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Circuit 'Court. Chase & Kellogg have a change ^Prof. Bumps spent Saturday and iu their ad. Bead the Bazaar advertisement. Sunday in Detroit. Court convened Monday morning, Catcher Evans was doing clerical Chas. Doan has gone into the Judge Kewton presiding. The CalenThuttdaij iu>rt*ing, at Cor* T. F- Burtnett of Antrin was in work at the Bazaar last Saturday. grocery business, in the Chapell build- dar, which is the largest Shiawassee Vie CctHty Eexit of Shiatrtmtee town Thnrsday. County. B+,i!c<t(i r^ tiia iHierests of toe county ever had, wa3 gone over, a Bas KelUi and Jack Perica were ing. A Masonic temple was dedicated Rep*i&2ietui Pta'ty ami Vic eoHtscnumber of cases being disposed of. ~ A beautiful monnment has been in town last Friday greeting old friends ti*u oflootU and ornrral The jury were all present, of. wheni. at Ashley last week. piaced m our Cemetery at the grave James Hack, John Rodgers and HenDetroit Amateurs vs Corunna Stars Will Cole of Ithaca, visited his of the late Charles Smith. ry Byerly were excused, on account of Corunna friends last week. on Decoration day. sickness. The Court ordered the The additional jurors drawn by Clerk to draw N. C. Dewey who has been on the three additional jurors, W* J- Tanner has purchased the resthe order of the Court, are Geo. H. two from the Supervisors list of Vensick list for the past week is improvj*JS*aM:Oie Tear, 75c tft: ix months .forty idence of John Stone. Chauvey, James Groodfellow of Venice, ice and one from Shiawassee. The foling. cents, three months tvsiity cents. Doctor Fraiser of Golden Oil fame lowing is the business done up to Wedand Frank Simpson of Shiawassee. Advertising rates a) e Suown at the office has returned to Corunna. The estimable wife of Luther nesday evening: The people vs Les-Balph Augsbury has greatly im- rer Sinister, Rape, Cause and recogniRyan of Sciota, died at his home last County Treas. Mason rusticated proved and beautified his residence by zance continued by consent. last week on his farm in Owosso Town- Monday from the effects of paralysis. putting in new windows and painting The People vs Walter Glazier and Minnie Bishop of Byron won the the outside. ship. James Bunker, Assault and battery, gold medal at the Demorest COD test ExSupr. J. J.PatcheU of Ternon Young men and old, call at J, Continued on motion of Defendants. held at Owosso last Tuesday evening. The People vs John Coleman, Baswas a pleasant caller at this office last Collins' and examine his fine new Kan- tardy, Cause and bond, continued on Ex-City Clerk, John Collins has garoo Shoes, they are sure Winners. Thursday* motion of Defendants. located in Denver Col. where he has The People vs Jam.^JCummin, SelA new stock of ladies wear just arDeputy Sheriff G, S. McClintock secured a fine situation in a Boot and ling diseased and unwholesome meat, has been appointed marshall of Laingsrived. Defendant discharged, complaining Shoe store. burg* John Dickerson, popular clerk at witness failing to swear to the infortr*lStDard Time, vfaich Is 2$ minutes slower than DeiroitXime. Kelson Chase, of Clifton Springs, the Grand Central, has been during the mation. The reliable weekly Detroit Tribwill passCorunnaaefoliows: one and the Cornnna Journal, one year N. T., is visiting his son. He allows past week, greatly afflicted with inflam- The People vs Eli Cooper, MaintainGOIXG EAsr. that 35 years has wrought great atory rheumatism. We are pleased ing a nuisance, appeal settled, the de9:22A. M, for'$1.50. No 4, Detroit Express,fendant paying costs. ^ No6, Through . to state that he is much improved toCornelius Knight of New Haven changes in this state. The People vs Frank Clary, Furnish6:33 P.M. NoS, Eveuhig Express, The first of the many attractions has purchased the E. Carr place and day. ing intoxicating drinks to Minors, arGOINfll TTBST. raigned and piead not guilty, tried and that will visit Corcuna this summer, No 1, Morning Express, - 9:5A.M will soon move to this city. HUGHBeen out fishing lately, found guilty, sentenced to pay a fine is Mat Wixoin's great show, which Koll? BOLLYes, "was out last nightNo5. Grand Rvoic-*Express, - 7:4? P. M. The.'ladies of the Baptist church of SI00 or, in default to pay the samo No, 9, Nigfht Express, - 5:17 A. M. will give one of its unique entertain- HUGH What luck did you have? to County will serve a ten cent tea, at Ezra Majail 90 days, Xo. 4 makes eoa^jtiohat Diirand for a ments next Tuesday, the 13tb. points wesi mi \'c : 0. cc O. I:. ROLL3Tair. HUGHHow many did "The People vs Charles Connor, John sons', Friday. May 16. from o, to 7, p. No8 makes close eoaiieciJOH east and west -County Treas. Mason on Monday nou All are invited. "you : catch?-- BOLLSeven hundred Conuor and George Grote, Burglary, at DursHKL Arraigned and piead guilty, remanded sold the lands advertised, for delin- and one. eftgo Sleeper t.jr vtJliip1 X D. 3. Pensions granted during the for sentence. 3,7,9 and lOrt.tily. All (Kiier trains dally week. OriginalLychell Hall, Mor- quent taxes. The usual exowd was The city authorities are to be coThe People vs Ptenben Tanderhoof, Sunday excepted. in atteiodence, but the list was the mended for their continued improve- Forgery, arraigned, plead not guilty. rice; IrtcreasreJohn Shonts, Byron: Odell Chapman, appointed by the Court lightest sold for years. ments of Use street. Last week a tile to attend to the matter, Bail reduced Caleb Msad, Caledonia, > ^ A ten ceut tea will be served by drum was laid in the low place in front p " " - - Ths many friends of ilrs. Marvin l>epot o n Bhiawauasee A T . thfe ladies of the Presbyterian church of the JE*resbyterian church, which The people vs Thos. Kelly, Man* Miller will be pleased to learn that on Friday p. m. May 9th at Mrs. Ed. drains it as dry as VanBuren County. slaughter, Order granted, extending T r a i n * ttoi&ff Ko*ta. she has returned to her home in this .. , Hail Express .10HWL,am Carr's. Tea will be served from 6 to Among the Attorneys from abroad time until next term to settle bill of No* 4, Bverfiur Fessfenger, 7:&*,t.m dty, exceptions. 8 o'clock. All are invited. No. 12, Local Freight 4:34, p. m attending the Circuit Court, Monday Mary Sackett TO Charles Darting, I. W. Banks an old pioneer and T r a i a a <oia* S o v , At a meeting last week of the JrraEjectment, continued on terms, on we noticed Sumner Howard, Chas, J?o.l, Hail, ;..... :!,*. highly esteemed citizen of Shiawassee Ko-fc. Bventn passenger .., :pwBi idr das* of oar high school, it was de- Johnson and Geo. H. Durand of Flint, motion of Plaintiff. Mo. U, LocalFrciKnt ............. Btttsa.Ni township, died at his home last ThnrIsrael H. Wright administrator of cided to give the graduating class a also R. A. Montgomery of TaiMring. Noun 11 and 12 aw liable to be caaoelld. ttie udnraed age of s i years. estate of Thoe. Wright, deceased NOJ 1 and 3 make clow onnnecttoM at Dor private reception during commence- A. B* Mtinaon and Edgar Weeks of De- the mod Cor HmUlo*, Saat 8*c*nft* mad Wat vs The Detroit Grand Haven & MOThe Epworth kaffiie will observe ment exercises. Bar City. waufcee Railway Company. Trespass troit. JHlay May 11th Bpworth Letos No. atahat close oooasf.<)a At Dwnud for At the Annual meeting of the The county bonding committee, on the case, Settled. ail point* caat ana .*** on tfee C. # G, T. day, A sermon will be deiltesed to John Monroe and Gilbert T. rarta, ,Ko, iJrmooMaeoUofor poiata wat o Ladiet Aid Sorfetfof the Presbyter- [ have received many commendations Flftintilti and Appellee*, v* Peter H. U>e young people in the naming end i*n church elected the fallowing officers from lawyers and Court Officers for Wilkiiif and Alice P. Evarta, Defta TmiM m t ^ t E i ! 2 2 i T K 5 : concert will be held in the evening. U 8a nluttUa iwwer thaa cowaw* ttaw. Fret* lr.X,A.Parkeri|yice:Pre8. their timely exteotion of the limits of and Appellant*, Appeal, Defendant The U. V, U. M*d G. A. S. of this Mrs. Chas. Millard; Sec* K. . Ketsey; C. A. BAF,BwotAWt,CoriMB. the court house bar. Also Stewart aubmltftd to a voluntary non-wit. A. J.PAtSLY G^nFaa*. At. Joseph J. Young vs Charles Morrison city will aaiU in observing Memorial Tre. Mrs. JSd Camming*. The name Ltaabnry ia the recipient of many oom;BL*SINSS DIRECTORY* Capias, Trespass on the ease settled services. Now let our'dttxens unite of the society was changed to The plimenta for the exceptionally dean and discontinued without cost to eithwith them, and make It a day worthy Ladies Home Missionary Society. They manner in which he keeps the court er party. of the event it commemorate. need the help of all interested in the room and its accessaries. William H. Osman vs Daniel M. Christian, assumpsit, Improperly on Judge Newton yesterday senten- church, old and young, to carry on the J. W. Bainey who caught for the this Calendar and stiicken therefrom. OH"OJSSO, MICH. ced the tbree burglars who were con- work. Corunna Club in 1882 was brought to James Berry, an infant by his next Office in Tbomus Block, Opposite National victed upon the plea of guilty, as folIn March 1887* Selden S. Miner his home in Birmingham last Saturday friend, X. K. Berry, Trespass on the lows; Cbas. Connor, Ionia five years, in behalf of Isaac H. Wright, comin a very precarious condition, caused case, Notice of trial countermanded. ^ H WATSON ODKL CHAPUAN George Grote, Ionia three years and James Blackburn vs The Itetroit menced suitagaiast the D. G. H. & M. by being bit on the bead by a pitched WATSON & CHAPMAN, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Bailway John Connor, at Jackson for sisU*y to recover the.-Wages_ of a 15 year hall thrown by Baldwin of the Chicago* Company, Trespass uu tiie caae, ConAttorneys and Counselors at Law. John Hawley and Nora Sager old son of the plaintiff who was killed with the care he Is sure to receive at tinued by consent, without costs. Over Second Nations I Uatifc, 0w<*o, il ich. Everett I>. Godfrey, VS' Jame^ J. of Morrice, were brought before jus- by defendants railroad, the father home, his speedy recovery is confidentPERCY E D W A R D S , Stever, Trespass ou the case, Contintice Welch last Tuesday, upon a war- claiming that he was entitled to what ly expected, ued upon terms, on motion of DefenAttorney and Counselor at Law. rant issued on the complaint of Earl the sons services were worth until he The City and Township S. S. dant Sager, charging them with adultery. was 21 years of age. The case was Association will hold its regular ses- Loren M. Dennis, vs A. Tk Colby owosso. The examination was postponed un- tried in our court and a verdict given sion at the Presbyterian church next and Timothy Colby, Assumpsit, setto the defendant. Plaintiff appealed Sunday afternoon and evening. The tled and discontinued, without coats til Juue 6. & W. OOPEBr-. to either party. Jfotary PuMc&Rtal Estate Agent. Mrs, D. B. Beed of Caledonia fell to the Supreme court where the judg< afternoon meeting will commence at Laura E* Sloan. Appellee, vs Frank meut was reversed and sent back for OORUKNA, MICH through a trap door last Friday which, a new trial. At the commencement three o'clock arid vrill be addressed by Greenman Appellant' appeal Seized! by the parties. in some manner gave way, precipitat- of the suit S. S. Miner offered to set- Rev. J. Fisher, Dr. Curtis andcotbers. Frederick Wencah Prff and Aping her about five feet, receiving a tle for $1,000 and last Saturday the The evening session will be addressed pelle.vs John H. Hawley, Deft and ATTOBKBY AT LAW. slight sprain of the ankle. Her many company paid the $1,000 thus ending by M. H. Reynolds secretary of the Appellant, Appeal, Motion for securOOee in Maaonlc Block, Byron, Mich. friends will be pleased to know that a long contested and hard fought case. State S. S. association. Mr. J. M. Fitch ity for costs denied. Wm. H. Myers and Edward F.Mywill have charge of the question box. she escaped any serious injury. S- S. MINER. ers, co-partners under the name of The Piano Becital, given by the Everybody invited. W. H. Myera A Son, TS the city of . A. Potter, who for a number of pupils of Miss Nora Collins at her home ATTOSNBT AND COUNSBLOfi AT LAW. Owosso, Trespass on the case, upon Prtf J. W. Cnppleas. OSoeoTrlat National Bank.Conmaa,Mfcfc. years has been one of our popular bus- last Wednesnay evening was a very promises, continued by consent withiness men, has gona to Ovid to engage pleasant affair, and was well attended. out costs. &TT; in the hotel business, Mr. Potter and The program consisted of 19 numbers That is the name of the gentleman, who has been fortunately secured by our The Township of Perry vs Clinton his estimable lady, have had experiand the skill displayed by the pupils in Ichoo! Board, to superintend the Corunna H. WHcox, Trespass on the case, conPHYSICIAN AAD SDKGEON, ence In that line, and we bespeak for executing the most difficult selections f Schools for the coming year. The board tinued without costs. The Second National Bank of OwosOOBUKNA, MICH. them a foil share of the public patron- reflected much credit upon the ability have taken considerable pains to investi- 8*,Michigan, vs Allen ft. Holmes and tho O m c i Opvosnx Cotrax HOOT*. ageSuccess to the new "Potter of their teacher. Miss Collins has gate thefcDplieatlonof Prof. Cuppless Owaeso Lumber anpCcal Company, Tres pas* on the case upon promises, judgeHouse." every reason to feel proud of her large and are fully satisfied that he will fully ment for PIaiutiu\ DOCTOR W. S. JONES. meet toe demands of the school. Be h Matildia M. Yonog ys Chester D. Bcrch, and intelligent class. It was truly Special attention given to Disease of Women That part of the Owosso city chara man of exceptionly good character, a motion tor alimouy, $50. alimony allowaud Children. wonderful to see those little tots, Nelfaithfni worker and has bad a lame ex- Defendant. OFFICE OVER KKOIXSTOEC ter, relating to the condemnation of lie Murphy and Irene Leland aged 6 Jolun Wilcox vs "William Weidman, perience as un instructor. His ability is private property for public use, has motioa for securitiy for costs, granand 7 years, plavinjr so nicely and was iqnfistirmor]. beim? ft Graduate of an llli ted FUiiniiil ia give security ia the suis nois University and the State Normal. a surprise to the audience and was parof 150.00. HOWARD & GOLD, be unconstitutional. The cliarter proBut bis highest commendations, and prob. Christian FOJT vs George A. Paiker as ATTORNEYS AT LAW. vides that the neccesity of taking pri- ticularly interesting. Ollie Tehnant, ably had the most weight with the boar Justice of the Peace, Motion for MandaWJU attend all terms of Shiawaseee Circuit vate property for public use. as well as with his violin, was a great favorite in determining the result, conies from tae mus, motion deniert. Court. Otis llurpec vs Ursula M. Burpetf, DIrtiXT, - - Mienir. AS. the value thereof, shall be determined and is rapidly advancing in the art of patrons ef Spring Lake Schools,a town of v.roe nrgumenton demurer. Argued ami by a jury of freeholders impaneled by handling the bow. Helen Holman who over 2,000 inhabitants, where he has suc- submitted. NATIONAL BANK Sackett vs Chftfles Diirlir,*, Lewa Justice of the Peace. While the for a term of thr ee consecutive years, cessfully taught for the v*st six years. is Mry Carpenter and Henry Bump. Bill to reconstitution provides that when pri- has been under her prflseut.ingtructor The board have worked zealously to se. move cloud up*n title. Continued on terms W . D . GABFIJ'ON, j L.W. SIMMON'S, has aquired an elasticity of touchand care a man to take charge of the schools, on motion of complainant. Pi8i<lent, i Viec-Presideut, vate property is taken for the ueand and style of playing that classes her that would keep them up in the proud Cashier, A. T.NICHOLS. benefit of the public, the necessitv for position that they now occupy, and are to Assistant Cashier, W.A. ROSENKRAN?. Marriage Licenses using such property, and the just com- among the foremost Amateurs of the be congvatulatttA upon the success of TOHS. Ago pensation to be made therefor, shall be State and bids fair to rank with the their efforts. Prof. Cuppless might well Name and Residence CHA8. HOLSfAW I M. DRI8COLI, EZBA MABOW, I A.CrARRIftON, Ge . I). Noe, Ovl ( best pianists. We would like to men- feel proud of the compliment paid him by W.l).GABBIMJI. r IPATIIICK GALLAGHER. ascertained by a jury of twelve freel i n na 8>nle, Ow^sso . 2 1 holders residing in the vicinity of the tion other but lack of space forbids his selection from such a nne array of Byron P. Miner, J anoroit L. W.SIMMONS, H Bf"CoUectionBtrftde and()romptlyiemitted property, appointed by a COURT of RE- and the general verdict of well done applications, with which the board was Mr. D<ra S t e v e n , Hanjroit 37 Aiex, Holm*.Mk!dn>bury } at currentnteof l?icb*njr. will have to suffice. favored, nutt-berln^ nearly fifty. fywillpaylaUreat 00 Deposlttbys ecSft CORD as shall be prescribed by law. Maruicet Conkliu, Elsie : 40




