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Watson-El Pleads Guilty

Grand Sheik Comes to His Aid
Seeking to interve .e on behalf bl his fellow Mohammedan. Lament Watson-El, former local artist's model and ash collector, a man describing himself as G r a n d Sheik F. Turner-EI of Brooklyn, shepherd of the flock of which Watson-El is a member, waited upon District Attorney Schwartz and Sheriff Close today. At the end of a conference at the court house, at which Sheik T u r n e r wore a brilliant red fez, the prosecutor said that no solution had been reached for the dilemma of Watson-El. A short time before Watson-El had pleaded guilty to an indictment accusing him of abandoning his wife. Mrs. Hen ha Watson, who docs not claim the "El" designation, and their two minor children, at the Watson home in Prrshing avenue. Judge Flannery. who also was on Sheik Turner's list for a conference, adjourned the case for a week pending sentence. At the same court session another fellow named plain Joseph R. Kelly, 33. who said he lives at 5S Montgomery street and is a lineman, pleaded guilty to a n o t h e r abandonment indictment and also had his case postponed for a week before sentence. Sheik Turner explained the "El" designation which Watson-El now uses, by asserting that members of the Moorish church of Mohammed are entitled to the designation to show that they are Moorsnot Negroes. Lament, known as one of Poughkeepsie's outstanding physical specimens during his ash-can slinging days, is a member of the group in good standing. Sheik T u r n e r assured the authorities. It took Sheik T u r n e r an hour to explain to District Attorney Schwartz and his first assistant. Ely L. Gellcrt. that Watson-El. who is dusky of hue, is a Moor a n d not a Negro. Never Convicted I n making his statement after he entered a plea of guilty, Watson-El said he is 44 aud a native of New Hamburg, now residing in Connecticut. He said he is married a n d the father of two children -residing in Poughkeepsie. He gave his religion as Mohammedan, said that his mother is living, his habits temperate, and that he never was convicted of a crime before. Kelly, in his statenient. said that lie" is a native, of this city, a lineman, is married and the father of four children residing at 58 Montgoniery street. He said he went to the seventh grade in school, that ) m niother is living, his habits of life temperate, and that he previously was' convicted of public intoxication.

Gait Becomes Issue in Trial

Zobel Ordered To Grcjnd Jury

Air Pickup Seen Unlikely

Quarrerman Gives Views on Proposal

Sheriff Aids Prisoner to Win Freedom from Jail

With Sheriff Close as his personal attorney, Irving F. Butler, 52. Amenia Union farmer and a prisoner at the county jail, today won his liberty when Judge Flannery remitted the $168 unpaid portion of a $200 fine. Butler, who Oct. 25, 1940. pleaded guilty to the felony of driving while intoxicated as a second offender, had been sentenced to 70 days in the county jail and to pay a $200 fine. He served the 70 days but did not have the $200 to pay his fine, pleading that he has no money, or property, except his clothes. Because $200 mandatory fines in similar cases invariably are remitted when defendants apply to the court through counsel. Sheriff Close decided that Butler should not be deprived of the benefit of the court's generosity just because he had no attorney and no money to hire one. So the sheriff appeared as Butler's attorney and applied for remission of the unpaid portion of the fine. The sheriff told the court that Butler had worked out $32 of the fine by serving 32 days in jail at the rate of $1 per day. That left a balance of $168, which the court remitted.
would be established, some serving more t h a n one community. Routes in this vicinity are: Boston to New York via Albany: Troy, Mechanicsville; Hoosic Falls; Bennington. Vt.; Williamstown, Mass.; North Adams. Mass.; Adanis. Mass.; Sjielburne. Mass. (Shelburne Falls, Mass.); Greenfield, Mass.; T u r n e r s Falls, Mass.; Orange, Mass.; Athol, Mass.; Baldwinville, Mass.; Gardner, Mass.; Clinton, Mass.; Hudson, Mass.; Maynard. Mass.; W a l t h a m , Mass.; Ridgefield Park., N. J. tRidgefield, N. J . ) ; Hackeiisack, N. J.; Englewopd, N. J.; Nyack'; Haverstraw; Peekskill; West Point; Newburgh; Beacon; Poughke'epsie; Kingston; Saugerties; Catskill; Hudson; Great j a r r i n g ton, Mass; Lee, Mass.- tstpekbridge, Mass.V; pittsfield. Mass. (Daltpn, Mass.); Albany (Repsselaer). Boston io New York via Springfield. Mass.: Ypnkers; Tarry town; Ossining; Brewster (Carmel); New Milfqrd, CpnrtiLitchfield.) Torringtpn. Conn.; Wins ted. Conn.; Wesifield, Conn.; Springfield, Mass. (Phicppee, t u d l p w , Mass.); Blplyoke, Mass. '(E. ^ a p i p t p n , Mass.); Nprtha}uptoii, Mass. (Florence, Mass.,' ( ^[adley, Mass.); Amherst, ^ a s s . ; Ware. Mass.; Spencer, Mass.; Worcester, Mass.; Westboro. Mass.; &Iaribprp. Mass.; Fra'rriinghani, J4ass.; Natjck, Mass(Wellsley, \ j a s s . i ; N^ewtpn, Mass.

