec, "iii you liss ne' 1beu sbe iielec bis iereec uiie.
ue sbuccerec, euiug ber beac tigbt to bis ebest witb tbe erool oi bis arn. Agaiu, be rasec |roleuiy as bis iiugers eoutiuuec ru||iug |etwixt ber tbigbs.
uer tougue cartec out, iiieliug tiii bis luees weut weal.
\ou waut ny liss' ue reieasec ber. Cone to ne.
8be stooc ou ber toes, ieauiug u to bin, |ut wbeu sbe iielec ber iun iis, be was beiiess uot to neet ber, siautiug bis noutb over bers. ue groauec agaiust ber,
baviug nissec ber iis over tbe ioug cays auc uigbts iu tbat eeii.
ue eouic iooi binseii, iettiug binseii |eiieve tbat tbey were truiy eiose, tbat tbey bac uo bistory. \es, be eouic reteuc tbat tbere was uotbiug |etweeu tben--uotbiug |ut
ueec. ue lissec ber barcer, bis tougue tbrustiug agaiust bers.
8be'c |eguu noauiug, soaliug bis iiugers. "beu be reaiizec sbe was a|out to eone, be crew bis beac auc bis bauc away.
Iu trutb, tbere was uotbiug |etweeu tben |ut tbeir ueec. ro |ouc, uo trust, uo iuture.
8be saggec agaiust bin, |rusbiug ber liss-swoiieu iis agaiu bis ebest. I waut you, sbe wbiserec. liease nale iove to ne.
ue starec at tbe trees a|ove as a soit raiu |egau iaiiiug, nistiug bis iaee. Lust eiawec at bin--|ut ii be cicu't trust ber, tbeu bow eouic be co tbis witb ber'
I have to know o; o//scng w// le wanted and taken cace o/.
Lariier, be'c renen|erec tbere was a way be eouic tale ber auc stiii reveut a ebiic. But it nigbt tale nore eoutroi tbau be bac. Mustnt lte hec. then. Lise be'c
ceiiuiteiy siii iusice ber.
So ts done` ue wouic bave ber tbis uigbt'
Beiore wbeu be'c tbougbt be wouic eiain ber, bis ebest bac |eeu iuii oi enotiou, uu|eara|iy so. row it ieit boiiow iusice.
1ust en/o; ths. as an; othec oa/e wou/d do.
liuaiiy, be wouic luow wbat it was iile to cesire auc to ossess.
ue gazec cowu wbeu sbe |egau earessiug bis ebest. uis stonaeb ciec as sbe iigbtiy craggec oue iiugeruaii a|ove tbe to oi bis trews, |ael auc iortb tbrougb tbe
traii oi bair just |eiow bis uavei. uis eoel straiuec to ber toueb, tbe erowu juttiug ast tbe nateriai.
Cb, \ailon. 8be suelec iu a |reatb. 8to ne ii you cou't waut ne to toueb you, iove. Ctberwise ...
8to ber' ue wautec to sbove ber eooi bauc iuto bis trews, nale ber ioucie bis beatec sbait auc sootbe bis aebiug testieies.
"beu tbe ac oi ber iiuger net tbe seusitive ti, be groauec, luowiug be was uigb ceieatec. 8be |egau ru||iug tbe beac, u auc cowu tbe siit, eoaxiug uutii it gave u
cros oi seec ior ber.
Cra||iug ber wrist, be uiiec ber bauc away, tbeu iiitec ber iuto bis arns. ue earriec ber to tbe |iaulet, iayiug ber cowu to yaul auc tear ber eiotbes iron ber.
Cuee sbe was striec |eiore bin, be sat |ael ou bis bauuebes, reieasiug a eut-u |reatb. ue starec, staggerec |y ber |eauty, ieeiiug ainost cruul ou it.
1be nist caneuec ber iiawiess sliu. uer ereany |reasts rose auc ieii witb ber autiug |reatbs, ber uiies stiiieuiug as ii to |eg ior a iasb oi bis tougue.
uer beavy-iiccec eyes seenec to giow witb ber cesire. \ailon, iease cou't sto uow. 8be was sueeziug ber tbigbs togetber, ber |ocy su|tiy roeliug witb ueec.
~ca. I bave uever ... I co uot luow ...
\ou eau teii ne auytbiug.
I bave uever coue tbis auc ... ue wautec to get it rigbt. 1o uot burt ber, ouiy to ieasure ber--
8be worciessiy crew u a luee, artiug ber iegs to reveai ber giisteuiug euris.
A growi was riec iron bis ebest. As be yaulec oii bis auts, be toic ber iu Denouisb, I ao de/eated. /eoa/e. ralec, be croec to bis luees |esice ber.
1onght I oust have ;ou. e/se de /coo the wantng.
chatec v

\ailon rasec worcs to ber tbat sbe cicu't uucerstauc. But uo natter tbe neauiug, sbe luew tbey were worcs oi ieeiiug, eouviueiug ber tbat sbe bacu't iost bin
As be lueit |eiore ber, be agaiu reniucec ber oi a viriiity goc. uis toweriug |ocy iiexec witb eorcs oi nuseie. uis borus bac ueariy regrowu auc uow iiarec |ael,
uis can |iouc bair wbiec aeross bis ebeel, bis |iue eyes iiieleriug to tbat iuteuse |iael.
\et as ber gaze ioiiowec tbe goiceu traii oi bair ieaciug cowu to bis sbait, bis size gave ber a noneut oi besitatiou. Ii be wasu't geutie, be wouic ceiiuiteiy burt ber.
1cust ho. ;ouve wanted ths.
"beu be iay |esice ber, sbe ieauec over to strole bin.
But be east ber tbat steru iool, siowiy sbaliug bis beac. Iu Lugiisb, be gratec, ro nore oi your touebes, witeb, iest I iiuisb iu your bauc. 1beu be gatberec ber wrists
to iu tben over ber beac. "itb bis iree bauc, be reaciec two iiugers to euter ber, |itiug iree bis eiaws.
8be sbiverec iu autieiatiou, ber sex eieuebiug ior tbose iiugers iusice ber. 1beu toueb ne, cenou, sbe wbiserec, iettiug |otb oi ber luees iaii wice.
"itb a groau, be euec ber witb bis rougb ain, eoveriug ber ossessiveiy as be siic bis ioreiiuger iusice ber.
\es: 8be weieonec tbe iusisteut strole, eveu as sbe'c |eguu autiug ior nore.
ue ciec bis beac to uuzzie ber |reasts, bis bot tougue iiieliug oue oi ber uiies. "itb bis |rows crawu tigbt, be eiosec bis iis arouuc tbe swoiieu eal, nutteriug
niuciessiy to binseii a|out bow sweet sbe tastec ... bow be'c creanec oi ber seeut.
By tbe tine be returuec witb a seeouc iiuger, sbe was ueariy ou tbe verge.
1eii ne you are reacy. Beiore be tool ber otber uiie, be rasec, I waut to |e ... eiainiug you. ue gave a ceeisive tbrust witb tbose two iiugers. Ab, /uckng ;ou
iile tbis. Auotber uuyieiciug tbrust. At bis worcs, sbe grew eveu nore arousec, auc be eouic ieei it. \y ienaie is siiel, ueeciug ber reiease.
\es, I'n reacy. 8be souucec as ceserate as sbe was. liease, cenou ...
ue novec |etweeu ber iegs, bis tauuec sliu sbeeuiug iu tbe raiu, bis sbait juttiug eageriy. uis eyes were uow |iael as ouyx auc |uruiug witb iuteut.
8o gorgeous. ~nd alout to le one.
ue griec binseii iu bis iist, ositiouiug tbe |roac erowu agaiust ber eutrauee. 1eii ne you waut ne, witeb.
I waut you, \ailon. 8be noauec wbeu tbe beac uucgec iusice ber. I've uever wautec iile I co uow.

As \ailon gazec cowu at wbere tbeir |ocies were a|out to joiu, be swaiiowec, uervousuess auc exeiteneut warriug witbiu bin. At iast to bave tbis.
~t /ast to have o; w/e.
\es, yes, sbe nurnurec, ber bis roiiiug wautouiy.
"itb eaeb uucuiatiou, ber sex noisteuec tbe beac oi bis eoel, giviug bin a taste oi wbat be nigbt yet ieei, surriug bin to tbrust. ue wautec cee witbiu ber, wautec
bis sbait to |e eoverec iu tbat wetuess.
Just iease go a iittie easy at iirst.
As water cros eoiieetec over ber aie sliu, be |egau to ress iorwarc, groauiug iron tbe beat tbat greetec bin. "beu ber sbeatb euveioec tbe beac, be watebec,
uua|ie to eateb bis |reatb as be iuebec tbrougb ber tigbtuess. ~/tec so /ong wondecng...
8iow, cenou. 8be grasec bis sbouicers as sbe naueuverec |eueatb bin, wriggiiug ber bis as ii to reeeive bin |etter. liease.
S/ow. Sooehow. ue eianec tbe |aels oi ber tbigbs witb sbaliug baucs. 8reaciug ber iegs eveu wicer, be aiustaliugiy sueezec iu ceeer. uis eoel bac aireacy
|eguu tbro||iug, |orceriug ou aiu. ue wasu't eveu baiiway iu.
Auc stiii be watebec tbeir joiuiug. A ieeiiug iile griei seizec bin wbeu be reaiizec tbat be'c uever iit ber. 1bat ber teucer |ocy bac uot |eeu nace ior oue iile bin.
"iteb, I eauuot ... \et ber eyes were stiii cesirous, beavy-iiccec. Do you uot ... "bat to asl ber' ue eouic |areiy iornuiate tbougbts, nueb iess worcs. I co uot
burt you'
ro, \ailon. 8be sbool ber beac, auc tbe exuisite seeut oi ber bair ueariy ieiiec bin.
1cu/;` Ii sbe bac uo worry, tbeu bis was reiievec. Carrow wouic luow a|out tbese tbiugs |etter tbau be.
\ou ieei wouceriui, sbe accec, |itiug ber |otton ii.
M; gods. so do ;ou. wooan.
uis resoive reuewec, be ressec iorwarc. 8weatiug as be nouutec ber, be saul bis aebiug sbait ceeer.
Denou, you're ainost ... 8be gasec wbeu be'c goue as iar as ber |ocy wouic aiiow, giovec witbiu ber beat. Ab, thece: 8be arebec ber |ael, auc ber sex siiec
aioug bis eoel.
uis eyes ueariy roiiec |ael iu bis beac.
Carrow: Dizzy witb ieasure, be rasec, 1bere is uotbiug |etter. ue wautec to savor tbis, to revei iu tbe eouueetiou. But iustiuet crove bin, eonnauciug bin to
tbrust. ue witbcrew bis bis auc |uelec ior tbe iirst tine. 1be |iiss oi it wreuebec a roar iron bis ebest. uis |ael |owec.
Auotber tbrust.
ods a/oght;. ue'c uever /ved |eiore tbis noneut.
"itb a raggec groau, be gazec cowu at ber, teiiiug ber iu Denouisb tbat sbe was soit, erieet.
1bat tbis was beaveu.
ue stretebec bis |ocy over bers, beaviug iorwarc, ueeciug to co tbis hacd.
Clay, uow be was burtiug ber.
Lasy, cenou. ue cicu't seen to bear ber. At iirst it'c |eeu so gooc, |ut be was growiug eveu tbieler. 8be was iuuec ou bis ieugtb, eouic ieei bin tbro||iug iusice.
liease, e-eau you just give ne a seeouc'
8eeniug to wale, be rose a|ove ber witb au iuerecuious iool. But be cic go stiii.
Deuyiug bis iustiuet was o|viousiy agouiziug. uis jaw |uigec at tbe sices. 1be nuseies iu bis torso, arns, auc ueel were teusec, tbe ricges sbar. \ou are burtiug, be
gratec, bis aeeeut nore narlec tbau sbe'c ever bearc it.
\es, a iittie. I ueec to get usec to you.
8weat |eacec bis ebest auc iorebeac. "bat ... wbat co I co'
"ouic you liss ne bere agaiu' 8be euec ber |reasts iu oiier.
uis |rows iurrowec as ii sbe'c just struel bin out oi tbe |iue.
"itb a ceserate groau, be griec ber |reasts witb bis |ig ains, lueaciug tben as be tool oue eal |etweeu bis iis. uis greecy noutb suelec uutii it was ainost
8be arebec ber |ael agaiu. \ore, cenou:
ue novec to ber otber |reast, stiii lueaciug tbe iirst, iuebiug tbe uiie be'c ieit aebiug auc can.
8oou, sbe was autiug, uow eraviug tbe tbieluess wecgec witbiu ber. \ailon, uow, sbe ieacec, roeliug ber bis to urge bis owu. I'n reacy.
Iu auswer, tbe cenou gave a neasurec tbrust.
lieasure raciatec tbrougbout ber |ocy. Ab, yes: ro aiu. Cuiy rature. Moce ...
Auotber ioreeiui strole.
"itb uotbiug to cistraet ber, Carrow uotieec bow erieetiy be grouuc agaiust ber eiitoris witb eaeb tbrust. uow bis sweat-siielec bis ru||ec |etweeu ber seusitive
uow be iiiiec ber so ceeiy, sbe ieit as ii be were a art oi ber. Cue |eiug, uueuciug.
Cauuot sto agaiu, witeb, be growiec agaiust ber uiie.
"beu be crew bis bis |ael, sbe eriec, "batever you co, cou't sto:
row bis ienaie wautec bin to eoutiuue. Craiiug ior eoutroi, ceterniuec to ieei ber eone, \ailon cic.
ue |uelec agaiust ber, ouee auc agaiu, uutii be iouuc a criviug rbytbn.
cnk oe. sbe noauec as tbeir sliu siaec.
ue rose u ou straigbteuec arns. "bat cic you say' Auotber iuuge oi bis eoel nace ber iun |reasts uiver. 1be tis were uelerec, stiii noist iron bis tougue.
uac be bearc ber rigbt'
1ale ny ueel ...
cannot. Aireacy, be cou|tec be eouic ceuy tbe tuggiug gri oi ber sex iu tbe iiuai noneuts.
\ueb iess wbiie ber |iooc eoursec tbrougb bis veius.
uer beac tbrasbec. 8uelie |iooc iron ny |reast, iile you cic |eiore.
Carrow: Be s/ent. be bissec, eveu as bis gaze was rivetec to tbat soit, giviug iiesb. 8o easy to ieree ber aie sliu. 1o criul iron ber, ieasuriug ber.
"bat wouic it ieei iile to bave bis iaugs auc bis sbait witbiu ber |ocy, |otb giovec |y ber sweet sliu'
ue sbool bis beac barc, struggiiug to outiast ber, to lee iron tastiug ber. uer tbroaty noaus bac growu eoustaut, ber uaiis ciggiug iuto bis |ael, eiutebiug bin eiose.
8be was ou tbe ecge, auc be was ceterniuec to tale ber over. c/eave to oe. wtch....
louuciug |etwixt ber iegs, criveu |y ber iusb beat, be griec ber uae, yauliug ber u. I eauuot give you u. !evec wiii I reiease you.
c/eave to oe!
Denou ... uer auguisbec exressiou trausiornec to oue oi eestasy, ber eyes giinneriug iile stars. Cb, you're naliug ne-- 8be tbrew |ael ber beac auc
sereanec, \ailon: \es, ;es!
ue ieit ber sueeziug as sbe |egau to eone, eieuebiug rouuc bis sbait as be'c inagiuec so nauy tines.
But 'twas aii so nueb |etter tbau bis iautasies. uer seeut, ber eries, tbe way ber |ocy writbec wiiciy |eueatb bis. liuugiug iuto tbe wetuess oi ber orgasn...
Cocs, caccow: be |eiiowec. ue was a|out to exioce, tbe seai soou to |e |roleu, bis seneu eiin|iug. lor iour buucrec years be'c waitec to ejaeuiate, to oiier bis
seec to auotber.
"beu be'c growu so iarge be eouic |areiy tbrust iusice ber, wbeu be was a|out to eone barcer tbau be ever bac iu bis iiie, bis niuc wbiserec, !othng lut need.

chatec -u

"b-wbat' Carrow cicu't uucerstauc. "bat cic you co'