63RSUDH t WELCH, PtUi S&ers.


i, Ma Aft;i & M i isi Ey


Christian religion. I can not say such the world that we ought to bo *rud a t COMMcRCS AND INDUSTRY. things. By what process of temptation Tirere is no barm in getting red-hot if THE American consumption of iros or trial or betrayal you have come to you only bring to the forge that which A Discourse on "Narrow Escapes," your present state, I know not There needs hammering. A man who has no and" steel Is about 3,000,000 tons pet are two gates to your nature: the gate power of righteous indignation is an year. with Its Application. WOOD pulp is now beinj? used as th of the head and the gate of the heart imbecile. But be sure it is a righteous indignation, and not a petulancy that basis of u plastic compound to serve asm If an May Yh Hold on th ProuUet of The gate of your head is locked with blurs and unravels and depletes the substitute for mortar in covering and fla* bolts and bars that an archangel could God, Even After * Life of Rebelishing walls. not break, but the gate of your heart soul. ion, But the Hoar of Sr* STEEL is likely to supplant cast-iroa swings easily on its hinges. If I asI* Now. The ship Emma, bound from Gottenin the construction of water-pipes, their saulted yoor body with weapons, you burg to Harvvick, was sailing on, when superiority being in respect to lightness would meet me with weapons, and it man on the lookout saw some thin? Rev. T. DeWitt Talm&ge delivered would be sword-stroke for sword-stroke, the that he pronounced a vessel bottom-up. and strength. the following sermon on "Narrow Es- and wound for wound, and blood for There THEISF. aro & dozen factories in Amsomething on it that looked capes" in the Brooklyn Academy of blood; but if I come and knock at the like awas sterdam kept busy night and day maksea gull, but was afterward Music, taking for bis text: door of your house, you open it and found to be a waving handkerchief. In ing genuine old spoons, knives and forks X am escaped with the skin of my teeth. give me the best seat in your parlor. the small-boat the crew pushed out to for idiotic American tourists. Jobxiz.,20. If I should come at you now with an the wreck, and found that it was a capTHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company Job had it hard. What with boils argument, you would answer me with sized vessel, and that three men had has decided to experiment in the manuand bereavements and bankruptcy, and an argument; if with sarcasm, you been digging their way out through the facture of its own ice, about 40,000 tons fool of a wife, he wished he was dead; would answer me with sarcasm; blow bottom of the chip. When the of which arc consumed yearly. and I do not blame him. Hisfleshwas for blow, stroke lor stroke; but when I vessel capsized they had no IN Europe iron slag is cast into blocks gone, and his bones were dry. His come and knock at the door of your means of escape. The cap- and used for street pavoments and it. teeth wasted away until nothing but heart you open and say: ''Come in, tain took his penknife and dug the enamel seemed left He cries out: my brother, and tell me all you know away through the planks until his knife house-building. In Cleveland there is a factory which converts it lute mineral "I AJX escaped with the skin of ray about Christ and Heaven." broke. Then an old nail was found, wool. It is a mass of very fine fibers teeth." There has been some differ* Listen to two or three questions: Are with which they attempted to scrape ence of opinion about this passage* St. you as happy as you used to be when their way out - f the darkness, each one filled with glassy particles. It is soft* Jerome and Schultens, and Drs. Good you believed in the truth of the Chris- working until his hand was well-ni?b pliant and inelastic A PJIOCESS of sterilizing milk has reand Poole and Barnes, have tried all tian religion? Would you like to have paralyzed, and he sank backfaint and cently been perfected, and by it milk their forceps on Job's teeth. Yon deny your children travel on in the road in sick. After long and tedious work the my interpretation, and say: "What which you are now traveling? You had light broke through the bottom of the can be kept for years without losing its did Job know about the enamel of the a relative who professed to be a Chris- ship. A handkerchief was hoisted. freshness oi failing to produce cream or teeth?" He knew every thing about i t tian, and was thoroughly consistent, Help came. They were taken on board butter. It has been found of great use Dental surgery is almost as old as the living and dying in the faith of the the vessel and aaved. Did ever men on steamers, and, as it is claimed all earth. The mummies of Egypt, thou- Gospel. Would you not like to live the come so near a watery grave without danger of infection is avoided, it wall sands of years oi<Lare found to-day with same quiet life and die the same peace- dropping into it? How narrowly they prove u3cf ul in the nursery and kitchen* gold filling in their teeth. Ovid and ful death? 1 have a letter, sent me by escaped!escaped only "with the skin The results are accomplished by putting fresh milk in cans which aro hcrmotio Horace and Solomon and Mooes wrote one who has rejected the Christian le- of their teeth." ally sealed, then heated and cooled About these important factors of the ligion It says: "I am old enough to alternately, until the germs are deThere are men who have been capbodV. Toother provoking complaints, know that the joys and pleasures o! life Job, I think, has added an exasperat- are evanescent, and to realise the fact sized of evil passions, and capsized stroyed. ing toothache, and, patting his hand that it must be comfortable In old age mid-ocean, and they are a thousand LTFB is no longer a dream to a man after against the Inflamed face, he says: "I to believe in something relative to the miles away from any shore of help. the first time his wife sends him to the am escaped with the skin of my teeth.*' future, and to have a faith in some sys- They have for years been trying to dig drug store for face powder.Terre Haute their way out They have been dig- Express. A Tery narrow escape, yon say, for tem that proposes fo save. I am free to ging away, and digging away, but they H A . V K no; equal as a prompt and positive Job's body and soul; but there are thou- confess that I would be happier if I can never be delivered unless they will cure for sick headache, bfl&mnqwH, constisands of men who make Just as narrow could exercise the simple and beautiful hoist some signal of distress. However tion, pain in the side, and all liver troubescape for their soul There was a time faith that is possessed by many whom I weak and feeble it may be, Christ will i Carter's Little U*er Pills, Try them. when the partition between them and know. I am not willing oat of the see it, and taardown upon the helpless F man has bia particular bent, es ruin was no thicker than a tooth's church or out of the faith. My state of craft, and take them on board; and it pecially after eating a prematurely pulled namel; but as Job finally escaped, so uncertainty is one of unrest. Some- will be known in earth and in Heaven watermelon.Philadelphia Press. have they. Thank God! thank God! times I doubt my immortality, and look how narrowly they escaped"escaped Paul expresses the same idea by a upon the death-bed as the closing scene, AS with the skis of their teeth*" TUB conceit of some people is so strong th&itacy admire their mistakes b*canga different figure when he says that some after which there is nothing. What I find in the community a large class they make them. people are -'saved as by fire." A vessel shall I do that I have not done7" Ah! of men who have been so cheated, so at sea is in flames. Ton go to the .stern skepticism is a dark *nd doleful land. SUFTEAEBS fpom Coughs, Sore Throat, lied about, so outrageously wronged etc., should try Broien'* BrunchM Troche*," of the vessel, / The boats have shoved Let me say that this Bible is either true off. The flames advance; you can en* or false. If it be false, we are as well that they hare lost faith in every thing. a simple but sure remedy. Sold ontp <* dure this "tieat no longer on your face. off as you; if it be true, then which of In a world whfere every thing seems so base*. ' Price 25 eents. topsy-turvey they do not see how there You slide down on the side of the ves- us is safe? talks except when it is "sJrat can be any God. They are confounded sel* and hold on with "your fingers, until Let me also ask whether your troubla and frenzied and misanthropic, flab- lip" in a bad investmentWashington Star. the forked tongue of the fire begins to has not been that you confounded orate arguments to prove to them tbe lick the back of your hand, and you feel Christianity with the inconsistent THE man who tries to take things as they that you must fall, when one of the life* character of som who profess i t You truth of Christianity, or the truth of comethe base-ball catcher.Washingto* _ boat comes back, and the passengers say are a lawyer. In your profession there any thing else, touch them nowhere. Star. Hoar me, all such men. I preach to they think they have room for one are mean and dishonest men. Is that PACT in the Side nearly always comes from more . The boat swings under youyou any thing against the law? You are a you no rounded periods, no ornamental a disordered liver and is promptly relieved by drop into ityou are saved. So some doctor. There are unskilled and con- discourse, but put my hand on your Carter's little Liver Pills. Don't forget this. . men are pursued by tomptation until temptible men in your profession. Is shoulder and invite you into the peace Witt* a man is full it is a good time to they are partially consumed, but, after that any thing against medicine? Yon of the GospeL Here is a rock on which take his bust measure.Binghamton *U, get off"saved as by fire." But I are a merchant There are thieves and yo* may stand Inn, though the waves Leader. m like the figure of Job a little better defrauders in your business* Is that dash against It harder than the AtlanWSISKT id i*id to improve with age, but t i c pitching ita surf clear above Eddysome men never givo it a chance oomerthan that of Paul, because the pulpit any thing against merchandise? Beatone Lighthouse. Do not charge upon has not worn it out; and I want to show hold, then, the unfairness of charging vUlfc Journal. you, if God will help, that some men upon Christianity the wickedness of its God all these trouble* of to* world. As TUB, jfeff-made man ft** a* prejudice long as the world stuck to God, God make narrow escape for their souls, and disciples. We admit some of the tuck to tbs world; bat the earth seceded against tbe tailor-made girV-K. O. Picayune. are saved as "with the skin of their charges against those who profeas refrom His government, &nd henqe all teeth." ExrMimsof Coughing are stopped by ligion. Stitae of the maot gigantic these outrages, and all these woes. God Hale'B Honey of Horehound and Tar. swindlers of tne present day have been i[ It Is as easy for some people to look is good. For many hundreds of years Pike's Toothache Drop* Cure in one minute. to the Cross as for you to look to this carried on by members of the church. He has been coaxing the world to come are men standing in back t Him; but the more Be has WITH the Briton emotion is^ a matter of pulpit Mild, gentle, tractable, loving, There He always lows with his you expect them to become Christians. the front ranks in the churches coaxed tbe more violent have men b*eh cultivation. wfaulc, -iuLghUadelpam Press* who would not be trusted for You go over to the store and say: in their resistance, and they have "Grandon joined the church yesterday." five dollars with good collateral security. stepped back aad stepped back t i l Ox his return home the immature elubman lets himself in with a minor key. Your business comrades say: "That is They leave their business dishonesties they have- dropped into ruin. Pittsburgh C&romde. just what might have been expected; lm the vestibule of the church as taey Try thto God, ye who have had the "he always was of that t u n of mind." go im and sit at the communion. HavTHIS things we think at night vrould be of bloodhound* after you. and who- have great ing concluded the sacrament, they get In youth, this person whom I describe value next day if we could only rewas always good. He never broke up, wipe the wine from their lips, go thought that God had forgotten* you. member thenuMilwaukee Jou<aaal. thingv. He never laughed when it was out, and take up tbeir sins where they Try Him and see if He will not Kelp. Tis the next morning's prsa* notices improper to laugh. At seven, he could let toff. TowfVe iue uvTii Ls their reg- Try Elm ani see if He will not pardon. that .make maay an actress critM*lly ilL eit an hour in church, perfectly ular work; to serve God, a sort of play Try Him and see if Hi will nor s*e. Hotel Gasette. quiet, looking neither to the right hand spelL V/ith a Sunday spongw they as- The flowers ot spring have no bl< THB best c?ugh snedidne is Piso's Cure nor to the left, but straight into the pect to wipe off from tbeir business slate so sweet as tbe flowering of Christ's af- for Consumstwa. Sold everrsrhaxc. 25c. - eyes of the minister, as though he un- all the past week's inconsistencies. fections. The sun hath no warmth. *mIT is the diamond miner who w the most derstood the whole discussion about the Yon have no more right to take such a pared With titogtow of His heart. T i e successful disconnerer of strata-pans. man's life as a specimen of religiom waters haveno> refreshment likethe eternal decrees. He never upset things -nor lost them. He floated in the King- than you have to take the twisted irons fountain that will slake .& thirst of money talks is it a paying-teller!> dom of God so gradually that it is un* and split timbers that lie on the beach thy souL At the moment the rein- Puck. his lip and certain just when the matter was de- at Coney Island as a specimen of an deer stands with American ship. It is time that we draw nostril thrust in the cool mountai* W< recommend "TansilTs FunUar' Cigar. cided. a line between religion and the frailties torrent the banter may be comiag * Here is uiotu6f one, who started la of those who profess i t through the thicket. Without crackingTHE MARKETS. life with an uncontrolable spirit He a stick under his foot, lie comes close by Do you not feel that the Biblev take it the stag, aims his gua,draws the trigger, NEW Ycwat, May . kept the nursery in an uproar. His 5 GO W90 LIVESTOCKCattle.... all in all, is about the best book that mother found him walking on the edge and the poor tbiaff rears ia its death6 00 I SheepClipped..., of the house roof to se if he could bal- the worli has ever seen? Do you. know agony and fal5* backward, its antlers SO Hogs <& 85 ance himself. There was no horse that any book that has as much ix it? Do crashing on the rocks; but the paatmg FLOURGood to Choice Patents he dared not rideno tree he could not you not think, upon the whole, that its heart thatdrinte from the water-brooks WHEAT-No. 1 SB 2. Bed 017* climb. His bo; hood was a long series influence has been beneflCient? I come of God's promise shall never be fatally Ungraded Red 44*4 iS CORNNo. s of predicaments; his manhood was reck- to you with both hands extended toward wounded, and shall sever die. 36* 35 (ft OATS-No. S White & less, his mid-life wayward. But now you. In one hand 1 have the Bible, and BYEWestern. 3ft i 25 Oh, find your peace in God. Mafee-Mte PORKMess. he is converted, and you go over to the in the other I have nothing. This 65 <& 6 67*4 store and say: "Arkwright joined the Bible in one hand I will surrender for- strong pull for Heaven. No halt-way LARDSteam CHEESEWfcstern church yesterday." Your friend says: ever just as soon as in my other hand work will db> it. There sometimes WOOLDomestic CHICAGO. "It is not possible! You must be jok- you. can put a book that is better. To- comes a time on shipboard whea every BEEVESShipping Steers.... thing must be sacrificed to swe* tbe I N) <& 3 0 0 ing." You say: "No; I tell you the day I invite you back into the good, oldCows **) Stackers^ truth. He joined the church." Then fashioned religion of your fathersto passengers.. The cargo is nothings the Feeders.. .. t<M <g. 3 CO they reply: "There is hope for any of the God whom they worshipped, to the rigging nothing; The captain put the Butchers' Steers 4 t *J Bulls us if old Arkwright-has become a Chris- Bible they read, to the promises on trumpet to- hi* lips and shoutsT "Cut HOGSLiveGood to Choice.. 406 away the mast!" Some of yu< bare which they leaned, to the cross on tian!" In other words, we will admit 4 '-5 SHEEP..... 4 ,. that it is more difficult for some men to which they hung- their eternal expecta- been tossed and driven and your nave, BUTTEK--Creamery 10 Good to Choice Dairy in your effort to keep tbe world, tions. You have not been happy a day accept the Gospel than for others. .' lost your souL Un- EGGST)t**h BROOM CORJJI may be preaching to some who have since you, s*rung off; you will not be well-nigh Hurl. til you have decided thia matcut loose from churches and <iibles and happy a minute until you swing hack. 3 Self-Worfcing ter, let every thing else go OverAgrain: There may be some of you Sundays, and who have come in here 2 (per bu). 25 with no intention ot becoming1 Chris- wno, in the aiwsmyi. iU>r * Christian board with all those other anxieties POTATOES PORK 3tw 13 10 and burdens! You wui haveto drop tians themselves, bi<t just to see what life, will have to run against powerful n Patents. 4 !> is going on; and yet you mayfindyour- passions and appetites. Perhaps it is a tha sails of your pride and cut away FLOURSpring SO Wlttuer Patents 4 .'0 self escaping, before you leave this disposition to anger that you have to the mast. With one earnest ery for fit Makers' StroTghts -> $ 75 house, as "with the skin of your teeth.*1 contend against; and perhaps, while in help put your cause into tbe hand of to 7 Wheat, No. *>... i do not oxpect to waste this hour, I a serious mood, you heur of something Him who helped Paul out of the breakCom, No.'. ers o, Melita, and who, aborfr the shrill have seen boat* go off from Caps May that makes you feel that you must Gats, No. r J or Lon<r Branch, and drop their nets, swear or die. I know & Christian man bias* of the wrathiest tempest that Eartey, No. 3 N<wt*we3tern. without having caught a single fish. who was once so exasperated that he ever blackened the sky or sbook the 8.UMBKK 130 00 It was not a good day, or they had said to a mean customer: "I can not ocean, can hear the faintest; impioration Siiiins 1 00 Q 0D tat mercy. Floorir-T ..,.. H& 00 1:150 not the right kind of a net But we swear at you myself, for I am a member & 50 Common Boards s I shall go home to-day feeling that expect no such excursion to-day. The of the chutch, !>ut if you will go downFencing 1 y 10- & 1 water is fnll of fish, the wind is'in the stairs my partner in business will some of you who have considered your Lath-Dry.,....., , it 00 Shingles ,.. right direction, the Gospel netia strong. swear at you." AU your good resolu- case as hopeless will take heart again, SO < < & 4 90 Oh Thou who didst help Simon and An- tions heretofore have been torn to tat- and that with a blood-mi earnestness, CATTLESUcrsST. LOUIS. . * 3 S 40 Stockerj* *ml Feeders K 4 OS & 4 2&% drew to fish, show us today how to cast ters by explosions of temper. Now, such as you have never experienced fceBOGS Fair Ho Choice ^ t . 4 10 @ 4 there is no harm in getting mod it you forev you will start for the good laud of the net on the right side of the ship! Pnckitif Grades..,.. . . 4iW .., Some of you, in coming to God, will only get mad at sin. "You need to bridle the Goapolat last to look back, saying: SHEEP OMAHA. 3 90 * flO and saddle those hot-breathod passions, "What a great risk I ran! Almost lost, have to run against skeptical notions. CATTLK-Bcat ;,, $ 3 35 A 20 and witn them ride down injustice and but saved! Just got through and no It is useless for people to say uharp and 185 Cows 40 ~ are a thousand things la 1 more! Escaped by the skin of my -cutting' things to those who reject the wrong. There


