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The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) - an annual international mathematical competition primarily for high school students - has

a history of more than half a century and is the oldest of all international science Olympiads. Having attracted the participation of more than 100 countries and territories, not only has the IMO been instrumental in promoting interest in mathematics among high school students, it has also been successful in the identification of mathematical talent. For example, since 1990, at least one of the Fields Medalists in every batch had participated in an IMO earlier and won a medal. How to study mathematics wisely? Intelligence is a synthesis of mans intellectual abilities such as observation, memory, imagination, and particularly the thinking ability, whose most fundamental characteristic is the ability of independent and creative thinking. A student who studies mathematics intelligently manifests himself in the following ways: - Grasping fundamental knowledge accurately, systematically, understanding, remembering and wisely applying the mathematical knowledge in his real life activities, - Capable of analyzing and synthesizing, i.e., discovering and solving a problem or an issue by himself, as well as having critical thinking skills, - Capable of creative thinking, i.e., not limiting to old methods. However, one should not exaggerate the importance of intelligence. An average aptitude is sufficient for a man to grasp mathematics in secondary

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