Flu Reported Moving to East

Local Officials Have No Cases
While there are a number of cases in this area of gripjx?, known as mild influenza, there have been no cases of influenza reported to date, Dr. Bertrand E. Roberts, district state health officer, said today. Dr. Roberts, whose district covers Dutchess and P u t n a m counties, said that as far as he knew, none of the new influenza vaccine developed at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at New York, is in use here. * While there have been unverified reports that all the British military forces are to be vaccinated, according to The Associated Press, Df. Roberts explained that the vaccine is still in an experimental stage. Dr. William H. Conger, city health officer, also said that he knew of no instances were the vaccine was being used in Poughkeepsie. Dr. Conger said that no cases of influenza have yet been reported to his office. Dr. Roberts explained, however, that individual cases of influenza are not reported to the district headquarters. He said t h a t the town health officers have beep instructed to report only when the disease seems to be in epidemic form. He defined an epidemic as when the disease gets to the point where a considerable proportion of the population is stricken within a short


One family dwelling and barn of C.KOKOK. HIKKCK, deceased, at


J. E. C A R R O L L
Attorney For Executor I Washington St., Poughkeepsie

East Fishkill

Election pending

Itchy Pimples Kill Romance Many shattered romances may be

|raced directly to ugly skin blemishes Why tolerate itchy piinples, eczema, angry red blotches or other irritations resulting from external causes when you can get quick relief from soothing Peterson's Ointment? 35c nil druggists. Money refunded if one application doe;? not delight you Peterson's Ointment a'so soothes irritated and tired feet and cracks between toes.Adv.