Both the method ftcd remits when Syrup of Figs is taken; it Is pleasant and refreshingto the taste, and acts gentlyyet promptly OL the KidueyB, X<iver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, head* aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. 8vnro of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt m its action and truly beneficial in ita eflects, prepared onlyfromthe most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent onalitfes com* mend it to all and fare made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup oi Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist "who may not have it on hacd will procure it promptly ibr anyone who wishes to try i t Da not accept anyttobstitdte.



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"Oh, So Tired!"
is the cry of thousand* very Spring. For that mred Feefing take

Ayer's Sarsaparilla
and recover Health and Vigor*. the Weak Strong. Prepared by

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KIS8INC t Usopper* c ttsnpt).
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r the p?MMBt renerktlw. It fa fr Ita care awl tt at*a>Ont* i*t " c z ^

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but Permanently

Tki Yin h Extract U,



Implements That Every Farmer Should


How Beat to Raise* Cvltl*t & * * d Owe for ItUseful Hints nod IMrectlona by a* Eiperleaevd Illinois Fruit-Grower.

Deafbea* C u t B
by local applications, at they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure- Deafoetia, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness if cttusad by an inflamed condition of the tanooun lining of the Bnstachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness to the result, and unless the inflammation can betaken out and this tube r e a r e d to its normal condition, hearing vrii be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing. rat an inflamed condition of the mucous sur. (aeea. We viii^ireOno Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure, .Send for circulars, free, F. J. CHBNKY * Co., Toledo, Q. Bold by Druggists, 75c Tax English capitalists are gobbling up all our industries; but our female capitalists aro gobbling up all the poor English nobles in return.Light, * Confidence Besot of Suecess. So successful has Dr. Pierce'8 Golden Medical Diseovery proved in curing chronic nasal catarrh, bronchial and throat diseases, that its manufacturers now sell it through druggists under a potilite guarantee of its Benefiting or curing in every case, if ven a fair trial, or money paid for it will i refunded. Consumption (which is scrofula of the lungs) if taken in tune, is also cured by this wonderful medicine. FOB Constipation or Sick Headache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets, Purely Vegetable. One a dose. . ... IT is best always to choose a tall man for State Treasurer, so that. he may not be found short when he goes out of office. 5. O. Picayune.

A food pair of pruning shears which will operate with readiness and ease is an important tool to the gardener who keeps trees and shrubbery within proper bounds, but badly constructed they are i u : so convenient and useful as the sinffle-bladed knife. We have seen those that were of very little value, requiring a hard pressure of the hand to cut off a small twig; and agai& we have had the satisfaction to work with those which with little effort sheared off a green limb over an inch in diameter. All the difference existed in the form or construction. When the two blades of the shears , meet square together like a common pair of scissor*, they will not prune off a larjfe shoot;


T>ut if one moves over the other obliquely with a draw or sawing motion, their efficiency is greatly increased. The tool manufacturers of past years were aware of this difference, and they employed a complex construction like that represented in Fig. 1. The "draw* vu.1T was effected by tike movable center, so that when the handles were pressed together the connecting rod draws the nearer blode downwards, and increasing the cutting power several fold over the simple shears. For pruning or cutting grafts above the reach of the operator, it is still common in some places to attach to a pole the shears represented by Fig. 2, which are worked by * cord attached to the nearer curved blade; bat as the out is only tb*t of a a pair of scissors, it can be used only oil small twigs. The cut shows where the pivot is on which the nearer blade of these shears moves, being the center of the dotted line. In Fig. 5, with a * alteration, the pivot is placed on


the rod, giving to the further blade the motion of the dotted line, sawing and cutting off larger limbs, and acting as efficiently as the implement represented by Fig. L Fig. 4 shows how a very efficient pair ol shears may be made on a similar principle; but all its efficiency would be lost if the pivot were placed at the curve.Country Gentleman: DAIRY DOTS. the winter dairy must be comfortably housed, not only at night but in all but the very pleasantest weather. Many of the best of the winter dairymen are finding it profitable to artificially warm the water for their cows. QUALITY is an important factor, both with butter and beef, says an exchange. It is only the best quality that realizes the highest prices, and in many cases the difference in the cost will be a small item in comparison with the difference in the results secured. THE practice in weaning calves, says the Pittsburgh, (Pa.) Stockman, varies from the time the calf is dropped until it is several weeks old, but we think at two or three days old is about the right time to take the calf away from its dam. The calf will suok in a little while after it is dropped, and no matter how much the cow's udder is inflamed she will let the calf suck and butt all it wants to, and it uses its privilege freely. It is thought this butting is of service in reducing Inflammation, on the principle of counter irritation, we suppose; but at any rate the cow will allow the calf to handle her udder tnuch more roughly than she will lot a man rub it, and either the rubbing or the butting ought to be done. Another point in favor of letting t *e calf suck for a few days is, that for the first three days after calvinj? the eow is more liable to have milk fever than subsequently* and if her calf is with her she is much better satisfied and will keep very quiet, and this tale of quietude is just the one we want to keep her In, as any excitement, at that time in just a* dangerous as to the human mother under the same circumstances. Western Rural.

The following ^%vtr on "How to Raise, Cultivate and Care for an Apple Orchard," was delivered by Hon. Thomas Lowrey, an experienced ordhardist of Flora, 11L, before the spring meeting of the Fruit-Growers' Association of Southeastern Illinois. From it we take the following: "Having selected the site for my orchard, I would, in the fall of thye*r, with the plow throw up a ridge on the lines surrounding my orchard tract for the purpose of planting hedge, I would then with a plow, or what would be better, a road scraper, throw up a road twenty feet in width on each side of the tract, thereby making a road entirely around the orchard. "I would then plow the ground into lands thirty feet wide, or as near that width as may be, to make the rows come out an equal distance apart Thirty feet, I think, is the proper distance to plant. The land should then be harrowed sufficiently to make a good bottom for a meadow. Then when the proper time comes for seeding 1 would, if timber land, sow it in clover, one peck of seed per acre. If prairie land, I would sow it in clover and timothy, at the rate cf one peck of clover seed and one gallon of timothy per acre. "When spring came, with the land in good condition for cultivation, I would plow a strip six feet in width in the center of each land, as deeply as I could, throwing the dirt out, then harrow it well and throw the dirt back with the plow. This will leave the land in fine condition for planting. I would plant the trees thirty feet apart in rows each way. When ready to plant the first thing I would do would be to plow entirely around the tract, having a lath to stand exactly where I intended to plant each tree, in the outside rows of the orchard. The ntside rtiws should be. I think, about twenty-five feet from the center of the road which was laid out around the orchard. ' "I would set the trees about two inches deeper than they grew in the nursery. After leveling the bottom of the shallow hole in which you are going to plant, take the tree, and with a sharp knife cut off all broken or bruised roots with an tmderalope. Examine carefully for borers in the roots, and be certain not to plant any with the tree, ait in all probability you will have enough of them without goittg to that trouble. Now place the tree in the hols, spreading the roots as evenly in each direction as possible, placing the side which ia most heavily rooted to th* southwest; now sift the loose dirt amoogtt the roots, pressing it in o as ot to leave air spaces, then fill in with dirt until the roots are thoroughly covered and tramp down solidly, then fill up with loose dirt and leave the tree standing as nearly perpendicular as sible. I would plant nothing but yearling trees. As soon as I was done planting my orchard I would plant the hedge of osage orange, placing the plants two feet apart in the row, then put a barbedWire fence, of at least three wires, directly over the hedge. "I would with a double-shovel or cultivator keep the strip of ground in which the trees are planted thoroughly cultivated until the middle of July, at which time I would carefully examine for borers, repeating the middle of August and about the last of September, at which time I would wrap the trees to protect them from rabbits. The strip of clover between the rows should be mowed when It is ready to cut for hay, and left lying on the ground as it fell, to act as a fertilizer. After the leaves fell I would go over the orchard and pick off every leaf roller, caterpillar n*t_ and. in fact, every insect or insect harbor I could find, dropping them into a sack swung around the neck. When any considerable number were collected I would empty them out and bu them. When good weather came in the spring, I would again examine for borers.
A Home-Miuto M M * Comb.


Rochester, Pa, Dear SinI wish you to send me a bottle of your Antidote for Malaria, wmca-lsee sSrsrtissd is t*e Mttih ocffsv Advocate, Chattanooga, Tenn., and which I can not get here. Fifteen years ago my mother had third-day chill*, and after trying the doctors ana other medicines without relief, a friend recommended your Antidote; she tried it, and om4tm eftV'^d a permanent cure. Truly yours, J. S. EDWABBS, Pastor X. & Church.


"Well, by Gorge I supposed every one^d h o r d tell of Thompson's colt Tea see, it was like this: Thompson was ma eaiiy settler, and owned a team and one colt He Hved on the bank of some big streamthe Xbebsip, X reckon. Well, whenever that tarnal colt of hWn was Atesty, Instead of watttug down to the water and drinking, Uke&senslble critter would, what did tf* fool colt do bat swim to the other side, wade out, shake himself, torn around, 1 IT may be all right to exempt editors walk down andtake a drink, * from jury duty, but it seems as If iroagisNowr ssss^ fc3ks are jtt like that colt. When they get bflions and consttative reporters were natural talesmen. pated, they just let it ran on, untfi flrst thing they know they hare to swim Bingnastpton Republican. through a long; tedioas spell of sickness. A few doses of Dr. Pierce* Qolden Home Beckon' Medical Discovery, taken in time, would prevent all that. There is nothing The Burlington Route, C , B. & Q. K R-, will sell on Tuesday*. April 22d and May equal to it for BIUonsneM, Impure Blood, Scrofula, or even Consumption, which 80th, Hos* Seekers' Excursion Tickets at to really nothing more nor less than Scrcfs!* of tbe Xuogs. The "Golden H// Jtatcy to points in the Farming Regions of the West, Northwest and Southwest. Medical Discovery" has cured thousand* of cases of this most fatal of maladtw, Limit thirty days. For folder giving d*> But it most be taken before the disease te too far advanced in order to be effectails oonceralagticJjstSfrafes-aftd tte of twins, and for descriptive land folder, eaU tive. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it will core, t r mmtj paifl far iton your ticket agent, or address r. 8. wffl be ffa4ei. KcftTia, Cten'iPass. and Ticket Agent, ChiFor Weak Umgs, Spitting of Blood, Shortoess of Breath, BroncUttaV cago, I1L Ajsthma, Serete Coughs and kindred affections, It Is an efficient remedy. Ta* color line, as applied to the sugar DnraxsABT MBDIOAIV ABBOOKAHOH, MamifartHiwa, No.
rblem, hi is a matter of raftaeatent New*.

Mate Street, Bsflalo, Vfor an tnennbl*


ladle* l U n Trio* It, A number of my lady customers have tried ''Mother's Friend," and would not be without for many times its cost Tfcc.v raoommecd it to all who are to become mothers. R, A. PAYSB, Druggist, GreenviUe, Ala. Write Bradneld Reg. Co., Atlanta, Oa., for particulars. By all druggists.

BY a strange ntotamorphosis, the man who wins in a[half-mile dash starts out afoot and comes in ahead.Elmira (laietto. Six X<*xl* Free, will be sent by Cragin & Co., Phiteda-t Pa., to any one in the IT. 8. or Canada, postage paid, Upou receipt of 25 Dobbins' Electric Soap wrapper*. See list of uovela on circular* around each bar,


Into Chraai, wN k>ody, ptttrid and offeaetve; ye* weak. ing taca,daafDca; oSeneiv^ ttmatb; aneUaad taste Impaired, and eral dfMUtr. Only a few of )IPI ipruptoBss ttfeely to tw pteient '

CATAIKH tfte prapnr ot now, diaehi mm CATA profote, watery, aftd acrid, at eCbers
Only SO cent*, BoM by



flies <t In the man who goes slow who keeps up with it.-^Atchison Globe.


Beat Coach Medicine. Boeommended by VhndcieaA Cares where all else faO*. Pleasant and agreeable to the taate. Children take it without objection. By dxoggista.

