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United States Senate WASHINGTEN, DC 20510 May 12, 1009 Deat Member ‘We write regarding. the impending vote on the Marriage Equality A AqT New York Stere Assembly has already passed this bill in 2007 ducing a pre Assembly Bill _ sponsored bby Assemblymember Daniet O’Pongell (D-Manhaitan). 4s you know, the ious session. Five thar states ~ lowa, Massachasett, Maine, Conaecticut, and Vermont « hav wow adopted sinnilar measures aud a nureber of court cases in sates across the lan will a time, rule in favor of full marriage equality, jv Tikly, over [Equal protcotion under the law has always been a halla of the American politieal and logel system, and in this instance we believe this prmeciple should be ex} in our state who seek she civil contract of marrigge and che mumezous legal protections that come with it We have expressed our support for full marriage equality in New reworking of ficeral law thar denies full ederal legal equality fo anyone ©! imairied in any state, Passage of ths ill will bea vial step 10 achieving th ‘Weappreciate the sincere and considered effort you pu: snc we thank you for the job you do representing your constituents, Ap els hesitate to reach outto us on this of other matersthat are of conceza to yoo! Sincerely, Charies £. Schumer Kirsten E. | United States Senstor United States fended to all ch fahts anc rack aud fo 2 lawdully goal. 0 this, cxd other, legislation 18, ploase do nat

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