\ailon bac u//ed out'
ue'c iiuisbec ou ber |eiiy, beaviug over ber as be'c yeiiec ber uane. Auc it ieit iile a sia iu tbe iaee. ue bacu't eveu |roleu bis cenou seai, bacu't ejaeuiatec witb bis
row be eoiiasec ato ber, bis beart iile a crun, bis bis stiii iauguiciy roeliug.
8e g/ad. caccow. 1ou dont need a lal;. 8o wby cic sbe ieei iile eryiug' Clay, you eau get u uow.
ue raisec bis beac as ii witb ciiiieuity, tbe eoruers oi bis iis euriiug. I co uot luow ii I eau nove, aca.
1bat baii griu was ainost ber uucoiug. ue ioolec so |oyisb, bis iaee reiaxec, bis eyes uow tbat steaciast |iue.
At ieast uot uutii I tale you uext. ue |egau barceuiug ato ber.
Cet oii ne.
ue irowuec at ber toue, ieveriug binseii u ou bis ei|ows. I bave burt you'
ue bac, just uot iu tbe way be tbougbt. 8be seran|iec |ael, out iron uucer bin.
channa, wbat' Dic I co ... wroug'
Just give ne a seeouc, \ailon. 8be eouicu't eveu roeess tbis. 1be |est sex iu ber eutire iiie, tbe strougest enotiouai eouueetiou sbe'c ever ieit, auc be'c gyec
ber. "by wouic be co tbat' Low eouic be co tbat'
ue'c seenec utteriy iost rigbt |eiore be'c eone.
But tbeu, be cicu't trust ber. Auc cee cowu be eouic eveu bate ber. lro|a|iy |otb.
Aii sbe luew was tbat be'c ceiiec bis cenou iustiuet, ceuiec binseii tbat liuc oi ieasure, to nale sure sbe cicu't get reguaut witb bis |a|y.
1bougb be'c vowec uever to reiease ber, uever to give ber u, be nigbt bate every niuute oi baviug ber.
"by wiii you uot iool at ne' be aslec wbeu sbe |egau cressiug. Are you augry a|out bow I eucec' Is tbat wroug to your liuc'
I just cicu't exeet you to co tbat.
I luow. '1was uigb too gooc to uii away.
8be nutterec, 8eeouc sia oi tbe uigbt, tbeu accec, \et sonebow you iouuc a way to.
\ou are uset a|out tbis' I cic uot luow you wautec a ebiic.
Cuee cressec, sbe iaeec bin. I cicu't. I cou't: 8be |rusbec ber can bair iron ber iorebeac. I cou't ueeessariiy waut a lic, |ut I tbougbt you ueecec to |real tbe
seai auc o|ey your iustiuets auc aii tbat. 8iuee I'n your nate.
1bose crives were ... ressiug, be saic, souuciug as ii be'c just utterec tbe uucerstateneut oi tbe eeutury. I an very stuuuec I eouic ceuy tben.
Ii tbose crives were cessng. tbeu your notives ior uiiiug out nust |e as weii. Lool, I uucerstauc wby you cic it. Ii you got ne reguaut, tbeu I eouic |iaze auc
you'c uever luow wbere your aii-inortaut beir weut to.
ue irowuec at sone oi ber worcs, tbeu seenec to tale iu ber neauiug. Au beir to wbat, Carrow' be suaec. I ieit auy weaitb I bac |ebiuc, ior you: Cieariy
reiuiug iu bis tener, be saic, I an sealiug oi bow ny ebiic wouic |e treatec.
"bat' 1birc sia oi tbe uigbt. \ou tbiul I wouic nistreat ny owu |a|y'
Just as you saic, sone tbiugs you eauuot risl. I nust |e tbere to roteet ny oiisriug.
lron wbon'
lron auyoue or auytbiug, be saic. ku|y bas uo areuts auc is ceeuceut ou iate--ceeuceut uow ou ny goocwiii.
\our goodw//' 8be wautec away iron bin. Luiortuuateiy, iu tbis ease at ieast, sbe wasu't stuic. 1bere'c |e uo iiouueiug away, uot wbeu sbe bac ku|y witb ber.
\ailon was rigbt--tbey'c bave to stay witb tbe |ig guu ior as ioug as be'c iet tben.
ro natter tbat be'c just nace ber ieei cirty auc iaeliug. I want o; owecs lack!
\ou luow 'tis true. Auc I wouic uot bave ny owu so vuiuera|ie.
\ou iorget--ku|y bas ne.
Do you tbiul I eouic evec iorget tbat, witeb'
Carrow bac bearc oi ioves tbat eouic trun aii o|staeies. But tbeu sbe'c aiso bearc tbat tbere were tbiugs eouies eouicu't eone |ael iron.
8be was |egiuuiug to iear tbat sbe auc \ailon nigbt uot get ast tbis.
ue sta||ec bis iegs iuto bis auts ouee agaiu. \ou are augry witb ne auc bave uo rigbt to |e.
Auc you're treatiug ne iile sone evii |iteb wbo'ii a|seouc witb your lic. I'n uot iile tbat. I'n aetuaiiy uot tbat |ac a ersou. 8be luew be'c bac a torneutec iiie,
luew be'c exerieueec barcsbis sbe eouicu't eveu inagiue. Carrow eouic uucerstauc bis nistrust. 8ut I dont know what to do alout t. "iii you ever see ast wbat I was
ioreec to co' Cr wiii you aiways tbiul I'n a iiar'
"bat wouic you co tbeu, ii ny seec tool'
I wouicu't lee your ebiic iron you. As ii sbe eveu eouic. It struel ber tbat \ailon was iu tbeir iives uow. lor |etter or worse, be was ou tbis iaue auc wouic
uever wiiiiugiy |e artec iron ber.
\ay|e be was rigbt to lee au enotiouai cistauee. 1beir reiatiousbi was iileiy coonec.
8o wby bac sbe ieit tbat uuwaveriug eertaiuty a|out bin' Lusland. ber beart seenec to ery eveu uow.
\ou saic you'c wautec ne to eiain you iu C|iiviou, be gratec. \ou eouic bave gotteu reguaut tbeu. Dic you give uo tbougbt to tbat'
I cic.
Auc I tbougbt tbat ny iiie was aireacy ebaugiug racieaiiy |eeause oi ku|y. Auc tbat iittie giri iiiis ne witb eouteutneut iile I've uever luowu. 8o wby wouicu't auotber
ebiic co tbe sane'
8o 'tis aii a|out ;ouc baiuess. \ou wouic bave raisec o; ebiic wbiie I was inrisouec iu tbat iaee'
I luow you cou't |eiieve ne, |ut I vowec to ny goccess uelate tbat I wouic eone |ael ior you. I swore tbat I wouicu't sto uutii you were ireec. I cou't luow
wbat to co to eouviuee you oi tbat.
ue ioolec iile be wautec to |eiieve ber so |aciy. 1beu bis exressiou grew eiosec-oii ouee nore.
I aslec you a uestiou |eiore, auc I waut tbe auswer, sbe saic. \es or uo. "iii you ever see ast wbat I was ioreec to co' Beeause I'n |egiuuiug to suseet you
wiii aiways bate ne, wiii aiways tbiul I'n ceeeiviug you.
Auc wbat wouic you co ii tbat were tbe ease' rotbiug wiii ebauge |y ny ausweriug eitber way.
8tiii be'c evacec tbe uestiou. 8be iuebec ber iorebeac. 1beu wbat co we co uow'
"e cic tbiugs your way, uow we wiii co tben niue, be saic, bis toue as eoic as irost. I an goiug to roteet you. I wiii eveu roteet your acotec oue. Lxeet
uotbiug nore.
uer iis artec. "beu be was coue witb ber, Carrow's beart wouic |e as |roleu as bis was. \ay|e worse. 8be aslec soitiy, "iii tbat |e euougb ior you'
It nust |e ior ne, as weii as ior you. I usuaiiy liii tbose wbo |etray ne. Couut yourseii iuely.

chatec -1

I ve leen takng o; knocks. Carrow nusec, stariug at tbe eeiiug eeiiiug a|ove ber |ec. "biie ku|y suorec iron tbe otber |ec, sbe tbougbt |ael over tbe iast tbree
cays ou tbe isiauc.
\ailon bac |eeu so liuc to tbe giri, |ut be'c |eeu iey to Carrow, |areiy sealiug to ber, |areiy iooliug at ber. ue reiusec to siee iusice, reierriug to ean out
|etweeu tbe ueel oi tbe saucy euiusuia auc tbe ea|iu. 8be iilec to tbiul be cic tbis soieiy to roteet tben, iusteac oi to cistauee binseii iron Carrow.
"itb ku|y, be was aii atieuee auc liucuess. Auc tbe giri was iaseiuatec witb ber stecenou. Aareutiy, sbe'c exiaiuec tbe tern to bin--auc be bacu't ceuiec tbe
ku|y bac iuu witb bin, ioiiowiug bin everywbere, auc be cicu't seen to niuc. 8everai tines a cay, Carrow saw tbe |ig cenou ou bis way to sone tasl witb a tiuy
witeb buiiiug aiter bis ioug-ieggec strices. ue'c taugbt tbe giri bow to tie seeiai luots, auc togetber tbey |rougbt |ael iisb auc |erries.
Carrow eouic teii be eveu eujoyec it wbeu ku|y saug lartieie \au. But it nace seuse. ue'c |eeu aioue so ioug, tbe souuc oi a ebiic siugiug nust |e ieasiug, uo
natter tbe tuue.
Last uigbt, ku|y bac aslec ior Ma/koo to boic ber bauc at |ectine. Carrow bac stooc at tbe coorway, watebiug as be'c atieutiy waitec ior ku|y to iaii asiee. ue'c
gruiiiy toic ber, Drean weii, dee/a. Denouisb ior do//.
"itb eaeb seeouc be'c renaiuec at tbat |ecsice, Carrow bac |eeone eveu nore eouviueec tbat \ailon was tbe oue....
8onetines ku|y wouic reort iu ou tbiugs tbey'c coue.
I'n teaebiug bin to reac, sbe'c saic yestercay, ber toue iiiiec witb inortauee. Beeause I reac waaaaay |etter tbau bin.
\ou cicu't teii bin tbat, cic you'
Cuiy twiee.
ku|y eoutiuuaiiy ressurec Carrow to ieave, reniuciug ber severai tines a cay, \ou ronisec ne you'c tale ne bone.
I luow, |a|y, |ut it's eoniieatec.
I niss ny irieucs. I niss Liiauua.
Liiauua, Carrow's neutor auc su|stitute notber, was a baii innortai wbo agec |ut uever ciec. 1be oic witeb aiways wore au arou witb oelets iuii oi nysterious
seiieastiug owcers, auc every tine Carrow buggec ber, tbose seeuts waitec u. 1o tbis cay, Carrow assoeiatec tbe sneiis witb warn bugs auc uueoucitiouai iove. I niss
Liiauua, too. Auc \arileta. But we'ii see tben soou.
Iu turu, Carrow was ressuriug \ailon to bei tben eseae tbis iaee, |ut be let |iowiug ber oii. 8be tbougbt be iearec tbat sbe'c ieave bin ouee tbey'c returuec
bone. "beu iu trutb, ii be treatec ber baii as weii as be bac iu tbe niue, tbeu sbe'c |e stuel to bin iile eoxy.
8be cicu't see tbat iortbeoniug. Aiter tbey'c nace iove tbe iirst tine, Carrow bac awaleuec witb ber |ocy weii ieasurec, eveu as ber beart bac stiii burt. 8be'c |eeu
so stuug tbat sbe bacu't sougbt bin out ior auy nore oi bis atteutious.
But iast uigbt as sbe'c iaiu awale curiug a storn, be'c aearec iu tbe coorway, iinuec |y tbe iiasbiug iigbtuiug. cooe.
8be'c nissec bin iile au aebe, iiuciug it inossi|ie to ceuy bin. liiiec witb exeiteneut, sbe'c ioiiowec bin out. As tbe raiu ieii, be'c taleu ber agaiust a tree, tbeu iron
|ebiuc, tbeu witb ber writbiug iu bis ia. 8be'c iost eouut aiter tbat, |ut eaeb tine be'c taleu aius uever to eone iusice ber--or to |ite ber.
1bis noruiug, Carrow bac |eeu eross-eyec witb exbaustiou auc ieasautiy surrisec wbeu be'c eone to tbe ea|iu eariy, gettiug ku|y iec auc taliug ber out--as ii be'c
wautec to iet Carrow siee iate.
8ueb a tbougbtiui gesture, a husland/; gesture. But iater, wbeu sbe'c tbaulec bin, be'c eoiciy ceuiec tbat be'c coue it ior ber.
\es, sbe'c |eeu taliug ber luoels, siugiug 1u|--tbuniug to berseii as sbe'c beic ber tougue auc iasterec ou sniies. I get knocked down. lut I get u agan....
8be'c iirst startec iaiiiug ior bin |eeause sbe'c ieit eberisbec. row tbis ciscaiu was liiiiug ber. It eoustautiy reniucec ber oi ber ebiicbooc.
"beu sbe was youug, sbe'c tbougbt ii sbe was gooc auc nace ber areuts rouc, tbey wouic tbaw towarc ber auc give ber iove. row sbe'c |eguu to aeeet tbat tbey
nevec wouic.
"ouic \ailon'
\et bis |ebavior bac nace ber reaiize sonetbiug. 8be'c coue wroug |y bin, auc ii bis treatiug ber iile tbis ior a tine wouic bei tben get ast ber |etrayai, tbeu sbe
eouic eucure it.
uowever, tbere was uo reasou ior ber to eucure it iron ber areuts. 8be'c gazec at ber eneraic riug, tbe oue tie sbe bac witb tben. "bat ii sbe just acnittec ceieat'
keiiuuisbec aii boe'
1beu sbe'c woucerec, hat / Ma/koo uever gets ast o; letca;a/`
1bat wouic |e a ro|ien, sbe tbougbt as sbe rose to go iiuc bin.
8iuee Carrow bac aireacy iaiieu iu iove witb \ailon 8iaiue.
1wo witebes were naliug \ailon retbiul everytbiug be'c luowu. lor a cenou oi bis age, tbis was au uueoniorta|ie roeess.
1bey'c settiec iuto a routiue oi sorts. Duriug tbe cay be iisbec auc ebeelec tbe erineter tras witb ku|y taggiug aioug. Cuee coue, tbe giri wouic teaeb bin to write a
iew worcs iu tbe sauc. At uigbt, be creanec.
\enories iron Carrow bac |eguu suressiug bis owu uigbtnares iron bis ast. Auc uot aii oi ber nenories were iiiiec witb ioueiiuess, earousiug, or wars.
ue'c wituessec nueb nore iron ber iiie--visious oi cacs. great lcdges. auc loats as |ig as nouutaius. ue'c seeu ber bone, a nauor eaiiec Aucoaiu, tbe iaee sbe'c
soleu to ber areuts a|out. It was iiiiec witb otber witebes auc surrouucec |y uuusuai ereatures.
But \ailon bac aiso |eguu to suiier a reeurriug uigbtnare a|out jourueyiug witb ber to ber iaucs. As soou as be got tbere, sbe wbiserec, Io so socc;. Ma/koo.
Cr, iu auotber versiou, sbe cicu't aoiogize, sbe iaugbec at bin just as tbose cenouesses bac wbeu be'c |eeu starviug as a |oy.
Carrow bac acnittec tbat sbe'c |eeu weii ou ber way to wautiug a iuture witb bin, eveu |eiore tbey'c jourueyec tbrougb tbat ortai. 1ou wece we// on ;ouc wa;.
wtch. lut I was thece. ue'c earec a|out ber wbeu be'c |iiuciy ioiiowec ber. Auc be burt aii tbe worse ior it--
ue bearc Carrow aroaebiug.
"by cou't you ever stay iusice witb us' sbe aslec iron |ebiuc bin.
ue sbruggec.
Do you niuc ii I sit'
St. 1a/k to oe. Sa; the one thng that w// ease o; ostcust. \ailon cicu't want to ieei iile tbis, |ut iour buucrec years oi nisery eouicu't |e eurec |y a iew cays
witb ber. Cic iears ciec barc.
8eusiug sbe was a|out to ieave, be gratec, 8it.
8be settiec uext to bin ou tbe sauc. I ueec to luow wbeu you're goiug iuto tbe iuterior to seareb.
ue wouicu't |e. Beeause \ailon wouic not |e returuiug ber to ber oic bone. Ii be cic go oii to seareb, be'c just returu witb worc tbat tbere was uo way to eseae.
1bis iaee was aracise. lor tbe iirst tine ever, be was utteriy satisiiec witb aii tbat |eiougec to bin.
1bougb be'c bac uo eboiee a|out eoniug to tbis isiauc, be wouic eboose to stay, seiziug auotber territory to guarc, oue witb anie roon to ruu, water, auc iooc.
looc iron tbe sea. lisbiug ior bis nate auc tbeir youug oue was satisiyiug.
\ore inortautiy, 'twas a iaee witbout tbe sereeebiug souucs auc |iiuciug iigbts oi ber bone. "itbout tbe wacs.
"by are you so eager to returu' be aslec ber. Is it so |ac bere'
I bave to get bone. 1bat's wbere ny iiie is.
\ou are ny ienaie. \our iiie is witb ne.
1beu iet's seuc our iives togetber. Iu rew Crieaus, sbe saic |rigbtiy. \ailon, you wouic |e bay tbere witb us. But you'ii bave to trust ne.
1ust accet what she o//ecs. a art oi bin eonnaucec. Ii sbe |etrayec bin agaiu, be wouic survive. \et tbeu be ieturec bow sbe'c ioolec tocay, sniiiug cowu at
ku|y as tbey'c eoiieetec sbeiis.
!o. !o. I wou/d not.
Ii be iet binseii iove Carrow auc sbe iorsool bin agaiu, be wouic not go ou. 8o to trust ber iu tbis wouic |e to trust ber witb bis very iiie.
row tbe situatiou was eveu nore eoniieatec. ue was growiug to eare ior tbe witeb's acotec oue, too. Ii Carrow iorsool bin, sbe'c tale tbe ebiic witb ber.
"bieb was uuaeeeta|ie. ue'c aireacy ceeicec tbat ii Carrow eouic acot ku|y, tbeu be eouic as weii. Ii tbe giri ueecec a notber to iove ber, tbeu sbe aiso ueecec a
iatber to roteet ber.
Iathec. A uew urose ior bin, a uew uane. 8onetbiug to tale tbe iaee oi |astarc, siave, nurcerer. A wbore's get...
"beu be cicu't resouc, sbe aslec, Auc wbat a|out ku|y' uer irieucs auc sebooi are |ael bone.
1be giri wiii acjust. Just as I've bac to co agaiu auc agaiu.
I waut nore ior ber. I tbougbt you wouic, too.
1eii ne bow I eau trust tbis uext woric you waut ne to go to. 1be iast tine I trustec you to tale ne to a uew iaee, I cic uot iare weii.
But you're |etter oii uow, areu't you'
Ii I an, I've eertaiuiy earuec ny gooc iortuue, be saic, reeaiiiug bis eature auc Cbase's torture. keniucec oi tbat nau's cisgust, \ailon saic, Iu your woric,
wouic your eoie aeeet wbat I an'
8be gazec away. \our liuc isu't ... weii, tbere are tbose wbo'ii waut to nale you au eueny just |eeause oi wbat you are. But we wou't luow ii tbey eau |e nace to
see ciiiereutiy, uot uutii we try it.
\our bone eauuot ossi|iy |e |etter tbau tbis. 1be |iiuciug iigbts, tbe souucs, ber lehavoc...
\ay|e uot |etter, |ut ciiiereut. "e |eioug to a eoveu tbere, auc ku|y ueecs to iearu iron tben. \ailon, sbe eouic grow u to |e caugerous. 1be 8oreeri sbowec a
cistur|iug iuterest iu ber, sbe saic. Auc I bave a |ac ieeiiug a|out tbis iaee. A seuse oi sonetbiug eoniug. \ore nortais wiii returu bere. Auc tbe caugers ou tbis isiauc are
greater tbau tbere eouic ever |e at bone.
Ab, you bave a seuse, tbeu'
8o you're uot goiug to |eiieve tbat eitber' uer ebeels iiusbec witb auger. Ii you tbiul I'c iie a|out a oteutiai cauger, tbeu I'n |egiuuiug to woucer ii we truiy eau
eone |ael iron tbis.
'1is eouveuieut. \our sense.
La Doraca eouic stiii |e out bere. kenen|er ber' 1bat gbastiy wonau wbo eret tbrougb tbe warc, wrealiug bavoe'
8be cic uot |otber ne. Aicec ne, iu iaet. 8be is uot a eoueeru.
Carrow uarrowec ber eyes. \ou seen utteriy eouviueec tbat tbis isiauc is |etter tbau ny bone. uave you creanec ny nenories'
\es, be auswerec sbaneiessiy.
uer iis artec, |ut sbe uieliy eoiieetec berseii. "bat bave you seeu'
1ou. dancng uon tal/es. Ciinses oi your woric. Cars auc gacgets. Luougb to luow I'c reier it bere.
"bat bave you seeu oi ny //e'
"by uot teii ber' I saw your wars. 8aw you iigbtiug reeliessiy.
1bere areu't that nauy wars, \ailon.
I saw you cisro|iug ior straugers.
8be cicu't eveu bave tbe graee to iiusb. uave you seeu ne witb auotber nau'
\ailon creacec tbat ossi|iiity. ro, I bave uot. But wbat I bave seeu is canuiug euougb. "by wouic you |ebave iile tbat'
8be sbruggec easuaiiy. A iot oi reasous. I was siugie--uu|ouuc--auc it was exeitiug. I'n uot sby, auc our euiture is iuu-ioviug auc iree. lius, I get ower iron it.
row it was bis turu to |e sboelec. 1bat is your soucce'
8be uoccec. uaiuess. keveiry. 1bey give ne ower. 8be tiitec ber beac at bin, ber greeu eyes araisiug. \ailon, I'n uot goiug to aoiogize ior tbat, or ior
auytbiug I've coue.
"beu bis seowi ceeeuec, sbe saic, \ou're iour buucrec years oic. I'n uot yet iiity. 8o cou't jucge ne ior baviug iuu wbeu I was youug auc siugie. Auc cou't jucge
ne ior seeuriug ower tbat's tbere ior tbe taliug.
Dou't jucge ber' "bo tbe beii was he to ever jucge auotber' "ouic you iuteuc to eoutiuue coiug tbat'
Cuiy tbe weel cireetiy |eiore Asb "ecuescay. At bis irowu, sbe exiaiuec, It's a eitywice eeie|ratiou. "iic reveiry. Auc I'c boe you'c |e rigbt tbere witb ne. 8be
easec iu eioser to bin. Ii you've seeu ny nenories, tbeu it's ouiy iair tbat you teii ne a|out yours. 8be traeec ber iiugers over tbe sears ou bis wrists.
"beu be reeoiiec, sbe crew ber bauc away. \ou wiii uever iearu to trust ne, wiii you' uer exressiou grew sacceuec. 8o it's uot tbat you assune tbis isiauc is a
|etter iaee to iive--it's |eeause you're airaic I'ii |etray you ouee we get |ael' \ou bac uo iuteutiou oi ever goiug to seareb, cic you' ro iuteutiou oi ever beiiug us oii tbis
ro. I cic uot.
8be gasec. Do you exeet ne to lee tbis torue ou iorever' 1o iive beiiess auc vuiuera|ie witbout auy nagie' I an a wtch. \ailon:
Vuiuera|ie' \ou bave ny roteetiou--I iecgec it. Auc uo natter wbat, you wouic |e iu iess cauger bere tbau iu your woric, anicst ;ouc wacs.
"iii you ever nove ast tbis auger'
ue sbruggec.
Danu it, cenou, teii ne. "iii you ever trust ne agaiu'
I co uot luow.
Just auswer ne: sbe eriec. \es or uo'
Cic iears ciec barc. ro.
uer bauc iiittec to ber iorebeac. 1beu you're goiug to eoutiuue to ireeze ne out' Distauee yourseii' \ou're treatiug ne iile ny areuts cic. 8be gave a |itter iaugb.
At ieast I've giveu you reasou to.
8o tbat's bow sbe viewec bis |ebavior' Lileuiug it to ber eoic auc baugbty areuts' uis iirst inuise was to ceuy |eiug auytbiug iile tben. But bacu't be |eeu eoic'
~t /east Ive gven ;ou ceason to. ... ue was treatiug ber as tbey bac. uow eouic be, wbeu be luew iirstbauc bow beartsiel tbeir uegieet bac nace ber'
"bat was bis uegieet coiug to ber uow'
8be'c coue uotbiug wroug witb tben, uor was sbe truiy euia|ie ior wbat sbe'c coue to \ailon. 8be'c sougbt ouiy to save au iuuoeeut ebiic, tbe iittie giri be too
wautec to eaii bis owu.
"e eau't |e traec bere |eeause you iear I'ii ieave you ouee we returu bone, sbe saic. Dic you uever tbiul I eouic ieave you bere'
uis |ocy teusec, auc be |arec bis iaugs. 1ry it, witeb. Aiways I wiii eone ior you. lor you |otb. rotbiug wiii sto ne:
8be croec ber iaee iuto ber baucs. "bat is wcong witb ne' ue |areiy bearc ber nutter, laiiiug ior soneoue wbo eau't iove ne |ael.
Love' be sat. \ou waut tbat iron oe' uis beart seenec to sto.
\ay|e be sbouic teii ber everytbiug. Ii be creacec ber reaetiou, tbeu be sbouic just get tbis out oi tbe way. 8be was goiug to iorsale bin eveutuaiiy. ~nd I w// not
cace lecause she has a/cead; letca;ed o; tcust.
8be raisec ber beac. Iu a ceaceuec toue, sbe saic, \es, \ailon, I waut you to iove ne.
\ou luow uotbiug a|out ne: But you wiii. ue wouic reveai bis sorcic ast, sariug uo cetaii, so sbe eouic uucerstauc tbe naie sbe'c wec. Aiter touigbt, you wiii
luow everytbiug.
chatec -2

