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Extension of Excel workbook is .XLS Ms Excel is spreadsheet software Default document name in Excel is Book , , .N Workbook is collection of worksheet A worksheet is a spreadsheet Ctrl+G is used for Go to command Clear-All: Removes all cell contents and formatting, including comments and hyperlinks, from selected cells. The Text Import Wizard is used to import text files. The chat wizard is used to create and edit charts. The tip wizard is used to suggest hints for doing a task. The pivot Table Wizard used to build an Interactive table from data existing on sheets. The convert text to columns wizard separates contents in a cell into different cells. A spreadsheet is a gird of rows and columns and is called as a worksheet. Ms Excel is open in an application window while the workbook is open in a document window. Cell reference is column label followed by row number. Text files, lotus1-2-3, Quattro pro, X base files can be opened in Excel. In Excel, absolute cell reference is represented by a dollar sign before the column label and row number. Today () function is used to show the current system date. In excel, the dates that are stored as sequential numbers known as serial values.

The function wizard is used to select the function and assemble the arguments correctly. Specific parts of information required by functions to perform certain tasks are called as arguments Following belongs to the formula category in excel environment are financial, Date & Time, Math & trig, Statistical, lookup & Reference, Database, Text, Logical, Information. Concatenate function is used to join cell vales together in a single cell. Count if function used to count all the valued that meet specific criteria. Pmt function is used to calculate the payment for specific loan terms. Digital signature Digital signature is applying to specific information certain specific technical processes Four type representation sinning writings serve Digital signature Signer Authentication a digital signature Attribute Digital signature are created and verified by Cryptography The most widely Accepted format for digital certificate is defined by The CCITTX.509

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