_ _ _
A Doctor




ttrikiog * fence. I found htm using St. Jacobs

George Pattenonfellfrom a JA-wxy wisUhw,

g w it, Lawrence. Kansas. Aug. t, 1S8&.

One Box of VaseiineOamphor Ice,ii) Cta. One Box of Vaseline Cold Cream15 Cts. OneCakoof Vaseline Soup,...10Cent*. One Bottle of Pomade Vaaefine*15 Ctete.
***** I**1X7TBZ to peraaade teyento ttke Vaaauw PKpanttoaa pnusp by tbest. S e w ytehl to wtpfa pemastoaL aa "** yWr*Si hi aajfaaitMiBB wtdkoatvalne aadwOlaotdb food m* gtve tiie remit T W expect. Atwoevncs tetuetfte Seal VMtlin* la sold by aU Amuiataat ten certa.

# # working for D . ^ I K H pnterred wbo aui fatbiab a b o n e and git tblrwlM>i ftfwremwnenfeniii^WproflttMj On iceefpt of prt In postaee stamps we will send tlmatothetMuiiiicw. nnploTed l*o. A few TMinrie* in towii: -ndritiw. free by mail tb foilowing Talaabte artidet: B, P. JOffXSOW A CO., Xe#9 Mmin St., UiettmoaA, V* 10 ** ttaaj Oao Box of Pure Vaseline,.... !^ Cents. bottle make* ! amllon: retails, 9 1 . Best agency ever offered. Send S)S ecata for HK|4e. THOMVSOW live. Co^ SNM DeaHMm S c Cbitao.


OHTH n n be

O i l * Conitoased Freit Wl^ee. ^afe


sp by M ia ocjclahl pacfcaSjca. A (test agasjr

If yrm kaw t o n J o a to Me uVaseliaT> la any f<abeowfallyaccept aaly HJMMJ fottdt pat

Oil freely *U over his h u m Istw him next morning at work; all the biue spot* had gone, leaving neither piun, scar nor twelUng.


AT DxccfiSsTS AIJS ftti



Catstfenagji WE.Cl.,a4SBiiSt,l. Y.

Tr* t tt war. U t tUmiwn, *Wj Hntm.

wherever found, That holds the Roll on which Is wound The Braid that is known the world around.


The comb for the mane and tail of horses shown in the illustration is made, says the American Agriculturist, of a piece of half-inch board, eight inches long and fi>e wide, with one end reduced to the form of a handle, as shown in the engraving. A hole is bored in the end to hang it by. Seven rows of

t r u n tots vtfsB mm; * *

w. p.
ClraUan tm Wterwl

Latest S^ylts
L'Art De La Mode.
r COL*RK PLATES. 1 U TX* LATftff FABJS A| B f G y TOKKFSWeSS j m T } r e n d SS e&U* t* Uwuamlwt* W. J. MORSE F 8


xry. Vmrm pro&oeu


TO TECE Forp*rttcuJ*Pi call oa our Ticket A

T M L I T B tm m RaeV V M, yon n o t a M HARTMAN Stuel Win Mmc AMolnteljr flexible. Endoned by PhytlcUoa nod XJ. &. Government. Sea*

fur prices. HARTM AN MKO. CO., Beayer Tslia. Pa. NAMI T8IS tAM MhHiuaVv r i l a * or wit&ont experience, w

V C.B.*$


MAXE cosre. holes are pierced with a btad-awl, four of the rows with five holes each, and the three intermediate rows with four holes. iy> that the whole shall be in the

The* CrtMit oil Drill.

OOHPAMr. Addreu Box 979,

CtUOtgo, 11L-

Profitable Business?! "OHIO"

Bswart of Imitation*,

Bore Well

TT. Book kplag,Penm*tt!iMp,Aritlin U I I I C mtie. ShorOuind.etc., thorouaiity t*nH* 6ym*!l, Circuit fr. aTAXPSCOUIB,anttri^X.T. NVt n Wra i vtte

"quincunx'' form. Stout wire nails driven through the holes serve as teeth. The whole is finished by nailing a covering of perforated tin plate on the back, to hold the teeth in place.
Tobacoo Stem*.


PoalUrely C V R E O witbont tbe nmttot tbe k a l f e at tbe XOLA OANCKR l^FlKMABT, iOLA, ld

No more successful use can be made of them than to mulch fruit trees; they repel insects, absorb moisture, and as they iot slowly they give up potash salts and other forms of plant food essential to the health and frultfulness of all .sour fruits,B. F. Johnson. THE soil on which a barn or ovov which a stable stands should be thor- j ocghly underdraineti and so dry that no ] exhalations rise from ,tt 1

ALL cunmuca.



IT IRCftEBtrCim.' KE BKEN* OHIUKN. Tfcd f d wu* la UK T . S. A. ?we tkrtr lire* u d tki-ir htak md JtM.'tFM A food ckaae. Dont miss it, T<ra n>*4 BO eapltat [tiMta tally n la 1( nd no expcrleace to rtprt*tnt a reliable Arm that wrvnt numrr rtock AnUc^Ms. WORK A LI. THE I EAR, 4 irood >*y wwkly to energetic .nd i\K?fuimn. WkiTBiontmiiiiATOxcxAnsCtms CO., Pmtm^r, Addresa L. V. MAV A 04L a<| tmriumtm* ST. PAUL.



Treated an<1 eared wltbout tbe knife. Book en trertmentftent free. Addr KLPONJ>i D A E C ftad Tsmon Cured ^no knife, book tr*e. D n . GrmUwmy A Busk, Id Elm Srret. CinciaaMi, Ohio*



I FJUEE. LlneAnptvnderhnrfieA'feet. WrVteRKWftTE* SAttTT KCII UOLaitft CO., l N t y * * XC Tan r A r u o, write TBC

to S 8 a day.

Samples worth ft.1*

WOWjlOADT. _Pcrib


' .


February 1st, 3890,

Tk8T. PAUL, KDTNE1FOLIS AXD 15IT0BU Stl. amd ita bruehe> becuM tk*

f <1

Wa have been informed that the name of Hon. John Xortliwood of Saginaw County, will be presented to the next republican, State nominating con,, vention ^y his county, as a candidate for the office of Auditor General. Mr. !Xor;hwood residing near the north line of Shia^ssec has been a frequent and welcome visitor in our county and needs no introduction to our people. 1'osessed with au honorable record, won in the army, where he lost an arm, his his energetic and successful work in the House oi' Representatives in 1SS4 in securing' a home for the. lieedy veterans, the result of which may be seen to-day in tbat splendid edifice erected at Grand Rapids, from whose, occupants comes grateful thanks for the comforts provided for their infirmities iucreasing with their advancing years. The veterans in appreciation of these services made him their Commander in 1SS0, which position he filled with honor and ability. Mr. Xorthwooil is also an active co-laborer with tha Patrons of Industry and in fact the wage-worker has always found in him an earnest advocate and earnest and faithful friend/possessed as he is with all the neccessary qualities for making a strong canvass, together with his ample ability to perform the duties of the office will H nominated, be elected a worthy successor, to o ur present ableAuditor. T H E scpreme court is making it rather warm for the Bohemian oat swindlers, and fully sustains the opinion of Judge Xewton as given in a case recently tried in our court. In the case of Pearl vs Walter, taken tip from Clinton County, the court held that when tme party, by representing that the company who gave the bond to sell oata, were responsible and duly organized, induced the farmer to parchase, and give his note for the oafs, be -was liable even though the farmer who purchased it did it for the purpose of selling to other*; tbat if the seller had more knowledge of the fraud thaa tLe bdyer, be might be held iiabla, but he would not be if both were equally

EING de to the praeneo of vuric aci4 in the blood, ie most effectually cured by the use of Ajer Saraftpar i l l * . Be sure you get AyerVand no other, and take it till Mut poiBonoua add is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to tiu testimony: - "About two years ago, after Buffering foe nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and haviog tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an ad ver >". ment in a Chicago paper that a inau had bftea relieved of this distressing complaint, after Ions* fluttering, by taking Ayer's SarsapanUa. I. tliwMl.xtfded * ' > make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight niontbs, and am pleased to* s u t e that it has effected a complete cure. I have since had no return of the. <liser.s."Mrs. li. Irfiug Dodge, 110 West 1'JStU St., New Yon;. "One year ago I wa^ taken ill \ritli inflauiiuatory rheumatisro, being eocfined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debilitated, with no appetite, ami my s y ^ r a disordered in every way. I comiiiei^ci using Ayer'a Saisaparilla and began to improve at once, pjaiuing in strength ana soon recovering m y usual ieaan. i cannot say too much in praise oi this well-known medicine.''* Mrs. L. A. Sf&rk, Nashua, N. H.













f .\K2 THE

Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Ue*eR, Mas*.

Price $1; tl bottlw, *6. Word % botU.


For tickets. Maps and jrufdes epply to your house licket aa^ct or write to x\': WHI1NBY, Geaeral Passeofferattti Ticket A^ent St. Ptui, Minn. D. W. MOE3LAND, AgU Detroit, Ulch. ^TTbe GreatNoTth(rai Railway L'ne runs Itt O T ! Dining Cus, Pal&ce Steeping Cars, SpecOVT! ial Apartment Can and. Free C Cetouirt SleepA p a r t m t Ca d F t o i Sl ers on slttough tmin*.


$3.00 SHOE


HE Grain-Saving, Time-Saving, Money-Saving Thresher of title day and age. AS More Points of Exclusive Superiority than all others combined. V E R T Tfaresherman a n d Fanner ix delighted with it OT only Superior fbrall Mate of Qnixt, bat the oorjr oecessfvl handler at all Seeds. N T I S 3 Threshing Expenses (often3to5 times thai amount) &ade b7 extra Gcaitt Saved. ORKMANSHIP, M a t e r i a l , acd FinitA beyond all I B R A T O R owaers get tfas jest jobs and make tha zaast Money. KCOMPARABLB for Simplicity, Efficiency, and Puza* 2YOND K rivalry for Work, Perfect Cleaning, for Saving Qrsin. EQUIRES no attaehmwts or rebuilding %6 change rcm Grain to Seed*. BROAD and ample Warranty given cm all our mach RACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Fewer and Durability. UR Pamphlet grviz>g fdl information, cnt Free* It tells about this great EVOLUTION in Threshing Uachinery. Ssnd for {Met. Address


The old Brewery property has been penftfteed kndre-tnodtedinto tb&rn, to be run in connection with the hotel.


From the Moore & Shafer factory of Brock_ port, N.Y, We'shall make a specialty of this shoe this season. It is a fine Dongcla' Eld, elegant and durable and a bargain at $3.50. Samples can now be seen at our store and a large invoice is on the read. We handle all goods usually lo'j.tid in a first class Boot and Shoe store and if there is anything you want from a button hook to the taost elegant boot or shoe, call on us. Our motto id



OrOakiideScbod.Oirouo. 4*


And this means a benefit to every customer.4

There are many white soaps, represented to be "just as good as the Ivory.*' They are not, but like all counterfeits* they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for I very Soap and insist upon having i t *Tis sold everywhere.

and GOOD G O S

Mistakes la Grammar. tions which are not pardonable in written compositions. But we in us I be careful not to take too much leeway in this regard and not to make mistakes id gram mar or pronunciation. Some }>eople are guilty of grammatical blunders through sheer carelessness. Thus s. lady of my acquaintance, says a -writer in the Ladiaf Rome Journal, who understands trigonometry and can translate Virgil, often says to me, "you was,11 and yet she knows perfectly well that this is an inexcusable mistake. Other people who ought to know better say "he don't1' for "he do&m't," "I don't know as I do," instead of "I <Wt know that I do." "Ain't" and taint11 are not often used now by educated people unless in fi. jesting way. It is an unwise thing, however, to be careless or inaccurate m one's pronunciations or uss of language, since tricks of speech are easily caught, and very hard to get rid of. Thus, when one" is talking to servants, or other uneducated people, one is often tempted to adopt their phraseology, in order to " f o e vea'Uily understood by them, but it is better "to withstand the temptation, even if one should be obliged iii consequence to take more trouble to express Cue's meaning clearly. What shall be said of the woman who says: "I done it?" She has certainly placed herself between the horns of a dilemma. Her hearers will infer, either that "her cai'ly education was neglected, or that she associated with uneducated people during her childhood. And yet this is a grammatical fiiuU, which seems hard to get rid of. Persons who never say "I seen it," or 'he has went," or "them things," will occasionally betray themselves by let* ting slip the fatal '"I done it." It is quite as incorrect io use "he"

Faults are pardonable in conversa-


W. A. WIL'
Desires to Inform the Public that he keeps a complese line of


' i

And everything usually found in a first-class Stationery Store. A fall line of Box Paper from 25 cts. to $1.00 Miscellaneous Books for 15 sin to Stfcfcs.


ALWfiYS ON HRND, Subscriptions received for any Paper or Magazine published. I solicit la siiare of your Patronage.


We come not here to talk, but to say something. Drop in and see our Now we have a nice lot of Grocerversa, as it is to say "I done it," and yet the tirst-uamed class of faultsthat of using the wrong pronounsis-some- ies down by the bridge and ask you to times committed by educated people. Indeed, I have heard the phrase, "It call and invest and taste the joys that is me," justified on the ground that it Now we mean was a literal translation of ihe French await the purchaser. At Prices lower than the Lowest. docs not, like its French namesake, what we say, honest Injin, for we've justify the employment of certain pro- got the choicest lot of Groceries that nuncial forms, merely for the value of euphony. "He is older than I" may can be had and we take pleasure in We have knocked the Bottom Out. not sound so well as "he is older thaii me," yet the former is the correct: showing them. Respectfully, form. It is a common mis take to say:
c" &>i T/IOL I>ul our Euglicu griVujinar

On, Friend!

*'Between you and I," and yet & moment's reflection should convince any one who has ever studied grammar that he should say between you and



We will continue to sell goods at unequalled prices/ EGGS WANTED,

WANTED, 1,000 MEN,




fTo call at the new hardware and get prices which will be as low as low as the lowest. We have come to stay and do business. We can furnish you hardware of any description at living prices. Don't fail to see me before you buy any .


-Having Purchased-


Glass, Putty, Wire Kails, Barbed Wire, Annealed Wire, Pumps, Plows, Wheel Harrows, Cultivators, Hay Rakes, liny Tedders, \yagons, Carriages, Road and Speeding Carts, Sulkys, etc. I have the agency for the celebrated

Beans per tm Butter per ft , Bran per cwt . Chickens, per* Corn,per bu . CioverSeed, per bu Eggs perdoz . , Flour, per bM , . Feed,percwt . Hame,per 9 > , . Honey, ca p, o^r t> Hay, per ton ,dressed,pei c v t .
Onions, per bu Parsnips, per bu . Peaches,dried,per ft Potatoes, per bu Pork, salt, per t> Salt,perbbl . ' . Timothy seed,per bu Wheat, p e r b u

. 110 t 1 3 O IS

4 O

65 A . 7 d . 3 Q 40 %'600 . 8 @U 5 50 I 25 ..


On and after Monday, April 7th, the undersigned will be prepared to <io ail classes of custom Planing Mill work, and will keep a complete stock of

& n
8 00 6 9 CO . 4 50 @ 500 21 & .. 80 60 & & 16 40 & 8 00 ICO 1 T5 .. 8*



Which is a money'maker for farmers'and fruit growers. Call and see it. I also have a double acting wind mill pump for deep wells which has no equal. We put all goods out on their merits.

Stuff, Building Timber, Bard Boards, Lath, Shingle, Fence Posts, Siding, Ceiling, Flooring, Mouldings, Sash,

A WOMAN WHO WAS CCOU How a *Lady of Wealth Captured ft Bur* in Her


Hie undersigned have opened a new Tailor shop in the Bacon Block, up stairs, when; they have on hand an elegant and well chose line of


Our line is seasonable and Complete.

