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Can work with minimum supervision, determine and can adapt to any kind of people Company nurses have

to provide nursing care to employees in their workplace in case they take ill They give medicines and first aid care to the employees and if their condition worsens, they call for an ambulance so they can be admitted to a hospital Their opinion is taken in case a patient requires medical leave They asses the condition of the patient and determine the amount of leave the patient should be given In case of compensation and disability claims by an employee, the nurses are asked to assess the employee and provide information to the company Company nurses all assess the safety standard in the company and see if any work conditions for the employees are hazardous They make the company implement better safety standards for the employees They provide safety lessons in the workplace for all employees They can even counsel the employees if they are not in good mental condition to work They also have to maintain the inventory of the medicines and other medical equipment required in their infirmary Company nurses have to make reports for the management on the all the employees that were given treatment

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