T h e moot question whether a The possibility is remote that small, squat man, who is bowlegged Poughkeepsie will receive an air aud slightly pigeon-toed, might walk mail and express service under a ofher t h a n a straight line, arose plan outlined by Richard C. Dutoday in traffic court during a hear- Pont, president of All-American ing for Ernest Bruno Zobel, 65, 168 Aviation, inc., local aviation experts Garden street, a bartender charged said today. with driving while intoxicated, secThe DuPont firm has applied to ond offense. the Civil Aeronautics board for auJudge Corbally ordered the case thority to operate seven air pickup referred to the grand jury at the routes covering 254 cities and towns conclusion of t h e evidence present- in New England, New York, New ed by Assistant District Attorney Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Gellert and J o h n E. Mack. Jr.. atTo date, the application has not torney for the defendant. A second been considered by the board, it was HOLLYWOOD tAPi Bar- charge against Zobel of driving said here. bara Bennett, of the theatrical without a chauffeur's or operator's Poughkeepsie, according to The family, disclosed todav that she license was adjourned until J a n . 21. The questioning of walking arose Associated Press report from Bosand singer MORTON DOWNEY have separated and that she has while Mr. Mack was cross exam- ton, would be on the New York to o n Boston via Albany route. Other discussed legal action with her at- ining Raymond Bishop. 77 C a n n torney. Downey is in the east on street, a cab driver, who. pc , ; ce valley cities which would be served tour. The Downeys. married 12 say, saw Zobel allegedly drive lis by this route would be Nyack, Havyears, are the parents of five chil- coupe halfway over the curb in erstraw, Peekskill. West Point, Newfront of 200 Church street, early Dec. burgh, Beacon. Kingston, Saugerdren. Michael, 110, Sean. 8, BarJ 30. Mr. Bishop testified that Mr. Zo- ties, Catskill. and Hudson. bara. 6. Tony. 4 -,:. and Kevin, 2 . DuPont said the company proBarbara is the daughter of Rich- bel's walk was not exactly steady ard Bennett, noted stage actor, after he got out of his automobile. posed to operate two schedules a Mr. Mack t h e n asked the taxi day over each line, collecting and and the sister of Constance and Joan, of the screen. For years, hor driver if he did not think the walk delivering air mail and express by marriage has been looked upon as was caused by the defendant's phy- airplanes in flight. The application is filed with the CAB, it was learned one of Hollywood's happiest. It sical stature. continued year after year, while The witness said he did not think here. her sisters were making periodic so. It was also said that DuPont has divorce court appearances. ConDuring cross examination of Act- been seeking a franchise for the stance and Joan have each been ing Sergeant Moran, who was on past year, naming alternative routes married three times. Constance duty at police headquarters when in the time interval. was divorced two months ago from Zobel was booked. Mr. Mack brought Dutchess county and vicinity the Marquis De La Falaise De La up the question again after the po- would also be served indirectly by Coudraye. her third husband. lice officer h a d told t h e court t h a t he the Boston to New York via DanJoan is now the wife of Walter frequently h a d seen Zobel walking bury and Hartford route, and the Wanger. film producer, whom she near his home. Boston to New York via Springfield married in an elopment to PhoeActing Sergeant Moran declared route, which is designed to include nix! Ariz., a year ago yesterday. that he did not think that a m a n Ypnkers, Ossining, Brewster, and who is bowlegged and slightly pig- Carmel. The seven routes radiate from eon-toed would necessarily walk in a zig-zag mamie'r, but added that ' i t Boston and New York, and DuPont might make him walk cocky', like an said it was planned to establish operation bases and maintenance Irishman." Mr. Mack t h e n asked the officer shops in those cities, pther proto demonstrate. Acting Sergeant posed terminals are Spririgfield. Mass., BJarrisburg. Pa., Hartford, Moran declined. Conn., Wiliiamsport, Pa., PhiladelPatrolman Stoothoff, who ticketed phia, and Albany. Zobel, accused the defendant of ' It was pointed put here by Edward driving east in Church street in a Quartermau'. who has made a study zig-zag m a n n e r . Mr. Mack declared of the air lines in this area, that in court that the front wheels of his American Air lines, Canadian-Coclient's car were "toed-in." which lonial Air lines, Eastern Air lines, would cause t h e machine to go frorn and Transcontinental and Western ( to The Evening Star) side to side in the street. Air in some parts, serve the New EAST FISHKILL The district Dr. William H. Conger, city health England and New'York area. board of fire' commissioners is exofficer, who examined Zobel at police "If tire pjan was" feasible at all." pected to meet, by the end of this nipnth to determine whether Mark headqv.arters also testified the driver he declared, ''they would bring presG. Seism or Claude S. Sears will be- was intoxicated, in his opinion, sure to bear on the CAB and estabcome a fire commissioner. Each re- police records show t h a t the defend- lish feeder lines of their own." ant was filled $50 for driving while Mr. i^uarfefman pointed put tjiat ceived 24 votes in last year's elec- intoxicated at Wappingers Falls in the pickup service functions at its tion. October, 1938. best advantage In hilly or wooded Lester Seguine, board chairnian. Judge porbally today ordered forsaid today that no date has yet feited a $20 bond posted by Albert country, where no langing fields are been set for the meeting! "We Caccfiio, 23, 101 'Smith- street, ac- available. Virginia and West Virhaven't held a special meeting." be- cused of driving a taxicab without ginia are in sucli an area, he 'pointed, cause the boys did not thing it im- a city )icense. and a $5 bond posted put, and tl}P plan works well there. AlrRpfi'V^'PjM" portant enough." ;--;' by Caccblio for passing a stop sign Because of the terrain here, he. exMr. Seisin is expected to receive at Forbus street and jiooker avenue. the appointment since he was nam- The judge told George A. Betros, at- plained it would be just as advaned a fire commissioner last year to torpey for the defendant, that if his tageous to use the old Poughkeepfill the unexpired term of B. S. Al- client appeared in court by S a t u r - sie airport for a Jandjrig field $nd. ley, who resigned when he became day, he would revoke the forfeiture pick up the mail ori the ground''You could handle rnpre varied and set a date for trial. a justice of the peace. e Mat hew Moses. 25, Newburgh, was isenis that way," he said, "and th fined $2 for parking in a no-parking time element would not suffer." In any event, because the landing zone. Leo Klausner, 45. 24 I3arnard fields are so far awayeven if a avenue, forfeited a 1 bond for violation of the pavking meter ordi- pickup oil the fly system was used, the only available spots were renance. mot e,mail could be sent as rapidly Suspended sentences were given to New York by train, it was exjo Henry J. McCourt. 45. 47 Haight plained. avenue, and Ralph J. Rossmau. 3], If' a pickup system was planned 16 Baker street, both for violation front the water of the Hudson river, of the meter ordinance, and Au- as has been done'in other localigustine Letterio. 26. Hudson River ties, the natural hazard oj the two State hospital, parking i.i a cross- bridges would necessitate, a pickup walk. point of two to three miles north