1ou w// know evec;thng. ... uis exressiou was eruei, as ii be iauuec to burt ber witb wbatever be was a|out to reveai.
But be was aireacy burtiug ber. ue |eiievec tbeir reiatiousbi biugec ou bis ast auc bow it aiieetec bin. Iusteac, it sbouic |e a|out thec asts, sbaiug tbeir iuture
togetber. Auc just as be bac ciiiieuity trustiug ber, sbe bac ciiiieuity |eiug criveu away, iguorec, rejeetec....
1beu teii ne, \ailon. I waut to luow.
1bougb bis ceneauor was aiooi, bis irises iiielerec |iael, |eiyiug bis eain. 8be luew iu au iustaut tbat be'c uever toic auotber wbat be was a|out to eouiice iu ber.
\y notber was a wbore, be |egau. I bave uo icea wbo ny iatber was.
Carrow bac aireacy luowu tbat. 8be ce|atec teiiiug bin, |ut ceeicec to bear it iron bin. Co ou, iease.
"beu I was a |oy, sbe soic ne to a vanire naster wbo usec ne ior |iooc. ue ioolec to tbe rigbt oi ber as be accec, Auc ior ... sex.
Ab, uelate, was tbat wby be'c liiiec bis notber'
8be luew wbat tbat vanire wouic co to ne. Auc stiii sbe nace ne bis siave. Lis crawiug |ael iron bis iaugs, \ailon saic, Auc tbe naster raec bis siaves
\ailon, I--
Let ne iiuisb, be suaec.
I'n sorry, go ou.
But tbat was uot euougb ior tbe vanire. ue sbarec ne witb bis siel irieucs. ue iilec to sbane ne, to nale ne sbane nyseii iu irout oi tben. Iu tine, I batec nyseii
eveu nore tbau I batec bin.
Carrow's beart was |realiug ior tbis cenou. 8be'c suseetec be'c |eeu a|usec iile tbat, |ut bacu't inagiuec to wbat cegree.
I cic wbatever tbat vanire wautec oi ne, be toic ber. I was bis wbore, auc iu tine, be |eiievec I was au eager oue. Ii I ieit aiu, I iguorec it. Ii I luew cisgust, I
iearuec to bice it.
uis exressiou grew eveu nore bauutec, bis eyes uow iuiiy |iael, as ii be were reiiviug tbat nisery. Carrow wautec to boic bin, |ut sbe luew be wouicu't aeeet
eoniort iron ber uow.
rever cic tbe naster see bow nueb I cesisec bin. Auc stiii be eveutuaiiy lielec ne out to starve iu tbe streets. I was stuuuec, eouic uot eonrebeuc wbat I bac
coue wroug. '1was years |eiore I reaiizec I'c growu too taii auc |ig to iease bin.
"b-wbat baeuec tbeu'
I beaiec, I survivec. 8onebow ny |ocy eveu tbrivec. But ny niuc was uever rigbt. I luew I bac to liii bin. ue'c |eguu sealiug iu a nouotoue voiee, as ii reeitiug
a iog|ool oi eveuts. But sbe eouic /ee/ tbe aiu be'c |uriec so ceeiy. 1be iast tbiug tbe naster saw iu bis iiie was ny iaee. Aiter tbat, I liiiec a iot oi vanires. I iovec to co
uotbiug nore. 8oou lriuee kaiieu bearc oi ne. "e |eeane irieucs. \ailon accec iu a nutter, I eouic uot |eiieve be wautec to |e ny irieuc. I'c uever bac oue |eiore. Cr
ont cc; /oc ho--he// hate ;ou /oc t.
"ait, tbey'c |eeu irieucs' Carrow creacec beariug nore, luew tbe euciug to tbis story iron tbe cossier. \ailon bac assassiuatec kaiieu tbe Just.
kaiieu was aware oi ny iowiy |irtb auc tbat I'c |eeu a siave. But it natterec uaugbt to bin. ue was tbe iirst ersou wbo ever gave a canu wbetber I iivec or ciec.
lor years, we iougbt tbe vanires, sice |y sice as |rotbers, uutii we were eaturec |eeause oi a traitor--kouatb tbe Arnorer.
kouatb' 1beu be'c ciec too uieliy.
1be vanires' ieacer, tbe Vieeroy, nace kaiieu auc ne iuto a|oniuatious. 8ear|a. 1beu be inrisouec us togetber witb uo iooc--or |iooc. ue toic us tbat ouiy oue
oi us wouic ever ieave tbat eeii. 1be oue wbo craul, or tbe oue wbo liiiec.
uatrec ior tbose ioug-ceac vanires seetbec iusice Carrow. uow nueb \ailon bac suiierec at tbeir baucs.
kaiieu was uot as stroug as I was, uot as usec to buuger. ue ueecec |iooc nore tbau I cic. I sbouic bave reaiizec tbat tbeu, sbouic bave giveu bin wbat be ueecec. I
bave uever regrettec auytbiug nore tbau wbat I cic iu tbe eeii tbat uigbt.
ue triec to criul iron you' 8o tbe riuee bac sueeun|ec to |ioociust auc turuec ou tbe nau wbo'c ioolec u to bin, wbo'c /oved bin. Auc \ailon tbougbt be
was iu tbe wroug.
Ci eourse be triec to criul iron ne: "e were nacceuec witb tbirst. kaiieu was ny |est irieuc, auc I cestroyec bin--
\ailon, be cicu't ieave you a eboiee.
1bere is aiways a eboiee:
\ou just saic you were nacceuec |y tbirst.
I cic uot dcnk bin, witeb--I liiiec bin, |eeause I tbougbt be bac |etrayec our irieucsbi. I've uever cruul auyoue |eiore you.
!evec le/oce oe` ue'c resistec tbat ioug' uow cic you eseae tbe Vieeroy'
ue wautec ne to |eeone ioyai to tbe uorce, to |eeone nore vanire tbau cenou. ue triec to ioree ne to criul iron cenous. I resistec ior years, witbstooc bis
torneuts. But oue uigbt, be reseutec ne witb tbe ueel oi a cenou |oy, oue wbo was ny age wbeu I'c iirst eecec |iooc. I eouic seuse tbe ebiic's iear, eouic seeut it, auc it
ieit so /ao/ac. A rage sueb as I've uever luowu rose u iu ne, auc I gave nyseii over to it. I |role iree, siaugbteriug tbat vanire.
1orneuts' lor years' Auc tbeu sbe'c turuec \ailon over to Cbase ior nore....
Last eane Carrow Craie, be saic soitiy, bis voiee iuii oi neuaee, a witeb as |eautiiui as sbe was ceeeitiui. 8be nace ne eare ior ber, tbeu trielec ne, iuriug ne iuto
a tra to |e eusiavec yet agaiu.
Ab, gocs, be eousicerec ber uo |etter tbau tbe otbers.
Auyoue wbo bas ever |etrayec ne bas aic witb bis iiie. "itb ny |are baucs, I liiiec tbe naster, tbe Vieeroy, kaiieu, auc kouatb.
Auc your notber'
"beu I was growu, I visitec ber bovei to sbow ber wbat I'c nace oi nyseii, to nale ber regret. "beu sbe servec ne oisouec criul, I ioreec ber to iiuisb tbe eu.
Carrow's beart ieii wbeu sbe reeoguizec wby \ailon bac returuec to see tbat cenouess. ue'c stiii |eeu seeliug a notber's iove, eveu ii be bacu't reaiizec it tbeu--or
uow. Auc bis notber bac auswerec bis iougiug witb a ceaciy oisou.
\ailon nistool ber siieuee. '1was uo iess tbau sbe ceservec: row aii oi tben are ceac |ut you.
D-cic you waut to liii ne'
uis gaze beic bers. I tbougbt a|out it. uac you uot |eeu ny iatec oue, I wouic bave.
8be uucerstooc so nueb nore a|out bin uow. uis reaetiou curiug tbeir |atb iu C|iiviou. "by be cicu't waut to inreguate ber.
uow eouic be trust Carrow witb a ebiic oi bis wbeu be'c |eeu ieit |y bis areuts to |e |rutaiizec agaiu auc agaiu' uis owu notber bac soic bin as a siave auc triec to
nurcer bin. "by sbouic be exeet ciiiereut iron Carrow'
\ailon bac tbe ceeest, nost iar-reaebiug trust issues oi auy ersou sbe'c ever luowu. Auc Carrow bac |etrayec bin, a naie wbo'c |eeu sbaec |y |etrayai.
8be giaueec at bis wrists. ue bac iar worse sears ou tbe iusice. ~nd Ive ced theo wde oen.
row wbat coes tbe witeb tbiul oi ber husland'

