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The Question paper and the solutions and hints are provided here for the undergrad physics students who can benefit. This is for private circulation among them and not for business purpose. The questions are given from the areas of Classical Mechanics, Statistical physics, Modern physics, Nuclear physics. Some figures and lines are included which I downloaded from Google search (Wikipedia etc.) and are used here with the understanding that those will help students to prepare the precise answers for such questions in exams. Any comment is welcome!

Physics (H), V.U. Part II, 2013, Paper IV

Solutions and Hints prepared by Dr. Abhijit Kar Gupta, Panskura Banamali College,

1.(a) Text Book derivation (b) Text book derivation [ (c) [ ], if (

) [ ,

] ], if is conserved, [ ]

does not contain time,

(d) Hamiltons equations, 2. (a) Energy levels, ,

..the proof will follow.

is rotational constant. So the energy levels 0,

(b) X-Ray: particles (electrons) strike a target and radiation (X-Rays) are emitted. Photoelectric effect: radiation (light) strikes a target and particles (electrons) are emitted. (c) Betatron is a cyclic particle accelerator. The betatron is essentially a transformer with a torus-shaped vacuum tube as its secondary coil. An alternating current in the primary coils accelerates electrons in the vacuum around a circular path. In a betatron, the changing magnetic field from the primary coil accelerates electrons injected into the vacuum torus, causing them to circle round the torus in the same manner as current is induced in the secondary coil of a transformer (Faradays law): = Flux within the area enclosed by electron orbit, = radius of electron orbit, = Magnetic field

(d) The electron is being accelerated by the electric eld that is induced by the changing magnetic ux. Applying the integral form of Faradays law to the circle of radius R, we have (ignoring the sign)

Also, for the rotation,

[Lorentz Force] so,

can be replaced by .

3. (a) Optical fibers typically include a transparent core surrounded by a transparent cladding material with a lower index of refraction. Light is kept in the core by total internal reflection. This causes the fiber to act as a waveguide. (b) space quantization spin magnetic quantum number

The components of spin magnetic moment,

In an uniform magnetic field, the dipole (formed by one unpaired electron in Silver atom that was used) would merely align with the field. In an inhomogeneous field, each pole of the diploe is subjected to a force of different magnitude. Thus there is a resultant force on the dipole that varies with its orientation with respect to the field. For ions, beam would not split up. 4. (a) Zeeman effect splitting of spectral lines of an atom by magnetic field Even number of electrons make total spin S = 0. Contribution from orbital angular momentum L and magnetic field only. (b) For Anomalous Zeeman effect: consider LS coupling.

, Where Lande g-factor, (c)

(d) Here, , C/kg 5. (a) Canonical Transformation ? Change of canonical variables Problem WRONG? Correct problem: To show canonical, t n , ( ) = exact differential m/s, m, m, Tesla

that preserves the Hamiltons equations.

The Generating function, (b) Cyclic Coordinates: If the Lagrangian called cyclic coordinate. Then the Hamiltonian Hamiltons equation, 6. (a)
( )

does not explicitly contain a coordinate, , it is also does not contain the coordinate, .

=0 ,


Energy density of photons of frequency at equilibrium temp . Considering Pl ncks formul

Ratio between spontaneous emission to induced emission coefficients varies with , so the probability of spontaneous emission increases (compared to induced emission) rapidly with the energy difference between two states. This is true for optical region. (b) Angular spread, Area of image = Intensity = Watt/ rad

(c) Holography? Holography is a technique which enables three-dimensional images to be made. It involves the use of a laser, Interference, Diffraction, light intensity recording and suitable illumination of the recording. The image changes as the position and orientation of the viewing system changes in exactly the same way as if the object were still present, thus making the image appear three dimensional. 7. (a) Each atom an harmonic oscillator with energy, Partition function, Average energy, Total Energy, ( ) ( )
( )

Specific heat (at const. volume), High Temp Limit: Low Temp Limit: (b) = , ,

( )

8. (a) Spectrum is from min wavelength to upward infinity.

m = 0.1878

(b) The continuous X-Ray spectra is from electrons decelerating rapidly in the target and transferring their energy to single photos, Bremsstrahlung. The characteristic lines are a result of electrons ejecting orbital electrons from innermost shells. When electrons from outer shells fall down to the level of inner ejected electrons, they emit a photon with an energy characteristic to atomic transition. The characteristic X-Rays are emitted from heavy elements when their electrons make transitions between lower atomic energy levels. Sharp peaks over continuous spectra. (c) will decrease, will be the same.