10;0O A . M .


Marriage Fails

United Pentacostal Church

NORMAN L. DEYO. who has been appointed Hudson Valley lepresentative of the Fitch Investors' service.

33 NORTH PEBKV ST. POUGHKEEPSIE A fine lot of furniture aud household goods donated from .rious homes to be sold at public auction, ttems too numerous to mention. W. A. B F R n G E , Phone 1004-J

Deyo Represents Investing Service

Wqs Asspcjqfec)

J. Wallace Blanchard Optometrist

Eyes Examined Satisfaction Guaranteed 271 Main St., Poughkeepsie. N. T. Telephone 367-J

With Lpcql Firm

period. "I understand there are a number of individual cases of grippe, which is mild influenza," he pointed out, "but that is common any year. It is impossible for pie to tell how many cases of grippe there are." PV HPWApp W. pLAKES^EE Associated Press Science Editor NEW YORKNext stop of the flu epideniic is Europe. Although niedical authorities will not be quoted, the trail is plain. The first place to report an putbreak was Honolulu, late last'summer.' California health authorities traced it from there, via passengers coming to the United States, to the west coast, where it started in late fail. Its eastward progress since has been so inexorable that it plight be said t have travelled 50 niiles a day. although actually it came east spotted all along the fines of travel, with its van at any one tipie always next door tp ap'" area farther west wheie the outbreak had' peconie epidemic. Where the Honolulu outbreak originated is unknown. But fin putbreaks have occurred sporadically for several years in widely-scattered parts of the world. The first outstanding feature of this one was its steady progress eastward. Another sign of the eastward trail was the fact ?(m England recently asked for, and received large shipniepis of" the new influenza vaccine developed at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York. There have been unverified reports that all the British ipilifary forces are to be vaccinated. England stands first on the European receiving end because American war support is probably sending more hitman flu carriers there than" to other countries. But all western Europe is exposed to catching America's fin. especially Portugal, landing point of the clippers. As things stand now. the flu carriers cannot be stopped, because no niedical authority can recognize them. Contrary to a widespread belief, this flu is not likely to start with intest|pal and stomach upsets and pains. Those things can happen, but doctors say thf.v usually don't. Even when a person has it. physicians pi ay have difficulty in diagnosing it. Possibly, the outstanding characteristic is the speed with which it strikes. There is likely to be sudden fever, headaches, back aches, leg aches. Medically speaking, these are not very specific signs, yet I hey may be all there are. The second great characteristics of this flu outbreak in the United States is that it is virtually nonfatal. Pneumonia, the thing that caused the high death rate in the great world-wide World war 'out break of flu. is not accompanying this one to any extent.

