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United States Bankruptey Court District of Arizona Voluntary Petition Mame of Debor Windia ener Dany Fn MOST Coyotes Hockey, LLC Fame of Tot Debian (Spouse) aah Ft MGT PAT Other Names wed Br The Debior nthe at peas TI iar Names asad by We ot Debio wie at pee scale mame, den and trade names: scade marred, mssden, sr trade names). Taso igs of So, eso ida Taxpayer 1D. (TIN No TComplee FIN |Last Tor Tg of Soe See oF Tv al Taxpayer TD TINY Rove ETT 36.0989289 Scot Aross of Dobie Na and Sweet Cis, ad aT Gear AUS of Tt Debio No and Sit Cis and SUT 6751 N. Sunset Bivd Suite 200 Glendale, AZ 2 Cote zipcote 3530 Conmay of Residence oro he Pancpal Mase of Rass County of Revie oro The Prcpal ase ot Bane Maricopa aig Aare of Debio Gen Ramm see AIDES Rang Aros of Tonk Debtor OT OTe Toms ace TCT 0 case case cation of Principal Asts of Busmews Debio Tao apn af Bankrapy Coe Uae WT Crates the Pelton ed (chest one on 1 reat coe Bosness Ch chaper? Sine et ea Ee ae detnea |B Cer ape 5 Pion for Recon 1 tnivitual inlades Join Debio) SUSE fiorets) Borner haps Fen or ay weit unseen fg mover ntorcensan Poses WE Corporton Gnstudes LLC and Lt) 1 Stockboker eet ofa Foreign NonmainPoseeding 1 Commodi Biker B chaper ign Nona Pct 1D rurmernip Ei cleng ant Oe tetnd tactocatan ede | AE Oter baal flr Gest te 1 ot py seme Wve panay Dosersseesetagnzaion | itech USC Tn came oa tmacrTae Seon Coed Scie | “heady ons nny ee dincsat even cols, | aye sil poy Ting Fe(OH One BT Eek as oe Taper Devo I Fu Fing Feats 1 chor iss sal busines dcr s dtl in {1 USC § 1011810) shor ats snl ses debra defied 11 USC 11D} atch signed aplication forthe courts Consteration crying thatthe debtor "Bunable o pay fee excep in stamens Rule 1006(b) See ttca! Form 3" | E Debors azaregate nonconinget liquidated debs (eluding debs owed to msiders orate) ar less that $2,190.00, Ping Fee waiver requested applizabe to chapter 7 individuals only) Most | cncSEaraphable Boxee alah signed ppicaon forthe courts consideration Sex fia Form 50 eats ance menace TB Acceptances af the pln were soli prepetiion fom one o lasses af eredors accordance wall USC. 4 1260, SR THIS SPACE TS FOR COURT TSE CRE I Detioresumses tat funds wil be vaable for dsbuton te unsscured credits. [TD bebior estimates that afer any exempt property is excluded and administrative expenses paid, there wil eno funds avalaie for ditbuton to unsecured credo. Fsiated Nomber of Creditors Me hw Son, as Beat ainsiad Anas Be Bue Ba Shaver Bognor Ma |Fsmaned Cab e Boe Bam 9 Baro Sane 2 ‘orm 1)(1/08) Page? a Name of Demon) [Voluntary Petition Cocas Hee 1 (Orta (This page must be completed and fled in every case) Al Prior Bankruptcy Cases Filed Within Last § Years (IPmore than to, atach additional shect) Tasation (Case Number Date Fed Where Filed: - None - ovation (Case Number Date Fie Where Filed: Pending Bankruptcy Case Filed by any Spouse, Partner, or Alfiiate ofthis Debtor (lt more than one, attach addiional sheet) Name of Debtor Case Number Date Filed Dewey Ranch Hockey, LLC istic Relationship Tuage Arizona Affiliate Exhibit A Exhibit 8 (Tobe complete if er andl wise ts te pray sonnets) (To be completed if debtor is required to file periodic reports (e-8. |, the ators for the petitioner named inthe foregoing petition, declare tha { forms 10K and 10Q) with the Securities and Exchange Commission | uve formed the ettoner tat he or Shs] may proceed under chapter 7. to Section [3 oF 15{d) ofthe Sevuritcs Exchange Actor 1034. | {2,0 1D aftale 1-Unied Sats Coe, nd ave explained the rele availble sin it unde chaps ns ENeRNEE ALOE TODS Tt cach sch chapter fuer Semi tat deve wf deo he noe sing relief under chapter 11.) unr cach teh chapel 1D Exhibit is atsched and made a part of this petition x ‘Signatre of Atorney Tor Debiorsy Tourer Exnibire Does the debtor own or have possession of any property that poses ots alleged to pose atte of imminent and ientiiable harm to public Reh or sey 1D Yes, and Exhibit Ci atached and rade a puto this petition ExhibieD ‘ompleted by every individual debioe. Ifa joint petition i filed, each spouse must complete and attach a separate Exhibit D) (Tobe 1 Exhibit D completed and signed by the debtors attached and made a part of this petition It this isa joint petition Exhibit D also completed and signed by the joint debtor is atached and made a par of this petition Taformation Regarding the Debtor Venue (Ch W__Debior has been domiciled or has had a residence, principal place of business, oF principal assets inthis Distt tor 180 days immediately preceding the date of this petition afar a longer part of such 180 days than in any other District any applicable box) (There isa bankruptey case concerning debtor’ aiilate general partner, or partnership pending inthis Distt, __Debior isa debtor ina foreign proceeding and has its principal place of business