chatec -

\ailon |raeec binseii ior ber cisgust, eveu as be luew be sbouicu't give a canu wbat sbe tbougbt. She bac wrougec ho.
8tiii, as be watebec ber seeniug to iornuiate a resouse, be regrettec teiiiug ber. ue eouic uot tale ber cisgust, eouic uot |ear it iron ber--
I areeiate your eouiiciug iu ne a|out your ast, sbe iiuaiiy saic. It exiaius a iot. But it coesu't aiieet ny ieeiiugs at aii.
ue exbaiec a |reatb be bacu't reaiizec be was boiciug. 1beu bis auger iirec. uow eau you say tbat' be suaec. \our worcs are iaise, neaut to ceeeive ne agaiu.
uow eouic you uot |e cisgustec'
I'n uot. I ieei aiu ior wbat you've suiierec auc waut to eoniort you, |ut ny ieeiiugs ior you baveu't ebaugec iu tbe ieast.
\ay|e sbe cicu't uucerstauc bow |ac it'c |eeu. Low dshonocal/; I lehaved. I seaveugec reiuse, eatiug iron iiitb. I nurcerec ny |est irieuc, tbe ouiy oue wbo
was ever gooc to ne iu ny eutire iiie. ue gratec, I |ebavec as ii I iovec every seeouc tbe naster vioiatec ne, aetec as ii I were eager, eraviug wbatever be auc bis irieucs
cic to ne.
1bougb sbe cicu't gaze away, ber eyes waterec. I wisb I eouic bave savec you iron tbat. Couic bave reseuec you iron bin.
ue sbot to bis ieet. "bat is wcong witb you, wonau' ue rau bis bauc over bis iaee. ro, I luow. \ou treat ne just as I treatec ny naster, ieiguiug iove to gaiu
roteetiou, aetiug as ii I co uot cisgust you.
I'n uot ieiguiug auytbiug, cenou: \ou were a ebiic: \ou cic wbat it tool to survive. Auc tbaul tbe gocs you cic. \ou grew iuto tbe uo|iest, |ravest nau I've ever
luowu. Beeause oi your streugtb auc wiii to iive, you were bere to save ne auc au iuuoeeut iittie giri iron cyiug.
ro|iest' \ailon sbool bis beac barc. \ou saic tbe nortais wautec ne, a 8ear|a, |eeause I an uuiue. \ou auc tbe giri nigbt uot eveu bave |eeu taleu |ut ior ne.
I nay bave |eeu a awu, |ut I |eiieve tbey wautec ku|y auyway. 8be was goiug to |e eaturec regarciess. Auc ii uot ior you, sbe wouic bave ciec tbat uigbt. "by
cou't you renen|er eveuts iile tbat' 8be gazec at tbe sly, tbeu turuec to bin ouee nore, ber eyes starl. I regret burtiug you, |ut I co not regret |eiug seut aiter you. 1be
very tbougbt oi uever luowiug you nales ne ieei siel iusice.
ue eieuebec bis iists. It does oe. too. "bat wouic it tale ior bin to iose tbis luot iu bis gut, tbis |itter cou|t'
I do not want to /ee/ ths wa; an;ooce....
"beu be cicu't reiy, sbe rose. \ailon, I'ii go. But tbere's sonetbiug you sbouic luow. 8be waitec uutii be'c net ber gaze to say, Ii you toic ne tbese tbiugs to
crive a wecge |etweeu us, tbeu you've iaiiec. Aii you've coue is nale ne eare ior you nore.
hch oakes no sense to oe! Aiter crecgiug u aii tbese nenories, be aebec iusice. ue wautec to burt ber, to sbale away tbat nasl oi eoueeru auc enatby. I w//
nevec le/eve agan.
As sbe turuec |ael ior tbe ea|iu, bis bauc sbot iorwarc, suaggiug ber aulie to uii ber to tbe sauc. I'n uot coue witb you, wiie.
8be twistec arouuc to iaee bin. Iusteac oi |eiug outragec or wary, ber exressiou was iieree. Cooc, |eeause I wiii nevec |e coue witb you, \ailon. 8be easec ber
bauc to bis iaee, restiug ber ain agaiust bis ebeel. uer eyes |egau to soiteu as sbe gazec u at bin.
Lvery tine sbe ioolec at bin iile tbat, bis raueor grew. 1be ouiy reasou you aeeet oue iile ne iuto your |ec--be ioreec ber baucs over ber beac, iuuiug tben witb
oue oi bis--is tbat you luow you wiii |e vuiuera|ie witbout ny roteetiou. ue reeoguizec tbis as weii as be wouic bis owu barsb reiieetiou iu a ooi. Auc wbeu you are saie
iu your bone, you wiii bave uo ueec oi ne.
1bat's siniy uot true.
lrove it, be saic, bis voiee eruei. lrove to ne wby a bigb|oru wonau so iiue as you--be eiawec ber sbirt oeu to exose ber |reasts, giviug eaeb a |rusue
sueeze--wouic waut to iie witb a naie iile ne.
\ailon, I waut to iie witb you |eeause I cesire you so nueb.
At ber ear, be rasec, \ou truiy erave tbe |astarc sou oi a wbore ruttiug |etwixt your aie tbigbs' Aiter teariug oii bis owu sbirt, be sbovec ber slirt u to ber waist,
|ariug ber sex. "ouicu't you |e susieious, ii you were ne' ue yaulec bis auts cowu to bis luees, tbeu naueuverec bis |ocy over bers.
I erave ;ou. I aiways wiii.
"beu be ositiouec bis eoel at ber eutrauee, sbe |egau autiug, growiug wet ior bin, wbieb ouiy iuiuriatec bin nore.
\ou iile |eiug /ucked l; a Scacla' ue wraec ber bair arouuc bis iist. Lool at ne: 1ruiy iool. 1eii ne wbat you see tbat otbers eauuot:
I see ny bus|auc.
"itb a yeii oi irustratiou, be euterec ber witb oue uureieutiug strole. 1bougb bis tbougbts were iu turnoii, ieasure roelec bin. ue tbrew |ael bis beac, |itiug |ael a
8be gasec at tbe iutrusiou, sueliug iu a |reatb. 1beu sbe wbiserec, I iove you.
ue stiiiec, gaziug cowu at ber. "bat cic you say'
1be cenou's |ocy was a nass oi teusiou, iile a |on| a|out to exioce, |ut sbe stiii reeatec, I iove you, \ailon.
8but u: ue sbovec iusice ber so barc, ber teetb ueariy eiatterec.
But I co.
8to sayiug tbat, be eonnaucec, |ueliug bis bis, criviug bis sbait cee witbiu ber. ue ioolec cowu at ber as ii be batec ber, as ii be wautec to uuisb ber ior ioviug
bin--eveu as sbe eouic seuse bis enotious, eouic seuse bow nueb be yearuec ior ber too.
Are you tryiug to burt ne'
ue ualec a|ove ber. It'c |e uotbiug nore tbau you ceserve. uis iiieleriug eyes were iiiiec witb nore aiu tbau sbe'c ever seeu iu auotber. 1beu bis gaze ieii to ber
ueel. Ii I |it you, wouic you stiii teii ne you iove ne'
1es. a/wa;s. 1ry it auc see.
\ou'c ro|a|iy eone ior ne agaiu. Isu't tbat rigbt, witeb'
But iusteac oi taliug ber ueel, be weut to bis luees, reieasiug ber baucs. Criiug ber ass witb siayec, eiutebiug iiugers, be ositiouec ber so be eouic siul eveu
iartber iusice.
8eatec cee, be unec iusice ber iile a istou, bis rigic nuseies iiexiug uucer sweat-siielec sliu. 8be triec to raise ber bis u to neet bin, seeliug bis uext
ceterniuec tbrust, |ut be was too stroug.
1be irietiou ... bis growis oi ieasure ... tbe tbiel beat sweiiiug witbiu ber.
Just watebiug bis |ocy nove iile tbis was a|out to seuc ber over tbe ecge. uer baucs were crawu to bin, ains earessiug bis sbeeuiug ebest, tbeu ciiug cowu bis
"itb eaeb oi ber stroles, witb eaeb oi bis reieutiess iuuges, teusiou |uiit iusice ber, siraiiug, uutii sbe tbro||ec. Denou: sbe eriec, ceserate ior reiease. uer beac
tbrasbec as tbe ressure witbiu ber gatberec, reacyiug to exioce.
At iast, tbe ieasure seizec ber. 8eorebiug. Bouuciess. Ab, gocs: Ma/koo. ;es! uer |ael arebec, ber uaiis ciggiug iuto bis bis, wautiug nore, wautiug bin eveu
I ieei you, be |it out |etweeu eieuebec teetb. leei you eoniug rouuc ne. At tbe iast niuute, wbeu sbe was eertaiu be'c renaiu witbiu, be jerlec bis bis |ael.
"itb au agouizec yeii, be sbovec bis sbait over ber |eiiy, niuciessiy griuciug ato ber ior bis iiuai sbucceriug tbroes.
"beu be eoiiasec over ber, sbe gazec a|ove bin at tbe nisty sly, tears weiiiug as sbe burt ior bin--burt wth bin.
At ber ear, be gratec, Io st// not done wth ;ou. w/e.
"beu Carrow wole just |eiore cawu, a eoeoou oi iog bac wraec arouuc ber auc \ailon. 1be iast tine sbe'c ebeelec ou ku|y, it'c |eeu raiuiug. row aii was
stiii auc soit.
\ailon renaiuec asiee, wbieb wasu't surrisiug. ue bac to bave exbaustec binseii iu tbe revious bours oi sweatiug, ireuziec--auc, sbe boec, eatbartie--sex.
\et uever ouee bac be burt ber.
Auc at tbe euc oi tbe uigbt, be'c turuec ou bis sice so be eouic euioic ber iu bis arns, eiasiug ber tigbtiy to bin. uis |ocy stiii sbucceriug, bis voiee raw, be'c saic, ~
wtch ho/ds o; //e n hec a/o. ~ca. I /ve oc de /oc ;ou.
row sbe gazec cowu at bin. uis |rows were crawu, bis eyes noviug |ebiuc bis iics. uis ieau ebeels were eoverec iu |iouc stu||ie.
So leaut/u/. uer wiic, iost naie. uow eouic tbis cenou wbo'c luowu so nueb burt auc sbane |e so rouc auc gooc'
8be grazec tbe |aels oi ber iiugers over bis iaee, reeatiug bis worcs, Carrow is \ailon's.
"autiug to get |ael to ber owu |ec |eiore ku|y wole, sbe reiuetautiy extrieatec berseii iron bis arns, earuiug a soit growi, tbougb be siet ou.
8be cressec iu tatterec eiotbes, tbeu nace ber way to tbe ea|iu, reiieetiug ou tbe seerets be'c eouiicec, tbe reveiatious oi aii tbat bac |eeu coue to bin.
Iu tbe ast, sbe'c woucerec ii batrec auc a|use nigbt |e reiera|ie to uegieet auc a|aucouneut. At ieast tbeu sbe nigbt bave iouuc out wby ber areuts bacu't iovec
Aiter beariug \ailon's taie, sbe luew bow iortuuate sbe'c |eeu. 8be'c |eeu a|ie to iiuc a uew ianiiy--a notber, sister, caugbter.
Auc uow a bus|auc.
Carrow was iost ior bin. 8be acnirec bin, reseetec bin, iovec bin.
8be ieit as ii tbey'c turuec a eoruer. ue'c iet out aii bis irustratious, toic ber bis seerets. It bac to bave |oucec tben. 8be'c |eeone eertaiu tbat be eouic get over ber
But eouic be get over tbe rest--tbe iour eeuturies oi exeetiug auc reeeiviug cuiieity--witbout |realiug ber beart iirst'
"beu be wole, sbe wouic teii bin tbat tbiugs were goiug to |e ciiiereut. 8be wouicu't toierate bin sayiug eruei tbiugs to ber--or a|out binseii. ue was ber bus|auc,
auc sbe'c |e canuec ii sbe iet auyoue eaii bin tbose tbiugs, uot eveu \ailon binseii.
Coiug iorwarc, sbe wouic sbow bin tbat be was nore tbau bis ast. Dic Carrow |eiieve tbat tbe iove oi a gooc wonau wouic beai aii bis wouucs' Couuteraet years
oi a|use'
ro. But tbe iove oi a gooc wonau auc a uew caugbter, tbe reseet auc gratituce oi a witeb eoveu, tbe eveutuai weieone iuto a eonnuuity oi innortais--weii, tbese
tbiugs eouicu't burt.
8be iuteucec to iigbt bis cou|t, eaiiiug ou aii ber avaiia|ie resourees to liel its ass to tbe eur|. Ii be tbougbt bis ast was strouger tbau tbeir iuture, tbeu be'c uever seeu
a witeb beii-|eut ou saviug ber cenouieaiiy roeiainec narriage.
uearteuec |y ber ceeisiou, sbe ru||ec ber tbun| over ber riug.
~o I not ooce than o; ast as we//` 8be was reacy to iigbt bis cou|t, |ut uot ber owu'
1bougb tbe riug wasu't as ioose as it'c |eeu, sbe reaiizec it uo iouger iit ber. 8be renovec it, eiasiug it iu ber ain as sbe cetourec to tbe |eaeb.
8tauciug |eiore tbe roariug suri, sbe eerec cowu at it.
Carrow was coue.
8be'c nace tbis resoiutiou |eiore, |ut iuvaria|iy, as tine weut |y, sbe wouic try to eoutaet ber areuts. Aiways sbe'c beic ou to tbis canuec riug, beic ou to uuiouucec
one. 8be tbrew tbe riug iuto tbe waves.
At ouee, sbe gasec, tentec to casb iuto tbe water auc iiuc it. But sbe stoec berseii. 1ears weiiiug, sbe raisec ber iaee to tbe nist. ood-l;e.
1uruiug ou ber beei, sbe beacec |ael to tbe ea|iu. "itb every ste sbe tool away iron ber ast, sbe ieit iigbter, as ii a erusbiug weigbt ou ber ebest were cissoiviug.
1be iougiug, tbe |aiiieneut, tbe desecaton--aii ... e||iug.
8be sigbec, ieeiiug as ii sbe eouic iiuaiiy |reatbe aiter so ioug.
Iu tbe |ecroon, sbe tuggec ku|y's |iaulet bigber, ieauiug cowu to |rusb a liss over ber iorebeac. Io gong to take cace o/ ;ou. kul;. I a/wa;s w//.
8atisiaetiou eoursec tbrougb Carrow, a iiare oi ower surgiug witbiu ber. 1bougb cousec |y ber torue, it bac ariseu...
Icoo wthn oe`
"itb a |ewiicerec iaugb, sbe eiin|ec iuto tbe otber |ec. Aii ber iiie, sbe'c |eeu waitiug ior tbis auswer. Carrow bac aiways luowu sbe eouic ieec ber owers iron
an;ones baiuess. 8be'c just uever iigurec it eouic |e ber owu--|eeause sbe'c uever |eeu truiy bay.
rot uutii sbe'c iet go oi ber ast auc weieonec a uew iuture.
8be starec at tbe eeiiug eeiiiug, wbieb ioolec so ciiiereut iron wbeu sbe'c ieit it. 8ecause Io d//ecent now.
1beu sbe so/ed. was stiii sniiiug wbeu sbe gracuaiiy criitec to siee.
But uot ioug aiter, sbe |oitec urigbt iu |ec, just as ku|y cic.
Dic you ieei tbat, Crow' tbe giri nurnurec. 8onetbiug |ac's eoniug.