In Worsteds. Cheviots and Cassimeres'-that are-just the thing for the spring trade. In Goods for

Ladies Garments Cut and f }M.



Have Just Openedlwith a


We are reminded of an iucident that came to our knowlel^e some years ago which should show women that presence of inind and the power of selfcontrol have a saving power where impulse and lack of courage would have been certain destruction, says Mrs, Henry Ward Beecher in the Consumers' Journal. We may have written this beforewe are not surebut it will bear repeating maay times if any will profit by the lesson and leara to practice self-control and similar presence of mind in circumstances half as startling. In this case one instant's wavering or weakness would have cost life. A lady of wealth and with the rich surroundings and costly works of art that wealth brings was one evening alone, with only one servant in th house. Being in her chamber as she laid aside articles of jewelry in their appropriate places in her bureau, she chancedtoraise her eyes to the mirror opposite, and from a light in the other corner c! the room she canght in the mirror the reflection of a figure of * man curled up under a large center table, but hidden from all sight save what was gained Vy this reflection in the mirror. In this way she saw one of his hands resting on the floor. This hand was minus two fingers, and tfhe knew at once that close uj her was one of the most desperate characters whose crimes and fiendish deeds had been the terror of the surrounding country for miles. Now, who could blame her if she had screamed or made a hurried effort to reach the door? Had shedono so it would have scaled her fate. Bat forcing herselftobe calm she finished what she was doling at the bureau* then quietly stepping to the bell rang for the one servant in the house. When the girl appeared she quietly mud: "Mary, I wish you would run over to Mr. (a jeweler in the neighborhood) and say I wish he would send back the diamonds he lias been resettingthey are the most valuable I have, and I am uneasy to have them long out of the house. Tell him to send them by you to-night even if not finished; wait, I'll write a note for fear of any mistake." So seating herself with the greatest apparent composure at the very table where the man lay concealed she wrote the note. Of course she wrote not for the diamonds, but for help! The girl took the note, and alone, absolutely, with this great terror concealed close by her, the lady waited. That no suspicion should be aroused she busied herself puttjeg various things in different places. How terrible must have been that waiting! How full of joy and safety the sound of the bell when the girl returned, and with her the friend and the police, who captured the man before he could re* sist* Tfcc Progress of Languages. The progress of langimges spoken by the ditfereut nations is said to be as follows: English, which at the commencement of the century was only spoken by 2*2.000,000 of people, is now spoken by 100,000.000; Russian is now spoken by GS,000,000 against 30,000,000 at the beginning of the century. In 1801 German wus only spoken by 35,000,000 of people, to-day over 70,000,000 talk in the same language that William II. does. Spanish is now used by 44,000,000 of people, against 80,000,000 in 1800; Italian by 32,000,000 instead of 13,000,000; Portuguese by 18,000,000 instead of 8,000,000. This is for English an increase of 312 per cent; for Russian, 120 per cent; for German, 70 per cent; for Spanish, S G per cent, In the case of French the increase has been from 34,000,000 to 46,000,000, or S6 per cetiu


If you want Farming Tools go to



Spring Tooth Wheel Cultivators and Harrows, Drags Plows all kinds of small Farming Tools.
We are also Headquarters for

And the fact that they keep afirst-classline of

PlurmmnTi UipnnTn IfmirnrnttDn


iDont ftorget tlieir line of

TtttOtky and ctoftr Seed kept on hand.

Has opened oih e in Corunna,

And invites the Public to call on him when in need of anything in his line.

j Goods delivered to any part of the citv.


All work Warranted Satisfactory. . SITES.


V N>

Is Headauarters for


make you Pictures that will Suit. Give him a trial. If you want anything in

*You cannot do better than to select from his stock. He has a large line of new Mouldings.

A dvy, hacking cough keeps the bronchical tubes in a state of constant irritation., which, if notspedily removed, may lead to bronchitis. Xo And he is offering these goods at Prices to make them go. Don't full more prompt remedy can be had to call and see him if you want any article of Furniture, than Ayer.s Cherry Pectoral, which is whatever, for it will pay you. an anodyne and expectorant. Unless more care is given hair, the coming man is liable come a hairless rnimal-, hence tect the hair from falling, use Hair Ren ewer. to the to beto proHall's

Also a complete line of Undertaking Supplies on Hand.

And his Stock comprises everything from to the most Elegant BEDROOM or

Fine Gilt Mouldings for B Gts. per ft.

Think of that and come and see me.


Opposite Bacon Block, Conuma.



. A. Mi Hard has just receiveda Hearse Free of Charge. large stock of fine fresh confectionery

of Texas, and Th banks held $3,128,735 in exepss o l Bland, of Missouri, have returned to the twenty-five per cent rule. the Treasury the drafts made i s their NINETY per cent of the boss carpenLarge favor for the money they lost through ters in New York City have conceded The Movement the defalcation of Silcott. As there was the demands of the men in regard to Proportions in Chicago. CORDNNA* : : s MICHIGAN no other way for the Treasury Depart* the eight hour movement, and it is not tnent to accept the money it was turned expected that a strike will occur. and Planing1 Mill EmpUyM Join into the conscience fund. the Striker*' BanksSaw Union Men THK Sioux City (la.) committee that PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL* Attacked and Stoned-Strike* NEWS OF THE WEEK. guaranteed $70,000 toward the erection THE directors of the world's fair held In Other CitU*. of a temple for the National Order of a meeting at Chicago on the 1st and Gathered from All Quarters. Railway Conductors, has withdrawn the elected Lyman J. Gage president and CHICAGO, May 3. - The iron mojders offer and ordered the money returned to Thomas B. Bryau and Potter Palmer and their helpers in most of the large the subscribers, because of the failure first and second vice presidents. CONGRE83. manufacturering establishments of the of the conductors to begin work by May A. J. HOPKINS has been nominated for TB* Senate on the 30ta ult, after transaction 1, as agreed. Congress by the Republican convention city, including the McCormick harvestof routine business, resumed consideration of ing machine works, on the "Black C. W. MILLER, a route agent on the of the Fifth Illinois district. the Customs Administration bill. The amendNorthern Pacific railroad, was recently HON. L. F. ALLEX, an uncle of ex- road." the scene of so much turbulence ment ottered by Mr. Dawes, that in cases of the importation of books, magazine* and periodicals arrested in Chicago for robbing the President Cleveland, died at Buffalo, N. and rioting four years ago, went out on strike Friday morning for the eightin several parts but one declaration of entry United States mails between Duluth and "V., en the 3d, aged ninety years. shall be required, was agreed to. After further Brainerd, Minn. EX-PBESIDEXT CLEVELAND has been hour day and a uniform rate of wages. discussion the bill was laid a?ide and the Senate B. R. WHITTIIOKNK, late cashier of the admitted to practice in the Supreme The number ofraoldersout is estimated went into executive session and adjourned.,.. at 3,000. Eighteen hundred were emTbe House took up and passed the bill National Bank at Shelbyville. Term., Court of the United States, for the classification of worsted cloths has been indicted by the Federal grand DR. HYLAXD T. BROWX, a well known ployed at the Chicago Malleable Iron as woolen clothsyeas, 138 nays 0the Speaker jury on the charges of perjury and at- scientist, clergyman and scholar, died Works, the largest concern of the kind counting a quorum. (It provides that the Secreat his home in Indianapolis, IncL, on in Chicago. The Illinois Steel Company tary of the Treasury be authorized and directed tempting to defraud the bank. granted its 200 molders the eight-hour Tina House Committee on Post-offices the 3d, in his eighty-third year. to classify as woolen cloths all imports of worsted cloth, whether known under the name. and Postroads has authorized a favoraBISHOP CAS.PE'B BOIIGESS, of Kalama- day and averted a strike. of Worsted cloth or under the names of worsteds ble report on the bill granting leaves of zoo, Mich., who was stricken with All the employes in the planing mill or diagonals, or otherwise.) A resolution proestablishments of the West Side also absence to clerks and employes in all paralysis a few days ago, died on the viding for the immediate consideration of the struck for the eight-hour day and eight first, second and third class post-offices, 3d, aged sixty-two years. Senate Service Pension bill, to whicU the 1 hours pay. HorrUl Service Pension bill may be or- with pay, for not less than fifteen days AMOXG the Presidential nominations dered as a substitute, was adopted, and in any one fiscal year. Shortly after one o'clock in the aftersent to the Senate on the 3d were the Mr. MorriU took the floor in explanation and IT is openly charged by the Albany following: John S. Durham to be United noon a number of non-union molders support of his bill. After an extended debate the hfll was ordered to a vote. The MorriU bill correspondents of the New York World States Consul at San Domingo; David who were being conveyed in a bus to was then passed as a substitute tor the Senate and the Tribune that the bill abolishing E. Bryant, United States District Judge McCormick*s harvester works were athillyeas ISO; nays 7t. The Senate bill, a* capital punishment was rushed through for the Eastern district of Texas; Henry tacked by strikers at Blue Island aveunerased by the substitute, was then L. Whiting, of New York, member of nue. The windows of the bus were passed yeas 17ft, nays TO. (The bill the New York Assembly at the instance, the Mississippi River Commission. broken and several of the occupants and through the influence of the Westauthorizes; the Secretary or the Interior to place on the pension roll the name of any inghouse Electric Company. Bribery is WILLIAM H. DO AX, one of the best were more or less injured. The driver oAeer or enlisted man ot sixty years of age flatly alleged by the World and more known citizens of Cleveland, O., died at dodged tho rocks which were aimed at or over, or who shall hereafter reach that age, HendersonvHle, N. C, on the 3d, aged his head and, lashing his horses, sucw i o served ninety days m more in the army, than hinted at by the Tribune. THE Fidelity Surety Trust and Safe sixty-one years. He was a man of largo ceeded in escaping. A report of the asnavy or marine corps of the United States dnringtheRebeUioa and shall have received an Deposit Company of Camden, N. J., have wealth, active in all charitable and tem- sault was telephoned to the nearest pohonorable discharge therefrom and at the rate suspended payment. Charles L. Work, perance work, and foremost in every lice station and a squad of officers went ot eight doHaz* per month. All persens who movement for the welfare and prosper- to the works. serft<tziactj days or more in the military or the president of the Gloucester National All the factories and shops along the naval servlOB ot the United States during the bank which recently suspended, was ity of the city. late- war and who have bden honorably dirt also its president. "black ro&d" were closed in the aftercharged therefrom, aad who are now or may FOREICH* noon and business on that celebrated THE warehouse of the Mattoon Furhereafter be suffering from mental or physical WHILE the Duke and Duchess of Edinthoroughfare is at a complete standstill. niture Company, corner Union and Erie disability, equivalent to the grade now estabburgh were attending the ceremonies of At noon the 300 employes of the Ajax streets, Chicago, burned on the 3d. lished* in the Pension Office for the rating of opening the Electric Exhibition at Forge Company, near the McCormick eight dollars per month, shall he placed upon Loss, $75,000. LEHMAN-, BICIIMAX & Co,, clothing Edinburgh on the 1st, the jewels of the factory,struck for an eight-hour day. for a pension to the widow of any soldier when manufacturers of Cleveland, O.. have Duchess were stolen from their apartThe striking molders have made no she sh&n arrive at the age of sixty years, or failed. Liabilities, 9100,000; assets, nom- ments in the Balmoral HoteL The effort to procure a meeting with the emwhen she shall be without other means of sup- inally the same. jewels were of enormous value. There ployers and the latter are in absolute port than her dally labor.) P. SLIJTGLUFF, cashier of the Mont- is no clue to the robbers. ignorance of what is demanded. The MB. VEST, from the select committee on SEVERAL persons have been killed and bulk of the men also do not seem to meat products, made a report in the Senate on gomery, (Pa.) National Bank, resigned the 1st aad accompanied it with an explanation on the 3d, and is charged with irregu- many wounded in a revolution which know their own mind and say that they He said the committee had thoroughly investi- larities amounting to 935,000. has broken out in Paraguay. The de- struck because ordered by their leaders gated the subject and reported four-measures TWEXTY-TWO buiiain^rnsbimpising tails are meager, as telegraphic com- to do so. The whole %ffair has the apfor the consideration of the Senate. Thefirstwas pearance of being a simple case of strike a concurrent resolution asking the President the entire business portion of Uilboa, N. munication has been interrupted. THE farm laborers in East Prussia fever. The authorities apprehend no to inaugurate diplomatic correspondence with Y., were destroyed by fire on the 4th, the authorities of Great Britain to bring about entailing a loss of about $175,000. In- and Prussian Galicia have, ceased work further disturbance, but the neighbora repeal or modification of the existing quaran- surance about $50,000. and joined the general labor agitation, hood is well patrolled by officer* and tine regulations of the United Kingdom. The being incited to this step by the Social- any incipient outbreak will be speedily AT West Chester. Pa., on the 4tn next provided tor a national Inspection law; isto. repressed, So far the strike has not and another was intended to prevent the dis- Willie and Clara Fitzpatrick, aged eight AT least 600,000 neople participated in urhalnatCon which now existed on all the and six. years respectively, wete killed oauned a cessation of work in the other railroads belonging to the Trunk Lines1 and two other children seriously hurt the eight-hour demonstration held in departments of McCormick's romper Association under which no mii-sage is Hyde Park, London, oa the 4th. There w o r k s . ,,., . , . ' . , ' given to any of the improved cattle cars by being thrown from a carriage in a carrying! ive cattle from the West to the Bast runaway. Mr, Fitzpatitck was dragged were 150 bands of music in the procesThe men employed at the Goodwill!* The Customs Administrative bill was further a long distance and badly injured in try- sion, which numbered 200,006 men. The box factory struck for eight hours yes* considered, but without action the Senate went ing to stop the horse. Mrs. Fitzpatrick parkthree-quarters of a mile long and terday morning. At noou their demands into executive session and soon adjourned.... half a mile widewas crammed with a was driven insane by the tragedy. were acceded to and they returned to The House considered the Senate bill to protect AT a mass meeting on the 4th of the solid mass of people, and a contiguous work. The men at the Cooper Lumber trade and eommarce against unlawful restraints and monopolies. An amendment offered by Mr. employes of the National Tube Works of succession of audiences were addressed Company's yards were also victorious. Bland was agreed to, making unlawful any McKeesport, Pa., attended by 2,000 by prominent labor leaders. There was The firm agreed to grant the eight-hour contract or agreement to prevent compeno disorder, and the only arrests wero day and tho men went to work at noon. tition in the sale or purchase of any com- workmen, it was decided to ask for an modity transported from one Sfcite to another. advance of ten per cent, or the present those of thieves who were out in great Four hundred men employed by Demforce. The bUl was then passed with but a single pay for nine hours work. ma & Durka's furniture factory struck dissenting vote. Mr Adams, of Illinois, called THE manufacturers of rubber thread for eight hours. Seven hundred men up and explained the provisions of the Intti-goodssuspenders, elastic ribbons, etc. employed by the Chicago Cottage Organ national Copyright bill, but without action on IN the United States Senate en theSthat a recent meeting in New York, de- Senator Blackburn announced the death Company arc also affected by the strike the measure the House adjourned. :' IK the Senate on the '3d the concurrent reso- cided to raisp their prices thirty-five per of his colleague, Senator Beck, and the fever and refuse to work unless granted lution requesting the President to enter Into cent. The advance is made necessary Senate adjourned. In the House the the eight-hour day. negotiations with the governments of Great by the riaa in the crude rubber market. Bosrox, May 3 The strike of the death of Senator Beck was reported, and Britain and Mexico, with a view to securing LEWIS E. PFI-:IFFEK, president of the an adjournment tor the day was taken. carpenters is proceeding in a peaceful treaty stipulations for the prevention of the entry of Chinese laborers into the United recently suspended bank of America, at THE. private bank of Charles A. Math- and quiet manner. Yesterday 500 men States, was taken up and agreed to. Philadelphia, wai arrested on the 3d on er & Co. at Berlin, Wis., failed on the reported at headquarters. Walking The Senate then took up the Customs the charge of embezzlement. It is alDelegate Clinkard addressed the men Administrative bill; the committee amend- leged that he accepted money from a 5th for $100,000. briefly. He said that only forty-six men THREE men named Martin Byan, Con ments were agreed to and the bill was depositor after he knew the bank was were at work in the shops of the mempassedyeas 35, nays 15(Mr. Payne being the Downey and Will Cosgrove were eniy Democrat in the affirmative.) The bill insolvent. drowned on the 5th by the capsizing of bers of the Carpenter Builders' Associaauthorizing the issue of treasury notes and deTHE Treasury Department's monthly s> boat in San Francisco bay. tion visited and twenty-eight of them posits of silver bullion was made the "unfin- statement of changes in the circulation had joined the strikers at the request of ASDBEW SurjMAX, ex-LieutenantrGovished business" from May 7 until disposed o t The conference report on the Oklahoma Town during April past, just issued, shows a emorof Illinois, and for thirty years the delegations that called upon them. Sites bill was presented and agreed to. net decrease during the month amount- editor of the Evening Journal, died The number of carpenters that struck is After a short session for executive business ing to $499,721. suddenly in Chicago on the 5th from l,C50. the Senate adjourned....The House adopted THOMAS CASEY, a workman on the apoplexy, aged 60 years. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May S.Three a resolution setting apart Saturday, June 14, for the delivery of eulogies upon tho late Samuel new government building at Pittsburgh, IK Chicago on the 5th two domestics, hundred men employed in constructing J. TtandaH. Conference reports were presented was on the 3d thrown from the top of the Annie and Bessie Parlick, aged 17 and a street railway struck yesterday for an and adepted en public building bills at La- structure to the ground, a distance of advance of wages from $1.35 to 31.50 per fayette, lad., and Chester, Pa., the limit of cost 150 feet and was instantly killed. In bis 16 years, were asphyxiated by gas. IT was reported on the 5th that the day. After remaining out two hoars the in each case being t B O c O O O . Consideration of the copyright bill was resumed and after a discus- descent he struck two other workmen, officers of the State Farmers* Alliance demand was acceded to and the men resion lasting all the mflmrnoon a rote WM James Brisbin and William Lavelle, who of Texas had swindled that organisation sumed work. The journeymen plumbtaken on the engrossment and third reading of were also thrown to the ground. Brisbin ers to the number of about 200 have the bill aad it was defeatedyeas 98, nays 13ft. was fatally and Lavelle seriously hurt. out of $1,200,000. THREE horses near Maryville, Mo., struck for nine hours. They have been The House then recessed until evening, when AT Yonkers, N. Y., on the 3d, Mrs. died on the 5th from hydrophobia, hav- working ten hours a day. seventeen private peas:eo bills were passed. Kate Harper, wife of William A. Har- ing recently been bitten by a rabid dog. Adjourned. DETROIT, May 3. The carpenters' per, of the firm of Harper & Co., book I s the Senate eo the 34 Mr Prye, from the SEVERAL buildings lost their roofs strike situation here is unchanged, save Committee en Commerce reported two bills; publishers, died suddenly from rupture and a Methodist church was wrecked that a few small contractors have conone to place the American merchant marine en- of the heart. She had just recovered by a tornado at Natchez, Miss., on the ceded the eight-hour day and the scale gaged in foreign trade on an equality with other from the influence of chloroform adminnationsOcnown as the Shipping League bill); the istered by the dentist while operating 5th, and at Jackson a portion of the of wages demanded by the strikers. It State-House roof was blown off. 'Other to provide for oocin mail service between is reported that the planing mill ownthe United Stutes and foreign nations and to on an aching tooth, when she was seized NATIONAL independence day in Mex- ers employing carpenters will compro'promote commerce. The bills were read a nrst wif.h a fit of vomiting and suddenly ex- ico was celebrated on the 5th by fire- mise by conceding the demands of the and second time and placed on the calendar. pired. Mrs. Harper was the daughter men if they will agree to boycott maA resolution w agreed to, calling on the Sec- of CoL Beecher, son of the late Henry works and provisions. WILLIE and Clara Fitzpatrick were chine mill products made outside the retary Of the Treasury for information as -to the export and import of gold and silver dur- Ward Beecher. killed in a runaway accident at West city. ing the calendar year Ifittt. Among the bills THE M*T?hants' Terminal bridge Chester, Pa., on the 5th, and their moth- PHILADELPHIA, May S.The second taken from the calendar acd parsed were the across V* Mississippi river at St Louis er was insane from grief. day of the carpenters' strike opened following: Providing forstitidry light houses THE 100th anniversary of the grant- Friday morning with nearly 5,000 men and other aids to navigation on the great lakes; was opened for traffic on the 3d, amid for a public building -\t Lima, O.. < 180.000); for \m poking ceremonies. Mayor Noon an ing of Polish liberty was celebrated by refusing to work unless their demand the relief of Daniel McKay aad of the executors declared a public half holiday lor the the Poles of Minnesota at Winona on for an dvan<v of fit's cento i u hour was of Donald McKay. At 4:15 o'clock proceedings occasion and many business houses were the 5th. acceded to. There are nearly 7,000 carwere laterruDted by the announcement of AT Baltimore on the 5th Maryland penters in the city, and nearly all of the sadden death of Senator Beck, of closed. THE elegant art gallery attached to Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, them are identified with the three orKentucky, and a motion t* adjourn was ^agreed to....The House, in Committee of the the residence of J. Eramhail, at Orange, the oldest commandery of the order In ganizations. These are the BrotherWhole, finished cm ^deration of the Diplo- X. J\, was damaged by fire on the 4th matic a&1 Const]la/ Appropriation bill, imd to the extent of $20,000. Many valuable America, celebrated its 100th anniverj hood of Carpenters and Joiners of Apiersary. ica; the Amalgamated Association of when the committee rose the toili wan massed -without division. A ytiut resolution w-fts pi*sed paintings were ruined. IN a general row on the 5th among Carpenters, and ths Carpsntsrs' ProUs men a recent ruling of the Michigan the negroes at the Champion mines tective Association. One of the biggest appropriating $ t i , < X X % 4 Q 0 for improvement of the Mississippi river from the head of the Supremo Court, all persons who were Passes to the mouti of the Ohio river, not .residents of the State and enlisted near Birmingham, Ala., six were shot, victories which the strikers have so far gained was won yesterday, when the three fatally. sch sum to be imme&ately available. Conference reports on public building MXs fo: busd- after Fobrurary 5, 186*, and are on the C. M. MILKS, the attorney who killed Bricklayers' Union came into line and i.ega t Ashtead. '-Vis., (limit 11O040O), u d 200,0*) roll aro entitled to $100 bounty, Dr. Pritchard at Cold water, Kan,, was issued orders that none of its members tCadar Rapids, la., (limit$150,000), *ere agreed and all persons residents of the State should set the door or window frames on to. The conference report on the Oklahoma enlisting-nfter that date, not credited to captured on the 3th and lynched. ADVICES of the 5th from Texas say any job where the boss b i d refused to Town Site bill wax presented, but without acany towaship or county, may receive that House adjourned. a cyclone wrecked several houses pay the advanced rate. Si00. By this ruling about 1,506 vet- at Salt Creek and killed three persons. LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 3.One thouerans are entitled to bounties. At Fall Creek many buildings were de- sand carpenters went on a strike here DOMESTIC. TITE weekly statement of the New and several persons injured. At yesterday morning, demanding eight from Rice, Olmstead, Fair- York associated banks, issued on the 3d, stroyed Acton four wore killed, a num- hours as a day's work, wi th no reduchaul t and other Southern Minnesota shows the following changes: Reserve ber injured people and many houses demolcounties indicate that winter wheat is decrease, $204,500; loans increase, 3150,- ished. At Rcbin Creek eight persons tion in wages. Twenty boss carpenters practically all killed and farmers are 400; specie decrease, 624,800; legal ten- were killed, five of whom belonged to hava conceded the strikers' demands and the trouble will probably be amicaindustriously engaged in reseoding ders increase $610,000; deposits increase^. the family ot Dr, George Griffin. bly settled vnadyor two. $753,800; circulation decrease, $10,100. I Apring wheat, oats and flax.