Tfl Get Appointment

Mrs. Blativel! Dies of Injury

Bostpri to New York via Dapbury a n d H a r i t p r d : Mt. VfrpPh iTrtckahoe);' Scarsdale; "VVhitf Plains; Pleasantvilte (Chapp'aqua);' Mt. |Ciscp; Ridgefield, portn.; Raiibury, p o p n . (peth?l, P p n n , ) ; SanUy'^ppk, p o n p . ; Naugatiick, Ponn.; Waterhury, P p n n . (Watfrville, popn.i; Spitthingtpn, P o p n . ; ' Bristol, Ppnn.; J^ew ^ r i t a j n , Conn. (Kepsingtpn, P o n n . ) ; H a r t f o r d r Conn. (past Hertford, ' Copp., Wethersford, ppnn.)";'Manchester. Popn.; Rpckvi)|e^ Conn.; Stafford -; Springs, Popn.; Southhridge, Mass.; Webster. Mass.; Uxbridge. Mass.; Woodsocket, R. I.; Milfprd, ^Jass. Walporle, M?*55-; Nofward, Mass Dedjiapi, >fass.

Norman L. Devo. associated with FOB HAPPY HEATING; 1. KSSO and GltflARCO Follovves Davis and company, securiOil Burners ties" brokers at 42 Market street for 2. KsSO^V^T fut\ pit 3. 21-l^Ol'R p f l i v t r j n<J the last six years, is now Hudson Purntr Service Valley representative of the Fitch Investors' service, of New York city, PflQNE 1266 which sells supervision of investment accounts. MVTVAV A native of Poughkeepsie and member of an old Dutchess county family,'Mr. Deyo has been connected with financial institutions since }\supA\pE pqvic^s his school pays here. He was conFrcstn^ pividrnd Rttorni to to l i \ nected with Hemphill Noyes and company, investment house a short Chmbr o( C o m a t r c t Pul|din| time before forming the association ?HO'N^ n with Fellovves Davis and company. For 15 years he was employed by Peter H. Troy, local stock broker, Start YpHr I^trHPtjor* when t h e latter was resident partner of Linvingston and company. W j ^ t ^ i>few y e ? r . . . Reyo's first financial training was free MHSJC^} l^sfr^rpe^t as a n ' e m p l o y e z-f the Poughkeepsie Trust conipany, connection of six Wjfb. a Course of Lessons years' duration. - . F.X3QEL Xq\V! Deyo is the soil of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jerome V. Deyo. His father was cashier of the old Poughkeepsie National bank, predecessor ^ij y\.\]\ STREET fHP N 'E 53(1 of the Poughkeepsie Trust company. Dcyp married Edna Sutler, daughter of the late S. Wright putler, who was a clergyman, and a Weil known after dinner speaker. |ncThe couple have one son. Jerome, Peacfy Mjxe^ Ppncretc who is employed i n ' a local mercanSanrf Sjpnc f>rave| tile establishment. The Deyos live Cemcnf ' prjcji" at 76 Carroll street. Caic}iin PhiPfM?

t MIR-tf UPSQN o ^ CO. t

Fin Mil AKtewQbik


OtNIUMusicScNol Spoor-Usher Go.