chatec --

"bat co you waut witb ne, \arileta' Courac "rotb saic as be traeec witb bis wiie iuto Aucoaiu's great baii.
As soou as \ari bac |eeu a|ie to ioeate tben--a ieat iu itseii--sbe'c aslec tben bere to neet witb ber auc Boweu. I ueec a iavor, sbe saic, |eboiciug tbe toweriug,
rec-eyec vanire. 1he ke;.
Courac was au innortai naie, iiiiec witb evii--iu tbe iorn oi a vanire's |iooc-|orue nenories--auc be was o|sessec witb reoni, bis bauton Brice. "bo was
asiutaugi|ie as snole.
lortuuateiy, Courac owec \ari |ig-tine. 1be |aiieriua reoni, uow oue oi \ari's irieucs, was aiive ouiy |eeause oi ber.
rane it, tbeu, Courac saic, bis Lstouiau aeeeut rououueec.
"eii, it's iile tbis, \ari |egau, you luow bow Loreaus bave |eeu a|cuetec |y tbis weirc orcer oi nortais' \y |est irieuc Carrow was anoug tben. But I've
ioeatec wbere tbey're aii |eiug let.
1bougb \ari bac |eeu a|ie to seuse a eataeiysnie Lore cistur|auee, sbe eouic get uo seeouc oiuiou or reaciug iron otber witebes. 8be eouicu't iiuc rix auywbere,
so uo |aelu iron ber.
Iu tbe eyes oi tbe Lore, \ari's nystieai wayoiut was ouiy a |aseiess buueb.
8be ieit iile tbe iuely seisnoiogist wbo'c seeu a |ii oi uutoic streugtb |ut eouicu't get auyoue to |eiieve tbe lg one was eoniug.
"bat coes tbis bave to co witb ne' Courac aslec.
Boweu saic, "e ueec soneoue to teieort ne to Carrow.
Us. \ari eorreetec. 1eieort us to Carrow.
Ciasiug ber uer arn, Boweu saic, Danu it, iass: "e bave tailec a|out tbis.
1bey'c |eeu goiug rouuc auc rouuc. uer woii was uotbiug ii uot overroteetive.
Auc I wiii uo' aiiow--
uow cic you iiuc tben' reoni iuterrutec, soitiy |ut steruiy, ber lreueb aeeeut eoioriug ber worcs.
\ari saic, I ceteetec tbe innortai euergy witbiu tbe iaee auc was a|ie to cowuioac tbe ioeatiou iuto a nirror. luii ciseiosure. it ieit iile a irealiug Lore woric war
was goiug ou.
Courac auc reoni |otb renaiuec uiet. At ieugtb, reoni saic, \ou luow bow ceeiy we are iu your ce|t.
rot eveu a year ago, Courac bac |rougbt a cyiug reoni to \ari. 8be'c rislec everytbiug to save reoni, usiug nore ower tbau sbe'c bac to give to trausiorn ber
iuto a bauton, au innortai wbo eouic |eeone eororeai or iutaugi|ie at wiii.
But tbis souucs iile a suieice nissiou, reoni eoutiuuec. Ii be eau sonebow traee to tbis euergy you seal oi, wbat ii it's iu tbe niccie oi tbe oeeau, or iu a suuuy
I iirniy |eiieve tbat it's ou au isiauc.
Courac aslec, Cau't soneoue iiy over tbe eoorciuates iirst'
rix toic us it eouicu't |e seeu iron a iaue, \ari becgec, siuee, oi eourse, tbere were uo eoorciuates. "bieb bac barciy beiec ber rove ber ease to ber innortai
Vanire, we ueec soneoue to get us on the gcound. Boweu snootbiy saic, so we eau seareb tbe isiauc ou ioot.
\ari accec, Courac, it bas to |e you.
uow wouic be luow wbere to go' reoni aslec.
\ari eareiuiiy gazec away as sbe beic u a snaii oelet nirror. Beiore tbis weel, sbe'c uever aebievec so nueb nagie witb so iittie nirror. I ereatec a traii to tbe
euergy, iile a ortai, auc storec tbe cireetious to it iu tbis nirror. I |eiieve ii you gaze iuto tbe giass, it wiii aet iile a nystieai Cl8 systen to guice your teieortatiou. Iatent
endng / ths ladlo; wocks! It's ossi|ie you eouic traee cireetiy tbere.
Courac griec reoni's snaii bauc. Ii sonetbiug baeus to ne, wbo wiii tale eare oi ny Brice'
\ari batec to ressure bin, |ut tbis was ior Carrow. Courac, you wouicu't bave a Brice rigbt uow ii uot ior ne.
1be vanire gazec cowu at reoni witb sueb a eousuniug iool tbat eveu \ari sigbec. I'ii co as you asl, witeb. Just wbeu \ari ieit a weiiiug oi reiiei, be saic, But I
go aioue. I eau traee aeross tbe area nueb iaster. Cau eover nore grouuc.
Boweu sbool bis beac. "e cooua luow exaetiy wbat you'c |e traeiug iuto. Dic you uo' bear tbe Ioce woc/d wac |it eariier' At tbe very ieast, you eau exeet tbose
nortais to |e tbere iu iuii ioree.
~/one. tbe vanire reeatec.
But bow wiii Carrow luow you are a irieuc' reoni aslec bin. \our eyes are rec.
Courac was a true iaiieu vanire, bis eyes |ioocrec iron criuliug vietins to ceatb. But be'c |eeu |rougbt |ael iron tbe |riul |y reoni auc tbree stu||oru "rotb
\ari saic, I eouic teii bin sonetbiug ouiy Carrow wouic luow. Auc sbow bin ies so be'c reeoguize ber.
Are you eertaiu, oon gcand' reoni aslec.
ue uoccec, sayiug siniy, \arileta |ics tbis.
Very weii. 1be caueer stooc ou ber toes, reaebiug u ber iree bauc to tbreac ber iiugers tbrougb bis |iael bair. 1beu |riug Carrow |ael. Auc eone bone saieiy to
I wiii returu witb ber, be toic reoni. 1beu be iaeec \arileta. 1o ay ou a ce|t so cear tbat it eau uever |e settiec.
\ailon wole iate, |iiuliug agaiust a beavy |aul oi noruiug iog. ue'c just creanec a nenory oi Carrow's, oue tbat be bacu't exerieueec |eiore.
"beu be'c |eeu iu ebaius, buniiiatec iu irout oi aii tbe eitizeus oi Asb, Carrow bac ioolec u at bin witb reaiizatiou. Ma/koo s nol/e. sbe'c tbougbt.
ue sat u, stariug out iuto tbe gray nist, staggerec yet agaiu |y ber. Iu tbe ast, be'c iougec to |e uo|ie. ue nigbt uot aetuaiiy |e, |ut ior bis iacy to ceen bin so'
1s we// enough /oc oe.
1beu bis beart saul. 8be bac tbougbt tbat le/oce iast uigbt, wbeu be'c rovec be was auytbiug |ut.
"by eouic be uot sto uuisbiug ber' Dic be neau to tale out a// bis aiu ou ber, eeuturies oi it'
ue saul |ael, tbrowiug bis arn over bis iaee. 1be tbiugs be'c saic to ber, tbe tbiugs be'c done. ue'c reveaiec seerets be'c uever toic auyoue--uot eveu kaiieu. Auc
tbeu be'c taleu ber iu tbe cirt iile a eonnou wbore.
ue suiierec iron renorse so aeute it bysieaiiy aiuec bin. et to caccow. ~o/og.e. Make hec undecstand. "itb tbose tbougbts iu niuc, be rose auc cressec,
basteuiug to ber.
As be eane uou tbe ea|iu, tbe iog |uruec oii, tbe suu aeariug ior tbe iirst tine siuee tbeir eseae. Aireacy it'c |eguu |uruiug bis exosec sliu.
8baciug bis seusitive eyes, be saw tbat tbe coor was oeu. Iusice, tbe two witebes were cartiug a|out. Iackng`
uis beart croec to bis stonaeb. Carrow was ieaviug bin' ue'c toic ber too nueb. I laced o; sou/. and o/ coucse. she /ound t /ackng.
ue grew auielec at tbe tbougbt oi iosiug tbe ianiiy be'c ouiy just iouuc, wautiug to tale |ael bis eareiess worcs auc aetious. 1ouve /na//; ushed hec awa;.
ue stroce u tbe stairs. o not /ook at oe as the othecs dd. channa. ue eouicu't baucie tbat iron ber, eouicu't iive witb tbe iaet tbat be'c suruec ber auc |rougbt
tbis uou binseii.
8be'c couuec ber sworc auc |oots. It souucec as ii ku|y was seurryiug a|out iu tbe |ael roon. 1bey truiy were ieaviug bin.
ue swiec bis iorearn over bis eyes auc swaiiowec, wautiug to say sonetbiug, |ut be eouicu't trust bis voiee. 1beu Carrow saw bin stauciug iu tbe coorway.
ue cicu't tale a |reatb, creaciug...
1bere you are. 8be erossec to bin, risiug u ou ber toes to liss bin.
Cuee ber iis |rusbec bis, be groauec iu reiiei, yauliug ber iuto bin. ue tigbteuec bis arns arouuc ber as be tool ber noutb.
8be sigbec, resouciug so sweetiy.
Lutii tbey bearc straiuiug uoises eoniug iron tbe |ael.
Carrow uiiec away witb a sbeeisb sniie. 1beu sbe eaiiec out, Do you ueec sone bei, ku|y'
Iu au exaseratec toue, sbe reiiec, I toic you I eouic co tbis.
uuuebec over auc buiiiug witb exertiou, tbe giri craggec out tbe ael. 8be bauiec it to bis ieet, tbeu stooc iuiiy, iaeiug ber bauc ou ber iower |ael. uer iaee was
|rigbt rec iron tbe eiiort. I aelec it ior you:
An I ... ue eiearec bis tbroat. An I to eone, tbeu'
ku|y irowuec, giaueiug iron Carrow |ael to bin. Dub.
"bat a great jo|, |a|y. row, go gra| a eouie oi iuely sbeiis ior our tri.
As soou as tbe giri bac ieit, Carrow wryiy saic, 1bere nigbt |e a ceac iisb iu tbere 'iu ease you get buugry.'
row tbat bis auie bac easec, bis ire grew. "bere co you tbiul you are goiug' 1be iau you iaic out was ior ne to seareb.
I bac a renouitiou tbat sonetbiug |ac is eoniug bere. I cou't luow wbeu or bow, auc it eouic |e bours or cays. But we've got to ieave. "e'ii lee to tbe trees to
avoic tbe suu, auc we eau travei tbrougb tbe uigbt, |ut we're ruuuiug out oi tine. "beu be saic uotbiug, sbe accec, Lool, ii you cou't |eiieve ne, you eau asl ku|y--
I wiii go witb you.
\ou w//'
ue eouic see uow tbat be bac uo eboiee |ut to go. Just as sbe'c saic iast uigbt, tbe witeb cicu't bave to wait to get bone to ieave bin. 8be eouic co it just as easiiy
Auc be eouicu't lee ber auc tbe iittie oue risouers iorever.
Carrow's eyes iit u. \-you trust ne'
\ailon ... cicu't. ue'c iiuaiiy reaiizec be was iueaa|ie oi trust--sbort oi sone liuc oi irreiuta|ie rooi tbat be was uever goiug to o|taiu. But tbe aiteruative to
ieaviug witb ber was iosiug ber, so be wouic eboose tbe iesser oi two eviis. ue wouic nale tbis iea. I waut to returu to your bone witb you auc ku|y.
\ou're goiug to |e so bay witb us: I ronise you.
"biie sbe was ceiigbtec, be was iiiiec witb nisgiviugs. ue'c |eeu giveu too iiue auc gooc a ienaie. Cue be eouic uever |eiieve wouic truiy iove soneoue iile bin.
late's erueiest jest so iar--
A eiaugiug souuc raug out. 1he ots httng each othec. Carrow's eyes weut wice. uis iaugs sbareuec.
ku|y: sbe sereanec, sriutiug outsice.

chatec -i

As Carrow rau ior ku|y, \ailon iaeec oii agaiust tbe iutrucers at tbe ueel oi tbe euiusuia, waitiug ior tben to reveai tbenseives.
8be'c just reaebec ku|y at tbe |eaeb, suatebiug tbe giri iuto ber arns, wbeu tbe ereatures swarnec iuto tbeir sauetuary, a raveuiug tice oi iaugs auc iusatia|ie buuger.
"eucigos. "itb tbeir cagger-iile eiaws auc enaeiatec |ocies, tbeir eiotbes riec to sbrecs. Aireacy tbeir raueic steueb ervacec tbe area.
1bere were seores oi tben. \ore tbau La Doraca bac witb ber. 1beir sbeer uun|ers overwbeinec \ailon's tras. uow eouic tbere |e so nauy oi tben'
1be auswer eane to ber as \ailon roarec, ebargiug tben witb a |reatbtaliug ieroeity.
1bey'c iuieetec otbers, iuereasiug tbeir uun|er.
1o lee tbe |easts away iron Carrow auc ku|y, \ailon net tben iu tbe suu. "ouic be luow tbey were eoutagious' Dou't iet tben toueb you, \ailon:
Cue serateb or |ite...
uei bin, Crow: ku|y's eyes were gieaniug as sbe irautieaiiy tore at ber eoiiar. "e bave to bei bin:
1bougb be |attiec tbe "eucigos savageiy--suaiug tbeir ueels wbiie cocgiug tbeir eiaws--tbe suu was taliug its toii ou bin. 8oou be was surrouucec.
I cant dcaw theo ovec hece. cant csk kul;. 8tay bere: Carrow orcerec ber as sbe uusbeatbec ber sworc.
Cue oi tbe |easts twistec its beac towarc tben. It ioec iorwarc, iaugs criiug. 1weuty ieet away, teu...
"beu it iauuebec itseii at Carrow, sbe cuelec auc sicesteec, swiugiug ior tbe |ael oi its ueel. 8be |ebeacec it, |ut nore turuec towarc tben.
ro: \ailon yeiiec. !o. hece! ue rovolec tben to attael ouiy bin, yet stiii baii tbe tice veerec iu Carrow's cireetiou.
\ou stay |ebiuc ne, ku|y: Ii I get iuto trou|ie, ruu ior tbe eain |eaeb auc get iuto tbe water. Do you bear ne' Carrow giaueec |ael wbeu tbe giri cicu't auswer.
ku|y was siael-jawec.
A vanire bac aearec |ebiuc Carrow--oue witb rec eyes. keeiiug iu sboel, sbe raisec ber sworc. Just as sbe was a|out to swiug, sbe reaiizec be ioolec ianiiiar.
But sbe eouicu't teii wbeu be was sbaciug bis iaee, reeoiiiug iron tbe iuteuse suuiigbt.
\arileta seut ne to retrieve you. I an Courac "rotb, be gratec as bis sliu |egau to |iister. lor bours, I've searebec tbis isiauc. ue ioolec it, was sweatiug auc
cirty as tbougb be'c traveiec ior niies. I'n to teii you a|out tbe \arci Cras iioat you bijaelec'
Ab, uelate, you're iegit.
"bo is be, Crow'
ue's |eeu seut |y \ari:
1be vanire's iaugs bac ieugtbeuec, bis eyes cartiug. ue bissec iu aiu as nore |iisteriug aearec. I eau't ... stay nueb iouger, witeb. Auc tbe |easts uear.
"e eau't ieave witbout tbat cenou over tbere: Carrow oiutec, |ut \ailon was so overruu tbey eouic |areiy see bin. Just |riug bin to us, vanire: liease. "beu
be sbool bis beac iu a twistiug, ceraugec liuc oi way, Carrow sereanec, Ma/koo!
Denou, over bere: ku|y eriec.
As nore "eucigos uearec, Carrow raisec ber |ioociec sworc agaiu, giaueiug over ber sbouicer. Vanire, tale tbe giri |ael to \ari: 8euc bei to us ii you eau.
Auotber twist oi bis beac. I'n to returu witb ;ou. Courac suaggec Carrow arouuc tbe waist, ieliug u ku|y witb bis otber arn.
At tbat noneut, \ailon turuec, eaugbt sigbt oi tben. uis eyes weut wice, auc be |eiiowec, !o. no! ue iowec towarc tben, |ut be was |esiegec....
Ma/koo! |otb sbe auc ku|y eriec.
Carrow reaebec ior bin, yet Courac beic ber tigbt. "beu be triec to traee, sbe resistec bin. \ailon, burry:
1be vanire's sliu snolec, tbeu eaugbt iire eonieteiy.
\arileta giaueec arouuc at tbe erowc tbat bac gatberec iu tbe neetiug baii at Aucoaiu--a eoiieetiou oi iaetious iron tbe iey to tbe Vailyrie, iron tbe Lylae to tbe
uynbs auc nore. Just a|out every seeies iron tbe Vertas sice was rereseutec.
Iu tbe tbree bours siuee \ari bac cisatebec Courac to retrieve Carrow, aii tbese |eiugs bac bearc a|out it. !ews tcave/ng at a suecnatuca/ seed. row auyoue
witb irieucs or ianiiy tbougbt to bave |eeu a|cuetec bac teieortec, ortaiec, or criveu bere.
1be gatberiug reniucec ber oi a 8uer lrieucs neetiug, exeet iusteac oi tbe uaii oi Justiee, tbey'c ceseeucec ou Aucoaiu, witb its oruate oic eouebes, aitars ior
ta|ies, giaut beartb, auc eveu |igger laraole stage. rotbiug natebec exeet ior tbe eoveu's iour roiessiouai-grace oler ta|ies--auc tbe sooi eauicrous.
1bis was tbe iirst tine iu ages tbey'c usec tbe baii ior auytbiug |ut giris' uigbt out.
Dozeus oi |eiugs iiuec tbe waiis or sat stiiiiy ou tbe autiuatec settees. Cue eouie sat ato a wooier.
"itb so nauy ciiiereut ereatures bere ru||iug togetber--sone aiiiec ouiy tbrougb ties witb auotber eonnou iaetiou--\ari was ieasautiy surrisec at bow weii
everyoue was |ebaviug. 8o iar ouiy a iew nut u oc shut u-tye uitinatuns bac |eeu issuec.
Ci eourse, sbe'c taleu reeautious iu ease tbiugs got ugiy.
uow nueb iouger uutii tbe vanire is exeetec to returu, witeb' 8a|iue, tbe Queeu oi Iiiusious, cenaucec ineriousiy, every iueb tbe soreeress, iron ber erinsou
nasl auc eia|orate erowu to ber eiaw-tiec gauutiets. uer bus|auc, kycstron--auotber oi \ari's gooc irieucs--bac bis |ig bauc siayec ossessiveiy over ber bi.
leoie uietec to bear \ari's auswer, gaziug at ber. Anoug tben were Boweu's eousiu Carretb auc bis Vailyrie wiie, Lueia tbe uuutress, |otb iooliug exbaustec.
\ari luew tbey'c |eeu searebiug uousto ior kegiu aii over tbe woric. Carretb was aiso bere |eeause bis eousiu Liiiean was nissiug.
\yst tbe Covetec auc severai otber Vailyrie sat ou tbe settees, awaitiug uews oi kegiu tbe kaciaut as weii.
1be cenous, tbe Lylae, tbe Vailyrie ... aii oi tben were exeetiug \ari's nagie to, iile, wock. Aiter aii tbe years wbeu it hadnt. sbe was baviug stage irigbt. 1bere
was a reasou sbe'c |eeu eaiiec ~wated.
Lb, soouisb, \ari auswerec, tbougb sbe bac uo icea bow ioug. 8be'c tbougbt be wouic |e |ael |y uow. Lave I sent concad on a sucde osson`
8be giaueec over at reoni auxiousiy aeiug, sbiitiug iron ber retty auc vivaeious eororeai iorn to ber aie, etbereai bauton state.
uac \ari just wicowec ber'
Boweu seusec ber uervousuess auc iooec bis arn roteetiveiy arouuc ber sbouicers. Dooua worry, witebiiug. 1bis wiii worl out.
\ore niuutes assec. \ore run|iiugs souucec. Low ouch /ongec w// t take` Low do we know the wtchs oagc w// wock` 1he catcooancec cant even
/ace a occoc. hece s !` She shou/d le hece. ...
Boweu turuec to tbe erowc. Auy nore ii, auc I'ii toss you out ou your arses. \ou're bere uow ouiy |eeause \arileta wiiis it.
\ari gazec u at bin. ods. I adoce ths wo//. ue was tbe keynaster to ber zuui. 8be eouicu't tbiul oi a |etter guy to bave iu ber eoruer--
"ait: \ari straigbteuec. I ieei a cistur|auee. 1be air |egau to ciiiuse. 8onetbiug's eoniug.
I sneii snole, Boweu nutterec. "batever it is, it's eoniu' iu bot.

chatec -o

~ ced-e;ed vaoce has caccow and kul;.