Senator Beck, of Kentucky, Drop* Dead In the Baltimore * Potomac Depot at WhJntou-Brief Sketch of Ilia IJ/e and Distinguished Career in CoHgreea.
WASHINGTON, May 5.Senator Beck, of Kentucky, dropped dead at the Baltimore & Potomac railroad station a few minutes after four o'clock Saturday afternoon. He spent Friday in New York and had just arrived from that city. He alighted from the train and while passing: into the station foil and immediately expired. The news of his death was telephoned to the Senate and upon its announcement the Senate at once adjourned. Senator Beck was born in Scotland, February IS, 1822, and coming to this country when a youth graduated in law at Traaaylvania University, Lexinjrtou, Ky., in 1846. He practiced law in Kentucky . for many years and held no office until he was elected to Congress in I860. He remained a member of the House of Representatives for eight year9, when he was elected to ihe Senate. He took his seat in the Senate March 5, 1877, and he was twice reSEXATOB BECK, elected. In the Senate Mr. Beck was for many years a member of the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Finance and he was admittedly the best informed Democrat in the Senate on the tariff question and always a leader in the debates on silver. Mr. Beck's death was not unexpected by those who knew him in the Senate, although he and his friends had assured every one of late tha> he w3 growing better rapidly. The illne & which ended fatally began a little less than two years ago, when he was threatened with heart trouble. All about the Capitol were heard the most sincere and earnest expressions of regret Mr. Beck was extremely popular with the members of the Senate and its employes and officers alike. He had many warm friends on the Republican side of the chamber and no enamies.



Fltuti Obeequto* of Dr. Croain, the Victim
CHICAGO, May 5.All that is mortal of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin, who a year ago Saturday night was lured to tbe den of death BOW known to history as the Carlson cottage, was laid to rest yesterday afternoon in a grave on the desolate beach-front of Calvary Cemetery. Over a thousand men and women braved the bleak- wind and pelting rain to witness the final obsequies. The Sheridan Guards acted as guard of honor and the Illinois drum corps, with muffled drums, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Catholic Foresters turned out in large numbers. When the casket had been placed on the edge of tho grave the brief offices for the interment of the dead wore read by Father Muldoon, chancellor of the diocese, and after it had been sprinkled with holy water it was lowered into the tomb Then the members of the ladies'* committee began to strew flowers upon the coffin lid and before the two wagon loads which they had brought with them had been exhausted, the grave was ailed to the brim. It is intended to erect a monument over the grave at a cost of not less than $5,000 and also to beautify the surroundings until the present waste is converted into a garden.


Destruction fey Fire in the Timber a*gioto* of the Kortbweet.

Wis^ May 5.This village had a narrow escape from total destrnctioB Saturday. Fire started in some lumber piles and, driven by a terrific wind, bore down on the village, carrying every thing before it. Ten dwellings were burned before it was gotten under eon troL HUDSON, Wis., May 5.Reports to this point from New Richmond, Wis., are of the most alarming character. Forest fires are burning on three sides of the village and the last dispatch stated that the depot of the Omaha railroad was on fire and asked that the Hudson fire department be rushed to that point at once. STILLWATKR, Mittn., May 5.Millions of feet of pine are being consumed in St. Croix valley by forest fires. For miles the air is so filled with smoke that breathing is almost impossible. Hundreds of men are at work plowing about their meadows to prevent the spread of the forest nres.


Horrible Ravages of an Epidemic of Spotted Fever In Tonne****Panic Stricken Inhabitants Fleeing from th* Scourge.
CINCINNATI, May 35.Additional reports of the ravages of spotted fever near Franklin, Tenn., have been received confirming and augumentiug the horrors heretofore reported. The disease is unusually fatal, nine out of every ten persons attacked dying. The fever had a brief run in Suraner and Webster counties about two months ago, but disappeared and people were greatly elated at their seeming escape, but l*vst week it reappeared and withing forty-eight" hours of its coming had taken five lives. Sinc*> then a dozen more tiave died, and the people of the stricken districts have about concluded to abandon it forever, as this is the fifth visitation of the fever. Farms and all kinds of stock can be bought for a song. The origin of tho disease is not known. It comes without warning and jrofss *? suddenly.

