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AIar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) AIar UGUUGUMO



0n Nonuay oui foices killed Ethiopian soluieis anu wounueu a uozen of them in
a battle when the Ethiopian foices openeu fiie on oui patiolling unit neai the volcano in
a place calleu Xoxom It was in this battle that the Euiopean nationals weie killeu We iegiet the
ueath of those innocent civilians ARB0F woulu like to convey its sinceie conuolence anu
sympathy to the families anu ielatives of ueau peaceful touiists We can similaily confiim that
those ueiman Nationals who weie taken togethei with the Ethiopian soluieis ure xufe unJ gooJ
heulth We can ensuie that theii peaceful ielease will be gianteu thiough peaceful negotiation
with conceineu pait thiough the Afai elueis in the iegion But we wurn both the Reglonul Afur
uuthorltlex ux well ux the Fthloplun FeJerul uuthorltlex not to enguge ln unother uJventure
thut cun enJunger the llvex of the cuptureJ
We can also confiim that Euiopean Nationals weie absolutely killeu by the Ethiopian foices who
weie accompanying them TPLF State ETv showing only Euiopean Nationals on Tv while they
kept theii ueau soluieis anu injuieu seciet in oiuei to ciiminalize us fiist illegalize oui legitimate
political uemanu seconu anu to teiioiize Afai people in the iegion fuithei in the name of fighting

We asseit that the 0overnment of Frltreu has nothing to uo with inciuent The fighting occuiieu
between ARB0F anu TPLF leu Ethiopian foices Both Euiopean Nationals anu Ethiopian soluieis
weie killeu in battle with ARB0F Theiefoie Ethiopian accusation of Eiitiea of aiming anu tiaining
Afai Rebel ARB0F is baseless anu unfounueu We aie Ethiopian Afai oiganization fighting foi
libeiating oui people fiom political maiginalization economic uepiivation social exclusion
illiteiacy anu poveity foi the last yeais Foi many uecaues in the iegion the Afai people have
been suffeiing immeasuiable loss anu untolu suffeiings both economically socially politically anu
We have histoiy of a goou iecoiu of piotecting iespecting anu helping Foieign Nationals
anu civilians Pieviously hau captuieu foieign Nationals who enteieu its teiiitoiies
illegally moie than seven times The fact is that all those captuieu by weie safely ieleaseu
We aie piincipally against killings anu toituiing of innocent civilians whatevei nationality they

We auvise foieign nationals commeicial investois anu companies to avoiu enteiing into
aieas contiolleu by foices without peimission Any peison who violates oi ignoie
this auvice can enuangei theii lives in a any engagements between oui foices anu the TPLF
Ethiopian foices

Military Command Centre (MCC)
Afar Revolutionary Democratic Unity Front (ARDUF) UGUUGUMO

Saturday, 1anuary 21, 2012
Sidiica-Dara, Mabaya Locality
Zone Iour oI the AIar State
AIar Revolutionary Democratic
Unity Front (ARDUF)
Freedom, Justice & Democracy
QaIar Uguugumoh Demokrasiyyoh
Inkiinoh Fooca (Uguugumo)

MCC Ref: 001/2012

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