or principal asses in the United States in this Distiet, or has no prineipal place of business or asses inthe United States but is a defendant in an action of proceeding [in a federal or state cour] inthis Disuiet, or the interests ofthe paris will be served in regard tothe relief Sought inthis Distt ‘Cevtication by & Debtor Who Resides asa Tenant of Residential Property (Check all applicable boxes) 1D Landiord nasa judgment agains the debtor for possession of debtor's residence (i bx chesked, compet he follwing} ‘Rome ofandiod that obianed jee) ‘Taaress oF andiondh nonbankruptcy law, there are eteunistanoes under which the deblor would be permited to eure 1 Detvor claims that under applicable ment for possession, after the judgment for possession was entered, and the entire monetary default that gave rise to the jud __Detvorhas included in this petition the deposit with the court of any rent that would become de during the 30-day period afer the filing ofthe petition 11 Debiorcemities that heshe has Served the Landlord with this cenification. 11 USC ¥ »). $51 Orica Form 1.108) Voluntary Petition (Ths page must be completed and fied in every cose) Name or Detiory ‘Coyotes Hockey, LLC ignature(s) of Debtor(s) (Individual/Joint) I eclare under pony of peguy tha the formation provided in this potion tue and corer {i petinoner tan naividal whose debs are primary consumer debis and hasshowen 10 file ander chapter 7) amy aware that {may proceed under shapier 71112, or 18 of tile 11, United States Code, derstand the rei Svalable under esch such chapter. and choose to proceed wider chap 7 [tf o atorney represents me and no bakrptcy petition preparer sins the pettion| have abained and ead the notice egured by 11 OSC. 934200) "rogues eliotn accordance with he chapter ote 11, United States Code, specified ths pein. ignatare of Debior x “Signature of Font Debior lephone Number (iP ot represented by atomney) Dae ‘Signature of Atorney™ Tor Debio) ‘Thomas J. Salerno 007492 Printed Name of Atlomey for Debian) ‘Squire Sanders & Dempsey LLP. Fim Name 40 N. Central Ave,, #2700 Phoenix, AZ 85004 adress Emall 602-628-4000 Fax: 602-253-8129 Telephoue Number May 5, 2009 Dare ‘Ina casein which § 707(6¥4XD) applies, his signature also constites @ =tiation that te atlomey has no knoledge afer am inguy at th Information inthe schedule encore, Signature of Debtor (Corporation Partnership) ear dr pny f pny a he mon pied nts Peton ts tue and cote and that Ihave Been authorized to ie this petiion Dim behal of the debtor The debtor requests rein accordance with the eh Sates Code, specified nts pttion pier of ide 1, Unied X_IsfJerry Moyes Signature of Authorized Indiv Mal Jerry Moyes Printed Name of Authorized Tn Managing Member Tile of Authorized Individual May 5, 2008 Date Signatures Signature of Foreign Representative | declare under penalty of porary tha the information provided i ths petition ‘Ste and correct tht (am the fovea sepresenatve ofa debtor ina Rig Proceeding, and tat | am authorized te hs petion 1 Hrequest relief m acotdance with chapter 15 of ie 11 United States Code Ceried copes of the documents required by II'US.C $1815 ae atachod 1 Pursuant IE USC $1511, egues ete in accordance withthe chapter oti 11 specified n this pion cesticd copy of the urder granting recognition o he feign mai procesding i tached x ‘Signature of Foreign Representative Printed Name of Foreign Repr nave Dae Signature of Non-Atorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer | declare ander penalty of perjury ha: (1) Lama hankrupey petition preparer as defied i 11 USC 110; (2) prepared thi dosement for compensation and have provide the debor witha copy of this document nd the notices and wformatin rquied under LLUS.C. 88 110), Toh std 34206. and (3) sf rules or guidelines have bes promolgated prsuantto USC §1104h) sein + moni oe fr services Sharpeable by bankruptcy petition prepares. have given the Jeior noice ‘fhe maximum amount before preparing any document fo ing fora Mebior or acceping any fee fom! he dbo as regard tht Seton ‘Ona Form 19 aac Printed Name and tile, any, of Bankrupiey Potion Preparer ‘Social Security number (If the hankraipey petition preparer B not an individu, State the Social Security number ofthe officer. Principal, responsible person or partner ofthe bankruptcy petition Preparer Required by ITUS.C. § 110), Address Dawe Signaue of Bankruptey Pettion Prepare or offic, principal esponsible ‘etsonor partner whose Socal Sectety number is provided above ‘Names and Sosial-Securty mambers of al tering tssistedn preparing this document wales duals who prepared anirupey peti pe I mote han one person prepared tis document, tach addtional sets ntorming tothe appropiate ic fom fr cach person 4 bantrapicy peiton preparers flue 1 comply ide 1 athe Feral Rake of Bankes Proce

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