quarter c( a century ago Personal Experience* Illustrating- the A A message dashed o'er land and _ , LEE'S APPLE TR. Stmllty of the Situation. That caused a nation's deep heart tears to flow Is bitter agony. During the war we used to read of Only On Northerner Beeared a G*nuta companies falling back, regiments givAppulnattox Blle. The waving plumes of victory became 1 The sable plmae_ of heavy grief. A recent article in the Atlanta Consti- ing ground, and brigades becoming deWith reverent lips meu breathed an honored moralized, and the average reader took tution said all the published statements name it for cowardice and openly expressed that numerous persons in the North had For the tease heart's relief. relics from the famous Appomattox ap- his contempt. No man ever went into brooding sadness settled over all, ple tree, were absolutely false. It stated, battle twice alike. No company, regimen* A A flax redeemed hung half-mast high, or brigade were ever situated twice upon the authority of Confederate GenAnd clouds of sorrow, like * gloomy pail, alike. A man may be very brave in one erals who were present at the surrender Obscured the April sky. i of General Lee, that only one man COB* battle and very timid in the next His more around the earth is flashed the same neeted with the Union force had ever physical and meutal conditions have Once Sad message, and our tears are shed, obtained any portion of that tree, and much to do with i t A private soldier That he who bore again that sainted name In his fair youth, lies dead. that he had only a portion of the root or knows the position of his entire brigade trunk. It explained that the whole in a fight If the position is a strong Born for the future, who can doubt that h*, tree had been cut to pieces by members One he is encouraged; if the flanks are Living, had conquered earth's renown? of the Confederate army before the exposed or the defenses are weak he is Lost to the future i Ah 1 that can not be, His bu_e secures a crown. Union forces came upon the ground, nervous and apprehensive. It is a grand stake the soldier plays But not alone a name, his heritage, and that the master of transportation of the Union army, who, at General Leo's for in battle. If he wins he majr live The qualities of heart and mind, request, supplied the Confederate army on until the next fight If he loses he That made the man the greatest of his age, Were in the youth combined. with rations was only able to secure the gets a. headstone in a National cemetery. I can notr make you understand last remaining portion of the tree and The dauntless courage and the truth That make this name forever great, that it was forty-eight hours after he the situation batter than to give you 1 appeared before any other member of personal experiences. The great major- In hopeless suffering nerved the tender youth To bravely meet his fate. the Union forces had access to the field. ity of soldiers had the same feeling and Write but his name; no epitaph he needs The article also added that the sole pos- passed through the same experiences. To tell the fame be would have won; At first Bull Run my brigade gained sessor of a piece of this historical tree is the pledge of all the glorious de?ds north of Mason and Dixon's line was ground ibr several hour*. This, with a It He, dying, left undone. small loss of men, kept us encouraged. Colonel Bates now of Philadelphia. Caroline Barber Chandler, in America* Indeed, it was hard for the officers to reThe writer ascertained that the per- strain us. Every man was hopeful and UNCLE JERRY'S ADVICE. son referred to was George H. Bates, at determined, and any single company present proprietor of the Oriental Hotel would have charged a regiment The How to Afford Belief from the Existing In Market street, in this city, who was panic had upset thousands before it Agricultural Depression. at the time of the surrender of Lee's touched us. Indeed, the retreat had President Harrison made a happy hit army master of transportation of the been going on for two hours before we when be selected ex-Governor Rusk, of army o' the Potomac. Mr. Bates, when got word. We were well in hand and Wisconsin, for the Secretaryship of the questioned upon the subject yesterday, ready to advance when the news reached Department of Agriculture. Among all gave his statement of the matte? as fol- us. In five minutes every man was our public men there is no warmer or lows: shaky. In ten minutes men whoso more popular friend of the farmers than "Yes, sir. The statement is correct, faces were powder-stained were sneak- "Uncle Jerry," He will not waste the and I am the man referred to. When I ing out of the ranks to gain the rear. In appropriation for his department in imhave heard and read accounts of persons quarter of an hour half a company of practicable and costly experiments, or having canes and other articles made Confederates could have driven the in the encouragement of fancy farming, from that famous tret* I have been whole brigade like a flock of sheep. I such as capitalists indulge in as a pas* amused, because I know that I am the saw men cry like children, I saw others time, or dreamers resort to in illustraonly man north of Mason and Dix- tremble and sit down from weakness. tion of the proverb, "the fool and his on's line who ever obtained a relic from Every fresh report added to the feeling money are soon parted." He is as truly that tree This is what occurred on of terror, and by and by pride and dis- the farmer's friend as "Poor Richard'1 that memorable April day when Lee cipline gave way to a grand rush, and was in his day, and herein h is a most surrendered. I was master of transpor- it was every man for himself. No one worthy successor of Benjamin Franklin. tation in the army of the Potomac Im- would stop to reason. No one cared His latest letter ought to be published mediately upon General Grant's return whether his comrade was ahead or be- in every agricultural journal in the after his meeting with General Lee, hind. This was called cowardice, but it land. We hare already called attenwho had surrendered, in compliance was not It was panicthe terror of b*fc> tion to his general explanation of the with General Lee's request to have food tiea senseless but powerful something agricultural depression, but the subject sent to his starving troops, I received which seizes the bravest men and make* is too vast and vital to be dismissed. orders to prepare a train of wagons with children of them. The most serious problem of the hour ie rations and to take them beyond our how to afford relief from tills depresIn the streets of Fredericksburg I saw line* under the flag- of truce into the sion. enemy's lines and report to General Federal soldiers discharge their musRight here it may be observed that kets into the Air, when the enemy was Lee. the depression does not extend to the within point-blank range. I saw plenty "A speedily gathered nineteen wagon of them drop on their faces and tremble, Pacific slope. The fanners on that loads of rations passed through our linen groan and cry. This was a case where ev- eoMt are more than usually prosperous, and passed along the road near the fa- ery man saw the hopelessness of attack. and that from Mexico to British Colummoos toee ander which Lee had waited Be felt that he was pushed forward to bo bia, especially in Southern California. for General Grant I inquired for the shot down. There was no way for re* We do not refer at ali to real-estate Confederate General's headquarters and treat until the lines should fall back. speculation. The fanners out there who f M anasvered two or three times by fce- On the other hand, the Confederate tore down their vines and cut their img spit at. Finally I found it, where troopr posted behind the stone wall at vineyards into building lots, allured on with General Lee and his staff officers a the foot of May res Hill joked and by visions of fabulous wealth from the brief time was spent pleasantly in which smoked and were in the highest spirits, growth of new cities, may have been some prime applejack was produced, of feeling themselves secure from bullets, fiaught in the lurch, but those who kept whiah we all took a nip. Then I asked and knowing they could beat back any right oa "sawing wood" are getting some Confederates standing around to force. One of them told me that after good te turns for their time and money, unload the wagons, but they refused, taking a dead aim on thirteen different provided they only observe the good old being Southrons, who esteemed manual men and dropping every one of them he rule that "he who by tb* plow would labor evidently degrading, whereupon I refrained from firing the next quarter thrive, himself must hold or drive." otdered my subordinates to dismount of an hour after sheer pity for the hu- This may be more prose than poetry, and unload; which they did grudgingly, man targets being shoved up to meet according to the modern standard of as they doubtless thought if we were death. literary art, but it is certainly good good enough to bring food to the enemy, sound sense. At Mai vent Hill my regiment lay in the latter might at least be willing to the It might be difficult to say which is dry bed of a creek at the foot of the carry it away. elevation. It was a natural rifle-pit, and the greater cause of this depression, "Well, about 4:30 or five p. mu we sheltered us so well that we had only a lower prices for products or greater cost started with the empty wagons back to slight loss in killed and wounded. As of living. The prices of the things the our lines. On the way I saw Confeder- the Confederates charged across the farmer buys may have fallen as much ate soldiers hacking away at the stump fields we felt to pity them. We poured as the prices of what he has to sell, but of the tree which a few hours previous in our volleys without danger in return, new wants are constantly springing up. had sheltered General Lee from the and out of five Confederates who rushed Compare the present with the period sun's rays. In reply to my inquiry the into our Hues in their bewilderment just before the war. The farmer* were relic-seekers said they wanted souvenirs three were crying and sobbing. It just beginning then to have patent mato keep of the tree under which their wasn't cowardice but terror. No coward chinery for their work, while notr the General had surrendered. Then there could have been induced to march across first cost of the tools and machines of was nothing left but the root. I imme- those meadows in the face of that ter- many a farmer comes well up toward, the value of his land itself. Of course , diately took a jack-knife and cut out a rific fire from cannon and musketry. land varies in price with its remote* piece, which I have preserved to the At Cold Harbor, after beating off the ness or nearness to the great markets, present time, and another piece which I every in our front, and while most but there is a great deal of positive exhabded to xnr carpenter, who carved out of thething men were cheering, some one travagance in this line of purchase, a ring with a heart on it, which I have started the report that the Confederates also kept I was given a pass by Gen- had gained our rear. Two thousand and still more waste in allowing maeral Lee's Adjutant-General to go in and meu broke back like a lot of boys, some chines and tools to decay from exout of the lines at wilL I have also pre- evn throwing their guns away, and the posure to the weather when not in use, broken by carelessness or otherwise served that. Here it is." jeers of other troops had no effect until be allowed to depreciate. The keeping up The document was then shown the the frenzy had had time to evaporate. of machinery and tools has come to be a writer, signed by General Lee and coun- At Gettysburg my regiment had the very heavy tax on the farmers of the tersigned, bearing date April 9, 1865. cover of a stone wall, and we knew that country, and no inconsiderable part of it Mr. Bates continued his story by say- we were well supported. We hoped for ing* that on his next visit -into the a charge, and when it came every man is really unnecessary. enemy's lines not the slightest vestige was cool and calm and confident One The farmer's purchases cover a very of any portion of that tree, branch, or band of prisoners numbering about thir- much greater variety of merchandise root, remained, and with the exception ty, was led past tts on their way to the than formerly, and many things which of General Grant and his two staff rear, and I noticed that many were cry- by prudence could be saved. As a rule officers, General Rawlings and Colonel ing and all were white faced. I have our farmers are good providers. If they Leete, no Union officers or soldiers seen the best soldiers and the oldest were any thing like as economical as passed the lines until forty-eight hours fighters win their medals in or > battle those of other countries they would be later. He therefore feels convinced that and show the white feather in the next rich. What would pass in Europe for the statement made by the Southern I saw a second lieutenant almost cry for generous living would be intolerable journal is correct that only Confeder- the privilege of leading a charge at An privation among our farmers. There is ates, with the exception of himself, ob- tietam, and yet at Chantilly he fell into no prouder evidence of our advanced tained any portion of that historical a ditcb and pretended tc be hit sr; &s ta civilization than the contrast herein drop "behind in the charge. Cowards between America and Europe. But it is There were other apple trees at a dis- never go to war. If they get into the easy to carry it too far, or, rather, it is tance, but still in the vicinity of the ranks through the draft they desert or hard to keep it within bounds. The place of surrender, which the Union comrait suicide. It is only brave men American farmer wants hiis wife and relic-hunters speedily laid under trib- who lace the grim monster on a field of daughters to have not only all the comute. battle, and next to the foe his worst forts, but many of the luxuries of life, Mr. Bates showed the writer tlio pieces enemy is a terror which seizes him &z a and at the present depressed price of he obtainedthe root, v*wich is 3xG chill or fever might come on, and there products it is hard to keep the store bill iuchus in dimensions, and the ring with is no remedy for it except to get away down within the limits of what he can the heart graven on it.Philadelphia from the screaming missiles of death really afford. This is true not alone in until one's nerve and sand returns.Do- dress, but in food supplies as well. The Times. use of luxuries has increased enormousTHIS annual report of the Assistant troit Free Press. ly all through the agricultural districts. Adjutant-General of the Department of All the legislation in the world can not Wisconsin shows the present memberALBERT NKWMA.V, one of the soldiers afford relief. For the most part, the ship oi the department to be 18,987, a in the seven days' battle of the Wilderfarmers must each for himself accept net guin during the past year of 1,991, ness, when the daily allowance of food the limit of his net income, over and The deaths for the year aggregate 150. was orAy two crackers, died in Elmira above interest, taxes and hired help, as posts have been organized recently of la grippe, aged fifty-one the limit of his expenditures for maand ninstored during the year. The yc&rs. Ho was one of the Seventh New chinery, tools, dry goods and groceries. financial condition is decidedly flatter- Jersey volunteers during the war. That, in plain Saxon, must be the being. The receipts were 8,537.17; expenses, $UVSS5.48; leaving- a balance of LAKK CITY, Utah, h&s a Woman's* ginning of the end of hard times among the farmers.Chicago Inter Ocean. Belief Corps and a Grand Army post.




LAND IN ENGLAND. Bow Frc Trwt* Ha* Afitoctd th Interests of British Farmers. Protection is to-day quoted t y every tree-trade paper as the first, chief and only reason for the losses sustained by farmers in this country, the depression in the price of their lands and the decrease in the selling value of the prod* ucts of farming. England ha3 all the advantages of free trade. It has had them for half a century. As its population is steadily increasing and half of it is in great cities, each acre has more and more to do in supporting the population and should increase in value. In this country, also, in 1880, 44 per cent of those at work . were on the land raising something to sell. In England only 14 per oent. are thus occupied, and the labor of each inevitably has a closer and a larger demand. Yet one of the best authorities in England, Mr. Francis Fuller, one of the most capable land agents and auctioneers in the United Kingdom, put the depreciation from 1875 to 1885 in rents in England and Wales alone at $150,000,000 a year on 82,000,000 acres, the total agricultural area of England and Wales, an area twice the acreage of the farms in Pennsylvania at the last census. This was a loss of onethird of the rental value, and it represented a loss of $4,500,000,000 on the selling value of this land. In addition, the farmers cultivating this soil had lost in ten years 0500,000,000 in working capital. The land of England and Wales, therefore, in area a fifth smaller than the combined farms of New York and Pennsylvania, lost in value and capital in ten years by this expert estimate, made by a man handling land all his life, *5,000,000,000- Ah thus was under the freest kind of free trade, which in "fair Kent," the best land in England at the gates of London, had, as the speech of one of its members, Mr. Brookfield, said February 9, 1888, left **upward of 25,000 acres of arable farm land abso* lutely uncultivated." We wonder if there is any fool m or out of any free-trade newspaper office who thinks the farms of this State and New York have lost $3,000,000,000 in the last fifteen years, or 500,000,000, or even $50,000,000. Yet this is the lose in England and Wales. It is the estimate accepted in all discussions; it is quoted with approval by the London Field and it has never beeti controverted. Th$* decrease in rent has gone on since 1885. It is to-day nearer 9200,000,000 than $150,000,000, and the depreciation in value is nearer $6,000,000,*

RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATION A 1_ The American Bible Society reports that Bibjio distribution was 50 par cent, larger last year in South America than during any preceding year. The Baptist year book, jost issued, shows that the number of Baptist* in the United States is 3,070,0*7. Dining 1889, 144,575 new members were baptized. One hundred and eighty-five new societies of Christian Endeavor were recently formed in one week. Of these 48 were Presbyterian, 26 Methodist, 20 Baptist, 15 Congregational, and 8 Christian. This year the centennial of Methodism in Canada ia to be celebrated by the publication of a memorial volume, composed of papers contributed by various writers, also by special collection for stated objects. A Brahmin is said to have written to a missionary: "We are finding you dut. You are not as good as your Book. If your people were only as good as your Book, you would conquer India for Christ in five years." While the Dakota Indians were savages it coat the Government $1,^48,000 to tike care of them seven years. The cost after their conversion for the same length of time was 5120,000, a difference of $1,728,000 in favor of Christianity. The Rocky Mountain Christian Advocate. The Indian Witness states that secret believers in Christ are rapidly multiplying. Fbr every convert who openly avows his faith there are hundreds who withhold such declarations for fear of their own households and caste circles. Thousands are being made ready for public avowal and loyal service when the break shall come. In 1804 there wore thirty-five translations of the Scriptures in existence. Since the formation of the British and Foreign Bible Society in that year, ten millions of money have been expended in the work of circulating the Bible, and there are now, counting dialects as well as languages, nearly three hundred translations of the Scriptures. The revision of Luther's translation of the Bible, which ior twenty-five years has occupied the time and received the labor of eminent German scholars, isV>out completed. The first official edition will be printed in Halle. It is doubtful whether the npiw version will become popular, unless the authorities intervene and give it ofScial sanction. H. Grattan Guinness, of London, who recently returned from ten years of missionary work on the Congo and in the interior of Africa, spoke of the work tne missions are performing there. He compared the Negroes of Africa with those in this country, and said that those along the Congo were far more in* telligent and independent than those of the United States. WIT AND WfSOOM. True friendship consists not in winning and receiving all but in surrendering and giving all. The man who truly and sincerely loves himself has no fears of being jilted.Somerville Journal. lie who gives ail his time and thoughts to ambition has none left for friendship and happiness. Begin your life-work betimes; it is sad to be sowing your seed when you should be reaping your harvest, The difference between those who are bright and those who only think they are is one of decree, not of kind. The lime for reasoning is before we have approached near enough to the forbidden fruit to look at and admire it, if. Y. Ledger. It's hard work to keep your sons in check while they're young; it's harder stillvto keep them in "cheques" when they grow older. No man is required to do that which will tell against his own character. He is a builder of his better self, and he has a right to be always at bis work. United Presbyterian. Every one is steadily making a death march in the sense that every step he takes in life brings him one step nearer to his dying hour. This fact, while it should not make life gloomy, should make it one of constant preparation for that hour. He who practically lives as if he were immortal oh earth, makes a grave mistake.N. Y. Independent Let us all regobre, first, to attain the grace of silence; second, to deem ali fault-finding that does no good a stnT and to resolve, when we are happy ourselves, not to poison the atmosphere for our neighbors by calling on them to mark every painful and disagreeable feature of thuir daily life; third, to practice the grace and virtue of praise.BL B. Stowe. Some men delight in saying "smart** things, and if they can present another's words or position iu a ridiculous Ujjht. think they have made afineachievement. A remark of Principal Fairbairn is worth their consideration: "The man who has a; genius for caricature has a bad eye for character; he who is always in search ot the ridiculous never finds the t r u t h s Christian Inquirer. In all self-discipline perhaps there is none more important than the diseipliuo of our wishes. If they do really weave tho web of our future, it becomes cf infinito consequence of what material they aro composed. To test them and prove them, to discover whether they are worthy or unworthy, reasonable o* unreasonable, beneficial or hurtful, generous or selfish, to cultivate the one and to repress the other, is to give strength and sweetness to the character.Once _ V'eek.