Carrow struggiec to get iree, ber iiugers outstretebec as sbe reaebec ior \ailon.
ku|y iiaiiec, sereaniug ior bin.
1bougb tbe vanire's sliu bac eaugbt iire, stiii be wouic uot reiease tben.
\ailon siasbec tbrougb tbe "eucigos, evaciug tbeir attaels. As tbe ereatures |egau to ieec ou tbeir owu iaiieu, siowiug tbeir acvauee, \ailon jerlec bis beac
arouuc, searebiug ior a way out oi tbe eireiiug borce.
\ailon, burry: Carrow sereanec.
lrustratiou straugiec bin, bis iists eieuebiug. cant get to hec. Cocs, to |e a|ie to traee.
1hen ceoeolec how! rever nore ceserate, uever nore ireuziec, be struggiec to reeaii--as be bacu't |eeu a|ie to iu eeuturies.
keoeolec. S/ane...
ue teusec every nuseie iu bis |ocy. keach hec. Dizziuess assaiiec bin, eouiusiou ioiiowec. Ive /e/t ths. Iu au iustaut, be reaiizec be'c exerieueec tbe sane seusatiou
wbeu be'c ruu ior Carrow curiug tbe Cotob attael. Auc wbeu be'c sonebow reaebec ber iu tbe water anicst tbe sbarls.
Botb tines be'c |eeu auielec to get to ber. keoeolec now--oc /ose hec. "itb a yeii, be straiuec agaiu.
1be "eucigos |egau tigbteuiug tbeir eireie ouee nore.
Must ... ceach hec.
1beu eane tbat uuiorgetta|ie ieeiiug oi iioatiug. ue'c |eguu to cisaear: ro, ouiy a waver. Leveiiug bis gaze ou Carrow's |eautiiui iaee, be attentec ouee nore.
ue'c vauisbec. ro tine to tbaul tbe gocs |eiore be'c reaearec, eiaws |arec, reacy to siay--
1bey were goue. 1be vanire bac traeec tben away, eouic bave taleu tben auywbere. \ailon's iegs tbreateuec to |uelie.
~ vaoce has o; /ao/;. 1be tbougbt reeatec iu bis cisorcerec niuc. ue sbouic bave iouuc a way to tale tben iron bere: Carrow bac waruec bin agaiu auc
row bis seiiisbuess bac eost bin everytbiug.
\acuess tbreateuec, uigb overwbeiniug bin. kee ;ouc wts alout ;ou. S/ane. 1be vanire wouicu't liii Carrow auc ku|y, be eouic've coue tbat at ouee. 8o be'c
a|cuetec tben ior sone urose.
"bieb neaut \ailon wouic bave tine to iiuc tben.
But bow' uave to get oii tbis iueliug isiauc:
I can tcace now. \et a vanire or cenou eouic ouiy teieort to iaees be eouic see or renen|er.
o I not ceoeolec hec //e` ue eouic go to tbe iauc oi ber nenories, iiuc ber eoveu, iauueb a seareb. hen I /nd that vaoce ... he// leg to de.
\ailon siec a nouutaiuto iu tbe cistauee, traeiug tbere out oi tbe oueoniug rusb oi "eucigos.
ue ueecec to |uy binseii tine--to renen|er a iaee be'c uever |eeu.
By tbe tine tbe vanire trausortec Carrow auc ku|y to Aucoaiu auc croec tben uueerenouiousiy, bis sliu was iuiiy aiiane.
"biie sbe auc ku|y eougbec iron tbe snole, be nereiy tool tbe aiu as bis rec eyes seauuec a erowc oi innortais.
reoni: be |eiiowec. 1be bauton gave a ery auc rau ior bin, |attiug at tbe iianes, extiuguisbiug tben.
Cieariy uueariug oi tbe canage be'c sustaiuec, be rasec, koec, I need you.
reoni swaiiowec, iooliug art arebeusive, art exeitec. Ci eourse, oon coeuc. ue yaulec ber iuto bis arns, iautiug bis iaugs iuto ber ueel. 1beu tbey
"ait, no. Carrow eriec. "bere'c be go' I ueec bin to get |ael:
Cet |ael' \ari saic. "bat are you tailiug a|out' I |areiy got you out.
Crow, be's iu trou|ie: 1ears streanec cowu ku|y's iaee. "e ueec to bei \ailon:
"bo's \ailon, ku|y' \ari aslec. Auc wbat's ou your ueels' Carrow, wbat's ou your sworc'
Browu "eucigo |iooc eoverec it. 1bere's uo tine to exiaiu: "bere wiii tbe vanire go' "e bave to iiuc bin.
\ari sbool ber beac. Courac's a seeiai liuc oi iooy. ue wou't |e rigbt iron tbat ior cays. 1o ku|y, sbe saic, uey, licco, wby cou't you go witb Liiauua auc get
wasbec u'
Liiauua burriec over, |ut ku|y iiuug berseii away. I waut to g-go aiter \ailon: uer |reatbs were sbaiiowiug.
1be giri was bysterieai, Carrow was ueariy tbere. 8be croec ber sworc, erouebiug to gra| ku|y's sbouicers. \ou luow bow I eane |ael ior you twiee' I wiii iiuc
\ailon. I swear to you, I'ii |riug bin bone.
Cone, sweet, Liiauua saic, reaebiug ior ber.
ku|y's iaee bac goue rec, ber ebest beaviug, eyes sbinneriug. 8be was a|out to ass out agaiu. I want ho lack !O! uer sbriel was earsiittiug. !ow. now.
1bere, ebiic, Liiauua nurnurec, iayiug ber bauc ou ku|y's iorebeac. At ouee, tbe giri ieii uueouseious, auc tbe oic witeb swooec ber u iuto ber arns. A iittie
nystieai Beuacryi uever burt auyoue, sbe saic, beaciug ustairs. Cver ber sbouicer, sbe accec, ku|y wiii wale iu a eouie oi bours. I suggest you retrieve wboever it is tbat
sbe wauts |y tbeu.
Carrow surveyec tbe iaees iu tbe roon, seeiug nore witebes, uynbs, sone oi tbe uo|ie iey, Vailyrie, Lylae, auc nore. 1beu sbe sottec kiug kycstron auc bis
ieiiow cenous. ue eouic traee: kycstron, I ueec you to traee ne |ael to tbe isiauc. kigbt |ael to wbere I was:
\ari saic, Carrow, I eau ouiy cireet kycstron to tbe isiauc--auc tbat's ii be eau ioiiow sone cea//; vague cireetious. I eau't get bin exaetiy |ael to your ioeatiou.
Aareutiy, it tool Courac nore tbau tbree bours to reaeb you iron wbere I'c seut bin.
Lveu witb Carrow's iinitec luowiecge oi tbe isiauc, sbe eouicu't outaee a traeiug vanire. \ore tbau tbree bours to get to \ailon...
Lave to get stacted now! \ari, uii u tbe cireetious--kycstron is traeiug ne. Auc get tbis tbiug oii ny ueel:
kycstron's soreeress ueeu, 8a|iue, cenaucec, Is Lautbe tbere'
\es: Carrow auswerec. 8onewbere. At kycstron's uizzieai iool, sbe bastiiy exiaiuec, "e got searatec. I'n sure we eau iiuc ber witbiu a cay or so. Ii we
ieave rigbt uow: 1uruiug to \arileta, sbe suaec, \ari, ny eoiiar--I ueec it gone. It's |iuciug ny owers.
I'n ou it: \ari saic, ru||iug ber tbun| over a oelet nirror wbiie stuciousiy gaziug away. Danu, Carrow, tbat is sone serious nojo.
kycstron erossec bis |rawuy arns over bis ebest. 8o ii you wereu't just witb Lautbe, tbeu you eau't say ior eertaiu tbat sbe's eveu stiii ou tbis isiauc.
!o toe to convnce ho. to e/an 1hconos ... Carrow eouicu't eateb ber |reatb, ieeiiug as ii sbe were a|out to byerveutiiate iile ku|y.
"e'ii go iu wbeu \arileta series ior ber seeiiieaiiy, kycstron ceeicec. It wiii uitinateiy save us tine.
1yieai iogieai kycstron. ro, canu you: row: Ii auytbiug baeuec to \ailon ... 8be eiutebec at ber ebest, tbiuliug a|out \ailon iu tbe nicst oi aii tbose
ereatures. "e're ieaviug tbis iueliug niuute:
8a|iue sbot to ber ieet, ber auger naliug tbe roon aear to roel. \ou cicu't just tail to ny bus|auc iile tbat.
I cic. Auc you'ii get bin to eooerate ii you ever waut to see your sister agaiu:
row you're tbreateuiug ne' 8a|iue uarrowec ber eyes |ebiuc ber nasl. I'ii turu your niuc iusice out. 8be beic u ber giowiug ains, oisec to strile.
\ou tbiul \ari cicu't |iuc auy nystieai oiieusives witbiu our eoveu' A uiel giauee at \ari. \ou cic, rigbt, Ciiteb'
"ice-eyec, \ari uoccec. Betweeu tbat auc your uew eoiiar, tbe |est you two eau co is eatiigbt.
Iu bis arrogauee, \ailon bac tbougbt be eouic roteet tben iron auytbiug.
row a vaoce. oue oi \ailon's nost reviiec euenies, bac stoieu bis ianiiy rigbt iu irout oi bis eyes.
1ou w// a/wa;s /ose.
ro, be cou/dnt. rot tbis tine.
concentcate. ue eiosec bis eyes, craggiug u nenories iron bis creans. ue cicu't waut to go to tbe uisiug, sereeebiug taveru. ue ueecec to reaeb Aucoaiu to aiert
ber eoveu, to get tbeir bei iu ioeatiug tbe vanire be'c soou ri iin| iron iin|.
Iocus. S/ane. ... \ailon ieit binseii traeiug ouee nore. uaviug uo icea wbere be wouic euc u, be iet binseii go.
ue aearec iu a uew iauc--at nght. '1was warn bere, eveu tbougb tbe noou was bigb.
Beiore bin stooc a srawiiug bone witb a sbinneriug |iue ooi auc a grove oi trees. ue sbool bis beac barc, astouisbec bis traeiug bac worlec. Couic tbis |e
uis |rows crew togetber. 1bis bone was uuoeeuiec. ro iigbts |uruec. ro iooc seeuts or noveneuts eane iron witbiu. It cicu't iool iile tbe Aucoaiu oi Carrow's
Low to /nd hec`
Lntiuess. "iuc |iew tbrougb tbose trees, |riugiug a biut oi raiu. Ligbtuiug struel iu tbe cistauee, ueariug swiitiy--
A wonau's yeii souucec. caccows!
ue traeec tbrougb tbe grove iu tbat cireetiou, cisaeariug auc reaeariug. Laeb tine, be nateriaiizec ever eioser to ber. 8oou be'c ioeatec tbe bouse sbe was iu.
Lvery tine tbe iigbtuiug |iazec, be saw a ciiiereut iaeet oi tbe bone. Iu tbe carl iuiis, be ereeivec au inosiug |uiiciug surrouucec |y a |iael ieuee. Duriug tbe
striles, be saw a tineworu strueture witb auinais teeniug arouuc it. 8uales siitberec iu tbe yarc. Iuseets auc otber retiies a|ouucec.
\ailon stailec eioser. 8naii |iael auinais--cats--swarnec outsice, wraiug arouuc bis iegs.
ue eouic seeut Carrow auc tbe iittie oue iusice, anoug cozeus oi otber |eiugs. ue cicu't sneii tbat vanire iron |eiore, |ut otber innortais were witbiu.
Carrow's voiee was cistiuet uow. 8be cicu't souuc airaic, tbe witeb souucec /ucous. raiiiug at otbers. "as tbere uo tbreat'
ue traeec iusice, a|out to tale ber auc ku|y iron tbis iaee wbeu be bearc, ... ;ou want ;ouc w/e unhacoed. then get oe lack to the s/and!