9. (a) Semiconductor detector: Semiconductor is used to detect traversing charged particles or absorbing photons by measuring number of charge carriers set free in the detector. Ionizing radiation produces free electrons and holes. The number of electron-hole pairs is proportional to the intensity of
the radiation to the semiconductor. Advantage: (Compared to gas detectors) higher detection efficiency, better spectrometric resolution (b) drops.. The Knudsen gage is used to measure very low pressures like that given. It measures pressure in terms of the net rate of transfer of momentum (force) by molecules between two surfaces maintained at different temperatures (cold and hot plates) and separated by a distance smaller than the mean free path of the gas molecules. 10. (a) Poisson bracket: [

] ]

NOTE: With the above definition the relation that is given to proof will be [


], if

does not contain time,

], if

is conserved, [

11. (a) Nuclear fusion: a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. During this process, matter is not conserved because some of the mass of the fusing nuclei is converted to photons. (b) CN Cycle:

Net result: production of an alpha particle and 2 positrons from 4 protons. Total energy released = 24.7 Mev 12. (a) Gravitation (b) (i) forbidden, conservation of spin violated (ii) forbidden, baryon number conservation violated (iii)allowed (iv)forbidden, lepton number conservation violated (c) Minimum value occurs at the Equator, Maximum values at the polar latitudes. At high altitudes, the cosmic ray flux levels off, since the shielding effect of the Earths atmosphere becomes larger than the cosmic ray cut off by the magnetic field. 13. (a) Rotary-oil-pump: Induction -> Isolation ->Compression -> Exhaust Vapors condense due to compression and form liquid and mix with liquid 14. (a) Molecules can vibrate or rotate in a large number of ways (unlike atoms) Ground state molecule in one of many rotational-vibrational states --- Excited state molecule in any of many rotational-vibrational states (b) Rotational spectra arises when a molecule has permanent dipole moment. Some homonuclear molecules (like ) have no dipole moment. Highly symmetric molecules like carbon dioxide have no net dipole moment (Dipoles along the C-O bonds are always equal and opposite and cancel out.) Also if a molecule has permanent dipole moment but this dipole lies along the main rotation axis, then this molecule will not show rotation spectra (example: water molecule). 15. Quark content of the Octet of pseudo-scalar mesons: plot

u -> up quark, d -> down quark, c -> charm, s -> strange, t -> top, b -> bottom
In the fig. for example, the Kaon ( consists of and d quarks and so on

16. (a) 5/2, 3/2, 1/2, 0, -1/2, -3/2, -5/2 Like this fig. (this is an example for L=1, S=1/2) (b) Magnetic field, Use, Ans. , Tesla m, m/s, , C/kg

17. (a) Raman effect: a photon is scattered inelastically from an atom or molecule, causing excitation. Compton effect: a photon is scattered inelastically from an atom or molecule, causing ionization. Stokes , Anti-Stokes Wavelength for anti-Stokes line = 540 nm 18. Consider free electron Fermi gas, apply Fermi-Dirac statistics. 19. (a) Homonuclear molecules have no dipole moment. (b) Rotational levels are equally spaced (without considering correction). So following selction rule, we can consider, , . Thus, rotational constant,

20. To derive, consider canonical partition function, Thermodynamic relation and then combine.

Acknowledgement: 1. Wikipedia, 2. Google search, 3. A. Beisers Modern physics book, 4. Sandip Giri, Physics Deptt., PBC

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