Dwf! Procedure Discussed Ww

Sfqte Qfficjql Me^ts with Pqqrds
Methods, procedure, and standards to be followed in establishing classifications, for registrants on the selective service lists were discussed at a conference of Poughkeepsie area draft board officials and Henry P. Gulnac, of state, selective service headquarters, yesterday afternoon at the courthouse. Meeting with members of draft boards and office staffs. Mr. Gulnac reviewed routine and procedure, and explained the numerous restrictions and qualifications operative in the system of classifying registrants into Class 1 or deferred classes. Representatives of Zone 318. the northsule .'one; Zone 319. the southside ;'one: and Zone 320. the :oue covering the towns of Poughkeepsie, laGrange. Union Vale and Dover attended. Tonight the advisory board for Zone 319 meets at the coui;house between 7 i'.nd 8 p. in. to aid registrants in preparing questionnaires.

amvw pxp.%v.\T^N TPi.ppHPNP 27Q4


HHrtin M l At Her Hpme

Nqyy Qjyes Firm

$fqrqge Cqntrqcf
WASHINGTONiAP>The Navy has announced the award of a $129,300 contract for construction, of a storage building at 'the naval aninvunitjon depot, Jopa Island, N- Y., |o the Jonwal construction conipapy. New York. Thf contract called for conipjetlon in 180 days.



Because Father John's>feij\icineisIvory rich in fhe es^ vscntia) vifamins A w<\ svvhicharenecdetj johejpre^ vsisf winter co|dsand, eoiijj tis" ^hitoco]Js. 11 s w h o | cso i ingredients pure, nourishing, safe for a!) the family. Four generations 'lave proved its MtUlClNE gfcaj value.



Union Jujcs Raci|i0 Chicks Rheumatic

Pain Quickly
it :
< ;

Removed to Vassar hospital Nov. 21, to receive treatment for a broken hip which she received in a fall iii her home, 85 Montgomery street. Mrs. Henrietta Blauvelt. 67. died (here yesterday, from complications developing from the injury. Born in Kingston, the daughter of the late Adelbert I. and Josephine Odell Raymond, Mrs. Blauvelt had been a resident here for the greater part of her life. Her father, who was an employe of the store of Luckey. Piatt and company for many years, died in Pceember, 1935. Surviving are her son, Fiank R. Blauvelt," Binghamton; and three grandchildren. Mary. Raymond and Thomas Blauvelt. Binghamton. Funeral services will be held at the A. Raymond Barrett Funeral home. 94 South avenue, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Harold Benner Krtsohner. minister of the First Presbyterian- church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Fishkill Rural cemetery.

Pine Plain? Pupils Matejoiir

CpHft- Ndip Stqtipn, CpHnty -Iflil Visits
Fifty-nine members of the civics class of the Pine Plains Central school visited Radio Station W K i p . a Supreme court session and the county jail during a tour of Poughkeepsie yesterday. With Edward J. Roche and Mildred E. Bodin of the .school faculty in charge, the students first visited court where Supreme Court Justice Aldrloh'was on the bench. After court, pupils were permitted to a.-k questions of the judge. Special place was reserved in the courtroom for the pupils. Details for the "visit to the court wore arranged through County Clerk Smith and Clerk of the Court 1 a mo n t At the W K I P studios William Cope, program director, conducted Ihe lour whore .students wcio shown various phrases of broadcast inv:. including the NBC hookup. At the shei ill's office and lounty jail. Sheiill (Mo.-e and In- deputies explained the tontine of lhe office ini'liiilni;; f:r.j,i ipi;r.:uis ,,;;.! oihei official office and jail woik The it i(i w.i.s made by bus p u v o i s uu hided Main-on Simmons and Fiatik Poole.