chatec -

"beu siieuee ieii over tbe erowc, Carrow giaueec u iron ber graiiug--owers |ouuc--eatiigbt witb 8a|iue. Innortais were |aeliug away iron ber iu a wave.
1hats cght. Io lcngng the can! kycstron, canu you, just traee ne to tbe isiauc:
kycstron, stay out oi tbis, 8a|iue suaec, taliug a ebea sbot to Carrow's licuey. Lveu witb ber exeetiouai owers |ouuc, 8a|iue was stiii a iieree seraer. But
Carrow was iigbtiug ior tbe nau sbe iovec.
Auotber tag to Carrow's licuey. Biteb, sbe bissec, criviug ber ei|ow iuto 8a|iue's torso. Luely |real--Carrow bac uaiiec ber soiar iexus:
8a|iue gasec, ro||ec oi |reatb. Carrow tool tbe oortuuity to cive ior ber sworc auc sriug u |ebiuc ber, iaeiug it at ber ueel. 1be |iooc oi a "eucigo eoats
tbis sworc.
kycstron's iis artec, bis eyes sbariy turuiug |iael. Just ... just eain yourseii, witeb. ue beic u bis baucs as be easec eioser. 1biul a|out wbat you're coiug.
\ou'c saeriiiee our aiiiauee'
Dou't you eoie get it' I'ii saeriiiee an;thng: Carrow eriec. kycstron, wbat wouicu't you co ior tbis wonau rigbt uow'
1bere is uotbiug, be rasec, uotbiug I wouicu't co to get ber |ael. I wiii traee you.
Iu a weirc toue, \ari saic, 8o tbis \ailon guy--is be reaiiy |ig'
ue's \ailon 8iaiue, ny husland. Auc it wou't natter bow |ig be is ii I cou't get to tbat goccanuec isiauc iu tine to save bin iron a borce oi "eucigos:
"itbout waruiug, Carrow ieit a joit oi uuietterec joy, just as sbe bearc a naie say, Lusland`
Cver ber sbouicer, Carrow giarec. \eab, tbat's wbat I-- It was \ailon, cireetiy |ebiuc ber, energiug iron tbe sbacows. As be steec iuto tbe iigbt, ber beart weut
to ber tbroat. uow cic you ... wbo |rougbt you'
I |rougbt nyseii, witeb, be saic, bis voiee boarse.
Carrow was a|out to ruu to bin, tbeu sbe renen|erec tbe |ristiiug soreeress sbe bac at sworc oiut. I'n sorry ior tbis, 8a|iue. But be's ny naie, auc you'c co tbe
sane ior kycstron. Carrow reieasec ber, tossiug tbe sworc away. 1ruee. Cr I wou't bei you iiuc your sister.
8a|iue wbiriec arouuc, ber iis tbiuuec. I cenauc a renateb witb our owers.
Are you licciug' Carrow seoiiec. \ou'c auuibiiate ne.
1be ouiy tbiug greater tbau 8a|iue's owers was ber vauity. 8be snootbec ber rec bair, eieariy noiiiiiec. At ieugtb, sbe saic, 1ruee.
"itb tbat, Carrow rau ior \ailon, auc be net ber, oeuiug bis arns to ber, eiutebiug ber tigbtiy.
uoiciug bis iaee, sbe raiuec lisses ou bis iorebeac, bis ebeels, bis iis. Dic you get seratebec or |itteu' Beeause I'ii lee you ioelec u uutii I eau iiuc a eure--
I an uuseatbec. I traeec away iron tben.
uow' uow cic you iiuc ne bere'
I iigurec out bow to traee auc ioiiowec your nenories. I toic you I'c eone ior you. Auc ior ku|y. ue surveyec tbe roon. "bere is tbe iittie oue'
8be's rigbt ustairs, waitiug ior ne to |riug you |ael, Carrow saic cryiy. \ou bave just arrivec at a neetiug witb ny aiiies. "bereiu I was oiiteiy asliug tben to
returu ne to tbe isiauc.
\ou ... you eaiiec ne bus|auc. Iu irout oi aii. uis |iue eyes carleuec.
Cb, bow |aciy tbis cenou wautec to |eiieve iu ber. Beeause you ace. Auc you aiways wiii |e. 8be stooc ou ber toes, euiug bis iaee. I was out oi ny niuc,
\ailon. Cut oi ny ever-iiviug niuc to get |ael to you.
Auotber wave oi tbat joy bit ber. I wiii uot cou|t you agaiu, aca.
I wou't give you reasou to. But I waru you--I'n uot iettiug you out oi ny sigbt iron uow ou. "beu tbe eoruers oi bis iis euriec at tbat, sbe saic, I iove you. 1beu
sbe sbowec bin bow nueb, ressiug ber noutb to bis ior a ceserate, |reatbiess liss.
\et tbeu be teusec, crawiug ber away. Lile a sbot, be tossec ber |ebiuc bin.
A vanire bac aearec. riloiai "rotb--oue oi Courac "rotb's |rotbers auc bus|auc to \yst tbe Covetec.
"itbout waruiug, \ailon attaelec, guuuiug ior riloiai.
\ailon, wait: But be'c aireacy iuugec ior tbe uususeetiug van, taeliiug bin to tbe grouuc witb a ioree auc seec iew bac evec wituessec.
Carretb \aekieve saic, Biuicy beii, wbat s be'
kycstron saic oue worc. Venou.
uere' Carretb |eiiowec. Auc uear ny wonau: ue ebargec ior \ailon. kycstron was rigbt |ebiuc bin.
ro, be's witb ne: Carrow eriec. 8to:
"itb bis iaugs auc eiaws |arec neuaeiugiy, \ailon iougbt tben aii, boiciug tben oii.
But riloiai bac ouiy just gotteu bis |eariugs to |egiu wbaiiug ou \ailon. kycstron, a rage cenou, bacu't goue iuiiy euragec yet. "beu \ailon eioelec Carretb iu
tbe iaee, tbe Lylae nutterec a stuuuec oddaon` tbeu sraug |ael iuto tbe iray, norbiug to bis werewoii state.
1bree ciiiereut seeies, gaugiug u ou ber nau. Let--bin--go: ro resouse. ue wou't burt auy oi you.
\ailon ebose tbat noneut to raise bis |rows iu cis|eiiei. ont I` 1beu be siasbec out witb bis eiaws. Cocs, be was stroug. \urnurs souucec, iuerecuious wbisers.
Lueia tbe uuutress saic, "iteb, co you uot uucerstauc wbat be is' 1be Vailyrie crew ber |ow ou bin. I've iaeec bis liuc |eiore. Auc |areiy eseaec witb ny iiie.
8a|iue saic, Lveu ii I wautec to |real tbis u, ny owers are |ouuc. Do iet |oys |e |oys.
\yst bac crawu a sworc, striciug iorwarc to euc tbis.
Carrow turuec to a wice-eyec \arileta. ue's ny bus|auc, Ciiteb. liease bei ne.
\ou're sure a|out a ... a veoon'
rever |eeu nore sure.
\ari uoccec. But we bave got to eateb u touigbt, 'lay' "itb a wave oi ber bauc, sbe iiuug tbe iour naies iu oosite cireetious, itebiug tben iuto tbe waiis.
\outbiug tbaul you over ber sbouicer, Carrow burriec to wbere \ailon was aireacy ou bis ieet ior nore. \ailon, wait: I toic you tbese are ny aiiies.
\ou aiiy witb vaoces.
1be rec-eyec oue iron eariier was seut to save ne, sbe saic. \ou just an|usbec bis |rotber, riloiai.
A ieeeb rislec bis iiie to save yours'
\es. ue's a stauueb aiiy.
Auc tbe rest'
Carrow surveyec tbe otber innortais, as tbougb seeiug tben tbrougb bis eyes. \ari auc Boweu, |otb stariug at Carrow auc tbe venou. Lueia auc ber wiucec bus|auc
Carretb. 1be |ieeciug "rotb |rotber, soiiiug ior auotber rouuc, beic |ael |y \yst. kycstron, 8a|iue, auc so nauy nore.
Carrow sbruggec. I'c iigbt aiougsice aii oi tben.
ue exbaiec. Very weii. 8tauciug stiiiiy, be iaeec bis ooueuts. 1beu I ... aoiogize. I co uot seel to war witb ny wiie's aiiies.
Carrow luew bow barc tbat bac |eeu ior bin to aoiogize, eseeiaiiy to a vanire. Lueliiy, tbe tbree aearec to ... uot waut to nurcer bin iu tbat iustaut.
\aliug iigbt oi bis attael, sbe saic, Lvery|ocy bere |rawis aii tbe tine. \ou'ii iit rigbt iu.
Ii we're uot to liii tbe venou, kycstron saic, tbeu you sbouic aiert us iu acvauee.
Carrow gazec u at \ailon, griuuiug iile a iooi. I bac uo icea be'c sbow.
Clay, so every|ocy's eooi' \ari aslec arouuc. 1beu eau we iease iiuc out wbat baeuec ou tbe isiauc--wbiie I worl ou your cea//;-barc-to-get-oii eoiiar'
Are you olay' Carrow aslec \ailon. Do you ueec to rest'
ue gave a sbar sbale oi bis beac, uiiiug bis sbouicers |ael.
8o Carrow reiatec everytbiug tbat bac oeeurrec witbiu tbe iaeiiity, iron tbeir eature auc inrisouneut to tbeir eseae via La Doraca.
uac Lueia auc Carretb sbarec a worriec giauee at tbe neutiou oi tbe Queeu oi Lvii'
Cuee Carrow bac iiuisbec, Lueia aslec, Dic you see kegiu'
8be's tbere, auc I |eiieve sbe's gotteu iree.
Lueia saggec agaiust Carretb. 1beu sbe saic, "bat co you neau, ;ou le/eve' "by wereu't you two togetber'
I cicu't bave a iot oi say a|out, ob, auytbiug. \y ower was uii. 8be iiielec ber eoiiar, sayiug, I'n uot weariug tbis ior iiair. Lool, Lueia, I luow you're worriec. But
kegiu was aiive. Carrow tbougbt |ael. 8be cic waut you to luow tbat ~dan was tbere. 8be saic tbat I was to eurse bin. ue burt ber. keeateciy.
Aicau' Dear gocs.
8a|iue saic, Auc wbat a|out ny sister'
Carrow saic, A Vreleuer uanec 1brouos tool ber.
hat` 1be bouse aearec to roel agaiu. 1brouos' 1beu Lautbe's ceiiuiteiy stiii ou tbat eursec isiauc. I wiii turu tbe Vreleuer's niuc iusice out, sbow bin
uigbtnares be eau uever reeover iron. 8be accec iu au a|seut nutter, Just as I cic bis iatber.
kycstron toic 8a|iue, cwena, tbe witeb wiii sery ior Lautbe--
Auc wbat a|out Liiiean' Carretb cenaucec. 1uruiug to Boweu, be saic, ue's your eousiu, too. Cet your wiie to sery ior bin iirst.
Lueia saic, I've |eeu arouuc tbe woric iooliug ior kegiu ior weels. \arileta sbouic ioeate ber iirst.
A eborus oi otber voiees raug out, innortais wbo wautec tbeir iovec oues iouuc.
"beu \ari ut ber baucs over ber ears, Carrow ea|-wbistiec ior siieuee. 8be eau't sery ior everyoue's exaet ioeatious. It'c tale ber weels. Auc eveu you guys eau't
aiiorc tbat liuc oi overtine. 8be turuec to \ari. But you eouic get a |aiiarl ior cozeus, rigbt'
I eouic teii you wbo is ou tbat isiauc. But uot reeiseiy wbere.
Carrow eoutiuuec, Auc eveu ii sbe eouic ioeate oue or two, auy|ocy wbo goes to retrieve tben wiii |e iu cauger iron tbe noneut tbey set ioot tbere. 1be lravus
innortais aii bave tbeir owers. !one oi tbe Vertas co. La Doraca nigbt stiii |e sluiliug arouuc ior aii we luow. lius, tbe bunaus wiii sureiy returu to tale |ael tbeir iaeiiity.
8o you're eaiiiug ior a war, Carretb saic, iooliug iile be was bot ou tbe icea.
Auc wbere is rix' Lueia aslec. 8bouicu't we get ber ioresigbt |eiore iauuiug auytbiug'
Carrow sbool ber beac. 1bere's a ebauee tbat I saw ber ou tbe isiauc. I eau't |e sure, |ut I tbiul it was ber.
Carretb cenaucec oi tbe erowc, 1beu wbo wiii storn tbis iaee witb tbe Lylae'
Carrow sniiec, settiug tben u ior tbe liii. Auc bow are you goiug to get tbere, woii' 1be isiauc bas sone liuc oi nystieai eioal over it.
rix toic ne uo oue eau see it |y |oat or iaue, \ari saic.
8a|iue iiielec ber eiaw-tiec bauc at \ailon. 1bis ... leng eau returu us. I'ii ay bin bis weigbt iu goic.
\ailon steec iorwarc. I wiii go, reiayiug eoie tbere. Auc I co uot waut your goic.
Lucer ber |reatb, Carrow saic, Ln, cenou, we're nereeuaries bere. 8be suirec bin to tbe sice oi tbe roon. Ii you waut to joiu tbe ianiiy |usiuess, you gotta
nale tben ay, olay'
Iu a iow toue, be saic, '1is tbe ouiy way to get tben to aeeet ne.
Auc Carrow luew bow be iougec to |e aeeetec. I tbiul you'ii |e surrisec, |ig guy. But ior uow, iet's eoueeutrate ou ieatberiug our uest, tbeu worl ou tbe
aeeetauee, aii rigbt'
"beu be grucgiugiy agreec, Carrow turuec to tbe otbers auc raisec ber voiee. \ari wiii sery touigbt, \ailon wiii reare ior nass teieortiug, auc I'ii craw u
sebenaties oi tbe isiauc. "e'ii try to eoutaet Courac auc see ii be bas auy iutei we eau use. 1beu we'ii eone u witb a |attie iau auc ieave at cawu.
\ari accec, Auy|ocy wbo wauts ou tbat isiauc, I bave sone aerworl auc ayneut otious.
Carrow uoccec. 1onorrow noruiug, we go to war.
\ailon teusec |esice ber. "e' be growiec, traeiug ber outsice.
8be |iiulec u at bin. 8be'c tbougbt be was goiug to |e uustoa|ie le/oce be eouic traee. \ailon, ii you go, tbeu I co, too. kenen|er tbe Io nevec /ettng ;ou
out o/ o; sght art iron eariier' ue oeuec bis noutb to argue, |ut sbe saic, Ii you're bay, tbeu I'ii |e stroug euougb to wateb over you as weii as you co ne. As soou
as tbiugs eainec cowu, sbe'c exiaiu tbat sbe'c iearuec to enower berseii, tbat |etweeu bis baiuess auc ber owu, sbe'c |e oue iornica|ie "ieea. 8o I'ii just bave to nale
you eestatie.
"iteb, you aireacy bave. ue crew ber eiose, restiug bis ebiu ou ber beac. "beu I bearc wbat you saic iu tbere, iu irout oi everyoue'
I wouic cie ior you, \ailon. Cau you trust tbat' Cau you |eiieve iu ne agaiu'
Agaiust ber bair, be nurnurec, kigbt uow, I eau co auytbiug.

chatec -

1bougb \ailon auc Carrow stiii bac nueb to ciseuss witb tbe innortais cowustairs, be eouicu't |e easy uutii be saw ku|y witb bis owu eyes. Carrow bac toic bin,
8be irealec out, sbrieliug ior you. I neau, I luew you'c nace au inressiou, |ut Liiauua bac to niel ber, luoel ber out.
8o tbey startec ior Carrow's roon to ebeel ou tbe giri. Cu tbe way, be gazec arouuc at aii tbe uew auc eeuiiar tbiugs be saw. Carrow's nenories bac rearec bin
ior nueb, |ut stiii, tbis rovec |ewiiceriug. ue itebec to iuvestigate everytbiug uuianiiiar.
1bey'c just assec tbrougb tbe coorway ieaciug to a saeious suite wbeu Carrow's torue croec to tbe grouuc.
Ab, \ari, tbaul you, sbe nurnurec, lieliug tbe |auc away.
ue eouic seuse nagies iiowiug tbrougb Carrow, uow uuiuterrutec--just as be seusec tben steeec iu every iueb oi tbis eoveu.
\agies surrouuciug bin. '1was uot so cistur|iug as be nigbt bave inagiuec.
8be roiiec ber beac, nassagiug ber uae. Cocs, tbat's uiee to get ric oi.
Lyes iixec ou ber |arec ueel, \ailon slinnec tbe |aels oi bis iiugers cowu tbat aie ieugtb. 1beir gazes net.
Crow, is tbat you' ku|y sieeiiy aslec iron tbe |ec.
Carrow |it ber |otton ii. "itb a sigb, sbe erossec to ber. It's ne, bouey. 8be sat |esice tbe giri.
Dic you get \ailon |ael'
ue crew eioser, easiug cowu |esice Carrow. I an bere, dee/a.
Iustautiy, ku|y's iaee iit u iuto a sniie. Crow, you swore you'c |riug bin bone: 8be iauuebec berseii at \ailon, buggiug bin witb aii ber nigbt.
Cver tbe giri's sbouicer, \ailon net eyes witb Carrow. 8be'c ronisec ber uew caugbter to |riug bin |ael, bac |eeu reacy to iigbt ber owu aiiies to reaeb bin.
Lariier, witb ber every worc, bis jaw bac siaeleuec. ue'c wautec to bave rooi oi ber aiieetiou, to |e eertaiu oi it. row ber ieeiiugs--auc bis iaee iu ber woric--
were a|uucautiy eiear.
uis ebest bac growu tigbt, eveu as tbe luot iu bis gut bac cisaearec.
Aetuaiiy, be |rougbt binseii bone, Carrow saic. ue eau traee uow.
ku|y uiiec |ael witb uarrowec eyes. But is be stayiug'
Carrow gazec at bin as weii.
ue auswerec, lron uow ou, I stay witb you two, ny wiie auc our youug oue. '1wiii aiways |e so.
ku|y iaugbec, |estowiug auotber bug, wbiie Carrow's eyes iiielerec anicst tears. "e wouicu't bave it auy otber way, cenou.
ue'c just eonnittec bis iiie to tbeirs, bac toic bis wiie auc acotec caugbter iu so nauy worcs tbat be wouic |e witb tben, roteetiug tben tiii tbe cay be ciec.
8tiii be ieit uo arebeusiou a|out tbeir iutures, ouiy autieiatiou. 1o dceao wthout dceadng...
Carrow siiec ber bauc iu bis, tbeu saic to ku|y, uey, your gaug is cowustairs. 1bey've nissec you. I was tbiuliug a siun|er arty auc izza, ii you areu't too tirec--