Year by year sees it worse. It affects product as well as rent and value. From 1880 to 1883 the total farm produce ol the United Kingdom fell from SU12V 320,000 in value to $49 L,r< 9*000, a decrease of one-sixth, the figures being published in April 1880, in the London Times, bj Mr. A. H. Lee. In the United Statoa, from 1880 to I88S, the Talfte of cereal crops, cotton, hay, tobaocft, potatoes and farm animals rose in theit farm valtie from 18,696,000,000 to 94,331,000,000, an advance of one-sixth. Yet in the fao* of facts like these which show a loan in the value of farm lands in England in ten years undet free trade thirty-fold greater than the entire revenue collected under a pro* tective tariff here in the same ten years, and a decrease in the value of farm products of 15 per cent there and n increase here of 15 per cent.there are fools who are actually writing and printing articles about tha harm done to farmers by protection, and the advantage they would enjoy under free trade.Philadelphia Press, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Uff'The Democrat is never more unique than when be assumes the roieof morality.Indianapolis Journal. t_FThe best brains and the best conscience in the Democratic party died with Samuel J. RandalLChicago Jour* ISPThe McKinley bill is obnoxious to the Democratic party chiefly because it is satisfactory to all the rest of the people. Iowa State Register. tSfMr. Randall, who was a fair judge of men, regarded Congressman Butterworth, of Ohio, as the ablest man in the Republican ranks in the House, The people are going to hear more of Quaker Ben Butterworth.Chicago Inter Ocean. t_FTh e bill which is now before Con* gress to raise the pension of the totally blind to 9100 a month should pass. It is as little as th Government can do to give that much to the men who are suffering from so terrible an affliction. National Tribune (G. A. tt.). tSTThe Democrats are figuring upon tu6 s s s t election-, and claim they will have a majority of eighty-three in the next House of Representatives. This is the favorite season for counting chickens before they are hatched, and the Democrats have simply fallen into the general habit of counting all the eggs as sound and good. But nobody ever bets oxx a Democratic egg.N. Y. Press. SSlfThose who remember how powerfully Mr. McKinley assailed the free trade measure offered by Mr. Mills, will not be surprised that his argument in behalf ol the Republican bill now pending is remarkable for manliness, mastery of facts ?*nd soundness of reasoning. After reading it one rejoices that the day of mealy-mouthed timidity is over and that Republicans are no longer itching to so disguise their tariff policy that nobody can distinguish it from that of the Democrats. N. YTribune*


The dedication of the New Masonic hall at onr place last Wedufesday callde forth a large number of people; representatives were present from, CorThe Times are hard, Money scarce and every man should receive his money's worth. unna, Owosso, Ovid, Vernon, Bancroft That is what I propose to do. GIVE DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. .Remember my Perry* Byron, Gaines and New Loth^ Stock is complete in every line. I have fine rop. The dedicatonal ceremonies were conducted by P.-G. M. Hugb McCurdy and were ver? impressive. Mr. McCurdy delivered a very eloquent address, full of instruction and wisdom, and was listened to with marked attention. Past Masters Curtis and For Men, Boys and Children in all styles and patterns. An endless variety of Spring Fitch also made a few interesting reFtote from $2.-50 to $8.00. marks. The music furnished by the sh Spavin Liniment removes Quartette was 'excellent and added + much to the service. The visiting bro- all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and U A T ' O P P A T)O Ot-dl the h .3st styles. Thofinestline of Dress Shirts and Neckwear in the thers were banqueted at mine host, A. Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins. f l i i 1 U O t L / A l O Cily. The best ^nlaiMiried shirt for45 cts. Tbefinestflannel^mixed Silk S. Thomas* who is unexcelled in eater- Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, and linen Shirts for only $2.25. I can sell you a U. V. U. or G. A. R. Suit cheaper than any other house. v s ing to the wants of the inner man. Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, I have afineline cf The Durand masons have ; a fine hall Coughs, Etc. Save $50 by use of one Well furnished, aud desire to express bottle. Warranted the most wondertheir thanks to the visiting bretheren ful blemish cure ever known. Sold by for their acceptable assistance in ded- Johnson &Kinne druggists, Corunna. Which I am closing out cheap. Give me a call for it is always a pleasure to show goods. icating the Bame.

Agtbst Lat Or damagetoproperty by keeping well insured in some first class company* W. B. ChapeU is local agent for the following well known companys. The Commercial Union Assurance Company of London, The National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Ct., The Niagara Fire Insurance Company of New Yorki The Orient Fire Insurance Company of Hartford CU Prompt attention giventobusiness and the lowest rates at all times.







1 . L STEWART & Ci

N*rth Twice,

Mich. Frank Bonds is about to sell his farm OWO88O, -Established 18**.to George Pardonet. N.A. FINCH, CASHIER. The quarterly meeting at the North Venice Church was held last Saturday taTDo a ConservatiTe Banking Business, Drafts on all parts of the World, and Sunday. Rev. Mr. Peters from on real estate Securities. Henderson, preached on Sunday evening. A I>MmT5TATORS SALE.-In the matter the estate of Tensing P. Ssiedley. M. Eldred, is going to build a new J\ot" Notice U hereby jriven that by virtue of a tc me jrranterf *>y the protete court in house this Summer. George Chavey liw-nse and for the countyof Sbi&wR*see, in tfce 'state of Michiirah. on the 'JVst day of M&^ch, A. D. has the job of building it. lXl, I wlilsHI at public auction or vendue, to E. Kciby has rented his farm to his the highest bi<5d<?:\ at the premises Hereinafter flest' the towivgbto) of Vcraon, In the county of IShia\v2.ssee and state aforesaid, on brother. the 17ih Jay of ,7'.]ne. A. D, B9X a t ton o'clock
Real Estate Transfers.
BANCKOFT in iho forenoon of said dav, all the following descried leal estate, tow if;Th.c noi-th-west quarter of t'^P ;>ovth-west fractional quarter or nation thirty-two, containing, thirty-six acre? of lamT, more or less; and the south-east qftnrter of the south-east ojiiarter.of the south ea.t quarter of section thirty, coutaininfir ten acres of land more cr lees, ali of said land beinp in town six north, of range four east, in Shiawasee county. Michigan. LOREN C.SHELLEY. Administrator.


M V Simonson to David T Jarjad p t l o t b k l l , $350.


Martin McDonald to Eli J Haskell n n w } of s w } sec 36, $700.


John Stone to W J Tanner & wife Jot 5 bk 39, $500.


David C Green to 1st M Church, Burton, lot on sec 18, $100. owosso. Milo H. Rowley to John H Corey lot on sec 18, $1,400. a lgt 4e* , the fottowfnr real estate, to wft: The sooth thirtyGeo W Sprinkle to Jane A Look, lot scribed two awl eleven one^undiedth* acres of north 7 bk 3 L Cuustocks add, 91,325 a i t ef north west fnotftonal quarter of section ix, and tae aorta eight acre* of nortfepartof C 8 A O B Williams to Elmer J sooth part of north wm tr**tfcmal quarter of section siz.aod also the north part of Cheney lot 12, A L & B O W*i add, sakl sooth west fractional quarter of section six MOO. containing BTry-one acres of land more or toss. ofMJd tend beinf In town seven north, J B HiertoM G Whited lot 2 L A AD range tour east, in the township of < " Goulds sub out iot 1. $S50, Stria wassee county. U h J L WrighttoC S Williams, lot 10 bkl, JLWrighU add, $250. Dated April, I M S * .

A DMIfllSTRATOKS SALE. M ID the matter of the estate of George WWttemore, deceased. Notice Is hereby given That by virtue of a license to toe granted by the Probate Court In and for the county of Shiawaflaee, in the State of Michigan, on the 23tndayof AprlL A. D 1890, I will fteil a t public Auction or reodue, to the highest bidder at the prenteee hereinafter described in the township of Venice in the county of Bhtewasse and state afbressld, on the nth ay at June, A.D. MtO, at ion o'clock in theiftsssocs rf

X/TORTG AGE BALEDefault having been IV1 made in the conditions of a certain mo*t> c u e bearing fW the Mtb day of March, A. D. 187a, made and executed by Jeme It. Wblmarsh, of Venice, Shiawasece comity, Michigan, tp Suean Speneer of Hashing, <2ei Xo^Hr i i M i i n ^ nd recorded on tbe . U Q B w in Ubor Z of

the MM ana of Nile* ftCotoher, to Praakhn by assignment beeriBgdate tfc* Htk day of December, A. P. M. and recorded to 3d register'! oflce on tbe Slit day of Marvk, A, u . MBI, In JIbcr Wftf mortgages on p** t n , on which mortgage and the note aeomupania* the tame there la claimed to be doe and mv paidatthi* date, tbe turn of fire hundred and twenty-three dollars, and no suit or praeeedingwhstTlngboenhador Instituted, either in law or In equity to recover said sum due or any part thereof; notice is hereby given that pursuant to the power of sale contained in said mortirage the premisea therein described as the eat half of the east half of the northwest quarter of section number eleven, in township number seven north, rumre number four east, containing forty acres, tne same be* tog In the township of Venfee, ShiawaSaee county, Michigan, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisty said debt,together with the interest thereon from this data and the costs and expenses of said sate, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the front door of the court noose In the city of Corunna, Sbiawa&ssee County, MichijrtLn (that being the building in whfeh the circuit, court for said county is held) on the third day of June, A. D. 1890, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day.Dated Feb. 38,1890. FKANKLIN A. NILES, . Assignee.

Philena Rohrabacher,toWm Segrist a e | of s e k sec 36, $700.


ROBATE ORDER-State of Mfcfilnn, County of Shlawassee, At a session of the P Probate Court for Baid county, boMen at the

G P Colby to F H Parker, pt of e } of se 1 sec 11, $-500.


Catharine H CasorttoJoho Q David pt sec 7, $600. Y..P. S. C. E. have engaged S.E. Pajckliill of Owosso to give four lectures upon his foreign travels. Those who have'heard his interesting talk the other evening, mil be delighted to learn that they are again afforded a .liance of having some rare treats. The first lecture will be given next ^ednescay evening; and a small ad) mission fee will be charged for the tienefit of the society. C. I). Smith has some horses to sell Call at the Grand Central.

Probate office in the City of Corunna, on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, in tbc year one thousand eiirtat hundred and ninety. Present, Matthew Bush, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of James Taylor, deceased. On reading and lilinjr the petition duly verinod of Fred S. Awes, foraying that a certain inatrumeut now on file In this court purporting to be the last Mill and testament of said deceased, may bo admittedtoprobate. Thereupon it is ordered that TUESI)AY, the 30th DAY OF MAY next, at ten o'clock 1 in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, aud that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Oorunna, in said county,a;^ show cause, if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it !s further ordered that said petitioner givo notice to tfce persona interested in said estate, of the pendancy of said petition and tlie hcuHne tUer^of t>y eauiuK a copy of this order to be published to the Corunna Journal,a newspaper printed and circuUitiogin saidfeounty three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. MATTHEW BUSH, A true copy. Judire of Probate. 1L K. BARPKIU Probate Register.

Io now in and we have the most complete stock of new dress goods, comprising


Strped (Hid CJieeKed Flamiel Hoveltles
Etc; Ever brought to the Gty.

A young lady of Jefferson, West Virginia, declares that she was all run down before taking Ayers Sarsaparilla; but that now she is gaining strength every day. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is certainly a wonderfully effective tonic for the feeble and delicate. The Champion Binders,Mowers and reapers have been on the market about forty years, and are recoginized as the standard for excellence in all that goes to make first class Harvesting MachinA T a session of the Probat* Court for tbe r\ county of Shiawas&ee, holden at the-Pro* e V/avdner T>;;shne!l & GlessSate office .In the city of Corunna, on Monday, /"HJARDTAN SALE. In the matter or tne Estate tbe nr,h day iu April, in tho year on* tbouser Company, the sole manufacturers, VJf of Nathan Colby, a mentally incompetent 8nd eight hundred aod ninety. Notice is hereby drivenv that by virtue Present: Mat tew Bush, Judge of Probate. commenced the business in 1850 in one person. of a license tc m<? granted by the Probate court In tbe matter ot the estate of Walter V. and for the county o! Shfawam*;, in the Whirpte, a minor. small wooden building, Now their in State of Michigan, on tbe !9tn day of March A. (ico.J'.Dudley a9 jfuurdian of said etat,comes D. ]&W, I will ?elt at public auction or into court and represents that he is now preplant consists of twenty brick build- vendue. to the highest bidder, t Col. pared to render flnnl account as soch jniurrilan ings,- each as large as an ordinary by's Hovel in New I.othn>]> In the Thereupon it Is ordered that Wxrf.y the comity of ShJawassee, nnd State aforesaid, on nmti *ly of Mw> next a t 10 o'clock in factory, and covers forty acres. First- the 20th day of May. A. D. lt0, at ten o'nlock the assigned for examining andlin tbe forenoon of that day, subject to alt in- lowingsucb account nnd tbiittbebeirsatlawof class machines and wise and liberal cutnbrwnoeby morttrnge, right of dower nnd said diinor, ati<l all other person A interested in homestead rig^ht of the wife of said Incompe- itaid estate, are required to appear at a session methods have placed this Company in tent, all the following dewribed real estate, to- of said Court, tLen to bo holder at tbe wit: Theeast halt (Vi> of the south east quar- Probate Office in the City of Corunna, the front rank of American manu- ter of section three {3} Town eight (&) norttk of show cause, if any therein?, why the facturers. They are recognized as range four (4) east; (Except seventeen i!7) and said account should not t>e nllowcil. acres thereof now included in the plt of the And ft is further ordered, that said petitioner wide-awake shrewd advertisers also, villsitft' of Now Ix>tbrop.) Also all of block tive give notice to tbe persons interested iu said of smld villHRe of New liothrop and all of block estate, of tbc pendency of said petition and the aud we are gratified at their selection four of wid villafreexcept lots one and twelve, hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order of which siiid pieces of iand are in the towrr- to be published In the Corunnn .Journal,* of our paper as an advertising medium sit fhip of llazuton, Stoiawansee county, Michijaran. newspupcr printed findcireuiatediuSMMcounty A, D. l*--90. to reach the best fanners in this local- Dated, Coninna, April 8thMAUV of Shisw*wec. for three RucocsslveweAs preM. cotttr, vious t> said tiny of bearing. Quardiun. ity. We vvelcome them to our columns, MATHF.W BUSH, I
f A true copy.) Judge of ProbatH

AUARDIAK SALE.In the matter of the VjTestateof Sarah J. Bills. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a license to me granted by the Probate Court in and for the County of Shiawase>e, in the Stale of Michigan, on the Uh day of MHJ A. D. 18*, I will sell at Public Auction or Vendne, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the Court Boose in Conuma in saMoounty of ShJawassee, and State aforesaid, on the 2tth day of Jane A* D, 1M0. at ten o'clock in the afternoon of that day, ail the foHowtnc described real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece of parcel of land Commencing1 at a point in the center line of Washington Street and on the North line of King Street of the City of Owc*so, thence ran* Ding- east along- the north line of King Street, Three chains, thence north and parallel with Washington Street one chain and sixty eight links, thence west three chains. Thence south along the center line of Washington Street one chain and'Hixty efrrht links to place of begining one half acre. Dated this 7th day of May l90* CUHTIS J. Qale, Guardian.

rjROBATE OKDEBState of Michigan r County of Sbi&wasaee. <w. At a sewioa of the Probate Court for said county, held at the Probate office in the city of Cornoua. on Wednesday, the 7th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety. Present, Matthew Bttfh, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Charles BCbase, deceased. On reading aodfllinff the petition, duly verfled of Maria Chase, praying that ^dministrstion or uaMoetate may be granted to Rose*** A. Htiughton, or to some other suitable persma Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday 4* Sdjday of June next, at ten o'clock in tfte forenoon be assigned for hearing MM petition and that tke heir* a t law e f said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said eourt, then to be hoiden at the h o bate oAce hi tbe city of Corunna, in said eatin* ty. and sooweanse, If any there be, why * e saldaeeonnt should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said urtsalalstrator give notice to the persons intere*t*ln said essate, of the pendency of said aeevant and the hearing thereof by causing a copy f this order to be published in the Conmna Journal, a newspaper printed and circuhrthig in paid county, three successive week* previous to said day of hearing. MATTHEW BUSH. Judge of Probate

A wash goods those Toil du Nords, scotch and English checks and ovelty* Ginghams are immense Style and Design.

Of every description. Flannelettes and Outing Cloths in L-iain. Checks and Stripes. ThefinestLine of Triinming Silks ever shown in the City.

Everybody knows that |we carry the largest and most select stock of Groceries to be found in the City.


Kowspapw A Street),wUereadter- Ing Bureau (1* 8 p m o tteActsroaj oou^rActsroj d tot i t la




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