of the radroad bridge, ; or two to three miles south of the. MJd-Hudson bridge, again bringing a damaging time elenieiit into the plaiv Mr. quarterman said. The most feasible plan would be to send the pickup service over through Hartford, but then U would parallel Eastern Air lines, he pointHurricanes are officially desiged out. nated as winds with a velocity of Under the plan. 182 station points niore. ffian 75 niiles per hour.



h QMe




103 X. f linton Sf. {'hone 4530

\\\:.\\) TUK. t \ ASsiff^P


Mrs. McFlwqinV Fmierql Conducted

Funeral services (or Mrs. Mary j McElwain. wife of Frank McEIwam. ! 2 Fox terrace, who died last Friday, were held yesterday. Services were j held at the home at 9 o'clock and at ! St. Mary's church at 0:30 o'clock. I where a solemn muss of requiem was offered by the Rev. M. J. McF.lw,iinc of St. Petci's church. New Castle.; Wilmington, D e l . who is a nephew of the deceased The Rev. .lames .1 Scary of St. Elizabeth's chinch. New Yoik. was the deacon and the Kcv ll.nold 1. CJiiiun. as*i>i.uit pa.-U'i fl St. Maiy's church, this city, was the Mib-deaeon. In the s a m l u a i y w n e the Rev. do>eph R K c i ^ h and the Rc\ John .1. Hurial was in St. Peiei'> cemetriy under the diiection of William ii. Millet. P i a y n s wcie saul at the be Father Mcl'hv.iine Fathei Scai v and Fatlu i Mov i.\n Hc.ucis weie n.iniel .li-s eph Mcl:lwam, Palilck NhT aimhltn lame.s n.'iheiiv, Ki.incis Miller an i Mai tin



Mr. h

f !!!

!<l!lS Jill. A ISOii v Q ' . n r t

r,o;l <xnt IT! Yon'

U V.l 3!>1

Mrs. Juliq Carney Pies in Kingston

Wednesday, January 15th

l<ast Pay io Join Our 1941 Xmas Club
1 onioi row is t h e last day to join



Mis Julia Chernov, widow of Joseph A. Chernov, died yesterday .1 It at her home, 245 h'aM S t r a n d street, : r tft'iti'i il'.c t i p t y Kingston, after a hiirf illness. } \ 'v ,;i c v > ! \ . - 1 r,.-. l-K'.i? > * ."i : r .1 f 1 f ,\, < I 1 Mrs. C'heinoy, who had a number :; <t f I . .-Vv of filtiuis and relatives in this city, v.1 had been a tesidrnt of Kingston for .1 i l l .v YiViv A numlirr of y e n s . She is .survived hv thiri- Miii^. Andn-w F . !<">;''pli and Fahv.ud Chrrney and two i!.u; ? :htri.-. Melon ar.d Marnaiot I'heincy. all of Kiiu..-ton Mor paren's ami ;\ buttlirr in (Vfi iioslovakia al-o M i l > ' IV 0 . Li: in M ' I v i w ill In- oondurUd for I he oYlrck 'I lun.-u.n moiniin: at Jiinn-- M Muiphv l-'unnai Kiin.-lon a!;il ,il the Inuii.n'< \>:,, r ,uinii iT.iii i h. Ihi io nl <J I'll oV;. . v. Huiial will ho In Ml O h ii;. 11 moll i \ . Kir,i.-ton
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blue coal
TODAY! I Ef frail Goal Go.
I MM T,onion .St., IVI. 2402

Ovi P w i l d C l f O IM -\ t.Miv W W . '

> , ' , / l l ' N V l Hi k' '; ) /.' C\!i K"'\vv,i 1>.-|U | 1 ,;_.,' ^ ,A(,(;i | U > AMV II UNH .' _/


lnrst Nut'iniuil Bunk

Of Poitithkccpsit' w i ni i KI si rownvs
M< nihil / ( ( / ( ( / / l)cf>o\i( liistn oiur Cot f>oi ,ifion


'It ' '< >'f,\ ' , 1 \ I.'.'{..jili lillJiiiiiiii^'i 1H 112. V. i til til if
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Untitled Document

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