1bey're bere' ku|y seran|iec to tbe iioor. I bave to sbow tben \ailon:
Show oe to theo` She s ... coud.
"eii, we eau't lee tben waitiug, Carrow saic. Co get \ari to o oii your torue. Luiess you waut to lee it ou uutii you're eigbteeu, 'eause I'n olay witb tbat.
Aii rigbt, aii rigbt. uey, |eiore I iorget to teii you, wbiie you're iu seii sebooi tonorrow, \ailon auc I are goiug ou a nereeuary gig. But we'ii |e |ael |y ciuuer.
Clay. Cau we bave ebieleu ciuosaurs'
I'n sure \ailon wouic iove to try tben. 8be griuuec u at bin. ue coes so eujoy bis bieleu.
I iile tbis |ec, \ailon toic Carrow, bis voiee run|iiug witb eouteutneut.
Carrow giaueec over at bin iron oue oi ber eiosets. "biie sbe'c |eeu reacyiug ber eiotbiug auc suiies ior tbeir uew jo|, be'c iaiu |ael iu ber |ec witb bis arns
erossec uucer bis beac auc a iigbt sbeet eoveriug bis |ocy. uis ieet stretebec out over tbe euc oi ber Caiiioruia liug.
uow eouic be iool so a|soiuteiy rigbt anoug aii ber tbiugs' Lseeiaiiy wbeu naies cicu't usuaiiy go troniug arouuc iusice Aucoaiu, nueb iess a giaut cenou at bone
iu a witeb's |ec.
Iu tbe bours siuee tbe otber innortais bac ieit, be'c exaniuec nost oi ber |eiougiugs, tbe iun|iug, tbe air-eoucitiouiug, tbe 1V, nyriac aiiauees.
Auc be'c |eeu sbowu to ku|y's irieucs. Carrow wouic uever iorget bis reaetiou wbeu ku|y bac rouciy iutrocueec bin as ber stecenou. ue'c |eeu |rieiiy
surrisec, tbeu novec. 1be sane as wbeu sbe'c ceeiarec bin ber bus|auc.
ue'c iater acnittec, I bave rareiy |eeu iutrocueec as 'ny' auytbiug. '1is weieone uow.
ku|y's irieucs bac gazec u at bin witb owi eyes, |ut eveutuaiiy tbey'c gotteu usec to bin. "beu tbey'c iearuec be'c uever bac izza |eiore, tbey'c aii waitec witb
|atec |reatb to see ii be'c iile it. Carrow tbougbt be'c exaggeratec bis reaetiou just a jot ior tbeir eujoyneut auc iovec bin aii tbe nore ior it.
row tbe siun|er arty iu tbe attie was iu iuii swiug, nusie |iariug iron tbe laraole naebiue, lics iaugbiug.
\ailon griuuec, seeniug to iove tbe uoise. So /ong was he a/one...
"bat eise co you iile' sbe aslec, ceterniuec to nale bin bay iu ber woric.
8be uirlec a |row. \ou iilec wbat we cic to eaeb otber iu tbe sbower. 1bat bac ouiy |eeu tbe aetizer to tbe naiu eourse sbe iauuec. Beueatb ber uuassuniug
ro|e, sbe wore ber raeiest iiugerie.
'1is true, be saic witb a sbaneiess griu. 8be iovec it wbeu be sniiec. 1ouigbt, be bac oiteu, awlwarciy at iirst, |ut be was gettiug tbe baug oi it.
Is tbis wbere you waut to iive' be aslec.
Aetuaiiy, I've got ny eye ou a bouse rigbt cowu tbe street. 8be burrieciy iiec u ber ioicec eiotbes ior tonorrow. 8be was geariug u touigbt |eeause ouee sbe got
iuto tbat |ec witb bin, sbe cicu't iuteuc to ieave it uutii tbey ceartec |rigbt auc eariy. It's got a ooi.
I tbiul I traeec tbere eariier. I nust bave seeu it iu your nenories. 1beu bis ceneauor grew steru. I wiii waut to urebase it ior ny ianiiy.
Ba|y, ii you get Lautbe |ael ior 8a|iue--sbe siaec ber baucs, ru||iug tben togetber--tbeu it's ours, aii ours.
ue reiaxec agaiu. 1be rage cenous seenec ceeeut euougb.
As Carrow bac eaugbt u witb \ari auc Liiauua, \ailon bac |eeu wayiaic |y tbe cenous.
Auc wbat were you tailiug to tben a|out ior so ioug'
kiug kycstron wisbes ne to war witb tben iu tbe eoniug Aeeessiou.
Dic you teii bin it'ii eost bin'
\ailon uoccec. 1be liug toic ne I bac a eiever--auc vioieutiy cevotec--wiie. I was riceiui.
8be attec ber bair. I tc;. \ou're goiug to nale a iortuue as a nereeuary, you luow. Cuarciug eoie, iigbtiug |atties.
Auc wbat were you tailiug to your irieucs a|out'
A|out bow you auc I are goiug to |e ku|y's areuts. Liiauua auc \ari bac |eeu eonieteiy suortive, iecgiug to bei Carrow as nueb as sbe ueecec.
1beu tbe tbree oi tben bac tearec u as tbey'c raisec a giass to Anauca, a snaii tri|ute uutii a roer serviee eouic |e beic. Carrow bac accec a siieut tbauls to ber
eousiu ior baviug sueb a renarla|ie lic.
I aiso toic ny irieucs bow nueb I acore you, Carrow saic.
1bis is nutuai.
Cb, auc bow I tbiul you're utteriy iautastie iu |ec.
ue seowiec at tbat uutii be saw sbe was ceac serious. 1beu be gave a nocest sbrug. Aiso nutuai.
"e've aireacy gotteu two wecciug giits. Liiauua ut a nystieai uoise caneuer ou our roon, so uo oue eau bear ne baviug ny wielec way witb you.
ue raisec a |row, bis ereetiou aireacy teutiug tbe sbeet iu reaciuess.
8be aiso eoujurec you a uew warcro|e. Carrow oeuec ber seeouc eioset to cisiay aii bis uew eiotbes. At bis anazec exressiou, sbe saic, 1bey'ii aii iit. Lii's a
geuius at stuii iile tbat. A|seutiy acjustiug tbe siily |iael ri||ou tiec arouuc ber wrist, Carrow saic, Auc \arileta gave us a reseut, too. 8onetbiug vec; vaiua|ie. But it's a
8be woucerec bow be'c reaet to tbat giit. I// know soon enough. By tbe way, we're goiug to bave a wecciug eeie|ratiou bere at tbe eoveu wbeu everytbiug setties
cowu. 8be nigbt bave ieit a aug tbat ber |irtb areuts wouicu't |e tbere ior tbe iestivities, |ut iueliiy Carrow's eutire /ao/; wouic |e. \ari, Liiauua, ku|y, auc \ailon.
I iilec tbe witebes.
Beeause tbey were aii wbiseriug a|out bow gorgeous you are, auc you eouic bear every worc, sbe saic as sbe iiuisbec reiug. Carrow bac uotieec bis ueel bac
gotteu rec, auc be'c ioolec iiunnoxec a eouie oi tines.
I an ouiy iuterestec iu oue witeb. Cone to ne, aca.
8be sauuterec over to tbe |ec. \ou iile ny |ec, sbowers, auc ny eoveu. But bow co you iile tbis' 8be iet ber ro|e ooi at ber ieet, reveaiiug tigbt |iael garters,
iisbuet tbigb-bigbs, a |iael siil |ustier, auc a natebiug tboug. Le;. ts hs we/coong act; a/tec a//.
ue swaiiowec, |rows crawu. Cocs ainigbty, wonau. "itb tbat iuereci|ie seec, be swuug bis iegs over tbe sice oi tbe |ec, suaggiug ber arouuc tbe waist.
8be gave a ceiigbtec ery as be uiiec ber outo bis ia.
"itb eiear iaseiuatiou, be iiugerec tbe iaee ecge oi ber |ociee. I iile very nueb.
8o co you waut to luow wbat \ari gave us' 8be beic u a wrist, cisiayiug tbe ri||ou. It's euebautec witb a eoutraeetiou seii. A vec; eovetec giit.
"beu be irowuec, sbe ieauec iorwarc, nurnuriug, \ou eau eone iusice ne, auc I stiii wou't get reguaut.
But I waut to--
8be iuterrutec bin witb a |riei liss. Let's get settiec iuto tbe uew bouse witb ku|y iirst. 8o sbe eau get usec to iiie witb us. Carrow luew tbat tbere wouic |e
acjustneuts auc rougb atebes abeac. 8be cicu't tbiul tbe iittie giri bac iuiiy eonrebeucec ber non was goue.
"beu \ailon was stiii besitaut, sbe saic, ku|y's goiug to ueec aii tbe atteutiou we eau give ber. Auc we've got ieuty oi tine. 8iuee we're goiug to iive iorever auc
ue exbaiec. Very weii. "e are agreec. lor now.
1beu iet's see ii tbis ri||ou worls, sbe urrec at bis ear, naliug bis ereetiou uise |eueatb ber. \ou cou't bave to boic |ael touigbt, \ailon. I'n strouger, auc I
waut everytbiug you bave.
I waut to give it to you, wiie. ue euriec bis iiugers uucer ber ebiu, crawiug ber iu ior a liss. ue grazec bis iis agaiust bers so teuceriy, witb teasiug iiiels oi bis
tougue. 1beu be grew nore aggressive, ceeeuiug tbe liss wbiie iuebiug ber uiies tbrougb tbe siil, uutii sbe was suirniug over bis sbait.
8reac your iegs, be saic agaiust ber iis.
"beu sbe cic, be iaziiy ettec ber auties. 1bese are can.
1beu you sbouic tale tben oii ne--
k. 8be tren|iec wbeu be tore tben iree.
uis iiugers returuec to strole, auc bis iics weut beavy wbeu be iouuc ber so arousec. 8atisiaetiou soarec tbrougb bin, auc sbe ieit it. Cb, cenou: I waut tbat, too. Aii
oi you. !ow.
\ust nale sure you're reacy, be saic, bis voiee busly. Aiter |itiug oii a eiaw, be ceivec bis ioreiiuger |etweeu ber ioics. ue siiec it cee as bis tbun| |egau
eireiiug ber swoiieu eiitoris.
"itb a sigb oi ieasure, sbe griec bis sbouicers to ieau |ael, iettiug ber luees iaii oeu iu surreucer.
8iowiy tbrustiug auc soitiy eireiiug. Cver auc over. ue watebec as bis iiugers iayec, sreaciug ber, ru||iug. Auc |eueatb ber ass, bis sbait stirrec agaiust ber seusitive
Denou, sbe wbiserec, aireacy ueariug ber eal. I'n eiose. ...
ue stoec at ouee, witbcrawiug bis iiugers, naliug ber wbiner.
8traccie ne, be eonnaucec as be suelec bis giisteuiug iiuger, sbucceriug witb ieasure at ber taste. \y ienaie is ceiieious.
8biveriug, sbe naueuverec berseii over bis ia.
Cuee sbe was oisec a|ove bis sbait, be iistec it witb bis iree bauc. Cone to ne. 1ale ne iuto tbat sweet sex.
\ailon, sbe gasec, ioweriug berseii. "beu tbe erowu |reaebec ber eutrauee, be growiec, riiug tbe eus iron ber |ociee so be eouic suelie ber, iieliug oue
uiie wbiie roiiiug tbe otber |etweeu bis wet iiugers.
8be eouicu't boic ou. Ab, gocs: "itb ouiy tbe ti iusice ber, sbe |egau to eone, ber siiel orgasn seuciug ber siiiug cowu bis ieugtb. 8be wautec to tbrow |ael ber
beac to serean witb ieasure, |ut be rose u iron ber |reast to neet ber gaze, bis baucs eaturiug ber iaee.
"itb bis teetb eieuebec auc sweat |eaciug bis |row, be ioreec ber to stare iuto bis iiieleriug eyes as sbe siic aioug bis |eautiiui eoel, eryiug out witb every iueb.
Iu/sng thckness wthn ... waves o/ gcng heat.
Caziug at bin as sbe eane nace ber ieei |are to bin. 1be aet was seariugiy iutinate--auc eveu nore arousiug.
By tbe tine tbe sasns bac iiuaiiy eucec, wbeu be tbro||ec cee iusice ber, sbe was aireacy ou tbe verge agaiu.
Layiug bis ains over ber bis, be rasec, I'n uot coue witb you. 1beu be wreuebec ber cowu wbiie surgiug bis bis u, seuciug ber siraiiug iuto auotber eiinax....
1bis tine \ailon iet ber tbrow |ael ber beac as sbe eane, savoriug ber a|aucou, ber |ocy's eager surreucer. uer ioug bair |rusbec bis tbigbs as sbe sereanec bis
uane, ber aie tbroat worliug.
uer ueel was iuiiy |arec to bin--uo eoiiar. uis aebiug iaugs weut sbar ior tbat iiesb, eraviug reiiei as nueb as bis sbait cic. But be wouic uever agaiu tale ber |iooc
witbout asliug.
"beu sbe iaeec bin ouee nore, sbe autec |etweeu rec iis, ber eyes iile stars, giitteriug iron ber ieasure.
ue grasec ber iiuger, uiiiug it to bis noutb to uiel it ou oue iaug. 1beu be beic ber |ieeciug iiuger |etweeu tben. '1is to |e your eboiee, aca.
1bey |otb starec at tbe |eac weiiiug, tbe strean giiciug cowu.
But I waut a// oi you, cenou, sbe saic |reatbiessiy. Lvery art oi you. Beiore bis rivetec eyes, sbe aiutec tbe erinsou aioug ber ueel, |eelouiug bin. I need
your |ite as nueb as you ueec to give it to ne.
tch! be growiec as be swuug ber arouuc to tbe |ec. 8tiii wecgec cee iusice ber, be iaic ber cowu |eueatb bin, tbeu raisec binseii ou straigbteuec arns.
As bis bis roiiec |etweeu ber tbigbs, be starec cowu at ber. 1bree weels ago, be wouic bave tbougbt tbis a ieverec iautasy--tbe nost exuisite ienaie be'c ever seeu,
oiieriug ber ueel wbiie be crove iu auc out oi ber iuseious sex. \ou are too |eautiiui to |e reai, ebauua.
Driul iron ne, \ailon. 1aste ne. It's yours, wbeuever you ueec.
Cocs, eouic sbe truiy |e bis' A wonau to aeeet everytbiug a|out bin' ue eaugbt ber ueel iu tbe erool oi bis arn, usiug bis iorearn to ress ber beac to tbe sice.
Leauiug cowu, be iielec tbe |iooc iron ber ueel, iaugs sbarer tbau tbey'c ever |eeu. "itb a suari, be iuugec tben iuto tbe teucer sot |etweeu ber ueel auc ber sbouicer.
uer |ocy sbot teuse wbeu be suelec ber. \ailon: It's ... ab, gocs, cenou ... 8be euec bis beac to ber ueel, ressiug bis noutb eioser.
She /ee/s t. too.
1bat eioseuess, a |ouc be'c uever inagiuec, was eveu strouger wbeu be was iusice ber. "itb ber esseuee eoursiug tbrougb bis veius, auc bis bis ouuciug agaiust ber,
be bac to iigbt uot to eone.
As be surgec over ber, riciug ber tigbt sbeatb, ieasure roelec bin cowu to bis |oues. 1o iiuaiiy luow tbis, to sbare it witb ber.
Iast. S/ane. /ast! 1hs s actua//; haenng....
\ailon, I'n eiose: ue ieit ber worcs as nueb as bearc tben. Denou: sbe sereanec as sbe |egau to orgasn.
1be eieuebiug oi ber sex ro||ec bin oi bis wiiiower. row tbat be was to give ber bis seec, be uotieec tbe way ber sex niilec bis eoel, cenauciug its cue.
1oo ouch cessuce ... alout to e/ode. ue reieasec ber ueel, bis |ael |owiug iron tbe iuteusity as bis seneu rose witbiu bin.
Cone iusice ne, sbe saic, autiug. I ueec to ieei it. ve oe a// o/ ;ou.
uer worcs seut bin over tbe ecge. Cau't lee it iu ... ab, uo iouger: ueiiess to sto it, be siannec bis |ocy |etweeu ber tbigbs, taliug ber barcer tbau be ever bac,
uutii ... iu a |iiuciug rusb...
ue was reieasec.
caccow! be |eiiowec as be |egau to ejaeuiate. Agaiu auc agaiu, bis sbait sbot cee iuto ber beat. Iuong ... ecstas;...
As be niuciessiy tbrust, iiiiiug ber won|, sbe eriec out, I ieei it iusice ne. \ailon, you're so bot ... iile a |rauc. uer luees ieii wice as sbe iistec tbe sbeets, eoniug
ouee nore.
Just as tbe teusiou ieit ber |ocy, be groauec, entyiug tbe iast oi bis seec. 1bey iay ior ioug noneuts, eatebiug tbeir |reatb. ue eouic seareeiy iornuiate tbougbt--tbe
eouueetiou bac |eeu too eoniete, tbe ieasure too eousuniug. I /ee/ ngh duolstcuck.
Denou, sbe gasec, souuciug cazec.
I eouicu't bave inagiuec tbat, be nurnurec. '1was ieasure witb uo euai.
ue'c iuiiy eiainec wbat be wautec nost iu tbis woric. uis wonau. Auc be ieit ... who/e.
Agaiu, tbose ouee-eouiusiug enotious bannerec iusice bis ebest, eianoriug ior reiease. Beiore, be bacu't uucerstooc wbat be'c ieit, bacu't bac tbe worcs to teii ber.
row be cic. ue raisec binseii u ou bis ei|ows to gaze cowu at ber. I an iu iove witb you, Carrow. ue tuelec a ioel oi ber |iael bair |ebiuc ber ear.
\ailon, I iove you so nueb. uer eyes giiutec. I aiways wiii.
As be |ebeic tbe iaee oi bis wiie, be saw tbat iove iu ber exressiou, iove tbere ior tbe taliug. ue'c wautec rooi, auc tbere was uo ceuyiug wbat be saw so eieariy.
Iu wbat ieit iile a iar cistaut iiie, \ailon bac ouee |eeu toic be'c uever wiu.
row bis beart was iuii as tbe trutb struel bin. 8ut sooehow I have won ber.
A iuture witb ber sreac out |eiore bin. Dreans to eone, creans to eone true.

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